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Trigonometry is a very different subject than most of the math we encounter in our lives, and it takes a

different way of thinking to understand. Trigonometry simply means calculations with triangles (that’s
where the tri comes from). It is a study of relationships in mathematics involving lengths, heights and
angles of different triangles. The field emerged during the 3rd century BC, from applications of geometry
to astronomical studies. Trigonometry spreads its applications into various fields such as architects,
surveyors, astronauts, physicists, engineers and even crime scene investigators.

Trigonometry is based on the principle that “If two triangles have the same set of angles then their sides
are in the same ratio”

Trigonometric Functions

sin A = Perpendicular / Hypotenuse

cos A = Base / Hypotenuse

tan A = Perpendicular / Base

cot A = Base / Perpendicular

sec A = Hypotenuse / Base

cosec A = Hypotenuse / Perpendicular.

Developed primarily for the purpose of navigation, trigonometry is mainly used by satellite systems and
in the field of astronomy. It is also used in aviation and naval industries, land surveys, oceanography and
cartography. The objective of using trigonometry is to measure distances accurately.

There are many direct applications of trigonometry in activities of daily life. One such application is a
mechanical structure like a building or a bridge. The blueprint of its plan involves a lot of trigonometric
concepts where the necessary measurements are done. Trigonometry makes it possible to determine
unknown angles and sides. This is very important for drafting a plan as shown in the sketch below.
Trigonometry finds a perfect partner in modern architecture.

The angle of elevation is a trigonometric property used in many sectors. Height, distance and surface
area, all these need the application of this property.

Trigonometry is also used in music production. While conducting sound waves, the trigonometric
identities sine and cosine come into play, where the basic laws of sine and cosine have to be applied.
Trigonometry is also a silent guest when conductors or producers measure sound waves. Sometimes,
panels are used to make sound waves bounce off walls.

Trigonometry plays an important role in computer imaging. It is broadly used to generate detailed and
complex images using a computer. The process of generating such detailed images is known as
triangulation. In this process, several trigonometric concepts are used.
One of the most famous and important applications of trigonometry is measuring the height of
mountains. The height of the very popular Mount Everest has also been measured using the
trigonometric concept ‘trigonometry and shadows’.

Some of the other fields which use trigonometry or trigonometric functions are

Electronics, Biology, Medical Imaging (CT scan, ultrasound), Chemistry, Number Theory, Cryptology,
Metrology, Oceanology, Image Compression, Phonetics, Economics, Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical,
Civil), Computer Graphics, Cartography, Crystallography and Game Development.

Trigonometry is used in measuring the heights of mountains, towers, or buildings:

Heights of mountains tall towers can easily be found using trigonometry, If you want to find the height
of a tower measuring the horizontal distance from the base of the tower and find the angle of elevation
to the top of the tower using a sextant, then you can easily find the height of the tower, mountain or
any other thing.

Trigonometry used in construction sites:

In construction site trigonometry is used to calculate the following:

Measuring grounds lots, and fields,

Measuring ground surfaces,

Making building perpendicular and parallel,

Roof inclination and roof slopes,

Installing ceramic tiles and stones,

The height and width of the building.

light angles and sun shading.

Trigonometry used by flight engineers:

Trigonometry is used to decide the path of an airplane, from landing to take off in calculation of speed,
direction, and slope trigonometry is used. During landing and take off what angle and what speed is
perfect even when the wind is blowing is calculated using trigonometry.

Trigonometry in finding paths of moving objects:

Trigonometry is used in radar systems to calculate the direction and speed of moving objects.
Trigonometry also plays an important role in projectile motion, finding paths of bullets, finding the path
of a rocket fired, or stone thrown.

Trigonometry in physics and mathematics:

In physics and mathematics trigonometry is used in vector algebra, finding components of a vector,
cross product, calculus, waves, and oscillations, circular motions, optics.

Trigonometry in the satellite navigation system:

A satellite navigation system provides you your location on the map with help of 24 satellites in earth
orbit, in the calculation involved trigonometry is used especially the law of cosine is used to make
calculations simple.

Some more uses:

Trigonometry is also used in Astronomy, Navigation system, Surveying, Architecture, CT scans, and
ultrasounds, Number theory, oceanography, computer graphics, and in-game development.

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