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CP 63.13330.


impacts and design characteristics of the concrete and reinforcement (or structural steel) that are calculated
by applying respective partial reliability factors to the standard values of those characteristics as appropriate
to the criticality level of the buildings or facilities.
The specified values of the loads and effects, load safety margin, structural function safety margin,
and the division of the loads into dead and live loads (sustained and short-term) are specified by the
applicable regulations for structural elements (SP 20.13330).
The design loads and impacts should be defined depending on the type of design limiting state and the
design situation.
The reliability of the design material characteristics should be defined depending on the design
situation and the danger of achieving the corresponding limiting state, and should be adjusted using the
reliability factors for the concrete and reinforcement (or structural steel).
Analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete structures can be performed for a specified reliability
value based on a full probabilistic analysis if sufficient data is available on the variability of the basic factors
included in the analysis relationships.

5 Requirements for Analysis of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures

5.1 General
5.1.1 Analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be performed in accordance with
GOST 27751 by the method of limiting states, including:
group 1 limiting states leading to the complete unserviceability of the structures;
group 2 limiting states that impede normal service of the structures or reduce the durability of
buildings and facilities compared with their planned service life.
Analysis should ensure the reliability of buildings or facilities for their entire service life, as well as
during the performance of any work, in accordance with the requirements placed on them.
Analysis for group 1 limiting states should include:
Strength analysis
Shape stability analysis (for thin-walled structures)
Position stability analysis (overturning, sliding, floating) Strength analyses for concrete and reinforced
concrete structures should be based on the condition that the forces, stresses, and strains in the structures due
to various impacts, taking into account the initial stressed state (prestressing, thermal and other impacts) do
not exceed the corresponding values defined by standards.
Shape stability analyses for a structure, and also position stability analyses (taking account of the
combined operation of the structure and foundation, their strain properties, shear resistance along the contact
with the foundation, and other aspects) should conform to regulatory instructions for individual types of
Where required, depending on the type and purpose of the structure, analyses should be made for
limiting states involving events that make it necessary to take the structure out of service (excessive strains,
shifts in joints, and other events).
Analysis for group 2 limiting states should include:
Crack formation analysis
Crack width analysis
Strain analysis

CP 63.13330.2012

Crack formation analyses for concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be such that the
forces, stresses, and strains in the structures due to various impacts do not exceed their respective ultimate
values that are absorbed by the structure on the formation of cracks.
Crack width analyses for reinforced concrete structures should be such that the crack width in the
structure due to various impacts does not exceed the maximum permissible values defined depending on the
requirements placed on the structure, its service conditions, environmental impacts, and the material
characteristics, including corrosion behavior of the reinforcement.
Strain analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be such that flexures, rotation
angles, displacements, and vibration amplitudes of the structures caused by various impacts do not exceed
the respective maximum permissible values.
For structures in which there must be no crack formation, requirements should be laid down for an
absence of cracks. In this case, a crack opening analysis is not performed.
For other structures in which crack formation is permissible, a crack formation analysis should be
performed to determine the need for a crack width analysis and to take account of cracks in the strain
5.1.2 Analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements (linear, planar, three-
dimensional and massive) for limit states of the first and second groups is performed for the stresses, forces,
deformations and movements calculated from the external effects on the structural elements and the systems
of buildings and structures formed by them with allowance for physical nonlinearity (inelastic deformations
of concrete and reinforcement), possible formation of cracks and, in the necessary cases, anisotropy,
accumulation of damage and geometrical nonlinearity (the influence of deformations on the change in the
forces in structural elements). Physical anisotropy and nonlinearity must be considered in the defining
relationships between the stresses and deformations (or forces and movements), as well as in the
requirements for the strength and crack resistance of the material.
In statically indeterminate structures, account should be taken of the redistribution of forces in system
members due to crack formation and the development of inelastic strains in the concrete and reinforcement
right up to the appearance of a limiting state in the member. Where analysis methods that account for the
inelastic properties of reinforced are not available, and for preliminary analyses with consideration of the
inelastic properties of reinforced concrete, it shall be permitted to determine the forces and stresses in
statically indeterminate structural elements and systems under the assumption of elastic operation of the
reinforced concrete elements. In this case it is recommended that physical nonlinearity be accounted for by
adjusting the results of a linear analysis based on empirical research data, nonlinear modeling, analysis
results for similar facilities, and expert assessments.
In analyzing structures for strength, strains, and the formation and widening of cracks based on the
finite element method, the conditions of strength and crack resistance for all the finite elements comprising
the structure, and the conditions of appearance of excessive displacements of the structure, should be
checked. For assessing the strength limit state, individual finite elements may be assumed to have failed,
unless this results in progressive collapse of the building or facility and if, after the given load ceases to act,
the serviceability of the building or facility is retained or can be restored.
Ultimate forces and strains in concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be determined based
on analytical models that match as closely as possible the actual physical nature of the structures' operation
and materials in the given limit state.
The bearing capacity of reinforced concrete structures capable of withstanding sufficient plastic
strains (particularly when reinforcement with an elastic limit is used) may be determined by the ultimate
equilibrium method.

CP 63.13330.2012

5.1.3 In analyses of concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements according to limit states, it
is necessary to consider various design situations in compliance with GOST R 54257, including the
fabrication, transportation and erection stages, emergencies and fires.
5.1.4 Analyses of concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be performed for all types of
loads matching the functional purpose of the buildings and facilities, taking account of environmental effects
(climatic impacts and water, for structures that are surrounded by water) and, where required, taking account
of fire impact, process temperature and moisture impacts, and impacts by corrosive chemical environments.
5.1.5 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be analyzed for bending moments,
longitudinal forces, transverse forces, torsion moments, and local loads.
5.1.6 In the analyses of precast structural elements for the effect of the forces occurring during
hoisting, transporting and installation, the load from the weight of the elements should be considered with a
dynamic factor equal to:
1.60 for transportation,
1.40 for hoisting and installation.
It shall be permitted to assume lower, duly justified dynamic factors, but not less than 1.25.
5.1.7 Analyses of concrete and reinforced concrete structures should take account of the particular
properties of various types of concrete and reinforcement, the effect on them of the nature of the load and
the environment, methods of reinforcement, the combined operation of reinforcement and concrete (in the
presence and absence of bonding between the reinforcement and concrete), and the procedure for fabricating
structural types of reinforced concrete members for buildings and facilities.
5.1.8 Analysis of prestressed structures should take account of the initial (preliminary) stresses and
strains in the reinforcement and concrete, prestressing losses, and aspects of the transfer of prestressing to
the concrete.
5.1.9 For cast-in-place structures, strength should be ensured taking account of construction joints.
5.1.10 Analysis of precast structures should ensure the strength of assembly and butt joints of
precast elements made by joining the steel embedded parts and starter bars and embedding them in concrete.
5.1.11 Analysis of planar and spatial structures subjected to force impacts in two mutually
perpendicular directions should examine individual planar or spatial small, typical members singled out
from the structure with forces acting along the sides of the member. Where there are cracks, these forces
should be determined taking account of the crack locations, axial and tangential stiffness of the
reinforcement, stiffness of the concrete (between the cracks and in the cracks), and other aspects. Where
there are no cracks, the forces should be determined as for a solid body.
Where cracks are present, the forces may be determined assuming the behavior of the reinforced
concrete member to be elastic.
Analysis of members should be performed on the most hazardous cross sections located at an angle to
the direction of the forces acting on the member, based on analysis models that take account of the behavior
of reinforcement in tension in a crack and the behavior of the concrete between the cracks in a plane stressed
5.1.12 Planar and spatial structures may be analyzed for the structure as a whole based on the
ultimate equilibrium method, including taking account of the state of strain at the moment of failure, and
also using simplified analysis models.
5.1.13 Analysis of massive structures subjected to force impacts in three mutually perpendicular
directions should examine individual small, typical members singled out from the structure with forces
acting along the edges of the member. Here the forces should be determined based on assumptions similar to
those used for planar members (see 5.1.11).

CP 63.13330.2012

Analysis of members should be performed on the most hazardous cross sections located at an angle to
the direction of the forces acting on the member, based on analysis models that take account of the behavior
of the concrete and reinforcement in a three-dimensional state of stress.
5.1.14 For structures with a complex configuration (e.g. spatial), in additional to mathematical
methods for predicting bearing capacity, crack resistance, and deformability, the test results from physical
models may also be used.

5.2 Requirements for strength analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete elements
5.2.1 Strength analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete members should be performed:
Over normal cross sections (under the effects of bending moments and longitudinal forces) – using a
nonlinear deformation model. For simple types of reinforced concrete structural elements (rectangular, with
I-shaped and H-shaped cross sections with reinforcement located at the upper and lower edges of the cross
section), it shall be permitted to perform the analysis according to limit forces;
Over inclined cross sections (under the effects of transverse forces), on three-dimensional cross
sections (under the effects of torsional moments), for the local action of a load (local compression, punching
shear) – using ultimate forces.
Strength analysis of short reinforced concrete members (short cantilevers, etc.) should be based on a
shell and rod model.
5.2.2 Strength analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete members for ultimate forces should be
such that the force F from external loads and impacts in the given cross section does not exceed the ultimate
force Fult that can be taken up by the member in that cross section

F≤ Fult. (5-1)

Strength analysis of concrete members

5.2.3 Depending on the conditions under which they function and the requirements placed on them,
concrete members should be analyzed in normal cross sections for ultimate forces without taking account
(5.2.4) or taking account (5.2.5) of the concrete resistance in the zone under tension.
5.2.4 Without taking account of the concrete resistance in the tension zone, analysis of eccentrically
compressed concrete members should be made for values of eccentricity of the longitudinal force not
exceeding 90% of the distance from the center of gravity of the cross section to the most compressed fiber.
The ultimate force that can be taken up by a member should be determined from the design resistances of
the concrete to compression Rb that are evenly distributed along the arbitrary compressed zone of the cross
section with a center of gravity that coincides with the point of application of the longitudinal force.
For massive concrete structures a triangular diagram of stresses that do not exceed the design value
of concrete resistance to compression Rb should be assumed in the compressed zone. Here the eccentricity
of the longitudinal force relative to the center of gravity of the cross section should not exceed 65% of the
distance from the center of gravity to the most compressed fiber of the concrete.
5.2.5 Taking into account the concrete resistance in the tension zone, analysis should be made of
eccentrically compressed concrete elements with a longitudinal force eccentricity greater than that in 5.2.4,
flexural concrete members (those that are permitted to be used), and eccentrically compressed members with
the same longitudinal force eccentricity as described in 5.2.4, but in which crack formation is not
permissible under service conditions. The ultimate force that can be taken up by the cross section of a

CP 63.13330.2012

member should be determined as for an elastic body under maximum tensile stresses equal to the design
value of the concrete resistance to tension Rbt.
5.2.6 Analysis of eccentrically compressed concrete members should take account of the effect of
longitudinal flexure and random eccentricities.
Analysis of reinforced concrete members for strength of normal cross sections
5.2.7 Analysis of reinforced concrete members for ultimate forces should determine the ultimate
forces that can be taken up by the concrete and reinforcement in a normal cross section based on the
following assumptions:
Concrete resistance to tension is assumed to be equal to zero.
Concrete resistance to compression is represented as the stresses that are equal to the design concrete
resistance to compression and are evenly distributed along the concrete compressed zone.
Tensile and compressive stresses in the reinforcement are assumed to be no greater than the design
resistance to tension and compression respectively.
5.2.8 Analysis of reinforced concrete members according to a nonlinear strain model should be based
on stress-strain curves of the concrete and reinforcement proceeding from the plane section hypothesis. The
strength criterion of normal cross sections is the achievement of ultimate relative strains in the concrete or
5.2.9 Analysis of eccentrically compressed members should take account of random eccentricity and
the effect of longitudinal flexure.

Analysis of reinforced concrete members for strength of inclined cross sections

5.2.10 Analysis of reinforced concrete members for strength of inclined cross sections over an
inclined cross section for the effect of a transverse force, over an inclined cross section for the effect of
bending moment, and over a strip between inclined cross sections for the effect of a transverse force.
5.2.11 In the analysis of a reinforced concrete member for strength of an inclined cross section under
the action of transverse force, the ultimate transverse force that can be taken up by the member in the
inclined cross section should be defined as the sum of the ultimate transverse forces taken up by the concrete
in the inclined cross section and by the transverse reinforcement that intersects the inclined cross section.
5.2.12 In the analysis of a reinforced concrete member for strength of an inclined cross section under
the action of bending moment, the ultimate moment that can be taken up by the member in the inclined cross
section should be defined as the sum of the ultimate moments taken up by the longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement intersecting the inclined cross section relative to the axis passing through the point of
application of the resultant forces in the compressed zone.
5.2.13 In the analysis of a reinforced concrete member along a strip between inclined cross sections
for the action of transverse force, the ultimate transverse force that can be taken up by the member should be
defined based on the strength of the inclined concrete strip that is exposed to compressive forces along the
strip and the tensile forces from the transverse reinforcement intersecting the inclined strip.
Analysis of reinforced concrete members for strength of three-dimensional cross sections
5.2.14 In the analysis of reinforced concrete members for strength of three-dimensional cross
sections, the ultimate torsional moment that can be taken up by the member should be defined as the sum of
the ultimate torsional moments taken up by the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement located on each
side of the member and intersecting the three-dimensional cross section. In addition, analysis should be
performed for the strength of a reinforced concrete member along the concrete strip that is located between
the three-dimensional cross sections and is exposed to compressive forces along the strip and tensile forces
from the transverse reinforcement intersecting the strip.

CP 63.13330.2012

Analysis of reinforced concrete members for local load action

5.2.15 In the analysis of reinforced concrete members for local compression, the ultimate
compressive force that can be taken up by a member should be determined based on the concrete resistance
in a three-dimensionally stressed state created by the surrounding concrete and lateral reinforcement, if any.
5.2.16 Analysis for punching shear should be made for planar reinforced concrete members (slabs)
under the action of concentrated force and moment in the punching zone. The ultimate force that can be
taken up by a reinforced concrete member during punching should be defined as the sum of the ultimate
forces taken up by the concrete and the lateral reinforcement in the punching zone.

5.3 Requirements for analysis of reinforced concrete elements according to crack formation
5.3.1 Analysis of reinforced concrete members for crack formation should be performed using
ultimate forces or a nonlinear strain model. Analysis for the formation of inclined cracks should be
performed using ultimate forces.
5.3.2 Crack formation analysis of reinforced concrete members using ultimate forces should be such
that the force F from external loads and impacts in the given cross section does not exceed the ultimate force
Fcrc that can be taken up by the reinforced concrete member when cracks are formed
F≤ Fcrc,ult. (5-2)
5.3.3 The ultimate force taken up by a reinforced concrete member when normal cracks are formed
should be defined based on analysis of the reinforced concrete member as a solid body taking account of
elastic strains in the reinforcement and inelastic strains in the tensile and compressed concrete under
maximum normal tensile stresses in the concrete equal to the design values of the concrete tensile resistance
5.3.4 Analysis of reinforced concrete members for the formation of normal cracks using a nonlinear
strain model should be based on stress-strain curves of the reinforcement and tensile and compressed
concrete, and the plane section hypothesis. The criterion of crack formation is the achievement of ultimate
relative strains in the tensile concrete.
5.3.5 The ultimate force that can be taken up by a reinforced concrete member when inclined
cracks form should be determined based on an analysis of the reinforced concrete member as a solid elastic
body and the criterion of concrete strength in a plane compression-tension state of stress.

CP 63.13330.2012

5.4 Requirements for crack spread analysis of reinforced concrete elements

5.4.1 An analysis of reinforced concrete members for the width of various types of cracks should be
performed in those cases where an analysis check for the formation of cracks has shown that cracks are
5.4.2 Crack width analysis should be such that the crack width due to an external load acrc does not
exceed the maximum permissible value of crack width acrc,ult.

асrс≤ асrс,ult. (5-3)

5.4.3 The width of normal cracks is calculated as the product of the average relative strains of the
reinforcement in the segment between the cracks and the length of that segment. The average relative strains
of the reinforcement between the cracks should be calculated taking account of the behavior of the tensile
concrete between the cracks. The relative strains of reinforcement in the crack should be calculated by a
conventional elastic analysis of the reinforced concrete member with cracks using an adjusted strain
modulus of the compressed concrete that is determined taking account of the effect of inelastic strains of the
concrete in the compression zone, or else by a non-linear strain model. The distance between the cracks
should be defined so that the force difference in the longitudinal reinforcement in the cross section with the
crack and between the cracks is absorbed by the bonding forces of the reinforcement with the concrete over
the length of that segment.
The width of normal cracks should be defined taking account of the nature of the load action
(recurrence, duration, etc.) and the type of reinforcement profile.
5.4.4 Maximum permissible crack width should be defined based on aesthetic considerations, the
existence of requirements for permeability of the structures, and depending on the duration of the load
action, the type of reinforcement steel, and whether it is prone to corrosion in the crack.

5.5 Requirements for deformation analysis of reinforced concrete elements

5.5.1 Strain analysis of reinforced concrete members should be such that deflections or displacements
of the structures f due to the action of an external load do not exceed the maximum permissible values of
deflections or displacements fult.

f≤ fult (5.4)
5.5.2 Deflections or displacements of reinforced concrete structures should be defined according to
the general rules of structural analysis depending on the bending, shear, and axial strain (stiffness)
characteristics of the reinforced concrete member in the cross sections along its length (flexure, shear angles,
5.5.3 In cases where deflections of the reinforced concrete members basically depend on bending
strains, the deflection values should be defined according to the stiffness or flexure of the members.
The flexure of a reinforced concrete member should be defined as the quotient after division of the
bending moment by the flexural stiffness of the reinforced concrete cross section.
The rigidity of the cross section of the reinforced concrete element examined is determined using the
general laws of resistance of materials; for a cross section without cracks - as for a conditionally elastic
element, while for a cross section with cracks - as for a conditionally elastic element with cracks (assuming a
linear dependence between the stresses and deformations). The effect of concrete inelastic strains should be
taken into account by means of an adjusted concrete strain modulus, and the effect of the operation of the
tensile concrete between cracks by means of an adjusted reinforcement strain modulus.

CP 63.13330.2012

Strain analysis of reinforced concrete members taking account of cracks should be performed in cases
where an analysis check for the formation of cracks has shown that cracks are formed. Otherwise, a strain
analysis should be made as for a reinforced concrete member without cracks.
The flexure and longitudinal strains of a reinforced concrete member should also be defined using a
nonlinear strain model based on equilibrium equations for the external and internal forces acting in a normal
cross section of the member, the plane section hypothesis, stress-strain curves of the concrete and
reinforcement, and the average strains in the reinforcement between the cracks.
5.5.4 Strain analysis of reinforced concrete members should take account of the duration of loads
specified in the relevant regulatory documents.
When calculating the flexure, the rigidity of sections of an element shall be determined with
consideration of the presence or absence of cracks perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the element in
the extended zone of their cross section.
5.5.5 The maximum allowable deformations shall be selected according to the instructions in 8.2.20.
Under the action of dead loads and continuous and short-term live loads, the deflection of reinforced
concrete members in all cases should not exceed 1/150 of the span and 1/75 of the cantilever overhang.

6 Materials for concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements

6.1 Concrete
6.1.1 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures designed according to the present Instructions
should utilize the following structural modified concretes:
Heavyweight, medium density from 2200 to 2500 kg/m3 inclusively;
Fine-grained, medium density from 1800 to 2200 kg/m3;
6.1.2 When designing concrete and reinforced concrete facilities in accordance with the
requirements prescribed for specific structures, the type of concrete and its standard and controlled quality
parameters must be defined (GOST 25192, GOST 4.212).
6.1.3 The basic standardized and controlled quality parameters for concrete are:
class according to compressive strength (B)
class according to axial tension strength (Bt)
grade of frost resistance (F)
grade of water impermeability (W)
grade of average density (D)
Self-stress grade SР.
The compressive strength class В of the concrete corresponds to the cubic strength of the concrete in
compression (MPa) with a 0.95 confidence interval (the specified cubic strength).
The axial tension strength class В of the concrete corresponds to the cubic strength of the concrete in
axial tension (MPa) with a 0.95 confidence interval (the specified strength of the concrete).
A different probability value of concrete compressive strength and axial tension strength may be used
where specified in the regulatory requirements for certain special types of facilities.
The freeze-thaw resistance grade of the concrete F corresponds to the minimum number of freezing
and thawing cycles that the specimen withstands in standard testing.

CP 63.13330.2012

The water impermeability grade W of the concrete corresponds to the maximum water pressure (in
MPa-10"1), that a concrete specimen withstands in tests.
The average density grade D of the concrete corresponds to the weight by volume of the concrete
The self-stress grade of self-stressing concrete is the pre-stress in the concrete (MPa) created as a
result of its expansion at a longitudinal reinforcement ratio μ = 0.01.
Where required, additional concrete quality parameters should be defined for thermal conductance,
thermal resistance, fire resistance, corrosion resistance (both for the concrete itself and its reinforcement),
biological protection, and other requirements placed on the structure (SNiP 50.13330-02, SNiP 2.03.11).
The specified quality indicators of the concrete shall be ensured by proper design of the composition
of the concrete mix (on the basis of the specifications for the materials for the concrete and the requirements
for the concrete), the technology for preparing the concrete mix and performing the concrete work when
fabricating (constructing) concrete and reinforced concrete items and structural elements. The specified
quality indicators of the concrete shall be monitored both during work and directly when fabricating the
structural elements.
The required concrete parameters should be defined during the design of concrete and reinforced
concrete structures according to analysis and the service conditions, factoring in the various environmental
impacts and the protective properties of the concrete with respect to the chosen type of reinforcement.
The compressive strength class В of the concrete shall be specified for all types of concrete and
structural elements.
A concrete axial tension strength class Bt should be designated in cases where this characteristic is of
prime importance and is controlled during fabrication.
A concrete frost resistance grade F should be designated for structures that are exposed to alternate
freezing and thawing.
A concrete water permeability grade W should be designated for structures that are required to have
limited water permeability.
The self-stress grade of the concrete must be specified for self-stressing structural elements when this
characteristic is considered in the analysis and monitored during work.
6.1.4 Concretes of the following classes and grades indicated in Tables 6.1-6.6 shall be provided for
concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements.

CP 63.13330.2012

T a b l e 6.1
Concrete Compressive Strength Classes
Heavy Concrete B3.5; B5; B7.5; B10; B12.5; B15; B20; B25; B30; B35; B40; B45;
B50; B55; B60; B70; B80; B90; B100
Self-stressing concrete B20; B25; B30; B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60; B70
Fine-grained concrete of groups:
А – natural curing or subjected to heat В3.5; В5; В7.5; В10; В12.5; В15; В20; В25; В30; В35; В40
treatment at atmospheric pressure
B- autoclaved В15; В20; В25; В30; В35; В40; В45; В50; В55; В60
Lightweight concrete with average density
D800, D900 В2.5; В3.5; В5; В7.5
01000,01100 В2.5; В3.5; В5; В7.5; В10; В 12.5
01200,01300 В2.5; В3.5; В5; В7.5; В10; В12.5; В15; В20
01400,01500 В3.5; В5; В7.5; В10; В12.5; В15; В20; В25; В30
01600, 01700 В7.5; В10; В12.5; В15; В20; В25; В30; В35; В40
01800, 01900 В15; В20; В25; В30; В35; В40
02000 В25; В30; В35; В40
Cellular concrete with average Autoclaved Non-autoclaved
density grades:
В1.5;В2; В2.5
0600 В1.5; В2; В2.5; В3.5 В1.5; В2
0700 В2;В2.5;ВЗ.5;В5 В1.5; В2; В2.5
D800 В2.5; В3.5; В5; В7.5 В2; В2.5; В3.5
0900 В3.5; В5; В7.5; В10 В2.5; В3.5; В5
D1000 В7,5; В10; В12,5 В5;В7.5
01100 В10; В12.5; В15; В17.5 В7,5; В10
01200 В12.5; В15; В17.5; В20 В10; В12.5


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