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Assessment Task 1: Written Questions Template Provide

answers to all of the questions below: Most Questions can

be answered with 5 to 10 lines of text

1.Explain three different ways that could be used to present ideas to staff in the
workplace and at least three factors that you should consider when choosing the best
way of presenting ideas to staff.
1. Meetings; including Open meetings and one on one meetings: Open meetings
are meetings that have a style that is now narrow or subjugated in any way and this allows
for a more demoratic style of meeting and for all participants to be allowed to be heard
equally. but allows It is easier to communicate your passion and how you feel to your team
via open meetings. One on one meetings allow for employees to feel valued and heard and
this usually will bring an employees true feelings to the surface in case he did want to
mention it in front of a crowd. Hence, by embracing this task ideas can be given to
employees with ease and the added benefit is that you can hear the employees concerns
and opinions clearly as well for feedback. Experts have been able to prove that some people
understand better when you take them aside and talk to them on a one-on-one basis.
2. Emails: Company emails can be one of the best ways to communicate ideas to a
mass audience. It is preferable for all important or pivotal ideas that may require nuance to
be communicated through meetings or presentations. Hence, these emails can be useful
when presenting ideas quickly too because they are not hard to organsie usually and less
time consuming than meetings and presentations. Additionally emails provide a good track of
everything said where as in presentations and in the worst meetings it can be difficult without
meeting minutes to record whats happened.
3. Use presentation: Presentations have an added bonus on all the other mediums
because it has a range of technological features like showing videos, effects, lighting, pictures
which can really grab peoples attention. Additionally, Some people grasp messages easily
when pictures and sounds are involved. Using presentations like Microsoft powerpoint to
communicate with your team will give them the opportunity to refer back to it if they aren’t
clear about certain things.

2.Assume you have had an idea about implementing a new workplace communication
system at work called Slack whereby work teams communicate through a single, shared
workspace making communication easier. Also assume that you have overheard your
Manager discussing this system with another colleague recently. However, you know
that your team of staff are unfamiliar with the system. Explain two different methods you
would use to communicate your idea to your Manager and to your team, explaining how
you would take into according to the differing familiarity with the concept in
communicating your idea.
The first method is after there has been research and development done into slack either
internally or externally there needs to be staff who can lead and teach the others the information

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about slack they learnt. For this it will be useful to have this method of trying to look at current
systems and making analogies and comparisons between them constantly in training sessions
so the employees know what it is they have to do with the new system. Additionally, when
communicating it is important that you provide evidence and backup like reports and other
company metrics to determine whether this idea will work and why this idea will work. By doing
so you give evidence to your manager and other employees why this chosen communication
system will work for the following problems or can make the business better.

3.Explain why communicating ideas in a personal setting and within the workplace
may differ.
External communication helps to know a lot of information. There is a lot of data to
compare and study. Communicate in a wide field of view The interior knows not a lot of
information, but knows in-depth, knows the truth, communicates in a short perspective. But
communicating knowing the true data and clear information.

4. Your Manager at work constantly blocks your ideas. Explain three reasons for his
negative response to your ideas. Each reason should relate to your Manager’s values,
beliefs and attitudes.

1.Psychological: The manager may have a bias or some other context against the
person and asking and is then not giving there new idea a fair shot. This is because
naturally his beliefs and values are not aligned with yours and he has made it

2. Not enough evidence: The manager wants ideas that are going to put the
company forward and thats what he stands for. Hence, trying to propose an idea
without enough data and evidence could lead to a negative response.

3. Conflicting with the attitudes of the team: The manager may block your ideas
because you are negatively impacting the team through choosing this idea and it will
not be beneficial for

5. Identify five skills and/or attributes that you consider are important for a person to
have when participating in the development of ideas. For each skill or attribute you list,
outline why you consider this skill or attribute to be important.
1.Communication skill: Firstly, communication may not seem like an important skill but
if you cant communicate your ideas then in a team scenario or any other it will be difificult to
develop the ideas. Hence, communication is a key component and critical skill area. Excellent
communication skills refers to one-on-one verbal language skills, writing skills, presentation
skills, and in general the ability to "convey thoughts, opinions, suggestions, questions, and
answers in an appropriate and professional way.
2.An Ability and Willingness to Learn: Probably one of the most important qualities

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of those looking to develop ideas is the desire to want to know more because the more an
individual wants to know the more he can design the work with. You have to have a
voracious appetite to learn and allow for o Don't be afraid to learn, even if what you have
learned is wrong. Step out of fear and solve problems, including learning how to solve
3.Transpareancy: Typically when developing ideas for the sake of the business and team
its important you are transparent because for the business this allows for the team to always be
on the same page and no one “going rogue” and doing as they please for the development of
ideas. Also for the sake of the outward look of the business any ideas that are somehow not
transparent or look to nestle implicit assumptions will be looked at as “shady”.
4.Initiative: Be willing to start generating ideas and be the instigator of change in the
business. This will help you moving forward and allow for the business as a whole to get
more tasks done. Talk about the achievements that have been made. Visualize the idea
Originality of the job.
5.Adaptability: The ability to be flexible and to look at the same problem through different
solutions which will also involve problem solving and the ability to constantly change your
course. A key part of your interview preparation will be to find some examples of how you
have adapted to unexpected circumstances.

6.Read the article at the following link and, in your own words, discuss two habits that
assist people to discuss great ideas.
ground-running/8-habits-of-people-who- always-have-great-idea
1.Speak honestly, openly and motivate others.
2.Looking for inspiration in speaking

7. Explain how storytelling can assist in communicating ideas.

There are a range of reasons storytelling can help communicate ideas. Firstly, The stories
can and do help people remember things very effectively. As a leader one of your goals with
any communication should be to make it memorable. Using well selected, well timed and oft
repeated (even though they are memorable) stories will help people remember. Secondly,
by allowing stories like metaphors and ananlgofies what you are doing is translating the
situation into another medium that would suit the context. Hence, if we are talking to a dog
person about finance it may be easier to use dog analogies than human ones. Thirdly,
storytelling is compelling and exciting and allows for the audience and listeners to go on a
journey with you on the premises and conclusion for an idea. This can be sometimes seen
as just using rhetoric and trying to persuade without due cause but if done well with due
justification it can make for a great communication.

8. Explain two key storytelling techniques that can be used for communicating ideas.
1. Rhetorical questions: These are questions that can ask the audience and the
viewer to think more deeply when needed to get them more accustomed to the ideas
being presented. Typically these are rhetorical because they don't need an answer

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but will be used to supplement a statement to add emphasis.
2. Eye contact and smiling: Eye contact and smiling are too indicators of confidence
and that you are having fun. While you are telling a story make sure you are serious
but also maintain eye contact and have a smile when needed.
3. Surprise: Add some surprises and somethings that can astonish the listener and
make them more receptive to your ideas. This can involve ideas and story
cliffhangers and others to initiate a positive response from the listener.
4. Repetition: Any words of importance can be repeated appropriately for added
emphasis this allows for the listener to understand clearly what you are saying and
add more emphasis to the conversation.

9. Describe the benefits and risks of the technique of humour in presentations or

debates about ideas.
Benefits: The benefits of humour are numerous; they include: allowing for the audience to
be in a positive mood through laughter and associate this with the presentation. Additionally
this will build rapport with the listeners as everyone loves to have a joke and this can allow
for them to be more receptive. Lastly, appropriate humour can add nuance and detail to the
presentation making you look complex and calm.

Risks: Sometimes the humour used can be offensive and this can typically be the case with
comedy where individuals are repeatedly upset over what others have said. Another thing is
humour can easily be used in inappropriate times and make the presentation awkward and
this can really change the way the audience feels. LAstly, humour used wrong can really
make you look like you're poking fun at the content and are not serious which is not good
for the ideas being received by the audience.

10.Describe a benefit and a risk of sharing personal information in a presentation or

The benefits of sharing personal data include that if you’ve made any mistakes or anyone
has any queries they can contact you can remedy or build the new idea. Also, this fosters a
longer lasting friendship and can be seen to the audience as a very respectful thing to do to
give strangers your private address which can build rapport easily. Finally the last benefit is
that it clearly shows where the information came from and if anyone wants to learn more
they can find the answer.

The risks of doing this are also quite high because divulging personal information can be
good when there are projects and ideas generated but it could easily fall into the hands of
someone that may hack or spam your phone. Additionally adding personal information
allows for finance and identity risk because now more people know about your identity and
this can increase the chances of someone trying to steal. Lastly, personal information can

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look tedious and boring to the audience and turn people off before the presentation has
began so maybe not including it or placing it near the ned may be better.

11.Describe two techniques that can be used to ensure that information provided
during a presentation is relevant to an audience.
1. Firstly, you can see who the target audience is and make a plan for what context
or sense the presentation should be made in for this particular audience. Hence, this will
allow for you to make a psychological, demographic and basically make up of the
individual and determine what way the content in the next point can be presented to
make the audience the most receptive.
2. Secondly, you can see what the criteria for the presentation is in terms of what it is
asking of the content to be produced. If this content is correct then you have created
information that is relevant to the audience as they all came to this presentation or had to be
there because of a criteria that was informed to them as well.

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