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Access practice instructions – Hogwarts – Part 1

Course Name   Business Information System (ISYS2109)   Sem   03. 2021 
Course Leader    Tran Thuc Yen Week   10
Time limit: 15 minutes
Key takeaways 🔑
- Manage and format tables in Access.
- Design an informative report.
Instruction 📑
TABLES (10 mins)
1. Rename the two following tables:  
a. House to HogwartHouses 
b. Students to HogwartStudents 

2. Check the primary key fields and relationships for all tables provided and make changes if

3. In table HogwartsStudents, add a new field called Blood Type field. For this field, make
a drop down list that has these following options “Muggle”, “Half-blood” and “Pure-blood”. After
that, enter the data as following:

REPORT (5 mins)
1. Create a report that shows list of students based on the HogwartsStudent table.

SAS Peer Workshop ISYS2109 - Business Information System

2. Please include the date in the report header and your name and student ID in the page
(Please be aware of the difference between report header and page header as well as report
footer and page footer)

3. Take a screenshot of your report and post it into Teams room chat and compare with your

Done with time to spare? Discuss with your friends about your solution! We’ll come
back to the main room soon to solve the problems together.

SAS Peer Workshop ISYS2109 - Business Information System

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