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Yung mga nakaunderline lang lahat hehe


- Ways to increase or decrease the frequency of a response:
Positive Reinforcement
 The presentation of a beneficial stimulus that increases the probability that a behavior will occur
o ex. offering praise, money, or other incentives the child desires
 In the presentation, the character was offered praise in social media kasi naging dean’s lister
Negative Reinforcement
 The removal of an aversive (unpleasant) stimulus from a situation also increases the probability
that the behavior will be strengthened
 In the presentation, the character was exempted in their final exam.
> Recipient masaya kase may inalis na mabigat sayo
o ex. Someone does the dishes (behavior) in order to stop his mother's nagging (aversive

 Either verbal or physical 
 Punishment (+) the presentation of an aversive stimulus, such as an electric shock
 In the presentation, the character was given household chores and books.
> its bc bumababa na yung grades niya and di na siya tumutulong sa bahay
o Ex. spanking or striking a child across the buttocks with an open hand or verbal scolding
 Punishment (-) the removal of a pleasant stimuli
 In the presentation, the gadgets of the character were confiscated.
 > it is a form of negative punishment bc these are the things that maker her h

- Inaalis yung bagay na nagbibigay satisfaction, leisure sayo such as wifi disconnection
- Punishment does not strengthen a response, nor does it inevitably weaken it
- Effects are: suppressed behavior; conditioning of a negative feeling

- The tendency of a previously acquired response to become progressively weakened
upon non-reinforcement
- Behavior can be learned and unlearned, but you can also relearn 
- In the presentation, painting was the character’s talent but as time went by, she
discontinued it due to personal reasons. However, she ‘’re-learned’’ it after a long period of
> All about learning 

- “The method of successive approximations.”
- Teaching simple animals to do some quite extraordinary things. First, it involves
reinforcing a behavior only vaguely similar to the one desired. Once that is established, you look
out for variations that come a little closer to what you want, and so on.

b. Reciprocal determinism
 Dynamic interplay of behavioral, environmental and psychological processes
 Human behavior is explained in terms of reciprocal determinism 
 Dynamic interplay of behavioral, environmental, and psychological processes)
This means that:
a. Dispositional and situational factors are considered to be interdependent causes of
The world and a person’s behavior cause each other
 Behavior, environmental forces and personal characteristics all function as “interlocking
determinants of one another.”
c. The environment is also partly a product of a person’s own making so that people can
exercise some influence over their own behavior
d. Environment which was yung makalat na bahay causes behavior, but the behavior, yung
ayaw ng magkakapatid na maglinis, causes environment as well.

What the Keeping Up with the Freudians part of our presentation portrayed was that of reciprocal
determinism. Some sisters did not wish to clean (personal behavior) but the circumstances are such that
they belong to that family. This created some conflicts within the family who does not share the
sentiment like Kim. (behavior) In return, this resulted in the person acting inappropriately, making their
mother dislike not only the act of not cleaning, but the individual as well. (environment).

> It will only make the situation worse for both the parties. Hence, both social and physical behavior will
create a more restrictive environment and lead to further behavior disorders.

We focused on the specific lessons of Bandura and Skinner.

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Positive and negative punishment


> method of successive approximation


Reciprocal determinism

Systematic Desensitization
- Joseph Wolpe = proponent of systematic desensitization
- A method that is used in the therapy invented by another behaviorist
- This is used to treat a person with phobia
- Example: A person with a phobia is exposed to ten scenarios involving the
object/subject of fear of gradual approximation of degrees

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