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1. Dang, Ding, Dung, Deng, and Dong are aliens on a space ship.
a) Dang is younger than Dung.
b) Dang is not the youngest in the group.
c) Only one alien is older than Dong.
d) Dong is younger than Ding.
Arrange Dang, Dung, Ding, Deng, and Dong in order of increasing age.
2. A student multiplies the month and the day in which he was born by 31 and 12
respectively. The sum of the two resulting products is 170. Find the month and the date in
which he was born.
3. The diagram shows a dartboard. What is the least number of throws needed in order to get
a score of exactly 100?

1× 5× 18+2× 10 ×36+3 ×15 × 54

4. Find the value of
1 ×3 × 9+2× 6 ×18+3 × 9 ×27
5. Lima buah data punya modus 8; mean (rata-rata hitung) 7,4; dan median 8. Data tersebut
berupa bilangan asli yang kurang dari 10. Jika data terbesar dihilangkan maka median
menjadi 7,5 dan mean data tersebut menjadi 7. Tentukan lima buah data di atas.
6. Gambar di samping adalah bentuk setengah lingkaran dengan diameter AC. Panjang AB
adalah 3 cm lebih panjang dari BC. Jika BD = 5 cm dan tegak lurus AC maka panjang BC
adalah …

7. The interior angles of a convex polygon form an arithmetic sequence: 143 o; 145o; 147o; …
How many sides does the polygon have?
8. If we arrange the 5 letters A, B, C, D and E in different ways we can make 120 different
“words". Suppose we list these words in alphabetical order and umber them from 1 to 120.
So ABCDE gets number 1 and EDCBA gets number 120. What is the number for DECAB?
9. Lines AC and BD meet at point O. Given that OA = 40 cm, OB = 50 cm, OC = 60 cm and OD =
75 cm, find the ratio of the area of triangle AOD to the area of triangle BOC.

10. If the base of a triangle is increased by 10% while its height decreased by 10%, find the area
of the new triangle as a percentage of the original one.

a n=1 44
⏟ …4
11. Diketahui pola bilangan sebagai berikut: a1 = 14, a2 = 144, a3 = 1444, ... dan .
Jika k adalah bilangan bulat positif dan ak adalah bilangan kuadrat sempurna, maka nilai k
yang memenuhi adalah ... .
12. A square ABCD has area 64 cm 2. Let M be the midpoint of BC, let d be the perpendicular
bisector of AM, and let d meet CD at F. How many cm2 is the area of the triangle AMF?

13. How many digits are there before the hundredth 9 in the following number
14. Triangle ABC is a right angled triangle at B. the black circle, of radius 4 cm touches the three
sides of the triangle and the white circle, with radius 1 cm, touches the black circle and the
two sides of triangle, as shown in the following figure

15. Ahok wrote down 2012 numbers: 1, 2, … , 2012. How many digits did he write?
16. Find the smallest positive integer whose product after multiplication by 84 ends in 2012.
17. Suatu bilangan terdiri dari tiga digit yang berbeda. Jika selisih antara yang terbesar dan
terkecil yang dibentuk dari pengaturan ulang ketiga digit tersebut sama dengan bilangan
awalnya. Berapa bilangan tiga digit awalnya.
18. Tiga digit terakhir dari bilangan kuadrat sempurna adalah sama dan tidak nol. Berapa
bilangan kuadrat sempurna terkecil yang mungkin.
19. Two perpendicular chords AB and CD intersect at P. If PA = 4, PB = 10 and CD = 13, calculate
the length of the radius of the circle.

20. In a test of 20 questions 5 marks are given for each correct answer and 2 are deducted for
each incorrect answer. Bambang did all the questions and scored 58. How many correct
answers did he have?
21. Tentukan digit satuannya dari hasil penjumlahan 2 !+ 4 !+6 !+ …+2012! .[4 !=1× 2× 3 ×4 ] .
22. There are three type of solids; spheres, cones, and cylinders. The diameter and heights of
all the objects are equal. All the solid are made of the same material. Four of the objects, a
cylinders, a cone and two sphere are kept on one pan of a beam balance, as shown in the
figure. To balance the beam, 8 solids of the same dimensions and material, a sphere, three
cones and four cylinders, are available. How many ways can you balance the beam?

23. What is the units digit of 22012 ×32012 × 62012?

24. How many zeros are there at the end of the number 100! = 1 × 2 × … × 100?
25. Pada gambar berikut, pusat dari lima lingkaran yang masing-masing berjari-jari 1 cm adalah
titik sudut dari segitiga-segitiga. Berapakah luas daerah yang diarsir, dalam cm 2?

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