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Analytical Prediction and Finite-Element Simulation

of the Lateral Response of Rocking Steel Bridge Piers

with Energy-Dissipating Steel Bars
Ahmad Rahmzadeh 1; M. Shahria Alam, M.ASCE 2; and Robert Tremblay 3
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Abstract: This paper presents the extension of controlled rocking technology to steel bridge piers through analytical expression and finite-
element (FE) simulation. As an outcome of the rocking behavior, the seismic damage is prevented due to reduced flexural stresses in the
columns. However, local buckling can happen if the column wall thickness is too thin, which has detrimental impacts, including the loss of
self-centering ability and reduced lateral load/deformation capacity. A simple analytical method is proposed to predict the monotonic rocking
response for preliminary design purposes. When using more-detailed models and FE analysis, it is shown that localized inelastic deformations
of the column can occur upon rocking and the simple force distribution at the column base can cause an overestimation of lateral load
capacity. The use of a base plate can lead to a higher lateral load capacity and less damage to the column by improving the stress distribution
at the base of the column. To account for the base plate, previously proposed modified monolithic beam analogy (MBA) was expanded in this
study, referenced as extended MBA (EMBA) to predict the rocking column lateral load-displacement response. An optimized design can be
achieved with a lighter cross section in the upper part of the column where longitudinal straining is limited. Different axially yielding elements
comprised of tension-only, tension-compression, and buckling-restrained energy dissipators (EDs) are investigated. For EDs with comparable
force capacities, the study indicates that energy dissipation is increased from the former to the latter dissipator type, while the lateral load
capacity of the system remains almost the same. The proposed pier exhibits recentering capability, high ductility, and stable hysteretic re-
sponse with the majority of damage confined within external sacrificial elements. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002216. © 2018
American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Seismic; Steel bridge pier; Post-tensioned element; Rocking; Self-centering; Finite element (FE); Local buckling;
Energy dissipator.

Introduction obtained. Structures using this type of connection sway under

lateral load and return to their original positions afterward.
As performance-based earthquake engineering finds its way into Recent earthquakes have shown that conventional bridges de-
conventional design practice, financial considerations related to dif- signed based on current seismic codes are still susceptible to dam-
ferent levels of structural damage, which disturb the functionality age (Aydan 2008; Elnashai et al. 2010). An earthquake of moderate
of a structure, have become of paramount importance (Bozorgnia intensity can result in extensive damage and the potential collapse
and Bertero 2004). As a response to this, extensive research has of bridges. Since any damage to the transportation system could
been conducted in recent years to develop higher-performance have significant impacts on society, the need for the design and
structural material (Alam et al. 2007) or systems with the capability development of new bridge components and systems with damage
of minimizing damage (Ricles et al. 2002; Tremblay et al. 2008). avoidance mechanisms has been increasingly highlighted over
In rocking systems, unbonded post-tensioned tendons are used to recent years. Moreover, there has been a growing interest in accel-
assemble the structural elements. Gap opening and closing, as a erated bridge construction with the objectives of reducing vehicular
result of the rocking mechanism at the connection interface, pro- traffic congestion and weather-related postponements as conse-
vides substantial deformation capacity under lateral loading. When quences of on-site construction (FHWA 2011). One strategy to
combined with supplemental energy-dissipating elements, a hybrid meet these objectives is to utilize rocking bridge piers, the compo-
system with a characteristic flag-shaped hysteresis behavior is nents of which can be built off of or near the construction site.
Ph.D. Student, School of Engineering, Univ. of British Columbia,
Kelowna, BC, Canada V1V 1V7. Email: Prior Research
Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Univ. of British Columbia,
Kelowna, BC, Canada V1V 1V7 (corresponding author). Email: shahria The rocking behavior was studied as early as 1963 by Housner (1963) after some observation in the 1952 Arvin-Tehachapi and
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Earthquake Engineering, 1960 Chilean earthquakes wherein seemingly unstable structures,
Dept. of Civil, Geological, and Mining Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique which had been unintentionally designed to rock, survived, while
de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 3A7. Email: robert
more stable structures were severely damaged. The application of
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 4, 2018; approved on unbonded post-tensioned tendons in building and bridge compo-
June 5, 2018; published online on September 11, 2018. Discussion period nents has been investigated since the mid-1990s. Studies by Cheok
open until February 11, 2019; separate discussions must be submitted and Lew (1991) and Priestley and Tao (1993) showed that utilizing
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural unbonded tendons in precast concrete beam-column connections
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445. leads to less damage and residual displacement than a reinforced

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J. Struct. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018210

cast-in-situ connection. Since the rocking mechanism causes the been reported in linearly tapered (Susantha et al. 2006) and thick-
crushing of beams in the outer edges (Stone et al. 1995), the walled steel bridge piers (Ge et al. 2012).
use of steel elements has been suggested to reinforce the connection This paper contributes further to the development of rocking
interface (Li et al. 2008; Rodgers et al. 2012). Subsequently, the systems by proposing a new rocking steel bridge pier that consists
post-tensioning concept was extended to steel moment-resisting of a tubular steel column, a post-tensioned tendon, and supplemen-
frames (Ricles et al. 2001). In order to improve the energy dissi- tal energy-dissipative elements. The system is developed to be able
pation property of such systems, various types of energy dissipators to undergo large lateral displacements and revert to its upright
(EDs), including bolted top and seat angles (Ricles et al. 2002), position after being exposed to lateral loads without experiencing
buckling restrained steel bars (Christopoulos et al. 2002), beam significant damages, as opposed to its traditional counterpart. To
flange frictional energy-dissipating devices (Christopoulos et al. prove the concept, the FE method is employed for constructing
2008; Wolski et al. 2009), and hourglass-shaped steel cylindrical three-dimensional continuum models of the conventional and pro-
pins (Vasdravellis et al. 2013) have been used. posed bridge piers. After a validation study, the FE models of
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A similar technique was adapted to concrete bridge piers the rocking pier are developed and analyzed under lateral cyclic
(Mander and Cheng 1997). To mitigate damage at the rocking inter- loading with a focus on the recentering and damage-avoidance
face, researchers have proposed using steel (Hewes and Priestley behaviors. Stress concentrations, localized deformations, and local
2002; Guerrini et al. 2015; Thonstad et al. 2017) or fiber-reinforced buckling of the tube wall near the rocking interface are studied. The
plastic (ElGawady and Sha’lan 2011; White and Palermo 2016) influence of adding three different yielding energy-dissipating el-
confinements, a steel armored interface (Palermo et al. 2007; ements at the rocking interface is examined. A description of the
Solberg et al. 2009), and fiber-reinforced concrete at potential mechanics of the proposed pier along with the analytical methods
plastic hinging locations (Billington and Yoon 2004; Trono to predict the monotonic behavior is also presented.
et al. 2015).
A large number of old and new steel bridge piers suffered dam-
age during the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan (Bruneau et al. Validation Study
1996). Since then, numerous studies have been done to improve
the behavior of this type of pier. Following the extensive cyclic tests The objective of the validation study presented herein is to verify
carried out by the Public Work Research Institute of Japan the capacity of the numerical model to adequately predict the yield-
(Nishikawa et al. 1996) on steel bridge columns with different con- ing and local buckling response of circular tubular steel columns
figurations, the Japan Design Specification of Highway Bridges with large diameter-to-thickness ratios.
(JRA 2000) was revised. MacRae and Kawashima (2001) tested
24 large-scale steel piers with stiffened hollow and concrete-
filled sections. Permanent residual displacements, global or local Description of the Benchmark Experiment
buckling in hollow sections, and low deformation capacity in In order to validate FE models, two tested specimens (no. 6 and
concrete-filled sections due to the concentration of plasticity in no. 8) from the study done by Nishikawa et al. (1996) were chosen.
a short length were stated as defects of such piers (MacRae and The schematic presentation of the experimental setup used by
Kawashima 2001). Aoki and Susantha (2005) investigated the ef- Nishikawa et al. (1996) is depicted in Fig. 1(a). The specimens
fect of cross-sectional aspect ratios on the behavior of rectangular consisted of a hollow circular section with an outer diameter
steel piers through an experimental work, in which failure was de- of 900 mm and a wall thickness of 16.1 and 8.7 mm for Specimens
scribed as progressive buckling at the base of all seven specimens no. 6 and no. 8, respectively. The height of the column, from
(Aoki and Susantha 2005). Failure due to local buckling has also the fixed base to the top of the cap plate, was 3,173 mm. In

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of test specimens; (b) final configuration of Specimen no. 8 at the end of the test; and (c) final configuration of Specimen no. 8 at
the end of the FE analysis. [Reprinted (a and b) from Nishikawa et al. 1996, with permission.]

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Table 1. The Chaboche nonlinear model parameters perturbation loads or updating the geometry of the FE model to
Parameter SM490 SS400 the shape of primary buckling modes (ANSYS 2017). Here, the
second approach was used. To that aim, a full-length model was
σy;c 344.3 290
developed to consider both symmetric and antisymmetric buckling
C1 , C2 , C3 0.075Ec , 0.04Ec , 1,500 0.01875Ec , 0.00625Ec , 700
γ1 , γ2 , γ3 160, 80, 0 100, 40, 0 modes. A preliminary linear buckling analysis was done. Then, the
perturbed geometry was established by adding a sum of the first
Note: Ec ¼ 206 GPa. 10 mode shapes, including axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric
eigenmodes that were extracted in the preliminary buckling analysis.
A reduction factor of 0.2 was used when seeding the imperfections
Specimen no. 8, three annular transverse stiffeners (diaphragms) were to the geometry. This procedure induced a maximum out-of-plane
placed at an equal distance of 900 mm starting from the base. The con- deformation of 1.7 mm, which is equal to 0.38% of the cross-
stant vertical and quasistatic lateral loads were applied using an actua- section radius. Although buckling of a cylinder can be imperfection
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tor positioned at a height of 3,403 mm from the base. SM490 steel sensitive, for moderately thick cylinders with diameter-to-thickness
with a yield strength of 344.3 MPa and SS400 steel with a yield ratios less than 180, axisymmetric bulging due to Poisson’s effect
strength of 290 MPa, both having a Young’s modulus of 206 GPa, and radial end restraint is more significant than random imperfec-
were selected as the material for Specimen no. 6 and no. 8, respectively. tions. When buckling occurs at stresses above the yield strength,
such cylinders are not significantly affected by initial imperfections
Finite-Element Modeling Procedure (Bushnell 1989). For the columns studied herein, additional analy-
ses performed with two times the imperfection amplitude showed
To simulate the cyclic behavior of the specimens, three-
that this change had no effect on the cyclic inelastic response
dimensional FE models were developed using ANSYS Mechanical
APDL (ANSYS 2017). A detailed explanation of the generation (Fig. 2).
and analysis of the FE models, including material model, initial A mesh refinement study was conducted to select the sizes of
imperfection, element mesh, contacts, and analysis is provided elements. It was observed that the response of the piers is highly
in the following sections. It should be mentioned that residual dependent on the number of divisions along the height in the plastic
stresses due to the welding and fabrication processes were ne- hinge region (nd ). Fig. 3 shows the results of the mesh sensitivity
glected in the FE simulations. analysis in which the convergence of the mesh density is based
Kinematic hardening models are used to consider the upon the relative variation of the buckling load as the mesh is
Bauschinger effect—the fact that the elastic region in the uniaxial refined. The predicted buckling loads are higher than those of
stress-strain behavior of a metal specimen is equal to twice the the experiments, owing to the fact that the incremental (flow)
initial yield stress. Since the strain in the plastic hinge region is theory of plasticity, based on which the nonlinear solution of
expected to grow largely, a nonlinear kinematic hardening model ANSYS (2017) is programmed, overestimates the plastic buckling
(the Chaboche model) suitable for large strains was chosen. Based stress (Jones 2009). Considering the performed refinement study,
on this model, the yield surface moves nonlinearly until it reaches a along the height, fine elements with an approximate length of 15
limiting surface, after which the behavior becomes perfectly plas- and 10 mm were used near the base for Specimen no. 6 and no. 8,
tic. Herein, the Chaboche kinematic hardening model with three respectively, and gradually increased in length to 75 mm near the
back stresses was used. The required parameters, including material cap plate. The circular section of the specimens was divided into
constants (Ci ) and the rate of decrease of hardening modulus (γ i ), 160 segments along its circumference.
are listed in Table 1. To model contacts, four-node surface-to-surface contact ele-
The three-dimensional SOLID185 element, which has eight no- ments (CONTA173), which transmit pressures between surface
des, each having three transitional degrees of freedom, was used to Gauss points, were used. TARGE170 elements were used to
mesh the piers. The FE models were generated utilizing a mapped specify target surfaces. Since the components of the considered
mesh. In order to introduce initial imperfections in the FE simula- piers are welded together, the contact behavior was set to Bonded,
tions and trigger the potentiality of local buckling, small initial in which the target and contact surfaces are glued to each other
out-of-plane deformations are imposed either by applying small when contact occurs.

Fig. 2. Effect of initial out of roundness on the response of (a) Specimen no. 6; and (b) Specimen no. 8.

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to local buckling. Hence, local buckling, either elastic or plastic,
eventually occurs and limits the ductility of the pier. If local elastic
buckling is prevented by limiting the diameter-to-thickness ratio,
the plastic hinge forms near the base and the pier keeps taking force
by virtue of its material hardening up to the occurrence of the local
plastic buckling.
Depending on its length, a cylinder under compression shows
two different local buckling shapes. For short cylinders, the shell
buckles into inward and outward rings along its height, known as
the ring buckling mode. For moderately long cylinders, the shell
takes the form of waves along the cylinder axis and its circumfer-
ence with a pattern of depressions and bulges over the surface,
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known as the chessboard buckling mode (Ivanyi and Skaloud

1992). For a cylindrical steel bridge pier under vertical and lateral
loads, compressive stresses are maximum at the column base where
they can trigger local buckling of the column section. Therefore,
only a short length of the cylinder near the base is susceptible
to buckling and the probable local buckling shape is similar to that
of the short cylinders, with the ring shapes. Buckling in such piers
involves significant stretching of the wall due to the Poisson expan-
Fig. 3. Relationship of mesh density to estimated buckling load. sion, which finally develops into a state called elephant foot bulge
[Figs. 1(b and c)].
Comparison of the hysteresis responses obtained from the FE
analyses and tests are shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen in these
To apply loads, LINK180 elements with a rigid behavior were figures, the diameter-to- thickness ratio plays a great role not only
used to connect the point of loading to the top nodes of the cap in the lateral load capacity but also in the displacement ductility
plate. The amount of vertical load, as reported by Nishikawa et al. capacity. However, both specimens were damaged extensively
(1996), was 0.138 and 0.124 of the axial yield load of the section due to the local buckling development, resulting in high residual
for Specimens no. 6 and no. 8, respectively. As in the actual test, the displacements.
cyclic lateral loading was applied as a multiple of yield displace-
ment, which increased step by step. For the boundary condition, the
displacement and rotation of the nodes at the base of the pier were Prediction of Rocking Steel Bridge Pier Response
constrained to be zero in all directions.
In the first stages of lateral loading of a traditional steel bridge When bonded to its base, lateral deformation of a steel bridge pier is
pier, since the specimen is fixed to its base, plasticity evolves in the mostly provided by the plastic straining extended throughout the
plastic hinge region. If buckling is prevented, the plasticity contin- plastic hinge, which inevitably leads to nonrecoverable damage.
ues to grow until fracture happens. Global buckling can be avoided Deformation can be concentrated at the connection interface by
by limiting the height-to-diameter ratio of the column. Local buck- separating the column from the base and allowing it to rock. To
ling is controlled by the diameter-to-thickness ratio. However, be- keep structural integrity, and control the rocking behavior by restor-
yond yield, besides the diameter-to-thickness ratio, the buckling ing forces, the components of such a pier can be post-tensioned
strength depends on the material behavior, which is usually repre- together. Energy-dissipative elements can be added to increase en-
sented by the secant modulus (Jones 2006). As the material goes ergy absorption capability and prevent excessive uplifting of the
into nonlinearity, the cylindrical column becomes more susceptible column. Using this technique, the residual displacements following

Fig. 4. Experimental and FE analysis load-displacement hysteretic curves for (a) Specimen no. 6; and (b) Specimen no. 8.

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Fig. 5. Typical response of a rocking steel bridge pier under half-cycle lateral loading.

a seismic event can be minimized while damage is mostly confined Single-Point Rocking Method
within the EDs.
Before uplifting, the column behaves as a fixed-base column. After
Fig. 5 illustrates the typical response of a rocking steel bridge
uplifting, the lateral load-displacement behavior can be easily
pier. Since the column is compressed due to the gravity and post- determined at each drift, provided that the compressive forces are
tensioning forces, initially the pier behaves similar to a fixed base concentrated at the edge of the column, as illustrated in Fig. 6(a).
pier and deforms elastically under lateral load. With increasing lat- By taking the single-point contact as the pivot, lateral load V is
eral load, overturning moments generated at the base reduces these obtained as follows:
compressive forces until decompression occurs at the farthermost
fiber of the column. After this point, the pier begins to uplift and a
T pt d2c þ Wðd2c − ht ðθel þ θgap ÞÞ
gap opens at the rocking interface. The formation of the gap softens V¼ ð1Þ
the lateral stiffness and at the same time activates the EDs. After ht
unloading, the restoring forces close the gap and the pier returns to
its original position with the majority of damage localized in where T pt = post-tensioning force; W = total gravity loads; θgap =
the EDs. rotation due to gap opening; θel = rotation due to initial elastic
In deriving analytical equations for predicting the response of deformation before uplifting; dc = section depth of the column;
the rocking systems, the force distribution at the rocking interface and ht = distance of the rocking interface to the centroid of the
is unknown and cannot be determined using the strain compati- superstructure mass. Post-tensioning force T pt can be estimated
bility assumption, since it is not valid at the section level due using the following formula:
to the gap opening. However, if the compressive forces are as-
0.5dc θgap
sumed to be concentrated at the edge of the rocking element, T pt ¼ T 0 þ Ept Apt ð2Þ
the response can be achieved using the global equilibrium. This hc
approach is referred to herein as the single-point rocking (SPR)
method. In the case of considering distributed forces at the rocking where T 0 = initial post-tensioning force; Ept = Young’s modulus;
interface, the strain/stress profile in the compressed region can be Apt = cross-sectional area of the cable; and hc = distance of the
obtained through a member compatibility concept, known as a rocking interface to the top of the cap plate. With the assumption
monolithic beam analogy (MBA), which was first proposed by that gravity loads are applied after the initial post-tensioning, a
Pampanin et al. (2001). In this method, the strain/stress distribu- more precise equation can be derived for T pt by accounting for
tion is calculated based on an analogy between the rocking the column shortening, as follows:
element and an equivalent element with fixed ends. In the follow-    
0.5dc θgap Ept Apt W
ing sections, the aforementioned methods are applied to the rock- T pt ¼ T 0 þ 1− − E A ð3Þ
ing steel bridge piers. hc Ec A c Ec Ac pt pt

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Fig. 6. Deformation of a rocking bridge pier based on (a) single-point rocking; and (b) monolithic beam analogy methods.

where Ec and Ac = Young’s modulus and cross-sectional area of the Δp;fixed end ¼ ðϕ − ϕy;c Þðht − 0.5Lp;c ÞLp;c ð9Þ
column, respectively. By substituting θgap ¼ 0 in Eq. (1) and ne-
glecting P-delta effects before uplifting, the lateral load required where ϕy;c = yield curvature of the column and Lp;c = plastic hinge
to uplift the column, V up , can be approximated as follows: length. Substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (8) and solving for ϕ gives the
maximum compressive strain εmax in the column at the rocking in-
ðT pt þ WÞdc terface as follows:
V up ≃ ð4Þ
ht θgap
εmax ¼ ϕc ¼ þ ϕy;c c ð10Þ
where T pt can be calculated using either Eq. (2) or (3). Compres- ðht − 0.5Lp;c ÞLp;c
sive force Fc at the base of the column can be obtained from the
vertical equilibrium as follows: where c = length of the region under compression and
Fc ¼ W þ T pt ð5Þ Mp;c Zc σy;c W þ T0
ϕy;c ¼ ¼ 1− ð11Þ
Ec I c Ec I c Py;c
The above equation implies that compressive force Fc is only
limited by yielding of the cable since the material nonlinearity of where M p;c = section plastic moment; Zc = plastic section modulus;
the column is not considered in developing this method. σy;c = yield stress; I c = second moment of area; and Py;c = axial
The column does not slide as long as the following equation is yield force of the column.
satisfied: After choosing a stress-strain relationship for the column
material, the stress distribution at the connection interface can be
V ≤ μðW þ T pt Þ ð6Þ determined and the section equilibrium can be achieved by using
Eq. (5), wherein compressive force Fc can be calculated by
where μ = static coefficient of friction between the column and its
Z c
underlying surface.
Fc ¼ σc ðεmax ÞdA ð12Þ

Monolithic Beam Analogy Method T pt is subjected to increase due to elongation and decrease due
Fig. 6(b) demonstrates two bridge piers, one of which has a fixed to column shortening, as follows:
base and the other is the same, except it is unbonded at the base. If    
an equal displacement is applied at their top nodes, the pier with the ð0.5dc − cÞθgap Ept Apt W
T pt ¼ T 0 þ 1− − E A
fixed-base boundary condition deforms elastically first, and then hc Ec A c Ec Ac pt pt
plastically due to the plastic hinge formation, while in the un- ð13Þ
bonded pier, a gap opens instead of the plastic hinge formation.
For each case, the applied equal displacement can be divided into This equation is the same as Eq. (3) except that the distance
two parts as follows: 0.5dc is replaced by 0.5dc − c when determining the tendon
Δel;fixed end þ Δp;fixed end ¼ Δel;rocking þ Δgap;rocking ð7Þ

wherein the plastic and gap opening deformations are significantly Modified MBA Method
greater than the elastic one. Assuming the elastic deformation of the
two piers is equal, then The assumption that the elastic deformation of the rocking and
fixed-base piers is equal leads to achieving a higher initial stiffness
Δp;fixed end ≈ Δgap;rocking ¼ ht θgap ð8Þ for the response of the rocking pier, since the gap opening in the
rocking pier occurs before the formation of the plastic hinge in the
in which fixed base pier. The MBA method was modified by Palermo (2004)

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to better predict the rocking pier behavior at the initial stages of Extended MBA Method
lateral deformation. In this method, the deformation of the rocking
The previous equations imply that as the lateral load increases, a
and fixed-base piers is broken into three ranges:
smaller compressive zone is subjected to increasing normal forces.
1. Before decompression (0 ≤ θ < θdec ).
Consequently, a horizontal reaction due to frictional resistance at
Before the decompression point, the rocking pier can be
the column base is generated over a short compressive length. This
assumed as a fixed base. Hence
reaction force, which acts normal to the column wall, can cause
H local bending of the tube wall that may lead to localized yielding
Δtot ðrockingÞ ¼ Δtot ðfixed endÞ ¼ ϕ ð14Þ of the wall at the rocking interface. By utilizing a base plate that is
welded to the column, horizontal shearing forces can be distributed
where H ¼ h3c =3 þ h2t hc − ht h2c is the height parameter. over the whole section rather than a small region. In this way, the
2. Between decompression and yielding rotations (θdec ≤ θ < θy ). shearing stresses at the base of the column are significantly
In this range, the fixed base pier remains elastic, while the reduced. Furthermore, the base plate will also serve as a diaphragm,
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gap opening occurs in the rocking column. Thus preventing the out-of-plane deformation of the column near the
rocking interface.
Δtot ðfixed endÞ ¼ ϕ ð15Þ When having a base plate, the modified MBA method cannot be
ht used because the base plate is under flexural instead of axial strain-
ing. Therefore, to account for the presence of the base plate, the
H method is further amended, hereinafter referred to as extended
Δtot ðrockingÞ ¼ ht θgap þ ϕdec ð16Þ MBA (EMBA). Fig. 7 illustrates the free body diagram of a rocking
steel pier with the base plate. At the column–base plate interface,
Equating the above equations yields a formula for the maxi-
the stress distribution in the compressive zone can be obtained
mum normal strain in the column at the rocking interface as
using either MBA or modified MBA. After gap opening, the base
plate exerts tensile stresses on the column, which is assumed as
 2  linear herein, beginning just after the compressive region and end-
εmax ¼ ϕc ¼ θgap þ ϕdec c ð17Þ ing at the farthermost column fiber. Since the base plate is under
bending in this region, at each imposed rotation, the amount of ten-
where ϕdec ¼ 2ðW þ T 0 Þ=Ec Ac dc is the decompression curva- sile stresses can be determined through the moment-rotation analy-
ture obtained by using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. sis of a cantilever beam having the same properties of the base plate
3. Beyond yielding rotation (θy ≤ θ). in the tension part. Then section equilibrium is checked using the
In this range, the plastic hinge forms in the fixed-base pier. following formula:
  Fc ¼ W þ T pt þ T bp ð20Þ
H Lp;c
Δtot ðfixed endÞ ¼ ϕy;c þ ðϕ − ϕy;c ÞLp;c ht − ð18Þ
ht 2 where T bp = tension forces that the base plate exerts on the column
Equating the above equation to Eq. (16) gives the maximum and can be obtained by
normal strain at the rocking interface as follows:
ht θgap − ðϕy;c − ϕdec Þ hHt T bp ¼ σt dA ð21Þ
εmax ¼ ϕc ¼ L þ ϕy;c c ð19Þ c
Lp;c ðht − 2p;c Þ
The steps involved in calculating the load-displacement re- It should be noted that the variation of the length of the com-
sponse are the same as the MBA, except that the maximum com- pressive region along the base plate height is neglected. By taking
pressive strain corresponding to θgap is determined based on the moment about the centroid of the compressive forces, lateral
Eq. (17) or (19). load V is obtained as follows:

d c 
T pt 2 þ ccent − c þ W d2c þ ccent − c − ht ðθgap þ θel Þ þ T bp ðccent þ tcent Þ
V¼ ð22Þ
ht − tbp

where ccent and tcent = centroids of the compressive and tensile 4. In the case of having a base plate, compute the resulting tensile
stresses, respectively. Assuming the compressive forces are local- stresses by performing a moment-rotation analysis of an
ized at the edge of the column (c ¼ ccent ), the above equation is equivalent cantilever beam to the base plate and calculating
equal to Eq. (1) when there is no base plate. the required tensile stresses for the imposed rotation.
The steps required to obtain the lateral load-displacement 5. Compute the corresponding normal forces by integrating the
response are normal stresses over the respective areas, i.e., using Eqs. (12)
1. Impose rotation θgap at the rocking interface. and (21).
2. Assume an initial value for the length of the compression zone. 6. Compute the cable force using Eq. (13).
3. Compute the resulting compressive stresses using Eq. (10) 7. Check for the section equilibrium using Eq. (5) or (20).
(MBA) or Eq. (17) or (19) (modified MBA) and the assumed 8. Iterate over the compression zone length c by returning to
material model for the column. Step 2 until the section equilibrium is satisfied.

© ASCE 04018210-7 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018210

To apply the post-tensioning force to the cable, first, the
PSMESH command was used to create a pretension section. This
command splits the meshed body of the cable into two parts, nor-
mal to the post-tensioning load direction, and then connects them
by the PRETS179 elements. Then, the SLOAD command was used
to apply the force to the previously generated pretension section. A
similar technique was used in validating the FE simulation of post-
tensioned steel beam-column connections by Moradi and Alam
(2016), which was modified by Rahmzadeh and Alam (2017).
The initial imperfections were introduced as discussed earlier.
The amount of the gravity loads for both specimens was con-
sidered as 0.15 of their axial yield force. To ensure recentering
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capability in the rocking pier, the cable should remain elastic

throughout cyclic loading. Hence, based on the initial analytical
studies, a cable comprised of 10 strands according to ASTM 416
(ASTM 2017) and having a total steel area of 1,900 mm2 was
chosen and post-tensioned up to 30% and 20% of its ultimate
strength for Specimen no. 6-R and no. 8-R, respectively. This
amount of post-tensioning force increases the axial force ratio of
the column from 0.15 to 0.22 and 0.25 for Specimen no. 6-R
and no. 8-R, respectively. For the lateral loading protocol, a
drift-based reversed cyclic loading consisting of cycles with ampli-
tudes of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% of the total height was adopted.
Fig. 7. (a) Free body diagram of the column and base plate; and
(b) assuming the base plate as a cantilever beam in the tension part.
Specimens without Base Plate
The lateral load-displacement response of Specimen no. 6-R is
9. Calculate the corresponding lateral load using Eq. (22). shown in Fig. 8, along with the analytical predictions based on
10. Increase the imposed rotation and repeat Steps 1–10 until the MBA and modified MBA. The backbone curve from the SPR
target drift is reached. method is also given for comparison. The specimen exhibits a
flag-shaped behavior, capable of recentering up to a drift of 5%
(170 mm) with no elephant foot buckling as observed in the
Development of FE Models fixed-base specimens. The dissipated energy can be attributed to
the yielding of the outer edges of the column cross section due
The previously validated specimens were used as the basis for de- to normal straining, as well as local bending of the tube due to
veloping the FE models of the rocking steel bridge piers. In order to the horizontal reaction concentrated at the rocking interface
do so, the column was placed on a plate that is anchored to the base [Fig. 9(a)].
foundation. A high-strength cable that runs through the holes made In the analytical models, a bilinear model with a 5% strain-
in the cap and foundation plates was placed at the axis of radial hardening ratio for the cable was considered. To model the material
symmetry, anchored at the base, and then post-tensioned. To des- nonlinearity of the column in MBA/modified MBA, a trilinear
ignate the specimens, a letter suffix R, which stands for rocking, stress-strain relationship including an elastic portion, linear part
was added to each specimen label. In the case of having a base with a 2% strain-hardening ratio, and horizontal line after the ulti-
plate, a BP suffix is appended as well. For instance, Specimen mate strength was used. As can be seen in Fig. 8, the initial stiffness
no. 6-R-BP is the rocking Specimen no. 6 with a base plate. is overestimated by the MBA method, whereas it is well predicted
A trilinear kinematic model with a strain-hardening ratio of 5% by the modified MBA method. In the SPR method, the lateral load
and a cutoff value at the ultimate strength was chosen for the cable. upon rocking is only controlled by the cable force. Furthermore,
The considered modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of the localizing forces at a single point results in a larger arm lever of
cable, in accordance to ASTM 416 (ASTM 2017), are 199 GPa the cable force, which leads to the faster elongation of the cable.
and 1,860 MPa for Grade 270, respectively. Also, yield strength Thus, the lateral load increases with a steeper slope until the cable
was assumed to be 70% of the tensile strength. Then, the added yields, after which the response degrades. The results show that the
components in the FE models were meshed using the SOLID185 SPR method can be used as an upper bound for MBA/modified
elements. MBA, provided that the column remains elastic at the rocking inter-
Contacts were defined between the cable nut and cap plate and face. That is, if the column is assumed to be elastic, the resultant of
the interface between the column and foundation plate. Also, ini- the distributed forces in MBA/modified MBA moves toward the
tially open contacts were modeled between the cable and the inner column edge with increasing drift. However, the yielding of the
surfaces of the cap and foundation plate holes to consider the pos- column limits the generated compressive forces, softens the rocking
sibility of encountering each other at large drifts. Since the tangen- interface, and prevents the forces from accumulating at a single
tial and normal characteristics of these surfaces involve friction and point at large drifts. Since Eq. (19) gradually converges to
closing/opening, their behaviors were set to Standard. A unified Eq. (10) in relatively large drifts, the MBA and modified MBA
friction coefficient of 0.33, as suggested by Kulak et al. (2001), methods yield the same results, except for the initial part.
was considered here. All contacts were initially adjusted by utiliz- The normal strain distribution at 5% drift based on the FE and
ing available options in ANSYS (2017) (ICONT and CNOF) to modified MBA is compared in Fig. 9(b). Owing to the fact that the
eliminate unwanted small gaps or penetrations emerging from Chaboche material model used in the FE simulation has a memory
numerical round-off during mesh generation. term, a pushover analysis was performed for this comparison to

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Fig. 8. Force-displacement response of Specimen no. 6-R based on the FE and analytical methods.

Fig. 9. (a) Accumulated plastic strain in Specimen no. 6-R; and (b) comparison between normal strain distribution based on the FE and analytical

eliminate the cyclic degradation effects. The compressive region

has a length of 115 and 170.2 mm with a maximum compressive
strain of 0.0224 and 0.0195 based on the FE and modified MBA,
respectively. The difference arises from the different material mod-
els utilized, which result in parabola and piecewise linear stress dis-
tributions for the FE and modified MBA, respectively. Moreover,
modified MBA is a function of the assumed plastic hinge length,
herein taken as half of the section depth. Although satisfactory re-
sults can be obtained for the lateral load-displacement response, the
strain distribution cannot be well predicted using modified MBA.
Since a concentrated plasticity model was utilized in determining a
relationship between the maximum strain and length in the com-
pressive region, the resulting maximum compressive strain is
highly sensitive to the assumed plastic hinge length, as indicated
by Eq. (19). The effect of the plastic hinge length on the response
of modified MBA is shown in Fig. 10. For a plastic hinge length of
0.75dc , 0.5dc , and 0.25dc , the maximum strain at the largest drift
increases from 0.0147 to 0.0195 and then 0.0319, respectively,
Fig. 10. Effect of assumed plastic hinge length on the modified MBA
while the change in the lateral load-displacement response is not
as significant as the strain.

© ASCE 04018210-9 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018210

In order to examine the effect of diaphragms on the buckling neglects the column material nonlinearity and fast straining of the
behavior, the differential equation for deflection of a cylindrical cable, the SPR method overestimated the capacity of the specimen.
shell under compression is considered as follows (Jones 2006): Modified MBA yielded relatively good results up to the buckling
point. However, it failed to predict the initiation of buckling and post-
E c tc ∂ 4 w ∂2w buckling response since it is unable to capture the point at which the
D∇8 w þ 4 2 4
þ σtc ∇4 2 ¼ 0 ð23Þ
ðdc − tc Þ ∂y ∂y primary form of equilibrium becomes unstable and the tube wall
starts to buckle. After this point, the tube wall under compression
where the x-axis and y-axis are oriented along the circumference ceases to carry loads, while modified MBA follows the stress path
and height of the shell, respectively; D ¼ Ec t3c =12ð1 − ν 2 Þ is the in the assumed material model and keeps taking loads.
flexural rigidity of the wall; σ = axial compression stress; and A more practical approach rather than utilizing closely spaced
ν = Poisson’s ratio. diaphragms to prevent buckling of the column in such cases could
Of interest here is the ring buckling mode with the following be the use of a thicker wall column segment at the bottom that is
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profile (Ivanyi and Skaloud 1992): welded to the thinner wall column by a complete joint penetration
weld [Fig. 12(a)]. To avoid local buckling, the strain in the thinner
2πy wall can be limited through section analysis. The expected maxi-
w ¼ w0 sin ð24Þ
λy mum lateral load and cable force at the target drift can be obtained
by using the analytical model, then the length l [in Fig. 12(a)] is
where w0 = amplitude of the buckling waves; and λy = wavelength specified so that the maximum compressive strain is limited to εlim .
along the cylinder axis. Substituting Eq. (24) into Eq. (23) and min- For this specimen, choosing εlim as 0.0014 and 0.002 results in l
imizing σ yields the following equation for the wavelength: equal to 1,895 and 2,427 mm, respectively, for a target drift of 5%.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi In the former case, the upper segment was kept elastic while in the
4 t2c d2c latter, limited yielding was allowed. In the FE model, a thickness of
λy ≃ π ð25Þ
3ð1 − ν 2 Þ 16.1 mm was used for a height of 1,500 and 1,000 mm from the
base of the column for the first and second cases, respectively. The
The above equation gives λy equal to 215 mm for Specimen no. thickness was selected the same as Specimen no. 6-R which could
8-R, suggesting that diaphragms should be placed with a distance recenter up to 5% drift without local buckling. The lateral load dis-
less than 215 mm to improve buckling strength. Hence, the arrange- placement of the reinforced specimens is shown in Fig. 12(b),
ment of diaphragms in Fig. 1(a), with the first diaphragm placed at which illustrates a self-centering behavior up to 5% drift. As indi-
900 mm from the base, has no major effect on the buckling behav- cated by this figure, limited yielding of the extreme fibers of the
ior of Specimen no. 8-R. upper segment has no effect on the response. The maximum lateral
Fig. 11 shows the comparison between the force-displacement load is higher than that predicted by modified MBA in Fig. 11,
behavior of Specimen no. 8-R with and without diaphragms, as owing to the increased wall thickness at the rocking interface.
well as the analytical model predictions. As expected, the effect
of diaphragms is negligible and local buckling developed near Specimens with Base Plate
the rocking interface, regardless of having diaphragms. The length
of the bulge due to local buckling near the base, given by the FE As discussed earlier, a base plate can be welded to the column to
analysis, is approximately 230 mm, which is close to the value pre- protect the column from the shearing forces at the rocking interface.
dicted with Eq. (25). Before the occurrence of local buckling, the A circular base plate with a diameter of 1,000 and a thickness of
specimen exhibits a self-centering behavior up to 2% drift (68 mm), 60 mm is chosen herein. The dimension of the base plate was se-
whereas its fixed-base counterpart (Specimen no. 8) had a residual lected based on initial studies such that it has enough space for
displacement of 50 mm at the same amount of drift. Because it welding requirements and does not experience severe plastic strains
at large drifts. In the FE model, the base plate was mapped meshed
using the SOLID185 elements, and the same material was used as
the column. Contacts were defined between the underlying plate
and base plate, and the base plate and column with standard
and bonded behaviors, respectively.
Fig. 13 illustrates the cyclic response of Specimen no. 6-R-BP in
addition to the analytical model predictions. The dissipated energy
can be ascribed to the yielding of the column extreme fibers due to
normal straining, as well as yielding of the base plate. Comparing
Fig. 14 with Fig. 9(a) indicates that in this case the total plastic
strain is less, owing to the protective effect of the base plate. Fur-
thermore, the maximum lateral load increased from 479 to 564 kN.
This is caused by lengthening of the compressive zone as implied
by Eq. (20). As can be observed in Fig. 13, the prediction of the
EMBA method is in good agreement with the FE results, whereas
the SPR method overpredicted the lateral load capacity for the same
aforementioned reasons.

Specimens with Base Plate and Yielding

Energy-Dissipating Elements
Fig. 11. Cyclic response of Specimen no. 8-R with and without
In order to enhance the energy-dissipation property of the speci-
men, different types of replaceable energy-dissipating elements

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Fig. 12. (a) Limiting strain in thinner wall; and (b) cyclic response of reinforced Specimen no. 8-R.

including tension-only (TO), tension-compression (TC), and connections with a smooth curve to avoid stress concentration
buckling-restrained (BR) bars are considered. Four bars are placed in its inner edges.
at a 45° angle from the loading direction. A diameter of 30 mm, In the FE model, the added elements were mapped meshed
fused down to 22 mm in the fuse length, was selected for the bars. using the SOLID185 elements. Contacts were defined between
Based on the previous analytical results, the minimum length of the the ED chairs, column and base plate, and also between the EDs
compressive zone is 195 mm, suggesting that the bars would be and chairs. It should be noted that the threads in the bars were not
stretched about 30 mm at 5% drift. A fuse length of 150 mm based considered in the FE models. Fig. 15(b) displays the FE model of a
on the maximum 20% elongation was chosen, with the assumption specimen with energy dissipating elements.
that the straining only occurs in the fuse length. The same material The tension-only ED involves tensile straining in its fuse length.
as the column was selected, which for each ED results in a tensile Fig. 16(a) shows the cyclic response of Specimen no. 6-R-BP in-
yield load and strength of 131 and 209 kN, respectively. The corporated such EDs along with the results of the EMBA method.
bars are fastened to the column through connections depicted in In the first cycles of loading, the plasticity spreads in the fuse length
Fig. 15(a). As force-controlled components, the connections were and following that the bar elongates. Due to the elongation, the
designed based on capacity design principles to remain elastic. The bar loses its connection with the chair at the beginning of the
connections are welded to the column as well as the base plate.
To anchor the bars at the base, the base plate is cut inside the

Fig. 13. Force-displacement response of Specimen no. 6-R-BP based

on the FE and analytical methods. Fig. 14. Accumulated plastic strain in Specimen no. 6-R-BP.

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Fig. 15. (a) Details of ED chair; and (b) Specimen no. 6-R-BP with external EDs.

Fig. 16. Response of specimens: (a) no. 6-R-BP-TO; (b) no. 6-R-BP-TC; and (c) no. 6-R-BP-BR.

subsequent cycle. By increasing displacement, the elongated bar The degradation in the grout material behavior after the maximum
reconnects to the chair and contributes to load carrying again. This compressive stress was neglected and an elastic–perfectly plastic
might become problematic when the pier is exposed to pulse-type stress-strain relationship was adopted in the FE simulation. Then,
ground motions. In that case, if the pier experiences large amplitude the filler material was free meshed by using the SOLID285
displacements at the beginning, the bars do not participate in load elements.
carrying afterward, unless a larger displacement is applied on The results show that the type of ED has a negligible effect on
the pier. the maximum lateral load capacity. This stems from the fact that the
The results of FE and analytical methods for Specimen no. contribution of EDs in the lateral load capacity is mainly related to
6-R-BP with tension-compression EDs are shown in Fig. 16(b). their tensile rather than compressive forces. Since the tensile capac-
The tension-compression ED experiences limited compressive ity of the bar in all three types of EDs was fully mobilized, the
stresses in addition to tensile stresses since it remains connected whole system showed a maximum lateral load of about 650 kN
to its chair throughout the loading. Similar to the previous case, in each case. The ED type affects the unloading part of the force-
plasticity spreads in the fuse length and the bar elongates in the displacement behavior as is evident in Fig. 16. While unloading,
first cycles. However, while the gap is being closed at the rocking the elastic strain in the elongated bar is recovered, and depending
interface, the elongated bar takes limited compressive forces, after on the ED type, it takes some level of compression and dissipates
which it buckles, since it is not constrained. more energy.
The buckling-restrained ED is the same as the tension- Fig. 17 illustrates the cumulative dissipated energy throughout
compression ED except that it is constrained against buckling the loading cycles for the specimens equipped with three different
and, thereby, can yield both in tension and compression. Herein, types of EDs. In the first two cycles in which the energy-dissipating
the bar is confined within a tube having an outer and inner diameter elements are not fully involved, the difference between the dissi-
of 48.3 and 40.3 mm, respectively. The gap between the tube and pated energy is negligible. In the next cycles, as the plasticity ex-
bar is filled with high strength grout having 50-MPa compressive tends over the fuse length of the EDs, the dissipated energy of the
strength. In the FE model, the tube was mapped meshed as before. specimens with tension-compression and buckling-restrained EDs

© ASCE 04018210-12 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018210


An unbounded post-tensioned steel bridge pier has been studied

analytically and numerically. The proposed steel bridge pier incor-
porates a post-tensioned high-strength tendon to increase the recen-
tering response from gravity load along with sacrificial elements to
dissipate energy. To verify the FE models, two conventional steel
piers, which had been experimentally tested, were modeled and
validated. A detailed explanation of the modeling procedure, in-
cluding material modeling, mesh generation, defining contacts, and
introducing initial imperfections, was provided. The models pro-
duced good predictions of the results of the experimental tests.
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A simple single-point rocking (SPR) analytical method based on

a concentrated force at the rocking interface was developed,
wherein the column material nonlinearity was neglected. Using
the monolithic beam analogy (MBA), more refined methods were
established to account for a distributed force at the base of the col-
umn as well as the material nonlinearity. A comparison between
Fig. 17. Accumulated dissipated energy in specimens with EDs. these methods demonstrated that the inelastic straining of the col-
umn has a major effect on the forces at the rocking interface. By
assuming an elastic column, as in the SPR method, the load capac-
ity of the system was overestimated, whereas the modified MBA
starts to deviate from the specimens with tension-only EDs due to method well predicted the lateral load-displacement response.
compressive stressing of the bars, and the difference increases as However, an investigation of the strain distribution showed the high
the EDs become more involved. The occurrence of buckling in the sensitivity of the maximum compressive strain to the critical
fuse length of the tension-compression EDs reduces its energy ab- assumption made in developing modified MBA, i.e., the assumed
sorption ability, while the compressive strength of the bar is fully plastic hinge length.
utilized in the buckling-restrained EDs. Modified MBA uses the normal strain distribution at the gap
Although the gravity loads have a recentering impact up to cer- opening/closing interface to predict the lateral response of a rock-
tain drifts, they could overturn the pier and cause the lateral insta- ing element. Hence, it cannot be utilized in a base-plated rocking
bility at large drifts due to the P-delta effects. If other sources of column, wherein the base plate is essentially under the flexural
residual displacements, i.e., the local buckling, are prevented, the strains near the rocking interface. To account for the presence of
post-tensioned cable must remain elastic to ensure that the pier fully
the base plate, modified MBA was expanded in this study, refer-
self-centers. Fig. 18 shows the cable force in Specimen no. 6-R-
enced as extended MBA (EMBA). The base plate was considered
BP-BR. Assuming the yield strength of the cable material is 70% of
as a cantilever beam, under the column, and its effect was incorpo-
its ultimate strength, the yield force of the cable is 2,474 kN.
rated into the stress distribution at the base of the column. It was
Although the maximum post-tensioning force (2,330 kN) is less
shown that satisfactory predictions of the lateral load-displacement
than the yielding force of the cable (2,474 kN), the cable experi-
behavior can be achieved using the EMBA method.
enced some plastification at the anchorage location at the base due
The validated FE models were transformed to their corre-
to stress concentration, causing a noticeable loss in the initial post-
sponding rocking piers by unbounding the column from the base
tensioning force as can be seen in Fig. 18. This suggests that a safer
and assembling the components by means of a post-tensioned
margin should be considered when designing the post-tensioned
cable. The results of the FE analyses threw light upon the effects
cable. It should be noted that according to Eq. (6), none of the
of utilizing a base plate and diaphragm. By using a base plate,
specimens experienced sliding.
the shear stresses at the column base are reduced due to the dis-
tribution of the shearing forces over a larger area. Moreover, the
base plate acts as a diaphragm and prevents the possible ovali-
zation of the column. An examination of the effect of a dia-
phragm showed that several closely spaced diaphragms should
be placed near the rocking interface to improve the buckling
capacity. It was illustrated that local buckling could be more ef-
ficiently prevented by thickening the column wall in the bottom
region with high strains.
Higher lateral strength and energy dissipation capacity were
achieved by using axially yielding steel bars as energy-dissipative
elements. An investigation of the cyclic behavior provided prom-
ising approval of the improved performance of the rocking steel
bridge pier when compared to its traditional counterpart. Stable
hysteresis response, high ductility capacity, and negligible residual
drift, mainly attributed to the gap opening/closing mechanism,
without developing local buckling, are the key advantages of the
proposed pier.
Further investigations are required to gain more insight on the
Fig. 18. Force-displacement response of the cable in Specimen
seismic behavior of the proposed steel pier in this study. The FE
no. 6-R-BP-BR.
simulation technique used in this paper should be validated for the

© ASCE 04018210-13 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018210

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