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After lockdown life will change desperately. As the corona virus pandemic has
stretch around the world, countries are under lockdown and regular life seems
to have ground to halt. The first thing that is expected for the people to try and
recreate something that looks like a normal life. Drastic changes to our
routines have forced us to alter our social habits and re-evaluate our
relationships—the effects of which could continue into our lives after
This lockdown may have made us blinkered but it is also brought the world
closer. We adapted to our forced new life in lockdown fairly quickly. We went
digital and took to technology, reaching out the community outside our insular
lives. ‘Work From Home’ trend is adapted by working people. Zoom, google
meet, webex etc., apps are helping to continue learning, studying programs for
teachers as well as students. Online streaming platforms were our saviours
when it came to entertainment- offering us a range of options.
Corona has affected many businesses and lakhs of people have lost jobs in
different industries but many industries are still booming especially in digital
marketing space like Freelancing industry, Affiliate Marketing Industry, E-
Learning Industry, Industries that know how to sell online by webinars, emails,
FB Ads etc., and many small and big industries that are still using digital
mediums to grow. As we remember money can come back but not our time, in
“Once the storm is over,
you won’t remember how you made it through,
how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over.
But one thing is certain.
When you come out of the storm,
You won’t be the same person who walked in”.

After we have been inside for a long time, it can feel very strange to go
outside. From above quote of HARUKI MURAKAMI, we have to learn that after
this pandemic we will be more stronger than past. In this lockdown, we also
learnt to live simple lives and concentrate on what mattered. In India, with no
maids to help us run our homes, we learned to keep our homes clean and
healthy meals for our families. So, after lockdown impact of these things are
seen in our lives. We will develop more emotional proximity towards our kin.
Bonds may become stronger and communal intolerance may end. The
consumption pattern will certainly change in favour of simplicity and restraint.
The Covid-19 scare will continue to haunt social life of residents in times to
come as grand celebrations will be reduced to low key affairs.
The lockdown period spawned many memes, some funny and some poignant,
on human impact on the world. After lockdown it will be curious to see
whether the ‘new normal’ is just a bump along the way or a path-changing
reality. As the lockdown has made us understand the importance of nature.
Henceforth, when it comes to travelling, the focus will be on going to such
places as will bring us close to nature.
At last, the norms of social etiquette that defined our daily lives will transform
in the post-lockdown world as people emerge into a wary new world.

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