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Developmental surface dysgraphia without

surface dyslexia

J. Richard Hanley & Andreas Sotiropoulos

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dysgraphia without surface dyslexia, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35:5-6, 333-341, DOI:

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Published online: 25 Jun 2018.

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2018, VOL. 35, NOS. 5–6, 333–341


Developmental surface dysgraphia without surface dyslexia

J. Richard Hanley and Andreas Sotiropoulos
Department of Psychology, University of Essex, Colchester, UK


The case is reported of an individual (N.K.) with a developmental spelling impairment (dysgraphia) Received 29 December 2017
who has no apparent problems in reading. His performance therefore provides further evidence of a Revised 4 April 2018
classical dissociation between impaired spelling and preserved reading in individuals with Accepted 11 April 2018
developmental literacy problems. The dissociation is observed when N.K. is asked to read and
spell in either his first (Greek) or his second language (English). An investigation of his spelling Dysgraphia without dyslexia;
performance revealed that his impairment was more selective than that of P.J.T. Although his surface dysgraphia; surface
spelling of regular words and nonwords was normal, N.K. had a problem in spelling words with dyslexia
atypical sound–letter associations despite having no problems in reading aloud or
understanding the meaning of words of this kind. It is argued that N.K.’s pattern of performance
can be best explained in terms of normal development of an orthographic system that allows
access to the meaning and pronunciation of written words during reading. In terms of a dual-
route model of spelling, his poor spelling appears to be the result of a developmental
impairment that impedes access to the orthographic system from phonology and semantics. In
terms of the triangle model, his poor spelling appears to be the result of a developmental
impairment that affects activation of orthography from semantics.

Rapp (2017) in whom reading appeared to be entirely
In English, problems in learning to spell (developmen- preserved. Although P.J.T.’s spelling of both words and
tal dysgraphia) usually co-occur with problems in nonwords was severely impaired, he could read aloud
learning to read (developmental dyslexia). For regular words, irregular words, and nonwords at
example, individuals with developmental phonologi- above average levels. He also performed well at ortho-
cal deficits (e.g., Campbell & Butterworth, 1985; graphic lexical decision and at defining written homo-
Funnell & Davidson, 1989; Howard & Best, 1996; phones. These results show that P.J.T. had preserved
Snowling & Hulme, 1989; Temple & Marshall, 1983; access to the orthographic system during reading
Wang, Nickels, & Castles, 2015) appear to be impaired and could access both the semantic system and the
at reading and at spelling unfamiliar words and non- phonological system from the orthographic system.
words. Individuals with developmental surface dysgra- One possible explanation of this dissociation is that
phia (e.g., Brunsdon, Coltheart, & Nickels, 2005; Castles separate orthographic systems are involved in reading
& Coltheart, 1996; Goulandris & Snowling, 1991; and spelling, and that P.J.T. suffered from impaired
Hanley & Gard, 1995; Hanley, Hastie, & Kay, 1992; development of the spelling lexicon despite normal
Romani, Ward, & Olson, 1999; Temple, 1985) appear development of the reading lexicon. Hepner et al.
to be impaired at reading and at spelling irregular (2017) instead argued that this pattern of performance
words (words that contain at least one atypical spel- could be explained in terms of a unitary orthographic
ling–sound correspondence). A straightforward expla- system if it is assumed that spelling requires different
nation of this co-occurrence is that the same associative connections from those that are involved
processing systems as those that are used to spell in reading (for further discussion of this issue see
words are also used to read them (e.g., Rapp & McCloskey & Rapp, 2017). Hepner et al. suggested
Lipka, 2011; Sotiropoulos & Hanley, 2017a). that P.J.T. might be poor at spelling irregular words
Recently, however, a case of developmental dysgra- because of problems in accessing the orthographic
phia (P.J.T.) was reported by Hepner, McCloskey, and system from the semantic system and from the

CONTACT J. Richard Hanley Department of Psychology, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

phonological system. He was good at reading words, Like N.K., their first language was Greek, and they
they claimed, because the connections from the had all learnt English at school as a foreign language.
orthographic lexicon to the phonological and seman- They were matched to N.K. on time of exposure to
tic systems had developed normally. They also argued English. Their mean first exposure to English was at
that P.J.T. had a separate impairment to the develop- 8.6 years (SD = 2.1), and their mean total exposure
ment of the non-lexical sound–spelling conversion time was 15.8 years (SD = 3.4). They had spent an
system that produced impaired spelling of regular average of 4.2 years (SD = 1.8) in the UK at time of
words and nonwords. testing. The controls had normal reading and spelling
The literature contains very few case reports of indi- ability (as reported to the second author). Their literacy
viduals with developmental dysgraphia who demon- skills were not formally tested before they participated
strate such a clear dissociation between impaired in the study. None of the participants, including N.K.,
spelling and preserved reading. Kohnen, Nickels, reported any head injury or illness that might have
Coltheart, and Brunsdon (2008) reported the case of affected their performance.
a child (K.M.) with surface dysgraphia without dyslexia.
K.M. had, however, suffered a brain injury prior to
Production and comprehension of spoken words
learning to read and so does not represent a straight-
forward example of a developmental spelling impair- In contrast to some surface dyslexics (Gvion & Fried-
ment (for discussion of the relationship between mann, 2016) and surface dysgraphics (Sotiropoulos &
reading and spelling in acquired dysgraphia, see Hanley, 2017b), N.K. showed no evidence of word-
Hillis & Rapp, 2004; Tainturier & Rapp, 2001). Below, finding difficulties. He was asked to name 71 pictures
therefore, we describe another case of developmental of objects in Greek and in English on separate testing
dysgraphia (N.K.) who shows an equally striking dis- sessions. Accuracy was good in both Greek (69/71
sociation between his spelling and reading perform- names correct; control, M = 67.4, SD = 2.1) and
ance in both Greek and English. We compare N.K.’s English (65/71 names correct; control, M = 64.0, SD =
spelling ability with that of P.J.T., and discuss how 2.8). N.K.’s picture-naming latency was also normal in
the impaired spelling of both of these individuals Greek (956 ms) and in English (1,087 ms). The mean
can be explained in terms of a unitary orthographic picture-naming latencies for the controls were
system that is used for both reading and spelling. 1,001 ms (SD = 131) in Greek and 1,112 ms (SD = 156)
in English.
Case report Accuracy was unimpaired on a test of spoken word
comprehension in which participants were asked to
Case details
provide definitions of 68 spoken words. The same
N.K. is a Greek national whose first language is Greek set of words was used in both languages. His score
and whose second language is English. He was was 54/68 correct in Greek (control, M = 55.0 words,
recruited as a participant in a doctoral study (Sotiro- SD = 7.5) and 48/68 correct in English (control, M =
poulos, 2015) that examined the reading and spelling 48.0 words, SD = 6.1).
performance of 30 Greek students who had experi-
enced developmental literacy difficulties in childhood.
Phonological awareness
The impaired reading and spelling performance of
nine of these 30 individuals was described by Sotiro- N.K. was given some Greek phonological awareness
poulos and Hanley (2017a, 2017b). N.K.’s first exposure tests that were taken from Douklias, Masterson, and
to English was at school in Greece where he was Hanley (2009). Tests of segmentation required him
taught English as a foreign language from the age of to listen to 24 spoken words and indicate either the
eight years onwards. He was studying for a university number of phonemes or number of syllables that
degree in the UK when he took part in this investi- they contained. Deletion tests required him to listen
gation. At that point, he had spent five years in the to 24 spoken words and respond by removing the
UK and his total exposure time to English was 17 years. first or last syllable or phoneme. For the spoonerisms
Twenty-five Greek–English bilinguals, who were task, 12 pairs of two- and three-syllable words were
studying for a degree in the UK, acted as controls. presented, and he was asked to exchange the first

phonemes between the two words. N.K. performed in the Appendix. All of the errors in English were pho-
without error on all of these tasks. nologically appropriate. In Greek, 15/17 (88.2%) of his
N.K. also performed well on two phonological spelling errors were phonologically appropriate. This
awareness tests in English that were taken from Perin figure was similar to the proportion of phonologically
(1983). A phoneme-counting task required participants appropriate errors (96.6%) made by the control group.
to indicate the number of phonemes in 32 spoken Phonologically appropriate errors in Greek have been
words and 16 nonwords. On a spoonerisms task, par- taken to reflect difficulties in lexical processing (Proto-
ticipants heard the name of a popular musician and papas, Fakou, Drakopoulou, Skaloumbakas, & Mouzaki,
were asked to exchange the first phonemes in the 2013). According to Protopapas et al. (2013), such
given name and surname (e.g., “Bob Dylan” > “Dob errors suggest inadequate word-specific (or root-
Bylan”). N.K. scored 35/48 correct at phoneme counting specific) knowledge, reflecting a poorly developed
(control, M = 31.1/48, SD = 6.3) and 17/18 correct on the orthographic lexicon.
spoonerisms task (control, M = 16.8/18, SD = 1.0). We also noted whether any phonologically
Rapid naming (RAN) for digits and objects was appropriate errors contained alternative spellings of
assessed using the subtests of the Phonological inflectional suffixes (e.g., “ασθενοwόρο” = ambu-
Assessment Battery (Frederickson, Frith, & Reason, lance → “ασθενοwόρω” where the letter omicron
1997). N.K.’s rapid automatized naming times in both rather than omega is appropriate for singular neutral
Greek and English were within the normal range for nouns). Errors of this kind are considered to reflect
objects and for digits (rapid object naming in Greek: impaired grammatical knowledge rather than
N.K. = 39 s, controls, M = 31.9 s, SD = 5.4 s; rapid digit impaired orthographic knowledge because they can
naming in Greek: N.K. = 14 s, controls, M = 15.9 s, SD be prevented if an individual is aware of the relevant
= 2.8 s; rapid object naming in English: N.K. = 35 s, con- grammatical rule (Protopapas et al., 2013). Both N.K.
trols, M = 31.4 s, SD = 4.7 s; rapid digit naming in and the controls made only a tiny minority of gramma-
English: N.K. = 15 s, controls, M = 18.4 s, SD = 3.0 s). tical errors (one out of the N.K.’s 17 spelling errors was
grammatical). The phonological errors that N.K. made
therefore appear to reflect an impaired ability to
remember the orthographic form of irregular Greek
Unlike English, Greek is a transparent orthography in words rather than impaired grammatical knowledge.
which there are no irregular words for the purposes In a further spelling test, N.K.’s ability to write the
of reading. There are, however, some Greek vowels names of pictures was compared with his ability to
that can be spelled in more than one way. We refer to spell the same words to dictation. This test was admi-
Greek words that are written with the most common nistered in English only. Twenty-two pictures whose
sound–spelling correspondence as regular words. names were irregular English words were presented
Words that are spelled with a less common sound–spel- for written naming. Several months later, the same
ling correspondence are referred to as irregular words. words were presented orally. N.K. spelled correctly
Spelling to dictation was tested in both Greek and the same 12 words on both versions of the test. He
English. The Greek and English lists contained unre- was significantly impaired both at spelling picture
lated words. Sotiropoulos and Hanley (2017a) names (t = −3.89, p < .01) and at spelling to dictation
provide full details of the characteristics of the words (t = −4.87, p < .01). Controls scored 19.6/22 (SD = 1.9)
that were used. N.K.’s performance is summarized in at written picture naming and 20/22 (SD = 1.6) at spel-
Table 1. It can be seen that N.K.’s spelling accuracy is ling to dictation. Unlike two of the surface dysgraphic
significantly lower than that of controls when spelling cases reported by Sotiropoulos and Hanley (2017b),
irregular words in Greek (t = −12.55, p < .001) and in therefore, N.K. was equally impaired at spelling the
English (t = −3.98, p < .001). By contrast, his spelling names of pictures and at spelling to dictation.
of regular words and nonwords was unimpaired in
both languages. This pattern of performance is con-
sistent with developmental surface dysgraphia.
N.K.’s spelling errors were also typical of those seen The speed and accuracy with which N.K. read Greek
in surface dysgraphia. A list of his errors can be found words and nonwords are shown in Table 2. Because

Table 1. N.K.’s spelling accuracy for words and nonwords in comparison with that of 25 normal controls.
Regular words Irregular words Nonwords
Words Max Accuracy Max Accuracy Max Accuracy
Greek N.K. 27 18 12* 72 64
Controls 27 25.7 (1.3) 24.8 (1.0) 72 66.8 (2.9)

English N.K. 20 18 20 14* 30 24

Controls 20 19.3 (0.8) 20 18.5 (1.1) 30 24.7 (2.1)
Note: Standard deviations in parentheses.
*p < .05 (modified t test: Crawford & Howell, 1998).

all Greek words are regular for the purposes of decision test. N.K. scored 21/24 correct on the test in
reading, the results for regular and irregular word English (control, M = 21.2, SD = 1.6), and 27/34 on the
reading were collapsed. There was no significant test in Greek (control, M = 27.8, SD = 3.0). N.K.’s
difference between N.K. and controls for either real decision latencies were also within the normal range
word reading accuracy or speed (both t < 1) in (for English: N.K., M = 936 ms; control, M = 907 ms,
Greek. N.K.’s nonword reading accuracy (t = −1.35, SD = 233; for Greek: N.K., M = 1128 ms; control, M =
p > .05) and speed (t < 1) were also unimpaired. Douk- 1066 ms, SD = 321).
lias et al. (2009) showed that in Greek, surface dyslexia N.K. also performed well on a reading test that
is associated with accurate but slow reading of familiar required access to the meaning of English written
words, and that phonological dyslexia is associated words. This test was administered in English only. On
with inaccurate nonword reading and poor phonolo- some trials (see Sotiropoulos & Hanley, 2017b, for
gical awareness. N.K. therefore does not show the hall- further details), he was shown a target word (e.g.,
marks of either surface or phonological dyslexia in fruit) followed by two homophones (e.g., pear, pair).
Greek. He was asked to decide which of the homophones
Table 3 shows the speed and accuracy with which was semantically related to the target word. On
N.K. read English words and nonwords. Both regular other trials, he was shown a target word (e.g., drink)
words and irregular words were read as accurately and had to decide which of two words (bear, beer)
and as quickly as controls. There was therefore no evi- was closer in meaning. One member of each pair of
dence of surface dyslexia in English. Normal accuracy words (bear in the example above) was a word that
and speed of nonword reading revealed no evidence sounds the same as the other word in the pair (beer
of phonological dyslexia in English. in the example above) when read via grapheme–
N.K. was also given a test of orthographic lexical phoneme rules. Friedmann and Lukov (2008) referred
decision in both Greek and English. Different words to pairs of words of this kind as potentiophones. N.K.
were used in the two languages (for details of the was correct on 29/34 trials (control, M = 28.4, SD =
materials, see Sotiropoulos & Hanley, 2017b). 1.8). N.K.’s decision latencies were also within the
Twenty-four English words along with their corre- normal range (N.K., M = 2,015 ms; control, M =
sponding pseudohomophones (e.g., feel and feal) 1,934 ms, SD = 339).
were used for the English lexical decision test. Thirty-
four Greek words (e.g., “παγκόσμιος” = global) along
with their corresponding pseudohomophones (e.g., Discussion
“παγγόσμειος”) were used for the Greek lexical
The results have shown that the speed and accuracy
with which N.K. read aloud words and nonwords in
Table 2. N.K.’s reading speed and accuracy for Greek words and
Greek and English were unimpaired. Crucially, he
nonwords in comparison with those of 25 normal controls.
was fast and accurate at reading irregular English
Accuracy (ms) words. He also performed well at orthographic
Nonwords Nonwords lexical decision and was able to access the meaning
Familiar words (n = 54) Familiar words (n = 72)
of written words. He therefore showed no evidence
N.K. 52 66 495 (69) 745 (155)
Controls 52.6 (1.6) 68.9 (2.1) 471 (89) 731 (134) of surface or phonological dyslexia in either English
Note: Standard deviations in parentheses. or Greek.

Table 3. N.K.’s reading speed and accuracy for English words and nonwords in comparison with those of 25
normal controls.
Accuracy (ms)
Regular words Irregular words Nonwords Regular words Irregular words Nonwords
N.K. 19 16 18 600 (74) 642 (119) 766 (161)
Controls 19.3 (0.8) 17.1 (1.9) 24.6 (1.9) 554 (66) 603 (98) 758 (143)
Note: Standard deviations in parentheses.

Despite unimpaired reading, N.K. had difficulties (Hepner et al., 2017) problems with both oral and
spelling irregular words in both Greek and English. written spelling and his problems in both real word
Furthermore, his spelling errors were almost always and nonword spelling make a graphemic buffer dis-
phonologically correct, and his spelling of regular order more plausible. In graphemic buffer dysgraphia,
words and nonwords was accurate. His spelling there- however, spelling errors mostly comprise letter substi-
fore shows all of the hallmarks of developmental tution errors, transposition errors, deletions, and
surface dysgraphia. N.K.’s reading performance is additions. P.J.T. made virtually no errors of this kind
quite different from that of seven surface dysgraphics when spelling nonwords. When spelling real words,
reported by Sotiropoulos and Hanley (2017b) who approximately 50% of his errors were phonologically
were all impaired at reading aloud the same set of irre- correct. The remainder appeared to involve errors of
gular English words as the set that N.K. read without partial lexical knowledge and the application of incor-
difficulty. Four of them were poor at lexical decision, rect phoneme–grapheme correspondences. Conse-
consistent with an impairment to the orthographic quently P.J.T.’s error profile differed markedly from
lexicon itself. Friedmann and Lukov (2008) refer to the case of graphemic buffer disorder reported by
this disorder as input surface dyslexia. A fifth case per- Barisic, Kohnen, and Nickels (2017).
formed well at lexical decision but was impaired at His poor spelling of both words and nonwords
accessing the meaning of written words. Friedmann therefore suggests that P.J.T. had separate develop-
and Lukov refer to this disorder output surface dys- mental impairments to the lexical and non-lexical spel-
lexia. Like N.K., the remaining two cases could access ling routes. The impairment to the non-lexical route
the meaning of written words. Nevertheless, they disrupted nonword spelling, and the impairment to
were both poor at reading aloud and at spoken the lexical route disrupted irregular word spelling.
picture naming, consistent with a difficulty in acces- Because Hepner et al.’s (2017) explanation of P.J.T.’s
sing the phonological lexicon from the semantic spelling problems involves two separate impairments,
system. N.K. had no difficulty of this kind in spoken it should be possible to see a developmental case with
word production. His reading performance therefore good reading performance who experiences just one
resembles that of P.J.T. (Hepner et al., 2017) who of these two types of spelling impairment. The
also showed no signs of a reading impairment in the finding that N.K. shows surface dysgraphia without
context of a developmental spelling disorder. dyslexia is therefore consistent with Hepner et al.’s
Because it was confined to words with atypical account of P.J.T.’s impaired spelling.
letter–sound associations, N.K.’s spelling impairment What is the precise nature of N.K.’s lexical spelling
is more selective than that of P.J.T. (Hepner et al., impairment? Purcell, Shea, and Rapp (2014) put
2017). P.J.T. was impaired at spelling nonwords and forward a version of the dual-route cascaded (DRC)
regular words as well as irregular words. Whereas model (Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon, & Ziegler,
N.K. showed no signs of phonological dysgraphia, 2001) in which there is just one orthographic lexicon
P.J.T. clearly experienced a mixed form of dysgraphia (orthographic long-term memory, LTM) for reading
with problems in spelling words of all kinds. One and spelling. In this model (see Figure 1), orthographic
possibility that can easily be discounted is that N.K. LTM receives input from both semantics and the pho-
and P.J.T. were suffering from developmental graphe- nological lexicon (phonological LTM) during spelling.
mic buffer dysgraphia (Barisic, Kohnen & Nickels, N.K.’s difficulty in spelling irregular words to dictation
2017). N.K.’s preserved spelling of nonwords is incon- and in spelling the names of pictures that are irregular
sistent with a graphemic buffer problem. P.J.T.’s words is consistent with a developmental impairment

to both of these connections. N.K. appears to have there is a third impairment to the phonology → ortho-
access to orthographic LTM from abstract letter iden- graphy conversion system.
tities when reading words, and can access both the The triangle model of reading (Harm & Seidenberg,
semantic system and the phonological LTM from 1999; Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson,
orthographic LTM. The results therefore strongly 1996; Woollams, 2014) can provide a different
support the existence of separate input and output account of N.K.’s impaired spelling (see Figure 2).
connections between orthographic LTM and the Advocates of the triangle model argue that, for most
semantic system, and separate input and output con- people, the phonological reading pathway is mainly
nections between orthographic LTM and phonological used to process nonwords and regular words (Wool-
LTM (see Figure 1). In the case of N.K., the direct con- lams, Lambon Ralph, Madrid, & Patterson, 2016). This
nections from the orthographic units to the semantic pathway will only be used to read a relatively small
system and from the orthographic units to the phono- number of irregular words that are highly familiar to
logical system appear to have developed normally. It is an individual. Because the phonological pathway pro-
the connections from the semantic system and from cesses only a few irregular words, the correct pronun-
the phonological system to orthographic LTM that ciations of most irregular words are generated by first
are impaired. In the case of P.J.T. (Hepner et al., activating their meaning from the orthographic units.
2017), these two connections are also impaired, and Let us assume that the same processing units as those

Figure 1. A dual-route model of reading, spelling, and picture naming that is taken from Purcell et al. (2014) in which the same lexicon
(orthographic long-term memory, LTM) is used for reading and spelling. Ovals indicate lexical processing for orthography, phonology,
or semantics. The short dotted lines and the dashed lines between the ovals indicate reading processes and spelling processes,

Figure 2. The basic architecture of the triangle model of reading in which the connections between orthography, phonology, and
semantics are bidirectional.

that are responsible for reading in this model are also reading provides further evidence of a classical dis-
responsible for spelling (for discussion, see Sotiropou- sociation between reading and spelling performance
los & Hanley, 2017b). N.K.’s poor spelling of irregular in individuals with developmental literacy problems.
words indicates a developmental impairment to the It is also interesting that N.K.’s spelling problems are
semantics → orthography pathway in Figure 2. N.K.’s more selective than those of P.J.T. and appear to be
preserved access to the meaning of written words confined to irregular words. The case of N.K. there-
despite his poor spelling of picture names is consistent fore shows that it is possible to experience develop-
with the existence of a separate orthography → mental surface dysgraphia without developmental
semantics pathway that has developed normally (see surface dyslexia. The findings with N.K. are also con-
Figure 2). sistent with Hepner et al.’s conclusion that a dis-
Is it also necessary to assume an impairment to the sociation between impaired spelling and preserved
phonology → orthography pathway in Figure 2 to reading can be explained without the need to postu-
explain N.K.’s impaired spelling to dictation? Even in late the existence of separate orthographic lexicons
a system that has developed normally, the phonol- for reading and spelling. It is clearly possible to
ogy → orthography pathway would not be expected accommodate the spelling problems experienced
to spell accurately more than a relatively small by N.K. and P.J.T. in terms of developmental impair-
number of irregular words. Because N.K. can spell a ments to the connections from the semantic and
few irregular words in both English and Greek (see phonological systems to the orthographic units or
Table 1), his impaired spelling to dictation of irregular lexicon. It is not necessary to assume that, in
words would not require an additional developmental either of these two cases, the impairment has pre-
impairment to this pathway. Conversely, P.J.T.’s vented development of the orthographic represen-
(Hepner et al., 2017) impaired spelling of both irregu- tations themselves.
lar words and nonwords is consistent with develop- Finally, it is important to note that N.K. shows
mental impairments to both the semantic and exactly the same dissociation between impaired spel-
phonological spelling pathways in Figure 2. The tri- ling and preserved reading of familiar words in Greek
angle model can therefore provide a parsimonious and English. This finding is consistent with the strong
explanation of the different types of developmental parallels that have previously been observed in the
dysgraphia shown by N.K. and P.J.T. (For further dis- nature of the literacy impairments that are experi-
cussion of the relative merits of the DRC and the tri- enced by dyslexic individuals in their first and
angle model in explaining developmental surface second languages (e.g., Morfidi, Van Der Leij, De
dyslexia and dysgraphia, see Sotiropoulos & Hanley, Jong, Scheltinga, & Bekebrede, 2007; Sotiropoulos &
2017b.) Hanley, 2017a, 2017b). Such an outcome provides
In conclusion, the case of N.K. extends the find- further support for Sotiropoulos and Hanley’s (2017a)
ings of Hepner et al. (2017). An additional case of claim that the neurophysiological substrate(s) that
developmental spelling impairment with preserved support the pathways that are involved in reading

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01757 Regular words: canal → “kanal”, cat → “kat”
Irregular words: axe → “ax”, blood → “blud”, bread → “bred”,
door → “dor”, flute → “floot”, goat → “gote”, heart → “hart”,
Appendix island → “iland”, knife → “nife”, lamb → “lam”, shirt →
“shert”, skirt → “skert”, thumb → “thum”, tie → “ty”, yacht
N.K.’s spelling errors in Greek → “yot”

Regular words

Spelling from pictures

(1) μέριμνα (provision) → “μέρυμνα” (phonologically appropri-
ate–orthographic error) Irregular words: axe → “ax”, bread → “bred”, door → “dore”, flute
(2) κεwαλογραβιέρα (kind of Greek cheese) → → “floot”, goat → “gote”, knife → “nife”, shirt → “shert”, skirt →
“κεwαλογραwιέρα” (phonologically inappropriate error) “skurt”, thumb → “thum”, tie → “ty”.

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