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Money Can 't Buy Happiness

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A 2010 study conducted by Princeton University’s Center For Health and Well-
Being threatens to discredit the age-old adage that “money can’t buy happiness”
because, as it turns out, money can buy least to an extent. The study
isolated a so-called “happiness benchmark” for annual income, at or above which
research subjects reported higher levels of overall life satisfaction. A possible
ramification of the study is that because certain groups of people have more
difficulty finding and maintaining job positions that provide an adequate salary,
they are much more likely to experience lower overall life satisfaction, and by
extension- happiness, purely as a result of their heritage or upbringing. Although a
substantial income alone cannot make you happier on a day-to-day basis, those
able to attain an annual income of $75,000+ are generally more satisfied with their
lives altogether.

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