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Why parents shouldn’t take away phones?

Sometimes, parents may think that taking away their children’s phones may seem like a
great way to make them do something they’re avoiding. Although, it is a good punishment it
can also ruin the relationship between parents and the kids.
Phones have become how we communicate and is important for our development. And
taking away our phones is the same as grounding us all at once and cutting our ability to talk
with our friends. Taking our phones away doesn’t change anything but only make us angrier,
thus, it can backfire and ruin our relationship. It makes us refuse to talk to you and only make
us consider lying next time to protect our access.
If you need to punish your child, the best way to do it is to make the punishment relate
to what they did wrong. It’s also appropriate to put limits on the amount of time we us our
phone. You could also make family rules, like no phones at the dinner table and you can also
use apps to help your teen learn how to manage their time. There are many other ways parents
can use to teach their child to manage their time instead of just taking their phones away.

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