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1. What have you learn in SCI 1?

In the past few months in answering my module in Science 1, I learned a

lot helpful approach, methods and strategies in teaching and on how to
handle students in the classroom. It takes courage and patience to be a
teacher, you have to be creative and knowledgeable all the time
especially when you are teaching in lower grade. It is very important to
have connection with your students so that you can get their attention and
participation in class. To achieve your goal in teaching and to make your
class effective, you have to apply all of this learning hacks.

1. How did you handle the difficulties in class?

We are all aware of our situation right now and that everyone is going
through difficulties in handling our situation especially the students that is
having a distance learning. But despite of the difficulties, I always try to
look at the bright side were I can get motivation to be strong enough. I
always think of my family and the goal that I wanted to achieve, the reason
behind of everything that I do. I believe that the struggles I am experiencing
right now is temporary, and there is something waiting ahead of me where
hardships is no longer exist.

2. Does all the lesson in SCI are applicable in teaching? Why or why not?

Yes, all of the given lesson are applicable in teaching but in different level
and areas. There are many different lessons in SCI that can be used in
teaching and it has its level to determine whether it is for lower grade or
higher grade and . It is very important to use a lesson that is only applicable
to a specific grade or level. For example, you are handling a grade 3 student
so it is understandable what lesson you will use. To avoid confusion of the
students and to make your class effective, you have to be mindful of your
ways of teaching.

3. How will you apply the learning in this SCI class in the future?
I will apply the learning that I have learned through teaching my students the
right thing, and the lesson that they need to learn because that is every
student deserve. I will give my very best to provide an effective learning. I
will make sure that all of my students will definitely learn and at the same
time enjoy their life being a student. I will try to understand and have
patience to those students that is having a hard time and struggling because I
know how hard it is to handle. I will be a great teacher as great as my

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