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Hinduism is one of the oldest polytheistic religions that dates back about 6,000 years.

Hinduism entails different rituals and beliefs. It teaches the concepts of reincarnation, an idea

that all living things continue in a cycle that includes birth, death, and rebirth. Hinduism teaches

a caste system where the previous incarnation of an individual determines the hierarchical

position in an individual. Every caste has a set of duties and responsibilities, and how an

individual executes the tasks that determine the position of an individual in the next incarnation.

Besides, the Hindus acknowledge the existence of both female and male gods but believe in the

presence of divine energy (Tignor et al., 2017). However, Hinduism is different from other Far

East religions, including Buddhism and Confucianism, which have no gods like Allah or

Yahweh but espouse more principles and ethics designed to improve the relationship of the

believer. The main objective of Buddhism includes attaining Nirvana, which promotes spiritual

satisfaction. Buddhism encourages the divergence of religion and rejects the caste system and

ritual. The goal of Confucianism is to achieve inner harmony with nature. This entails ancestors’



Christianity gained massive support in the Roman Empire, which spread to other Germanic

tribes of Western and Northern Europe. In contrast, Buddhism expanded during the period of the

Mauryan Dynasty, where the ruler Ashoka built a Pillar and Rock Edicts that preached the values

of religion that helped in unifying Asian individuals and spreading the region across trades

(Hunt, 2007). Christianity spread when the emperor Constantine endorsed the Milan Edict,

which allowed the practice of Christianity faith in the Roman Empire. Later on, emperor

Theodosius officiated Christianity religion in the empire. In contrast, there was a limited practice
of Buddhism until when Han China fall, to find a replacement that the Confucian philosophy

needed. However, the merchant played an essential role in spreading the religions effectively.

Missionaries such as Gregory the Wonderworker and Paul of Tarsus were effectively and

popular in spreading the faith. In the case of Buddhism, the subordinates of Ashoka were sent to

other countries such as Sri Lanka to promote Buddhism in the neighboring states.


From the 9th to 10th century, the Islamic culture crystallized and flourished to Islam. The Tang

Dynasty had had cultural influences on Japan and Korea as it was the center of the integration of

East Asia. Tang dynasty created a political culture basing on the information and teaching they

had from India in medicine and math. Islam spread through missionaries, pilgrimage, trade, and

military conquest as the forces of the Arab Muslims conquered several territories, which

promoted the buildup of imperial structures. However, modern Islam is divided into several

sects. The factors that facilitated the spread and formation of a singular empire were the huge

connection that Mecca had with the global trade routes and the military conquered a more

considerable territory, as well as fair treatment. However, the relationship that Mecca had with

the worldwide trade routes was one of the essential pillars that promoted the spread formation

and spread of the religion. The Han experienced several internal struggles as taxation became a

massive problem by 100 CE.


Tignor, R., Adelman, J., Brown, P., Elman, B., Kotkin, S., Prakash, G., & Tsin, M.

(2017). Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: 1 Volume. WW Norton & Company.

Hunt, P. (2007). Ten discoveries that rewrote history. Penguin.

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