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題型拆解 + 終極題庫

題型#1 Mole & Avogadro Constant ................................................................. 2

題型#2 找出 Percentage By Mass ..................................................................... 4

題型#3 利用 % By Mass 找出其他數值 .............................................................. 6

題型#4 Mole Ratio & Reacting Mass .............................................................11

題型#5 Limiting reagent and excess reagent...............................................15

題型#6 利用 % By Mass 找到 Empirical Formula .........................................20

題型#7 從 Empirical Formulae 找出 Molecular Formulae ..........................24

題型#8 利用 Combustion 實驗結果找出 Molecular Formula ......................28


此精讀筆記收集了八款與計算有關的題型,由題型 #1 到題型#8 難度可謂從循漸進,因此如果你本身底


的 Marking Scheme,你完成可以自行核對,有任何其他 CHEM 的問題請隨時 WhatsApp 與我聯絡!

P.S. 停課放大假期間大家要務必繼續努力,不要讓未來的自己後悔!

Key Concept

Mole (mol) is just a unit of amount like dozen.

§ One mole is the amount of a substance that contains the same number of particles as there are
atoms in 12.0 g of carbon-12.

§ Mole is not the short form of molecules

§ 1 mole of particles = 6.02 x 1023 particles

§ Avogadro constant (L) = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1

# 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬
𝐌𝐨𝐥𝐞 =

Question 1
A water bottle contains 1.5 mole of H2O molecules.

a) Calculate the number of H2O molecules in the bottle.

b) Calculate the number of atoms in the bottle.

Question 2
Given that a beaker contains 1.204 x 1024 potassium atoms. How many moles of potassium atoms are
there in the beaker?

Question 3
How many molecules and atoms are there in 2.50 moles of carbon dioxide molecules?

Key Concept

% By Mass of X in Y = 每 100 g 的 Y 入面有幾多 g 的 X

% 𝐛𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

(𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀) × (# 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚)
= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

Question 4
Calculate the percentage by mass of copper in copper(II) oxide (CuO).

(Relative atomic masses: Cu = 63.5; O = 16.0)

Step 1: 搵出主角
題目要求你搵 % by mass of Cu in CuO,所以主角就是 CuO 裡面的 Cu
Step 2: 將相關數值放進公式
R. A. M. of Cu 63.5
% by mass of Cu in CuO = = × 100% = 79.87%
Molar Mass of CuO 63.5 + 16

Question 5
Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is used as a fertilizer due to the high usable nitrogen content. What is the
percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate?

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, N = 14.0, O = 16.0)

Question 6
Calculate the percentage by mass of water in hydrated magnesium chloride (MgCl2.6H2O). (Relative
atomic masses: H = 1.0, O = 16.0, Mg = 24.3, Cl = 35.5)

Question 7
Ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4. Is one of the most frequently used substances in a lot of fertilizers.
What is the percentage by mass of nitrogen in the compound?

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, N = 14.0, O = 16.0, S = 32.1)

題型#4 利用 % BY MASS 找出其他數值
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
= 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 × % 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

Question 8
Calculate the mass of carbon in 32.0 g of ethanoic acid (CH3COOH).

(Relative atomic masses: C = 12.0; O = 16.0; H = 1.0)

Step 1: 先拆題

簡單來說,題目問在 32.0 g 的 CH3COOH 裡有多少 g 是 Carbon,拆題後可得出以下步驟:

Mass of Carbon ← % by Mass of C in CH3COOH ← Mass of CH3COOH

Step 2: 找到 % by Mass of C in CH3COOH

R. A. M. of C
% by Mass of C in CH! COOH = × 100%
Molar Mass of CH! COOH

12 × 2
= × 100% = 40%
12 × 2 + 1 × 4 + 16 × 2

Step 3: 利用 % by mass 找到 C 的質量

上一步找到的 40% 是指 “每 100 g 的 CH3COOH 中,有 40 g 是 Carbon”,因此可以利用這個 % by

mass 去找出 32 g 的 CH3COOH 中有多少 Carbon:

Mass of Carbon = 32 × 40% = 12.8 g

Question 9
The bromine of a metal M has the formula of MBr3 and contains 18.9% by mass of M. Calculate the
relative atomic mass of M. Hence, deduce what M is.

(Relative atomic masses: Br = 79.9)

Step 1: 先拆題

題目要求你找到 R.A.M. of M,這此我們可以利用題目給予的 R.A.M. 去設立一條 equation:

R. A. M. of M
% by Mass of M = 18.9% = × 100%
Molar Mass of MBr!
18.9% = × 100%
m + 79.9 × 3

設立好這條 equation 後,只要你的數學有中二水平均能輕鬆解決並找到答案!

Question 10
A metal oxide M2O3 contains 69.9% by mass of metal M. Find the relative atomic mass of M.
(Relative atomic mass: O = 16.0)

Question 11
What is the mass of nitrogen present in the sample of potassium nitrate which contains 100 g of

(Relative atomic masses: K = 39.1; N = 14.0; O = 16.0)

Question 12
What is the mass of water of crystallization present in the sample of sodium carbonate-10-water
(Na2CO3.10H2O) which contains 9.2 g of sodium?

(Relative atomic masses: Na = 23.0; C = 12.0; O = 16.0; H = 1.0)

Question 13
1.554 g of CuxO is heated in the presence of CO to give 1.242 g of Cu. Calculate the number of x.

(Relative atomic masses: Cu = 63.5, O = 16.0)

Question 14
Gypsum (CaSO4 . nH2O) contains 20.9% by mass of water. What is the value of n?
(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, O = 16.0, S = 32.1, Ca = 40.1)

Question 15
An ionic compound of chemical formula A2O3 contains 68.5% by mass of A. What is the relative atomic
mass of A?

(Relative atomic mass: O = 16.0)

§ mole ratio: the stoichiometric coefficients in the equation

§ 這類題型主要依賴兩樣 substance 之間的 Mole Ratio,也就是說你必須能準確地寫出 Balanced


Question 16
Consider the following reaction:

Pb! O" (s) + 4H# (g) → 3Pb(s) + 4H# O(l)

Calculate the mass of lead oxide required to produce 89 g of lead.

(Relative atomic masses: O = 16.0, Pb = 207.0)

Step 1: 先拆題
題⽬需要我們找出 lead oxide, Pb3O4(s) 的質量,所以我們應按以下流程找到答案:

Mass of Pb3O4 ← Mole of Pb3O4 ← Mole of Pb ← Mass of Pb

Step 2: 計算 Mole of Pb
這部分不算難,利用題目給予的 mass 除以 R.A.M. of Pb 即可:
= 0.42995 mol
Step 3: 計算 Mole of Pb3O4

這步可以算是題目最難的一步,因為當中需要處理 Mole Ratio。從題目的 Balanced Equation 可見:

Pb : Pb3O4 = 3 : 1

處理 Mole Ratio 的口訣為「除自己、乘人哋」,因此就可計出 Pb3O4 的 mole 數:

Mole of Pb 0.42995
Mole of Pb! O" = ×1= × 1 = 0.14332 mol
3 3

Step 4: 計算 Mass of Pb3O4

上一步找到 Mole 數後,這一步就簡單得多了:

Mass of Pb! O" = Mole × Molar Mass = 0.14332 × (207 × 3 + 16 × 4) = 98.17 g

Question 17
42.8 g of impure copper was dissolved in concentrated HNO3. The mixture was concentrated by
heating to give copper (II) nitrate. On strong heating 47.7 g of copper (II) oxide was produced. Calculate
the percentage by mass of copper in the sample.

(Relative atomic masses: Cu = 63.5, O = 16.0)

Question 18
Copper(I) sulphide reacts with oxygen according to the following chemical equation:
Cu# S(s) + O# (g) → 2Cu(s) + SO# (g)
Calculate the mass of copper formed when 42.3 g of copper(I) sulphide react completely with oxygen.
(Relative atomic masses: S = 32.1, Cu = 63.5)

Question 19
Gunpowder is a mixture of potassium nitrate, sulphur powder and charcoal powder. When this
gunpowder is ignited, solid potassium sulphide, nitrogen gas and carbon dioxide gas are formed.

a) Write the balanced equation for the reaction occurs upon the ignition of the gunpowder.
b) What is the mass of carbon required to react with 49.8 g of potassium nitrate?

Question 20
Sodium azide (NaN3) is used in airbags in cars. When there is a serious collision, the azide will
decompose to give nitrogen. The decomposition can be represented by the equation:
2NaN! (s) → 2Na(s) + 3N# (g)
What is the mass of nitrogen produced when 3.90 g of sodium azide decompose?

Question 21
In an oxide of metal A, the ion of A carries +1 charge. Complete decomposition of 5.22 g of the oxide
gives 4.86 g of metal M. What is the relative atomic mass of M?


The amount of limiting reactant

limits the amount of the product formed in a reaction

這類題型跟上一類的十分相近,唯一分別是題目會給予你多於一項 substances 的資料,因此你要先找

出那個是 limiting reagent,再利用 limiting reagent 的資料去完成接下來的計算。

Question 22
Calculate the mass of zinc formed when 16.28 g of zinc oxide are heated with 5.23 g of carbon powder.

(Relative atomic masses: C = 12.0; O = 16.0; Zn = 65.4)

Step 1: 先寫出 Balanced Equation

如果寫錯 Balanced Equation,你的答案也必定錯誤,因為計算過程需要用到 Mole Ratio。

𝟐𝐙𝐧𝐎(𝐬) + 𝐂(𝐬) → 𝟐𝐙𝐧(𝐬) + 𝐂𝐎𝟐 (𝐠)

Step 2: 拆題並找出 Limiting Reagent
先分別計算 ZnO 同 C 的 Mole 數,再決定誰是 Limiting Reagent:
%&.#( ).#!
Mole &)."*%&
= 0.2 mol %#
= 0.436 mol

由於 ZnO : C = 2 : 1,這個 Mole Ratio 告訴我們每 2 mole 的 ZnO 需要 1 mole 的 C 去完全反應。從上

面的計算的們得知現在 0.2 mol 的 ZnO,因此所需的 C = #
= 0.1 𝑚𝑜𝑙

也就是說明明我們只需 0.1 mol 的 C 去完全反應 0.2 mol 的 ZnO,但現在我們有 0.436 mol 的 C,比所

因此 C 是過量,而 ZnO 是 limiting reagent!

Step 3: 利用 Limiting Reagent 去完成接下來的計算

由於 Limiting Reagent 是 ZnO,我們可以利用 ZnO 和 Zn 的 Mole Ratio 找到 Zn 的 Mole 數,再計算它
的 Mass:
Mole of Zn = Mole of ZnO = 0.2 mol

Mass of Zn = 0.2 × 65.4 = 13.08 g

Question 23
Carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide reacts according to the following equation:
CO# (g) + Ca(OH)# (aq) → CaCO! (s) + H# O(l)

15 g of carbon dioxide was added to a solution containing 90 g of calcium hydroxide. Calculate the
theoretical mass of calcium carbonate that can be obtained.

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, C = 12.0, O = 16.0, Ca = 40.1)

Question 24
Copper reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid according to the following equation:
Cu + 2H# SO" → CuSO" + SO# + 2H# O

38 g of copper was added to 72 g of sulphuric acid. Calculate the theoretical mass of copper(II)
sulphate and water that can be produced.

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, O = 16.0, S = 32.1, Cu = 63.5)

Question 25
When heated, lithium reacts with nitrogen to form lithium nitride as shown in the equation below:
6Li(s) + N# (g) → 2Li! N(s)
6.32 g of lithium was heated with 7.88 g of nitrogen. Calculate the mass of lithium nitride formed.
(Relative atomic masses: Li = 6.9, N = 14.0)

Question 26
Titanium can be prepared by the reaction of titanium(IV) chloride with molten magnesium.
TiCl" (g) + 2Mg(l) → Ti(s) + 2MgCl# (l)
Calculate the mass of titanium obtained when 6.32 x 106 g of magnesium were allowed to react with
2.33 x 107 g of titanium(IV) chloride.

(Relative atomic masses: Mg = 24.3, Cl = 35.5, Ti = 47.9)

Question 27
76.2 g of zinc was heated with 23.1 g of oxygen in a vessel. Calculate the mass of the product that can
be produced.

Question 28
Iron reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid according to the following equation:
2Fe + 6H# SO" → Fe# (SO" )! + 3SO# + 6H# O

24 g of iron was added to 90 g of sulphuric acid. Calculate the theoretical mass of iron(III) sulphate and
water that can be produced.

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, O = 16.0, S = 32.1, Fe = 55.8)

乜係 Empirical formula?

shows the simplest ratio of the atoms/ions present in the compound

這類題型平均每年 DSE 也會有一題,問法亦十分之 standard,只要你能夠掌握到下面的框架、不要按



If mass % of different substances are given,

simply assume the mass of the compound is 100 g

Question 29
Compound X was found to contain iron and oxygen only. Experiments showed that it contains 70%
iron and 30% oxygen by mass. Calculate the empirical formula of X.
(Relative atomic masses: Fe = 55.8; O = 16.0)

Step 1: 找出主角

主角是指組成 Compound X 的 element,一般題目上會很清楚告訴你 Compound X 是由什麼東西組成。

以這題為例,主角們就是 Fe 和 O 兩位了!

Step 2: 於 Table 上寫上主角並找到他們的 Mass

Table 主要會分為三行:Mass, Mole 和 Mole Ratio,你必須先分別找到主角們的 mass 才能進行下一步!

但正常情況下題目不會直接把 mass 列出來,但會提供每個 element 的 % by mass!因此你可以先 “Let

the mass of compound X be 100 g.”,這樣你便能輕鬆找到 Fe 和 O 的 mass 了!

Fe O

Mass 70 g 30 g



Step 3: 分別找出主角的 Mole 數

這步只需將 mass 除以 R.A.M. 即可,所以我也不廢話太多了!

Fe O

Mass 70 g 30 g

70 30
Mole = 1.254 mol = 1.875 mol
55.8 16


Step 4: 找出主角間的 Mole Ratio

先找到主角間誰的 Mole 數是最少,然後把所有主角的 Mole 數都除以那個最少的 Mole 數!

以這題為例,Fe 的 Mole 數是最少,所以我們將會把所有主角的 Mole 數均除以 “1.254” 從而去找出答


Fe O

Mass 70 g 30 g

70 30
Mole = 1.254 mol = 1.875 mol
55.8 16
1.254 1.875
Ratio =1 = 1.49 ≈ 1.5
1.254 1.254

Step 5: 約簡 Mole Ratio 並找出 Empirical Formula

從上一步可見,Fe : O = 1 : 1.5。但在寫出 Empirical Formula 前我們需要把這個 Ratio 轉為整數,因此

我會把所有數值乘 2,便可得出一個整數的比例:

Fe : O = 2 : 3 ➝ Empirical Formula is Fe2O3.

Question 30
An experiment was performed to determine the empirical formula of an oxide of zinc. The experimental
results are tabulated below. Determine the empirical formula of the oxide of zinc using the above data.

Item Mass (g)

crucible + lid 31.34

crucible + lid + zinc 37.87

crucible + lid + oxide of zinc 39.47

(Relative atomic masses: O = 16.0; Zn = 65.3)

Question 31
Compound Y contains 39.1% sulphur, 58.5% oxygen and 2.4% hydrogen by mass. Find the empirical
formula of Y.

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0; O = 16.0; S = 32.1)

首先你要知道 “Empirical Formula” 和 “Molecular Formula” 之間有什麼分別!

簡單來說 Empirical Formula 只是一個比例,各訴我們一個 Compound X 中各個 atom 數量之間的比例。

而 Molecular Formula 則實實在在地表達了 Compound X 中各個 atom 之間的數量!

而每當題目要求你找出 Molecular Formula 時,它 100% 會提供該 Compound 的 Molar Mass。

Question 32
Compound Y was found to contain carbon and hydrogen only. Experiment showed that it contained
82.8% carbon and 17.2% hydrogen by mass.
(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, C = 12.0)

a) Calculate the empirical formula of Y.

b) If its relative molecular mass is 58, calculate the molecular formula of Y.

Step 1: 先找出 Y 的 Empirical Formula

找 Empirical Formula 的方法在上一步已經教了,如果還不熟悉的話可以到上一個部分重新學習一次,



Mass 82.8 g 17.2 g

Mole = 6.9 mol 17.2 mol
6.9 17.2
Ratio =1 = 2.49 ≈ 2.50
6.9 6.9

在進一步約簡後便可以得出 C : H = 2 : 5,因此 Empirical Formula of Y 是 C2H5.

Step 2: 利用題目的 Molar Mass 找出 Molecular Formula

Let the molecular formula of Y be (C2H5)n.

上面這句話的意思是指 Molecular Formula 必須是 Empirical Formula 的整數倍數,因此我們只
要利用 Molar Mass 去找到 “n” 便可以找到 Molecular Formula 了!

Molar Mass = 58 = n × Molar Mass of C! H"
58 = n × (12 × 2 + 1 × 5)
由於 n = 2,所以 Y 的 Molecular Formula 就是 C4H10.

Question 33
A compound Z contains 94.2 % of oxygen and 5.8 % of hydrogen by mass. The mass of 10 mol of this
compound is 340 g.

a) Determine the molecular formula of compound Z.

b) Draw the electron diagram of compound Z.

Question 34
Epsom salts are hydrated salts of magnesium sulphate with formula MgSO4 . nH2O, which can be used
as bath salts to relieve pains and aches. Experiments were carried out to find the formula of the salt. It
was found that it contained 57.37% by mass of water of crystallization. Find the value of n.

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, O = 16.0, Mg = 24.3, S = 32.1)

Question 35
Chlorine reacts with sulphur to form a compound with relative molecular mass of 103. The compound
contains 69.0% of chlorine by mass.

a) What is the molecular formula of the compound?

b) Draw the electronic diagram of the compound, showing outermost shells electrons only.

(Relative atomic masses: S = 32.1, Cl = 35.5)

題型#9 利用 COMBUSTION 實驗結果找出
這 類 題 型 其 實 跟 上 兩 類 的 目 標 都 是 一 樣 , 也 是 要 求 你 去 找 到 一 個 Compound 的 Empirical
Formula/Molecular Formula。

但是題目給予你的資料/用到的技巧卻很不一樣,所以要處理他們就需要對 Mole 數各個概念有更深刻的


Question 36
Compound Y containing only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen burnt completely in air to form carbon
dioxide and water as the only products. 7.30 g of Y gave 11.87 g of carbon dioxide and 4.04 g of water.
Determining the empirical formula of Y. If its relative molecular mass is 486, determine the molecular
formula of Y.

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, C = 12.0, O = 16.0)

Step 1: 先拆題,找出我們需要找的重點

先不要被排山倒海的文字嚇窒,其實說到尾都是要你找出 i) Empirical Formula; ii) Molecular Formula。

而按照上個題型的經驗,要找 Molecular Formula 就必須先找到 Empirical Formula。因此我們應先把注
意力放在 Empirical Formula 上!

而明顯地今次的主角是 C, H 和 O。正常情況下題目會給予我們 % by mass 去找出 3 位主角的質量,可

惜這次題目只給出了一些 combustion 的實驗結果,那我們該如何利用這些數字去找到三位主角的 mass

Step 2: 利用 % by Mass 分別找出 C, H 和 O 的 Mass

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐘 + 𝐎𝟐 t⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯v 𝐂𝐎𝟐 (𝐠) + 𝐇𝟐 𝐎(𝐥)
𝟕.𝟑𝟎 𝐠 𝟏𝟏.𝟖𝟕 𝐠 𝟒.𝟎𝟒 𝐠

以上就是題目給予我們的資料,我們知道 combustion 中所產生的 CO2 的 C 其實都是由 Compound Y

提供。換句話說,只要我們知道 CO2 裡有多少 C,就能知道 Compound Y 裡有多少 C。

Mass of C = (% by mass of C in CO# ) × (mass of CO# ) = × 11.87 = 3.237 g
12 + 16 × 2

相同道理,我們可以從 H2O 的 mass 中找出 H 的 mass:

Mass of H = (% by mass of H in H# O) × (mass of H# O) = × 4.04 = 0.449 g
1 × 2 + 16

最後,由於 Y 是由 C, H 和 O 組成,我們從上面已得知 C 和 H 的 mass,因此剩下的必定是 O 的 mass:

Mass of O = Mass of Y − Mass of C − Mass of H = 7.30 − 3.237 − 0.449 = 3.614 g

就這樣利用 % by mass,你便能從 Combustion 的反應中找到 C, H 和 O 分別的質量了!

Step 3: 找到 Compound Y 的 Empirical Formula

當人有所有主角的質量後,要找 Empirical Formula 就變得容易了!


Mass 3.237 g 0.449 g 3.614 g

Mole 0.26975 mol 0.449 mol 0.22588 mol

0.26975 0.449 0.222588

Ratio = 1.19 ≈ 1.2 = 1.98 ≈ 2 =1
0.22588 0.22588 0.22588

將上面找到的 Mole Ratio 一併乘以 5,你便可以得出 C : H : O = 6 : 10 :5。

所以 Empirical Formula 就是 C6H10O5.

Step 4: 利用 Molar Mass 找 Molecular Formula

Let the molecular formular be (C6H10O5)n.

Molar Mass = 486 = n × Molar Mass of C# H$% O"
486 = n × (12 × 6 + 1 × 10 + 16 × 5)
∴ Molecular formula of Y is C18H30O15.

Question 37
A compound containing only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 2.03 g of the compound gave 3.30 g of
carbon dioxide and 1.13 g of water on complete combustion. Find the empirical formula of the
compound. If the relative molecular mass of the compound is 324.0, find its molecular formula.

(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, C = 12.0, O = 16.0)


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