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1. Choose your favorite pocket book.

2. Answer the following questions.

i. Title of the Book : Red Queen

ii. Author : Victoria Aveyard
iii. Genre of Fiction ( Write a check in the line )

Crime Fiction Fantasy Romance Science Fiction Horror

II. ELEMENTS OF FICTION: Identify and describe each element of the story.

1. Characters

Mare Barrow: The 17-year-old Mare is a Red who steals for a living, but the discovery that she holds
supernatural powers causes many to try to vie for her allegiance. She holds tremendous electrokinetic powers,
which she uses to either absorb or release lightning. Thus explaining her nickname "The Little Lightning Girl".
Tiberias "Cal" Calore VII: The elder son and heir of King Tiberias Calore VI through his first wife, Coriane Jacos.
Though he is engaged to Evangeline, he is in love with Mare, a fact that she uses to further her goals in the
Scarlet Guard. He is a Burner, which means his Silver powers allow him to manipulate fire. He doesn't get
along with Mare's best friend Kilorn.
Maven Calore: King Tiberias VI' second son through his second wife, Elara Merandus, and thus Cal's half-
brother. He is shy, but Mare's sudden engagement with him makes him open up. Like Cal and his father,
Maven has the ability to control flames. Maven is deeply jealous of Cal, partly because he thought his brother
had won Mare's heart, the way he had won their father's. In contrast, Mare had preferred Maven over Cal.
Diana Farley: A captain of the Scarlet Guard who leads them in the campaigns against the Silvers. She is
strongly dedicated to the cause.
Tiberias Calore VI: The current king of Norta who has married twice, producing two sons: Cal and Maven. He
holds the ability to manipulate fire, which he passed to both of his sons.
Elara Merandus: The mysterious and sadistic current queen of Norta and the mother of Maven. Mare dislikes
her since the very start of their meeting. She is able to read and manipulate people with the ability known as
Julian Jacos: A royal librarian and the brother of Cal's deceased mother, Coriane, making him his uncle. He is
the last known person to hold the power of a Singer: being able to control people through his voice.
Evangeline Samos: A haughty girl who is made Cal's fiancée after being declared the best of the aspiring
princesses. She holds a grudge against Mare, particularly after the latter humiliates her by expending her
electrokinesis and repelling her magnetic manipulation, a trait of the House Samos.
Kilorn Warren: Mare's best friend and an apprentice of fishing. Mare seems content to eventually become his
wife, until her engagement with Maven makes them drift apart. The attempt to spare him of conscription is
the catalyst of much of the novel's plot. He doesn't get along with Cal.
Lucas Samos: Evangeline's cousin who, like her, holds the power of magnetic manipulation. He is one of the
few Silvers whom Mare befriends and trusts with certainty.
Rane Arven: The instructor for the Silver Elites who has the ability to negate the powers of other people,
known as Silencing.
Ptolemus Samos: Evangeline's older brother. Like her, he is a Magnetron, able to manipulate metal.
Sara Skonos: A friend of Julian who works as a nurse with her ability to heal people, known as Skin Healing.
She seems to know the truth behind the death of Cal's mother, Queen Coriane, and Elara thus punished her by
mutilating her tongue, making her mute.
Tristan: Farley's loyal right-hand man in the Scarlet Guard. He is killed by Ptolemus Samos when caught in the
attack on the Hall.
Ann Walsh: A member of the Scarlet Guard who is about the same age as Mare. She works as a servant in
Mare's room in the Hall and tells Mare the time of the midnight meeting with the Scarlet Guard. On the attack
of the Hall, she is captured but escapes with Farley and Kilorn. While making sure the way is clear for Mare
and the others to come back to the Whitefire Palace, she is captured and commits suicide with a pill before
the queen is able to interrogate her. Her last words were "For Tristan".
Gisa Barrow: Mare's younger sister who works as an apprentice for a seamstress, until her broken hand
terminates her from the job.
Mare's other family members consist of a war-weary father, a homemaker mother, and three older brothers:
the hunky but unperceptive Bree, the sycophantic Tramy, and the lean but smart Shade. Out of the three,
Mare is the closest to Shade, who is 19 years old.
Coriane Jacos: The late wife of Tiberias Calore VI and sister to Julian Jacos. Coriane was known as the "Singer
Queen" because the Jacos house were Singers. Queen Elara did not like Coraine becoming queen so Elara
murdered Coriane and took the crown, killing Tiberias at the end of the book.

2. Plot
 Exposition - The first chapter of Red Queen begins with Mare addressing the difficulties that Reds
face in their daily life. Kilorn informs Mare shortly after that he has received his conscription
notification. Mare's three brothers have all been sent to war, and she doesn't want her best
friend to join them, so she takes action. She approaches Farley, a guy reputed to work with the
Scarlet Guard, and pleads for assistance. He accepts, but only at a cost of 2,000 crowns. When
Mare and her sister, Gisa, attempt to steal a silver coin, they are apprehended, and Gisa's hand is
shattered, which is harmful because she is a seamstress who supports the entire family. Mare
tries again at a tavern, where she is offered a job at the palace by a gentle Silver, who turns out
to be the prince. Mare unintentionally finds her talents after seeing the Queenstrial, where royal
youths sell themselves to the prince.
 Rising Action - Mare resolves to help the Scarlet Guard with her newly discovered position. Her
new fiance decides to assist them in overthrowing the Silver regime. She is working on getting
perfect control of her abilities at the same time.
 Climax - Mare and the Scarlet Guard carry out their plan to target and influence Silver. Everything
is going according to plan until Maven captures them in his mother's clutches. Maven has been
collaborating with her the entire time to ensure his kingdom's rule. Mare had already been
apprehended, thus the only person standing in his way was his older brother Cal. Using his
mother's abilities, he orders Cal to assassinate the king. Maven was free to govern as king now
that he could jail both Mare and Cal.
 Falling Action - Both Mare and Cal are set to execution and miraculously/luckily survive 5 of the
most powerful Silver Warriors by working together.

 Resolution: Mare and Cal managed to escape with the help of the Scarlet Guard. They all vow to
have revenge on Maven for what he has done. While also planning to find more hybrid's like
Mare who are stronger than Reds or Silvers.
3. Point of View
 First person – Mare Barrow
 Third person – No third person
4. Setting
 The land of Norta is the setting for Red Queen. For many years, Norta has been at odds with its
neighboring country, the Lakelands. The capital of Norta is Archeon, although the most of the
action is set in Summerton, the royal summer residence. Mare grew up in a Red village called the
Stilts some 10 miles away.
5. Style
 Victoria Aveyard tells her novel “Red Queen” in the first-person limited-omniscient perspective
from the point of view of main character and principal protagonist, Mare. The first-person
narrative allows the reader to follow events as they unfold directly related to Mare. The reader is
given intimate glimpses into Mare’s innermost thoughts and feelings, which in turn help to
explain her actions in the novel.
6. Theme
 Segregation and discrimination
 Trust
 Embracing who you are
 Power and justice
 Freedom and control
 Love and betrayal

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