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l Sectlon-12 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

1 • 4 • 2019
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As such the audit shall be the primary tool for assessing the quality and valldlty of the
management system and the audit findings and recommendations shall be the key to
improving the system.


The ISM/ISPS audits shall be conducted on board vessel at an Interval not exceed! ~~ ""1A
months (In exceptional cases, this can be extended by maximum 3 months. In such cas,.~ ~
shou!d issue a documented authoriiat!on and flag state, where necessary, wlll.R.e riitffle~
The complete ISM audit has been divided Into ISM General, Navigation an~ \ ~al
Audits. (l.J;
One of the Important purposes of shipboard audits Is to regularly evaluate~ ~rify that all
shipboard personnel are acting In accordance with their responslb~ lned In this manual.

Third-party aud its will be conducted by a classification society l~ ance with the ISM

in addition, upon each change of command, M aster wiO t onduct a self "Verification of
Navigational Standard" In accordance with the procedures mentioned In sectlon-5 of this

In case If Master does not receive any lnt/~at lon of the audit schedule, within one month of

the audit due date, then the office must be,notlned .

12.8.1 NavlIatlon Audlb ~

a) Each vessel shall as f~ P!!"Lble be subj ected to "Navigational Verification assessment"
on a 12 monthly bw wllf be conducted by an auditor desisnated by the company.
b) Comprel)ensive u~deiwav navigational audits wlll be conducted by a Company marine
superintendent using company audit checklist and procedures listed In Bridge procedures
manual. Each Tanl< vessel In the company will be subjected to underway audit at least
onr _. every 24 months. Post audit, the Auditor will brief the navigation team, where
\ Ressary and also submit a report to the office which Identifies corrective actions that
ara • lsned, verlfled and closed out within the given due date.

1 \~
\' ::re dditional measure designed to ensure that the appropriate navigational standards
being maintained, an Independent contractor shall be ensased to carry out
navlaatlonal audit in the fleet.

The target Is to get 30 fleet vessel audited by the third party auditor each year. The scope of
such audit shall Include, but not limited to:
• Vessel compliance w ith Company's Navigational procedures
• SIRE VIQ 6 Chapter 4 - Navigation

QHSE Manual Sectlon-12 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement
1 - 4 - 2019
1 0
• TMSA 3 Element S - Navigational Safety
• Analysis and Review of vessel's VDR data

The external auditor must discuss their findings from the navigational audit with the Master
and submit a full report to the QMS Department.

fleet from an external perspective as well as it will provide an opportunity to th fbe_ie,. ·

management to benchmark its own Auditing process. '-. V
Following the receipt of the audit report, remedial action points will be developed as
appropriate. All reports submitted by the auditor will be discussed during quarterly
management meeting in the office.

Outcome of these audits will be used to improve the Company's ~ al procedures.

u_a2 Audit Reports - Non-conformities / N on-compliance

On completion of the audit, the lead auditor notes h Is NC's and observations (if any).

The NC's and observations shall be discussed with the M aster prior to the closing meeting.
Close out procedures for the NC's shall also be discussecl.

After the NC's and observations have been discussed and agreed, the auditor fills in the
relevant section of the NC and observation reports. A closing meeting shall then be held . On
board ships, all senior staff shall attend as a minimum, but it is recommended that all
available personnel attend this meeting.

The lead auditor then completes the Audit Report, giving a summary of the conduct of the
audit together witq a 11st of NC's and observations. A copy of this report is left with the Master
on board the ship.

12-8.3 Corrective actions

Any o r Observations recorded should show dates for completion of the corrective
adions Th/ corrective action plan shall be discussed between the 'Auditor' and the 'Audltee'
du~ egard to the need for 'Immediate' and ' long term' corrective measures. Completion
da,~hall be at the discretion of the lead auditor, keeping in m ind the nature of NC and/or
mervation .

Master must Implement the 'immediate' corrective measures, because of the audit finding
and report to office. Signed original of the audit report, with NCs and/or observations, must
be left with Master on board the audited vessel.

Upon his return to the office, the auditor must upload the completed audit forms and report

QHSE Manual Sectlon-12 Measurement, Analysls and Improvement
Rev: 1
l • 4 • 2019
In the PARIS database.

The relevant department from the office will liaise with the ship to close-out the non-
conformities, which may require some tedinlcal or purchaslns Input.

When the Master ,onslders all corrective action has been taken, he completes the audl~
reports accordlnsly and malls or update the status In PARIS. "'\)

As a guide, supporting documentation Is required to verify the corrective action, e.g. If the
corrective action states a memo was Issued to a department or Individuals then a copy of this
memo Is to be included.

If master cannot complete the corrective actions within the due date, M aster shall Inform
office with reasons for not completlns within the due date. A~e~ Office shall srant
ei(tension for a defined period (not exceeding 3 months).

ISM General S - 12.2 C & S - 12.3 F
Environmental Audit s - 12.4 C & S - U .S F
c, ~

Master's verification of Navigational standards s - S.15 C

Report on Master's verlllcatlon of Nav. Standards S - 5.15 F
Navigation - Internal Audit s - 12.8 C & S - U 19 F
QHSE Audit S - 12.6 C & S - 12,7 F

12,8,4 Vessers Reporting of Non-conformities/ Non-compliance

All Non-conformities and ¢c comPliances reported or observed by ship's staff shall be

recorded in the PARIS s y s t ~ also reported in the 'Safety Committee M eeting & QHSE
Review (S-9.1 F). Alt{fl.:i;ffi~se can also be reported using Company Form (S-12.1 F).

Non-conformitv notes INCN's) / Observation notes issued to the vessel should be dealt with
In a systematic rrianner, enalyzins cause/s and ldentlfylns long term preventive measures to
avoid recurrence.

Defi,iencJes noted during PSC and other Inspections shall be reported to the office who will
eriter 1he deficiency into the PARIS system for analysis, follow up and close out. A separate
NCN Note Is not required.

In general, the Master shall be responsible to report all onboard nonconformities including
deficiencies from PSC and other inspections to the office bye. mall and/ or PARIS.

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