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Record No.

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Dt. 02/07/2018
Navsahyadri Institute of Technology Polytechnic
Naigaon,Pune – 412213
Question Bank For Final Exam
Year : First (I SEM) Courses : ALL BRANCHES
Subject : Basic Chemistry (22102) Time: 1hr:60min
Date : 7/12/2018 Mark: 70


1) Complete transfer of one or more electrons between atoms constituting in forming………..
(a) Ionic Bond (b) Convalent Bond
(c) Co-ordinate Bond (d) Dative Bond
2) When single atom provides both electrons which are needed for completion of convalent bond then
it leads to…………………
(a) Ionic Bond (b) Convalent Bond
(c) Co-ordinate Bond (d) Dative Bond
3) Metals lose electrons from their lattice to become……...
(a) Positive Ions (b) Negative Ions
(c) Alkalies (d) Non-metals
4) In ammonium ion,electrons required between hydrogen ion and nitrogen ion are...........
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
5) Dative covalent bond is found in..........
(a) Ammonia (b) Ammonium ion
(c) Urea (d) Nitrogen
6) Pairs of outer shell electrons not used in bonding are called as ...............
(a) Valence Electrons (b) Donor Electrons
(c) Electrovalent Elements (d) Lone Pairs
7) Charge on any ion depends upon gain or loss of........
(a) Electrons (b) Protons
(c) Neutrons (d) Double covalent bond
8) Bond formed by sharing of four electons is called as.........
(a) covalent bond (b) electrovalent bond
(c) dative covalent bond (d) double covalent bond
9) For dative covalent bonding, one atom having a lone pair of electrons combines with............
(a) an electron deficient conpound (b) an expandad octet
(c) a proton of other atom (d) a neutron of other atom
10) When the bond is formed by sharing of two pairs of electrons by atoms, then the the bond is
called as.......
(a) single covalent bond (b) double covalent bond
(c) triple covalent bond (d) ionic bond
11) Neither ions nor electrons are free to move in..........
(a) liquids (b) metals
(c) ionic solids (d) all of the above
12) Metals and non-metals combine to give electronic configuration of........
(a) alkalies (b) noble gases
(c) metalloids (d) acids

13) Weak forces between molecules are called as.........

(a) Mole (b) Intermolecular Foces
(c) Intramolecular Forces (d) Extramolecular Forces
14) Noble gases exist as………….
(a) Monoatomic (b) Diatomic
(c) Polyatomic (d) None of these
15) Electrons are usually lost by……………….
(a) Metals (b) Non-metals
(c) Inert Gases (d) All of the above
16) In nitrogen molecule , number of electrons required by each nitrogen atom in outer shell
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
17) When magnesium reacts with oxygen , nature of bond formed is…………..
(a) Ionic (b) Covalent
(c) Metallic (d) Dative
18) Metals are good conductors due to…………..
(a) Ionic Lattice (b) Crystalline Lumps
(c) Mostly Solids (d) Delocalized Electrons
19) Physical properties of bonding are influenced by bonding between…………..
(a) Atoms (b) Ions
(c) Molecules (d) All of the above
20) Conduction of electricity in metallic bonding is due to the presence of ………..
(a) Protons (b) Lattice
(c) Delocalized Electrons (d) Nucleus
21) Attempt in ionic bond formation is …………
(a) To get rid of excess electrons (b) To attain configuration of noble gases
(c) To avoid further reaction (d) All of the above
22) When covalent bond is formed between hydrogen atom & a very electronegative atom , then it is
known as……..
(a) Ionic Bond (b) Hydrogen Bond
(c) Co-ordinate Bond (d) All of the above
23) Metal atoms ……..
(a) Lose their outer electrons (b) Become positively charged
(c) Become negatively charged (d) Both (a) & (b)
24) Nitrogen molecule is an example of…………..
(a) Single covalent bond (b) Double covalent bond
(c) Triple covalent bond (d) Single co-ordinate bond
25) Regular arrangement in which atoms are closely packed together is called a…….
(a) Tetrahedral Structure (b) Lattice
(c) Crystal lattice (d) None of the above
26) Representation of bond by a single , double or triple line is done in……….
(a) Metallic Bond (b) Co-ordinate Bond
(c) Covalent Bond (d) Ionic Bond
27) Covalent compounds are……………..
(a) Good conductors of electricity (b) Non conductors of electricity
(c) Poor conductors of electricity (d) None of the above
28) Resulting a loss of electrons forms…………
(a) Anodes (b) Cathodes
(c) Negative ions (d) Positive ions
29) Molecules which have permanent dipole are known as ………
(a) Polar (b) Dipolar
(c) Non-polar (d) Tripolar

30) Electrovalent bond is another name of ………..

(a) Metallic bond (b) Covalent bond
(c) Ionic bond (d) Co-ordinate bond
31) When molecule is formed by chemical bonding then……….
(a) Nucleus of combining atoms participate
(b) Valence electrons of combining atoms participate
(c) Valence electrons & inner cell electrons participate
(d) None of the above
32) Which statement is incorrect for metallic bond ?
(a) There is attraction between delocalized electrons & atomic kernel
(b) Directional property is shown by metal
(c) Delocalized electron can change their position easily in crystal
(d) Explanation of metallic bond can be given by ‘Electron Sea Model’
33) Which of the following characteristic does not possess by the metal ?
(a) Luster (b) Ductility
(c) Increase in conductance by increase in temperature (d) Malleability
34) On which factor, conductance of metals depends?
(a) Ions (b) Delocalized electrons
(c) Atomic kernel (d) Number of Atoms
35) The difference between the number of atoms in a unit cell of a BCC crystal & an FCC crystal
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 6
(Reason : The number of atoms per unit cell in BCC crystal is 2. The number of atoms per unit cell in FCC
crystal is 4. So difference is 4 – 2 = 2.)
36) When partial positive end of one molecule is attracted weakly to partial negative end , then the
force between them is …………
(a) Electrostatic force (b) Dipole – dipole interaction
(c) Ionic Bond (d) None of the above
37) Tendency of atoms to acquire 8 electrons in their valence shell is ………
(a) Octet rule (b) Duplet rule
(c) Triplet rule (d) All of the above
38) To form anion , non-metal atom……….
(a) Looses electrons (b) Gains electrons
(c) Looses protons (d) Gains protons
39) When two identical atoms share electron pairs then the bond formed is ………….
(a) Non-polar covalent bond (b) polar covalent bond
(c) double covalent bond (d) Ionic bond
40) Crystal lattice is actually…………
(a) Sum of points (b) Array of points
(c) Lines of points (d) Triangles of points
41) In crystal lattice , particles are arranged in ………….
(a) Two dimensions (b) Four dimensions
(c) Three dimensions (d) Single dimensions
42) Unit cell is the smallest building unit of ………
(a) Crystal Lattice (b) Liquids
(c) Gases (d) None of the above
43) Which of the following is an amorphous solid ?
(a) Diamond (b) Glass
(c) Sodium Chloride (d) None of the above
44) The sharp melting point of crystalline solids is due to …..
(a) A regular arrangement of constituent particles observed over a short distance in the crystal lattice
(b) A regular arrangement of constituent particles observed over a long distance in the crystal lattice
(c) Same arrangement of constituent particles in different directions
(d) Different arrangement of constituent particles in different directions
45) Solids which have array of positive & negative ions arranged in a characteristic pattern
throughout the crystal lattice are known as ……….
(a) Ionic solids (b) Covalent solids
(c) Molecular solids (d) Metallic solids
46) The lattice site in pure crystal cannot be occupied by…………
(a) Molecule (b) Ion
(c) Electron (d) Atom
47) The co-ordination number of BCC structure is………..
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 2 (d) 12
48) Substances which alter the rate of chemical reaction without undergoing any chemical change are
called as ………
(a) Polymers (b) Catalysts
(c) Products (d) None of the above
49) The Process in which catalyst has a different phase to a reaction mixture is known as ………
(a) Homogeneous catalysis (b) Hypergeneous catalyst
(c) Heterogeneous catalysis (d) Hypogeneous catalyst
50) Substances that reduce the effectiveness of a catalyst are called……
(a) Promoters (b) Autocatalysts
(c) Inhibitors (d) None of the above
51) A catalyst cannot affect……..
(a) Products (b) Rate of reaction
(c) Reactants (d) Both (a) & (b)
52) When catalyst & reactants are in the same phase , then it is called………
(a) Homogeneous catalysis (b) Heterogeneous catalysis
(c) Autocatalysis (d) Catalysis
53) When a product acts as a catalyst then it is called as……….
(a) Self catalysis (b) Positive catalysis
(c) Autocatalysis (d) Negative catalysis
54) In solids……….
(a) Particles can move easily (b) Particles cannot move
(c) Particles slide one another (d) Non of above
55) If a compound is in liquid phase then……….
(a) It assumes shape and volume of container (b) It has fixed volume and shape
(c) It has fixed volume and takes shape of container (d) Non of above
56) Diamond has crystalline solid structure because of……….
(a) Carbon atoms arranged in random manner (b) Carbon atoms arranged in long chains
(c) Carbon atoms arranged in fixed geometrical pattern (d) Non of above
57) In molecular solids the atoms or molecules are hold by……….
(a) Electrostatic forces of attraction (b) Attraction between positive kernel and electrons
(c) Shared electron pairs (d) Van der waals forces
58) The cryatal lattice of NaCl exhibits the type of ……….
(a) Face centered structure (b) Body centered structure
(c) Hexagonal closed packed structure (d) simple cubic structure
59) Face centered cubic structure contains……….
(a) 8 atoms at 8 corners (b) 8 atoms at 8 corners with 1atom at centre
(c) 8 atoms at 8 corners with 6 at 6 planes (d) Alternating layers of six atoms
60) Metallic bond in metals decide……….
(a) Metallic luster and hardness (b) Malleability and strength
(c) Electrical and thermal conductivity (d) All of above
61) Presence of acid enhances the hydrolysis of cane sugar is example of ……….
(a) Auto catalyst (b) Catalyst inhibitor
(c) Negative catalyst (d) Positive catalyst

62) In certain reactions one of the product alters rate of chemical reaction is ……….
(a) Catalyst promoter (b) Auto catalyst
(c) Negative catalyst (d) Catalyst inhibitor
63) Combination of hydrogen and oxygen gas in presence of spongy platinum is ………..
(a) Self catalysis (b) Homocatalysis
(c) Heterocatalysis (d) None of above


1. Corrosion is the example of……
(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction
(c) Electrolysis (d) Erosion
2. The following factors play vital role in corrosion process……
(a) Temperature (b) pH
(c) Both(a) and (b) (d) None of these
3. Corrosion can be prevented by……..
(a) Alloying (b) Tinning
(c) Galvanizing (d) All of the above
4. Oxidation-reduction reaction involves…..
(a) Protons (b) Neutrons
(c) Electrons (d) None of the above
5. When a buried pipeline is protected from a corrosion by connecting to magnesium blocks ,then it is
called as….
(a) Galvanizing (b) Sacrificial cathodic protection
(c) Sacrificial anodic protection (d) Any of these
6. During wet corrosion…..
(a) Anodic part undergoes corrosion (b) Cathodic part undergoes corrosion
(c) Both parts undergo corrosion (d) None of the above
7. Wet corrosion can occur only if…….
(a) Oxygen is present in contact with the metal (b) Air is present in contact with the metal
(c) Liquid medium is in contact with the metal (d) None of the above are present
8. During wet corrosion in acidic environment ,…..
(a) Oxygen evolution occurs (b) Oxygen absorption occurs
(c) Hydrogen evolution occurs (d) Hydrogen absorption occurs
9. During galvanic corrosion, more noble metal acts as….
(a) Anode (b) Cathode
(c) Anode and cathode (d) Corroding metal
10. In waterline corrosion, the maximum amount of corrosion takes place….
(a) Along the line just above the level of water meniscus (b) Along a line at the level of water minus
(c) Along the line just below the level of water minus (d) The bottom of the vessel
11. Galvanizing is the process of coating iron with…..
(a) Tin (b) Zinc
(c) Copper (d) Nickel
12. Anodic coating protects the underline metal….
(a) Due to its noble character (b) Sacrificially
(c) Due to both(a) and (b) (d) None of the above
13. Difficult to monitor and very dangerous form of corrosion is….
(a) Galvanic (b) Pitting
(c) Crevice (d) Stress
14. Food stuff containers should not be…
(a) Galvanized (b) Electroplated
(c) Tinned (d) All of these

15. The chemical composition of lust is….

(a) Fe2O3 . H2O (b) Fe3O4 . XH2O
(c) Fe2O3 . XH2O (d) Fe3O4 . H2O
16.Pitting corrosion is due to…
(a) Breaking of the oxide layer of the metal (b) Acidity
(c) Stress in the metal (d) All of the above
17. The metal at the top of electrochemical series is….
(a) Most stable (b) More nobel
(c) Less active (d) Most active
18. Differential aeration corrosion takes place due to….
(a) Difference in air concentration (b) Difference in air and humidity concentration
(c) Hydrogen evolution (d) oxygen absorption
19.Which oxide film is more protective ?
(a) Porous (b) Non-porous
(c) Volatile (d) None of the above
20.The metals which do not form adherent oxide film on the metal surfaces are…..
(a) Gold and Silver (b) Iron and Steel
(c) Copper and Aluminium (d) Nickel and Titanium
21.The corrosion by the mechanism of oxygen absorption can occur if…..
(a) Electrolyte is neutral or alkaline (b) Electrolyte is neutral or acidic
(c) Electrolye is neither neutral nor acidic (d) None of the above
22. During differential aeration type corrosion, the corrosion…
(a) Occurs at more oxygenated part (b) Occurs at less oxygenated part
(c) Is uniform throughtout (d) Occurs at the cathodic part
23. In acidic environment, the electrochemical corrosion occurs with the replacement of H+ ion by the
(a) Fe (b) Cu
(c) Fe and Cu (d) None of the above
24.The process of attaching more reactive metal to an iron object that will act as an anode is
(a) Cathodic protection (b) Erosion protection
(c) Sacrificial protection (d)None of these
25. Which oxide film is non-protective?
(a) Stable porous (b) Stable non-porous
(c) Volatile (d) Both (a) and (c)
26.The corrosion of metal by galvanic cell action takes place on account of the impurities of…..
(a) Nobel metal (b) Less active metal
(c)More active metal (d) None of these
27. Corrosion of a metal surrounded by moist air or natural solution containing dissolved oxygen, is
an example of…..
(a) Galvanic cell corrosion (b) Dry cell corrosion
(c) Concentration cell corrosion (d) None of the above
28. When two dissimilar metals are electrically connected, then more active metal becomes…
(a) Cathode and gets protected (b) Cathode and undergoes corrosion
(c) Anode and gets protected (d) Anode and undergoes corrosion
29. A steel screw in a brass marine hardware corrodes due to…
(a) Galvanic corrosion (b) Pitting corrosion
(c) Oxide film formation (d) Oxidation corrosion
30. Corrosion can be prevented by….
(a) Using pure metal (b) Alloy formation
(c) Cathodic protection (d) All of the above
31. In the corrosion process by evolution of hydrogen…
(a) The cathodes have large area tham anodes (b) The anodes have larger area than cathodes
(c) The area of anodes and cathodes are same (d) None of the above

1.Electrolyte can conduct electricity, because _________

a.molecules have unpaired electrons b.molecules have paired electrons

c.molecules have loosely held electrons d. molecules have ions

2. Which one of the following is electrolyte?

a. benzene b. choloroform

c. sodium chloride d. sugar

3. Which one of the following is not a weak electrolyte ?

a. NH4OH b. KOH

c. CH3COOH d. H2CO3

4. Which of the following is not a strong electrolyte ?

a. NaCl b. NaOH


9. The electrode potential is the tendency of metal ________

a. to gain the electron b. To loose electron

c. either loss and gain of electron d. None of the above

10. An electrochemical cell converts ________

a. electrical energy in chemical energy b. chemical energy into electrical energy

c. chemical energy into heat energy d. electrical energy into heat energy

11. Electrochemical cell is also known as ________

a. electrolytic cell b. galvanic cell

c. Daniel cell d. none of these

12. The passage of electricity in the Daniel cell , when zinc and copper electrodes are connected is
from _______

a. cu to zn in the cell b. cu to zn outside the cell

c. zn to cu in the cell d. zn to cu outside the cell

13. In galvanic cell, electrical energy is generated at the expense of ____

a. free energy b. Chemical energy

c. heat energy d. Kinetic energy

14. Chemical energy is converted directly in electrical energy in ______

a. battery b. An electrical power plant

c. an electrolytic d. An automobile engine

15. Sodium chloride is called and electrolyte, because ___________

a. its molecules is made up of electrically charged particle

b. it is decomposed , when an electric current is passed through it

c. it breaks up into ions , when current is passed through it

d. it is ionizes , when fused or dissolved in proper solvent

16. Sulphuric acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid, because _______

a. its dissociate completely

b. it has high molecular weight

c. acetic acid is strongly ionized

d. none of these

17. A is weaker acid than B , if _____

a. A is more easily decomposed than B , when heated

b. A is not corrosive as B

c. A is less ionized than B , when melted or dissolved in a solvent

d. A is displaced from its salt by B

18. sodium chloride is a bad conductor of electricity because _____

a. it contains only molecules

b. it does possess ions

c. the ions present in it are not free to move

d. it does not contain free molecules

19. An electrolysis cell uses electrical energy to drive _____

a. chemical reaction b. physical reaction

c. no reaction d. none of the above

20. Oxidation – Reduction involves _____

a. transfer of neutrons

b. transfer of protons

c. transfer of electrons

d. none of the above

21. The process use to deposit one metal over another metal is called as _____

a. electrolysis b. Electroplating

c. electrorefining c. Electrometallurgy

22. voltaic cells generate electricity by _______

a. spontaneous redox reaction

b. non-spontaneous redox reaction

c. sublimation reaction

d. Thermochemical reaction

23. Voltaic cell is also known as ____

a. electrochemical cell and Galvanic cell

b. electrolytic cell and galvanic cell

c. voltameter and electrolytic cell

d. none of the above

24. when copper is planted on steel , anode is made up of _______

a. steel b. Oxygen

c. copper d. Carbon

25. By losing one or two electrons , atoms of metal are _______

a. oxidized b. Reduced

c. hydrogenated d. Anodized

26. In electrorefining of copper , 1% of little H2SO4 is added to electrolyte ____

a. to increase its conductivity

b. to decrease its conductivity

c. to increase its dilution

d. to increase its concentration

27. which one of the following will be a good conductor of electricity ?

a. pure water b. Impure water

c. chloroform d. None of these

28. In electrolysis the process of oxidation occurs at _______

a. anode b. Cathode

c. both anode and cathode d. In electrolytic solution

29. Which of the following is the definition of oxidation ?

a. gain of electron

b. loss of electron

c. addition of hydrogen

d. removable of oxygen

30. when the current is passed through an electrolytic solution , which of the following process will
occur ?

a. anions move towards anode and cations move towards a cathode

b. cations and anions both move towards anode

c. cations and aninon both move towards cathode

d. anions moves towards cathode and cations moves towards anode

31. which of the following conduct electricity due to migration of electrons only ?

a. copper metal b. Fused NaCl

c. solid NaCl d. Solution of NaCl

32. The substance through which electric current can pass are called _____

a. insulators b. Conductors

c. cathode d. Anode

33. metallic conductor conduct electricity _____

a. with chemical change b. Without any chemical change

c. both (a) and (b) d. None of these

34. The flow of the electrons is called as _______

a. electrolyte b. Electric current

c. cathode d. Anode

35. A substance which in molten state or in solution form allows electric current to pass through it is
called as __________
a. electrolyte b. Insulators

c. conduction d. None of these

36. In electrochemical cell , the electrode at which reduction occurs is called __

a. anode b. Ionization

c. electrolyte d. Electrolysis

37. The process in which an ionic compound when fused or dissolved in water splits up into charged
particles is called as ______

a. electrolysis b. Ionization

c. hydration d. Conduction

38. The metallic conductors in contact with the solution are called ____

a. insulator b. Electrode

c. thermochemistry d. Environmental chemistry

39. The branch of chemistry which deals with the relationship between electricity and chemical
reaction is called as ________

a. chemical kinetics b. electrochemistry

c. thermochemistry d. environmental chemistry

40. Greater the value of standard reduction potential of species indicates ____

a. greater its tendency to accept electron

b. lesser tendency to accept electron

c. greater tendency to lose electron

d. none of these

( Hint :- since reduction is gain of electron .)

41. According to faraday’s first law of electrolysis , the amount of any substance deposited at the
electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of _____

a. voltage drop b. Resistance

c. electricity passed d. Conductivity 42. Electrochemical

equivalent may be defined as the ______of the substance deposited by the passage of 1 coulomb of

a. volume b. Weight

c. density d. Quantity

43. 1 Faraday is ______

a. 1 coulomb b. 1000 coulomb

c. 5900 coulomb c. 96500 coulomb

44. According to Faraday’s second law , weight of different substance deposited by the passage of
same quantity of electricity is proportional to their ______

a. chemical equivalent weight b. Current supply

c. electrochemical equivalent weight d. Volume

45. In Daniel cell, porous partition act as ________

a. cathode b. Anode

c. salt bridge d. Electrolyte

46. Daniel cell is example of _________

a. primary cell b. Secondary cell

c. fuel cell d. None of these

47. secondary cells ___________

a. cannot be recharged and reused b. can be recharged and reused

c. have short life d. have irreversible chemical reaction

48. The equivalent weight of a substance can be calculated with the help of _______

a. faraday’s first law b.faraday’s second law

c. Daniel cell d. Battery

49. Electrorefining of the metal is _____________

a. purification of metal b. extraction of metal

c. fabrication of metal d. metallurgy of metal

50. electroplating is done to achieve __________

a. decoration b. corrosion resistance

c. improving conduction d. all of the above


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