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Pasang Surut Gelombang Laut

Introduction to the Earth Tides

Taken from:
Michel Van Camp
Royal Observatory of Belgium

In collaboration with:
Olivier Francis (University of Luxembourg)
Simon D.P. Williams (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)

Diambil dari sumber di atas dengan perubahan oleh Retno Utami A. W.

Gelombang Pasang Surut

Gelombang (naik turunnya permukaan laut)

yang digerakkan oleh gaya tarik-menarik
antara bumi dengan planet-planet lain terutama
bulan dan matahari.
Tides – Getijden – Gezeiten – Marées
… from old English and German « division of time »
and (?) from Greek « to divide »
Amazing Tides in the Fundy Bay (Nova Scotia) : 17.5 m
Roche Limit (« extreme tide »)

Within the Roche limit the mass' own

gravity can no longer withstand the tidal
forces, and the body disintegrates.

The varying orbital speed of

the material eventually
causes it to form a ring.
A victim of the Roche Limit

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was disintegrated by the tidal forces of Jupiter into a string of
smaller bodies in 1992, before colliding with the planet in 1994.

Icy fragments of the Schoemaker-Levy comet ,1994

In celestial mechanics, the Roche limit, also called Roche radius, is the distance within
which a celestial body, held together only by its own force of gravity, will disintegrate due
to a second celestial body's tidal forces exceeding the first body's gravitational self-
attraction. Inside the Roche limit, orbiting material disperses and forms rings, whereas
outside the limit material tends to coalesce.
How does it come from?

Imbalance between the centrifugal force due to the Keplerian revolution

(same everywhere) and the gravitational force ( 1/R²)
Resulting periodic deformation

• The moon’s orbit was exactly circular,
• There was no rotation of the Earth,
then we might only have to deal with Mf (13.7 days)
[and similarly SSa for the Sun (182.6 days)]

But, that’s not the case…….

The influence of the Earth’s rotation:
M2, S 2

• Taking the Earth’s rotation into account (23h56m),

• And keeping the Moon’s orbital plane aligned with the Earth’s equator,

Then we might only have to deal with M2 (12h25m): relative motion of the
Moon as seen from the Earth
[and similarly S2 (12h00m)].

But, that’s not the case…….

The influence of the Earth’s rotation,
the motion of the Moon and the Sun
Much more waves !

• The Moon’s orbital plane is not aligned with the earth’s equator,
• The Moon’s orbit is elliptic,
• The Earth’s rotational plane is not aligned with the ecliptic,
• The Earth’s orbit about the Sun is elliptic,
Therefore we have to deal with much more waves!
Definisi Muka Air Laut

1. Muka air tinggi (high water level) adalah muka air tertinggi
yang dicapai pada saat air pasang dalam satu siklus pasang
2. Muka air rendah (low water level) adalah kedudukan air
terendah yang dicapai pada saat air surut dalam satu siklus
pasan surut.
3. Muka air tinggi rerata (Mean High Water Level, MHWL)
adalah rerata dari muka air tinggi selama periode 19 tahun.
4. Muka air tinggi rerata (Mean Low Water Level, MLWL)
adalah rerata dari muka air rendah selama periode 19 tahun.
5. Muka air laut rerata (Mean Sea Level, MSL) adalah muka air
rerata antara muka air tinggi rerata dan muka air rendah rerata.
Elevasi ini digunakan sebagai referensi dalam menetapkan
elevasi daratan.
Spring Tide (from German Springen = to Leap up)
Posisi bumi-bulan-matahari saat pasang purnama

Sun’s tidal ellipsoid Moon’s tidal ellipsoid

Earth New moon

Full moon

Total tidal ellipsoid

Pada keadaan ini terjadi HHWL dan LLWL

Neap Tide
Moon 1st


Moon last

Posisi bumi-bulan-matahari saat pasang perbani

Macam-macam pasang surut

• Ada dua macam pasang surut:

1.Semi Diurnal Tide
1. Periode + 12.4 jam
2. Apabila poros perputaran bumi tegak lurus pada
garis yang menghubungkan pusat bumi dan bulan
2.Diurnal Tide
1. Periode 24 jam
2. Apabila poros perputaran bumi tidak tegak lurus
pada garis yang menghubungkan pusat bumi dan
Other properties…
• Semi-diurnal: slows down the Earth rotation. Consequences: the Moon
moves away. @ 475 000 km: length of the day ~2 weeks, the Moon and the
Earth would present the same face.
Slowing down the rotation is a typical tidal effect...even for galaxies!

• Diurnal: the torques producing nutations are those exerted by the diurnal
tidal forces. This torque tends to tilt the equatorial plane towards the ecliptic

• Long period: Affect principal moment of inertia C : periodic variations of the

length of the day. Its constant part causes the permanent tide and a slight
increase of the Earth’s flattening
Oceanic tides
Dynamic process (Coriolis...)
Resonance effects
Ocean tides at 5 sites which have very different
tidal regimes:
Karumba : diurnal
Musay’id : mixed
Kilindini : semidiurnal
Bermuda : semidiurnal
Courtown : shallow sea distortion

Elevasi Muka Air akibat Pasang Surut

η=A+ ∑ A i cos
i=1 Ti(
360 t
• η: elevasi muka air
• A: jarak antara datum dengan MSL
• Setiap komponen pasang surut:
– Ai: amplitudo
– Ti: periode
– Δ : sudut phase
Delapan Komponan Pasang Surut Utama

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