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Foundation Degree in Business & Management (Year 2)

Personal and Professional Development 2 (Module BMS501)

School of Adult, Professional, Management & International
Semester Full Year (Tutor: David Mwaura)

TITLE: Research Project

Completion of this work will satisfy the following BMS501 learning outcomes:

LO2: Demonstrate critical thinking skills to develop a supported argument

LO3: Apply research techniques to explore a complex business problem
LO4: Demonstrate project management skills to address an identified problem.

You will produce a research project that explores a current and contemporary issue that affects the
business sector. Within your report you will be expected to produce a project plan that demonstrates your
application of project management skills to your research project (LO4). You will be expected to apply
research techniques aligned to those outlined and agreed through your Research Proposal (LO3). The
content of your report should clearly outline a well prepared, and structured argument based on research
on your chosen research topic. (LO2)

The following should form the basis of your report format:

 Terms of Reference – to introduce Project Aim and Objectives (max of 2) [500 words]
 Literature Review – consider the research findings on your chosen topic linked to your research
objectives [1,000 words]
 Main Findings – a demonstration of your research strategy in practice in the presentation of your
own research [1,000 words]
 Conclusions, Evaluations and Recommendations [500 words]

Your report should be 3,000 words (+or- 10%), see guidance above

Other relevant assessment information:

 The completion of your work will satisfy 75% of the assessment for this module.

 You should draw upon relevant business and research methods theory; and provide specific
evidence/data drawn from at least 10 academic sources including 7 books and 3 journals. Your
report should be submitted online, through Turnitin, via Schoology. You must include both a
reference list and bibliography.

Issue Date: 22/11//21

Submission Date: 28/02/2022
Feedback Date: 28/03/2022

The skills development opportunities identified in this assignment are:

 Critical understanding of the established principles and practice of management in the business
 Apply research techniques application to a business project
 Utilise project management skills in the production of a research proposal
Assessment Marking Criteria
Research Project Indicative Content Marking
Your Project Plan Within your project plan you must 15
demonstrate the application of project
management skills. Your plan should
 Description and objectives of your
 Your chosen research method and the
reasons behind your choice
 A schedule – clear plan of activities by
 Deliverables – progress against your
project objectives
 Risks – how has your anticipated risks
impacted on your project schedule
 Issues - how has your anticipated
issues impacted on your project
 Detailed changes made to your plan
because of external factors
Introduction – of Project Aim and Objectives Clear explanation within introduction and 5
(maximum of 2 objectives) aim of project as to why there is a need for
the project to take place and its potential
value. Project objectives (maximum of 2)
clearly defined, purposeful and SMART.
Literature Review Good use, awareness and justification for 30
using a wide range of existing academic
theory, contextual secondary data and
background documents relevant to the
project (from books, journals and the
internet). Documents should provide
supporting evidence to back-up arguments
and assertions made within the project and
accurately define the project’s

Main Findings Accurate research by the students to 30

present a relevant collection of primary
evidence and data to answer the project
aim and objectives. Data is presented in a
logical fashion (e.g., in order of objectives)
and presented in manageable sub-sections
using visual presentation were appropriate.
Student needs to analyse the data/evidence
as they go and provide reasonable initial
judgements between different sources
(e.g., do different evidence sources support
or contradict with each other?).

Conclusions/Evaluations/Recommendations Conclusion pulls together the whole

project and focuses upon whether the
project aim, and objectives have been
successfully achieved (objectives should
be taken individually and evaluated against
the data collected in the Main Findings).
Conclusion may introduce more
questions / recommendations and may also
have some partly completed objectives; as
long as it is explained and justified, this
will suffice. However, the introduction of
new source material within this section
should be avoided.
Attribution of higher grades are
associated with:
 good use of spelling, grammar and
punctuation throughout all written
 effective use of the Harvard
referencing format
 evidence of wide reading around topics
to support arguments and reflection
 judgements made and conclusions
drawn supported by academic theory
evident within all written work
Undergraduate Generic Marking Criteria Foundation Degree Level 5

Classification Classification Level 5 (Foundation Classification

Level 5 (Foundation Degree/Diploma) Level 5 (Foundation Degree/Diploma)
90%-100% Distinction* 80%-89% Distinction* 70%-79% Distinction*
Exceptional work with presentation of the Outstanding work with presentation of a very Extremely good work with presentation
highest standard. The work contains high standard. There is comprehensive of a high standard. Evidence of strong
coherent arguments and ideas. There is a understanding of key concepts and knowledge and understanding together
detailed understanding of subject matter knowledge and evidence of critical analysis with some critical analysis and insight.
and critical analysis of issues/problems. and insight. Accurate interpretation of data Source material is used effectively to
Points are made clearly and concisely, with arguments, ideas and solutions support arguments, ideas and solutions.
always substantiated by appropriate use of presented effectively and based on strong
source material. There is evidence of a research and reading.
sound ability to critically interrelate
theories with examples from practice
where appropriate.
60%-69% Distinction 50%-59% Merit 40%-49% Pass
Very good presentation. Sound knowledge Presentation is of a good standard but some Adequate presentation. The work is
and understanding with an emerging shortcomings. Evidence of a sound descriptive and/or lacks critical analysis
ability to critically engage with and apply knowledge base but limited critical and where required but is relevant with
the concepts involved linking them to practical application of concepts and ideas. limited though sufficient evidence of
practice where appropriate. Good use of Content is largely relevant although points knowledge and understanding. There is
source material which supports most may not always be clear and structure may some evidence of reading although
points clearly. Content is wholly relevant lack coherence. Contains some critical arguments/ proposals/solutions often lack
and is coherently structured. reflection and some use of source material to coherence and may be unsubstantiated by
illustrate points. relevant source material or partially
flawed. Links to practice are made where
30%-39% Fail 20-29% Fail 0-19 % Fail
Poorly structured, incoherent and wholly Very poorly structured, incoherent and The work is extremely poorly structured
descriptive work. Evidence of a weak wholly descriptive work. Evidence of a very and presented. It demonstrates no real
knowledge base with some key aspects not weak knowledge base with many key knowledge or understanding of key
addressed and use of irrelevant material. omissions and much material irrelevant. Use concepts and principles. Much material is
Flawed use of techniques. Limited of inappropriate or incorrect techniques. irrelevant, incorrect or omitted. No
evidence of appropriate reading and no Very little evidence of appropriate reading evidence of critical thought. No effective
evidence of critical thought. Little and no evidence of critical thought. No links use of supporting material. No links to
reference to practice where appropriate. to practice where appropriate. To obtain a practice where appropriate. Not a
mark of 20% the work must show evidence genuine attempt to engage with the
of a genuine attempt to engage with the assessment requirements and/or subject
assessment requirements and with the subject matter.

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