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NAME – Akash Itkar, ROLL NO – 744, TYBMS-A

An assignment was given by aditya sir on the occasion of friendship

day. It was to right a letter to one of your friend by wishing him happy
friendship day and it was to be sent by post and not by any other
sources. So I wrote the letter to my lovely friend Nishit. This
assignment consisted of 2 letters per person, one was a wishing letter
and 2nd letter was a reply letter. Each letter costed me 20₹ as I used
the mode of registered post.

My 1st letter was sent on 30/07/21 and it arrived at nishit's place on

05/08/21. My reply letter to his 1st letter was sent on 06/08/21 and it
arrived at nishit's place on 10/08/21. No tracking number was given by
the post in this case. It was a great assignment as we got to know
how the transportation of letter is done .

Below pages contains the pics of 2 letters. In which the 1st pic is of
my letter and 2nd pic is of nishit reply letter to my 1st letter.
Nishit reply letter

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