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By: Kenard Ellis

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The most common output device used with computers is the monitor, which displays video
images and text. A monitor essentially consists of a screen, circuitry, a power supply, buttons to
adjust screen settings, and a casing that contains all of these components. The first monitors used
the same technology as early televisions, relying on a cathode ray tube and fluorescent screen,
but nowadays they incorporate flat panel display technology. VDT(video display terminal) and
VDU(video display unit) are alternative names for monitors.

A printer is an external hardware output device that takes the electronic data stored on a

computer or other device and generates a hard copy of it. For example, if you created a report on
your computer, you could print several copies to hand out at a staff meeting. Printers are one of
the most popular computer peripherals and are commonly used to print text and photos. The
picture is an example of an inkjet computer printer, the Lexmark Z605

Speakers are one of the most common output devices used with computer systems. Some
speakers are designed to work specifically with computers, while others can be hooked up to any
type of sound system. Regardless of their design, the purpose of speakers is to produce
audio output that can be heard by the listener.

Headphones are a hardware device that can be plugged into a computer, laptop, smartphone, mp3
player or other device to privately listen to audio without disturbing anyone in the vicinity. They
are plug-and-play devices and do not require any sort of installation before use.

A projector is an output device that projects an image onto a large surface, such as a white screen
or wall. It may be used an alternative to a monitor or television when showing video or images to
a large group of people.

Projectors come in many shapes and sizes though they are commonly about a foot long and wide
and a few inches tall.

A plotter is a computer vector graphic printer that gives a hard copy of the output based on
instructions from the system. Plotters are widely used to print designs of things such as cars,
ships and buildings on a piece of paper using a pen. Plotters are different than a printer in that
they are more precise and they are most commonly used in engineering, where precision is
mandatory. They are also more expensive than ordinary printers.
A plotter is also known as a graph plotter.

An output device is a piece of computer hardware that receives data or instructions from a
computer. Essentially, the computer interacts with the output device in some way. The most
common output devices are the monitor and printer, but there are many others. The key
distinction between an input device and an output device is that the former sends data to the
computer, whereas the latter receives data from the computer. Input and output devices that
provide computers with additional functionality are also called peripheral, or auxiliary devices.
By : Kenard Ellis
Define Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a realistic, appreciative opinion of oneself. “Realistic” means accurate and honest.
Appreciative implies positive feelings and liking. (Glenn Schiraldi, p.20, The Self Esteem

Why is Self-Esteem Important

People with low self-esteem have been shown to have an increased risk of mental illnesses such
as depression or anxiety. In fact, there are a wide range of problems which can start when a
person doesn’t value themselves. These include: abuse, poor body image, disordered eating
habits, unhealthy relationship patterns, impaired communication skills, negative thinking, and
underachievement at work or school.

Describe the Value of thinking Through your


It influence the way we think and behave, The emotions we feel each day can compel us to take
action and influence the decisions we make about our lives, both large and small

Define Value .
Values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work.

Define Emotion
Emotions are nothing but the feelings that we experience within us such as happiness, loneliness,
anger, pride, anxiety, regret, shame, guilt, excitement, love, etc depending on our experiences
and the stimuli we receive from our surroundings and people around.
Describe how defense mechanism, good physical
and social health help us to cope.

Defense mechanisms are behaviors people use to separate themselves from unpleasant events,
actions, or thoughts. These psychological strategies may help people put distance between
themselves and threats or unwanted feelings, such as guilt or shame.

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