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Year 8 First Term Exam

Atoms contain three different types of particles. These are electrons, neutrons and protons.

(a) Which one of the three particles has a negative charge?

Electrons (1mk)

(b) Which one of the three particles has the smallest mass?

Electrons (1mk)


(i) Atoms are neutral because they contain equal numbers of

Protons and Electrons (1mk)

d) Draw a labelled diagram of the Lithium atom. (2mks)

(d) An atom of magnesium can be represented by the symbol ²⁴₁₂Mg. Use numbers to complete
these statements about this atom.

(i) The atomic number of this atom is 12

(ii) The mass number of this atom is 24

(iii) The electronic configuration of this atom is 2,8,2

(Iv) The number of protons of this atom is 12

(v) The number of Neutrons is 24 - 12 = 12

(Total for Question 1 = 10 marks)

2. Dina saw this word equation in a text book:

calcium carbonate + dilute hydrochloric acid -> calcium chloride solution +

water + carbon dioxide.

She decided to try the reaction out for herself. She added the acid to the calcium carbonate.

a What would she see that shows that a reaction was taking place?

She would see that the reaction is getting hotter or colder 1 mk

b From the substances in the word equation, give:

i a pure compound: water

ii a mixture: calcium chloride solution

[2 marks]

c At the end of the reaction, there were still some pieces of calcium carbonate left over.

How could Dina separate these solid lumps from the calcium chloride solution?

She could use filtration

[1 mark]

d Dina then decided that she would try to get solid calcium chloride from the calcium chloride
solution. Draw a diagram of the apparatus that she might use to carry out this experiment.

Label your diagram.

[4 marks]

e Why is this method NOT suitable in separating the calcium chloride from the water.

This method is not suitable in separating the calcium chloride from the water because both
the water and the calcium chloride will go through the filter paper (1 mk)

What method is suitable for (e) above: Evaporation (1 mk)

(Total for Q2 = 10 marks.)

Multiple Choice (20 marks)

1. The smallest part of an element is called:

A an atom. B a molecule.
C a compound. D an ion.

2. An element is something that:

A can be split up by a chemical reaction.
B cannot be split up by a chemical reaction.
C is made up of different kinds of atom.
D is a mixture of atoms and molecules.

3. How could you separate a mixture of iron and sulphur?

A filtering
B using a sieve
C evaporation
D using a magnet

4. Complete this word equation:

sodium carbonate + copper sulphate → sodium sulphate + ____________
A copper sulphate
B copper oxide
C sodium carbonate
D copper carbonate

5. These graphs show what happens to the temperature when four different substances are
heated. Which graph shows a pure substance?

(One in green is my answer)


6. How can the different gases in the air be separated?

A fractional distillation
B crystallisation
C filtration
D chromatography

7. The smallest particle of water with the formula H2O is called:

A an ion.
B a molecule.
C an element.
D an atom.

8. How many elements are there in the compound iron sulphide?

A one
B two
C three
D more than three

9.. Pick the odd one out from the following elements:

A. Na
B. Li
C. Mg
D. K

10. Which of the following statements about inert gases are correct?
I. Their outermost shells are fully filled. II. They are generally unreactive.
III. Their outermost shells are partially filled
IV They have lone pair of electrons in their outermost shell.

A. I and II only B. II and II only C. I. II and III only D. I. II. Ill and IV

11. How many protons does Al contain?

A. 13 B. 27 C. 14 D. 40

12. Which sentence is not true?

A Rock salt is a mixture of rock and salt.
B Rock salt can be used to make pure salt to put on food.
C You can get salt from rock salt using a sieve.
D You can get salt from rock salt by dissolving, filtering and evaporating.

13. The two steps in distillation are:

A filtering followed by evaporation.
B evaporation followed by condensation.
C condensation followed by filtering.
D filtering followed by condensation

14. The diagram shows a chromatogram. Which two chemicals are the same?

A A and B B C and B
C D and F D A and G

15. Which of these does not involve chromatography?

A making petrol from oil
B DNA fingerprinting
C drugs testing in athletes
D identifying the food dye in orange squash

Choose from the options A – D to answer Q 16 -20

A Ernest Rutherford
B James Chadwick
C Niels Bohr
D JJ Thompson

16. James Chadwick discovered the Neutron

17. Ernest Rutherford discovered the Nucleus

18. Niels Bohr discovered the Electron shells

19. JJ Thompson discovered the Electrons

20. Ernest Rutherford discovered the Protons

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