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Nama : Agita

Npm : 180122133

Kelas : Khusus

Keterangan : HADIR

Mata kuliah : Teaching Learning Strategies 2.

1. What are influences the success if learning english ?


Motivation is the most important thing a person can do. Motivation can arise either from oneself or
from the outside. According to experience, the greatest motivation comes from oneself to change. In
learning language, this motivation impels us to do things that are beyond our capabilities. If we have
strong motivation or encouragement, any hurdles and difficulties in study will be faced. Our aim is clear,
our intention is clear to acquire language ability, so there is no reason to stop learning.


The factor affecting our second success is being willing to make mistakes, it is relevant to previous
posts. Our willingness to make mistakes in speech, of course, in learning language makes it possible for
us to know more about our errors, to know more about what is wrong. In that way, we know exactly
what to use.


Learning from experience makes mistakes smarter.


Having the ability to guess the meaning of the word in another language is next factor. This ability
requires high reason for language by considering the context of a sentence, situation, condition, and
circumstances. Guessing also trains our ability to understand others' intentions. Of course, we should
get the topic straight.
2. How to develop speaking abality to elementary school?

• Learn form of the word (tenses) in English Tenses or form words were the most
important and fundamental element for learning English.Tenses is a helpful English form of verb that
indicates the timing of events. The time shown can be past, present or present, and future.Since
understanding tenses was the most basic thing in learning English, it was not uncommon for tenses to
be on the first page or chapter in the English study book.If the child had gained mastery over and
understood all the existing tenses, then it could be said that he had mastered English by 60 percent. So,
if the child already understands what tenses is, most likely, whatever interaction the child has in English,
be it writing or speaking, it can be said 'right '.

• Listening audio the English conversation Once the child understood about tenses the
foundation of learning more English was to listen or listen.Listening was one of the English skills or
abilities that applied to the vocabulary in an English sentence.By listening, children will eventually speak
English and will also be able to understand what others say when speaking in English.One quick way to
learn English is to make it a habit to listen to the words in English.The closer the child gets to vocabulary,
the easier the study will be.Thus, a child is strongly encouraged to watch a conversation video or listen
to a song in English that mother can easily find on youtube.

• Reading books in English

If listening is already mastered, then the essential basis for learning English is reading or reading.

By reading a few English texts or sentences, children will be more sensitive to the word structure that is
formed in the English language.

That will teach him how to acquire new English vocabularies. In this way he will gradually receive
references in writing or correcting English sentences.

3. Mention component to develop prononciation?

• Step 1-listen to my proper pronunciation

• Step 2-record yourself

• Step 3-focus on phonetics, voices, intonation and emphasis

• Step 4-tongue twister

4. How to using media to develop grammar?

• Draw card
An English learning technique using a picture card is one of the techniques that is both inexpensive and
fun for students. The teacher simply provided a medium with a picture formed in the form of a card with
pictures in it that are the words we often use in our daily life.

Ask students to briefly explain the pictures and particularly in English. Especially for children the picture
CARDS would be better printed directly with the meaning at the back of the picture card so as to enable
students to more easily memorize a vocabulary in visual form

• Using illustrated comics.

As we know, illustrated comics are highly favored by children, so we can use them to give a pleasant
English lesson and to add to the vocabulary

• Using English songs.

The technique for learning English in the medium of English songs is one of a unique and interesting
way. Ask students to memorize one English song and then translate it into English. If necessary, be able
to use body language signs during the singing of the English song the student really understands what he
is thinking.

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