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Activity 1

1. History is a study of past and future developments. People learn what has happened in
the past by looking at items from the past, like documents (such as books, newspapers and
letters) and objects (such as pottery, tools, and human or animal remains), while in this
study History is defined in many aspects. It is said that the meaning of History is the
Yesterday’s mankind, the record of the past, the story of all Filipinos, and historical forces. It
also defined us the scientific discipline, which deals with the study of significant events in
the past in order to ascertain the truth. History has two types of changes which is
Quantitative and Qualitative changes.

2. As a student of history, I think that my duties were do my part in discovering my

roots and my country's heroes make history as a way for me to appreciate and give
importance to my world, country, and race and imbibe the values that I can learn from
historical information (e.g. bravery, resourcefulness, etc.)

3. By learning our history, we would know our origin. This would give us an
understanding of our own identity. History gives us the key to our culture. In that way,
we would know how to preserve it. History also is the foundation of our society. By
having our own understanding on the things that happened in the past, we would know
what to do in case the same thing happened in the future. History also explains our own
society and how we struggled to have our own identity.

4. The short version is that the term history has evolved an ancient Greek verb that
means “to know”, says the Oxford English Dictionary's Philip Durkin. The Greek word
“historia” originally meant inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the
knowledge that results from inquiry.

Teodoro Agoncillo
-- I agree.
We use history to avoid
the mistakes of the
past, not to recreate the
very same events.

Renato Constantino
Reynaldo Ileto
- I agree. History
-I agree. History is the
representative of the is subject to constant
future. revision and

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