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December 2021


Play follows the latest rules using custom dice with a ‘basket of 10’ face.
If you don’t have the custom dice and are using standard D6, you may want to use
the ‘5’ face to represent a ‘10' (just remember this when totalling your score).
It may help to sort the 18 card deck into numerical order to make it easier to locate
any particular card (once you have played an odd-numbered game then the
remaining 9 cards are used in the next game).
Each game shows the number of the card that you start your orchard with, as
well as the first two cards in your hand.
After placing a card, draw the next card shown in the row. You may want to
use a piece of paper, or similar, to cover the row and, on each turn, slide it to
the right to reveal the new card.
To progress to the next game you must score equal to, or higher than, the Target
BY MARK TUCK score. If you fail then cross off one of your barrows and attempt that game again.
If you fail and you have no more barrows then your challenge ends.
If your harvest exceeds the Highest score for a game then you receive an
Barrows (you start with 5) extra barrow.
Can you make it through the whole season?
These games are taken from the monthly Solo Challenges on BoardGameGeek and
each one uses the scores submitted for that particular game as a basis for setting
the Target score.

Start of First 2 cards Target Highest Your

Orchard in hand New card for each turn... score score score

GAME 1 4 7 8 3 14 18 2 10 9 36 45

GAME 2 13 1 5 17 6 15 11 12 16 34 46

GAME 3 2 9 3 16 10 14 1 17 11 40 47

GAME 4 12 6 15 7 13 5 18 8 4 44 52

GAME 5 16 14 1 12 15 2 5 4 13 34 43

GAME 6 10 3 7 11 18 9 6 17 8 41 50

GAME 7 13 11 18 15 9 7 3 4 8 41 52

GAME 8 2 1 10 17 16 6 5 12 14 35 50

GAME 9 6 12 8 15 14 10 2 16 11 35 41

GAME 10 3 17 7 13 18 5 9 1 4 45 55

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