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My full name: Trần Việt Đức

Student ID: 1911110090

ESSAY 3: Write a 300 word essay to answer the question: What are advantages
and disadvantages of air transportation?

With the development of international trade, modes of transportation are one of the most
concerned factors in a commercial contract. The most recent mode of transportation is
air transport. This mode of transportation has its own pros and cons which businessman
need to understand in order to chose the most suitable one for each shipment to other

In terms of the advantages, high speed is the most stand – out feature of this mode of
transportation. Air is the type of freight capable of traveling long distances in short
periods of time. This makes this model an optimum choice if the client has an urgent
need to ship a product or if their freight demands special standards of protection or
acclimation. It is the quickest transport mode and is therefore ideal for long-distance
transport of goods, it takes less time. Besides, air transportation offers safety to
shipment. Airline companies have great responsibility for cargo that’s being shipped,
and airports have stringent security measures in place to lower the risk of theft. With air
shipping, only minimal handling is necessary, reducing potential damage to goods.
Moreover, air transport often follows the most direct route, which mountains and forests
don’t cause obstructions, and customs formalities can be quickly compiled resulting in
a route free of obstacles.

However, there are a few negatives of this transportation. First, the cost for air travel is
expensive. Because air transport takes much more fuel than other options it is simply
more expensive, and air freight rates can be extremely high. Second, limitations on size
of cargo is another disadvantage of this transport. Size and weight regulations will
impose restrictions on what you can ship, making this mode of transport unsuitable for
bulky goods. Third, adverse weather conditions could affect seriouly to air transport.
Planes can be grounded and airports shut down in extreme weather. It would delay
shipment for several days and make the service unreliable. Moreover, it is true that air
transportation takes more risks than others cause air transport is probably the most
uncertain choice, with the chances of accidents being greater in comparison to other
modes of transport. Last but not least, air transportation requires a vast investment,
which construction and maintenance of airports takes huge amounts of finance,
alongside training and sourcing experienced and skilled personnel.

Air transport is one of the ways to move goods that have been very common in recent
years when it comes to speed and distribution protection. With the advantages and
disadvantages of this air transportation, we need to understand the features of the
commodity you want to sell or import, and decide if air travel is the right choice for

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