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Wind load analysis

Wind is a moving air which in turn possesses energy and this kinetic energy should be
resisted by using appropriate deign for different kinds of structural elements like
roofs ,walls
The action of wind can be a type of suction or pressure to our structures both externally
or internally.
However these effects are more magnified for structure with more openings and
large surface areas .And we focus on sensitive part of the building that is roofs
(both hipped and flat roofs) for analysis and design of its parts.
There are two methods for wind load analysis; namely,

c method
The former analysis is applied to structures whose structural properties do not make
them susceptible to dynamic exaltation.
The latter analysis is applied to structures which are likely to be susceptible to dynamic
The choice of the above two methods depends on the value of the structure and of
their dynamic coefficient. The dynamic coefficient depends on the type of structure
(concrete, steel, composite), the height of the structure and its breadth.
The quasi-static method is more preferred for use in structures whose Cd value is less or
equal to 1.2 (Section 3.9.3 of EBCS-1).
For our case the building variables are:
Height of building =19m and Width of building is =16.0m. From figure 3.7 of
EBCS-1, 1995, (Cd value for concrete and masonry building) the value of the
dynamic coefficient of this building is: Cd 0.9375 that is Cd<1.2 and height of the
building is less than 200m. This implies that the simple procedure of EBCS method
of analysis is the appropriate method to use.
Therefore, as per the justification of the above sentence the design of the roof is done by
quasi-static method.
The building is located in Adama city where there are buildings around the site.
Therefore, according to EBCS-1, 1995 table 3.2 the structure is to be designed for a
terrain category of IV (Urban area in which at least 15% of the surface is covered
with building and their average height exceeds 15m).
External Wind Load
According to EBCS1, Art 3.5.2, the wind pressure acting on the external surface of a
structure shall be:
We=q ref *Ce (Ze)* Cpe
A) Reference wind pressure (q ref)
Where: ρ= air density in Kg/m3 and is dependent on altitude; from table 3.1 EBCS-1 we
have the following:

Table 2.1.1.Air density

Vref=reference wind velocity For Ethiopia Vrefo= 22m/s C dir=C temp=C alt=1
Vref=Cdir*Ctemp*Calt*Vrefo=22m/s For altitude of 1640 m by interpolation, ρ=0.975

qref = =0.236KN/m2
B) Exposure coefficients Ce(Z)

According to EBCS section 3.8.5(2), the exposure coefficient is given by:

Where – KT- is the terrain factor

Cr– is the roughness coefficient

Ct– is the topography coefficient and taken to be unit

Then, from table 3.2 of EBCS- 1, 1995 we can classify the terrain as category IV with
the following coefficients:

Where: - Zo the roughness length

Z min- The minimum height =16m
Cr= Roughness coefficient

Since Z > Z min

Cr (ze) =0.24*ln (19/1) = 0.70

Topography coefficient (ce (z))

Lets take ϕ < 0.05

Ce (z) =0.7 2*12 [(1+ (7*0.24) / (1*0.7) ]

Internal Pressure Coefficients

For buildings with internal partitions and window openings use extreme values.

Cpi =0.8 or Cpi =-0.5

Internal wind pressure

Wi= qref* Ce(Z)*Cpi

Wi (pressure) = 0.236*1.67*0.8= 0.315kN/m2

Wi(suction) = 0.27*1.67 *(-0.5)= -0.197kN/m2

External Pressure coefficient: Using Table A.3

Wind action acts on the roof in two directions.

 Wind perpendicular to the ridge ( , )

 Wind parallel to the ridge ( )

Case 1: Wind pressure perpendicular to the ridge ( ),




e =minimum b=40.4m,



Area calculation

AF = 3.8*9.5 = 36.1m2 >10m2, , Cpe= Cpe10

AG = (3.8*7.3)*2 = 55.48m2 >10m2, Cpe=Cpe10

AH = (8.7*40.4)-(3.5*6.8)= 327.68m2 >10m2, Cpe=Cpe10,

Zone F, Cpe10=-0.9

Zone G, Cpe10 =-0.8,

Zone H, Cpe10 =-0.3

External Wind pressure,

We= We= qref* Ce(Z)*Cpe

We(F) = 0.236*1.67*-0.9=-0.35kN/m2

We(G) = 0.236*1.67*-0.8=-0.315kN/m2

We(H) = 0.236*1.67*-0.3=-0.12kN/m 2

Case 2: Wind pressure parallel to the ridge ( ), b=6.25m, d=20.4m

e =minimum b=12.5m,



Area calculation

AF = 3.125*1.25 = 3.9m2 ,CPe1< Cpe <Cpe10

AG = 6.25*1.25 = 7.8m2 <10m2, CPe1< Cpe <Cpe10

AH = 5*12.5= 62.5m2 >10m2, Cpe=Cpe10

AI = (34.15*12.5)-(6.8*7.3) = 377.235m2 >10m2, Cpe = Cpe10

Zone F, Cpe(F) = Cpe1 (F) +( Cpe10 (F)- Cpe1 (F)) log10 AF , Cpe10 =-1.3, Cpe1 =-2,

Cpe( F)=-1.586

Zone G, Cpe(G) = Cpe1 (G) +( Cpe10 (G)- Cpe1 (G)) log10 AG , Cpe10 =-1.6, Cpe1 =-2.2,

Cpe(G) = -2.2 +( -1.7- (-2.2)) log10 5 =-2.33

Zone H, Cpe10 =-0.8

Zone I, Cpe10 =-0.7

External Wind pressure, We= We= qref* Ce(Z)*Cpe

We(F) = 0.236*1.67*-1.586=-0.625kN/m2

We(G) = 0.236*1.67*-2.33=-0.92kN/m2

We(H) = 0.236*1.67*-0.8=-0.315kN/m 2

We(I) = 0.236*1.67*0.7=-0.275kN/m2

Net wind Pressure

Wnet = We – Wi , Wip = 0.315kN/m2 , Wis = -0.197kN/m2

Part We Wnet,1= We Wnet,2= We We Wnet,1= We Wnet,2= We

– Wip – Wis – Wip – Wis
F -0.35 -0.665 -0.153 -0.625 -1.103 -0.591
G -0.315 -0.63 -0.118 -0.92 -1.235 -0.723
H -0.12 -0.435 -0.077 -0.315 -0.63 -0.118
I -0.275 -0.59 -0.078

The final design is using the maximum wind pressure and maximum suction of all the above values.

W(pressure) = 0kN/m2

W(suction) = 0.723kN/m2
Analysis & Design of Purlin

Loads on purlin

Wnet negative
wind=0.723 KN/m2

• Determination of purlin spacing

Taking the wind pressure value and referring ―Manual of cold formed welded
structural and furniture steel tubing‖ from kaliti steel industry. We have selected
EGA-300 with thickness of 0.4mm.

• Load on the purlin

a) Self-weight of EGA sheet

- From the previous manual self-weight of EGA-300 of thickness 0.4mm is 3.14

Kg/m or 0.0314 KN/m
- To determine the dead load per area the weight should be divided by width of the

D.L (KN/m2) = (0.0314 KN/m)/0.823m

=0.0382 KN/m2

b) Wind Load

Negative pressure.
perpendicular to the roof
To make it a vertical load.
WL= -0.723KN/m2* sin15°
= -0.187 KN/m2

c)Live Load
live load=1.25KN/m2

Checking the load carrying capacity of EGA-300 based on strength and deflection


=(1.35*0.0382)+(1.25*1.5) +(-0.187)


So, our Pd (design load) = 1.739KN/m2

From Kality manual the uniform load carrying capacity of 1m span is

=2.45KN/m2…….based on strength criteria

=2.45KN/m 2……
based on deflection criteria

2.45KN/m2>1.739KN/m2………… Safe!

So the EGA sheet we selected is adequate!

Determination of Purlin Spacing

To determine the purlin spacing we only use the

dead load of EGA sheet…………….DL=0.0382KN/m2

Live load =1.25KN/m2

Negative wind Pressure


= (1.35*0.0382) + (1.25*1.5) +(-0.187)


Let assume first trial purlin spacing =1.2m

Load combinations
# Dead load-self weight of the purlin + 2(1/2 self-weight of the EGA sheet)

- Self-weight of purlin +self-weight of EGA sheet

- Self-weight of purlin=0.0439KN/m2
- Self-weight of EGA sheet=0.0382lKN/m2

The areal load needs to be converted to line load by multiplying it with the width
of EGA sheet 0.0382KN/m2 *1.2m = 0.04584KN/m

Dead load on purlin =0.0439KN/m2 + 0.04584KN/m2=0.0897KN/m2

# Live load-

Uniform live load

LL=1.25KN/m2 *1.2m=1.5KN/m

The live load perpendicular to the purlin is 1.5KN/m2*cos150=1.449

#Wind load

Negative wind load=-0.187KN/m2



According to ESCP-1, 1983 section 3.3.22 for ultimate limit state, we have the
following possible combination.
N.B: we used the ultimate limit state for the purpose of safety. I.e., serviceability
limit state have only two combination (Pd=1.25 D.L + L.L & Pd=D.L + 0.8 W.L)

• Combination 1: Dead load + Live load

Pd=1.35D.L+ 1.5 L.L



• Combination 2: dead load + wind load

Pd=0.9 D.L + 1.3 W.L

Negative wind load



Combination 3:
Dead Load + Live Load + Wind
Pd=0.8*(1.3*D.L + 1.6*L.L +

Negative wind load




- Determination of reaction for all of the combinations for selecting the critical
Applying the combined loads on the purlin with the length, L=1.2m b/n two

All combinations are analyzed in ETABS to find the maximum bending moment,
Shear and deflections and all the Values of each combinations are summerised in
the following table
No Combinations Max BM Max Shear Max
(KNm) (KN)

1 1 1.902 7.3 45.147

2 2 0.5405 -0.3617 2.462

3 3 9.205 6.18 6.457

Max BM=10.902KNM

Max Shear=7.3KN

Max deflection=45.147mm

Check for adequacy of purlin

B =50mm t = 3mm
A = 5.41cm2
I=19.49 cm4
Wpl = 9.39 cm3

Therefore, take our Steel grade, fy = 275Mpa, fu = 430Mpa

𝜀= √235/𝑓 ,(fy in Mpa)=0.92
Here, d = h-2*t =50-2*3 =44mm
Web, with neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =44/ 2= 22 < 72 𝜀 =72*0.92=66.24,
therefore the section is class 1,
no problem of local buckling. BA=1

Check Resistance to shear-The design value of the shear force Vsd at each cross-
section should satisfy, Vsd ≤ Vpl, Rd,

Where Vsd =7.3KN & Vpl, Rd is the design shear resistance and is given by
Av is the shear area and given by,
Av = (Ah)/(b+h)

for rolled rectangular hollow section of uniform thickness and load parallel to the
depth EBCS 3 - 1995,

Av = (5.41*5)/(5+5)
fy= 275Mp & ɤ Mo= 1.1
,safety factor for class 1, class 2, class 3

VplRd=(Av*Fy) (3)2*¥mo

Vpl,Rd /1.1=39KN>7.3 KN......................ok!
7.3 KN /39KN = 0.187< 0.5................................... Ok!

No reduction of plastic resistance moment is needed as the design value of shear

resistance Vsd does not exceed 50% of the design plastic shear resistance Vpl,
Rd . Because in the absence of shear force, the design value of the bending
moment Msd design at each cross section shall satisfy. EBCS 3 1995,4.6,1.3.

Check pure bending resistance moment

In order to prevent possibility of beam failure due to bending, we have to ensure

that the bending resistance, Mb,rd exceed the design moment Msd
Msd<MRd, where Msd, is maximum bending design moment which is 1.42KN-
MRd, is the design bending resistance given by
Mc,Rd=Wpl*fy/ɤMo for class 1&2 sections

Where, Wpl=9.39cm3 read from kality manual ,

fy= 275Mpa & ɤMo = 1.1

Mrd = ( (9.39)*106)*275*103/1.1=2.3475 KN/m > Msd = 1.902 KN/m ------


Check for deflection ????????

Design of the roof truss

Loads on the truss

Reactions from the purlin

The load on each node is twice the reaction from the purlin as the truss carries the
reaction from adjacent purlins.
R on the node = 2*2.37= 4.74KN

Ceiling weight:

Take a ceiling of chip wood with thickness t =8mm and ɤ = 8KN/m3 (from table
2.1 of EBCS 1)
Weight/meter=ɤ*tceiling*truss spacing* length of truss = 8*0.008*6*12.5
= 4.8KN

Weight per node =3.5584KN/10=0.48KN =DL


Determination of reaction

Comb 1-a, Pd=1.35DL+1.5LL






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