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You said you’d like to come and stay for a while in the summer, so I’m writing to ask if you’d
like to visit in July.
By the way, it’s my brother Tim’s 18th birthday on 10 th July so try to be here then, because
there’ll be a big special party to go to. Lots of our friends and relatives will be there!
I’m on holiday in July too, so perhaps we could go camping for a few days as well?
If you’re coming, let me know if there’s anything else you’d particularly like to do. Then I can
make some plans.

Write an email responding to Pat. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed
to include your name.


I’m studying different festivals from around the world for a project I’m doing. Can you tell
me which is the most important festival in your region and when it happens?
Also I’d be very grateful for any information you could give me about the festival itself.
If you think it is worth it, perhaps I could come and see what it’s like. What do you think?
If I come, will you be free? I'd like to see you again and perhaps we could visit the festival

Write a letter responding to Sam. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed
to include your name.

Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I'm not
sure how to get to your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me
some basic instructions? What would be the best method of transport for me? I'd
prefer one that isn't too expensive!

Just one other thing - what will the weather be like when I get there? (Just so I'll know
what clothes to pack!

Write a letter responding to Sam. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed
to include your name.

Some English friends, Peter and Sue Hall, have written to you for advice. Their 20-year-old
son, Tom, wants to get a job teaching English in your country. This is part of a letter you
have received from them:

Tom’s doing a teacher-training course at the moment, as you know, but he thinks he ought
to learn something of the language before he comes, which seems like a good idea. He’s
bought a “Teach Yourself” book on the language, but we were wondering if you had any
other suggestions which would help him. It’s quite a while since he studied a language at
school, so he’d also be really grateful for some general tips on learning a language.
You recently helped organise a college ski trip and you have received this email from a
parent of one of the students who went. Here is a part of the email.

I understand you were one of the organisers of our son's ski trip. I have to say my husband
and I were extremely dissatisfied with the arrangements. My son has informed us that the
ski slopes were poor, the lessons were fewer than promised and the accommodation was
Can you please give us a satisfactory explanation?
Yours sincerely,
Nora White

Write a letter responding to White. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed
to include your name.

You have just received a letter from your English penfriend, accepting your invitation to
come and stay with you just after Christmas. Read part of his letter below.

Thanks very much for the invitation to stay with your family for a few days after
Christmas – of course I’d love to come!
I’ve already found out about flights, and I could arrive at 12.30 midday on the 27 th
December. As you know, I’ve never been abroad during the Christmas holidays so I have
no idea what to expect. What kinds of things do you normally do then? And what’s the
weather like there at that time of year? Let me know if there are any special clothes I
should bring with me.
Write a letter responding to him. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed
to include your name
You are studying English in London and you’ve just received a letter from your friend, Ken,
who is a sailing instructor on the south coast. Read part of his letter below.
And I’m really enjoying the job.
By the way, we’re going to run weekend sailing courses for complete beginners. Why
don’t you come down to Hamble and do one? You’ve always said you wanted to . learn to
sail, so this would be an ideal opportunity. And after only a few weekends you could get
your certificate.
We start the first one next month – let me know if you’re interested.

Write a letter responding to him. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed
to include your name.

Your English friend Tom came to visit you recently and he has just sent you an email and
some photographs. Read part of his email below.

Thanks for taking me to the airport. I hope your journey home wasn’t too long.
I really enjoyed staying with you. Here are the photos I took. Which one do you like best?
When I got home, I realized I left my watch behind. It’s green and gold. You haven’t found
it, have you?
I think we’ll have a great time together when you come here in September. We could
either spend the whole time in my family’s flat in the city or stay on my uncle’s farm in the
countryside. Which would you like to do?
You have just received a letter from your English penfriend, Mark, inviting you to come and
stay with him in the summer. Read part of his letter below.

I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner, but I’m busy helping my parents out on the farm.
It’s a great fun though I haven’t got used to getting up at six every morning to milk the cows.
We often have the radio on while we’re doing it, so it’s not too bad. Then, once we have had
breakfast, we tend to spend the rest of the day outside, either in the fields or looking after the
Do you remember Lady, our oldest sheepdog? Well, she has just had puppies! If you are free
in the summer, you could come and see them all and help with the harvest as well. Let me
know if you can make it – we’d love to see you again.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Renate, who is planning to
visit you. Read part of his letter below.
It was great to talk on the phone last week about my visit to your country. I’m sorry
that you won’t be home when I visit but it’s great that your brother can meet me at the
airport and let me stay at his house.
As I have only 10 days, where would you recommend I visit? And also what is the best
way to travel? Is it expensive to hire a car?
One other thing, I’d like to bring your brother a present. What do you think he’d like?
Maybe he’d like some of my country’s chocolate.

Write a letter responding to Renate. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You are planning to visit your friend Robin in Canada. Robin has written to you. Read
Robin’s letter.
My friends and I are going to a sports camp in the mountains in July. We’d love you to join
us there.
We can play tennis, hockey, football, basketball and other sports. We can stay in rooms or
sleep in tents. Which would you prefer? We’ ll cook together in the evenings. Is there
something special from your county that you could cook?
You could fly over to Canada a few days before the sports camp and stay with me here in the
city. What would you like to do before we go to the camp?
Write soon.
Write an email responding to Robin. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend, Natalie.

Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I’m not sure
how to get to your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me some simple
directions? What’s the cheapest means of transport? What will the weather be like when I get
there? What kind of clothes should I take?
Write an email responding to Natalie. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name.
You are helping to organize a visit to an English Language Academy in Manchester. You
have received a letter from John Webster, the director of the Academy. Read the letter.

I am very glad to see that you are coming to our academy in July. I am sure you will all have
a very enjoyable time and that you will learn a lot of English.
You can either stay all together in a youth hostel, or individually with local families. Please
tell me which you would prefer.
Tell me something about your group so that I can organize interesting spare time activities.
What sort of things do they like doing?
Please ask if you need any further information.
Yours sincerely,
John Webster
Write an email responding to John Webster. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name.


We must make sure that Rupert doesn't know we are planning this surprise. I'm
not sure how many people to invite but our house is definitely too small. Do
you think we should book the Royal hotel for the evening and have the party
there? I've also been wondering what we could all buy as a present. What do
you think?
Could you come the day before the party to help with preparations? There's a
lot to plan so I'd really like your help. Can you suggest something else that will
really make the party special?
All for now, best wishes,

Write an email responding to Maggie. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You recently helped organize a college ski trip and you have received an email from Ms.
Janet a parent of one of the students. Read part of her email below:

I understand you were one of the organizers of our son's ski trip. I have to say my husband and
I were extremely dissatisfied with the arrangements. You know my son and his classmates
were eager to join the trip at first. But when he came home, my son informed us that the
lessons were fewer than promised and the accommodation was inadequate. Can you please
give us a satisfactory explanation?

Write an email responding to Ms. Janet. You should write at least 120 words. You do not
need to include your name or addresses.

I enjoy my job but I often sit at a computer all day. I don’t get much exercise so I often feel
tired. I consider going to the gym but I often work very late. Could you recommend
something else I should do to keep fit? Do I really need an instructor or I can do by
myself? Also, do I need to buy any equipment to do exercise? Does it cost much to buy
I look forward to your reply

I have just watched such a fantastic program about traditional festivals in the world. There
are not many festivals like these in my country. Are there many traditional festivals in your
country? Which is the most popular one? Could you tell me about it? In what time of the
year does it happen? What do people often do in this occasion? Is it widely known by
international tourists? Do young people in your country still enjoy it?
I look forward to your reply.


One of my hobbies is watching TV. There are many fantastic programs for me to watch.
Sometimes I can spend my whole day watching TV. Could you tell me about TV in your
country? Are the programs interesting to you? What is your best favourite TV program?
What is that program about? How much TV do you watch every day? Do people in your
country watch too much TV these days?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

You have recently applied for a job at a summer camp for children. You have just received
a letter from Ms. Johnston asking you for more information to support your application.
Read part of the letter from her below.
Your application has made a positive impression on us, but we need more information in
order to fully evaluate you as a candidate.
First of all, how old are you? Secondly, we would like to know what, you think, makes you
the ideal candidate for this job. Finally, we have two positions open, one at Pebble Beach,
and another at Spruce Mountain. Pebble Beach is our busiest, most popular location, while
Spruce Mountain is a beautiful wild area near a national park. Which would you prefer?
Please send us this information as soon as possible, and feel free to ask if you have any
further questions.

Write a letter responding to Ms. Johnston. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name


You have applied for a job helping out at a summer camp for children, and you have just
received a letter from Mr. Jones asking you to come for an interview. Read part of the letter
from him below.
Your application made a very good impression on us, and we would like to invite you to
come for an interview. We will be holding the interviews on the first and second weekends
in May. Are you available for either of these weekends?
As you know, we are located in the Cairngorm Mountains. We will hold the interviews
there, and although we realize that this is a long journey for interviewees, we think it is
important for you to see our location and facilities first hand. Of course, we will pay for
your travel expenses.
Finally, we would like to know when you would be available to start work.
We look forward to meeting you, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Write a letter responding to Mr. Jones. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name.

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