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Video giới thiệu về chương
Question: Which Is Better: Discipline or Motivation?
1. Motivation is Created When You Act
Question: In your opinion, Why do you think motivation is created when you take action?
- People’s motivation often does not arrive until they have started that task and are
beginning to see progress. When people see progress, they start to see the fruits to their
labor, and they become even more motivated to keep working until they have completed
their task.
- what about the motivation that is needed in order to start working altogether?
+) Before you even begin working on it, you should know what the benefits are going to
+) you should be using prioritization in order to get the most urgent and
important work out of the way first. (In terms of smaller tasks/jobs, simply
understanding what the benefits are of completing that task should be enough for
motivation. For larger tasks and jobs, it is important that you have a way to measure your
progress so you can further gain motivation and confidence from your work.)

2. Breaking Down Your Goals Into Manageable Ones

- Start by just breaking down whatever that task is into littler parts and then focus on one
at a time. If you find yourself still wanting to procrastinate after you’ve already broken it
down, then break it down even more.
- for example:
In the case of writing a dissertation, your milestones might be:
+) writing a dissertation proposal
+) doing research
+) making an outline
+) writing a dissertation
+) editing and proofreading
For a dissertation proposal you need to:
+) choose a theme
+) choose a title
+) structure of the proposal

3. Overcoming Procrastination With Self-Discipline

-Motivation is something that happens after you take action rather than before. In order to
overcome procrastination, you can’t sit around waiting for motivation to hit, you have to
begin your task in order to create motivation. In order to start doing a task without
motivation, you need to utilize your willpower and self-discipline.
Video hoặc
-Question: How do you discipline yourself?

-Let’s take a look at 11 steps that we can take to overcome procrastination and begin
creating motivation for ourselves.

Step 1: Break down a big goal into littler ones

Step 2: Change Your Environment
Different types of environments produce different impacts on a person’s productivity.
Hình ảnh:
-question: How do you feel when your desk is cluttered? When the workspace is messy,
do you want to go to bed?
=> answer: You can change the workspace to make it more attractive. Such as:
- ensure a comfortable seat
- warm light
- organize documents neatly
- tidy shelves and cabinets
- can put a small potted plant at the desk or in the room
Step 3: Create A Detailed Plan With Deadlines
Hình ảnh:
-question: Are you often late or "run" on deadlines? Each time, how do you feel? Are
your goals well accomplished?
We should breaking down your task into smaller ones will actually make our own
deadlines for each small task. If you don’t finish one step by the deadline that you have
set, you are jeopardizing every step that’s planned after that.
Step 4: Eliminate Your Procrastination Temptations
Hình ảnh:
-question: Are you often distracted by your phone while studying or working? What do
you do to focus on study and work?
=> answer: If you are easily distracted by your phone, turn it off for an hour, put it in a
drawer, and begin to work. Some people may extreme and go as far as disabling all their
social media accounts so they can prevent themselves from endless browsing.
- you need identify what exactly it is that is tempting you to procrastinate and try to
prevent yourself from being tempted in the first place

Step 5: Surround Yourself With People Who Inspire You

Hình ảnh:
- Try to surround yourself with people that are motivated and have achieved many goals
before. Because you will soon be able to gain some of their motivation and spirit as well.
Step 6: Get A Buddy
Hình ảnh:
-question: Looking at the picture, what do you think about the two of them?
=> answer: This is a picture of a beautiful friendship. Hieu carried Minh to school for 10
years. they all passed university with high scores, above 28 points. Hieu wants to enter
the Medical University to treat Minh's illness, Minh wants to enter Hanoi University of
Science and Technology to study Information Technology. Together they accomplished
their goals.
- When you have a large set of tasks that you need to get done, having a buddy will make
the process way more fun. The two of you will hold each other accountable for the tasks
that need to be done. Your goals will be better accomplished.
Step 7: Tell Others About Your Goals
-question: Do you think letting others know your goals will help you achieve your goals
- When you share your goals with the people around you, they will often inquire about
the progress of your plan. Of course, you don't want to fail in front of others, so you're
more motivated to accomplish your goals.
Step 8: Seek Out Someone Who Has Achieved Your Goal
-Seek them out and connect with them in order to ask them about their experience. You
can learn about what obstacles and failures that they faced along the way, and they’d be
able to provide you with some tips that may have made their journey a little bit easier
Step 9: Re-Clarify Your Goals
-question: Imagine if you were on "your way" and you got lost, what would you do?
=> answer: Try to take a weekend to yourself and regroup. Ask yourself, ‘what exactly
do I want to achieve? Are the things that I am doing now aligning with that? If not, what
can I do to change it?’
- Adjusting your goals to something that lines up with who you are presently is crucial in
terms of creating motivation and value for yourself.
Step 10: Don’t Overcomplicate
-There is never a ‘perfect time’ to do a task that you need to do. Even if you only had 10
minutes, you can surely get SOMETHING done that is related to your goal. Abandon this
thought of waiting for ‘the perfect time’ because there will never be one. After you break
down your goals into smaller ones, start doing them whenever you have 10 minutes free.
It’s as simple as that
Step 11: Just Do It
Hình ảnh:
-at the end of it all, everything comes down to simply just taking action. A person can do
all the planning and strategizing they need, but if they don’t actually take the first step,
nothing will happen.

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