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1, In my personal point of view, people have sense of adventure, and they find it boring doing familiar

thing. Therefore, they want to figure out a new experience that they have ever done before. Moreover,
they are willing to challenge theirselves because they are curious where is the limitation of their ability,
and when they can pass that, it will be a miletone in their process.
2, they try to get over sth in the past, or they hope that new thing can help them to get rid of the fear in
their mind. They want to know more about their personal interest and inspiration Adventuring absolutely
offer them new knowledge as well as widen their horizon. Consequencely, they become a better version
and get a higher success.
3, some people more willing to come out the safe-zone and try sth new since they prepare adequate
essential skills to survive and adapt in new environment. These people are not worry about taking risks
and make sure that they will achive positive results.

3 distinctive national identities of Vietnam?

Things such as national anthem, celebrations, food and clothing are simply expressions of
our cultural identity.
Vietnam is home to a diverse range of cuisines, many of which have earned a place in the
hearts of visitors. Pho, for example, is a traditional Vietnamese noodle recognized for its
delectable flavor and memorable smell. Besides, Banh Mi or Vietnam sandwich remind a
unique and specific cuisine of our country.
When we think about Vietnamese national attire, we instantly think of Ao Dai, which has
existed throughout ancient times and continues to exist today. Ao dai reflects the
Vietnamese people's character and lifestyle. Ao Dai also enhances a woman's physical,
moral, and spiritual attractiveness. Furthermore, when combined with Non la, Ao dai
creates an iconic symbol that is well-known among foreign friends.
As we all know, Tet is one of Vietnam's oldest and most popular celebrations, and when
tet comes around the corner, everyone from the elderly to little children is delighted.
People clean their houses, buy new things, and make traditional foods like Chung cake to
prepare for the Tet celebration. You can sense both the amusing mood and the significant
actions. We go to the temple, for example, and pray for the best for our family.


How does learning affect our brains, it changes the structure of our brains/ the size is
larger. we become more sensitive about the surrounding world, so that we can response
faster and sharpen our sense. We can remember the information thanks to the area inside
the brain called hippocampus which helps us obtain long term or short term information.
Whenever you find it difficult to learn by heart, just stand up and do physical activities ,
it can help to relax and restart the brain system, and when you come back, you can solve
the problem.

3. Because others will know exactly what we're thinking, human interaction will be
limited. As a result, our connection may be jeopardized. Furthermore, strangers can take
confidential information, putting our lives in danger, and we do not have a private mental
space. Knowing what others are thinking might make the world seem boring; there is no
such thing as a secret birthday or present because everyone knows each others like the
back of their hand. Last but not least, this might have a significant influence on our
feelings. For example, we lose our sense of courage and give up our aspirations when we
realize that others believe we can't achieve anything.
2. Look at their reaction:
Don’t look straight into your eyes, someone is saying the lie, they usually look more one
the left side and they have confusing reactions: lip biting or bliking
Repeat the question and sentence fragment or make no specific details. They try to play
with their hair or finger just to avoid to face up with you.
Human normally take animal testing to figure out vaccine for the diseases, However this
is immoral behavior since animals are exposed to a great deal of pain and body
devastation. Furthermore, illegal hunting of rare creatures will disrupt the natural balance.
And the owner should have the responsibility with their pest. Government should enact
the law to protect the animals because they don’t have enough cognition to process this
With a religious viewpoint, we should get vegetarian instead of lanching a law because
every creatures have the same feeling, emotion just like human. And they know what í
the pain and love.

- Can be use in police station to Investigate and identify the criminal

Pros: Raw foods retain more vitamin C and many B vitamins, as well as the good bacteria in foods for the
digest process. Maintain the pure nuitrition, minerals in the foods because some nuitrious components
will disappeared through the heat cooking. improved skin tone like eating salmon or sushi, lessen the
blood pressure and enhance immune system. The taste is delicious
Cons: some essential nutrients vitamin B12 and vitamin D can be absorbed if they are in cooked condition
and you can miss out when you eat raw
disease based on parasites and bacteria in raw food, cause allergic creaction
Uncooked food may make a person ill and could lead to other complications such as food poisoning.
Young children, elderly people and those with weak immune system are most vulnerable to food-borne


Globalization makes access to food universal.

Fast food is a convenient way to fill you up when you are hungry - obesity
The spread of American fast food in asia: they have been opening their doors more and
more during globalization: mcdonalds, subway,.--> local cuisine and food traditions are

Unit 6
Eat small portions and eat them at different times of the day, will keep you full longer,
preventing you from snacking or overeating all at once.

One disease caused by a virus, one disease caused by a bacteria? Which more easily
You can recover naturally the disease caused by viruse without medical intervention
because of our healthy immune system. It’s a natural recovery, ex: common cold or fever.
But if our organ suffer from seriously contagious cases of viruses based desease, we have
to take some medical conference to treat it. So we can consider the seriousness of the
situation and then make a choice.
However, the disease which caused by bacteria need medical care we need to use the
antibiotic to kill off the bacteria out of the body.
ĐỀ 1:

1, Do you think that globalization has been the main course of the problem had you
just descrided.
2, How do you think globalization is affecting how people eat and drink in your
Globalization makes access to food universal.
Fast food is a convenient way to fill you up when you are hungry - obesity
The spread of American fast food in asia: they have been opening their doors more and
more during globalization: mcdonalds, subway,.--> local cuisine and food traditions are
3, the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?/ the effect of globalization on
business and employment? ( bring more tourists and increase the income of travelling
4, what effect of globalization on your city and VN in general
5, in what way can governments in over the world can join hands to tackle this
global issue? ( water pollution) : they have to regconize the seriousness of the issue they
suffer from. launch international organization to encourage and educate citizen. offer
other countries new water treatment system.
6, environmental issue is a global problem?
ĐÈ 2:
1,What kind of health problems are becoming more common in the 21st century?
2, Are people now more health concious than they were before
3, what is the most important factor that causes the disease ( the food consumtion, the
environmental quality)
4, what do you think about the health care system in our country?: not as modern and
effective like other countries but it still can cue some common disease
5, who took care of you when you were? what kind of lession you had learned from this
6, do you think that you are leading a health lifestyle?
7, why do you think some people continue bad habit when they know that they are
damaging their health ( because the quality of work, lack of motivation)
8, what is the best way to help people with an addiction? ( cut down on the time they
expose to that addiction)
9, why are more and more serious diseases than ever before?

ĐỀ 3:
1, do you think kindness is the most important value for an individual in the modern
life: kindness is the best policy for individual in modern life / important key to connect
people together / help us develop and improve the society. Good for our mental health
since we help someone, we feel proud of that good behaviour- create opstimistic
thinking and lead a longer and healthier life.
Human need to practise the morality to help each other when we are at risk. before we
learn to work we need to learn moral first.
2, should kindness be considered as a survival skill?
ĐÈ 4:

1, do people expect public figures to be honest?( the face of society)

Absolutely. We do expect honesty from public figures, such as politicians, celebrities,
social media personalities, or business leaders because they are in the public eye and
have the power to influence the crowd to do or to believe in whatever they say or
promote. For example, the youth these days are more likely to accept whatever their
favorite celebrity says as truth rather than checking the validation of their information. If
public figures like celebrities are not honest with their fans and manipulated them for bad
purposes, the aftermath of dishonesty can be hurtful, and their fans would turn their back
on them.
2, should children be taught to be honest?
3, do you think modern technology can help detect deception/ lies?( lie ditector,
Many cutting-edge lie detectors have been invented with a high level of accuracy to
uncover deception. They can detect all of our verbal and non-verbal cues, such as our
body temperature, facial expressions, whatever it is. I’ve seen so many videos on
Youtube that present the amazing functions of lie detectors by interviewing random
people or kids or celebrities some personal questions, and while they respond, they will
be detected whether it is a lie or not. Besides, there are also new systems using AI to
detect deception that has been shown to produce fairly reliable results for a courtroom
setting. This can help identify whether the criminals are lying and bring out the truth./
criminal investigation.
4, what are the advantages and disadvantages of telling lies?
5, Do you think honesty is more important than any ohther virtue (courage, honesty,
generosity, kindness, patriotism and justice) --> to develop a complete humanity
Definitely, honesty should be the most fundamental personality trait that everyone should
have. Being honest improves the relationship and saves us from having to live a lie. More
than that, while being honest about difficult situations may be uncomfortable at first if it
can be worked through, the relationship is strengthened, trust is built, and love is
6, Is it a good thing to tell the truth all the time?
ĐỀ 5:
1, can you provide some example direct and indirectly reciprocity?
2. why do some people to aid kindly toward other people/ why are some people kind
to other.
One good turns deserves another
3, Have you ever been kind of stranger/ have you ever done anything kind or nice?
4, what are the most important factor of a good friendship?
5, Do you think you are an honest person?
6, How important is friendship to you? Altruism
7, why do people expect celebrities to have a kind heart?
8, why do you think people do charity work or voluntary work
ĐỀ 6
HCM city:
+ located in the south of VN , I came here 2 years ago for my higher education.
+ have to say that this is a wonderful place. HCM is one of the centre economic area in
VN and it offer billion GDP every year. It's also well-known for its education system
with many prestigious university where knowledgeable and high-skill labor are training.
+ HCM is home to modern medical care and high living standard
+ I want to live in HCM because of job opportunities and good environment to improve
+ and recreational places to recharge my battery and meet people from many classes of
life--> widen my horizon

1, Is HCM the global city?

the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) , The Japan
International Cooperation Agency ( JICA), etc
what are the notable features of a global city:
 Headquarters of several multinational corporations: US is a global city because it
has many headquaters of world corporation( World Health Organization (WHO),
World Bank Group, World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF))
 take the first step in / Centres of new ideas and innovation in business, economics,
education, and politics, contribute significantly to the nation’s income of the
 High diversity in language, culture, religion, and the high level of immigrant
 Oversea investment always
 on the other hand , it have many serious problem : unemployment an pollution
2, why do more people live in the city?
3, what are the diffences between the old and young people when they chose a place to
ĐỀ 7:
1, why does the world have to suffer more disaster more than ever before?
2, Do you think that weather can affect our feeling? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) ,
causes depression in the spring or summer, a case of the "winter blues"
+ can affect our temper/ mood, on sunny and bright day, we fell joyful and energetic that we are
willing to lend a hand to hlp other people.
+ On rainy and stormy day, we rather fell depress and are cover in blue, we lose the interest in
doing daily activities.

3, what kind of extreme weather condition affects you the most?

4, do you think that natural disaster is a global problem that every government on the
world need to address?
5, what do you mean by natural disaster? Some act naturally : storm, hurricanes,..--> the
movement of continents/ seismic/'saizmik/ activity
Some is caused by the human kind.

ĐỀ 8
1, Do you think that people rely too much on technology?
Every area need the helping of technology: education, manufacture, medical care, and
even we need technology to eliminate stress, depress, have some fun in life rather than
join in outdoor activities
2, which invention had transformed your country the most?
3, what effect does technology have on employment/ education
Employment: + Development of Technology has a great impact in the workplace with
increased productivity. Technology is creating a job for skilled workers and also help
them improve performance since it reduce mistakes and error in order to increase the
accuracy in workplace. - they can find their job satisfaction and work effectively.
+ make the communication easy and convenient because we can use telephone and fax
for information transmit purpose in the office
+ in the pandemic , we can work at home
+ technology can cause unemployment issue: technology are replacing most of the blue
collar jobs creating fear of loss of a job.
+ raise many requirement for labor to adapt in new environment, expecially low-skilled
employees and when they cant catch up with the The speed of technology development,
they will be discharged or have to endure income inequality.
Increase the acquisition of knowledge
Distract pupils from concentrating on studying and we can’t anticipate how student
cheating during the exams when they conduct studying online.
4, what role does technological development play in people's life?
+ shopping online
+ Access latest information

ĐỀ 9
1, do you think that animals in general have intelligent?
2, why is it important to conserve the world's animals and plants sizes?
3, In what way are animals different from human being?
We can control our emotion , and don’t like other animals
We still corporate to make the work done even though we don’t like each other, animals
will attack other if they don’t like each other.
4, what the roles of animals in our country?:
have improtant role in the food chain/ the disapperance/ extinction of one kind of animal
will lead to the increasing of another species --> cause disease. the effect of animal
extinction is very huge and unpredictable. animals play an essential role in maintaining
the ecological balance.
5, which species of animals are in danger in our city? ( tigers,
6, does our country VN has any animals as they are national symbol?
Water buffaloes because its play an important rule in our country. It is a best friend of the
farmer and rural area, we can see water buffaloes around the country. For thousands of
years, water buffalo has been associated with wet rice cultivation. The image of a farmer
and a water buffalo has become a symbol of Vietnam in the visitors’ hearts.
7, do you think that people and animals can live in harmony? Like domestic pet like cats
or dogs
Except wild animals
1, how can one identity physically be identified?/ identify someone physically?
ID card you can know private information about them: name, country, age, etc
Notice to distinctive features like: hair, body, facial expresstion,… everything that can be
observed by our five senses
2, what has been the most reliable way to verify a person’s identity so far?
biometrics is considered to be a quick and reliable way of identifying individuals. Other
means of identification like ID cards, PIN code, or passport can be lost or stolen. In
contrast, Biometrics is well-orgainised and can examine correctly unique characteristics
of a person’s face, fingerprints, hand, iris, and DNA. As we know these distinctive trait
can not be substituted by the fake one. Moreover, this method analyzes such things as a
person’s signature, and voice. I think that it can play an important role in criminal
3, What do you think about our national identity?
National identity is a valuable asset, Things such as national anthem, celebrations, food
and clothing are simply expressions of our national identity. It is important in
distinguishing between countries. It always reminds us of / who we are, what our country
is, / therefore no matter how far we travel, / we always return to our hometown in the
Furthermore, national identity emphasizes / that all citizens in a specific country are "one
n only" because it cultivates our patriotism/ˈpæt.ri.ə.tɪ.zəm/ and loyalty. In the Covid-19
situation, for example, VN handle extremely well the pandemic / due to our perfect
Back two years ago, I was a selfish person who was only concerned with myself.
Furthermore, I assumed that my parents' love was a normal part of life. However, the trip
to see the orphan changed my life profoundly.
I felt like a teacher since I was able to teach them how to write and read. and I thought to
myself, "It's not that bad to play with them." They provided me a sense of community and
taught me how to care for others.
Moreover, I knew that I did not adequately care for my parents; instead, I locked myself
in a room and spent the most of my time on the Internet. I felt disappointed with myself
at the time. I owned the most valuable treasure in my life, it’s my parents, but I was
unconcerned about them.
Since that day, I've realized that I want to lend a helping hand to others, therefore I try to
volunteer so that I can obtain experience as well as practice kindness and sympathy in my
heart. I'm spending more time with my parents now, and I've told them how much I love
them. This life event definitely changes my viewpoint and helps me in becoming a better
version of myself.
1, What changes do you want to make in your life?
The change/ because I am the only child in the family so my parents will most likely give
me everything I need , and I don’t have to share with anybody.
I wanted to be the main attention.
2, Do you believe that we can control our fate/ destiny?
We can't choose where we are born but we can choose how we live and become who we
want to be. We should not accept and resign /ri'zain/ our fate because it is only the
beginning, not the conclusion. If we try about best, work hard for our dream and I believe
that our dream will come true. Some disadvantaged people never give up; they work hard
every day to change their lives and their fate. For example, Nguyễn Ngọc Ký - a
Vietnamese teacher - lost both of his hands but refused to accept his fate, so he worked
very hard to learn to write by foot and eventually became a well-known professor for his
knowledge and talent.
3, What are the 3 changes you would like to see in your country?
Education system ( just focus on theory) tutor/ apply knowledge practically
New means of transfortation.
Medical care services. ( local people, residents
1, are there any famous inventor of our own country?
Mr. Hoàng Tuấn Anh is the father of rice ATM, and it’s very helpful for the poor because
in the covid-19 pandemic, many people lost their jobs and they can’t affor the basic needs
in their lives. With the support of rice ATM people can survive and come over this
situation. Mr. Tuan Anh is well-known for his initiative and kindness.
Phạm Nhật Vượng is the founder of Vin group and Vin Fast- a vietnamses car brand.
Thanks to his invention, VietNam obtains the first car that works on batteries and have
zero emissions. This cleanest car can decrease the pollution of car and solve the climate
change and global warming.
2, what qualities do successful inventors usually have?
3, do you think that it’s necessary to patent an invention that will never be produced
or sold?
4, what do you think are the drawback of technological inventions?
5, Why are inventions important?
Them example: technological breakthrough
6, why do inventors need to patent their inventions?
7, technological advances produce more products than we need?
Back to the ancient day, human manufacturing is based on two-handed work, the speed
and quality of the products are extremely slow and substandard. So goods are limited and
rare, only the wealthy can afford them. On the contrary, with the advent of technology
and mass production, millions of products are made every day to meet people's needs. It’s
not only meet domestic demand but also increase the number of products available for
export. Previously, we could only create 1 or 2 shirts per day, but now, with the help of
machines, we can make thousands of shirts per day at a lower cost.

1, In which situation are lies acceptable to you?

2, How do technological inventions/advances help people to detect lies?
Many cutting-edge lie detectors have been invented with a high level of accuracy to
uncover deception. They can detect all of our verbal and non-verbal cues, such as our
body temperature, facial expressions, whatever it is.
I’ve seen so many videos on Youtube that present the amazing functions of lie detectors
by interviewing random people or kids or celebrities some personal questions, and while
they respond, they will be detected whether it is a lie or not. Besides, there are also new
systems using AI to detect deception that has been shown to produce fairly reliable
results for a courtroom setting. This can help identify whether the criminals are lying and
bring out the truth./ criminal investigation.
BUT GOOD LIAR CAN BEAT THESE MACHINE so we can not make sure that that
people are telling the lies or truth.
1, what is your understanding about the term of globalization?
Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s
economies, cultures, and technology between countries. It is the process of interaction
and integration among people and governments worldwide that we need coororporate to
develop effectively and drastically. Globalization also leads to the exchange of ideas,
initiative and offers better life for people. Globalization is a milestone in the process of
human race. However, it causes many global issues such as climate change and pollution.
2, do you think that globalization is a good thing?
3, do you think it is easier to learn about other cultures than it was before?
4, what effects does globalization has on our cultures?
5, How do you think global trade has an effect the way people eat and drink in your
Globalization makes access to food universal.
Fast food is a convenient way to fill you up when you are hungry  obesity
The spread of American fast food in asia: they have been opening their doors more and
more during globalization: mcdonalds, subway,.--> local cuisine and food traditions are
1, what are some of survival skills that we need for natural disasters?
Learn how to make or find clean water: water is an essential part of our body it is
impossible to go on for long without water. You need to learn and know how to get clean
water out of all types of water so water can be made fit for consumption.
The ability to make fire anytime it is required is one of the skills you should learn
because this skills required for survival in both indoor and outdoor places. Fire can be
utilized to cook the food, keep you warm when the weather is cold, and protect you from
wild animals when you stay in the forest.
Gain some natural disaster knowledge because it will help you make a right decision to
save your life. For instance, when the earthquake and hurricane appear, with your
knowledge you will know the best place to hide and what you should do during that time.
2, why does the world have to suffer more disaster more than ever before?
3, which one is more difficult to over come physical or emotional difficulty?
I believe that mental hardship lasts longer than physical one. since physical difficulty
might fade away gradually from time to time However, mental impairment cannot be
eliminated; even if we are able to bury it over time and try to forget about it, it will arise
when someone mentions it. It’s still painful, desparate therefore, some people can not
stand it and they chose suicide to end this misery.
4, what are some of survival skills that we need for modern life?
5, who is responsible for teaching our children survival skills?
Reflex their parent.

Americans Struggle to Afford Basic Needs, a condition that affects both the middle and
lower classes, as well as those who work in blue-collar jobs. The reason why they can not
meet their needs is that the high cost living as we know USA is an developed and luxious
country; therefore, the house tax is very expensive. The citizens reported that they could
not pay the full amount of housing rent or their payment was late. Consequently, it
becomes a big deal for them spending money in food and facilities.
Another reason is that, USA is a developed countries so it obtains the high level of the
elderly people, as a result, it puts more pressure on the younger’s shoulders because they
need to work very hard to pay medical bills, housing and adequate food consumption for
the elderly in family. Although they work 10-12 hours per day but they still get stuck in
financial and material hardship since their low incomes. During the covid pandemic,
many people lost their jobs and become homeless, and Having three full meals a day is
also considered a luxury for them.
That are reason why they have difficulty in dealing with basic needs in their life.
Government should enact funding measure for the employees and encourage companies
increasing the salary for them so that they can be enable to pay for housing rent and
health insurance. Government need to improve the health care system and free medical
services for elderly people; therefore it will decline the burden for the young generation.
1, why do we need to understand about our own needs?
Firstly, I want to talk about the basic needs of human like food, drink, accommotion,…
because it is necessary for us to maintain the survival.
However today I aim to talk about the mental requirement of human beings such as the
need to express yourself, the need to love and being loved, the knowledge,… if we
understand own needs, it means we have a specific goal in life. Moreover it’s also the
motivation to stimulate us to live to the fullest, and define who we are. If we know deeply
about our needs, we can become successful in the future.
2, what can be the consequences if we can not satisfy our own needs?
First of all about the fundamental needs, if we can not satisfy our physical needs like eat,
sleep, shower,etc we won’t be able to survive. I think it is an obvious thing that everyone
However, I want to discuss about the mental needs more. Everybody including you and
me, we all have our own needs to be acknowledged, to be respected by other people, to
be happy. If we fail to meet those demand, it will lead to a negative perspective in life,
and in long-term effect, we might experience psychological disorder, depresstion, even
chose to end this misery by suiciding.
3, what are the most necessary things in your life?
Food, job, family
To stand back of after I fell

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