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Name: Claire P. Cabactulan

Section: BTVTED-4A

Assigned Topic: Masonry

A. List of Hand Tools. (Minimum of 15 tools)
Tools for a Specific Procedure Name of Specific Tools
or Task
Digging Tools Shovels, Shades, Trowels,
Forks, Crowbar, Digging Bar
Cutting Tools Saw, Bowsaw, Electric Drills,
Coping Saw, Backsaw,
Crosscut Saw, Pliers, Spalling
Hammer, Bolster, Circular
Saw, Tile Cutter
Measuring Tools Spirit Level, Square, Straight
Edges, Tape Measure, Bevel,
Line and Pins, Water Level,
Measuring Box, Measuring
Wheel, Boning Rods, End
Mixing Tools Electric Mixer, Concrete
Wood/Stone Shaping Tools Wood handled Chisel,
Drafting Chisel, Tooth Chisel,
Jack Plane, Polisher
Cleaning Tools Straight Edges Brushes, Float
Holding Tools Mortar Pan, Head Pan, Wheel
Fastening Tools Nails, Finishing Nail, Spiral
Nail, Asphalt Shingle Nails,
Drywall Nail, Screw Drivers

B. Masonry Hand tools and it’s function.

Hand Tools Function

Margin Trowel A margin trowel is a long,
thin trowel used for
heaping small amounts
of mortar on stone and
spreading it. Margin
trowels are used with
narrow masonry units
such as a manufactured
stone veneer in order to
avoid spilling excess
mortar over the sides of
the veneer units.
V- OR SQUARE-NOTCH TROWEL The v- or square-notch
trowel is large and has
two straight sides and
another two sides that
are notched. These
notches can either be
square or V-shaped, and
they act essentially as a
metered system for
dispensing mortar across
a flat surface such as
cement board. If you
were to try to dispense
the mortar evenly with
the flat edge of a trowel,
it would be nearly
impossible to disperse
the mortar at even rates.
By pressing the trowel’s
notches flat against the
surface, the mortar
extrudes from the
notches evenly.
COLD CHISEL A cold chisel has a wide,
flat head that is perfectly
designed for slicing
bricks or veneer stone in
half with a blow from a
hammer. A cold chisel
also has a myriad of
other uses, such as
chipping away excess
mortar or removing a
single brick from a brick
wall. Usually, cold chisels
have plastic handles to
absorb the shock from
the hammer blow.
BRICK HAMMER OR MASON’S A masonry hammer has a
HAMMER square face on one end
for breaking; it has a
sharp edge on the other
for cutting. They are
used to split hard bricks.

WIRE BRUSH A wire brush is

indispensable with
masonry work for
brushing away rock chips
or concrete crumbs that
accumulate in your work
zone. For example, when
you chip opens a crack in
concrete prior to
repairing it, a stiff wire
brush and a shop
vacuum are just about
the only way to remove
all of that debris from
the crack.
SQUARES Squares are used when
constructing and
measuring right angles
and for corner layouts.
They are usually made of
metal for durability.

MASON’S LEVEL A mason’s level is used

when establishing
vertical or plumb lines
and horizontal or level
lines. They are typically
made of wood, metal, or
a combination of both.
They come equipped
with either single or
double vials. More
masons prefer the latter
since they can be used
for both horizontal and
vertical measurements.
TOOTH CHISEL Tooth chisel is also used
for fine dressing. It is a
handheld tool of metal
consisting of a long shaft,
with a toothed cutting
edge at one end. It is
again usually hit with a
mallet or metal hammer.
The number of teeth on
this cutting edge varies,
generally between three
and five, but a variation
with two teeth also
exists. The tooth chisel is
normally used between
roughing-out and
finishing, to clear away
the rough marks left by
the point chisel and
prepare the surface for
finer work.
SPALLING HAMMER It is a stone mason’s tool.
It is a heavy hammer
used for cutting, shaping
and rough dressing of
stones. It has a bevelled
striking face. It is a large
hammer usually with a
flat face and straight
peen for rough dressing
and breaking of stone.

MASH HAMMER A mash hammer is also

known as a stone
mason’s hammer. It is
used to hit and drive
chisel for the rough
dressing of stone. It is
double-sided with two
striking faces, most often
used in stone masonry
work. It should only be
used to strike stones, but
can also be used for such
tasks as chipping away
mortar in stone masonry.
This hammer consists of
a wooden handle to
which is attached a
heavy head, usually
made of metal.
MALLET It is a basic tool used for
the shaping of stone. It is
a wooden hammer used
for driving wooden-
headed chisels. It usually
has a large head.

PITCHING TOOL Pitching tool is a hand-

driven tool comprising of
a long edge with a thick
point. The ‘working-
edge’ of the pitching tool
has a broad flat face that
is generally ground to an
angle just slightly-off the
perpendicular. It is
mainly used to make
stones of the required
size. If the carving block
of the stone has flat-
sawn faces, then this
tool can be used to
remove a great deal of
waste material at the
initial stages of carving.
HAND SAW It is used to cut soft
stones. It is a saw with a
wide crosscut toothed
steel blade and
wooden/plastic handle
at one end. It is used in
one hand.
CIRCULAR SAW A circular saw is either
handheld or affixed to a
substrate. It runs on
electricity and is
provided with a toothed
or abrasive blade/disc
which has the ability to
cut different materials
including wood, stone,
brick, metals, plastic by
using a rotary motion
that spins around an
CROSSCUT SAW It is used to cut hard
stones. It is designed
specifically for rough
cutting. It has a
comparatively thick
blade, with large,
bevelled teeth.
Traditional 2-man
crosscut saws (felling
saws) have a handle on
each end and are meant
to be used by two people
to cut stones.
WATER LEVEL It is used to transfer and
check level. It is a simple
tool to measure the level
at two different points. It
is a tool that works on
the principle that water
always seeks its own
level. It consists of
flexible tube with liquid,
and the liquid at both
ends will be at the same
level whether you’re
holding them together or
spreading them a
hundred feet apart.
JOINTER A jointer in masonry
construction is a tool in
the form of a striking
iron or a striking tool
used to finish the
horizontal or the vertical
mortar joints. A jointer
or brick jointer is a hand
tool designed to imprint
grooves into recently
filled mortar joints at the
stage when they are
starting to set. Using a
brick jointer helps to
improve and visual
impact and the lifespan
of the mortar. Jointer is
used to refer to any tool
which can shape the
mortar between bricks.
BOLSTER Bolster is like chisel but it
is used to cut bricks. Its
cutting edge is wider
than the width of brick.
It is useful for accurate
cutting of bricks.

CROWBAR Crowbar is used for

digging the ground and
to remove the roots of
trees in the ground, nails

DRILLS Drill machine is used to

make holes in the walls,
slabs, doors, window
frames etc.
JACK PLANE Jack plane is used in the
wood work to smoothen
the surface of doors and
windows etc.

MEASURING TAPE to measure anything

necessary in the shop,
best tool for long

SCREW DRIVER Used to put in screws

and take them out, for
fastening wood pieces

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