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The Tunneling On The Material Behaves Swelling

Wiyono, B. 1,a); Nova, P.2,b); Saptono, S.3,c); Vergiagara, V.4,d); M. Rahman Y.5,e)

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
Corresponding author:

Abstract. At this time, Indonesia is doing a lot of road development as an alternative to overcome traffic congestion, such
as the construction of expressways, the construction of multiple railroads. In addition to constructing roads, many also carry
out tunneling if the railroad tracks penetrate the hills. The construction of highway tunnels and railroads is always associated
with soft materials (such as soil) to rigid rock materials (such as pyroclastic rocks, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and
metamorphic rocks). In Indonesia, the weathering process in rocks is very intensive due to hot and cold weather, causing
rocks and soil to weather into clay-sized materials. The nature of clay is very reactive to water, both water that comes from
rain or groundwater, and this type of clay in reaction to water is divided into two, namely swelling (swelling) and non-
swelling (plastic). In mineralogy, the type of clay that has the property of expanding is Montmorillonite. In the stability
approach, the swelling properties differ from the plastic properties. In the swelling properties of clay, it behaves like a
significant displacement behavior but does not cause collapse. This study will provide an understanding for tunnel designers
to overcome large displacements after the tunnel is made.
Keywords: Tunnel, development, displacement, stability

In excavation, both in open pit and underground mines, stability issues are the main thing to know, considering
that the absence of operational disturbances determines the success of excavation due to stability problems. The
stability of the excavation is strongly influenced by the material's behavior when there is a disturbance due to the
loading of the material, either due to the excavation process itself, such as the formation of a tunnel, or because there
is a load around the tunnel. At this time, the behavior of materials known as elastic material behavior, plastic material
behavior, elastoplastic material behavior, Visco material behavior, elasto-Visco material behavior, and elasto-
viscoplastic material behavior. In soft and soft materials such as clay, some also behave in swelling (swelling) apart
from plastic behavior. The clay mineral strongly influences the behavior of the clay material. The types of clay
minerals commonly found in soils and clay rocks are kaolinite, illite, and Montmorillonite. Montmorillonite type
minerals are generally found in clay rocks and have a swelling behavior when exposed to water. This swelling property
varies significantly according to the water content and the ability to absorb and release water by clay minerals due to
changes in volume. One form of material that behaves to expand in the tunnel is lifting the tunnel floor (heaving). If
this behavior is not immediately addressed, the cross-sectional area of the tunnel hole will decrease. As a result of this,
the tunnel cannot be used as planned.
Clay rocks are predominantly composed of smectite group minerals (Montmorillonite). In the case of tunnel
stability, the montmorillonite content increases. The presence of Montmorillonite can be detected by X-Ray
Diffraction (XRD) testing, which has a montmorillonite content of more than or equal to 10% (Carrol, 1970). This
study aims to determine the effect of the expanding behavior of the material on the phenomenon of displacement and
tunnel stability, which is a function of time. The phenomenon of rising tunnel walls, especially on the floor, will cause
damage to the tunnel floor. This phenomenon occurs related to the increase in rock mass volume due to water
absorption (Anagnostou, 1991). This development will be different from the development but is caused by pressure
known as squeezing. In reality, it will be challenging to distinguish swelling and squeezing and clay mineralogy
analysis. The stress analysis intended for this expanding material can be approximated by the behavior of the stress-
strain relationship of visco-plastic material. This stress-strain relationship material behavior is one of the one-
dimensional rheological models 10 (Einstein, H.H., 1996).
The one-dimensional model explains that the shear strength is constant, and no pressure inhibits shear movement.
Therefore, there is no increase in displacement. This condition is caused by the pressure on the system being the same
(Wittke – Gattermann, 1998). In this condition, it shows that the sum of the elastic strain ( el) of the Hookean element
(Young's modulus, E) and the viscoplastic strain (vp) of the dashpot element (Shear Modulus, ). The amount of strain
that occurs is el + vp. According to Wittke – Gattermann (1998), the relationship between viscoplastic strain and
excess strength is described using the strain rate evp as the plastic potential Qg and Qt of the rock and the bed plane,
as well as for the failure criteria FG and FT are affected by the stress conditions {s} and the viscosity constant PG and
PT. If there is a layering, then there are constants that need to be entered, namely T1 and T2. The viscoplastic strain
rate is calculated by integrating it as a function of time.
Parameters to support the calculation of this swell material in the modeling by conducting swell testing using the
Oedometer test equipment and to perform the simulation of the swell material is using the RS2 software (license –

The research area is Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. Geologically, the research area is included in
the Balikpapan Formation. This area is very potential for tunnel research because about 20 years ago, there was a coal
mine in the area and the openings had many narrowing conditions due to the material swell process. In the Balikpapan
Formation, there are several cycles of the deposition process. There is an alternation of sandstone and claystone with
interleaved silt, shale, limestone, and coal (see Figure 1).

FIGURE 1. Geological Map of Kutai Kertanegara Regency

The research method used briefly can be seen in Figure 2. below: The research methodology is carried out through
several stages, namely analyzing the clay material from samples taken from the field to analyze the material's
displacement behavior and stability with the potential to expand. The stages are as follows, namely, the testing
(experimental) stage consisting of testing clay material with X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) equipment and development
testing (swelling test) with an Oedometer. The next step is to conduct a behavioral analysis by making an analysis that
is applied to the tunnel case study with simulation calculations that perform calculations on the tunnel model with
software tools from Rocscience – Slid Ver 8.0 (license – UPNVY), and perform displacement and stability analysis on
the tunnel model. Finally, the simulations were carried out to find out the effect of material parameters that play a role
in the displacement and stability of the tunnel model.


XRD is a method for determining the atomic and molecular structure of crystals. The crystals will refract X- rays
in all directions to determine the electron density in the atom and the chemical bonds of minerals (Hasyim et al., 2015).
The testing stages in XRD consist of sample preparation, preparation of preparations, and work on the XRD tool (See
Figure 2)

Figure 2. (a) XRD Equipment and (b) Swelling Test Equipment

Figure 2. Swelling Test Equipment

The XRD test results of this sample show that for swelling because there is a 19.8% montmorillonite mineral
content (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. XRD test results from samples from the Kutai Kertanegara area


The test for the potential for the material to expand aims to estimate the potential for developing the material. This
test refers to the Indonesian standard SNI 12-6423 or ASTM D-4546 (See Figure 4). This material development test was
carried out with an Oedometer (see Figure 3) for up to 18 days (25,920 minutes). The loading used in this test is constant
at 6.9 kPa, and at the peak of development, the loading reaches 646.900 kPa. The test results show that the longer the
time, the greater the resulting strain, going 39.2% or a change in volume of 15.38 cm3 (see Figure 4).



No Swelling




0,01 0,1 1
Time (minute)

Figure 4. Behavior Percentage of material development between expanding material and material
Does not inflate Oedometer test results.
The physical properties of this clay material tested are the liquid limit and the plastic limit, while the other physical
properties follow standard BS 1377. The results are as in Table 1.
Table 1. Physical properties test results

Dry Specific Initial Saturation Terminal

Weigth Gravity Density Water Water
Sample Content Void Content
Wd Kering Wo(%)
(gr) (Gs) gd Sr (%) w (%)
(gr/cm )
Kutai 71,04 2,62 1,81 12,42 0,45 116,89 40,01
Kartanegara (1)
Kutai 62,10 2,62 1,58 13,25 0,66 84,52 40,89
Kartanegara (2)
Kutai 62,51 2,61 1,59 13,12 0,64 89,47 40,35
Kartanegara (3)

The results are as in Table 1. The mechanical properties of this clay material sample are the uniaxial
compressive strength test. This test isto determine the compressive strength (c), elastic limit (E), Poisson ratio (),
and modulus of elasticity (E).Table 2 shows the results of the uniaxial compressive strength test.

Table 2. Mechanical properties test results

c Poisson Elastiscity
Sample c (MPa) average E (MPa) ratio Modulus
(MPa) () (E, MPa)
Kutai Kartanegara 5,12 9,82 0,15 145,58
Kutai Kartanegara 5,48 5,67 8,02 0,13 118,83
Kutai Kartanegara 6,22 12,31 0,24 182,54


The research focuses on knowing the effect of the development material on tunnel excavation on displacement and
stability in the tunnel wall. So that in analyzing this, software that supports the material behavior is needed. The software
used is Geoscience RS2 V9.0 (UPNVY license) with the finite element method. The application in tunnels on clay
material can expand at shallow depths (less than 50 m). The assumption used is plain-strain, with displacement analysis,
namely the stress-strain concept. There are several parameters as additional parameters, namely 14 parameters consisting
of internal friction angle (), cohesion (c), dilatation angle (), tensile strength (tm), modulus of elasticity (E), Poisson
ratio (), shear modulus (), three expansion parameters based on time instant (Ao), elastic (Ael), plastic (Ael), volumetric
plastic maximum parameter (Apl), expansion potential (Kqp, Kef), maximum floating pressure (op, of) and the layering
angle ().
In the case of simulating the behavior of the expanding material is using the results parameters of the Oedometer
test, as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Parameters of expanding material from Oedometer test

The adverb 'd' stands for day. The maximum swelling pressure value should be entered as a positive value in the
model input.

By filling in the parameters in the software and varying the value of E, the displacement results from each region
will be obtained, namely:
1. Modeling
After inputting material properties as in Table 4, only the Kutai Kartanegara area is inputted (1) because it has
tremendeous swelling potential. The modeling results can be seen in Figure 7 and Figure 8.
2. Displacement
Displacement results for the Kutai Kartanegara area (1) on swelling and plastic behavior can be seen in Figure




E = 118,83 MPa



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Time (Day)

Figure 5. Displacement comparison graph between swelling and plastic behavior based on the elastic
modulus function for the Kutai Kartanegara area

3. Strength Factor
The Strength Factors for the Kutai Kartanegara area (1) can be seen in Figure 6.
E = 118,83 MPa

Strength Factor
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Time (Day)

Figure 6. Kutai Kartanegara Strength Factor

Table 4. Material Properties

Sample 𝜎𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝐴0 𝐴𝑒𝑙0 𝐴𝑉𝑃 max 𝐸𝑉𝑃 𝜎0
E c V Ѱ K ϕ
(MPa) (kPa) (-) (MPa) (0) (1/a) (1/a) (1/a) (-) (%) (kPa) (0 )
Kutai 145,58 100 0,3 0,008 1 0,278 21,845 10,12 0,05 39,2 350 13,5
Kartanegara 118,83 100 0,3 0,008 1 0,278 21,845 10,12 0,05 39,2 350 13,5
182,54 100 0,3 0,008 1 0,278 21,845 10,12 0,05 39,2 350 13,5
Kutai 118,83 102 0,3 0,008 1 0,278 19,11 9,85 0,05 31,63 531 13,5
182,54 102 0,3 0,008 1 0,278 19,11 9,85 0,05 31,63 531 13,5
145,58 102 0,3 0,008 1 0,278 19,11 9,85 0,05 31,63 531 13,5
Kutai 182,54 175 0,3 0,004 1 0,278 22,24 10,83 0,05 35.59 375 19,09
145,58 175 0,3 0,004 1 0,278 22,24 10,83 0,05 35.59 375 19,09
118,83 175 0,3 0,004 1 0,278 22,24 10,83 0,05 35.59 375 19,09

Figure 7. Displacement on day 0, 2, 4, 6 Kutai Kartanegara area


Figure 8. Displacement on day 8, 10, 50, 100 Kutai Kartanegara area

In the analysis of Maximum swelling stress – normal and maximum swelling stress – tangential (σ), the values that
are assumed are (0.350) MPa, (0.750) MPa, (1.250) MPa, and (2.500) MPa. The results can be seen in Figure 9.
From the graph of the results of the analysis of the Maximum swelling stress - everyday and maximum swelling
stress - tangential in Figure 9, by simulating the value (σ), the displacement value is obtained, for the value (σ) = 0.350
MPa experiencing a displacement of 0.1225 m on the day to 2 (0.1203 m) and day 4 (0.2428 m). In this condition, it is
the time swelling parameter for elastic strain and on day 4 is the time swelling parameter for plastic strain. At that point,
there is a change from the elastic condition to the plastic behavior condition. From day 4 (0.24828 m) to day 20 (0.2684
m) is the time swelling parameter condition.



(σ) 0,350 MPa (σ) 0,750 MPa
(σ) 1,250 MPa (σ) 2,500 MPa


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Figure 9. Comparison of displacement to Maximum swelling stress – normal and maximum swelling stress –
tangential to swelling behavior
For the value (σ) = 0.750 MPa, the displacement was 0.1406 m on day 2 (0.1203 m) and day 4 (0.2609 m). In that
condition, it is the time swelling parameter for elastic strain and on the 4th day is the time swelling parameter for plastic
strain. At that point, there is a change from the elastic condition to the plastic behavior condition. Day 4 (0.2609 m) to
day 20 (0.2897 m) is the time swelling parameter condition.
For the value (σ) = 1,250 MPa, the displacement was 0.1511 m on day 2 (0.1203 m) and day 4 (0.2714 m). In that
condition, it is the time swelling parameter for elastic strain and on the 4th day is the time swelling parameter for plastic
strain. At that point, there is a change from the elastic condition to the plastic behavior condition. Day 4 (0.2714 m) to
day 20 (0.3028 m) is the time swelling parameter condition.
For the value (σ) = 2,500 MPa, the displacement was 0.1627 m on day 2 (0.1203 m) and day 4 (0.2830 m). In that
condition, it is the time swelling parameter for elastic strain and on the 4th day is the time swelling parameter for plastic
strain. At that point, there is a change from the elastic condition to the plastic behavior condition. Day 4 (0.2830 m) to
day 20 (0.3192 m) is the time swelling parameter condition.

Materials with swelling potential are highly dependent on clay mineral content in Montmorillonite, kaolinite, and
illite. The determination of the swelling potential is seen from the strain that occurs in the oedometer test. Parameters
that affect the swelling process are yong modulus, cohesion, internal friction angle, tensile strength, plastic volumetric
strain for plastic strain (𝜀𝑝𝑙,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ), Maximum swelling stress – normal and maximum swelling stress – tangential.


[1] Anagnostou, G., 1993. A model for swelling rock in tunneling. Swiss federal institute of technology, Zurich,
Switzerland, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, pp. 307-331.
[2] Carrol, 1970, Identification of The Principal Clay Minerals(<2μm) In an Oriented mount of a separated Clay
fraction from Sedimentary Material. Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.
[3] Einstein, H.H., 1996. Tunneling in Difficult Ground - Swelling Behaviour and Identification of
SwellingRocks. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 29 (3), pp. 113-124.
[4] Wittke-Gattermann, P., 1998. Verfahren zur Berechnung von Tunnels in quellfähigem Gebirge und Kalibrierung
an einem Versuchsbauwerk. Geotechnik in Forschung und Praxis, WBI-PRINT 1, Verlag Glückauf, Essen.
Nova, P
As Author

October 28th, 2021

Chairman Dean of
4Th ICEMINE 2021 Faculty of Mineral Technology

Dr. Herry Riswandi, S.T., M.T Dr. Ir. Sutarto, M.T

Saptono, S
As Author

October 28th, 2021

Chairman Dean of
4Th ICEMINE 2021 Faculty of Mineral Technology

Dr. Herry Riswandi, S.T., M.T Dr. Ir. Sutarto, M.T

Vega V.
As Author

October 28th, 2021

Chairman Dean of
4Th ICEMINE 2021 Faculty of Mineral Technology

Dr. Herry Riswandi, S.T., M.T Dr. Ir. Sutarto, M.T

Wiyono, B.
As Author

October 28th, 2021

Chairman Dean of
4Th ICEMINE 2021 Faculty of Mineral Technology

Dr. Herry Riswandi, S.T., M.T Dr. Ir. Sutarto, M.T

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