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Name – Abhinandan Sharma

Enrollment no – M20BBA125

My entrepreneur's name is Kamal Singh, and he is from Punjab. He used to own a salon in
Punjab, which he sold since his parents were in the hospital and needed money for surgery,
so Mr. Kamal Singh decided to sell his salon to help pay for his parents' operation.
After that, he moved to Jammu and began a new business, which he learned about through
his cousin brother. His current ambition is to work hard in order to provide a good life for his
younger brother, as well as to expand his business in Shimla and Kashmir, and to open a

MR Kamal Singh is a hard worker who has dedicated his life to trying to better his younger
brother's life and has a never-give- up mentality.


- In the beginning of his journey He lacked communication skills he was unable to deal
with his customers, But he gradually learned that now he confidently communicates
with them.
- His business was in an open area, and he didn't have a suitable setup, so when it
rained, his products were ruined. After some time, he built up a few tents to store
his products.

Target Audience-
Children are his target audience.

Supply Chain –
Mr. Kamal Singh obtains his raw materials from a Delhi-based factory.
then manufactures his product on his own, displays it near a highway, and customers come
to buy it.


He makes between RS 100 and 200 on every product and sells 15 to 20 per day.


Mr. Kamal Singh's communication skills have improved, and he can now effortlessly handle
5-6 consumers at a time.


I had learned that no matter what, you should never give up and that you should always
learn new things Mr. Kamal Singh, for example, sold his shop but proceeded to establish a
new business and continues to learn new skills to better his business.

Abhinandan- Interviewer
Kamal- Interviewee

Abhinandan- Hello brother, my name is Abhinandan sharma I am a student of

Bennett university, We are taking interview of street entrepreneurs and you are one
of them,
so what is your name,

Kamal- my name is Kamal

Abhinandan- hi Kamal, I am going to ask you few questions, So should we start

Kamal- yes

Abhinandan- the first question is that, from where you got the idea of starting this

Kamal- My brother gave me this idea of starting this business, my aunt's son, he had
given it, first I used to do hair cutting I had a small salon and I sold that, after that my
brother said to Come here and start a business,

Abhinandan- So what was the problem with your haircuting business, why did you
leave it?

Kamal- I left that business because I was alone there, there was not earning at that
Time at my home, so I was not able to pay the expenses, then my brother told me to
come here and start a business, that’s why I came here

Abhinandan- I like your business your work very much

and let’s go to our next question What’s the most important thing you learned?

Kamal- I have learned that if you are in trouble you have to do something you have to
do handwork to overcome it I have to make my younger brother’s life so I have to
work, I want to make my younger brother’s life sop I have to work,

I just left school when I was in 4th standard, but my younger brother he never went to
school that’s why I am working hard to make his life, I will do whatever it takes to
make his life.
Abhinandan- I really liked your answer and what you said you mean you are working
hard to make your younger brother’s life ?

Kamal- Yes

Abhinandan- I really like what you said, lets move to our next question
When you started the business What was the hardest part?

Kamal- In the beginning the hard part was that

how to talk with customers, how to deal with them, how to sell, what to do and we
had very less ideas at that time, then I went to my meet my brother he explain me
everything I stayed there for 2 months and learned few skills. He taught me

Abhinandan- Look when you started this business in beginning you lack
communication skill like how to deal with customers

Kamal- yes at that time I don’t know how to talk to customers

Abhinandan- slowly-slowly you learned that skill

Kamal- yes, I don’t even know the name of products that these are called teddy but I

Abhinandan- and moreover you are to from this place, it must be so hard for you to
talk these local people.

Kamal- Yes, I am from Punjab, yes it was hard for me to talk to local customers

Abhinandan - Lets move to our next question Did you had any backup plan when you
started this business? Or you were confident.

Kamal- if this fails then I have to do something else it means I had to do something,
my salon was sold out I had no other option I had to do something else, my cousin
brother was helpful he helped me a lot

Abhinandan- So your brother supported you?

Kamal - Yes he supported me.

Abhinandan- You had a full motive that you have to work

Kamal- Yes

Abhinandan- That’s good I love to here this from you,

Now let’s move to next question Who inspired you to develop this business? Who was
your inspiration

Kamal- I had only one dream, only my younger brother I have to take him forward, I
wanted to make his life, I have been working hard for my younger brother.

Abhinandan- This thing motivated you a lot and you worked hard for this dream

Kamal- Yes, what ever I will do, I will do form my brother.

Abhinandan - Let’s move to next question What challenges did you have to overcome
at the beginning of your journey?

Kamal- Yes problem comes the biggest problem was that when we put teddy bears
outside for selling and rain comes every thing gets wet and destroyed because we do
not have any place to keep out stock that was our biggest problem. Then we thought to
make a place fore these products to keep then safe, then we build up a tent. Now we
have no problem because we solved it, now if rain comes we will keep our stock in
our tents.

Abhinandan - So you solved this problems by making tents.

Kamal- Yes, and many people rooted From us in the beginning.

Abhinandan- How?

Kamal - like some people kept our product in their car and when we asked for Money
they started pushing us and then leave without giving money, this happens so many

Abhinandan- Then how you solved this problem.

Kamal- We thought that now we are here we have to make friends. There were few
people who helped us a lot to overcome this problem.

Abhinandan - Thats nice

Now let’s move to our next question What are your future plans?

Kamal - For now I have to run this business successfully, then we had a plan to go to
Shimla and set our business there next season

Abhinandan- Yes, you will be getting great market there.

Kamal- yes we will set up there or we’ll go to Kashmir.

Abhinandan - Any plan for Salon?

Kamal- Yes I had thought about that, after 3-4 years I make a salon.

Abhinandan- It was nice talking to you and thank you so much for your valuable time
we respect that, Thank you

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