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Can you take a look outside and tell me what is going on? Trees are
being cut and forests are gradually becoming subdivisions. Many species are being
endangered, threatened and some ends up being extinct. As you look outside, do
you notice the things, we, humans, do that harms them? While looking outside and
observing things, do the word environmental awareness ever crossed your minds?
Do you even know what that word is? Environmental issues that affects the earth
and the species living here?
Environmental awareness means being aware of the natural
environment and making choices that benefit the earth, rather than hurt it. It is an
integral part of the movements success. By teaching our friends and family that the
physical environment is fragile and indispensable, we can begin fixing the
problems that threaten it. Today, we will focus on environmental awareness that
will help us preserve biodiversity.
Environmental issues are defined as harmful effects to earth and its
natural systems due to the actions of humans. Some of the key issues are pollution,
global warming, deforestation and loss of biodiversity.
As time pass by, lots of species all over the world are being
endangered, threatened and worse, some are gradually becoming extinct.
Biodiversity loss refers to the decline or disappearance of biological diversity,
understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, its different levels
of biological organisation and their respective genetic variability, as well as the
natural patterns present in ecosystems. Biodiversity loss is caused by five primary
drivers: habitat loss, invasive species, overexploitation (extreme hunting and
fishing pressure), pollution and climate change associated with global warming.
If biodiversity loss continues, it will have significant direct human
health impacts because ecosystem services no longer adequate to meet social
needs. It will also affect our daily lives and our income.
The best way to prevent biodiversity loss is to stop illegal logging so
they won’t lose their habitat that is one of the reasons of biodiversity loss and we
must also stop overhunting and overfishing that will lead to resource destruction.
Deforestation is the permanent and intentional clearing of forested land
by humans, often for agricultural expansion, timber harvesting for fuel or building
materials, mining, and human settlement. It is one of the causes of biodiversity
loss. Deforestation do not only affect the animals, it also affects the humans living
on earth. It affects the species living on forests as it clear their habitats. It affects
the humans as it causes climate change, increases greenhouse gas emission, soil
erosion, floods and causes acidic oceans
Some of the ways to stop and reduce deforestation are planting of trees,
using less paper, recycling paper and cardboards, using recycled products, buying
only sustainable wood products, preventing buying products that contains palm
oils, reducing meat consumption, and preventing burning firewood excessively.
Pollution, which is the introduction of contaminants into the natural
environment that cause adverse change, is also one of the reasons why we
experience biodiversity loss. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or
energy, such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants, which is the components of
pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring
contaminants. Air pollutants can poison wildlife through the disruption of
endocrine function, organ injury, increased vulnerability to stresses and diseases,
lower reproductive success, and possible death. It also affects humans as it affects
humans health.
The best ways to prevent pollution is to prevent using plastics, avoid
burning of leaves, trash and other materials, avoid smoking, using fans instead of
air conditioner, using filters for chimneys, walk, bike or use public transportation
and doing the 3Rs.
Global warming and climate change is also one of the causes of
biodiversity loss. It affects the humans as well as the animals living on earth.
“Global warming” refers to the rise in global temperatures due mainly to the
increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. “Climate
change” refers to the increasing changes in the measures of climate over a long
period of time – including precipitation, temperature, and wind patterns. It affects
biodiversity loss because some species can’t last to some weather conditions and it
also affects their habitats.
The ways to stop global warming is to plant trees, stop illegal logging,
doing the 3Rs, driving less and driving smarter, using less heat and air
conditioning, and buying energy-efficient products.
As we end this, I just want to remind you all that the best way to stop
and prevent this is to aware others about its causes, effects and to aware them how
to stop and prevent this. ( Quotes) Thank you for watching and listening!

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