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Determinants for the Adoption of Cloud Computing among Alaskan Nonprofit


Dissertation Manuscript

Submitted to Northcentral University

School of Business

in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of




La Jolla, California

February 2021

Approval Page
Determinants for the Adoption of Cloud Computing among Alaskan Nonprofit Organizations



Approved by the Doctoral Committee:

Doctor of Philosophy 04/14/2021 | 12:30:08 MST

Marty Crossland
Dissertation Chair: INSERT NAME Degree Held Date

Ed.D 04/14/2021 | 15:51:27 MST

Committee Member: Dr. Patricia

INSERT Steiner
NAME Degree Held Date

04/14/2021 | 12:26:07 MST

Doctor of Management

Committee Member: Robin NAME Degree Held
Butler Date


Determinants for the adoption of cloud computing among for-profit organizations have been

extensively studied. Current research has consistently supported the theoretical power of the

Technology Organizational Environmental (TOE) framework in exploring firm level factors

supporting technology acceptance theory. The purpose of this quantitative study was to provide

generalization for previous TOE studies by examining the influence of perceived benefits and

business concerns on the intention of nonprofit organizations in Alaska to adopt cloud

computing. This nonexperimental study was designed to collect a random sample of self-

reported data from an online survey completed by nonprofit organizational decision makers in

Anchorage Alaska. This study was an extension of the previous research work of Hsu et al.

(2014) replicating their study to explore finding among nonprofit organizations. Results were

consistent with existing TOE theory but not all hypotheses showed significance. The perceived

benefit reduced IT costs and reduced IT employee costs did show significant influence on the

cloud adoption intention of nonprofit organization in Anchorage Alaska. Business concerns

confidentiality, incompatibility, service outages, and vendor lock-in also showed significant

influence on adoption intention. Alaskan nonprofits desire to adoption cloud computing

technologies at a 68% rate. Their top benefit was ubiquitous access, and their top concern was

confidentiality. Video teleconferencing was their first choice for immediate upgrade. Hsu’s

research structured equation model (SEM) was validated, but not all aspects of their findings.

Future studies should not survey participants with post cards in middle of a global health

pandemic. Additionally, the standardized distribution of this sample was statistically weak with a

margin of error of 21%. This study should be repeated with a stronger sample data set.


First, I would like to thank the members of my Dissertation Committee who have been

great mentors and professors providing corrective guidance, support, patience, and

encouragement throughout this process. Special thanks also go to my brother-in-law, Bernardo

Jorge, who tirelessly labeled and stamped 2310 postcards to support this study. In addition, I

would like to extend my thanks to the nonprofit businesses of Anchorage Alaska who took the

time to complete a survey while businesses were ordered closed to preventing viral spread during

the worst global pandemic in 50 years.

I am greatly indebted to my co-workers who fulfilled my job roles and responsibilities for

over three weeks while I performed analysis for this study. I am especially grateful for business

partners, Freddy Vicente, and Larry Yingling, who patiently postponed business venture and

relinquished capital opportunities to accommodate the priority of my studies. Special honor goes

to my parents, Michael, and Malinda Williams, who rearranged their lives to watch my son

impromptu accommodating long study efforts. Thanks to my church family, Christ Temple

Apostolic Alaska, who continued divine focus and passion while their assistant pastor abdicated

events and services for sake of studies.

Finally, I would like to thank my son, Jeremiah Williams Jr, who innately and

consistently motivated me to continue the pursue this study every time I was ready to give up.

Eternal thanks to Jesus Christ my savior who gave me the passion for this pursuit.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................... 8

Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................................... 10

Purpose of the Study ................................................................................................................. 11
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................... 12
Nature of the Study ................................................................................................................... 13
Research Questions ................................................................................................................... 17
Hypotheses ................................................................................................................................ 19
Significance of the Study .......................................................................................................... 20
Definitions of Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 21
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 22

Chapter 2: Literature Review ........................................................................................................ 24

Innovation Adoption ................................................................................................................. 25

Technology Organization Environment Framework ................................................................ 27
TOE Previous Research ............................................................................................................ 29
Research Adaptation ................................................................................................................. 33
Cloud Computing...................................................................................................................... 35
Nonprofit Organizations ........................................................................................................... 41
Alaska Nonprofit Organizations ............................................................................................... 43
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 45

Chapter 3: Research Method......................................................................................................... 47

Research Methodology and Design .......................................................................................... 47

Population and Sample ............................................................................................................. 48
Instrumentation ......................................................................................................................... 49
Operational Definition of Variables ......................................................................................... 51
Study Procedures and Data Collection ..................................................................................... 57
Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 60
Assumptions.............................................................................................................................. 61
Limitations ................................................................................................................................ 62
Delimitations ............................................................................................................................. 63
Ethical Assurances .................................................................................................................... 64
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 65

Chapter 4: Findings ....................................................................................................................... 66

Validity and Reliability of the Data .......................................................................................... 66

Results....................................................................................................................................... 88
Evaluation of the Findings ...................................................................................................... 109
Summary ................................................................................................................................. 110

Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations, and Conclusions .................................................. 113


Implications ............................................................................................................................ 115

Recommendations for Practice ............................................................................................... 120
Recommendations for Future Research .................................................................................. 122
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 123

References ................................................................................................................................... 125

Appendix A: Research Databases ............................................................................................... 138

Appendix B: Previous Cloud Computing Adoption Research ................................................... 140

Appendix C: Informed Consent .................................................................................................. 145

Appendix D: Survey Introduction ............................................................................................... 148

Appendix E: Survey Questionnaire ............................................................................................ 149

Appendix F: Normality Test: Skew and Kurtosis ....................................................................... 152

Appendix G: Measurement Model Standardized Residual Covariances .................................... 153

Appendix H: Structured Equation Models Standardized Residual Covariances ........................ 154


List of Tables

Table 1 Variables for Perceived Benefits ..................................................................................... 18

Table 2 Variables for Business Concerns ..................................................................................... 18
Table 3 Research Constructs......................................................................................................... 34
Table 4 Technology Attributes ..................................................................................................... 53
Table 5 Operational Definition of Variables ................................................................................ 54
Table 6 Research Data Collection Timeline ................................................................................. 59
Table 7 Tests of Normality ........................................................................................................... 69
Table 8 Common Method Bias Test Results ................................................................................ 73
Table 9 Means and Standard Deviation of Observed Variables ................................................... 75
Table 10 EFA Total Items Variance ............................................................................................. 76
Table 11 EFA Items Matrix ......................................................................................................... 77
Table 12 Cronbach's Alpha for PB & BC Items ........................................................................... 77
Table 13 Correlation Matrix ........................................................................................................ 78
Table 14 Measurement Model Unstandardized Regression Weights .......................................... 80
Table 15 Measurement Model Standardized Regression Weights .............................................. 81
Table 16 Model Fit Summary ...................................................................................................... 84
Table 17 Structured Equation Model Unstandardized Regression Weights ................................ 86
Table 18 Structured Equation Model Standardized Regression Weights .................................... 87
Table 19 Regression Weights, Hypotheses Analysis................................................................. 100
Table 20 Standardized Regression Weights, Hypotheses Analysis ........................................... 101

List of Figures

Figure 1 Research Model .............................................................................................................. 16

Figure 2 Normal Q-Q Plots for Variables ..................................................................................... 69
Figure 3 Measurement Model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis ..................................................... 79
Figure 4 Structured Equation Model............................................................................................. 85
Figure 5 Perceived Benefits by Value .......................................................................................... 90
Figure 6 Business Concerns by Value .......................................................................................... 91
Figure 7 Intention to Migrate Current Technology to the Cloud .................................................. 93
Figure 8 Adoption Intention.......................................................................................................... 95
Figure 9 Adoption Intention by Value .......................................................................................... 95
Figure 10 Preferred Deployment Model ....................................................................................... 97
Figure 11 Preferred Pricing Mechanism ....................................................................................... 98
Figure 12 Structured Equation Model, Hypotheses Analysis ..................................................... 100
Figure 13 Adjusted SEM Model for Significance ...................................................................... 109

Chapter 1: Introduction

Instant access to current and relevant information despite a catastrophic failure or natural

disaster is one of many critical missions for the information systems pillar called availability.

Together, with confidentiality and integrity, this information systems (IS) triad ensures that

business systems and resources are accessible against an array of possible risks (Aminzade,

2018). Traditional methods to ensure data availability have included elaborate data backup

strategies, often requiring business data to be physically and remotely archived on a daily or

weekly basis. More expensive options to enforce the triad require the build-out of a hot site. Hot

sites are remote sites that mirror the infrastructure and business systems at a primary site. Hot

sites are also continually active, connected to the primary site, and are ready to become primary

at a moment’s notice. Prior to cloud computing, manual backups, cold sites, and hot sites had

been the only solution for infrastructure continuity and information assurance. According to Son

and Lee (2011), today’s cloud solutions not only provide for information assurance but have the

potential of reducing total cost of ownership (TCO) for organizations.

Cloud computing is growing indiscriminate to industry. The scalability and elasticity of

information technology (IT) driven cloud solutions is attractive to businesses of all types (Hsu et

al., 2014). Cloud computing offers tremendous possibilities for businesses of all sizes. Cloud

computing is becoming as common as a public utility (Alkhater et al., 2018; Priyadarshinee et

al., 2017).

There are three service models for cloud computing. According to the National Institute

of Standards and Technology (NIST), Software as a Services (SaaS) allows organizations to

access applications from internet-based hosts without the need to manage supporting

infrastructure (Mell & Grance, 2011). Platform as a Service (PaaS) allows organizations to place

their own customized programs and applications on internet-based hosts using that host’s

supported controls and supported programming languages (Mell & Grance, 2011). The last type

of cloud service is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which allows businesses to purchase

processing, storage, networks, and other technology resources from internet hosts (Mell &

Grance, 2011).

Organizations choosing to adopt cloud innovations first choose a cloud service model, as

governed by organizational requirements. Organizations also determine an appropriate

deployment model; hybrid, private, or public cloud (Mell & Grance, 2011). Public cloud

providers like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and IBM own and control the infrastructure hosted

for cloud solutions, while private cloud providers allow the organizations themselves to purchase

and host their own cloud solutions. As an alternative, organizations can choose a hybrid

deployment model to capitalize on the benefits of both.

Cloud solutions are so new and have evolved so fast that some organizations struggle to

establish clear grounds for accepting, implementing, and integrating cloud technologies (Hyson,

2014). Public cloud solutions can differ so much from private solutions. Detailed analysis is

required before deciding to transition to the cloud. Bandwidth levels, data management schemes,

information operation processes, data resiliency, and data security are possible negative risks

faced when implementing cloud solutions (Gangwar & Date, 2016; Hsu et al., 2014). Many

organizations still do not trust the cloud and have security concerns about the risks (Velazquez,

2014). Nevertheless, positive benefits may include cost advantage, scalability, flexibility, shared

resource access, and automatic updates and upgrades (Gangwar & Date, 2016; Hsu et al., 2014).

Despite the indecision of some organizations, the adoption of cloud computing is growing as

influenced by cost benefits, however, growth remains slow (Al-Mascati & Al-Badi, 2016; Raza

et al., 2015).

Not for profit organizations thrive on the efficient use of funding. Their philanthropic

nature would suggest that the prevailing cloud benefit of cost (Son & Lee, 2011) alone would be

a clear driver for the adoption of cloud technologies. They are often constrained by inconsistent

fiduciary support, relying on grants and other forms of financial benevolence (Blalack, 2016;

Sontag-Padilla et al., 2012). Nonprofit organizations do not often have complex information

technology (IT) infrastructure or advanced IT management staffing hierarchies (Sontag-Padilla et

al., 2012). Their philanthropic nature often constricts IT infrastructure to limited budgets. Less

money spent toward technology services could mean more money for charitable endeavors.

Empirical research on this business demographic and the diffusion of cloud computing

innovation has been investigated by only one researcher (Wright et al., 2017). Wright et al.

(2017) investigated the diffusion of SaaS solutions among nonprofit Salesforce clients, one of the

three cloud computing service models. With this research vacancy, this study focused on whether

current research findings on factors leading to cloud computing adoption among for-profit

organizations lend validity among nonprofit organizations. Current research finding on the

organizational diffusion of cloud computing continue to grow and produce consistent research

findings with decision-making theories, such as technology acceptance and innovation diffusion


Statement of the Problem

For-profit organizations are the focus of current research on factors influencing the

adoption of cloud computing (Gangwar & Date, 2016; Ghobakhloo & Arias-Aranda, 2011; Lian

et al., 2014; Lin & Chen, 2012; Oliveira et al., 2014). There is a growing need for research on the

factors leading to cloud computing adoption and their influence on business operations. Building

on the most recent findings, we find that there are several factors empirically shown to influence

the acceptance of cloud computing within organizations. Research reveals that perceived benefits

and business concerns influence the diffusion of cloud computing among for-profit business

industries (Al-Mascati & Al-Badi, 2016; Hassan et al., 2017; Hsu et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2018;

Rohani & Hussin, 2015). Previous findings have also established cost and security as common

factors shown to influence organizational support for adopting cloud computing.

The problem to be addressed by this study was the lack of external validity for cloud

computing adoption factors among nonprofit organizations (Wright et al., 2017). For research in

the field to approach external validity, constructs must be supported across domains of culture,

business type, and economic prejudice, among other variances (Weerd et al., 2016). For

generalization of the technology acceptance theory, cloud computing adoption factors must also

be investigated among the nonprofit organization. Only one research study was found addressing

the factors of innovation adoption among nonprofit organizations in the United States and

globally (Wright et al., 2017). Additionally, a thorough research investigation between 2009 and

2019 revealed only two research studies on cloud computing adopting by U.S. based

organization. Nevertheless, there is an overwhelming amount of global for-profit research on this

area of study. The structure, goals, and missions of nonprofit organizations often vary from those

of profit driven organizations. This research investigated whether nonprofit factors of innovation

adoption are consistent with current factors among for-profit organizations.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study was to build on previous studies

in technology adoption theory by addressing the lack of external validity for cloud computing

adoption factors among nonprofit organizations. This study used a survey research instrument.

Findings showed an influence of for-profit cloud computing adoption factors on nonprofit

organizations. Previous researchers have suggested that nonprofit organizations be added in

future research adaptations (Wright et al., 2017). This study builds on the most recent research of

Hsu et al. (2014) utilizing one dependent variable, cloud computing adoption, and several

independent variables categorized as either a perceived benefit or a business concern. The

independent variables are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.

In accordance with established technology acceptance research practices, a survey was

conducted using the same research questionnaire from the validated research findings (Hsu et al.,

2014). The survey was sent to nonprofit organizations in Alaska and the results were used for

statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and structured equation

modeling was performed consistent with previous research. Adoption factors were analyzed

against the dependent variable of deployment models. The most common and generally accepted

research framework for this type of research, Technology Organizational Environmental (TOE),

was used consistent with Hsu et al. (2014) work and current technology acceptance research (Al-

Mascati & Al-Badi, 2016; Ghobakhloo & Arias-Aranda, 2011; Hassan et al., 2017; Hsu et al.,

2014; Kim et al., 2018; Lian et al., 2014; Lin & Chen, 2012; Oliveira et al., 2014; Rohani &

Hussin, 2015). The results of this study contributed to existing technology acceptance theory

research and provided findings with external validity for cloud computing adoption research.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Theoretical frameworks are used as guidelines for understanding research problems using

empirical research (Grant & Osanloo, 2014). Many theoretical frameworks have been developed

by information systems researchers to understand the factors that are core drivers for the

adoption of new technologies (Yuvaraj, 2016). Consistent with previous information systems

research in this field, this study used a derivative of the diffusion of innovation theory known as

technology organization environment.

Many researchers favor technology organization environment (TOE) as a predominant

theoretical framework to understanding factors influencing innovation adoption in organizations,

but there are several others of interest (Ray, 2016). Some researchers prefer the technology

acceptance model (TAM) (Alfifi, 2015) while others singularly prefer diffusion of innovations

(DOI) theory (Hyson, 2014; Polyviou & Pouloudi, 2015; Polyviou et al., 2014). Researchers

have also found promising results when combining primary theories like TOE, TAM, and DOI

together (Gangwar & Date, 2016; Hsu et al., 2014; Sabi et al., 2016; Tehrani, 2013). A few

researchers have even proposed the use of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) or actor network

theory (ANT) (Lee, 2014; Saedi & Iahad, 2013).

This study used the TOE framework. This was the framework used by Hsu et al. (2014),

whose research was validated against the new nonprofit domain (Hsu et al., 2014). Furthermore,

based on prior review of cloud computing adoption research and general technology acceptance

adoption, TOE remains the most consistently used framework for technology acceptance theory,

particularly at organizational level adoption. In this theory, “the process of technology adoption

and diffusion is understood via the organizational, environmental and the technological context”

(Ray, 2016, p. 5). The factors leading an organization to adopt a new technology are categorized

into one of the three causal contexts. For this study, we focused on the technological context

only, providing initial scope limitation for this newly investigated domain, nonprofit


Nature of the Study


This study used a survey instrument and a non-experimental research design using

quantitative statistical data analysis with structured equation modeling as the methodological

approach. This strategy was chosen for two reasons. This research decision provided consistency

with previous research work (Hsu et al., 2014). Additionally, this strategy also maintained

consistency with prior common research practices in this field of study. Tornatzky and Klein’s

(1982) literary review noted that most innovation adoption studies collected data using surveys

or interviews. This study also used a survey as previously validated by Hsu et al. (2014). Survey

questions were adapted for the Alaskan nonprofit organization domain. In like manner, the

independent variables for this study were also derived from findings in current research as

determinants experimentally supporting causation with cloud computing adoption.

A non-experimental quantitative approach provided significant statistical data from

decision maker roles within Alaskan nonprofit organizations. The use of a survey research design

provided data that was objective and quantifiable. The participants answered questions pertaining

to each of the independent variable modifiers in correlation with the dependent variable, cloud

computing adoption, as shown in the research model, Figure 1. Participants gave their opinions

on independent variables. Then they establish their current or potential adoption status as the

dependent variable along with their preferred service and deployment models. Only the

participant results from federally recognized nonprofits were used.

Research was analyzed in accordance with previous research standards on the adoption of

innovation. This research was predictive and followed deductive research strategy which tries to

find an explanation for associations between concepts. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)

addressed statistical analysis and variable relationships were addressed using structured equation

modeling (SEM). Survey items were based on a 5-point Likert scale.


Statistical results were tested for independent variable significance, bias, the direction of

the correlation coefficient, and which indicators most significantly influenced innovation

adoption. First, CFA was used to determine construct validity and reliability. Then, to test the

hypothesis, SEM modeling was used to predict the level of significance and correlation for

constructs influencing the adoption of cloud computing, the dependent variable. Latent variables

and their relationship with the dependent variable were visually depicted using SEM. Finally,

descriptive statistics and hypothesis analysis was used to summarize research results.

Figure 1 Research Model

Technology constructs emphasize the characteristics of technologies and how they

influence the diffusion of innovation (Tornatzky, 1990). As shown in Figure 1, perceived benefit

is a technology construct. There is a significant amount of literary research concerning the

correlation between an organizations’ perceived benefit, business concerns, and the diffusion

technology innovation (Al-Mascati & Al-Badi, 2016; Alshamaila et al., 2013; Gangwar & Date,

2016; Grandon & Pearson, 2004; Hassan et al., 2017; Hsu et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2018; Lian et

al., 2014; Morris & Venkatesh, 2000; Nkhoma et al., 2013; Oliveira et al., 2014; Rohani &

Hussin, 2015; Zhu, Kraemer, & Xin Xu, 2006; Zhu, Kraemer et al., 2006). Operational and

strategic advantages an organization may expect to receive from the adoption of cloud

computing technologies is determined to be a perceived benefit. The other technological

construct shown in Figure 1. (business concerns). This construct refers to organizational

perceptions of operational risks that may occur if cloud computing is adopted (Tornatzky, 1990).

The latent variables perceived benefits and business concerns along with their indicators are

listed in Figure 1, direct adaptations from those selected by Hsu.

Research Questions

Building on the foundation of previous literary research in the diffusion of cloud

computing, this study investigated the influence of perceived benefits and business concerns on

the decision to implement cloud innovations among Alaskan nonprofit organizations. The

findings of Hsu revealed that both perceived benefits and business concerns supported

significance on influencing the decision to adopt cloud computing, however, perceived benefits

showed positive influence while business concerns showed negative influence (Hsu et al., 2014).

Using the same variables, this study sought to empirically test the phenomenon, reliability, and

validity in the domain of nonprofit organizations.

Existing research has validated 6 independent variables for perceived benefits and 7

independent variables for business concerns (Hsu et al., 2014; Lian et al., 2014; Lin & Chen,

2012). The observed variables of the latent variable perceived benefits are listed and described in

Table 1. Similarly, the observed variables of business concerns are found in Table 2. With these

independent variables we investigated the questions:

Research Q1: What influence does perceived benefits have on the acceptance of cloud

computing among nonprofit Alaskan businesses?

Research Q2: How do operational business concerns influence the acceptance of cloud

computing among nonprofit Alaskan businesses?

Table 1

Variables for Perceived Benefits

Independent Variable Description

adaptability of cloud computing
1. Customizability solutions with existing company
2. Concurrent Remote Data ability to access business data
Analysis simultaneously across the internet
3. Reduce Information Systems
shortened technology deployments
Deployment Time
reduction of technology expense
4. Reduce IT Overhead
5. Reduce IT Personnel Costs reduction of technology personnel
6. Mobility capability of teleworking
(Hsu et al., 2014)

Table 2

Variables for Business Concerns

Independent Variable Description

compromise of sensitive business
1. Information Assurance
unproductive systems performance
2. Performance Assurance
3. Quality Assurance inability to guarantee quality
4. Network Assurance unproductive data transfer rates
5. Service Assurance unpredictable service outages

difficulty with integrating with

6. Legacy Systems Interoperability
existing technology
7. Service Provider Contract difficulty of the ability to switch
Flexibility service providers
(Hsu et al., 2014)

From these research questions, previous studies on determinants for technology adoption,

and the research of Hsu et al. (2014), the following indicators and hypotheses were adopted.

Research Question 1: Perceived Benefits

H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1a Perceived benefits positively influence cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1b Customizability positively influences cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1c Concurrent remote data analysis positively influences cloud computing adoption

among nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

H1d Reduced information systems deployment time positively influences cloud

computing adoption among nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

H1e Reduced IT overhead positively influences cloud computing adoption among

nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

H1f Reduced IT personnel costs positively influences cloud computing adoption among

nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

H1g Mobility positively influences cloud computing adoption among nonprofit Alaskan


Research Question 2: Business Concerns


H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among

Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2a Business concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing among

Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2b Information assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud

computing among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2c The interoperability of legacy systems negatively influence the adoption of cloud

computing among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2d Quality assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2e Network assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2f Service assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2g Performance assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud

computing among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H2h Vendor and data lock-in negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

Significance of the Study

Cloud Computing is impacting how businesses view technology by transforming IT into

an organization’s utility service such as electricity or gas instead of an expendable expense

(Buyya et al., 2009; Hsu & Chuan-Chuan Lin, 2016). Research suggests there are many factors

influencing the adoption of this utility by industries (Al-Mascati & Al-Badi, 2016; Hassan et al.,

2017; Hsu et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2018; Oliveira et al., 2014; Rohani & Hussin, 2015).

However, nonprofit organizations, who would benefit most from many of the characteristics of

cloud computing, appear to have been missed in previous studied. Utilizing the TOE as the most

frequently used framework investigating innovation adoption in organizations, this study sought

to explore external validity for determinants found, shown in Table 1 and Table 2, by Hsu et al.

(2014) in the nonprofit organization domain.

Definitions of Key Terms

Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is on-demand access to network or internet hosted

organizational resources through a shared pooling model on which consumers may share

backend computing architecture or information systems through a configurable end user

interface from which computing technologies can be dynamically provisioned or

deprovisioned without interactions from the hosting provider (Mell & Grance, 2011).

Hybrid Deployment Model. Choosing to integrate both a private deployment model

along with public deployment model as a solution for cloud computing technology (Mell

& Grance, 2011).

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The offering of full computing infrastructure, such

as virtual computers, servers, or storage devices, as products via remove delivery

methodology such as the Internet (Mell & Grance, 2011).

Nonprofit Organization. An organization federally recognized as an active 501(c)3 tax

exempt organization (

Platform as a Service (PaaS). A locally managed software application would require

hardware, an operating system, a database, web servers, middleware, and sometimes

other software. Consequently, administrators for each of these computing sub-systems are

also required for operational stability. However, under PaaS, cloud computing service

providers now offer and host these capabilities remotely (Mell & Grance, 2011).

Private Deployment Model. Organizations who choose to purchase the infrastructure

necessary to locally manage and host their own cloud computing solutions in-house (Mell

& Grance, 2011).

Public Deployment Model. Organizations who elect to allow external companies to host

all the infrastructure and services necessary to provide their cloud computing solutions

(Mell & Grance, 2011).

Software as a Service (SaaS). Software applications are delivered through remote

mediums, such as the internet, as a service. In place of installing and maintaining

software locally, it is executed through the remote medium reducing software integration

complexities and compatibility issues (Mell & Grance, 2011).


There is a need for more research on the adoption of cloud computing among nonprofit

organizations (Wright et al., 2017). While DOI provides a wonderful base for general technology

acceptance, TOE remains the most pervasive theoretical framework explaining and predicting

innovation diffusion in organizations (Ray, 2016). This research built on the work of Hsu et al.

(2014) by using already validated findings to test external validity against another domain (Hsu

& Chuan-Chuan Lin, 2016). A validated survey was distributed to Alaskan nonprofit

organizations and observed variables were statistically tested using factor analysis for dependent

variable significance. A SEM model was used to visualize the finding variable relationships.

This research adds to the existing body of cloud computing adoption research while providing

cross domain research validity.


The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study was to build on previous studies

of technology adoption theory by addressing the lack of external validity for cloud computing

adoption factors among nonprofit organizations. In this chapter, the TOE theoretical framework

and the foundational research work of Hsu et al. (2014) are together used to explore whether for-

profit determinants for computing adoption also explain nonprofit adoption intention. The

research question is whether perceived benefits and business concerns influence nonprofit

organizations as they do for-profit organizations. As a result of this question, eight hypotheses

were created in support of the construct perceived benefits and nine hypotheses were created in

support of the construct business concerns. The dependent variable is cloud computing adoption

intention. There are six independent variables for perceived benefits and seven for business

concerns. Nonprofit organizations in Anchorage Alaska completed a survey with questions

previously submitted to for-profit organizations by Hsu et al. Findings may help extend the body

of knowledge in technology innovation adoption to the domain of nonprofit organizations and

explain which factors influence their decision to adopt cloud computing technologies. In chapter

2, we investigate in greater detail cloud computing history, models, growth, advantages, and

disadvantages. We also expand on nonprofit organizations and their differences with for-profit

organization to lay a foundation for the motivation behind extending research validation to this

domain. Then innovation adoption theory is explored from its origin to the current most used

theoretical framework, TOE.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

The purpose of this study was to empirically establish whether external validity exists

between factors influencing cloud computing adoption among for-profit organizations and

factors among nonprofit organizations. Findings were expected to be similar but nonprofit

organizations operate under different organizational strategies. Wright suggested that future

research be conducted on the nonprofit domain for research resiliency (Wright et al., 2017). This

study adds to existing technology acceptance theory research while determining the relationship

for-profit adoption determinants have among nonprofit organizations who adopt cloud

computing. This study builds on the most recent research of Hsu et al. (2014) utilizing one

dependent variable, cloud computing adoption, and several independent variables categorized as

either a perceived benefit or a business concern. After communication directly with researcher

Hsu by email and analyzing the TOE framework in detail, their research was determined to

reflect Tornatzky’s design principles most directly for and ideal study (Tornatzky et al., 1990).

This literary review is a culmination of exhaustive research in technology acceptance

theory from peer reviewed sources between 2014 and 2019. In total, 44 databases were queried

and at least 656,639 results were returned, Appendix A. Nevertheless, some peer reviewed

research sources may have been omitted due to the inaccessibility of research databases, such as

those hosted by private corporations or universities.

In this chapter, we review innovation adoption theories and their related frameworks. We

look at the TOE framework in further detail. We review and summarize current research utilizing

the TOE framework and explain why TOE was chosen. A systematic process was used to

aggregate relevant research works from peer-reviewed databases worldwide. This research query

process is explained and all peer reviewed research on cloud computing adoption using the TOE

framework during the period of this study were organized using a table detailing each study’s

research scope, innovation factors, and significance in cloud computing adoption. This chapter

summarizes characteristics of the TOE framework generally accepted to typify an ideal study.

We explain the relationship of this research study to the previous research work of Hsu et al.

(2014), on which it builds. Cloud computing is defined. We analyze nonprofit organizations and

comparing them to for-profit organizational structures. Finally, we review Alaskan nonprofit

organizations and their relevance to this research study.

Innovation Adoption

Diffusion of Innovation Theory

The study of why organizations decide for or against the adoption of new technologies

begins with diffusion of innovation theory (DOI). In DOI theory researchers began to extrapolate

determinants for the diffusion of innovation. This theory has matured as other researchers have

empirically build onto its constructs (Ray, 2016).

Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology wrote on DOI theory in 1962 (Rogers,

1962). While the concept of DOI theory was used by several earlier researchers since Ratzel’s

research on trans-cultural diffusion in 1928, it was the work of Rogers that formalized it for

technology innovation theory (Rogers, 1995). The theory is grounded in the sociology discipline

and originated in anthropology, education, industrial, medical, and rural sociology. The theory

aims to understand successful and unsuccessful agents of change in transforming systems

(Rogers, 2003).

Diffusion of innovation theory focuses on how new technological innovations progress

from inception to implementation. Rogers (1995) research focuses on common factors for

adoption, understanding diffusion strategy, and predicting the possible success of implementing

new innovations. Rogers diffusion theory can be applied at firm-level, though originally

designed to focus on individual modifiers for adoption. However, for the scope of this study,

firm-level adoption decision making has been chosen over individual to maintain congruence

with the existing research this study is building on. Firm-level adoption theory is also

quantitative in general and more objective. Diffusion theory research at the individual level will

be subjective and incorporated qualitative research strategy.

Rogers (1995) research established two contexts for innovation adoption at the firm-

level: the innovation context and the organizational context. Rogers defines the innovation

context as representing the perceived attributes of an innovation. He established these attributes

to be relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability (Rogers, 1995).

Furthermore, he asserts that attributes of the innovation context can explains 49% to 87% of the

variance in rates of innovation adoption. The organizational context of DOI at the firm-level

focuses on attributes of centralization, size, slack, formalization, and interconnectedness (Rogers,


The attributes and the empirical foundation that Rogers (1995) laid in innovation

adoption theory can adequately represent the idea of innovation diffusion at an organizational

level as moderated by technological and organizational characteristics but is limited in

explaining external characteristics, environmental contexts. It was for this reason that researchers

have extended the foundation of DOI theory to incorporating environmental characteristics and

focusing more on the quantitative objectivity of firm-level innovation diffusion. The research of

Tornatzky and Fleischer has become a prominent standard incorporating firm-level DOI theory

along with an environmental context into a common framework called the technology,

organization, and environment (TOE) framework (Tornatzky & Fleischer, 1990). It is


undoubtable that the TOE framework is the most utilized framework for current research on

innovation adoption at the firm-level as shown in Appendix B.

The TOE framework is not the only context modification to DOI theory. There are at

least 19 theories used in IT adoption studies (Salahshour Rad et al., 2017). Furthermore, the

growing number of research studies on the topic each year, since 2006, demonstrates a growing

interest in the diffusion of innovation (Salahshour Rad et al., 2017). The top theories recently

used in understanding innovation adoption are technology acceptance model (TAM), diffusion of

innovations (DOI), unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), theory of

planned behavior (TPB), and technology organization environment (TOE) framework

(Salahshour Rad et al., 2017). The most used model for understanding IT adoption, TAM, tries to

explain the variances in user’ behavioral intention while isolating determinants of acceptance for

a large variety of computing technologies (Davis, 1986, 1989). Venkatesh et al. developed

UTAUT in 2003 after a comprehensive literary review in which they combined TAM with seven

other theories: theory of reasoned action (TRA), motivational model (MM), theory of planned

behavior (TPB), combination of TAM and TPB (C TAM-TPB), model of PC utilization

(MPCU), innovation diffusion theory (IDT), and social cognitive theory (SCT). Ajzen’s TPB

posits that and individual’s reaction, adoption intention, is the result of his/her behavioral

intentions, prejudices toward an innovation (Ajzen, 1991; Sharma & Mannan, 2015). The top

five theories used to explain and predict the diffusion of innovation offer only two firm-level

frameworks, DOI and TOE (Chandra & Kumar, 2018). This study was designed to understand

firm-level adoption intentions among non-profit organization in Alaska. The most popular and

comprehensive theory used by previous researchers to address this type of study is TOE.

Technology Organization Environment Framework


The TOE framework is an enterprise level theory of planned behavior divided into three

contexts of innovation adoption; technology, organization, and environment (Tornatzky et al.,

1990). The technology context describes the organizations decision making behavior through

characteristics of the technology that influence its adoption. The organizational context describes

this behavior through traits of the organization which impact adoption potential. Lastly, the

environmental context describes the arena in which an organization operates to explain its impact

on innovation diffusion. The TOE was designed to explain and predict adoption of general

technological innovations (Liang et al., 2017; Mokhtar et al., 2016).

Tornatzky et al. (1990) believe that that perceived internal and external attributes of a

technology impacts an organizations decision to adopt the technology (Al-Mascati & Al-Badi,

2016). Tornatzky’s research and Rogers (1995) DOI theory provide five common technology

characteristics that support this context: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity,

trialability, and observability (Ray, 2016; Tornatzky et al., 1990). They describe relative

advantage as the perceived advantage of using an innovation when compared to the current status

quo. The degree of integration of an innovation with an organization’s needs, expectations or

beliefs represents the compatibility of a technology. The difficulty by which an organization

associates with understanding and implementing an innovation is its complexity. Trialability of a

technology reflects the ability to use it on a trial basis. A technologies observability characterizes

the ability of a technology to be seen externally after implementation. Emerging research also

includes perceived cost and security as technology characteristics (Weerd et al., 2016). The

technology context describes both current technologies in use by the organization as well as

emerging relevant technologies (Weerd et al., 2016). An innovations compatibility has


empirically been shown to have the most significant influence on an innovation’s diffusion

(Weerd et al., 2016).

Organizational characteristics can also explain and predict an organizations persuasion

for or against the diffusion of innovation. An organizations size, managerial structure, personnel

skills, and availability of slack resources influence innovation diffusion (Aktepe & Saatcioglu,

2017). The formal and informal communications process among organizational employees also

represent organizational characteristics (Salahshour Rad et al., 2017). Along with an

organization’s size, other descriptive characteristics of an organization impacting innovation

diffusion include the organizations degree of centralization and its structure (Salahshour Rad et

al., 2017). The support of top management and an organizations readiness for innovation are also

characteristics that may explain and predict innovation diffusion (Weerd et al., 2016). Current

research revealed top management support as the most significant factor influencing innovation

diffusion (Weerd et al., 2016).

Environmental characteristics impact the diffusion of innovation. These characteristics

arise from the domain in which an organization conducts its business. The organizations

competition, industry, and governmental regulation explain and predict its decision to adopt an

innovation (Kim et al., 2018). Environmental factors are extended to include the availability of

support from the providers of an innovation (Njenga et al., 2018). Competitive pressure is the

most significant factor, according to recent research, explaining and predicting an organizations

decision to adopt an innovation (Weerd et al., 2016).

TOE Previous Research

The technology organization environment (TOE) framework has been exercised

prolifically in the IT field to explain and predict determinants for the adoption of innovation

since its design by Tornatzky in 1990. It remains the most consistently used framework for

interpreting innovation diffusion phenomena at the organizational level (Arvanitis et al., 2017;

Hsu & Chuan-Chuan Lin, 2016; Kim et al., 2018; Ray, 2016).

A systematic process was used to identify relevant articles on cloud innovation diffusion

between 2014 and 2019. First, a comprehensive key word search was performed using both

google scholar and EBSCO’s roadrunner search discovery service, filtered for scholarly peer

reviewed journals. The first search term was “cloud computing” and “adoption”. A brief initial

review of the resulting 27 journals revealed that TOE framework was the research methodology

design of choice for quantitative research on innovation diffusion. The term “TOE”,

“Tornatzky”, and “Technology Organization Environment” were used in various searches

independently and in various combinations with “cloud computing”, “innovation”, and

“diffusion” resulting in 99 journals from 1800 to 2019. Next, the resulting articles were reviewed

and sorted by research methodology. The results revealed many research designs in addition to

and in combination with the TOE framework. However, this study is designed to be discovery

within the domain of nonprofit organizations, thus, a foundational innovation theory framework

was preferred. Finally, articles incorporating the TOE framework were filtered by quantitative

analysis resulting in 27 relevant sources between 2014 and 2019 for synthetic use in this study.

Only one source was found exploring innovation diffusion among nonprofit organizations.

Ideal TOE Framework Design

In the first literary filter, previous research with the scope of cloud computing innovation

was chosen. This is the scope of this study. Then, research using quantitative analysis was

chosen. Tornatzky et al. (1990) recommends quantitative analysis implementing surveys for data

collection when using the TOE framework. The majority of previous research adaptions of the

TOE model used quantitative analysis. Finally, resulting articles were categorized by sector;

public, private, or nonprofit. The search revealed only one previous study performed on a

nonprofit organization despite a review of innovation diffusion research starting from 2006.

Appendix B presents a summary of cloud computing research from 2014 through 2019

implementing the TOE framework quantitatively along with its research sector and determinants.

A total of 18 studies were found during this period. The table also includes whether determinants

were found statistically significant in explaining and predicting the phenomenon of cloud

computing diffusion.

Several peer reviewed research papers are linked to Universities in the United States

(U.S.) due to the researcher origin, but only two research works could be found exclusively

performed on U.S. based organizations (Nkhoma et al., 2013; Wright et al., 2017). Most of cloud

computing adoption research was carried out on companies in Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia,

Canada, and Europe. The first U.S. based research finding was found analyzing research data

purchased from IBM, purported to be U.S. IT manager participants (Nkhoma et al., 2013). The

second study investigated SaaS adoption by U.S. Salesforce clients (Wright et al., 2017). In

addition to the scarcity of U.S. based cloud adoption research, only one study was found

involving nonprofit organizations (Wright et al., 2017). This was an excellent opportunity to

continue empirical research and validate findings from the international research community.

Additionally, this study adds publicly available data on U.S. based demographics to the research


The review of previous research on cloud computing adoption supported several

associations with elements of this study. Firstly, the determinant relative advantage has been

analyzed most for significant influence on the decision to adopt cloud computing. Relative

advantage, also known as perceived benefits, is the perception of an organization that adopting

the innovation of cloud computing is more beneficial that without it (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982).

However, as a technology characteristic, it is considered weak when used alone empirically. It

must be qualified with more specific constructs (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). This study used

relative advantage as a technology context characteristic but adhered to Tornatzky’s analysis

design by itemizing the construct into six factors; customization, easy analysis of data on

internet, reduced deployment time, reduced IT cost, reduced IT employee costs, and ubiquitous

access (Hsu et al., 2014). To further improve the predictive capability of relative advantage,

business concern including confidentiality, incompatibility, insufficient service quality

guarantee, internet bottlenecks, service outages, underperformance, and vendor lock-in were

added. The increase of factors improve predictability for a context (Chandra & Kumar, 2018). In

previous studies, relative advantage tends to explain, predict, and significantly influence the

decision to adopt cloud computing in organizations.

The analysis of previous research also revealed top management support as the top

analyzed organizational factor. Traits of an organization that influence its decision to adopt and

innovation are organizational characteristics (Tornatzky et al., 1990). Recent research suggests

an organizations IT capability defined by its size, resources, and personnel, significantly

influences said organizations ability to adopt new technologies (Hassan et al., 2017; Hsu et al.,

2014; Wang et al., 2016). When aggregated with the similar environmental characteristics,

named differently by previous researchers, IT capability also tied as the top organizational factor.

This was one of the organization characteristics used in this study. In previous studies, IT

capability inconsistently explains and predict the decision to adopt cloud computing as an

innovation in organizations. This may be due to the diverse domains and organization types used

in previous research. Recent cloud computing adoption research has analyzed small and medium

enterprises, hotels, the semiconductor industry, oil and gas industry, healthcare industry,

educational institutions, ERP firms, and general IT staff. However, the nonprofit domain was not

studied. This study further itemized IT capability with two independent variable constructs,

number of IT employees and annual budget for IT department. However, the organizational

context is not within the scope of this study.

The last inference from analysis of previous research revealed external pressure as the top

environmental determinant. This was determined after all research was aggregated by similar

research characteristics. This environment context refers to characteristics of the general industry

an organization exists in (Tornatzky et al., 1990). The characteristics of this context are itemized

by competitors’ pressure, government policy support, partners pressure, and regulations. This

context was not explored further because it is not within the scope of this study.

Research Adaptation

The constructs of this study are adapted from the previously validated research work of

Hsu et al. (2014). They are outlined in Table 3. Their research has been selected as a model for

this study for several reasons. First, this study was able to contact Hsu via email for collaboration

on this study. Next, current researchers suggest that future research on cloud computing adoption

should be carried out against more than just the binary dependent variable, adoption (Hassan et

al., 2017; Ray, 2016). Hsu et al. (2014) adapted pricing mechanisms and deployment models as

additional dependent variables of cloud computing adoption in their 2014 study. Cloud

computing adoption has dependent variables of pricing mechanism, deployment model, IaaS,

PaaS, and SaaS which may influence an organizations innovation decision. Their study examined

several characteristics of innovation across several dependent variables and implemented all

seven of Tornatzky’s recommendations for an “ideal study” (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982, p. 29).

Finally, Hsu has been published at least three times in the last 5 years, consistently studying the

area of innovation diffusion. She recently used the SaaS context to study innovation adoption as

it relates to developing an effective freemium strategy. She demonstrated that security and

transaction efficiency significantly influence a consumer’s decision to leave free services to

become a paying subscriber (Hsu & Tsai, 2017).

Table 3

Research Constructs

TOE Construct Cloud Computing Attribute

Easily analyze data on Internet
Reduce deployment time
Perceived Benefits
Reduce IT costs
Reduce IT employee costs
Ubiquitous access
Insufficient service quality
Business Concerns
Internet Bottleneck
Service Outages
Vendor lock-in
Number of IT employees
Organization IT Capability Annual budget for IT
Competitors Pressure
Government policy support
Environment External Pressure
Partners pressure
(Tornatzky et al., 1990) (Hsu et al., 2014)

This study was designed to provide generalization for Hsu’s research (Hsu et al., 2014).

This study aimed to fulfill their suggestion to have future research “collect data from other

countries” (Hsu et al., 2014, p. 485) while also fulfill suggestions for “more research in the

nonprofit area” (Wright et al., 2017, p. 525). Finally, Hsu research is built on the findings,

factors, and measures of previous researchers (Armbrust et al., 2010; Zhu, Kraemer, & Xin Xu,


Cloud Computing


The idea of cloud computing originates in the use of mainframes by academia and

corporation in the 1950’s (Tehrani, 2013). The cost of a mainframe computer for every

individual was not pliable, as a result, the architecture today known as cloud computing evolved.

Terminals were distributed to users who remotely connected to a single shared mainframe

(Chandrasekaran, 2015). In addition to the cost reduction, stakeholder benefited from a return on

investment as computing power and time received greater utilization. Posthumously, the

pioneering computer scientist John McCarthy, who first coined the term ‘artificial intelligence’,

would also foretell the convergence of computing toward that of a ubiquitous public utility

(Alkhater et al., 2018; McCarthy, 1960; Priyadarshinee et al., 2017). Today researchers have

echoed the idea by suggesting cloud computing will become as common as water, electric, gas,

and telephone utilities (Buyya et al, 2009).

The term network cloud and cloud initially evolved in the early 1990’s as a concept

referring to a logical layer connecting corporate clients to their business organizations from

remote locations through virtual private network (VPN) access using public internet service

providers (Chandrasekaran, 2015). A user would remote into his/her office through the “cloud”.

Eventually, Salesforce became the first cloud computing service in 1999 offering application

services on their website. While the dot-com collapse forced companies to rethink their strategies

for internet use, Amazon introduced Amazon Web Service in 2002 giving customers data storage

and information collaboration capabilities hosted on the internet. In 2006, Amazon allowed

organizations to rent computing and processing power for enterprise use through their Elastic

Compute Cloud (EC2) services. Google immediately followed suite offering internet hosted

Google apps, such as email, along with other enterprise solutions (Erl et al., 2013).

The impact of cloud computing is found in day-to-day operations. Applications derived

from cloud computing such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Office 365 are casually used

with consideration for their relationship with cloud computing. E-Commerce through Best Buy,

Walmart, Amazon, EBay and other popular commodity sites are now mobile apps requiring data

services for cloud computing connectivity and updates (Chandrasekaran, 2015). The full scope of

the impact of cloud computing can also be found among the diversity of mobile games. While a

user may download a free mobile application, the use of cloud computing resources supporting

the application requires a payment.


The most common definition for cloud computing among previous research comes from

the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Cloud computing is a model for

enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable

computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be

rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider

interaction. This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models,

and four deployment models (Mell & Grance, 2011, p. 2). The NIST definition establishes clear

expectations of consistent and accessible resource availability. The resource could be a server,

computer, application, database, or other type of internet sourced system but it should be

available when needed as needed.

To further define cloud computing NIST established five essential characteristics. They

are on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and

measured service. On-demand self-service customers of cloud computing should be able to

“unilaterally provision computing capabilities” (Mell & Grance, 2011, p. 2) at their discretion

without requiring interaction from service providers. Broad network access gives cloud

customers the ability to use network communications to access organizational capabilities using

multiple platform types: mobile phones, tablets, laptops, (Mell & Grance, 2011). Cloud

computing providers allow multiple customers to share their computing resources as pooling

using an operating model called multi-tenant (Mell & Grance, 2011). A providers virtual and

physical resources are dynamically provisioned and deprovisioned to customers according to

demand. Cloud computing providers manage customer pooled requests for storage, memory,

processor utilization, and network bandwidth. Horizontal scaling of customer demands, known

as elasticity, offer the opportunity to have resources scaled dynamically and instantly to meet

upscaling or downscaling requests (Mell & Grance, 2011). When a customer’s resource demands

more availability to support the business need, it can be added immediately and later reduced as

demands drop. The final characteristic, measured service, provide the meter for cloud computing

services, reporting on usage and costs transparent to both the provider and the consumer (Mell &

Grance, 2011). This metering of cloud computing is called a pay-as-you-go service (Hsu &

Chuan-Chuan Lin, 2016; Hsu et al., 2014).

Deployment Models

Access to cloud computing services is through one of four operating designs. The

deployments models are private, community, public, and hybrid. As a private cloud, computing

infrastructure is provisioned by single organization and accessed by multiple organizational

business units or consumers (Mell & Grance, 2011). Cloud computing resources are owned by

the organization either on or off premise. This leverages the internal equity technical resources

within an organization. Similarly, a community cloud is privately owned, however, it’s owned by

multiple private organization utilizing shared technical resources for exclusive benefit (Mell &

Grance, 2011). Such organization often form a cloud computing community around their

collaborative security, policy, or compliance restraints (Mell & Grance, 2011). In contrast, a

public cloud design will leverage the combined technical resource of a business, university, or

government entity as a cloud computing resource available for public use (Mell & Grance,

2011). Examples public cloud hosts include Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Any consumer can

pay these providers for pay-as-you-go resources. Finally, the hybrid cloud is a combination of

two or more of the three deployment model mentioned afore. Each deployment model will

remain distinctly independent but will unite over some standardized or proprietary technology in

interest of data and application portability (Mell & Grance, 2011). For example, a McDonalds

internal marketing employee might acquire user statistics and analytics from their mobile

applications. A private, community, public, or hybrid cloud represent the four deployment

models available to organizations looking to establish a cloud presence or operate cloud


Service Models

Cloud computing provides one of three types of services, Software as a Service (SaaS),

Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for use by consumers A

consumer would use cloud computing IaaS to provision networks, servers, operating systems, or

storage as a cloud resource (Mell & Grance, 2011). In leu of purchasing hardware and operating

system resources, consumers rent them as needed from cloud providers to facilitate, host, or

support private resources capabilities on top of IaaS capabilities. This lowest level of service will

require the consumer to interact with provisioned resources for updates, application transfers,

and operating systems repairs (Talmizie Amron et al., 2017). An organization might provision

desktop virtualization as a cloud resource to allow employees access to corporate networks using

workstations hosted with cloud providers, instead of inhouse. At the next level, PaaS, basic

infrastructure resources are managed by the cloud provider leaving consumers and organization

managing only applications being used and respective data (Talmizie Amron et al., 2017). This

service level provides for the provisioning of customized proprietary software applications

leaving cloud providers to manage all subordinate basic infrastructure. The top-level service,

Software as a Service, includes examples like Facebook and Gmail representing applications

accessible from various platform types (tablet, mobile phone, laptop, etc.) through an internet

browser whose entire applications support infrastructure is hosted within the cloud computing

domain (Talmizie Amron et al., 2017).

Cloud Computing Economic Growth

North America and Western Europe are the largest cloud computing market sectors

(Kazmi et al., 2016). From 2010 through 2015, the cloud market has grown at a 26% Compound

Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) from $37 billion dollars to $121 billion dollars revenue growth in

just 5 years (Kazmi et al., 2016). From 2006 through 2016, the amount of traditional IT services

replaced by cloud services increased from 2% worldwide to 15% (Chandel et al., 2018).

Worldwide, the IT workload has increased from 29 million items in 2006 to 160 million items in

2016. The current cloud computing services annual growth rate is 30% (Chandel et al., 2018).

With this growth rate, cloud computing remains a viable market for innovation and a stable

source for the adoption of innovations.

The largest cloud services provider, Amazon Web Services, has seen an average 46%

industry growth every year since 2015 (Donnelly, 2019). Amazon’s market share is bigger than

its competitors combined, including Microsoft and Google. There remains market competition

for consumer services interested in risk mitigation, nevertheless, amazon remains the market


Advantages and Disadvantages

The organizational use of cloud computing can offer significant saving in capital

expenditure and operation expenditure (Alkhater et al., 2018; Kazmi et al., 2016; Ray, 2016;

Talmizie Amron et al., 2017). Capital expenditures, such as the purchase of computing

equipment, is converted into on-demand subscription fees as operational expenditures. Due to

this advantage, initial business start-up costs are lowered and transformed into utility computing

costs based on usage, requiring fewer in-house IT skills (Lee et al., 2014). A cost benefit analysis

can be instrumental in convincing organizations of this advantage (Ilin et al., 2017). Businesses

can budget information communications technology (ICT) based on the predictable utility of

cloud computing resulting in greater profitability and lower risk (Kazmi et al., 2016).

The infrastructure of information communications technology (ICT) rests under the

management oversight of cloud computing providers, so businesses can refresh their focus on

analytics, collaboration, and other aspects of organizational growth (Ray, 2016). Organizational

resources previously directed toward ICT can now focus on operational statistics and key drivers

for future success of the organization. There is more availability for strategic consumer and

partner alliances with less attention on physical aspects of ICT administration. An organizations

decision for and investment in internet solutions can offer strategically positive benefits (Popa et

al., 2018).

Organizations who adopt cloud computing must also accept some disadvantages. An

organization may no longer have physical control of its operational data (Ilin et al., 2017; Ray,

2016). The security of cloud ICT is governed by globally recognized open standards (Ilin et al.,

2017). The standards may not be enough for security at higher levels of data and communication

classification. Bandwidth outages or degradation can impact the performance and functionality

of data-intensive cloud applications (Ray, 2016). Organizations must also be willing to trust

cloud providers with the physical security of their sensitive data against the risk of a security

breach (Ray, 2016).

Organizations can benefit greatly from the ICT cost savings. Furthermore, the redirection

of ‘slack’ resources towards business advancements may also drive greater innovation (Herold et

al., 2006; Wang et al., 2016). The disadvantages like data control and physical security can be

mitigated by a hybrid cloud computing deployment model. Bandwidth control and

communications standards can be mitigated by implementing a private cloud computing

deployment model. With these advantages and the ability to mitigate disadvantages, why are

some organizations reluctant to adopt cloud computing? Why do organizations adopt cloud

computing? What determinants influence the decision to adopt cloud computing and are the

determinants of previous research applicable to the nonprofit domain?

Nonprofit Organizations

Public, Private, Nonprofit Sectors


Nonprofit organizations make up one of three business sectors. The other two sectors are

public and private. All organizations fall into one of these three sectors. Therefore, an

understanding of these sectors and their distinctions lay a foundation for the need of further

research in innovation diffusion among nonprofit organizations.

The public sector are businesses with a public mission who are managed and supported

by the government (Wright et al., 2017). Examples include law enforcement, public schools,

roads, and transportation services. They provide public goods and are largely or wholly

dependent on governmental support by way of public tariffs (Wright et al., 2017). These

organizations are at the mercy of bureaucratic legislation and fiduciary allocations.

The private and nonprofit sectors differ from public sectors by being self-managed and

free from reliance on bureaucratic subsidies or oversight (Wright et al., 2017). Private for-profit

organizations are corporations, partnerships, and owner-managed businesses. Their purpose is

profit maximization and revenue comes from sales and services (Wright et al., 2017).

Nonprofit organizations strive toward a goal of improving community welfare and their

funding is charitable donations (Wright et al., 2017). Furthermore, nonprofits organizations

operate under different managerial practices and marketing strategies (Wright et al., 2017). The

differences between the nonprofit sector and their counterparts offer an opportunity to discover

whether current determinants for assimilation of ICT innovations concur in the nonprofit sector.

An overwhelming majority of research in this field has been performed utilizing public sector

and private sector organizations.

Current research suggests that nonprofit organizations not only differ from other sectors,

but they also tend to adopt innovations differently (Henderson et al., 2002; Wright et al., 2017).

Nonprofit organizations are more fiscally thrifty than for-profit organizations (Henderson et al.,

2002; Sontag-Padilla et al., 2012). The reliance of nonprofit organizations on competitive access

to multiple external funding sources may be a critical barrier preventing this sector from

investing in technology innovations (Sontag-Padilla et al., 2012). The benefits of the cloud

computing utility appear to offer advantages for this sector. Wright discussed differences in the

managerial practices of nonprofits. This bears acknowledgement since previous research of this

type has typically analyzed data results from for-profit managerial participants. Will nonprofit

managers respond differently concerning existing for-profit determinants of cloud computing

adoption? There is a need for more innovation assimilation research among the nonprofit sector

(Wright et al., 2017). An understanding of innovation adoption drivers and barriers among

nonprofit organizations adds value to the sector and provide external validity for existing


Alaska Nonprofit Organizations

The vast nonprofit domain is constrained in this research study and the scope is limited to

Alaskan nonprofit organization. The Foraker Groups a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

providing current statistics on nonprofit organization in Alaska (

They are based in Anchorage Alaska and are great source for statistics on Alaskan nonprofits. A

partnership with their organization and this research study was originally anticipated as a helpful

leveraging in obtaining the dataset required for this study. Their research analysis reports have

already provided strategic clarity on the impact nonprofit organization are having throughout the

State of Alaska.

Alaskan nonprofits employ 17% of all Alaskans which is 7% higher than the national

average (The Foraker Group, 2018). Nonprofit organizations are the second largest employer in

the state after the for-profit oil and gas industry. Within rural areas of Alaska, nonprofit

organizations employ 40% of Alaskans (The Foraker Group, 2018). Of all Alaskan nonprofits,

501(c)(3) nonprofits make up 77%, representing 4,447 of 5,765 total nonprofit organizations

representing 68% of the $6.98 billion dollars in revenue generated by nonprofits (The Foraker

Group, 2018). The scope of this research will be limited to 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

Within the United States, the Alaskan nonprofit domain provides an excellent data source

for investigating the determinants for cloud computing adoption. According to the Foraker

Group, “charitable nonprofits are shrinking while the overall number of nonprofits remains

steady” (The Foraker Group, 2018, p. 7). The last ten years of data have shown that nonprofits

continue to have a viable impact on the economic stability of the State of Alaska (The Foraker

Group, 2018). Nonprofit organization provide 67,567 jobs and represent a $3.89 billion-dollar

income industry (The Foraker Group, 2018). One out of every four non-government jobs in

Alaska are a nonprofit job, with healthcare and education as the strongest nonprofit employers

(The Foraker Group, 2018). Alaskan nonprofits received 18% of federal grants given to the State

of Alaska in 2016 (The Foraker Group, 2018). The dependency of Alaskan nonprofit

organization on federal funding is not as significant as income derived from earnings and

charitable contributions, the leading source of funding for Alaskan nonprofits. In fact, 16% of

Alaskans show charitable donations on their tax returns compared to the average of 24%

nationwide (The Foraker Group, 2018).

An understanding of the Alaskan nonprofit sector can offer insights into their motivations

for innovation adoption. As the second largest employer in the state, nonprofits may be slower to

make innovation changes due to size. This may particularly apply to Alaska’s leading nonprofit

employment sector, the healthcare industry. Current research suggests that larger ICT

departments resist change more than smaller ICT departments (Hassan et al., 2017). However,

funding does not appear to be an issue. Resources may be available to support drivers for

innovation adoption. Alaskan nonprofits may exhibit the same factors that drive for-profit

organizations to innovation adoption resulting from their size and complexity (statewide impact),

but their organizational processes and managerial stratum may account for variances in current

innovation adoption research. There may also be environmental factors, such as industry

competition or regulations which may impact nonprofit decisions to adopt cloud computing



The idea of cloud computing began in the 1950’s and has evolved into a ubiquitous utility

service with diverse deployment models and types to meet fiscal and on-demand needs of a

growing consumer base (Buyya et al., 2009). Nonprofit organizations represent a sector of

business presently lacking research on the phenomena of innovation diffusion (Wright et al.,

2017). As of 2019, the nonprofit sector represents the second largest employment sector in the

state of Alaska and plays a significant role in the local economy (The Foraker Group, 2018).

Understanding the determinants for adoption among nonprofit organizations requires an

understanding of innovation theory. Tornatzky’s TOE framework is the most popular model for

understanding innovation theory at the firm level (Arvanitis, Kyriakou, & Loukis, 2017).

Building on the research of Hsu et al. (2014) this study sought to apply innovation theory to the

nonprofit sector and investigate their relationship with for-profit determinants for technology

adoption. This papers focus was providing validation for factors previously shown to explain and

predict firm level diffusion of innovation among for-profit organizations. Consistent with the

research methodology used by Hsu et al., confirmatory factor analysis and structured equation

modeling was used to establish factor significance and represent the relationships between

factors and their dependent variable, cloud computing adoption intention.

The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study was to build on previous studies

of technology adoption theory by addressing the lack of external validity for cloud computing

adoption factors among nonprofit organizations. Several theories on innovation diffusion were

investigated but Tornatzky’s TOE framework remains the most consisted theory in research

practice for understanding firm level technology adoption factors. The literary review focused on

the facts regarding cloud computing, nonprofit organizations, and Alaskan nonprofit

organizations. Chapter 3 outlines this study’s research methodology with greater detail. The

problem statement and purpose are restated. Then the research design including instrumentation,

procedures, data collection, and analysis are followed by assumptions, limitation, delimitations,

and ethical assurances.


Chapter 3: Research Method

The problem to be addressed by this study is the lack of external validity for current

cloud computing adoption factors among nonprofit organizations. For research in the field to

approach external validity, constructs must prove influential across domains of culture, business

type, and economic prejudice, among other variances. The purpose of this quantitative, non-

experimental study is to provide generalization for cloud computing adoption factors among

nonprofit organizations. Only one research study was found addressing the factors of innovation

adoption among nonprofit organizations in the United States or globally (Wright et al., 2017).

The structure, goals, and missions of nonprofit organizations often vary from those of profit

driven organizations (Henderson et al., 2002; Wright et al., 2017). This research will investigate

whether nonprofit factors of innovation adoption are consistent with current factors among for-

profit organizations.

First, this chapter explains detail the research methodology and design for this study.

Consistent with the research methodology used by Hsu, confirmatory factor analysis and

structured equation modeling will be used to statistically describe the technology context of the

TOE framework for this research. Then, the variables are defined for the technology and

organization attributes used by this study. Next, the populations sample for this study is

established along with the instrumentation used in this study for data collection. Then, the steps

are outlined that will be used to carry-out this research study, including the data collection

process. Finally, research assumptions, limitations, delimitations, and ethics are addressed.

Research Methodology and Design

The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study is to provide for the lack of

external validity for cloud computing adoption factors by investigating the phenomenon among

nonprofit organizations in Alaska, USA. This study will use survey instrument for data collection

by adapting constructs from the TOE framework founded on diffusion of innovation theory. All

studies involving hypothesis testing will generally use quantitative data (Hassan et al., 2017).

Additionally, the TOE framework has been established as the de facto baseline for enterprise

level innovation diffusion theory based on the tenure of previous research work (Wilson et al.,

2015). This study is predictive research patterned after a positivism research paradigm with a

deductive research model. As an extension of the previous research work of Hsu et al. (2014) and

with an aim to add to the existing body of knowledge on innovation adoption theory, other

research methodologies and designs were not chosen to maintain study consistency while

supporting for the problem and purpose of this study.

Population and Sample

As of 2016, there was 4,447 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization in Alaska.

Nonprofit organizations who are federally registered offer additional access to organizational

demographic data for enhanced descriptive analysis. Revenue and federal categorical break down

can be collected from IRS records and the U.S. National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities,

respectively, for each federally recognized nonprofit organization (Wright et al., 2017). For this

study, nonprofit organizations were limited in scope to 501(c)(3) registered and physically

located in Alaska. A random sample of decision makers (Alkhater et al., 2018; Chandra &

Kumar, 2018; Hsu et al., 2014) from nonprofit organizations in Alaska were selected from the

population of Alaskan nonprofits.

The population size of 4447 Alaskan nonprofits with a 95% confidence level and 5%

margin of error would have require a sample size of 354 respondents (SurveyMonkey, 2019).

This is consistent with the previous research of Hsu et al. (2014) who had a target population of

623 with 200 respondents a 95% confidence level and 5.75% margin of error. Their original

population of 5000, prior to limiting its scope to a target population of 623, produced a 6.8%

margin of error. Additionally, the Wright et al. (2017) nonprofit cloud computing adoption

research had a target population of 600 with 258 respondents. At a 95% confidence level, his

margin of error was 4.62%. A margin of error of goal of 5% for this study sits between the

margin of error 6.8% for previous nonprofit cloud computing adoption research and the margin

of error 4.62%, the model for this study.

Further restrictions on data collection required the scope for this study to be limited even

further. Due to the time and expense required to survey a population 4447 participants, a target

population was chosen. All 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations with postal addresses within the city

of Anchorage, Alaska were selected in the target population. This totaled to 2310 participants in

the target population. With a 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error, this study’s goal was

to obtain 280 sample participants. The confidence level and margin of error was chosen to

represent an optimum statistical power and strongest data reliability (Goodman & Berlin, 1994).


Consistent with previous quantitative research explaining and predicting determinants for

cloud computing adoption, a survey was used as the instrument for data collection. According to

Tornatzky, an ideal TOE framework study should be replicable and permit cross-study

comparability to effectively generalize finding. He suggested that “surveys, secondary data

analysis, and experiments” be used for generalization of the innovation process (Tornatzky &

Klein, 1982, p. 29). He further establishes that surveys are not only key to replicable and reliable

research approaches, but they also enable the use of statistical analysis.

Surveys, interviews, and case studies are the most appropriate designs for TOE framework

analysis (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). Hsu et al. (2014), Wilson et al. (2015), Al-Mascati and Al-

Badi (2016), Hsu and Chaun-Chaun Lin (2016), Mokhtar et al. (2016), Rahi et al. (2016), Wang

et al. (2016), Alkhalil et al. (2017), Wright et al. (2017), Ilin et al. (2017), Alkhater et al. (2018),

Chandra and Kumar (2018), Kim et al. (2018), Njenga et al. (2018), and Senarathna et al. (2018)

all used survey instruments for their studies in innovation diffusion. Both Hassan et al. (2017)

and Wright et al. (2017) used interview styles for data collection. Four of the previous

researchers used a 5-point Likert scale. Three researchers used a 7-point Likert scale. One study

used a 4-point Likert scale, and the others could not be determined from their articles. Consistent

with Hsu et al. (2014)’s research model, this study used a 5-point Likert scale.

A previously validated survey by researcher Hsu et al. (2014) was used for this study.

Their survey implements questions that were previously validated by not only their research but

also the research of Armbrust et al. (2010), Zhu, Kraemer, and Xin Xu (2006), and several other

earlier innovation researchers. Hsu et al. (2014) had each question, which correlates to an

independent variable item in this study, validated by an expert panel made up of faculty members

whose work focused on cloud computing along with practitioners, and industry consultants.

Their questions were pilot tested on ten firms of their sample and then revised based on response

feedback for clarity. They used China Credit Information Service, Ltd as their survey company

which executed the survey through telephone calls to over 5000 Taiwan companies within their


The most appropriate participant type for this kind of study are organizational decision

makers as they represent the firm level influence. Organizational decision makers provide high

operationalization and replicability when measuring innovation attributes in a study (Tornatzky


& Klein, 1982). Previous studies of this kind have used CEO, CIO, CTO, senior manager, and IT

staff participants. This study used senior managers and CIO’s of nonprofit organizations in

Alaska as participants.

Operational Definition of Variables

The TOE framework model, as outlined in the previous research work of Hsu (Hsu et al.,

2014), was chosen as the model for this study. After careful literary review, the research work of

Hsu was determined to reflect Tornatzky’s seven requirements most comprehensively as the

most predictive examination of TOE framework factors (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). Tornatzky

established that ideal studies incorporating characteristics for innovation should be predictive

and not exploratory in nature (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). All previously discovered quantitative

research was found using predictors. Next, he further suggested that innovation characteristics

focus on more than just dichotomous yes or no adoption decision variable but also incorporate

the implementation as a dependent variable (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). Hsu was one of a few

researchers to incorporated both adoption potential and post implementation dependent variables

within the same study. Additionally, a good TOE framework study should utilize surveys

because they are “reliable, replicable, and permit some degree of statistical power” (Tornatzky &

Klein, 1982, p. 29). Every researcher used surveys. Furthermore, only characteristics interpreted

by firm level decision makers are enough to ensure research can be validated in the future

(Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). The use of firm level decision makers as survey participants was also

unanimous in all previous studies. All previous studies also incorporated multiple determinants

simultaneously as recommended for good TOE research design (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982).

Determinants should also be measured across multiple simultaneous innovations to ensure results

are distinct to the innovation (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). Hsu was the only researcher to examine

innovation determinants against additional dependent variables of pricing mechanism and

deployment model types. The final attribute for best research design will focus innovation at the

organizational level, not individual level. All previous quantitative research was found to

incorporate organizational level design factor. In conclusion, only the research of Hsu (Hsu et al.,

2014) was found to incorporate all seven features reflecting an ideal TOE framework design.

TOE Framework

Tornatzky’s (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982) TOE framework explains and predicts the

diffusion of innovation by classifying determinants into contexts of technology, organization,

and environmental. Technology characteristics of an innovation are determinants which

influence cloud computing adoption based on an innovation’s inherent internal and external

attributes. Meanwhile, the features of an organizations structure and operation are the

determinants impacting cloud computing adoption from an organizational context. Lastly, the

characteristics of an organizations industry are determinants which impacts cloud computing

adoption from an organizational context.

Building upon the previously validated research study of Hsu et al. (2014), this study

limited its research to technology characteristics impacting the adoption of cloud computing in

nonprofit organizations. This limitation still maintained features of an ideal TOE framework

design while allowing the study to perform a more focused initial analysis on the nonprofit

domain. Despite the vast amount of previous research and literary support for the diffusion of

innovation in the public and private sectors, the nonprofit sector lacks exploratory research. The

three contexts of the TOE framework should be analyzed sequentially and separately to provide

greater attention to analysis since a limited amount of aggregated research currently exists for

this sector.

The technology characteristics being explained and analyzed as predictors for cloud

computing adoption are perceived benefits and business concerns (Hsu et al., 2014). These

determinants have been consistently empirically tested in explaining an organizations innovation

decision making behavior (Hassan et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2018; Tornatzky et al., 1990). Both

characteristics are overarching general characteristics.

Most researchers have itemized their technology characteristics as constructs, but Hsu et

al. (2014) represents their constructs categorically as either a perceived benefit or a business

concern. This has no significant impact on analysis and is merely a preference in how

independent variables are presented. Perceived benefits are the operational advantages received

from adopting cloud computing while business concerns are the potential threats the organization

might face from adopting an innovation (Hsu et al., 2014). Hsu et al. defined perceived benefits

and business concerns with individual attributes, shown in Table 4. Other researchers in similar

studies have chosen only to itemized variables without categorization. By categorizing

independent variables, Hsu et al. could test for statistical significance at both the individual

characteristic level and categorical level. There are 13 independent variables (Table 5) which

support two constructs, perceived benefits, and business concerns.

Table 4

Technology Attributes

TOE Construct Cloud Computing Attribute

Perceived Benefits- Customization
"the operational and Easily analyze data on Internet
Technology strategic benefits a Reduce deployment time
firm can expect to Reduce IT costs
receive from cloud Reduce IT employee costs

computing" (Hsu et
al., 2014 pg 477) Ubiquitous access
Business Concerns- Incompatibility
"perceived problems Insufficient service quality
or risks that a firm guarantee
can encounter
Internet Bottleneck
adopting innovations"
(Hsu et al., 2014 pg Service Outages
477) Underperformance
Vendor lock-in
(Tornatzky et al., 1990; Hsu et al., 2014)

Table 5

Operational Definition of Variables

TOE Construct Cloud Computing Attribute Variable

Customization PB1
Easily analyze data on Internet PB2
Perceived Benefits Reduce deployment time PB3
(PB) Reduce IT costs PB4
Reduce IT employee costs PB5
Ubiquitous access PB6
Confidentiality BC1
Incompatibility BC2
Insufficient service quality
Business Concerns guarantee BC3
(BC) Internet Bottleneck BC4
Service Outages BC5
Underperformance BC6
Vendor lock-in BC7
References: (Tornatzky et al., 1990; Hsu et al., 2014)

Based on a review of previous literature utilizing the TOE framework between 2014 and

2019 shown in Appendix B and the previously validated work of Hsu et al. (2014), variables

shown to significantly influence cloud computing adoption were selected as determinants. There

are 15 independent variables in this study. Two are categorical and 13 are item level as shown in

Table 5. All variables are interval type measurements commonly used for Likert scalar data

collections. The item level variables are defined below (Hsu et al., 2014):

PB1. Customization: the customizability and design of cloud computing services to meet

organizational needs.

PB2. Easily analyze data on Internet: multiple data can be analyzed simultaneously on

the internet with cloud computing services.

PB3. Reduce deployment time: IS deployment time can be shortened with cloud

computing services.

PB4. Reduce IT costs: Expenses like IT hardware and IT maintenance can be reduced

using cloud computing services.

PB5. Reduce IT employee costs: IT personnel expenses can be reduces using cloud

computing services.

PB6. Ubiquitous access: Users can access cloud computing services from mobile

locations utilizing internet access.

BC1. Confidentiality: The leak of confidential or customer information using cloud

computing services.

BC2. Incompatibility: The difficulty to integrate existing IT systems with cloud

computing services.

BC3. Insufficient service quality guarantee: The inability of cloud computing services to

provide a guaranteed assurance of quality.

BC4. Internet Bottleneck: Poor network transfer speeds when using cloud computing


BC5. Service Outages: Cloud computing services interruptions by unexpected service


BC6. Underperformance: Cloud computing hardware and software services


BC7. Vendor lock-in: Difficulty in switching cloud providers due to data lock-in.

Along with the decision for or against adoption of an innovation, pricing mechanism and

deployment models were also be analyzed as dependent variable by Hsu et al. (2014). Pricing

mechanisms are characterized into three categories by which an organization might pay for cloud

computing services. The pricing mechanisms for cloud computing are pay-as-you-go, license,

and unlimited access with monthly fee (Hsu et al., 2014). In the pay-as-you-go scheme, cloud

computing customers exchange up-front investment costs for IT resources for dynamic and

scalable on-demand cloud resources (Weerd et al., 2016). The license alternative assesses a fee

per cloud computing user or per cloud computing technology used. However, an organization

can choose unlimited access to cloud computing services by subscribing monthly.

An organizations decision to adopt cloud computing also requires the selection of a

deployment model. They can choose from a private, public, or hybrid model. Their selection may

be influenced by security concerns or fiduciary limitations. To address Tornatzky’s (Tornatzky

& Klein, 1982) suggestion for improving research it was important to also acknowledge this

characteristic of cloud computing adoption as a dependent variable. Both pricing mechanism and

deployment model should be analyzed. The survey for this study was designed to gather the data

on these additional dependent variables. Nevertheless, the scope of this study was limited to the

single dependent variable, cloud adoption intention.


Cloud adoption intention is the only dependent variable for this study. The decision to

adopt cloud computing requires the selection of a service model: IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS. Each

deployment model represents a different type of innovation service within an organization. In,

IaaS and organization will exchange or extend in-house hardware for cloud resources. But in

PaaS, an organization is exchanging internal back-end software development resources for cloud

hosted back-end resources. Finally, SaaS solutions allow an organization to host both front end

and back end software solution entirely in the cloud. To explain and predict determinants for

cloud computing adoption, it was critical that all features of the innovation’s adoption participate

in the analysis process just as they would in the implementation (Hsu & Chuan-Chuan Lin, 2016;

Hsu et al., 2014). This was a critical aspect of explaining adoption behavior (Tornatzky & Klein,

1982) overlooked by some innovation theory researchers, most likely due to the added

complexity of a multi-modal innovation adoption research design (Hsu & Chuan-Chuan Lin,

2016). The cloud computing adoption intention construct for this study is the summation of the

three service models survey indicators.

Study Procedures and Data Collection

The first step in this study was to establish a relationship with the Foraker Group.

Preliminary investigation into Alaskan nonprofit statistics, revealed The Foraker Group as the

leading company for statistical analysis in Alaska (The Foraker Group, 2018). They are also

located in Anchorage Alaska. They provide several annual reports including statistical analysis

of the impacts nonprofit organizations have on the State of Alaska. In ‘Focus on Sustainability:

A Nonprofits journey’ they use their customized sustainability model to suggest concepts for

nonprofit viability in Alaska. Annually they produce a ‘Salary Report’ and the ‘Alaska’s

Nonprofit Sector: Generating Economic Impact’ report. Their charitable venue and support for

nonprofit health in Alaska suggested that they would overwhelmingly support this research

study. They were contacted but only able to support this research by offering their source for

nonprofit 501(c)3 statistical data, is a paid service, however, they offer sponsorship for selective customers

providing research or educational benefit. An application was placed with to

request free premium account access as a University researcher. The application was reviewed,

and the application was approved. Through this study had access to all the

federally registered nonprofit organizations in Alaska. More information on

researcher sponsorship can be found at


The next step involved preparing the survey modality. Survey Monkey has been used by

previous researchers (Alkhalil et al., 2017) but was planned as a backup option for this study.

Qualtrics was used as the primary methodology for survey distribution. By post card, participants

were given the same URL and respondents were anonymous. The long Qualtrics URL was

simplified into an easy to remember URL redirector, Data was automatically

aggregated into a secure database within Qualtrics which was used later with IBM SPSS Amos

for statistical analysis and descriptive statistics. This study anticipated a strong number of

respondents given the strong local support for nonprofit organizations in Alaska. However,

response was very poor. But the survey was validated and modeled after the Hsu et al. (2014)’s

study. The survey for this study is outlined in Appendix E.

The survey questionnaire included two additional sections which were not within the

direct scope of this study but allow for research extensibility. The external pressure section

represented the environmental context of the TOE framework. Four questions were added to

gather the participants perception how environmental factors influenced their decision to adopt

cloud computing. The IT capability section reflected the organizational context of the TOE

framework. Two questions were added to explain organizational factors which may impact the

organizations decision to adopt cloud computing. Nevertheless, the scope of this study was

technological characteristics of cloud computing including only the perceived benefits and

business concerns section of the survey. The other questions allowed the survey to remain intact

as originally distributed by the previous researcher while offering a potential for further research

analysis under different studies.

The procedure for this study required the target population to be extracted from was contacted and this study was given full researcher access to

their nonprofits database. The process of procuring contact information for all 2310 nonprofits in

Anchorage was extremely time consuming. offered to export the contact required

for this study, but it required a cost of approximately $8,000. The budget for this study was only

$1,500, so the tedious task of manually copying postal data for each participant began and ended

two months. The data had to be extracted on a part-time basis, competing with the researcher’s

other full-time obligations. A summary of the research data collection timeline can be found in

Table 6.

Table 6

Research Data Collection Timeline

Research Requirement Timeline Researcher Access, IRB Approval, Budget Limit to $1500 November 2019

Manual Procurement of Contact Info for 2310 nonprofits in Anchorage March 2020


Post Cards Printed and Mailed, Research Deadline for Data Collection April 2020

Data Collection and Analysis via Qualtrics at May 2020

The survey was built in Qualtrics. It was located at: Next, the survey invitations were

distributed via post card invitations. Over an additional two-week period, the post cards were

manually printed, stamped, and then mailed. The period of data collection was is planned to run

for two months but was reduced to 4 weeks to meet the timing requirements for this study.

Finally, the results were statistically be analyzed using IBM SPSS Amos and findings on the

predictability of determinants on cloud computing adoption were reported.


The results of the survey produced a self-reported dataset. For this reason, the reliability

of the data was examined through reliability statistics (Hsu et al., 2014). Establishing the quality

of the dataset is a critical first step in data analysis. This was done through analysis of

assumptions, data reliability, and instrumentation bias. First, assumptions were address including

notions of statistical normality. Then, the question of statistical power was addressed through

data reliability analysis. Finally, the studies instrumentation was reviewed. There was no

demographic data collected on participants, so the chi-square reliability analysis was not

performed on the population by comparing the data of subset demographics. This was Hsu et al.

(2014)’s first reliability analysis and commonly performed by comparing results from

respondents with those of non-respondents (Alkhater et al., 2018; Ilin et al., 2017; Njenga et al.,

2018; Wang et al., 2016). The chi-square significance is a difference test intended to establish the

randomness of the respondent dataset. However, harman’s single-factor test was executed to

investigate common method bias which could surface in behavioral research survey data (Hsu &

Chuan-Chuan Lin, 2016; Jarvenpaa & Majchrzak, 2008; Podsakoff & Organ, 1986; Podsakoff et

al., 2003).

Content validity, construct reliability and construct validity were also important aspects

of data analysis. First, content validity investigated the quality of the survey questions. Then,

exploratory factor analysis was used to investigate construct reliability and determine how well

the items and constructs worked together empirically. Finally, SPSS Amos was used to perform

confirmatory factor analysis and SEM. The dependent variable, adoption, was analyzed using

factor analysis along with the indicators and their respective latent variables, perceived benefits

and business concerns, to determine their relationship with the decision to adopt cloud

computing. The p value for latent variables was calculated to understand the significance of their

relationship on dependent variable. SEM path modeling was used to visually articulate the

relationship between the latent variables and the dependent variable. Significance was

determined by p < 0.05. SEM was also used for hypothesis testing and to perform construct

validity, including convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability.

Once the experiment is validated and checked for reliability, IBM SPSS was used to

provide descriptive statistics. First, the top perceived benefit influencing cloud computing

adoption among Alaskan nonprofits is explained. Then the top business concern for Alaskan

nonprofits seeking cloud computing adoption was explained. Next, descriptive statistics was

used to understand which cloud computing service model was most popular and least popular

among nonprofit organization in Alaska. Finally, the study looked at which deployment model

and pricing strategy was more popular among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.


The dataset for this study was be examined to ensure assumptions for parametric

statistical test are met. Bivariate correlations between independent and dependent variables

require bivariate normal distributions and variable independency. Independent sample t tests

would require normal distribution. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis also required

normal distributions and linearity along with variable independence. The dependent variable was

dichotomous and independent variable will be treated as interval variables (Tehrani, 2013;

Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). These assumptions were tested with IBM SPSS SEM.

There were other assumptions which were not statistical in nature. First, this study

assumed that CEO, CIO, and IT senior management were the decision makers for their

respective nonprofit organization. Some organizations operate under a management board who

makes decisions about innovation diffusions. Furthermore, the collection responses from a single

decision maker of each nonprofit organization, instead of multiple decision makers, is assumed

to be an acceptable bias due to its consistency with previous research. Another similar

assumption in this study was that outside guidance or pressure was not impacting decision maker

perceptions. Next, this study assumed that decision makers had a general knowledge of cloud

computing and had a basic understanding of the terms and factors represented in the

questionnaire. Additionally, the absence of internet access might play a factor in the survey

responses of some nonprofits. This study assumed that the number of organizations impacted by

this limitation would not significantly impact enough survey responses.


This study had several limitations. First, the participants of this study may have already

been at the adoption stage of cloud computing or already through the implementation stage of

cloud computing. If most nonprofit organizations are still in the decision-making stage of cloud

computing adoption, this could cause a dataset bias. Next, there are many determinants

unaccounted for in this study. As a result, this study may have only been successful in explaining

a portion of the variance in Alaskan nonprofit organizations cloud adoption decision. Another

limitation is the domain of Alaskan nonprofit organizations. It was not presently clear what the

impact may have been statistically, but unknown elements of this study related to the study’s

geographical location could impact results in a bias manner. If this same study were performed

across the entire country said bias could have minimal effect. Next, this study was limited to

organization level cloud computing adoption factors. A qualitative study investigating individual

level determinants influencing cloud computing adoption potential would have also added to the

body of knowledge on nonprofit innovation diffusion. SaaS cloud computing services is an end

user service. Thus, factors lending to its adoption potential would have rested at the user level,

outside the scope of this study. Finally, the addition of adding pricing mechanism and

deployment types to the antecedent factors of this study increases the complexity of this study.

The relationship between the causal variable, adoption, pricing strategy, and deployment types

was still unclear since the body of knowledge on this phenomenon is extremely limited.


This study was delimited by several imposing factors. First, the study was delimited to

include only nonprofit organization in the city of Anchorage Alaska. Next, this study did not

include demographic nor skillset information on participants. Their understanding of cloud

computing remained an assumption. This was an assumption consistent with previous research

when determining innovation diffusion potential at the enterprise level. Finally, deployment

types in this study did not include the ‘community’ type. Community is a new deployment model

by which organizations pool together resources to product a shared cloud for use only by the

organizations of the community. This was a recently added deployment type along with

Information Technology as a service (ITaaS) which was a new deployment model not included

in this study.

Ethical Assurances

Approval from the IRB of Northcentral University was obtained before conducting this

study and data collection. This study complied with all federal standards for an ethical research

study. Ethical research training and certification was maintained throughout this study. The

nature of human participants in this study required attention to issues involving confidentiality,

privacy, informed consent, protection from harm, and academic integrity. This study did not

handle confidential or private data. Nevertheless, the information submitted by nonprofit

respondents was handled as if confidential information had been provided. The survey began

with informed consent and participants were informed of the scope and nature of this study as

shown in Appendix C and D. As such, participants were free to withdraw from the study at any

time as shown in Appendix D. This study tried to accommodate participants requiring American

Disabilities Act (ADA) support by providing online survey options for the hearing and vision


Only individuals with direct connection to this research were able to access its data. All

data was handled in accordance with academia best practices and policy. Appendix C also stated

that this study accepted no liability for risks sustained while using a mobile device to complete

the survey. Contact information was also provided for both the University and this study’s

researcher. Nonprofit organizations are already bound to both legal and ethical obligations

(Sontag-Padilla et al., 2012). This helped efforts to establish trust in the ethical standards that

governed this study. At the completion of data collection, the data was downloaded from the

cloud Qualtrics server to the researcher’s computer. The cloud server’s database with the data

was password protected and backed up. When all variances of this study are complete, all data

will be removed from the cloud server and stored locally in a passive encryption format.


This study was quantitative and designed to explain and predict determinants for the

adoption of cloud computing among Alaskan nonprofit organizations. It was designed around the

most common framework used for this type of study, TOE. A sample from the population of

Alaskan nonprofits was randomly chosen with the goal of reaching a 95% confidence level with

a 5% margin of error. A Qualtrics survey was used containing questions that have already been

validated by previous research work. Participant organizations were invited via postcard

invitation with a short URL to mask the long Qualtrics URL. Ethical issues were transparently

addressed, and informed consent was built into the survey. After the survey results were

collected, SEM was used to describe the findings using both confirmatory factor analysis and

path modeling. Descriptive statistics were also used to describe the survey results. This study

addressed several assumptions, limitation, and delimitations. Nevertheless, the results of this

study were met with several unexpected findings.

The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study was to build on previous studies of

technology adoption theory by addressing the lack of external validity for cloud computing

adoption factors among nonprofit organizations. The research methodology was addressed in this

chapter. The study’s plan for instrumentation, data collection and analysis were followed by an

investigation into assumptions, limitation, delimitations, and ethical issues. In chapter 4, the

results of the data collection were analyzed for validity and reliability. Descriptive statistics

summarizes findings, the research questions were tested, and findings evaluated.

Chapter 4: Findings

This study was designed to add to the general body of research on cloud computing

adoption and expand upon the previous research work of Hsu (Hsu et al., 2014). The domain of

nonprofit organizations was chosen for generalization and research validation. The problem

addressed by this study was the need for external validity with nonprofit organizations

concerning factors empirically shown to influence cloud computing adoption among for profit

organizations. The theoretical framework for this study was Tornatzky’s Technology

Organizational Environmental (TOE). The theory states that innovation adoption is a factor of

technological characteristics, organizational characteristics, and environmental characteristics.

The relationship between for-profit determinants for innovation adoption and nonprofit

organizations were studied through application of the TOE framework.

The analysis of findings began with an investigation into research assumptions and data

reliability. Then instrumentation bias and content validity are evaluated. Findings are expanded

exploring construct reliability and construct validity. Construct validity is further explored by

investigating convergent validity, divergent validity, and construct reliability. Then nomological

validity is analyzed. Finally, descriptive statistics are reported along with the results of

hypothesis testing and where the findings are evaluated and summarized.

Validity and Reliability of the Data

The research in this study was built on the consistency and accuracy of findings from

Hsu’s hypotheses on technology adoption theory (Hsu et al., 2014). The adaptation of this

research used the same instrument to generalize Hsu’s findings (Hsu et al., 2014). After using the

same instrument and altering the domain from Taiwanese companies to Alaskan nonprofit

organizations, experimentation was executed, and the results tested for consistency and accuracy.

The TOE framework suggests perceived benefits positively influence an organizations

intention to adopt a technological innovation. Furthermore, it suggests business concerns

negatively influence organizational intentions to adopt technology innovations. The theory has

found generalization and validity among for profit organizations. Therefore, this study

investigated the relationship of these innovation characteristics on nonprofit organizations.


The validity and reliability of this study began with testing the data for statistical

normality. This study was predicated on the assumption that the sample for this study would be

normally distributed with enough statistical power for parametric testing. The sample was

analyzed in SPSS using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The Shapiro-Wilk test has been shown as a valid

normality test for small samples (Afeez et al., 2018). For this assumption, the null hypothesis for

each variable is normally distributed in the population. Table 7 contains the results of the

Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution for each of the independent variables. For every

variable there is a significant difference (p < .05). This leads to rejecting the null hypothesis for

each variable, establishing that all variables were not normally distributed.

The small sample size of 22 respondents warranted further analysis for confirmation.

Small sample sizes often do not have enough power for statistical analysis. The generally

established lowest number of responses is 30 with a minimum of 100 nonprofit responses, as

sub-groups of all organization types (Delice, 2010). Therefore, skewness and kurtosis are

evaluated by SPSS, as displayed in Appendix F. Skew and kurtosis can be used to test for

normality by dividing them by their corresponding standard errors to determine z-scores (Kim,

2013). A positive normality test results in z-scores between -1.96 and 1.96 for the skewness and

kurtosis of variables with less than 50 participants (Kim, 2013). Five of the variables in this

study have either skewness or kurtosis z-scores outside the generally accepted range. Using

asymmetry and the peaks of a distribution for normality testing resulted in five of the fourteen

variables BC1, PB1, PB4, PB5, and PB6 continuing to reject the null hypothesis, failing

normality testing.

Figure 2 shows the Q-Q Plots for all variables. For all variables, a clear visual correlation

between the observed values and the expected normal regression line is apparent. In plots of the

variables, the values visually align closely to the normal distribution curve. Additionally, plots

for the 5 variables failing skewness and kurtosis clearly show linearity but all have one outlier.

The outlier is the reason for the skewness and kurtosis testing failures with the five variables.

The five variables had visual alignment with their expected normal regression line using Q-Q

plots, but the small sample size may be a factor in their outcome. Nevertheless, for all variables,

further analysis revealed plot aggregations along regression lines and/or z-values within


This study is built on the normal distribution of a larger study conducted by Hsu et al.

(2014). The same validated survey instrument was utilized for this study. Similar variables, as

shown in Appendix B, from previous quantitative studies on technology adoption all resulted in

normal distributions (Adon et al., 2017; Alkhater et al., 2018; Chuan-chuan et al., 2016; Rohani

& Hussin, 2015; Senarathna et al., 2018). Therefore, with these observations to justify

assumptions of normality the researcher continued data and instrumentation analysis.


Table 7

Tests of Normality

Statistic df Sig.
PB1 Customization .729 22 .000
PB2 Easily Analyze Data on Internet .873 22 .009
PB3 Reduce Deployment Time .844 22 .003
PB4 Reduce IT Costs .733 22 .000
PB5 Reduce IT Employee Costs .811 22 .001
PB6 Ubiquitous Access .459 22 .000
BC1 Confidentiality .608 22 .000
BC2 Incompatibility .885 22 .015
BC3 Insufficient Service Quality .896 22 .025
BC4 Internet Bottleneck .865 22 .006
BC5 Service Outages .836 22 .002
BC6 Underperformance .844 22 .003
BC7 Vendor Lock-In .825 22 .001
Adoption Intention .864 22 .006

Figure 2 Normal Q-Q Plots for Variables


Data Reliability

The result from normality testing required an investigation into the accuracy of this

study’s data. The reliability of data found in this study is related to its statistical power. Initial

analysis of statistical power indicated that a minimum sample size of 280 respondents would be

required to achieve the desired confidence level of at least 95%. However, only 22 responses

were received resulting in a margin of error of 21% at 95% confidence level as reported by

Survey Monkey. This means that if this study were repeated indefinitely with 22 respondents,

precision of results could fall as low as 74% suggesting that the reliability of this data is good,

but not very strong. In other words, any determinants in this study found to influence cloud

computing adoption can be assured with 74% accuracy. Therefore, the data may not provide

enough statistical power to represent all Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

Instrumentation Bias

A web-based survey was the instrument used to collect participant data. This type of

instrument is vulnerable to response bias and method bias. Such bias can influence the quality of

the research sample (Atif et al., 2012), as a result, common method bias was used to investigate

bias resulting from the instrumentation, Table 8. The instrument was not used to collect

demographic data, therefore, non-response bias could not be analyzed and none of the other 8

techniques, such as wave analysis, were applicable to anonymous surveys (Atif et al., 2015).

Participants must be able to submit survey responses based on their unique

predispositions without influence from the instrument. This form of bias can lead to faulty

interpretations in research results (Aguirre-Urreta & Hu, 2019). Hsu et al. tested this form of bias

on their sample using Harman’s single factor test and concluded that no single factor was able to

account for data variances (Hsu et al., 2014). The most popular technique for common method

bias testing is Harman’s Single-Factor Test (Aguirre-Urreta & Hu, 2019).

Common method bias testing was performed on this sample using Harman’s Single-

Factor test. The results are shown in Table 8. No single factor accounted for data variance. The

greatest variance was 41.5% and is less than the accepted significance cut-off of 50% (Aguirre-

Urreta & Hu, 2019). Therefore, no significant common method bias was found among the 13

independent variables of the dataset for this research. This finding is consistent with that of Hsu

et al. (2014).

Table 8

Common Method Bias Test Results

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Factor Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 5.404 41.571 41.571 5.404 41.571 41.571
2 3.967 30.514 72.085
3 1.284 9.874 81.959
4 .627 4.823 86.782
5 .437 3.363 90.145
6 .344 2.649 92.794
7 .314 2.418 95.212
8 .229 1.758 96.970
9 .161 1.238 98.207
10 .111 .854 99.062
11 .084 .645 99.707
12 .026 .198 99.905
13 .012 .095 100.000

Content Validity

Content validity is concerned with how well the questions of the survey captured the

intent of the observed indicators. Content validity was assured by using validated questions from

another research study whose empirical results concluded with significant findings. Both

constructs and factors from the research work of Hsu et al. (2014) were replicated in this study.

Hsu et al. developed their analysis using the TOE framework and created constructs from the

observed variables of previous studies in the same field of technology adoption.

Construct Reliability

The constructs and variables adapted in this study were already validated and derived

from literary review. Table 5 contains in detail the constructs and items used for this study. Hsu

et al. (2014) validated this study testing for construct reliability and construct validity. The same

tests were also performed on this study. Construct reliability tests for the internal consistency of

a construct’s items. This study has two constructs, perceived benefits and business concerns.

There are six perceived benefit predictors and seven business concern predictors.

The indicators in this study should load reliably together in support of their apriori

constructs. To investigate the relationship between items of this study, exploratory factor

analysis was performed. Literary review and previous research on adoption theory have

discovered influence between the observed variables and the subsequent latent variables of this

study. To investigate the relationship between items and their constructs, confirmatory factor

analysis was performed. First, Hsu et al. (2014) performed exploratory factor analysis and

confirmed no cross loading for the indicators of this study (Hsu et al., 2014). Then Hsu et al.

used SEM modeling to perform confirmatory factory analysis revealing influences between

constructs and their items. Predictors should load together to support their construct as shown in

Table 9.

Table 9

Means and Standard Deviation of Observed Variables

Construct Items Mean Std. Deviation

Perceived Benefits (PB) PB1 Customization 4.09 1.192
PB2 Easily Analyze Data on Internet 3.45 1.335
PB3 Reduce Deployment Time 3.68 1.211
PB4 Reduce IT Costs 4.23 .973
PB5 Reduce IT Employee Costs 3.86 1.246
PB6 Ubiquitous Access 4.64 .902
Business Concerns (BC) BC1 Confidentiality 4.36 1.177
BC2 Incompatibility 3.23 1.270
BC3 Insufficient Service Quality Guarantee 3.45 1.224
BC4 Internet Bottleneck 3.68 1.249
BC5 Service Outages 3.77 1.307
BC6 Underperformance 3.64 1.399
BC7 Vendor Lock-In 3.91 1.231

Based on previous research into adoption theory and the work of Hsu et al. (2014), items

PB1 through PB6 are expected to load together in support of the unidimensional construct

perceived benefits. Furthermore, items BC1 through BC7 should load together on the

unidimensional business concerns. The means and standard deviations are shown in Table 9. The

results of an exploratory factor analysis in SPSS are shown in Table 10, indicating three factors

together explaining 81.9% of the total variance. Moreover, the two constructs of this study were

confirmed by the first two factors representing 72% of total variance in this study having the

highest Eigenvalue quality scores. This was further explained by the rotated component matrix in

Table 11. The analysis from SPSS displays factors and calculated the weights for all items. All

weights are above the generally accepted 0.5 level suggesting influence except for item BC5

service outages, which reported weight on the 3rd factor. The component matrix validates Hsu et

al.’ finding that proposed items are related to their respective proposed constructs. However, it

may be possible that the small sample size is cause for the surfacing of a third construct which

includes PB6, BC4, BC5, and BC6 as predictors, but it could also be evidence of some unknown

relationship between those items. Then the scale used for data collection was found consistent

and reliable as shown by the Cronbach’s alpha (Į >0.7) reliability tests in Table 12.

Table 10

EFA Total Items Variance

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 5.404 41.571 41.571 4.672 35.940 35.940
2 3.967 30.514 72.085 4.032 31.014 66.954
3 1.284 9.874 81.959 1.951 15.005 81.959
4 .627 4.823 86.782
5 .437 3.363 90.145
6 .344 2.649 92.794
7 .314 2.418 95.212
8 .229 1.758 96.970
9 .161 1.238 98.207
10 .111 .854 99.062
11 .084 .645 99.707
12 .026 .198 99.905
13 .012 .095 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table 11

EFA Items Matrix

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3
PB4 Reduce IT Costs .937
PB3 Reduce Deployment Time .910
PB1 Customization .890
PB5 Reduce IT Employee Costs .860
PB2 Easily Analyze Data on Internet .827
PB6 Ubiquitous Access .726 .532
BC7 Vendor Lock-In .847
BC2 Incompatibility .838
BC1 Confidentiality .825
BC3 Insufficient Service Quality .794
BC4 Internet Bottleneck .671 .511
BC6 Underperformance .669 .566
BC5 Service Outages .405 .873
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 8 iterations.

Table 12

Cronbach's Alpha for PB & BC Items

Perceived Benefits Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Based on
Alpha Standardized Items N of Items
.929 .932 6
Business Concerns Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items

.911 .911 7

Finally, the SPSS correlation matrix for all items, found in Table 13, revealed

correlations (>0.5) between items of constructs. However, in perceived benefits there appeared to

be a weaker relationship between easily analyzing data on the internet (PB2) and ubiquitous

access (PB6). Additionally, business concerns showed weak correlation coefficients for both

confidentiality (BC1) and incompatibility (BC2) when related to service outages (BC5). The

results of the SPSS exploratory factor analysis suggested both validity and reliability for

relationships between the independent items of Hsu et al. (2014)’s study.

Table 13

Correlation Matrix

Correlation Matrix
PB1 Customization 1.000
PB2 Easily Analyze Data on
.751 1.000
PB3 Reduce Deployment Time .813 .830 1.000
PB4 Reduce IT Costs .762 .723 .833 1.000
PB5 Reduce IT Employee Costs .650 .583 .728 .813 1.000
PB6 Ubiquitous Access .652 .381 .543 .804 .589 1.000


BC1 Confidentiality 1.000
BC2 Incompatibility .579 1.000
BC3 Insufficient Service
.541 .696 1.000
Quality Guarantee
BC4 Internet Bottleneck .536 .468 .597 1.000
BC5 Service Outages .180 .377 .633 .712 1.000
BC6 Underperformance .605 .558 .657 .666 .734 1.000
BC7 Vendor Lock-In .616 .623 .787 .631 .579 .699 1.000

Construct Validity

The next step after analyzing independent variable relationships through exploratory

analysis is to validate the measurement models, perceived benefits and business concerns. This

was done in SPSS AMOS using confirmatory factor analysis. This study developed a fit

measurement model from the items and constructs found by Hsu et al. (2014) to influence the

adoption of cloud computing.

Figure 3 Measurement Model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis


The standardized results of the measurement model are shown in Figure 3. The formative

constructs perceived benefits and business concerns are latent factors for their respective

indicator values and residuals. First, regression weights were analyzed in SPSS AMOS as shown

in Tables 14 and 15. Covariances from unstandardized regression weights were all significant at

p<.05 and correlation and correlation coefficients from the standardized weights are all above the

generally accepted .05 threshold revealing that all indicators load significantly on their respective

latent factors. All variables have a strong effect on the factors except PB6 ubiquitous access and

BC2 incompatibility who have moderate effects. These values support results from the

exploratory analysis adding loading values for each independent variable in the measurement


Table 14

Measurement Model Unstandardized Regression Weights

Unstandardized Estimate S.E. C.R. P

PB1 <--- PerceivedBenefits 2.037 0.628 3.245 0.001
PB2 <--- PerceivedBenefits 2.296 0.834 2.753 0.006
PB3 <--- PerceivedBenefits 2.216 0.781 2.836 0.005
PB4 <--- PerceivedBenefits 1.728 0.443 3.902 ***
PB5 <--- PerceivedBenefits 1.941 0.741 2.617 0.009
PB6 <--- PerceivedBenefits 1
BC1 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.91 0.263 3.465 ***
BC2 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.808 0.276 2.923 0.003
BC3 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.988 0.183 5.4 ***
BC4 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.085 0.258 4.21 ***
BC5 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.13 0.283 3.988 ***
BC6 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.293 0.284 4.555 ***
BC7 <--- BusinessConcerns 1

Table 15

Measurement Model Standardized Regression Weights

Standardized Estimate
PB1 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.864
PB2 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.868
PB3 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.925
PB4 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.897
PB5 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.787
PB6 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.552
BC1 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.728
BC2 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.599
BC3 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.76
BC4 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.818
BC5 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.815
BC6 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.871
BC7 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.765

The measurement model was validated using model fit testing. The goodness of fit test

for a statistical model is required to summarize the discrepancy between observed values and the

values expected under normal distribution (Alkhater et al., 2018; Arbuckle 2011; Priyadarshinee

et al. 2017). To continue using the measurement model for statistical hypothesis testing in the

structured equation model, it should meet model fit requirements (Alkhater et al., 2018; Arbuckle

2011; Priyadarshinee et al. 2017). No items needed to be dropped due to factor loading so

standardized residuals were investigated first. It is generally accepted that indicator variables

with significant standardized residual covariances above 4 should be removed from the model

while significant standardized residual covariances of less than 2.5 do not suggest problems

(Schermelleh-Engel et al., 2003). After reviewing the AMOS covariances in Appendix G and

finding no values above the 2.5 threshold, no items were removed. It is also generally accepted

that a chi-square for a fit model more than 5 is a weak model (Marsh & Hocevar, 1985). The chi-

square, shown in Table 16, for the measurement model was 1.765 with a significance of less than

.001 showing closeness between the observed values of this model and their standardized

estimates. Then, the model indices were reviewed determine if the model was ready for

hypothesis testing. As shown in Table 16, both the goodness of fit index (GFI) and the

comparative fit index (CFI) were above the generally acceptable value of .5. However, when the

discrepancy between the observed data and the hypothesized model are compared, CFI shows a

stronger value of .825. This was closer to the desire value of .9 or higher for GFI and CFI. It may

be that the limited sample size has influenced the optimization of these values. Additionally,

Table 16 shows root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was very low and less than

the general .8 cutoff. It was concluded that the difference between the observed and the

estimated model is low. Finally, it was also concluded that all goodness of fit tests are within

limits to declare the measurement model ready for hypothesis testing.

The next step in construct validity is testing for convergent validity. The generally

accepted value for average variance extracted (AVE) is greater than .5 but values greater than .7

are preferred to show how closely together indicators are in determining their latent variable

(Bagozzi & Yi, 1988). The convergent validity for perceived benefits was calculated 0.681 and

the convergent validity of business concerns was calculated as 0.592 using the standard formula

for AVE. Convergent validity was obtained for all latent variables, thus, the indicators appear to

be from the same population sample. It may be that a stronger sample would have demonstrated

greater convergence.

Discriminant validity was investigated to determine how apart our constructs were from

one another. The degree by which constructs diverge from each other is called discriminant

validity and is tested by taking the square root of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) to

determine if it is larger than the other correlations, establishing construct distinction (Hsu & Tsai,

2017). The square root of the AVE is the discriminant validity for each construct. Perceived

benefits was calculated to be 0.825 and business concerns was 0.769. It is generally accepted that

the square root of the AVE must be more that the latent variables correlations. The correlation

score between perceived benefits and business concerns was determined to be 0.274 by the SPSS

AMOS output. This was less than both square root values. Thus, it was determined that

discriminant validity was present for the latent variables in this study as both calculations

exceeded the correlation score between them.

Finally, composite reliability (CR) was invested to determine the shared variance of the

indicator variables on the latent variables. The recommended cut-off value for CR is a

Cronbach’s alpha value greater than 7.0 to establish the quality assurance for the variables of this

study (Chandra & Kumar, 2018; Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Hassan et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2018;

Rahi et al., 2017; Wright et al., 2017). After performing the standard calculation, composite

reliability for perceived benefits was 0.830 and business concerns was 0.909. It is generally

accepted that composite reliability scores must be greater than 0.6 to determine internal

consistency reliability. It was concluded that both constructs showed internal consistency

reliability between their respective indicator variables.

In summary, chi-square was significant below the 0.05 for the model and both

confirmatory factor analysis and root mean square error of approximation appear good. Overall,

the fit statistics suggested that the estimated model reproduces the sample covariance matrix

reasonably well. Additionally, evidence suggests good construct validity. The observed measures

behaved unidimensional as expected.


Table 16

Model Fit Summary

Chi-Square 1.765
P 0.000
GFI 0.644
CFI 0.825
RMSEA 0.191

After determination was made that the model was fit, IBM SPSS AMOS was then used to

build and test the structured equation model (SEM). The purpose of SEM analysis was to

validate the theoretically proposed influences between predictors and their factors. The research

of Hsu et al. (2014) revealed that all indicators were found to correlate and showed significant

weight in supporting their latent variables.

The SEM model is found in Figure 4. The endogenous latent variable of cloud adoption

intention was added as a construct for the adoption intention indicator. After review of

covariances in Appendix H and finding no value above the 2.5, no items required removal as the

items showed consisted statistical power to reflect their constructs.

Model fit was analyzed. Chi-square demonstrated good statistical ability to explain

causation as defined by the estimate model. The chi-square value was within general acceptance

at 2.009 and significant at less than .001. Additionally, GFI, CFI, and RMSEA remained within

generally accepted values at .587, .753, and .219 respectively. The model remained strong

enough to use for hypothesis analysis.


Figure 4 Structured Equation Model


The regression weights were analyzed again in SPSS AMOS as shown in Tables 17 and

18. Except for the factor loadings, both covariances from unstandardized regression weights

remained significant and correlation coefficients were within tolerances. However, business

concerns and perceived benefits did not support cloud adoption intention with statistical

significance. Furthermore, loadings were also weak in explaining cloud adoption intention with

business concerns (.196) at 19% influence and perceived benefits (.401) at 40% by weight.

Despite their weak statistical power, business concern did have less influence on adoption

intention than perceived benefits. This was also true for Hsu et al. (2014)’s findings. However,

business concerns did not have a negative correlation coefficient. This study was unable to show

that adoption intention relates to business concerns in an inverse relationship. Nevertheless,

Appendix H shows that all indicators of business concerns, except ubiquitous access (BC6), are

inversely related to adoption intention.

Table 17

Structured Equation Model Unstandardized Regression Weights

Estimate S.E. C.R. P

CloudAdoptionIntention <--- BusinessConcerns 0.269 0.377 0.714 0.475
CloudAdoptionIntention <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.925 0.751 1.232 0.218
PB6 <--- PerceivedBenefits 1
PB5 <--- PerceivedBenefits 1.934 0.731 2.647 0.008
PB4 <--- PerceivedBenefits 1.725 0.441 3.916 ***
PB3 <--- PerceivedBenefits 2.186 0.766 2.856 0.004
PB2 <--- PerceivedBenefits 2.259 0.816 2.767 0.006
PB1 <--- PerceivedBenefits 2.006 0.613 3.275 0.001
BC1 <--- BusinessConcerns 1
BC2 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.876 0.323 2.712 0.007
BC3 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.077 0.314 3.434 ***
BC4 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.187 0.321 3.695 ***
BC5 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.247 0.482 2.589 0.01

BC6 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.411 0.36 3.914 ***

BC7 <--- BusinessConcerns 1.089 0.316 3.451 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- CloudAdoptionIntention 1.079 0.31 3.48 ***

Table 18

Structured Equation Model Standardized Regression Weights

Adoption_Intention <--- CloudAdoptionIntention 0.778
BC1 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.73
BC2 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.593
BC3 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.756
BC4 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.816
BC5 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.82
BC6 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.867
BC7 <--- BusinessConcerns 0.76
CloudAdoptionIntention <--- BusinessConcerns 0.196
CloudAdoptionIntention <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.401
PB1 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.859
PB2 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.863
PB3 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.922
PB4 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.905
PB5 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.792
PB6 <--- PerceivedBenefits 0.555

Nomological Validity

The theoretical prediction as outline by the work of Hsu et al. (2014) was that indicators

would have an influence on the dependent variable of adoption intention. All construct

correlations with the dependent variable of adoption intention were validated as shown in Figure

4. However, the hypothetical prediction of an inverse relationship between business concerns

and adoption intention were not validated. This may be due to the small sample size or other

unknown factors. Nevertheless individually, indicators of business concerns did demonstrate

inverse covariance with adoption intention. There appears to be a relationship between adoption

intention, perceived benefits, and business concerns as theorized. Furthermore, perceived

benefits did appear to have a stronger correlation with adoption intention than business concerns

as hypothesized.

The findings of Hsu et al. (2014)’s original study could not all be validated. Business

concerns did not have a negative correlation with adoption intention. The present study suggests

that both business concerns and perceived benefits positively influence adoption intention, but

business concerns showed less than half the influence of perceived benefits. This indicated a

negative impact of business concerns but not a negative correlation. Despite the contradiction

with the study of Hsu et al., it was concluded that this study’s model does align in theoretically

predicted ways with measures of different but related constructs. Constructs related and the

proposed model validly reflected the proposed theory.


In March of 2020, 2,310 postcards were mailed to all 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations

with addresses in Anchorage Alaska. The postcards stated the purpose of the survey,

requirements for participating in the survey, and a short URL to access the survey. The postcard

format and survey were pre-approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Northcentral


After two months, 290 postcards were returned as undeliverable, leaving 2020 in the

target population. There were 36 participants who attempted the survey and initially a 1.7%

response rate, however, 12 participants completed less than half, one completed just over half,

and one participant missed a single question. In summary, 22 participants successfully completed

this study, resulting in a 1.1% response rate.


Participants of this study answered the same questions originally validated by researcher

Hsu et al. (2014). Hsu et al. used a telephonic method to contact participants in contrast to the

online survey method used in this study. In 2010, Hsu et al. used a publicly published listed of

the top 5000 companies of Taiwan to contact 623 potential participants with a response rate

32.1%, 200 participants. Participants of this study were anonymous, but Hsu et al. started their

study with demographic information for each of their participants. Hsu et al. requested the

number of employees, type of industry, and annual information technology budget for their

participant organizations.

It is common for web-based surveys to produce lower response rates than other

methodologies (Blumenberg & Barros, 2018). This was found to be relatively true in comparing

a response rate of 32.1% by Hsu et al. (2014) with 1.1% in this study. The telephone

methodology for this instrument supported Blumenberg and Barros’s (2018) assertion. Despite a

web-survey distribution of 2020 postcards compared to 623 phone calls, the phone calls resulted

in greater response rates. The process of first receiving notification by postal service and then

obtaining internet access for the URL added further requirements for participants as compared to

those in Hsu et al. (2014)’s study.

Descriptive Statistics

The sample characteristics were captured to provide a general overview of results from

the 22 respondents. First, the relative importance index scale was used to determine the value

participants placed on specific construct items. In Figure 5, participants from this study chose

PB6 ubiquitous access as their most important perceived benefit which contrasted with PB4,

reduced IT costs, chosen most valuable in Hsu et al. (2014)’s study. Current global health

conditions may have influenced this item. As more offices were suddenly implementing and

utilizing telework capabilities to prevent viral spread the predisposition toward ubiquitous access

of business resources might have naturally surfaced as a new priority. Nevertheless, the second

most valuable perceived benefit in this study did agree with Hsu et al. (2014)’s primary

perceived value, PB4 reduced IT costs.

Figure 5 Perceived Benefits by Value

Characteristics of business concerns were reviewed. This study found that participants

chose BC1 confidentiality as their most important business concern as shown in Figure 6. This

was the second most valuable concern in Hsu et al. (2014)’s study after BC5 service outages.

The finding did not align exactly with Hsu et al. but confidentiality of business resources was a

high priority for nonprofit Alaskan organizations as with for-profit organizations looking to

adopt cloud technologies. Taiwan had national problems with power and internet connectivity

which could explain the primary concern of BC5 service outages for Hsu et al. (2014). However,

in the United States the recent publicity of largescale security breaches at nationwide companies

may be a factor influencing privacy as priority. Thus, geographical predispositions may have

influenced results. Clearly, business concern may be geographically based but this is the purpose

of generalizing research findings.

Figure 6 Business Concerns by Value

It was important to investigate the migration intentions of the respondents from this

study. The stacked bar chart of Figure 7 displays the intention of respondents to migrate by cloud

technology on a 100 percent ratio scale. Video teleconferencing surfaced as an important cloud

technology sought after by respondents. A relationship may be surfacing among respondent

values and the current global health pandemic. Participants chose a solution directly related to

telework capabilities. Video teleconferencing is a cloud solution being aggressively used during

the global pandemic to mitigate the spread of viral infection. It allows organization to continue

meetings and events without physical contact or proximity. This observation contrasted with

email systems chosen by the respondents of Hsu et al. (2014)’s study as their most potential

migration option. Nevertheless, Hsu et al. (2014)’s findings also found video teleconferencing a

high priority for migration. Their participants made it their second most sought after technology

innovation. Video teleconferencing remained a high priority for participants from both studies. It

was also noted that cloud email solutions are currently the most utilized technology among

nonprofit organization in Anchorage Alaska. Additionally, supply chain management was not a

solution being used among any participants of this study.


Figure 7 Intention to Migrate Current Technology to the Cloud


The researcher investigated adoption intention by participants. This was the dependent

variable of this study. The stacked bar chart of Figure 8 displays the intention of respondents

migrate to specific cloud service models on a 100 percent ratio scale. Of the three service

models, platform as a service was selected as the most popular adoption intention for the next

year. This means that solutions like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services are being

targeted by organization as a replacement for traditional on-premises solutions. Participants are

also heavily using software as a service solution and currently have weak intentions to adopt

infrastructure as a service solution. The three deployment models are cumulative. Thus, platform

as a service generally will not require a customer to use infrastructure as a service as it is already

included in the solution and managed by the cloud host (Chandrasekaran, 2015). In the same

manner, a software as a service solution is already utilizing platform and infrastructure as a

service managed by the cloud host (Chandrasekaran, 2015). Relative importance index is an

appropriate analysis tool for prioritizing indicators rated on Likert scales (Muhammad et al.,

2018). Thus, using the standard formula, it was used again, as shown in Figure 9, to determine

that a majority of 77% of participants valued software as a service as their top service model.

Therefore, the strong value towards software as a service solution may also indicate willingness

to delegate infrastructure and platform services to the respective cloud host. The current use of

software as a service may be further strengthened by the expensive living costs of the state. The

current high cost of living in Alaska ranks it the 7th most expensive state (Fried, 2019).

Figure 8 Adoption Intention

Figure 9 Adoption Intention by Value


Finally, the other dependent variables of this study are analyzed, pricing mechanism and

deployment model. They were not used empirically in this study but offer further insight into the

adoption nature of nonprofit organization in Anchorage Alaska. The preferred deployment model

of nonprofit organizations in Anchorage Alaska was public cloud. The results from relative

importance index (RII) analysis are shown in Figure 10. Nonprofits preferred to host their

organization assets with public cloud hosting providers like Google, Amazon, and Azure. In fact,

86% of participants preferred public hosting over private hosting solutions. This speaks to the

assurance public hosting provider have given Anchorage organizations regarding privacy and

security concerns. In contrast, Hsu et al. (2014)’s for-profit participants chose private cloud

hosting as their preferred deployment model by 93%.

Choosing a pricing mechanism seems to be an independent decision unrelated to the

deployment model. Nonprofit organization preferred to purchase a one-time license for their

cloud services. Results from RII analysis are in Figure 11. However, only 36% preferred this

method. The other 64% was split equally between pay-as-you-go and unlimited access monthly

fees. This could show that Anchorage nonprofit organizations are diverse in their fiscal decision

making. It could also point to some unknown variable influencing pricing mechanisms. In

contrast, Hsu et al. (2014)’s for-profit participants chose unlimited access as their preferred

pricing method with 66% support.

The disparity between pricing mechanism and deployment models between Alaskan

nonprofits and Taiwan for-profits could be influenced by several factors. First, the weakness of

this study’s sample may influence these differences. There may be unaccounted geographical

variances which impact pricing and deployment fidelities. Lastly, this study may be pointing to

distinctions between the way nonprofits and for-profits decision models and needs are


Figure 10 Preferred Deployment Model


Figure 11 Preferred Pricing Mechanism

The global health pandemic may have not only influenced this study’s survey response

rate but also responses of participants. Sample characteristics appeared to support both Hsu et al.

(2014)’s general findings and the current global health climate regarding cloud technology

adoption. Most findings remained consisted with Hsu et al.’s study. We investigated our

hypotheses against the results of this study.

Research Question 1. Perceived Benefits

This study began with the two research questions. The first question asked what influence

perceived benefits had on the acceptance of cloud computing among nonprofit Alaskan

businesses. The hypothesis predilection for this study was generalized on the Hsu et al. (2014)’s

original hypothesis. To address Research Question 1, the following seven hypothesis-pairs were

postulated for evaluation using null hypothesis significance testing.


H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1a Perceived benefits positively influence cloud computing adoption among nonprofit Alaskan


Analysis using a statistically fit model calculated a significance of 0.218 and a loading of 0.401

on adoption intention, Table 17, Table 18, and Figure 4. There was not sufficient statistical

power in the latent variable to suggest correlation. The empirical findings for perceived benefits

were not enough to reject the null hypothesis. Hsu et al. (2014)’s study showed statistical

significance for perceived benefits at p<0.05 and loading of 0.219. This study was unable to

generalize this finding. The six perceived benefits do not collectively influence the cloud

computing adoption intention of nonprofit Alaskan organizations.


Figure 12 Structured Equation Model, Hypotheses Analysis

Table 19

Regression Weights, Hypotheses Analysis

Estimate S.E. C.R. P

Adoption_Intention <--- PB1 .054 .115 .465 .642
Adoption_Intention <--- PB2 -1.589 .103 -15.434 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- PB3 .144 .114 1.271 .204
Adoption_Intention <--- PB4 2.569 .141 18.168 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- PB5 .490 .110 4.436 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- PB6 -1.716 .152 -11.255 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- BC1 -.436 .117 -3.729 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- BC2 -.899 .108 -8.306 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- BC3 1.382 .112 12.299 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- BC4 .572 .110 5.197 ***

Adoption_Intention <--- BC5 -1.007 .105 -9.574 ***

Adoption_Intention <--- BC6 .802 .098 8.162 ***
Adoption_Intention <--- BC7 -.499 .112 -4.465 ***

Table 20

Standardized Regression Weights, Hypotheses Analysis

Adoption_Intention <--- PB1 .014
Adoption_Intention <--- PB2 -.450
Adoption_Intention <--- PB3 .037
Adoption_Intention <--- PB4 .530
Adoption_Intention <--- PB5 .129
Adoption_Intention <--- PB6 -.328
Adoption_Intention <--- BC1 -.109
Adoption_Intention <--- BC2 -.242
Adoption_Intention <--- BC3 .359
Adoption_Intention <--- BC4 .151
Adoption_Intention <--- BC5 -.279
Adoption_Intention <--- BC6 .238
Adoption_Intention <--- BC7 -.130

H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1b Customizability positively influences cloud computing adoption among nonprofit Alaskan


Using factor analysis, customizability was significant at 0.001 and loaded well with

perceived benefits at 0.86, Table 17 and 18. However, it failed to explain adoption intention.

Customizability was loaded against the dependent variable of adoption intention as shown in

Figure 12. As determined by the results in Table 19 and 20 this item was not significant in

explaining adoption intention with P equal to 0.642. Furthermore, it had the smallest weight of

approximately 1.4% on perceived benefits. The null hypothesis could not be rejected empirically

for this variable. The ability to customize cloud computing capabilities to meet organizational

requirements did not influence adoption intention for nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1c Concurrent remote data analysis positively influences cloud computing adoption among

nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

This item loaded well with perceived benefits and had a loading of .86 and significance of

0.006. It significantly explained adoption intention and had the highest weight of -0.450. The

results revealed an inverse relationship with adoption intention. As a result, the null hypothesis

could not be rejected empirically for this variable. Alaskan nonprofit organizations appear to

view their ability to access and analyze data by multiple participants at the same time as negative

influence on their decision to adopt cloud computing.

H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1d Reduced information systems deployment time positively influences cloud computing

adoption among nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

This item had very strong loadings and significance at .0922 and 0.004 respectively on

the construct of perceived benefits. However, Tables 19 and 20 show this was the second item to

insignificantly impact adoption intention. It only had correlation of 4% with adoption intention.

As a result of these findings, the null hypothesis was accepted for this variable. Alaskan

nonprofit organizations did not value the rapid delivery of new computing technologies as

motivation for adopting cloud computing.


H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1e Reduced IT overhead positively influences cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

This item was significant at p<0.001 with a strong weight of 0.905 as an indicator for

perceived benefits. It showed significant correlation with adoption intention and had a moderate

loading of 0.530. As a result, the null hypothesis was rejected. The technology cost savings

implied by migrating to cloud computing does influence the adoption intention of Alaskan


H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1f Reduced IT personnel costs positively influences cloud computing adoption among

nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

The significance was .008 and the correlation was 0.792 in support of the construct

perceived benefits. Regarding adoption intention, there was significant influence but with only

0.129 weight. The null hypothesis is rejected. Nonprofit Alaskan organizations did value the

technology personnel cost savings as a factor in their decision to adopt cloud computing.

H10 Perceived benefits have no influence on cloud computing adoption among nonprofit

Alaskan organizations.

H1g Mobility positively influences cloud computing adoption among nonprofit Alaskan


This item provided support for the construct with a significance of 0.008 and a loading of

0.555 but it was the weakest loading for the construct perceived benefits. The item had a

significant loading of -0.328 on adoption intention. Furthermore, the relationship was negative

suggesting an inverse relationship. The null hypothesis was accepted. Alaskan nonprofits

interpret their ability to access organizational resources from any location as a negative feature

when deciding to adopt cloud computing. Alaskan nonprofits may not want their organizational

data accessible from the internet.

Research Question 2. Business Concerns

The second question asked how operational business concerns influenced the acceptance

of cloud computing among nonprofit Alaskan businesses. These business concerns are also

generalizations of those hypothesized by Hsu et al. (2014). To address Research Question 2, the

following eight hypothesis-pairs were postulated, to be evaluated using null hypothesis

significance testing.

H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2a Business concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

After SEM Analysis a significance of 0.475 and a loading of 0.196 was found on

adoption intention, Table 17, Table 18, and Figure 4. Results were not significant with very weak

loadings so a correlation could not be assured. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected. Hsu

et al. (2014)’s study showed statistical significance for business concerns at p<0.1 and loading of

-0.185. This study was unable to generalize this relationship against nonprofits. The seven

business concerns do not collectively influence the cloud computing adoption intention of

nonprofit Alaskan organizations.


H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2b Information assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

This factor loaded well on business concerns with a significance of 0.007 and loading of

0.730. It also had a loading of -0.109 on adoption intention which was also significant. Thus, the

null hypothesis was rejected. The possibility of new information security risks and data

vulnerabilities resulting from migrating to cloud computing negatively influenced the adoption

intention of Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2c The interoperability of legacy systems negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

This item successfully loaded as an indicator for business concerns. It was significant

with a weight of 0.593. It also showed significant causation on adoption intention with a loading

of -0.242. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected. Alaskan nonprofits organizations interpret

the difficulty of integrating existing information systems with cloud computing technologies as a

negative influence on their adoption intention.

H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2d Quality assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing among

Alaskan nonprofit organizations.


This item showed a strong influence of 0.756 on business concerns along with

significance. It has a positive relationship with adoption intention and a loading of 0.359. The

null hypothesis was accepted due to the positive relationship. As concerns for quality of cloud

services grow, the intention to adopt cloud computing technologies appear to also grows among

nonprofit Alaskan organizations.

H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2e Network assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing among

Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

Network assurance significantly influenced the construct of business concerns with a

loading of 0.816. Furthermore, it had a positive significant influence on adoption intention with a

weight of 0.151. As a result of the positive relationship, the null hypothesis was accepted. The

lack of network fidelity for cloud computing services appears not to be a concern for Alaskan

nonprofits. In contrast to Hsu et al. (2014)’s findings, the growth of this concerns seems to rise

with their positive intention to adopt cloud computing technology.

H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2f Service assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing among

Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

Service assurance had a significant and strong loading of 0.820 on business concerns. It

also had a significant loading of -0.279 on adoption intention. Thus, the null hypothesis was

rejected. Alaskan nonprofit organizations may want cloud solutions to operate consistently and

without interruptions. The growth of unexpected service outages could negatively influences

their intentions for adopting cloud computing technologies.

H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2g Performance assurance concerns negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

This indicator had a strong loading of 0.867 on business concerns and it was significant.

It also has a significant inverse loading of 0.238 on adoption intention. Consequently, the null

hypothesis was accepted. Alaskan nonprofit organizations viewed performance issues positively.

Inconsistent with Hsu et al. (2014)’s findings, their intent to adopt cloud computing technologies

increased with increasing concerns for service performance.

H20 Business concerns have no influence on the adoption cloud computing among Alaskan

nonprofit organizations.

H2h Vendor and data lock-in negatively influence the adoption of cloud computing among

Alaskan nonprofit organizations.

This item was significant and had a weight of 0.760 on the construct of business

concerns. It also significantly influences adoption intention with a loading of -0.130. As a result,

the null hypothesis was rejected. Alaskan nonprofit organizations do not like their data being

locked with a specific cloud services provider. They want the flexibility of being able to change

providers, thus, vendor lock-in negatively influenced their intentions to adopt cloud computing.

The results of this study were expected to align with findings from Hsu et al. (2014)’s

work on cloud adoption intention. In their findings, all perceived benefits positively loaded on

the dependent variable of adoption intention. On the other hand, all their business concerns

loaded inversely. The results from this study’s analysis were inconclusive in generalizing all the

relationships of independent variables on the dependent variable. This may be the result of the

sample size or other variables unknown to this study. Statistically, the model was fit but there

may not have been enough data to support hypothesis testing for all assertions and assumptions.

Nevertheless, all indicators correlated with their constructs and 11 of the 13 were related

with the dependent variable, adoption intention. However, only six variables successfully

generalized the findings of Hsu et al. (2014). Two perceived benefit predictors had positive

correlation coefficients on adoption intention and four business concerns were negative. Based

on a priori, the relationship of adoption intention with all seven business concern predictors were

expected to be negative and the six perceived benefit predictors positive.

Lastly, the predictors with high standardized residuals were removed from the SEM

model to see if significance of the two constructs could be achieved despite the small sample

size. Figure 13 shows the business concern construct was able establish an inverse relationship of

-0.10 with adoption intention when four predictors were removed. But the loading became less

significant at the higher value of 0.629. Additionally, the latent variable perceived benefits

significantly influenced adoption intention at p<0.05 but four of its indicators had to be removed.

Goodness of fit testing for the model improved. The chi-square decreased to 1.523 with a

stronger GFI of 0.873 and a stronger CFI of 0.923. Perceived benefits significantly influenced

adoption intention and business concerns could also achieve an inverse relationship despite its

lack of significance. The additional analysis was able to conclude that alignment with Hsu et al.

(2014)’s finding may be possible with a sample of stronger statistical power.


Figure 13 Adjusted SEM Model for Significance

Evaluation of the Findings

Overall, empirical findings resulted in only two of six perceived benefits and four of

seven business concerns accepted as alternate hypothesis. Many of the hypotheses tests in this

study resulted in accepting the null hypothesis. Therefore, complete generalization and validation

with Hsu et al. (2014)’s study could not be obtained. This is believed to be the result of weak

statistical power and is further supported by all items failing Shapiro-Wilks normality testing.

Factor analysis showed statistically significant covariances and correlation coefficients.

Additionally, convergent validity was able to show population consistency and the SEM model

was able to meet measures of generally acceptable standards for goodness of fit testing. A final

modification of the model was able to generate a better chi-square and achieve significance for a

construct, perceived benefits. Overall, analysis demonstrates both the experiment was executed

and the data was collected in a manner which can be repeated, validated, and tested for


The theoretical framework for this study was Tornatzky’s Technology Organizational

Environmental (TOE). The theory states that innovation adoption is a factor of technological

characteristics, organizational characteristics, and environmental characteristics. Very little

research was found to exists in the field on the relationship between for-profit determinants for

innovation adoption and nonprofit organizations. This study was designed to extend the existing

body of knowledge by applying the TOE framework to the nonprofit domain. Unforeseen global

health conditions and their impact on this area of study may have impacted the ability of

participants to collect their postal mail for the duration of this study’s survey. Responses were

low and statistical power was not significant enough to generalize existing research findings.

Results were consistent with theory and hypotheses were able to show significant

relationships. However, relationships with the dependent variable, adoption intention and its

constructs, perceived benefits and business concerns, could not be determined. Furthermore, item

level relationships could only be found with six variables and adoption intention. Reduced IT

costs PB4 and reduced IT employee costs PB5 did empirically report a positive influence on the

intention of nonprofit organization in Anchorage Alaska to adopt cloud computing technologies.

Additionally, confidentiality BC1, incompatibility BC2, service outage BC5, and vendor lock-in

BC7 empirically reported negative influences on adoption intention. Alaskan nonprofits have

clear concerns for technology adoption, despite a 68% adoption intention rate. Nevertheless, the

overall experiment had a 21% margin of error. This suggests a 79% confidence level for this

study, however, the general standard for research confidence is a 10% margin of error or less.


The findings of this study resulted in diverse conclusions. Alignment with Hsu et al.

(2014)’s work was inconsistent with all findings. Nevertheless, confirmatory factor analysis was

able to replicate the relationships between indicators and latent variables as described in Hsu et

al. (2014)’s study. Furthermore, six of the thirteen items were found to have significant influence

on cloud adoption intention. Unfortunately, there did not appear to be enough statistical power to

support hypothesis testing for the unidimensional constructs. Perceived benefits and business

concerns did not have a statistically significant relationship with adoption intention.

Despite inconsistent results with previous studies, relationships between some indicators

of the independent variables perceived benefits and business concerns and the dependent variable

Adoption Intention were successfully determined. The 13 latent variables all related with their

respective constructs in both exploratory and confirmatory analysis. Reductions in IT costs and

IT personnel costs were perceived benefits for Alaskan nonprofits who intended to adopt cloud

computing. Furthermore, confidentiality, interoperability with existing systems, service

interruptions, and vendor data lock-in surfaced as business concerns against adoption. The null

hypothesis was therefore accepted for all other indicators of adoption intention. Empirically, the

Hsu et al. (2014)’s proposed model validly reflected the proposed TOE framework that perceived

benefits and business concerns are related to adoption intention. Despite the sample size and

failing normality testing with Shapiro-Wilks, Q plots, and skew/kurtosis could be used to address

assumptions. Reliability and validity were found for content, constructs, and instrumentation.

But reliability was not assured for the data because the results of power analysis were weak.

The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study was to build on previous studies

of technology adoption theory by addressing the lack of external validity for cloud computing

adoption factors among nonprofit organizations. The findings of Chapter 4 did support existing

research and theory as predictors aligned in support of their constructs, perceived benefits, and

business concerns. The alignment was further supported with a fit SEM model. However, there

was not sufficient data for reliable hypotheses testing and rejected null hypotheses have weak

support. The global pandemic may have introduced an unexpected effect on data collection.

Thus, in Chapter 5 we discussed the implications of weak findings, practice recommendations

resulting learned from unexpected data collection limitation, and pathways for stronger future


Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations, and Conclusions

Nonprofit organizations may operate their organizations differently from for-profit

organizations. This difference could influence how they choose to adopt innovations. Hsu et al.

(2014) found that perceived benefits and business concerns have a significant influence on how

for-profit organization in Taiwan chose cloud computing technologies. The problem addressed

by this study was the need for external validity with nonprofit organizations concerning factors

empirically shown to influence cloud computing adoption among for profit organizations. This

study explored whether the same determinants influence the intention of Alaskan nonprofits to

adopt cloud computing technologies. The purpose of this study was to provide generalization for

technology acceptance theory while providing external validation for Hsu et al. (2014)’s

research. Using the TOE framework, identical factors, and the same survey the study explored

how well results fit the theoretical model. Confirmatory factor analysis and SEM modeling were

used to investigate the results.

The results for this study did fit the theoretical model and all items loaded together well

as constructs, however, the sample did not offer enough reliability and for most variables, the

null hypothesis could not be rejected. Only six of the thirteen factors were observed having

significant influence on the intention by Alaskan nonprofits to adopt cloud computing.

Constructs appeared not to have enough statistical power to support Hsu et al. (2014) finding that

perceived benefits and business concerns influence the adoption of innovations. Hsu et al. (2014)

observed that perceived benefits had a positive relationship and business concerns had a negative

relationship with cloud computing adoption intention.

There were several limiting factors in this study. First, this study used a survey

instrument which depended on the postal service for delivery of invitations. Among other IRB

approved components, the post card contained an easy to remember link to initiate the survey.

Hsu et al. (2014) used a telephone call center based in China to call all their participants by

phone. This gave them a greater degree of confidence that invitations reached the targeted

population. This study could not assure that all post cards reached their destinations. In fact, 290

out of 2310 post cards returned undeliverable.

The next limitation added further challenge. Postcards were mailed two days prior to a

statewide emergency order which shutdown all businesses for two months. All businesses and

nonessential services were closed to prevent the rapid spread of the Novel Corona Virus

(COVID-19). The mayor of Anchorage reopened basic services and businesses with limitations

on May 25, 2020, after this study closed. Respondents for this survey may not have received

their organizational mail while their organization was closed for business. It is also possible that

many post cards were piled into full mailboxes and possibly weeks later discarded as junk mail.

This is evident by the number of additional survey responses which have arrives since the study

has ended and business resumed daily services. The statewide health protection conditions and

subsequent emergency orders could have negatively influenced the response rate for this study’s

web survey.

This study noticed a possible pattern between perception of new business priorities

during the global pandemic and results in this study. Video teleconferencing became the top

cloud upgrade intention, and the number one perceived benefit was ubiquitous (mobile) access to

office resources (PB6). This study cannot be certain that the impact of COVID-19 virus on

business operations did not skew sample data by introducing an external bias.

Finally, the sample size was small. The margin of error did not meet the original

expectations of this study. As a result, the statistical power of this study may have influenced the

inability of this study to provide external validity for the research findings of Hsu et al. (2014).

Furthermore, other factors unique to nonprofit organizations in Alaska could have also impacted

results. The researcher then summarizes this study by interpreting implications and offering



The results of this study were not statistically strong as revealed by normality testing.

Nevertheless, the study did support innovation adoption theory and offered some generalization

in support of existing research. The TOE framework suggests that an organizations intent to

adopt an innovation is influenced by technological, organizational, and environmental

characteristics. Existing research in the field of cloud computing adoption suggests business

concerns and perceived benefits are technological characteristics which significantly influence

innovation acceptance, Appendix B. Business concerns have been found to negatively correlate

with adoption intention while perceived benefits correlate positively.

Research Question 1, What influence does perceived benefits have on the acceptance of cloud

computing among nonprofit Alaskan businesses?

The perceived benefits of this study were observed as having theoretical soundness and

support for existing research. The null hypothesis for perceived benefits stated that no effect

would be observed on adoption intention. The null hypothesis was accepted for four of the six

factors. Adoption intention was not influenced by reduced deployment time (PB3) and

customizability (PB1). The other two factors were observed to have negative affect on adoption

intention. This could suggest a decrease in the intent of nonprofit organizations to adopt cloud

computing as their concerns for ubiquitous access (PB6) and the ability to perform analysis on

the internet (PB2) increase. Ubiquitous access had a 32% influence on adoption intention and

internet data analysis had a 45% influence. Alaskan nonprofits interpret their ability to access

organizational resources from any location as a negative feature when deciding to adopt cloud

computing. They also appear to view their ability to access and analyze data by multiple

participants at the same time as negative influence on their decision to adopt cloud computing.

The implication is nonprofit organizations may see the mobility of their data as a concern. They

may not want their data accessible from the cloud or analyzed by cloud resources. Nonprofit

organizations do not appear to share the same perceived benefits from the adoption of cloud

computing. While this nonprofit deviation may be explainable, it did not support existing for-

profit research findings.

There were two factors of perceived benefits that supported existing findings. Reduction

of IT costs (PB4) and employee costs (PB5) were found to significantly influence cloud

computing adoption. Reduced IT costs had a stronger 53% loading on adoption intention than

employee costs at 13%. Overall, the theorem was supported. These technology characteristics of

perceived benefits influenced adoption intention. As with for-profit organizations, nonprofit

Alaskan organizations did value the technology personnel cost savings as a factor in their

decision to adopt cloud computing. They also valued the technology personnel cost savings as a

factor in their decision to adopt cloud computing. These factors findings were consisted with the

existing for-profit research suggesting that nonprofit and for-profit organizations value cost

savings in deciding on adopting cloud computing technologies.

Only two perceived benefits from this study significantly influenced cloud computing

adoption providing acceptance of alternate hypotheses. Two were inconsistent with previous for-

profit findings and suggest a deviation in how mobility and data analysis are perceived by non-

profits organizations. The final two were not significant.


Research Question 2, How do operational business concerns influence the acceptance of

cloud computing among nonprofit Alaskan businesses?

Business concerns were also observed as having theoretical soundness and showed more

consistent support for existing research. The null hypothesis for business concerns stated that no

effect would be observed on adoption intention. All factors of business concerns were observed

significantly influencing adoption intention. However, the null hypothesis was accepted for three

business concerns. Three of the seven factors were observed to have positive affect on adoption

intention in contrast to existing research. This could imply that as organizations increase their

intention to adopt cloud computing, their concern for the lack of service quality guarantees

(BC3), internet bottlenecks (BC4), and poor network speeds (BC6) decreases. The factor with

the strongest influence was BC3 with a 35% loading followed by BC6 24% loading and BC4

15% loading.

As concerns for the quality of cloud services grow among Alaskan nonprofits, the

intention to adopt cloud computing technologies appear to also grows among nonprofit

organizations. The lack of network fidelity for cloud computing services also appears not to

concern the adoption intent Alaskan nonprofits. Additionally, Alaskan nonprofit organizations

view cloud performance issues positively. These results contrast existing research findings

among for-profit organizations. Alaskan organizations, in contrast to Hsu et al. (2014)’s findings,

may find these business concerns actually positively influence their intent to adopt cloud

computing technology. This implication may not be too surprising because cloud computing

solutions have been around for many years. Over the years, the utility has become more reliable

and businesses may have less concern for the stability of the solution, particularly as internet

speeds have increased to gigabit ranges and hosting providers have been able to assure their

service level agreements, including the standard 99.9% uptime. So, the correlation could be

explained despite lacking support for existing research. Hsu et al. (2014)’s study was performed

in Taiwan where internet and power fidelity were lower than utility service standards in Alaska.

Nevertheless, four factors of business concerns did support existing findings. Data

confidentiality (BC1), incompatibility with existing technologies (BC2), service outages (BC5),

and vendor/data lock-in (BC7) were found significantly influencing cloud computing adoption.

Service outages was observed as the strongest business concern having a 28% influence against

adoption intention. The possibility of information security risks and data vulnerabilities resulting

from migrating to cloud computing negatively influenced the adoption intention of Alaskan

nonprofit organizations. They also interpret the difficulty of integrating existing information

systems with cloud computing technologies as a negative influence on adoption intention.

Alaskan nonprofit organizations may want cloud solutions to operate consistently and without

interruptions. The growth of unexpected service outages appeared to hinder their intent to adopt

cloud computing technologies. Lastly, they did not like their data being locked with a specific

cloud services provider and it negatively influences their technology adoption intention. The

implication is nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations agree that data confidentiality,

technology compatibility with legacy systems, service outages, and vendor lock-in may prevent

them from openly accepting new cloud computing technologies. This is consistent with existing

research findings.

The theorem was again supported. Four factors of business concerns significantly

influenced adoption intention providing acceptance for an alternate hypothesis. However

inconsistent with for-profit findings, nonprofits in Alaska did not see service quality guarantees,

internet bottlenecks, and network speeds as negative influences on their intention to adopt cloud

technologies. Therefore, only four business concerns from this study were observed to support

existing research findings.

The items of perceived benefits and business concerns all correlated well and supported

their respective construct. Items loaded as a single factor with good covariances. However, all

indicators did not support existing research finding by supporting the dependent variable,

adoption intention. Furthermore, the constructs of business concerns and perceived benefits were

observed as not statistically significant. Overall, findings supported the theoretical foundation

that technological characteristics influence adoption intention but when loaded together as

constructs perceived benefits and business concerns did not produce enough statistical power to

support previous findings. The results of the two constructs could have been influenced by the

weakness of this study’s statistical power.

The study could not answer the research questions proposed. Items of the perceived

benefits and business concerns constructs correlated well. They also supported the proposed

theoretical foundation. Technological characteristics as defined in the TOE framework do

influence adoption innovation. However, only six out of the 13 items significantly influenced

cloud computing adoption intention and showed support for existing research findings. An

additional 5 items were inconsistent with current findings and suggest that the intent of

nonprofits in Alaska to adopt cloud computing is influenced inversely by the same for-profit


This study demonstrated general support for the research theory but inconsistent support

for previous research findings. The data sample may not have been strong enough. Therefore, the

inconsistency of observed findings may not suggest causation and consistent findings are

weakened by the overall high margin of error accompanying this experiment.


Recommendations for Practice

Generalization is designed to offer a wider population for theoretical influences and

research findings. The outcome of generalizing experimentation is to provide context for the

effect of finding and analysis of their theoretical implications. This study was designed to

understand if prevailing determinants of technology acceptance theory at the firm level applied

to organizations who are funded by charitable sources. The results were only able to support

previous studies partially. Furthermore, the statistical power of this study resulted in findings

with a higher margin of error than generally accepted. The research structured equation model

(SEM) was fit, and the indicators loaded well as factors, but the data in this study was observed

as having weak reliability. This study recommends that the experiment be repeated.

Alternatively, the experiment can be repeated as a second wave testing for population bias and

increasing statistical power by obtaining more respondents.

Environmental issues can impact firm level experimentation and should be considered in

advance along with alternatives. Businesses were expected to receive mailed survey invitations

and respond within a few weeks. Business closures were not anticipated as a risk in the ability

for participants to submit responses. The decision to submit a response online already had

inherent concern such as internet accessibility and the availability of technology resources. The

study’s response window was extended 2 time longer than the original plan of one month and

response rates did not significantly improve. However, responses started to come in after the

study closed and the state approved businesses to reopen. It cannot be assured if the global

pandemic influenced postal service deliveries or if businesses operated under different mail

checking procedures. The environmental issues could have had no influence on the ability of this

study to reach its target population. Early in research planning, environmental changes should be

diligently analyzed for their potential influence on the instruments of experimentation.

The environmental impact should be weighed for its potential influence on collected data.

The question should be asked does my instrument collect data in a manner unbiased by

environmental influences? Language in the survey could also be modified help focus

respondents. For example, one might ask how a participant would have elected during “normal

busines operations” as opposed to a contingent or an unusual business state. During a contingent

business operation, such as the teleworking of Alaskan businesses, did respondents choose

ubiquitous access to work resources (PB6) as their primary perceived benefit due to

environmental conditions or as a true their intention. Did the environment introduce a bias in the

data? Taiwanese participants saw the underperformance of cloud hosts (BC6), internet

performance (BC4), and poor guarantees of quality (BC3) as a negative influence on adopting

cloud computing but Alaskan nonprofits found these a positive influence. The stability of

network infrastructure and hosting providers could have influenced results as an external

environmental bias. Results could be influenced by regional or global characteristics acting as a

form of environmental bias. Researchers should consider the influence of environmental bias on

sample data when designing instrumentation.

Parametric studies require statistical power to validate findings. The sample population

data should be strong enough to represent the target population. Generally, 100 participants are

the accepted minimum. It is also generally accepted that data distribution is normal. This study

did not have enough participants. This study used the alternative method of skew and kurtosis to

support normality after traditional tests for normality failed due to the sample size. Researchers

should continue data collection until there is enough data for traditional normality tests, like

Shapiro-Wilks, to support parametric study and analysis.

Recommendations for Future Research

Future research should continue studies and analysis into the effect of technology

adoption among nonprofit organizations. A small amount of generalization exists with findings

among this domain. Hsu et al. (2014)’s instrument was validated, and their indicators were

observed correlating as factors. Further studies should continue building on the work of previous

findings but seek generalization on nonprofit organizations. In addition, the TOE framework was

supported by the model proposed in this study. Technology characteristics were observed to

influence adoption intention. It remains a strong framework for exploring innovation adoption

intention at the firm level. However future studies may modify the instrument to account for the

influence of environmental bias. Obtaining local validity for the instrument would also be

generally preferred.

Nonprofit organizations operate under different fiscal and operational motivations from

for-profit organizations. The difference may be significant enough for research to continue

exploring determinants for innovation adoption. Generalization of existing findings in

technology acceptance theory is still required for external validity. Furthermore, the question

remains if the intention of Alaskan nonprofit organization to adopt cloud computing is

influenced by determinants of previous studies observed influencing for-profit organizations.

This study was able to significantly observe six nonprofit determinants consistent with previous

for-profit findings. Therefore, a larger sample is required with a lower margin of error before

researchers will be able to empirically answer the questions proposed by this study.


Alaskan nonprofits in Anchorage had adoption preferences consistent with current

research. They valued reduced IT costs and confidentiality as did participants of Hsu et al.

(2014)’s study. But the current global health pandemic which had influenced day to day

operations for nonprofit organizations may have influenced some predispositions. The top

perceived benefit was ubiquitous access which was inconsistent with previous research. This

delineation from Hsu et al. (2014)’s study could point to the new need for nonprofits to be able

to work remotely during current pandemic conditions or simply some other domain specific

preference. Their top choice for Internet Communications Technology (ICT) migration was

video teleconferencing, another key technology for success during remote and pandemic

operations. It was also inconsistent with previous findings. Alaskan nonprofits chose platform as

a service as their most desired service model for migration in the next year. But software as a

service was their strongest current adoption intention.

Perceived benefits and business concerns are technological characteristics observed

influencing cloud computing adoption among for-profit organizations. This study investigated

the relationship between these technological characteristics and nonprofit organizations.

Experimentation was built on the previous research work of Hsu et al. (2014) and determinants

tested on a target population of nonprofit organizations in Anchorage Alaska. The study

validated the instrument, constructs, and a fit SEM model. Nevertheless, only six of the 13

determinants were observed significantly influencing the intention of nonprofit Alaskan

organization to adopt cloud computing technologies. Additionally, five determinants

significantly and inversely influenced the adoption intentions of nonprofits inconsistent with

current for-profit findings but were outside the scope of this study.

The research was observed supporting theoretical expectations, but some findings were

inconsistent with existing research and others did not have enough statistical significance to

explain causation. Therefore, the relationships between determinants for technology acceptance

and cloud computing adoption intention remain open for further and stronger empirical analysis

among nonprofit organizations (Wright et al., 2017).



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Appendix A: Research Databases

Complementary Index

Business Source Complete

Regional Business News

IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Academic Search Complete


OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson)

Supplemental Index

MEDLINE Complete

International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center

Education Research Complete

Gale Virtual Reference Library

CINAHL Complete

Directory of Open Access Journals

Credo Reference

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Social Sciences Citation Index

SAGE Knowledge

Bibliotheksverbund Bayern



SPORTDiscus with Full Text





LexisNexis Academic: Law Reviews

Alexander Street Press

Research Starters

Ebooks Central


BioOne Complete

University Press Scholarship Online

Britannica Online


Films on Demand

ReferenceUSA - U.S. Businesses

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)


SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository



Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print

Henry Stewart Talks

Mergent Online

Appendix B: Previous Cloud Computing Adoption Research

Article Sector Determinants Identified Significant
Perceived Benefits Yes
Business Concerns Yes
(Hsu, 2013) Private - Taiwan
Organization IT Capability Yes
Environment External Pressure No
Perceived Benefits Yes
Business Concerns Yes
(Hsu et al., 2014) Private - Taiwan
Organization IT Capability Yes
Environment External Pressure No
Relative Advantage Yes
Complexity No
Compatibility Yes
Uncertainty No
Size (TTO large) Yes
Collaboration Yes
Technology Readiness Yes
(Rohani & Hussin, Information Intensity Yes
Public - Malaysia Organization
2015)A Satisfaction No
Top Management Support Yes
Innovativeness Yes
Cloud Knowledge Yes
Competitive Pressure Yes
Partners (TTO) Yes
Cloud Computing Provider Yes
Government Support Yes
Relative Advantage Yes
Technology Complexity Yes
Compatibility Yes

(Wilson et al., Private - Tamil Nadu Size Yes

2015) (India) Top Management's Support Yes
Government Policy Yes
Environment Location No
Competitor Pressure Yes
Data Security Positive

(Al-Mascati & Al- Complexity Negative

Private - Oman Technology
Badi, 2016)B Compatibility Positive
Cost Positive

Relative Advantage Positive

Trialability Positive
Technological Readiness Positive
Top Management Support Positive
IT Managers Support Negative
Firm Size Positive
Regulatory Environment Negative
Perceived Industry Pressures Positive
Poor Internet Connectivity Negative
Service Providers Support Positive
Relative Advantage Yes
Ease of Use No
Compatibility No
Trialability No
Observability Yes

(Hsu & Chuan- Security Yes

Private - Taiwan
Chuan Lin, 2016) Firm Size No
Global Scope No
Financial Cost Yes
Satisfaction w/ Existing IS Yes
Competition Intensity Yes
Regulatory Environment No
Relative Advantage Positive
Technology Complexity Negative
Compatibility Positive

(Mokhtar et al., Top Management Support Positive

Public - Malaysia
2016)C Organization Institutional Size Positive
Adoption Plan Positive
Service Providers Support Positive
Government Support Positive
Improvement in Organizational Performance Yes
Computational Efficiency Yes
Better Scalability Yes
Competitive Advantage Yes
Better Trading Partner Yes
(Rahi et al., 2017) Private - India On Demand Product and Service Availability Yes
Time to Market Yes
Customer Satisfaction Yes
Organization Integration of Design and Manufacturing Services Yes
Top Management Support Yes
Sized of Organization Yes

Legal Issues Yes

Environment Competitive Pressure Yes
Partner Dependency Yes
Relative Advantage No
Technology Complexity No
Compatibility Yes
Top Management Support No
(Wang et al., 2016) Private - Taiwan Organization Firm Size Yes
Technological Competence Yes
Competitive Pressure No
Environment Critical Mass Yes
Information Intensity No
Relative Advantage Yes
Complexity Yes
Trialability No
Risk Yes
Compatibility Yes
Size (volume data migrating) No
(Alkhalil et al., Private - Saudi
Readiness Yes
2017) Arabia/UK Organization
Internal Impact Yes
External Impact No
Top Management Support Yes
Increasing Provider Yes
Environment Regulation Yes
Market Uncertainty Yes
Relative Advantage Yes
Perceived Value Yes
Trialability Yes
Complexity Yes
Top Management Participation Yes
Top Management Beliefs Yes
(Wright et al.,
Nonprofit - USA Organization Top Management Satisfaction Yes
Compatibility Yes
IT Innovativeness Yes
Observability Yes
Average Revenue No
Years in Operation Yes
Industry No
Technology Perceived Benefits No
(Hassan et al.,
Private - Malaysia Top Management Support No
2017) Organization
IT Resources Yes

Environment External Pressure Yes

Relative Advantage Yes
Financial Cost No
Lack of IS Knowledge No
Security Concerns Yes
Private - Western
(Ilin et al., 2017) Firm Size No
Bulkan Organization
Top Management Support Yes
Industry Pressure Yes
Environment Government Resource Support Yes
Government Regulatory Support Yes
Quality of Service Yes
Security Yes
Privacy Yes
Technology Trust Yes
Relative Advantage No
Compatibility No
(Alkhater et al.,
Private - Saudi Arabia Trialability No
Top Management Support No
Technology Readiness No
Compliance with Regulations No
Physical Location No
External Support No
Industry No
Relative Advantage Yes
Technological Competence Yes
(Chandra & Kumar, Private - India,
Decision-Maker Knowledge No
2018) Singapore, USA Organization
Top Management Support Yes
Environment Consumer Readiness Yes
Perceived Ease of Use No
Technology Perceived Usefulness Yes
Private & Public -
(Kim et al., 2018) Applicability to Data Management Yes
Innovativeness Yes
Data Capability Yes
Relative Advantage Yes
Technology Technology Complexity No
Technology Compatibility Yes
(Njenga et al., Private & Public -
Technology Readiness Yes
2018) Kenya Organization
Perceived Barriers No
Government Policy No
Vendor Support No
Private - Australia Technology Relative Advantage Yes

Cloud Flexibility No
Quality of Service Yes
(Senarathna et al.,
Security No
Privacy No
Organization Awareness of Cloud Yes
AEarlytheoretical stage research results based on literary review only, No empirical analysis
CAnalysis based on hypothesis only, No empirical analysis

Appendix C: Informed Consent

I invited you to participate in a research study for a dissertation at Northcentral

University, Prescott Valley, Arizona. You were able to access this form and survey using a

custom URL that was given to you to authentication your organization uniquely.


The purpose of this study is to examine factors that contribute the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations. The study depends on the accurate input of a

technologist or executive decision maker from your organization. You will provide your opinion

on cloud services, answer two questions about your company's IT status, and five questions to

help me understand cloud adoption within your organization. It is estimated that this survey

should take 5 minutes or less of your time.

Research Personnel:

You may contact me at any time regarding this study.

Jeremiah L. Williams, Sr

Doctoral Candidate - Northcentral University

8050 Pioneer Drive Unit 1205, Anchorage AK 99504

Cell: 907-406-3573

Work: 800-917-9306 x11

Business E-mail:

Home E-mail:


Potential Risk/Discomfort:

There are no known risks in this study, however, you may refuse to answer any question for any

reason. You may also withdraw from the study at any time by exiting this survey. There may be

inherent risks associated with using our device to complete this survey. Such risk are outside the

liability of this study.

Potential Benefit:

There are no foreseeable risk involved with participating in this study. The findings of this study

will have scientific impact on understanding Alaskan nonprofits 501(c)3 organizations. First, it

will help nonprofit executives, technology practitioners, and service providers understand

adoption potential. Additionally, it will provide insight for nonprofit organizations seeking to

adopt cloud computing. Finally, it will provide federal, state, local, and tribal leaders with

statistics explaining the phenomena of cloud computing adoption among the second largest

employer within the State of Alaska, nonprofit organizations.


I do not collect private or confidential data, but the information collected in this study will

protected according to academic research standards. Your submission is anonymous. Neither I

nor anyone else will be able to identify you individually nor your answers in any way.

I am happy to answer any question that you may have about the study. Please direct your

questions and comments to committee Chair Dr. Marty Crossland at or me


Informed Consent:

I have read the above description of the current study. I consent and agree to participate in the


Appendix D: Survey Introduction

Thank You,

I am a doctoral student at Northcentral University, Prescott Valley, Arizona. As an

Alaskan, I have decided to investigating factors that contribute the adoption of cloud computing

among Alaskan nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations. Thank you for agreeing to participate in this

study. Departments and agencies at federal, state, local, and tribal levels of government will find

value from the finding of this research.

The next page will contain a consent form that must be digitally accepted before

continuing. You will not be able to begin this survey until you have accepted the consent. Once

accepted, you may return to your survey at any time until it is completed.

For question or concerns, call or email me. Thank you for your contribution in this

Alaskan research study.


Jeremiah L. Williams, Sr

Doctoral Candidate - Northcentral University

8050 Pioneer Drive Unit 1205, Anchorage AK 99504

Cell: 907-406-3573

Work: 800-917-9306 x11

Business E-mail:

Home E-mail:


Appendix E: Survey Questionnaire

First, we want to learn your opinion about Cloud Service.

On a scale of 1–5, where “1” means “not important at all”, and “5” means “very important”,
how does the following factors affect your decision on Cloud Services adoption.
Perceived Benefits of Cloud Computing Services
The customizability and design of cloud computing
PB1 Customization
services to meet organizational needs.
Data can be analyzed simultaneously on the
PB2 Easily analyze data on Internet internet
with cloud computing services.
IS deployment time can be shortened with cloud
PB3 Reduce deployment time
computing services.
Expenses like IT hardware and IT maintenance can
PB4 Reduce IT costs be
reduced using cloud computing services.
IT personnel can be reduces using cloud computing
PB5 Reduce IT employee costs
Users can access cloud computing services from
PB6 Ubiquitous access mobile
locations utilizing internet access.
Business Concerns of Using Cloud Computing Services
The leak of confidential or customer information
BC1 Confidentiality using
cloud computing services.
The difficulty to integrate existing IT systems with
BC2 Incompatibility cloud
computing services.
The inability of cloud computing services to
Insufficient service quality
BC3 provide a
guaranteed assurance of quality.
Poor network transfer speeds when using cloud
BC4 Internet Bottleneck
computing services.
Cloud computing services interruptions by
BC5 Service Outages unexpected
service outages.
Cloud computing hardware and software services
BC6 Underperformance
Difficulty in switching cloud providers due to data
BC7 Vendor lock-in lock-
External Pressure

The pressure of similar organizations in your

EP1 Competitors Pressure
industry to adopt cloud computing services
Federal or State policy favoring the use of cloud
EP2 Government Policy Support
computing services.
The pressure of partners in your organization to
EP3 Partners Pressure
implement cloud computing services.
Federal, State, or industry regulation encouraging
EP4 Regulations
or enforcing cloud computing services.

Next, we would like to know your company's IT status

IT Capability
How many IT employees are there in your company?
(1 = 0–2 employees, 2 = 3–5 employees, 3 = 6–10 employees,
IC1 Number of IT employees 4 = 11–50 employees, 5 = over 50 employees)

How much was the budget for the IT division of your

company in 2019?(1 = Below 1 million, 2 = Between 1 and 5
IC2 Annual Budget for IT Department million, 3 = Between5 and 10 million, 4 = Between 10 and 20
million,5 = Over 20 million)

Finally, we would like to understand your cloud adoption within your organization
What is the possibility of changing your current Information System into cloud services
within 12 months?
Already used Will migrate No
cloud based to cloud in intention
systems one year to use

Customer Relationship Management

ප ප ප
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ප ප ප
Supply Chain Management (SCM) ප ප ප
Electronic Business (e-Business) ප ප ප
Information Security System ප ප ප
Email ප ප ප
Video conferencing system ප ප ප
Project Management system ප ප ප
Human Resource system ප ප ප
What is the possibility of adopting PaaS service for your company (ex: Google, Microsoft
Azure, or Amazon
Web Services App Engines)?
(1 = No intention to use, 2 = Will migrate to cloud in one year, 3 = Already in use).

What is the possibility of adopting IaaS service for your company (ex: Microsoft Azure,
Amazon EC2
(1 = No intention to use, 2 = Will migrate to cloud in one year, 3 = Already in use).
Deployment Model
What kind of cloud model would you choose if your company decided to adopt cloud
1. Public Cloud
2. Private Cloud
3. Hybrid Cloud
Pricing Mechanism
What kind of payment option would you choose if your company decided to adopt cloud
1. Pay-as-you-go
2. License
3. Unlimited access with monthly fee
References: (Hsu et al., 2014; Armbrust et al., 2010; Zhu, Kraemer, & Xin Xu, 2006)

Appendix F: Normality Test: Skew and Kurtosis

Skewed Skewed Kurtotic Kurtotic

Item Skewness Std Error z-value Kurtosis Std Error z-value Normality Test
PB1 -1.676 0.491 -3.413 2.563 0.953 2.689 Reject: Significantly Different from Normality
PB2 -0.553 0.491 -1.126 -0.525 0.953 -0.551 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

PB3 -0.736 0.491 -1.499 0.250 0.953 0.262 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

PB4 -1.868 0.491 -3.804 4.782 0.953 5.018 Reject: Significantly Different from Normality

PB5 -1.182 0.491 -2.407 0.772 0.953 0.810 Reject: Significantly Different from Normality

PB6 -3.446 0.491 -7.018 13.349 0.953 14.007 Reject: Significantly Different from Normality

BC1 -1.953 0.491 -3.978 2.894 0.953 3.037 Reject: Significantly Different from Normality
BC2 0.145 0.491 0.295 -1.255 0.953 -1.317 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

BC3 -0.142 0.491 -0.289 -0.964 0.953 -1.012 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

BC4 -0.618 0.491 -1.259 -0.733 0.953 -0.769 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

BC5 -0.664 0.491 -1.352 -0.870 0.953 -0.913 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

BC6 -0.538 0.491 -1.096 -0.995 0.953 -1.044 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

BC7 -0.823 0.491 -1.676 -0.284 0.953 -0.298 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

AI -0.378 0.491 -0.770 -0.640 0.953 -0.672 Accept: Not Significantly Different from Normality

Appendix G: Measurement Model Standardized Residual Covariances

BC7 0
BC6 0.124 0
BC5 -0.175 0.092 0
BC4 0.018 -0.171 0.173 0
BC3 0 -0.018 0.054 -0.096 0
BC2 0.686 0.148 -0.458 -0.091 1.004 0
BC1 0.233 -0.113 0 -0.236 -0.051 0.6 0
PB1 -0.35 0.709 -0.529 -1.354 0.97 0.15 1.105 0
PB2 -0.44 0.174 -1.206 -1.108 0.296 -0.044 0.636 0.003 0
PB3 -0.244 0.833 -0.6 -0.820 0.607 0.098 1.21 0.053 0.097 0
PB4 -1.123 0.582 -0.203 -1.15 -0.349 -1.04 0.166 -0.046 -0.202 0.011 0
PB5 -1.485 -0.24 -1.146 -2.031 -0.971 -1.314 0.039 -0.11 -0.38 0.001 0.4 0
PB6 -0.858 0.938 0.74 -0.854 0.374 -0.82 -0.519 -0.077 -0.429 0.102 -0.033 0.617 -0.096

Appendix H: Structured Equation Models Standardized Residual Covariances

Adoption Intention 0
BC7 -1.161 0
BC6 0.032 0.155 0
BC5 -0.124 -0.172 0.09 0
BC4 -0.209 0.04 -0.153 0.164 0
BC3 -0.933 0 0.009 0.054 -0.076 0
BC2 -2.266 0.722 0.182 -0.448 -0.065 1.039 0
BC1 -0.035 0.244 -0.108 0 -0.236 -0.044 0.617 0
PB1 -0.457 -0.35 0.706 -0.54 -1.358 0.969 0.152 1.097 0
PB2 -1.254 -0.439 0.172 -1.216 -1.111 0.296 -0.041 0.629 0.034 0
PB3 0.086 -0.246 0.829 -0.613 -0.826 0.604 0.099 1.2 0.077 0.124 0
PB4 0.624 -1.135 0.566 -0.227 -1.167 -0.362 -1.047 0.147 -0.056 -0.21 -0.005 0
PB5 1.007 -1.494 -0.252 -1.165 -2.044 -0.981 -1.319 0.023 -0.115 -0.382 -0.01 0.356 0
PB6 0.725 -0.863 0.924 0.721 -0.862 0.364 -0.822 -0.529 -0.098 -0.435 0.087 -0.04 0.581 -0.12
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