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Tape measure

A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler used to measure size

or distance. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip
with linear-measurement markings. It is a common measuring tool.

Spirit level

A spirit level, bubble level, or simply a level, is an instrument designed to

indicate whether a surface is horizontal or vertical.

AccuPAR LP 80 Ceptometer

The AccuPAR LP-80 (from Decagon Devices Inc.) is a portable sensor to

determine leaf area index (LAI) of plant or forest canopy (Francone et al.,
2014; Mathews and Jensen, 2013). The device measures the canopy’s photo-
synthetically active radiation (PAR) interception and calculates leaf area index
(LAI) non-destructively at any location within the canopy (for details, see
here). The device has an external sensor that measures simultaneously
above- and below-canopy PAR. The use of the external sensor with the
AccuPAR produces accurate PAR and LAI data in a variety of sky conditions.

Smartphone Pocket LAI

The PocketLAI smartphone application was developed to measure LAI in a

simple and user-friendly manner (Confalonieri et al., 2014). In terms of
cost, the use of PocketLAI is more economical than that of the AccuPAR,
but it may give less robust and less consistent readings.

Weighing scale

A scale or balance is a device to measure weight or mass. These are

also known as mass scales, weight scales, mass balances, and weight
balances. The traditional scale consists of two plates or bowls
suspended at equal distances from a fulcrum.

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