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State Islamic Institude of Kediri

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement
For The Bachelor’s Degree of English Education





In the introduction contains answer what and why the research were
conducted, this chapter presents the research background, research problem,
research objective, research limitation, research significances, and definition of
the key terms.
A. Research Background
With the increasing human population, the fewer job vacancies, to
overcome the difficulties of life as a human being there must be efforts to
make ends meet. In Indonesia, there are many people who find it difficult to
find a job, but with an effort, someone can find success.
Not only in Indonesia, in America or abroad there are also many
people who are in distress, as in the movie that will be examined at this time,
the main character in The Greatest Showman movie had a hard life since
childhood, with his efforts, he can be successful in his circus field. What
makes it special so that researcher is interested in researching this movie is
this movie based on a true story that can motivate ourselves, the main
character is also never give up and tough even though in a less fortunate
Almost every movie is made for entertainment purposes. With the
increasing activity and busyness of a person's life, especially among big city
residents, the impact is that the stress level is getting higher from day to day,
so the need for entertainment is increasing. One of the most popular means of
entertainment around the world is movie. By offering a variety of adventures
that can be shared personally with each audience, watching movies can be
called the most effective entertainment medium to relieve the fatigue that is
felt due to dense and monotonous daily activities.
The Greatest Showman is a movie based on the true story of the
history of a person named Phineas Taylor Barnum (P.T Barnum). His death
in 1891, the Washington Post described him as the most recognizable
American who ever lived. This movie is very motivating for ourselves.
Phineas Taylor Barnum is an American theater performer whose
intelligence, shrewdness and Yankee imagination transformed the
entertainment business. He was one of the first entrepreneurs to realize the
value of publicity inside and outside show business.
Phineas Taylor Barnum can turn previously insulted and marginalized
odd people into famous and successful people, Barnum is very smart and
unyielding so researcher is interested in analyzing the film ”The Greatest
Showman”. This research aims to analyze “Barnum’s Ways To Solve His
Conflicts In The Greatest Showman Movie”.
B. Research Problem
In this research, the reseacher want to know more as the research
problem stated:
1. What are the condition of Barnum’s life in The Greatest Showman
2. How are Barnum’s ways to find out the solution from economy crisis
in The Greatest Showman movie?
C. Research Objective
This research aims to investigate, there are the objectives of this
1. To describe the condition of Barnum’s life in The Greatest Showman
2. To describe Barnum’s ways to find out the solution in The Greatest
Showman movie.
D. Research Limitation
To make this research be clear, there are some point in it. This research
focuses on 1 character, that is Barnum and focuses on ways to survive of
Barnum in his life.
E. Research Significance
This research is give information about how to survive in the poor
conditions in The Greatest Showman movie. This movie can motivate
someone’s life and it can be a good example for readers to be grateful for
everything. The researcher wants some of the people can get good example
they are:
1. Researcher
This research can provide a good examples or good motivation for
parents, teachers, students or children. The researcher hope that this
research is useful for readers and can increase creativity.
2. Reader
This research provides information about the ways a person
survives in poor conditions. It can motivate someone’s life and it can be a
good example for all of us to be grateful for everyting. The students can
imitate Barnum's attitude.
3. Next researcher
This research can also be a reference for the next researcher. The
researcher hopes that after reading this research, in the future next
researcher can improve the best and better than previous studies.
F. Definition of Keyterms
Definition of keyterm is a term that serves as a key, as to the meaning
of another word, a sentence, passage, or the like. There are some terms in this
research that explained in order to the reader understand:
1. Survive
Survive is an uncertain condition faced by a person or group of
people in an area that is foreign and isolated to the person or group who is
experiencing it. In this research the term survive refer to P.T Barnum (the
main character).
2. Yankee
The meaning of Yankee is a derogatory term used to describe
Americans by the Brits, Canadians, Australians and the like; but in the
USA used to define an American from the Northern States in the USA,
such as New England and the Mid-West. In this research Barnum is a
native American.
3. Hard Life
Hard life is a life that is filled with challenges or difficulties.
Perhaps the person was born into non-ideal circumstances, had a trying
childhood/home life while growing up. In this research, Barnum was
experiencing this kind of condition (hard life) since he was a child.
4. Barnum
Phineas Taylor Barnum, American showman who employed
sensational sorts of presentation and exposure to popularize such
amusements as the public museum, the musical live performance, and the
3-ring circus. He is the founder of Phineas Taylor Barnum was born on
July 5, 1810, and died on April 7, 1891.

This chapter, present the theories needed to support this research.

Researchers divide the theory into several points. They are:

A. Poor Condition/Poverty
The problem of poverty is considered as part of an important problem
that has a major influence on individual and social life. 1 Poverty is a life
problem that has long been faced by humans. Various social rulers and
systems are unable to provide a way out of these of rampant crimes and
conflicts between humans in the middle of our lives.
According to Sudaryanto dan Rusastra states that the criteria of poverty
1. most of them are living in rural areas
2. their family size are bigger than the average
3. their main source of income is agricultural sector
4. lack of resources
5. low quality of human resource
6. low income
7. most of income is used for basic needs
8. tend to have food insecurity.2
B. Theory of Survive
According to Resmi Setia states that a survival strategy is a series of
actions chosen by standards by individuals and households who are middle-
down in socio-economic terms. Through a strategy undertaken by a person,
one can increase income through the use of other sources or reduce expenses
through reducing the quantity and quality of goods or services.3
Everyone has their own level of hard life. Some people feel troubled
and miserable in just one day, while others can be troubled and miserable for
months or even years. Even over time, the feeling of being stuck in this
situation can increase when nothing can be done or nothing has changed at
Mahmud Ahmad Sa’id al-Athrasy, Hikmah di Balik Kemiskinan, (jakarta: Qisthi Press, 2013)
Sudaryanto, T dan I.W. Rusastra. Kebijakan Strategi Usaha Pertanian Dalam Rangka Peningkatan
Produksi dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan. Bogor, 27-28 Juni 2006.
Resmi Setia, Gali Tutup Lubang Itu Biasa: Strategi Buruh Menanggulangi Persoalan dari Waktu
ke Waktu. Bandung: Yayasan Akatiga.
Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing
data. Developing research methods is an integral part of research design. This
capter consists of five elements, research design, data sources, data collection and
data analysis.
A. Research Design
Research design is a plan or strategy for conducting research. Research
design refers to the overall strategy used to carry out research that defines a
concise and logical plan for addressing established research questions. It is
necessary to obtain reliable and useful information. To find out what design
the researcher should take, the researcher must first look at the research
problem. As stated in the formulation of the research problem, this research
was conducted to describe Barnum’s ways to get out from the hard life in The
Greatest Showman movie and also his condition.
This research uses a qualitative method because qualitative method are
in line with this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative methods
in this Movie. Qualitative research is data in the form words, schemes and
images. The type of the research used descriptive qualitative using content
analysis.4 So, qualitative research is descriptive because the result of the
analyzed data is phenomenon description, not numerals or coefficients about
variable correlations. The writer collects the data trough observation toward
the movie then comes up with a theory to account the data. Then, the writer
looks for the hypothesis or theories which can explain the data collection.
B. Data Source
In this research data source devided into two type, first is primary data
source and second is secondary data source.
a. Primary data source
Primary data is data in the research process from the original
source by using appropriate data collection. 5 Primary data is the main
data obtained from soft file movies, words, dialogues, acting and
sentences. This is the original data source and basic of research. In this
research, the primary data source derived from The Greatest Showman

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D (Bandung : Alfabeta, 2006)
Safi’i, Asrop. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. (Surabaya : Elkaf, 2005) page : 141
b. Secondary data source
Secondary data is data that is compiled but not by the writer or
data in the from of documents, for example, the articles, supporters,
geographical data, and so on.6 In other word, secondary data source is
the data which is support and complite the primary data source.
Secondary data sources are taken from many books or e-book and
journal. The data also taken from internet website.
C. Instruments
A research instrument is a tool used to obtain, measure, and analyze
data from subjects around the research topic. A proper instrument is
important for a researcher in doing a research before collecting any data.
The instrument of the research proposal is the researcher himself.
Researcher watched and understood the movie of The Greatest Showman
many times and the researcher also find out information about the movie
including, author, duration, script, etc. Researcher use tools such as laptop,
smartphone and headset. The researcher also use other sources from several
books, journals, articles, and some information related to the theory to
support the analysis.
D. Data Collection
The researchers use library research to collect data. Data is divided into
two, primary and secondary data source. Primary data is taken from the
Greatest Showman movie. Secondary data is every source of literature and
theories are taken from several books and journals. In this research, the
researcher use documentation which is formed as writing by doing library
research. Some steps there are: selecting The Greatest showman movie,
watching the movie, reading the script, try to find the theories which are
support this research.
E. Data Analysis
Data analysis is the steps or procedures used by a researcher to analyze
the data that has been collected as something that must be passed before
making conclusions. As for the stages of data analysis in this research, the
researcher used the taking notes. The stages are :
1. Watching and learning whole the Greatest Showman movie and
supported by reading the biography of the main character.

2. Classification of ways of survival to success from the Greatest
Showman movie.
3. Take notes.
4. Describing the data.
5. Making conclusion based on data analysis.

Al-Athrasy, Mahmud Ahmad Sa’id, Hikmah di Balik Kemiskinan, Jakarta: Qisthi

Press. 2013

Edi Suharto, Membangun Masyarakat Memberdayakan Rakyat: Kajian Strategis

Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pekerjaan Sosial, cet. 4
Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2010.

Resmi Setia. Gali Tutup Lubang Itu Biasa: Strategi Buruh Menanggulangi
Persoalan dari Waktu ke Waktu. Bandung: Yayasan Akatiga. 2005.

Safi’i, Asrop. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Surabaya : Elkaf. 2005.

Sudaryanto, T dan I.W. Rusastra. Kebijakan Strategi Usaha Pertanian Dalam

Rangka Peningkatan Produksi dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan. Bogor.

Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung Alfabeta.


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