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Oxford Exam Trainer
GAyAio3am1c1,1 AOCTynHi AflA 3aBaHTa>KeHHR:

Helen Weale
Consultant: Alla Yurchenko
Oxford Exam Trainer M i.sKHap0,QHi opraHi3at.1iT (po3,Qin 2).
Oxford Exam Trainer pmpo6neH1-1111 i3 Memio
A0noMorr111 Y4HRM niArorysarn01 AO Tecrys aHHR 3
aHmi111CbKO'i M0B"1. 13 2018 poK)IeK3aMeH TaK0>K
BKJ1t04aE eK3aMeHaL.liVIHi 3aBAaHHfl 3 po3yMiHHR M0Bl/1
Ha rnyx (ayAilOBaHHR). L(e B"1AaHHR Oxford Exam Trainer
BiAnosiAaE piBHIO B23riAHO 3
3araJ1bH0EBpone1,1CbKIIIMl,1PeK0MeHAaL(iRMl/13 M0BHo'I ocsirn .

3aranbHOEBpone CbKipeKOMeHAa4ii AJlR

piBHR 82
Y4eHb Ha pisHi B2
• p03yMiE 0CH0BHi iAe'iTeKcry AK Ha KOHKperny, TaK i
Ha a6opaKTHY T€Ml-1, BKnl04al04"1 Ill T€XHi4Hi
(cnet..1iani30BaHi) AIIICKycff.
• BMiE cniJ1KYBaTV1CR 3H0CiFIMl/1 M0Bl/1 3 TaK0IO Mip0IO
WBV!AK0CTi Ta cn0HTaHH0CTi, l.J..10 He 3aBAaE TPYAHOLLliB
>KOAHilll 3i CT0piH.
• BMiE 4iTKO, AeTaJlbH0 8i11CJl0BJllOBarn01Ha w111p0Ke
Kono TeM, s1,1pa>1<arn csolO AYMKY 3 nesHoT npo6neM1-1,
HaB0AFl'-lv1pi3H0MaHiTHi apryMeHrn 3a i np0Tv1.


niAPY4HIIIK MiCTIIITb 12 p03.Qinis. BOHv1 BiAn0Bi,QalOTb

yciM T€MaMl,l\0Bv1B4alOTbCFI B CTapwi111 WKOJli.
KO>KHl/1111 ypoK po3JJ.iny HaB4aE pi3HIIIM acneKTaM
nesHo·i TeM111:

1 Oco6111CTicHa c<t,epa
nosrnK.Q€HHe >Kv1TTFI Ta npo611eM111, j3 FIKIAMl,1 Mv1
3yCTpi4aEM0CR (p03JJ.iflv1 l Ta 2), CiM'FI Ta B3aEM0Bi,QH0Cll1HVl
(p03AiJ1 1 ),IHAIABiAyaJ1bHiCTb (p03AiJl 2), noBCRK,[\€HHi
cnpasv1 (p03Ain 7), 3.Qopos111111 cnoci6 >K111TTFI (p03.Qin 7),
,Qpy>t<6a i KOXaHHFI (p03.[lin 1),B3aEMOBiAH0(1.,1H1113APY3RMl/1
Ta 0AH0KJ1aCHIIIKaMv1(p03.[liJ7 1), Xo6i (p03.QiJ7 9),,[l03BUlJlFI
(p03,ain1,1 9 Ta 10), Oco6v1cricHi npiopiTern (p03.Qi11v14 ra
5), n11aH111 Ha Ma1116yrHE, B1116ip npocj)ecif (pm ,ain 5).

2>K111TTS1 a cycninbcrai (Oy6ni Ha c epa)

HaBKOm1WHEcepeA0BVILL1€ (p03,QiJlVI 3 Ta 12),>KviTTR B
aHm0M0BHIIIX Kpa'1Hax (p03.[1iJ7 4), noAOPOi'K (p03AiJl 8),
KynbTypa Ta M1-1CTet.1TB0 B YKpa'iHi III Ben1-1Ki111 6pvnaHff
(pm,qin 9), CnopT s YKpa·1Hi Ta BenviKilll 6p111TaHi'i (p03Ain
10), JliTepaTypa B YKpaiHi 111 Benv1Ki111 6pv1TaHff (pm.[lin
9), 3aco61,1 MaCOB0'i iH<j)OpMat.1ff (p03AiJl 9),MOJlO.[\b i
cyYaCHll!l/1 CBiT {p03AiJlVI 1 Ta 2), nt0AII! Ta HaBK0JlVIWHE
cepe,Q0B1t1ll\e (p03,Qinv1 3 ra 12), OARr (po 3,Qin 2),
noKynKII! (p03,QiJl 6),'f>Ka 111 ,QiETa (p03,QiJl 7), HayK0Bl/1111 Ta
nporpec, Bv1,QaTHi ,QiFl4i HayK\11 (P03AiJl 11), YKpa'fHa B
CBiTOBiVI cniJlbH0Ti (pm.Qin 2), Csina B YKpa'fHi VI
Ben111Kiiit 6pv1TaHif (p03,QiJl 8),Tpa,Ql1Llil° VI 3Bv14a'f B YKpalHi
Ta Be11111Killl 6p11TaHil' (p03,QiJl 9),B111AaTHi oco61t1CTOCTi B
icropii111 KYJlbTypi YKpa·1·Hv1 Ta Be111-1Ko'l 6p11TaHff
(p03AiJ1V1 9 Ta 11 ), lcTopv14Ha Ta KYJlbTypHa cna,QlJ..lviHa
YKpa'i'Hv1 Iii Ben111Ko'i' 6p11TaHff (p03,QiJlv1 9 Ta 11),My3e"j
111 BIIICTaBKIII (P03AiJ1 9),
KiHo Ta Tene6a4eHHR (pm,Qin 9), npasa J1KJ,Q11H111 (pm .Qin
3 OceiTHR c epa
+.;,.. 3

OcBiTa (p03,QiJl 4), WKi/7bHe >KIIITTR (p0 3,QiJl 4),

WKiJlbHi npe,QMeTI/I (p03Aill 4),C111CTeMa 0CBiTIII B
YKpa'iHi VI Be11v1Kili1 5pv1TaHff (p03,QiJl 4), IH03eMHi
M0Bl/1 B n0BCFIKA€HH0My >Kl1TTi (p03Ai114).
Ko>KHVIV, p03AiJl n0'-1"1HaETbCR 3 npe3eHTal.lff 111
rpeHyBaHHFI TeMaTIIIYHo'ineKC111Kv1. Y KiHt.1i
niAPY4Hll1Ka 3HaX0Av1TbCFt AB0M0BHl/1111
mocapi111(cnviCOK CJliB), s RKOMyCJl0Ba 3rpynosaHi Ja
Ko>1<Hv1V1 p0 3Ain Oxford ExamTrainer MiCTv1Tb FIK
MiHiMyM 0,QHe 3aB,QaHHR 3 4v1TaHHFI, .QBa 3aB,llaHHR
[lflR cnpv1111HRTTR Ha cnyx, 0AH€ 3aB,QaHHR 3
€K3aMeHLa(ili1He 3aB,D,aHHFI 3 nv1CbMa.
YKpa'iHCbKl/1111eK3aMeH He BKJ1K)4aE eK3aMeHal.jii::iHy
4aCrnHy 3 rosopiHHR. Anes KiHt.1i K0>KH0ro po3,Qiny
Oxford Exam Trainer E YP0K j3 rosop iHHFI 3nOBH0K)
po3M0BH0IO npaKTv'IK0K) 3a TeM0IO p03,QiJ1y, FIKl,1111
MO>Ke Bv1K0p111CT0ByBarnrnBKnaci a6o AflR
caMOCiTll1HO'i po6orn.L1e111 MaTepian M0>Ke
A0n0M0f"TII! niArorysarnrn AO WKiJlbHIIIX
p03M0BHll1X TeCTiB.TaKO;>K BiH 3a6e3ne4yE xopowy
npaKrnKy ,ll,JlR Y4HiB,RKi 36111paK)TbCR CKJlaAarn
Mi>KHap0,D,Hi eK3aMeHv1 3 aHmill!CbKo'i M0Bv'I.
Po3MOBHl111! 6aHK y KiHt.1i ni,Qpy'-IHIIIKa BKJlK)4ae:
Ha1116iJ1bW KOp11CHi g1,1pa3.-i i cf>pa31,1
BiAnOBiAHO AO M0BH0ro piBHR VI ccpep
TaKo>K y Oxford Exam Trainer s111 3Havi,QeTe
nosHv1171 3pa30K eK3aMeHy, FIK\11111M0>Ke
Bv1KOp111CT0ByBarnrn FIK npo6He TecryaaHHFI ni,a
yac ni,QroTOBKv1 p,o icn111ry.
Mv1 6a>+<aE:MO BaMnerKo'I ni,QroT0BKl/1 Ta ycniWHOro
CKJla,QaHHR eK3aMeHy!
AsTop111111 O xford University Press,
>KosTeHb 2019.
Reading Useof English
Family and society
What are friends The right time to get married?
Housework and
for? c. r t I iI 1 c;, 11
repairs Relationships I

' Collocations with
TV dads
i:1') Jc.a l, -c.1,oicer ze
Language review:infinitive and gerund (-ingform)

Attitudes and When i stradereally Perfectioni sm:an obstacle to happiness?

r·ar--i..w- -uh ..,, ..:holC" L z
Peopleand sode1y
behaviours Celebrations
Social issues and charity
fair? Collo c a tions
"' A very angry man
Politics with take ... 1 al lU .,,c " -
P- "i
Language review:past tenses review;used to and would

Ex '.TI Practice E Units 1-,2 pages 22- 23

Urban and rural living Manchester:the capital of the north

Unusual homes
Buying and renting a home i) (, n n, jr I T u I I 1
Home Ecologically-friend ly liv ing Intelligent homes
page 24 LP> -nl1lt•ol, ·hoic, :loz,
Language review: perfect tenses

Education system Student life Living and learningon an island

Life and traditions at school al) re a,,c r,ultipl, "10•c ,,
School and college M ob il e phones and learning
Extracurricularactivitl e5 - I nult ole-ct>c ice c.OZ"'
Exams Language review: would rather,would prefe,r had berter
Higher education

Exam Practice Units 3-,-4 pages 40--41

Employment A career on Job interviews
Looking for a job TV G r'a ic.> r,u iple-choicec oze
The job market Phrasal verbs and Remote working
collocations withdraw e ., r, ,It pi -choic ,vz
l anguage review:the causative

Money A winning advert? New shoppingtrends

Banking "' -= ·ho r- r_ •c I rnult,ple-c o,cecloze
Money Retail and adve rtis ing Purpose and contrast The history of Harrods
The world of busi ness e>'I"' ,,, I pie J OIC C OZf'
page 50 Language review:inversion

Units S-, 6 pages 58-59

Healthy eating Staying healthy Kids pumping iron

Sympt om s an d illn t C <>r1nrn ,c I rnult ple·ctiu,c cloze
Healthy living esses Healthcare Junk-food generation?
Al ternativet herapies e ,c... mul p.,., 1·01e e ,...e
page60 Addict ions Languagereview: reported speech

Types of travel Across the ocean Copi ng with traffic

Tourism G-. · ,,calmu11,pi,-cho,cecloze
Travel and tourisn, Urban transport Phrasal verbs with Travel with apurpose
l .,
page68 Traffic management and a rr I I\ ple-c ou e C · e
road safety Languagereview:participles

Exam Units 7-,8 pages 76- 77

Media and the
press Film
Exam Pract ce E Climate
Culture Creative arts:literature and
and art Performing arts:theatre Extreme weather Flora and fauna Theenvironment
free time
and music
pdge 78

Units 11- 12, pages 112-113

Sport venues
page 86 sports
Exam PracticeE sults
Science and sports
page95 Units 9- 1o, pages 94-95

Natureand problems
environment Information technology
c d all for sport
The Icarus Girl A phot o exhibition o L x1r• m pi ,. 1101< rfo,.,
Using s ince to connect r Hr
Languagereview:conditionalsreview, miXed conditiona ls

ideas ,,, t,r

rhol S To infin ity and beyond
ced p ara , matlCa r,,; 1ple-dlo1ce doze
oze o Radio waves
Sports advertisements Edi r , ),;
) . ' nbu t
LeXll.c.. mu , cfn.fl'
Language review: future perfect and continuous
Dependent prepositions rgh
and phrasal verbs Frin
ge f Water:our most preciousresource
L• 1.I r,I eh c. ,z.1 Gr rn c ,1e- 01c, cfrz,
Language review: past medals r Reducingyour carbon footprint
• n I e- c n•.
DNA:the blueprint of life a languagereview: the passive with the infinitive and
The Olympic Games the -ingform
• n;

e- a
We bought a zool ch, n
.I! ,c

Grammar lrregula, verb• Speaking bank Speaking bank (debate ideas)

reference pages pages 135-136 (usefulphrases) pages 137- pages 143-145
114-134 142
Communal living
Picking up a friend from the
errafriend for a favour
Teenagers: rebelling and conformingC versa11on
Generations livingtogether D•bate
Different families eh r• 1., , ,n

The way men and women think

Multiple-cho,ce r Suitable rolemodelsfor teenagers mal er"
(listening10 detalle>d unde>rs,...nding) Resp onding to an article (l)
People's at
,,,c es to sport
_ .." t- r ,pecific information)

Decorating your bedroom Rentinga property Fu,rn,·I err>'I

True/false Arranging an appointment

developments rup / false
Bullying at school
Extracurricular courses •109 ,5
luI iµ le-chnice Maki ng suggestions
(lis1eningtor specific ir,fumation)

Enquiring about a job Formal L 'nail

Turning a hobby into ajob Req u esting information
Multipt cho,c
,listening 1or deiaileo undemandingJ

How to save money o um JU St

Sug gestin g and givin g ad vice
Shopping on the highstreet or
online Tue false

Coping with exam stress

\'1aoazin<> r 'e
Describing past events
Living with adisability
Mui ,pl0 • choiCP
hs,Lning vr d .Jlll J nderstanding)
Problems on holiday
,, 1·tt r
Making acomplaint
Mu liPI -choice
list<..,1ng ior dua,led understandlngl

Goingto a concert withafriend I ,for I tmall

Making an invitation

Ways of using leisure time

Amemorable sporting experience
BJps ingL el,at<
Famlyicelebr Historic townareas f Jre d_scnptron
Describing an importan t event
ations, national
holidays 1..0
Charities O..t:,
School traditions Convc- at "'1
Consumer society r ur -escnpt o ExamsD -
Technology at school Different ways of revising n, ure description
orr allet.>'
Responding to an article (2)

v Finding a job ,r ersation
i Part-time jobs •bate
r Different jobs c <.:·e descr pt,on
n Managing money Co uersatlon
t Taxation ,
a Methods of paying • uredescription

v Addictions C, 'l s,1tiur
i Becoming a vegetarian nei:i
n Different ways to stay healthy "ir uredescnptton

r Where, why and how wetravel Co
v ,versation Low-cost airlines D j,
e Ways of commuting r r<.. -Kr.,.t,on
o Museums and art galleries· ,r
n versat,on TheInternet and free time )
Mass media , c , ... run
n Extreme sports , ••-
g Professional sports oat
Different rolesof sportin our lives ,ure description

e Popular gadgets and appsC ,versatIon
n Modern technology et.,,
t Eco-friendly inventions 1, u,_ description

The futureof the world

ultiple-choice Reducing plastic pollution Natural (r ,, e,satlon
orm p,:, disasters ·<"
Nuclear energy ,
.,cnIng for detailed Su ggest in g Endangered species P' uredescription
understanding) solutions

Writing bank Wordhst Practice test
page 145
pages 146-155 pages156-170 pages 171-183
VOCABULARY 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

0Are family trends similar in Ukraine?

Family and society
E) Who usually takes care of children in Ukrainian families7Do you think this is changi
1 Work in pairs. Describe the pictur es (1- 2).
What is the relationship between the people in
each picture?

Housework and repairs

4 Complete the questions (1-6) with the correct

words (a, b, c or d).
Do you _ your bed every day?
a clear b do c take d make
2 Who_ the windowsin your home?
a cleans b clears c shines d polishes
3 How often do you help_ the house?
a order in b settle for c tidy up d make up
4 How willing would you be to help _ a new
a assemble b install c gather d fix
5 Would you be prepared to_ a leak in the roof?
a complete b fix c renovate d recover
2 Fillin thegaps (1- 1O) in the article with words or 6 Have you ever_ any painting or decorating
phrases from the box.
jobs? What did you do?
a gone b made c taken d done
rth rate breadwinners childbir th childcare
vorce rates households nuclear family offspring 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
gistered partnership single-parent families in exercise4.


6 Match the words from the box with their
The British find it hard to define. It seems that the
conventional model of a(,n)
children) isnot the
(a married couple with
6 < i ¥ib11M d•l;lii·iit·Ulihli►

only option people choose. Many people simply livetogether with

a partner for a time before moving on to a different relationship.
And even those who decide to live with a partner often
prefer a(n)
(also referred to as a civil union) toa legal marriage
contract. Also. the number of 3 (mothers or fathers
raising kids alone} has tripled in the past 30 years.
Britain also has one of the highest 4________inEurope: two
in every five marriageswill probably fail. But some things are
more resistant to change. Household chores (e.g. ironing) are
still mainly carried out by women. while men are the 5 _ _ _ _
earning a higher salary thantheir female partners. In addition
to the discriminationin wages, women are also responsible for

The average age of first-time mothers in the UK is now 29-

compared to 26 in the 1970s - and women arehaving fewer 7
_ ___
This in turn has led to a decline inthe 8______, which isnow
averaging 1.8 children per couple. With rates of 9___________and
marriage down, and divorce and single-person10_____________up, is
Britain atrisk of becoming a nation of loners?
definitions (1- 8 ). Use each word only once.

acquaintance close friend colleague ex fiancee

mate next of kin sibling
- - - - - - - - - - - -'
1 an informal word for a friend
2 someone that you know, but aren't
very close to
3 so meone 's former wife,husband
or partner
4 someo ne that you know very well
5 so meo ne that you work with
6 a brother or siste r
7 a woman who is engaged to a man
8 a formal word for some o ne's
closest living relative or relatives

7 Write sentences using the words from exercise 6.

Oksana Shutko is my step-sister's colleague.
Passports usually contain information about a person's
next of kin.

8 Complete the sentences (1- 8) with phrases from

10 Work in pairs.Take turns to ask and answer the
the box. questions in exercise 9.
p close relationship drifted apart in a relationship in common keep in touch sett le down upsand downs
11 Choose the correct word to complete
the sentences (1- 5).
1 To avoid conflicts with others in society, it
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ with my cousins through is important to conform/confirm to rules.
social media. 2 My parents got into a big argument /contest about
2 Tina phones her mum every day.They have housework, which they didn't resolve.
a_______ 3 Ross d id n't invite Martha to his party, which
3 We used to be inseparable, but gradually accused/ offended her.
4 Our school has a new policy to deal with
bullying! cheating in the playground.
4 Don't cheat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It's better to be 5 Robert and I brought up/ fell out with each
other over a misunderstanding.
5 When is Elsa going to and get 12 Look at the picture. Describe the situation. Use any
married? suitable words from exercises 1-11 to say what
6 Even though we have our _ youthink is happening and what the people are
saying to each other.
Istill love you.

7 Jake and his girlfriend recently _

after a big fight.
8 I have a lot________________with my
grandmothe r.

9 Match the words in bold (1- 7) with
their definitions (a-g).
1 How would you react if a friend broke a
promise you'd asked them to keep?
2 What would you do if they threatened to tell
a secret you'd told them?
3 Have you ever accepted the blame for
something you didn't do? If yes, why?
4 In what type of situat ions,if any, do you like
people to leave you alone?
s How much does it bother you if someone makes 13 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions.
fun of you?
6 How important do you think it is to obey rules
at home?
OHow close are you and your family7 Who are
you closest to? Why?
7 How would you react if a friend wanted to punish
E) What's the best age to have children? Why?
you by not talking to you?
Q Do you do housework at home 7 If yes, what do
a laugh at somebody or make other people laugh you do? Who does the most in your family?
at them, usually in an unkind way
b stop annoying or talking to somebody
c make somebody suffer because they have
0 What's more important: having a lot of friends
or having just one or two? Why?
done something wrong
C, How important is it to you to spend time with
d say that something is your fault
your extended family?How often do you see
e not do what you said you would definitely
each other7
do f do what you are told to do
g tell someone you will cause trouble if they don't
Q Have you ever had a big disagreement with a
do friend? What happened?
what you want
1 Look at the pictures (1-4).Match the
expressions from the box to each picture.

co-operation emotional support

having fun shared experiences

2 Work in pairs.Talk about what you think is

most important in a good friendship.Use the
exp ressions from exercise 1 or your own

3 Read th e first paragraph of a text about friendship.

Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
The most important people for many teenagers are
... A people in their family.
B friends of their family.
C a boyfriend or
girlfriend. D their teenage

To many teenagers, their most important

relationship is not the one they might
have with a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's
their relationship with their friends.
Indeed, most teenagers prefer to spend
more time with their friends than with
their family.
But what does friendship mean?

There is a poem in Sanskrit, the classical language of have known all your life, or someone you've
India, which says that friendship must consist of the recently met.
following elements: giving, taking, sharing secrets,
knowing where your friends are, and giving and
sharing food with them. This ancient definition seems
like a very apt description. Shared interests and
are essential. It isn't easy to get on with someone who
can't stand your taste in music or fashion.
Most of us have friends - but it's likely that only a few
of them can be described as close friends. Robin
Dunbar, a British professor of evolutionary
psychology, believes that the maximum number of
people we can have in our social group at one time is
150. Many of
these are casual friends or acquaintances.We don't
meet them very often, but we might invite them to a
big party, for instance. But - according to Dunbar -
we don't normally have more than five close friends.
So who is a best friend? It is someone who's there for
you when you're feeling miserable - to give you
advice when you want it and to just listen when you
need someone to talk to. It might be someone you
(such as music and films), and can give you advice
about the different issues you face. For some people,
especially those who aren't so self-assured, making
friends online is easier. Online friends aren't going to
It might be someone you only see once a year, but when be as demanding as your friends from the real world
you do get together it feels like you saw him or her only might be. Moreover, if you get bored with a
last week. But can you have a best friend of the opposite conversation online, or if someone's messages are
sex? In theory, the answer should be yes, but in practice, getting on your nerves, you can just ignore them. On
things can get complicated! the other hand,
These days, social networking sites offer many it may not be realistic to expect your online friends to
opportunities to get to know people online. These are give you real support when you need it - so a balance
usually people who are into the same things as you are of online and real-world friends is probably ideal!


Words in context
• Find and underline the part of the text which
contains information about each question . 6 Match the words (1- 6) from the text with their
definitions (a- f).
• Decide which options are definitely incorrect. Then
read the relevant part of the text again carefully to 1 essential
decide which of the remaining options is the correct
answer. 2 complicated
3 demanding
4 Read the text. For questions (1- 5)
choose the correct answer (A, 8, C or D). 4 miserable

What does the Sanskrit poem describe? 5 apt

A Why friendships were different in the past. 6 self-assured
B Why sharing a meal is important.
C What the history of friendship is. a expecting a lot of attention from others
D What every friendship should have. b suitable or appropriate
c difficult to understand or deal with
2 What does the word acquaintances in
d permanently unhappy
paragraph3 mean7
e having a lot of confidence in themselves and
A people you do not know well
their abilities
B people you are related to
f completely necessary, extremely important
C people you are very close
to D people you work with Collocations with get
3 What should a true friend do, according to 7 Complete the sentences with the appropriate
the text? form of get and a word or phrase from the box.
A Hide your secrets from other people.
B Always beready to give you advice. bored complicated on my nerves on with to know

Martha keeps singing the same song.She's really

C Be there to help you whenever you feel
2 WhenTim's sister fell in love with his best
D Enjoy the same kind of music as you.
friend, things quickly _
4 According to the text, what is NOT TRUE 3Idon't understand why Lily and Dan
about a best friend? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each other so wel l - they
2 You might have known them for a long time. are so different!
3 It isn't important to have grown up with 4 If you didn't complain all the time, I wouldn't
4 It's essential that you see them frequently. and stop listening.
5 You don 't need to see them regularly. 5 Did they each other
5 What does the author say about online friends? at university7
A They are easier to make if you aren't confident.
B You have to share the same hobbies with
8 k in pairs. Look at the pictures below and
discuss how friendships are changing, and what
them. C They will never judge you, even if you're
youthink about this.
boring. D They are harder to ignore than friends
in real life.

5 Work in pairs. Do you agree with the definition of

friendship from the text?
LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple-choice doze
infinitive and gerund (-ing form)
Read the whole text first without filling in the gaps to
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form find out what it is about.Then read it again and choose
of the verbs in brackets: the infinitive or the correct answer.
Do you mind (turn) 3 Read the text. For questions (1- 10
) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
I'mtrying (get ) some sleep!
2 (live) as part of acommunity is
im portant to help you avoid _ _ _ (feel)
3 dad has never forgott en _ _ _ (meet) my
mum for the first time,but hedid forget _
(buy) her ananniversarypresent this year.
4 f you want_ _ _ (get) theauthor'sautograph, The earliest portrayals of dads onTV were simplistic,
it will mean (queue) for at least an sticking to the image of what an ideal father might be
• The dads of the 1950s worked full-time, while

Grammar reference pages 114- mums stayed at home to 2_ up the children. Jim
116 Anderson from the sitcom Father Knows Best
returned from his job,took off his jacket and rolled up
Grammatical multiple -choicedoze his sleeves to solve all the problems 3_ home.
The roles of dads started to change as feminism
2 Read the text.For questions (1- 5)
gained popularity and women began to be seen as
strong and independent working mothers. And in the
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1970s these shows were 4_ by new ones that
mirrored changes in society. Suddenly, blended
families and work-from-home dads appeared on the
screen. Male'-started taking responsibility for
providing emotional support at home, 6_ _ if they could
not hope to get it right all the time.
Then, the late 1980s featured the rise of the idiotic
dad. Homer Simpson in The Simpsons was the first of
_ dads who needed more than his
looking 8
e 1 _to get married. While there is 2_perfect age to marry, it is often not until peopleAfter moving
reach thirtyfrom
that wise
they dads to clueless
are able to makedads,
such today's
a big commitment.
TV fathers are beginning to find a 9 • With cutting
by the time they marry, they 4to provide financial
re emotionally more mature, they may also find it

_to reacha compromisewhen it is necessary in



- <: 1 i UMISIJ,/ j■;UU•MMihi & ►

edge shows and reality
television, we are getting
a more realistic 10_

offatherhood. Now,TV
series show dads who
are breadwinners,
nurturers and great dads!

A as Blike C
for O such
2 A make Braise
Cbring D take
3 Ai n Baround
Con D
4 A taken Bmade
Copened D
5 A actors Bcharacters
Cdirectors D
6 A even Bperhaps
Cdespite D just
7 A impolite Bunderstandable
Cimmature Dunclear
8 A to Braund
1 A decid e Cthrough
B decided DC to decide D deciding
after 2 A no B not C never D none
3 A Bbalance
9 A harmony allowed Bhad allowed CC allows D is allowing
peace 4 Acan B areable DC have D need
calm 5 A easily B easiest C easier D the
10 A view Blook ( easiest
approach D belief

S Work in groups. Describe the pictures (1- 3), then
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions . discuss the questions .
Do you feel like part of the community where you
0How well do you know your neighbours? live? Why?/Why not?
8Do you think you could ask your neighbours 2 If youcould organize an event to bring your
for help if you needed it? community together, what would it be?

Understanding the situation and the relationship between

the speakers can be helpful in interpreting a listening
text. Listen carefully for clues like how people address
each other, whether they use formal or informal
language, or what expressions they use.

2 GJE!>, Listen to the beginning of a

conversation. Who is Emma talking to? Choose the
most likely answer (A, B, C or D). What helped you
A a neighbour
B a teacher
C a rad io int erviewe r
D another student

3 ---""" Jm, Listen to the text. For

statements (1- 5) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. You
willlisten to the text twice.
Emma wants to find out how her
grandmother'scommunity has
2 Emma says there are
advantages and disadvantages
to living in
a close community.
3 Emma describes on line
friendships as natural.
4 Not all of the people at Synchronicity
share the same living space.
5 It is very unusual for people to
live in communes in the USA.

4 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

The words all appeared in the recording.

business common sense space

In villages, people often know too much about

everyone else's_ _ _ _
2 Going through a crisis together often
inspires a strong ocfommunity.
3 It's_________knowledge that Jess and Sam are
go ing out toge ther.
4 Ben is freelance, but he rents an office _
with two friends.

< ii iMISI M·l ihh •Mlhihi♦

1 11
Informal Pmail!askina a friend for a
filvour Work in pairs. Write a fuller description of Ben.
Describe his personality and habits.
Work in small groups. Discuss the questions.
1 Do you ever ask your friends to do you a
favour? What do you usua lly ask them to do
for you? Read Ivan's email again. Find and underline one
2 Which favours do you most frequently ask for? indirect question. Now put the words in the
Number them 1- 4, where 4 is the most correct order to make indirect questions.
frequent. you/ I/ they/ arriving?/ when/ be/ Could/ will /
lendyou money or
clothes speak to
2 some/ you/ was/ advice./ if I wondering/
someone for you give
give could/ me/ I
you a lift
meet you at a bus or train station 3 wouId/ whether/ ask/ come / me./ I / to/
with wanted /you
Match the sentence beginnings (1- 4) with
the correct endings (a- d).
1 Would you mind talking to one of my friends
2 Could you possibly meet
3 If you have time, could you send me
4 Do youthink you could lend me be very happy to sleep on the sofa!
I know your flat's small. so it's fine if you don't have
a the links you mentioned?
room. Ivan
b who is quite unhapp y and
anxious? c a couple of jumpers
during my visit? d us at the bus
12 < ii ,iMiil
ili·IUOIMMIOi i ►
Work in pairs. Read the exam task below and
the email written by Ivan, an exam candidate.
Discuss thequestions.
1 Does Ivan's email include all theinformation
2 What information does he include in addition
to the points in the list?

You are staying in London

andhave received thisemail from your English
friend Ben. Write an email of at least 100 words
to another friend in which you:
► say why you can't have Ben to stay,
► ask your friend to put him up for the night,
► describe Ben.

I'm coming to London on Monday 4th October because
I've got an interview the next day, and I was wondering
if I could stay with you that night. I'm happy to sleep on
the sofa! If it isn't OK, just say, and I'll ask somebody

Hi Aleks,
I was wonderingif you could do me a big favour. My
friend, Ben. is comni g to London on Monday. He's asked
if he could stay the night, but my brother's staying with me
then, so there won't be any room for Ben. Could he stay
the night with you? He's a really nice guy - and he would
4 let/ youI can/ Could / know/ if/ help?/ you/ me

Use expressions like those in exercise 2 to make your

request more polite.

( You have received the following

email from your English friend, Joanna. Write
an email of at least 100 words to another
English friend in which you:
► explain why you can't meet Joanna at the airport,
► ask if your friend could meet her,
► describe Joanna.

Sorry I haven't been in touch recently. 'I ve been so busy!
I'm coming to Kyiv on Saturday 1st August and I'm staying
for a week in a youth hostel in the city centre.
I was wonderingif you might be able to meet me at the
airport and come with me to the hostel. My flight gets in at
6.40 p.m. If you can't. no problem.

Check your work.
D Have you written about all three points in the task?
D Have you given enough detail in your description
of Joanna?
D Have you checked your work for
grammar, vocabulary and spelling
D Have you written at least 100 word)?
Conversation Picture description
1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about
3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- C).Take
teenagers, parents and grandparents.
turns to compare the pictures and talk about
Describe one of your parents or grandparents. Is the
he or she strict or easy-going with you? Give some different families.
examplesof how he or she behaves towards you.
2 Do you always obey your parents' rules?
Why?/Why not? What happens if you disobey
them and your parents find out?
3 Have you ever had an argument with one of your
parents or grandparents? What was the argument
about? What happened?
4 'Teenagers would hate it if there weren't any rules
to break'.Do you agree? Why?/Why not?
5 If you have your own children, which rules will
you have for t hem when they are your age?
Why have you chosen these rules?
6 'Always following the rules means that you never
have to think for yourself.' Do you agree? Why?/
Why not7


2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the

points in the list and have a debate.
Decide if you are going to argue for or against the
statement. If you argue for the statement, you are
Student A If you argue against it, you are Student B.
Both Student A and Student Bshould make notes
for each point in the list about what you are going to
say and what your opponent might say. Make notes
about what you will say in reply to your opponent.
Student A: Begin the debate with one point
Student B: Respond with an argument against
Student A's point.
Student A: Respond by saying something that
supports your view.Continue until youhave
discussed the three points in the list.
The best way to live as a family is for
grandparents, parents and children to live
• relationships between family members
• number of people in the home
• housework and home repairs

� f:m313tW1fflffl@®MiitiiDi
< J1 1
# \hSWI ·IMh
Attitudes and behaviours
, Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 6)
and answer the questions.

0 What influences people'simp ressio ns

of another person?
E) How fair are these impressions?

2 Match the correct words (a or b} with their 3 Comple te the sentences (1- 6 ) with verbs from the
definitions (1- 7 ). box.
1 a fixed idea that many people have of a
ring fit look rebel stand take
particular type of person or thing
a equality b stereotype At what age do you think young people should
2 willing to accept behaviour and beliefs that are ontheresponsibilities of an adult? Why?
different to your own 2 In what ways might students change their
a broad-minded b narrow-minded
behaviour to inwith others at
3 judging peopleon the basis of their ethnic
3 How can writing petitions and organizing protests
a nationalism b racism
about changes in society?
4 the unfair treatment of people, especially women,
because of their gender
a ageism b sexism
5 behaving carefully to avoid offending the
14 2
Hh Hl -iii·ii· Ali ►
feelings of other people or cultures
a regard b respect
6 an unreasonable dislike for a person or
group a preference b prejudice
7 concerned with reducing suffering and
improving life for others
a humanitarian b upbringing
4 Do you always _ _ _ up for yourself when
someone treats you unfairly? Why?/Why not?
s Why ,s i t important to atthings from
other people's point of view?
6 Can it be a good thing for teenagers to
against authority? Why?Nvhy not?

4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in

exercise 3.
Celebrations Politics
5 Fill in the gaps (1- 6) in the text with words 8 Match the words in bold in the sentences (1- 6)
from the box. with their definitions (a- f }.
1 Deputies will strongly oppose these plans.
ersary celebrate decorate festive
2 Our discussion focuses on three main issues.
ception tradition
3 No one was persuaded by the arguments
put forward by the president.
4 The main objective of this health policy is to
improve public hospitals.
5 Educ ation isa top priority for our government.
6 Two politicians will face tough questions in
theTV interview today.
a make somebody do something by giving them
good reasons for doing it
b accept and deal with something that is difficult or
c disagree strongly
alley. The mood 1s really 4as the day also happens to be both my parents' weddings _ _ _ _ and my with somebody's
own birthday. plan,
Grandma loves thispolicy,
day!She's already look
etc. and try to change it or prevent it from
d give attention, effort, etc. to one particular
subject, sit uation o r person rather than another
e something that you think is more impo rtant
than other things and should be dealt with first
f something that you are trying to achieve
9 Do you know the answers to these questions
about Ukraine? Discuss in pairs.
Social issues and charity
1 Who's currenlty the head of state in Ukraine?
6 Choose the correct word to complete 2 Is there acoalition government, ora single
the sentences (1-8). party in power?
1 Some elderly people move to care/caring 3 Who leads thegovernment?
homes when their families can't look after 4 How many Deputies ofVerkhovna Rada were
them. electedin the last general election?
2 Are you going to donate/presentany money 5 Which political parties form theOpposition inVerkhovna
to charity this month? Rada?
3 Some Brit ish schools support talentedchildren 6 Who is the mayor of your town or city?
from underprivilege/udndeserving 7 In the last election, where was your local polling station?
backgrounds, whose families can't afford tuition 8 How olddo you have to be to voteina general election?
4 This organization is advertising /campaigning 1 0 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions.
to raise awareness about child trafficking.
0Do you new
5 The government has introduced knowsocial
anyone who's been a victim of discrimination? What happened? How did the person deal w
reforms/rulesto address f)
What steps do you think could betaken to
6 We are currently fund ing/raising
eliminatemoney to build
a new homeless shelter.€) Which special occasions do your family celebrate together? What do you usually do?
7 Will Sam offer /volunteeras a teaching assistant
at the primary school this year?
0 Would you prefer to donate money or do voluntary work to support a good cause? Why?
8 Corporate encouragement/sponsorship is a
major source of revenue9forDo many charities.
you think it is impor t ant to vote in
7 Work in pairs. Discuss the elections? Why?/Why not?
0How does Ukraine benefit from membership
0What charities do you know ininUkraine? Whatorganizations7
international do they do? How do you personally benefit?
f) Look at the words in bold in exercise 6.What
do you think are the most important social issues affecting Ukrainians? Why?


Gapped text 2 Read th e article ignoring the gaps.What is fair trade?
1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 6) and
discussth e que stion . After filling in the ga ps, read the whole text and check:
ich information is most Important to you when buying clothes,and which is least im portant? Why ?

• that it is logica l and easy to understand,

• that the missing sentences match the text before and
after the gaps grammatica lly.

3 Read the text . Choo se from (A- H)

the phrase which best fit seach space (1- 6).
Ther e are two choices you do not need to use.

A feed , clothe and provide healthcare

B including bananas, cotton, sugar and tea
C from selected independent shops
p rice brand name
D by fair-trade groups in India and Nepal
E before deciding to spend their money
F take all the profits for themselves
G and purchased on the high street
I H and investment in community projects

working conditions

where it wasmade

quality care instructions


<2H iM4id ii-lHilH ►
4 Read the text again. Choose T if the statement is
true according to the text, F if it is false.
When is trade really lair? T F
The number of fair-trade clothes
Do you ever pause to wonder, before on sale isdecreasing.
you purchase a new T-shirt or a pair of
2 A'fair-trad e·label will only be
jeans, about the people who harvested the
awarded if consumers pay an
cotton - their working conditions and rate acceptable price for goods.
of pay? An increasing number of people 3 Only specialized shops tend to sell
around the world are questioning such fair-trade clothing .
issues 1_ . Consequently, the clothing 4 Fair-tradeclothes aren't just an ethical
industry is beginning to take note, with choice, they're also a fashion
manufacturers producing and shops statement_
selling a wide range of fair-trade items.
5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
So, how exactly can we define fair
trade? Essentially, 'fair trade' is the label
given to products when the producers
have received a price that is adequate
to 2_ for themselves and their
families. Moreover, it is expected
that their working conditions meet a
standard of health and safety regulations.
However, all too often, under normal
trade conditions, companies that form
the link between the producers and the
consumers 3_ . The producers are left
with an income they can scarcely survive
on and have to put up with
unsatisfactory working conditions.
Initially, fair-trade clothing was only
available 4_ and websites. Now, an
expanding range of fair-trade items
can be routinely found 5_ • Fair-trade
clothes have become more fashionable,
too. Companies like People Tree
produce high-fashion items aimed at 16-
24-year olds. 80% of their products use
100% organic and fair-trade cotton, and
are handmade 6_. The aim is to create
clothes for teenagers that were produced
fairly, but look amazing at the same

0How important do you think clothing brands are? Give reasons for your answer.
E) Would you buy a cheap pair of jeans if you didn't know whether the producers received a fair deal for makin

acceptable in quality or quantity

Words in context Collocations with take

7 Find the phrase take note in the article. What does
6 Match the words from the text it mean? Complete the sentences (1-5) with
(1-5) with their definitions (a- e). a word or phrase from the box and the verb take.
1 harvest
action aninterest for granted note thepressu reoff
2 adequate
3 regulacions 1 Do Tim'sparents________________in his
4 unsatisfactory schoolwork?
5 organic 2 Recruiting new staff w ou ld _ _ _ _ _ _ _
t h e team.
a not good enough
3 The players didn' t_______________of what the
b pick and gather crops
c produced without coach said and lost th e game.
4 It's tim e we stopped talking about this -we
using chemicals d
need to _
official rules made by a
government e 5 Most people nowadays paid
holidays _

<i HiM41¥1il·i Hi ■i+ 11

LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple -choice doze
past tenses review • used to and would 3 Read the text. For questions (1-
1O) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
Ellie got an unexpected surprise while she
(rea)her local newspaper last
She 2 (find ) a photo of a girl she
) primary school with. In the
photo, the girl_4 ___ (wear) a pilot's uniform.
What Ellie 5 (discover ) in the article
astonished her. Lisa, the girl from her school,
f)racing planes for years and she
(al w)several
trophies.The Lisa tha t she 8 k)was A very angry man
so shy she A 56-year-old man entered a p ol ling station on
(sit) in the back of the classroom, hardly _

saying a word to anyone. How things 10 _ Monday, 1 a ballot box and ran out. Then
(change)! he put the box on the street, 2_ over it in his
van and drove away. Police arrested him a few
Grammar reference pages 116- minutes later, but did not confirm whether he
was the 3_ man who threw a ballot box in
Grammatical multiple-choice doze the river on election day in 2000. On that 4_ ,

the man was released without being

charged. Monday's incident occurred as
people in the
If the word fits in the gap grammatically, youstillneed Nova Scotia town of New Glasgow were 5_
check if it completes the whole sentence in a logical up to vote in Monday's national election. 'The
box was as 6 as a pancake,' said Dana Doiron,
2 Read the text.For questions (1-5) a spokesperson for Elections Canada.
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or DJ. Despite the 7 , local election officials
managed to reconstruct the box and no
ballots were lost. New Glasgow police chief
Perfectionism: an obstacle to Lorne Smith said the man would be 8 with
happiness? theft and damage to

According to a recent study, pertectionism 1 _ be possessed C doesn't possess D didn't

an obstacle to happiness. Canadian researchers in possess
psychology 2_ the claim that pertectionists are 5 A displays B is displayed
ticking emotional time bombs 3 _ unrealistic desire C been displayed D displaying
to be pertect is a cry for help.The most common
type of this disorder is when the person wants to
become the best in somethin,galthough he or she
_ the skills
to do this. Another type of perfectionism _ by

people who think that everyone should be perfect -

including their family!

A need B should
C may D ought
2 A be made B would make
C making D have made
3 A whose B which
C who D that
4 A isn't possessing 8 hasn't
property. When asked by a police officer why 2 A ran B broke C jumped D fell
he had done it, the man said he was trying to 3 A exact Bsimilar Csame D different
_ justice for his community. Lorne Smith 4 A occasion Bcircumstance Csituation D ease
told Reuters, 'We believe it was ongoing 10 5 A staying Blining Cstepping_ D moving
with the federal government that brought 6 A round B hot Cgood D Aat
about such a reaction,' declining to give
7 A damage B hurt C injury D harm
further details.
8 A threatened Baccused ( charged D responsible
9 A look Bfind C hunt D seek
1 A caught B held ( grabbed D gained 10 A conflicts Bcontests Cchallenges D wars



3 G Listen to the text. For

questions (1- 5) choose the correct answer (A, B or
You will listen to the text twice.
What does Speaker 1 say?
A She can't think of examples of caring men.
B She doesn't believe in stereotypes about male and
female behaviour.
Multiple-choice C She suggests that women are nor good decision
(listening for detailed understanding) makers.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 2 What does Speaker 2 NOT accept?
A That male and female brains are biologically

In what ways, if any, are boys brou the same.
differently to girls? , .. .· B That men and women behave in a different way.
E) Do you think men and women usually have C That men and women think in the same way.
different interests? What interests do they share
3 According to Speaker 3, why do men and
or not share7
women think differently?
0 How true is it to say that men and women A The reason isn't clear.
think differently?
B It's because they are different genetically.
C It's a combination of genes and upbringing.

4 According to Speaker 4, why do girls do

2 Complete the vocabulary sets (a-e) with words more housework?
from the box. There are two words you do not
A Because they think housework is important.
need to use. B Because their brothers expect them to do it
C Because mothers ask girls to help more at home.
brain breadwinner caring decision-maker
education female holiday logical male 5 According to Speaker 5, what is TRUE about
rational society stereotype timing children when they start school?
A Boys and girls are clearly different.
a Behaviour:
B Boys and girls learn behaviour from older
children. C Unlike girls, boys want to fit in.
emotional, _ Work in pairs. Read the statement below. Together
b The importance of upbringing: find three arguments for and three arguments
school, family, _ against the statement.
c Biology: Women should be given more paid holidays so they
genes, _ _ _ _ can look after their children.
d Gender: Include these points:
son, daughter, father, mother, _ • the cost of childcare
• equality between men and women
e Describing gender roles: • advantages and disadvantages for employers
generalize, _

• Read the statements and underline the key words

that help you decide what information to listen
• On the first listening, mark the answers you are
sure about.
• On the second listening, check and confirm your
answe rs, and decide about the more difficult questions.
< IU·idi
M·IM ilii ► 19
Formal letter: respondinQ to an article 3 I would like to your readers that most
(1) teenagers that discriminat ion of any
kind is unacceptable.
Work in pairs.Discuss the que sti ons.
4 I must the importanceof family
Do adults generally have a positive or relationships for young people like myself.
a negative view of teenagers? Why? 5 I that most readers of this newspaper
How is your life different from your have children or know someone who has.
parents' lives at your ag e? Do you have
a better time than them?
Use semi-formal language when you write to the
How do you spendyour free time? What do
author of an article. Use full forms (I am not f!m) and
you spend most time doing? Why? more formal phrases (e.g. in response to).
A: You have read the following
article in a newspaper. Write a letter of at least
Read the letter and answer the questions (1- 3). 100 words to the author of the article in which
Dear Nick, ► explain why you disagree with the author of the
I am writing in response to your article 'Obsessed article,
with themselves' (23rd July), in which you argued
that today's teenagers are so concerned with how ► give an example of a person who is a good role
they appear on social media that they have no model for you and explain why,
time to think about social issues. ► mention other people who are good role
As a 17-year-old, I feel this view does not models for people your age.
accurately describe myself or my friends. While
most teenagers spend a lot of time on social
media, many of us think about social issues in 0111 SEPTEA,1BER
our country and the world. We are very aware
of poverty, homelessness , unemployment, social Celebrities
inequality and discrimination, and we do what
we can to help. are a bad
Ella Stone
Fro example, one of my friends volunteers at What do you do when your
night shelter; another regularly visits an elderly 2 In her article of 3rd January, Jane Cole
lady to help her with household tasks. I myself
volunteer at our local food bank, which supplies that teenagersshou ld be given more
emergency food to people.
Finally, I would like to say that at school we
study social issues from different perspectives.
As a result of this and our experience as
volunteers , I believe we have a very good
20 <2 i f MUIJii·iMi•H ►
understanding of, and deep concern for, social
Yours sincerely,
Kathra ine Hill

Who is the letter to?

2 Does the writer use informal or semi-
formal language?
3 In which paragraph does she say why she is

Complete the sentences (1- 5} with the correct

form of the verbs from the box. There is one
verb that youdo not need to use.

argue assure challenge emphasize expect

focus on recognize

I feel I must________the statement that young

people do not respect others.
teenager starts being rude to
everyone, including her
classmates? Do you accept thi s
as normal teenage behaviour or
not? This is the dilemma I faced a year ago with
my daughter.
I worked out that she was copying this behaviour from
a female pop star that she thought was cool. She was
not the role modelI wanted my daughter to have!
Pop stars, footballers, film s tars and online celebrities
all become role models for teenagers, and not all of
them are good ones. Many of them talk only about their
wealth and show no compassion for others who are less
well off. I fear for our young people if this is the kind of
person they want to imitate. How will they learn to
respect others if their role models do not?

'8 '4Wttti!ttbii¾iililfiilfil
Check your work.
D Have you written about all three points in the t ask?
D Have you stated your response clearly?
D Have you used appropriate semi-forma l language?
D Have you written at least 100 words?
Conversation Picture description
1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about
3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- E) of
people and society.
clothes and clothes shopping. Take turns to
1 Describe a family celebration you have been compare the pictures and say what you think
to recently. What did you enjoy? What did about how we
you not enjoy? Expla in why. consume things.
2 If you had a foreign visitor staying with you,
which nat ional holiday celebration would you
take him or her to? How would you explain it to
him or her7
3 'Expensive birthday parties and weddings are
a waste of money:Do you agree? Why?/'Why
4 How did you celebrate your last birthday or
name day? Did you celebrate it differently from
how you used to?If you did, what did you use to
do? If not. why did you celebrate in the usual
5 How do you feel about the holidays we have
recently borrowed from other countries such as
Valentine's Day or Father's Day?
6 'We should have fewer national holidays in
the winter and more in the summer'.Do you
agree? Why?/'Why not7

2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the
points in the list and have a debate.
Use the Internet to research charities that help poor
people in Ukraine and other countries. Discuss the
different ways these charities help people.
The person who has more charities in their list can
choose whether to be Student A or B. If you argue
for the statement, you are Studen t A. If you argue
against it, you are Studen t B.
Both Student A and Stu dent Bshou ld make notes for
each point in the list about what you are going to
say and what your opponent might say. Make notes
about what you will say in reply to your opponent.
Student A:Begin the debate with one point.
Student B:Respond with an argument against
Student A's point.
Student A: Respond by saying something that
supports your view. Continue until you have
discussed the three points in the list.
Everyone should donate to charities that help
extremely poo r peop le around the world.
• the needs of people living in extreme poverty
• the role of the state in responding to social needs
• the effect of donating money on the person
who gives
Speaking bank:debateideas page 143
(' 2 UHUI M·IHilii ► 2,

, E X AM P R A C TI CE E X T B A: UN IT S 1 . - .2 - - -


Lexical multi le-choice clozE'

Read the text. For questions (1- 10 )

Re me mber that the order of the sentences in the exam choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
task follows the ord er of the information in the
recording. On the first liste ning, answe r the state ments
you are sure of. On the second liste ning , focus on the
state me nts that you missed during the first liste ning .
Then check all your answers. How safe is social networking?
Soci al networking has changed the way we
Look at the sentences in exercise 2. In what communicate with each other. we can now connect
order (1- 3) are you going to hear the following with people 1_ over the world in an instant. But
information (a- c)? is it as good as so many people seem to think it is?
2 3 - Personally speaking, I've got nothing 2_ social
a who took part in the blind dates networking sites if people use them responsibly.
b who Sandra works for Howeve,rwhen people share too much information
c what happened at the blind date about themselves, you may end up with serious privacy
3 4
Q) Listen to the text. For _ . This is especially true for younger users, _

statements (1- 5) chooseT if the statement is pre -teens,who may reveal more than they should.
true according to the text, F if it is false. You They may often do this 5_ realizing that everyone can
will listen to the text twice. see what they've posted online - not just their friends.
T F Then, there's the whole question of cyber bullying -
Sandra doesn't work for a where people use the sites to spread damaging 6_
charity any more. about someone. That 7_ of behaviour is complete ly
2 Employees weren't asked to unacceptable. Something should really be
submit their personal information. _ about this. I know that sites 9
_ you to block
3 Less than 50% of t he someone who behaves inappropriately,but is this
participants were male. enough? If I was a parent, I would do whatever it
4 Sandra is a tall woman. took to ensure my child's online

5 After their blind date, Sandra

went out with her partner a few .' ' ·\ •O , dt "-.

more times.
- /. Sacioi fu6tim,l
,- -.. ®. C,

. .-
'1 -
. .:r.ft'"

f .)-

,-., 'TI

A mostI B right C far D all

2 A against B towards C behi nd D between
3 A cases Btopics ( themes D issues
4 A as Bsuch as ( similar D same
5 A besides B without ( otherwise D except
6 A rumour B story Cgossip D tale
7 A kind Bmethod C line D syst em
8 A done B made C proved D completed
9 A admit B approve C allow D agree
10 A defence Bshelter C cover D safety
Gapped text

Pay attention to pronounsand subject- verb agreement when

choosing a phrase for the missing section. For example, if
the sentence before a gap hasthe pronoun they in it, then
you know that the next paragraph should not refer to an / or
a she.

� Read the first paragraph of the article about

Tomoko Sawada. Who does th e missing ph rase
refer to: Robert De Niro or Tomoko Saw ada?
do you think so?

S Read the text. Choose fr om (A- H)

the one which best fits each space( 1- 6). Ther e
are t wo choices you do not need to use.
Tomoko Sawada is the Robert De Niro of Japanese
A not wishing to lose her identity photography. Just as 1 _ his role in Raging Bull,
B might be thinking under the Sawadaput on five kilograms before starting her 2001
surface C symbolized by their self-portrait series based on formal photos used in
uniforms traditional Japanese match-making . Then each week
D based solely on how you look she visited a photo booth dressed as a different woman.
E dressed up as 400 different
people F accepting people for who Adoptinga low-caloriediet, Sawada gradually dropped
they are G lasted twenty weeks or her weight over the course of the project, which 2_ •
so 'The easiest way to change other people's impression
H he gained weight to prepare for of youIs to change your body type,' she says. The
result is a delightfully startling series in which Sawada,
26, appears as thirty different peop le, from a pig-
WRITING tailed,docile girl ina
green kimono to a stylish modern woman in a black
Informal letter/a:am il trouser suit.
'Even though you are the same person, other people's
You ha ve received a surprise opinion of youchanges, 3_ , and I wanted to ask
birthday gift from an English fri end who li ves why,' shesays. A chubby girl, Sawada had long felt
in anoth er town. Write an email to your friend unattractive and inferior to her thinner friends. She hit
in which you: a turningpoint when she started masquerading as
► thank him/her for thegift, differentwomen for an art-school assignment to make
► say what you like about it andwhat you will use it self-portraits.
for, Over three months in 1998 and 1999, she went back a
► describe how you celebrated your birthday. few hundred times to a photo booth outside a subway
Write an email of at least 100 words. Do not write station in Kobe, where she lives. In this way, she
your own name, any dates,addresses or other assembled passport photos of herself 4 _ • 'I may have

personal information. Start your email in an been trying to prove that what's on the surface doesn't
appropriate way. matter and what's inside counts,' says Sawada.
She also did a series in which she imitated girls known
as kogyaru, who dress up inshort skirts and platform
shoes, with dark make-up and blonde hair. 'Everybody
criticized them as a group for looking strange, but
ignoredwhat each of them s_ ,' she says. 'In this
society, young women
are treated as if their only reason for being is their
youthful looks,and that fades very quickly.'
In her current series, 'Costume', Sawada looks at
what people's jobs, 6 , say about their place In

So far she's disguised herself as ten different women,
including a nunIn a habit, a receptionist In a pink uniform and a policewoman.


Urban and rural living
1 look atthepictures (1- 4). Which type of
place do you live in?

2 Which of these words would you use to

describe each type of place? Complete the
table. Some words may fit more than one type
of place. Then, work in pairs to compare your

bustling charming congested indus trial peaceful

picturesque provincial quiet remote rural
sprawling traditional trendy urban

town I I
village I
country farm
5 Work in pairs. Discuss which type of place you
think is the best place to live and why.

3 Match the words or phrases (1- 6 ) with Buying and renting a home
their definitions (a- f).
6 Read the steps to take when buying a
1 residential 4 suburb
property. Choose the correct word in each
2 public transport _ s outskirts sentence (1- 8).
3 high-rise 6 municipal

a the system of buses, trains, etc. provided by

the government or council for people to use
b the parts of a town or city furthest from its And out how much youcan borrow/lend.
centre c an area with private housing rather 2 Decide what you ore looking for in o(n) estate/
than offices, property.
shops or facto ries Select and register with on estate agency/office.
4 Scan the newspapers and the Internet. If you see a
d connected with the activities of the
property you are interestedin, arrange a watching/
local government viewing.
e a neighbourhood outside the centre Have o(n) experimen/tsurvey done on your future
where people live house to check its general condition.
f a very tall building with a lot offloors 6 Ask for a sole/ reductionin price (if any defects
were d etected) .
4 look again at the places in exercise1. Which Pay a deposit/ sav ing to secure the deal.
type of place do the words above describe? 8 Take out a (n) interest/ mortga ge from the bank to
finance your purchase.

7 Complete the text with the words from the box. 9 Work in pairs. Say if you agree or disagree with the
statements. Give reasons.
menities energy-efficientflatmates housing aintenance self-contained tenancy
----- 0A self-contained flat is the best kind of accommodation for astudent.
E)The owner of a fiat should pay for any repairs or
work needed on a property.

Ecologically- friend ly living

10 Complete the questions (1- 7) with words and

phrases from the box.

ompost electricity energy consumption nergy-

efficient heating non-recyclable waste cycling
Here are some basic things to check before
you sign a contrac.tMake sure you are getting Is paper, plastic, metal and glass collected from
your money's worth! your house, or do you take it to a centre?
• What type of place are you looking for? If you 2 Does your household use________from the local
are looking for a quiet property, avoi,d
grid or do you generate your own power? If you
estates next to busy roads and motorways! generate your own, how do you do this?
• What kind of property can you afford? If you have 3 What type of_________do you use in your home
to be careful about how much you can spend, (e.g. central. gas, electric, coal-fired)7
a 2_____________flat with its own entrance and all 4 On average, how much does
mod cons is probably more than you can afford . your household generate in a week?
■ Who are you going to live with? If you have to 5 Which types of kitchen waste is it possible to
move into shared accommodation, it's important
7 Does your family do this? Why?/Why not?
that you choose somewhere both you and your
3 like. 6 In what ways can you reduce inyour
• How close is the property to local 4
_ home (e.g. turn off lights)?
for example, shops, cafes, parks and public 7 What_________appliances do you use, i f any?
trans port?
• What's the landlord/landlady like? Does he 11 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
/she repair things quickly? Will you have to
cover all s_costs?
■ Is the pla ce equ ipped with 6 _ _ _ _ appliances? exercise10. How ecologically-friendlyis your home?
Unles s you want to run up big electricity
bills, make sure it is! 12 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions.
• How much will you pay and when? How long
is the contract? Does0your What7_________
would youagreement
miss most if you had to move to a different place (e.g. from thecity to the countryside)? Is th
contain all this information?

8 8How long have you and your family lived in your

Match the words (1- 6) with their definitions (a- f
). current home? Does your extended family live
near you1 If not,where do they live?
1 ut ility bill
2 rent 0Is your home typical for your area or is it different
3 communal in some way7 In what kind of accommodation do people in your area usually live?
4 renovated
5 furnished 0
6 linen
a having beds,tables, chairs, etc.
b a document that requests payment for
electricity, heating, water, gas, etc.
c shared by a group of people, especially
people who live together
d sheets,pillowcases,etc.
e money that you regularly pay so that you can
use a house, room, etc.
f repairedand decorated to look like new
What are the advantages and disadvantages of renting a home compared to buying one?
How would you feel about having to share accommodation with someone who isn't your fa
What are the most important features that make a home comfortable to live in? Why?

Matching (specific) 0 ina can only get to her home by cautiously walking
1 What do you think these pictures havein common? across a narrow wooden plank. She's been living
with her partner Tom and 18-month-old daughter Kyra
2 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions on a 15m- et re canal boat for just over a year.
. Living
on a boat is an exercise in making the most of every
0Which home appea ls toyou most? Why? centimetre of space. 'It's really hard to keep it tidy;
says Gina. 'The space is just enough at the moment,
E) What things in you r house could you easily live without? but there's no room for stuff you don't need. And I
9What modern-daycomforts couldn't you live without? can't i magine how it's going to be as Kyra gets
bigger: At the moment, Kyra seems to love it, most
of all because she's surrounded by ducks!

3 Read the texts quickly. Match the pictures (1- 6 )

Q ave you ever thought of getting away from it
to the texts {A- F). all - escaping from conventional ways of living?
That's exactly what Nick Weston did when he moved
out of London. He spent £170 on wood, and built a
• Read the questions from the exam task to see
tree house in West Sussex. Const ructing the house
what information you are looking for in the was hard. Due to the limited budget, Nick and his
texts. friends had to cut down nearby trees to make support
• The questions are usually paraphrases of the posts for the house. Nick managed to live off the
information from the text -they give the same land for six months, eating mainly the things that
information, but use different words. he could grow in his vegetable garden, or find in
• Check that the remaining questions do not match any the countryside. The practical advice on how he did
of the texts. it is an inspiration to anyone considering this way
of life.
4 Read the texts. Match the choices
(1-8) to thetexts (A-F).There are two choices you G f you'd asked me what kind of property I
do not need to use. wanted to buy with an eightee n-month -old
Which home ... and a three
month-old baby, I would have said, 'something that
had its roof removed?
I can just move straight into: So why, ohw hy, did
2 isn't what the owner intended to buy? I buy a house that an old lady and her ten cats had
just vacated - a house that needed the electrics and
3 only has space for essenti al items?
central heating replacing as well as a new kit chen
4 lacks natural light inside? and new bathroom? That's not to mention the
5 has plenty of facilities, despite flooring, decorating, fences, etc. The list goes on and
on. But, although it certainly wasn't what I had in
being unusual? mind when I first started looking, now that we've
6 isn't suitable for small children? done all the work, it's absolutely perfect!
7 helped the owner escape an
urban environment?
8 is popular with tourists?
f you're looking for a cool property to live in, then 6 Work in pairs. Di scuss the questions .
0 Why do you think some people are looking for alternative placesto live?
f) Can you think of any other advantages or
disadvantages of living in alternative homes that aren't ment ioned in theextracts?

why not consider a double-decker bus? There's Words in context

a double bedroom, bathroom, kitc hen, lounge and
toilet. It also has a 2OO-litre water tank and has been
fully wired by its electrician owner, so there are all
the modern-day comforts on board that you'd expect
from a normal home, such as a television, a
microwave and a coffee machine. The bus is
currently located
in the town of Horsham, but the beauty of living on
a bus is that if you need a change of scenery, you
can just start up the engine and drive your property
somewhere else. There are plenty of caravan sites in
the UK that will be happy to have you on site! space - by going out for a long walk!'

GI t's easy to see how the so-called 'shark house' in 5 Which of the homes described in the extracts would you
choose to live in? Why? Which would you least want to live
Oxford got its name. It was in 1986 that a local
journalist, Bill Heine, decided it would be a good in? Why?
idea to have a giant shark installed on the roof of
his house. The shark is 7.5 metres long and made of
fibreglass. Heine's modest red-brick terraced
property soon became a major attraction with many
posting comments and photos of it online. Oxford
City Council ordered Heine to remove the shark,
saying he did not have the necessary building
permiss ion to put it there. However, it is still there

GT his home is smi ilar to the traditional Mongolian

tent called a yurt. Freddie and Maya Stark
to feel more closely connected to nature. The inte rior
of the yurt is dark because the windows are small, and
the only heating comes from a central wood-burning
stove. 'We don't mind the darkness - it's cosy - and
with the countryside right outside, we see the seasons
and the weather change. We can't imagine living
anywhere else: We asked them whether living
together in one small room was a problem. 'Someti
mes; Maya said. 'But it's easy to get some personal
7 Complete the sentences (1- 1O)
4 I was able to make a new bookshelf for my living
with words and phr ases from room by recycling an old _ _ _ _ _ _ _
the bo x. 5 My parents retired to thecountryside because
they wanted a _
change of scenery live off the land located narrow on board support posts surrounded vacate
wood-burning stove wooden plank 6 You can find
a range of accommodation
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ our cruise liners.
7 It's our dream to_________________keeping chickens
The old buildingsof central Amsterdam rest on and sheep, and growing our own vegetables.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ embedded in 8 The roads in this old town are extremely
the bottom of the canals. _ : it's impossible for
2 More than one million UK households use twocars to pass each other.
a_________________to heat their homes during 9 We're going to have a picnic in a beautiful spor -
the winter. it's a lakethat's completely________________by trees.
3 WhenI graduated, I was asked to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Our offices are conveniently _
my university flat. a few minutes from the station.
LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple -choicedoze
perfect tenses 3 Read the text. For questions (1- 1O)
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Match the sentences (1- 5) with the descriptions
(a- e).
1 She'sbeen living on a canal boat for a year. Intelligent homes
2 If you'd asked me what kind of property I Our homes have become much smarter lately. We now
wanted, I would have said 'something modern'. live inhouses whichcontain 1_ devices that make
3 I bough t a house that students hadjust vacated. our lives easier and more entertaining, andin the
4 Now that we'vedone all the work, it's perfect! future, they will do evenmore.
5 The wiring was checked by an electrician.
There's good news for those who hate shopping. In
a something that happenedbeforeanother the past, fridges were just somewhere cold to 2_
action orevent in the past your food. It may sound 3_ , but very soon
b an action completed in the past with a intelligentrefrigerators will be able to automaticlaly
result in the present generate a shopping list. Then they will arrange a
c an action or situation tha t startedin the past door-to-doo4r_ to your hom.e
and iscontinuing in the present
d acompletedaction in a passivestr ucture Televisions have gone through the most s_ changes
e talking abo ut a past action that did not happen recently. We can now use voice control topause what
we're watchingand 6 _ througha list
¥ki,,i11FiihMh,Bii1WiiliJ:IIGI of available channels. And rt seems very likely that
soon our TVs will be able to tell from the 7 _ on
Grammatical multiple-choice doze
your face how you are feeling. Thenthey will offer
2 Read the text.For questions (1-5) suggestions of what to watchbased on yours _ .
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Smart showers now otter personalized water flow and
a temperature control for each adult family member
Manchester: the capital of the north with additoinal parental conrtol - perfect for 9 _
What do retired footballer David Beckham and with
German philosopher Friedrich Engels have in teenagers who stay too long in thebathroom!
common? They both 1_ live and work in the Mobile phones and the Internet have already become
city of Manchester. Home to two of 2_ football an important part of our daily routine. It's very 10 _
clubs in the world and the birthplace of the that
industrial revolution, Manchester is definitely technology will soon control every aspect of our lives,
a place that is worth visiting. from our diet to thesettingsof our electric toothbrush.
In his novel Hard Times, Charles Dickens
described the city as a terrible place where
bosses exploited their workers who were driven
to violence. Manchester was 3_ the industrial
revolution began: the large-scale production
of coa l nearby fuelled the city's _4 textile
Manchester today is a thriving, modern
metropolis. It also has the UK's largest shopping 1 A efficient Bcapable C easy-going D well-organizec
centi:e as well as the 47-storey Beetham Tower. 2 A hold Bstore C load D bring
_ in 2006, it is the tallest building in Britain 3 A unreliable Birrelevant C dishonest D u nbelievable
outside London. 4 A shipment Bconnection ( delivery D passage
5 A respectful 8 acceptable Cdifferent D imp ressive
1 A could B used to C would D did 6 A browse B roll C process D file
2 A as great B greater C the greatest D greatly 7 A impression B exhibition Cexpressio n D concentration
3 A why B what C whom D where 8 A humour Bmood C spirit D temper
4 A grow ing B grown C grow D grew 9 A working Bcheering C dealing D bringing
5 A Constructing B Constructed 10 A probably Bpredictably C possibly D likely
C Construct D Being constructed

28 < IU·Jbl♦

• The statements in the exam task are in the same
Match the people (1- 4) to the pictures (A- D).
order as the information about them in the
1 architect _ 3 estate agent
2 builder _ 4 interior designer
• Decide if a statement is true or false based only
on the information you hear. Do not rely on your
general knowledge oropinions.
• Read the statements carefully before you listen so
you know what information you should be
listening for.

5 GJ!!i> Listen to the text.For

statements (1- 5) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. You will listen
to the text twice.
You should avoid buying second-
hand things. - -
2 You should choose carpet and
curtains last. - -
3 Buy paint that is a little darker than
the one you like. - -
4 Getting big jobs done professionally
is sometimes necessary. - -
5 Cushions and lamps don't have to
be expensive. - -
G Match the words (1- 6) from the recording with their
definitions (a- f ). Use each definition only once.
2 budget
3 tape
4 shade
5 tester
2 You willlisten to an interview with Maddy Smith, 6 bedding
an interior designer. Look at the items in a a smaller container of a product for trying
exercise 5. What do you think Maddy is going to before purchase
talk about?
b the sheets and covers that you put on a bed, often
a how to buy a home that suits your personality also the manress and the pillows
b what mistakes interior designers should avoid c a plan of how to spend your available money
c the best ways to decorate your home d a particular form of a colour, with a difference in
how light or dark it is
3 Q)JliD, Listen to an extract from the e fasten something using a sticky strip of
interview. What room is Maddy going to talk
material f the inside part of someth ing

Imagine youare planning your dream home. Work
4 Q)Jl!i> Listen to the interview. Put the things in pairs. Tell each other your ideas.
Maddy talks about in the order you hear them.
A low-cost items How would you decorate it?
B building work What furniture and equipment would you
C carpets and curtains choose for it?
D budget
E paint
F high-cost items
Formal email: arranaina an
appointment • Use formal language and polite phrases in an
email in which you are writing to anyone who is not
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
a friend.
• Begin your email with Dear Mr/Ms and the person
Why do some scudenrs prefer to rent a nat or
's surname.
house together rather than living in a university
• End your email with Yours sincerelyand your given and
hall of residence7
family names. (In English, your given name comes
What would you need to discuss before you
agree to share a flat or house with others? You can also use Best regards or Kind regards
What do you think an agreement between instead of Yourssincerely.They are a little more
tenantsand a landlord or landladywould informal and suit able for emails.
F You are a student at Manchester
University. You and three friends are looking
for a house to share together in six
Read the exam task in exercise 6 and answer the months'time.
questions (1- 4). Read the advertisement and write an email of
1 Who are you writing to? at least 100 words to Helen Radeliffe in which
2 Who does she work for? you:
3 Why are you wr iting to her? ► explain why you are interested in this property,
4 Are you going to use formal or informal language? ► say why you and you r friends would be good
Complete the sentences (1- 5) with words
► suggest three times you could view the house.
from the box.
r.:::i cn v HOMES
alternatively available convenient possible suit

1 Would 6 p.m. on Saturday you?

2 I would prefer not to come in the evening, if at all

3 I am onFriday and Saturday evenings.

4 Would either Monday or Tuesday evening be
5 ,Icould come on Saturday
afternoon after three. This is a beautiful, spacious 4-bedroom semi-detached
house in Fallowfield , a very popular part of thecity. The
Read the phrases and sentences (1- 5). Where does house is closeto many local amenities and bus r outes.
each appear? At the beginning (8) or the end (E) of The bedrooms are all large, and each has a double
a formal email? bed, desk, chair, wardrobe and chest of drawers.
1 I am writing to ask . .. There are two modern bathrooms, a lounge, a large
2 I look forward to hearing from you. kitchen and a pretty garden at the back of the house.
3 I would like to inquire if it would be possible ... Due to excellent insulation and central heating, the
4 Please contact me if you need house is very warm throughoutthe year.
Gas, electricity and water bills are included.
more information.
The house is availablefor a group of four students.
5 I hope to hear from you soon.
Deposit: £400 per person
Make some notes next to the headings about Evening and weekend viewings are available.
what good tenants should do. To arrange a viewing, please contact Helen Radcliffe at:
The rent Pay iton time.

The _pro perty_ ,\'®ftttj:ffliiii¾ii ffl

The neighbou rs Check your work.
O Have you written about all three points in the task?
The landlord /landlad y 0 Have you used appropriate formal language?
0 Have you checked your work for grammar,
vocabulary and spelling mistakes?
0 Have you written at least 100 words?
Conversation Picture description

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question s 3 Work in pairs. look at thepictures (A- B) which
about living in an environmentally-friendly way. show attitudes to historical areas in to wns and
1 Describe your home.When was it bu ilt? What is it cities. Take turns to compare the pictures and
made of? Are any of the materials renewable? say
what you think about them.
What kinds of energy do you use at home?
2 If you could make three changes to your home to
make it more environmentally-friendly, what
would they be? Explain the reasons for your
3 'Most people can't afford to make their
homes environmentally-friendly:Do you
agree? Why?/ Why not?
4 Have you ever bought something for your home
that was second-hand? If so, what was it? If not,
would you buy something second-hand in future?
5 Would you be prepared to have less heating at
home in order to protect the environment?
Why?/ Why not?
6 'It'spossible to feel close to nature even if your
home is in a big city:Do you agree? Why?/Why

2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the
points in the list and have a debate.
Spend two minutes taking it in turns to tell your
partner words related to homes. You cannot
a wo rd. Whoever is speaking when the two minutes
is up is Student B.The other student is Student A
and chooses whether to agree or disagree with the
stat ement.
Both Student A and Student B shou ld make notes
for each point in the list about what you are going to
say and what your opponent might say. Make notes
about what you will say in reply to your opponent.
Student A: Begin the debate with onepoint.
Student 8: Respond with an argument against
Student A's point.
Student A:Respond by saying something that
supports your view. Continue until youhave
discussed the three points in the list.
It is bett er to own your home rather than rent it.
• the costs
• con trol over what you can do in your home
• moving house
Speaking bank: debate ideas page
< i iMf:i♦
3 31
, Look at the pictures (1- 4). What different University students________up for courses at the
stages of education are shown? At what age do beginning of their studies.
students usually begin each stage? 2 When my father was a student, he never _ _ _ _
lectures. He found them fascinating.
2 Choose the correct information to complete the
3 Quite a few students in our school________truant
text about Ukraine.
since the beginning of the school year.
Before formal education begins in primary school, 4 My great-grandfather________a Master's deg reein
children go to kindergarten. This is 1optionaV Engineering before World War II started.
compulsory.Pupils usually 2 attend/maintainfour 5 Sam needs to_________his dissertation by tomorrow,
years of primary, five years of secondary and three otherwise he won't be allowed to continue his
years of high school. Practically all schools are 1 co-
educa tionaV single-sex.Most schools are •
6 My class________mock exams bythis time next
public/private institu tions run by the state- but there
are some run by various foundations. All schools week.
follow the national'timetable/ curriculum. Students 7 The history teacher said we had to________in our
can study in general schools, or schools which focus assignments by next Monday.
on training for certain jobs and professions. At the 8 Students who_________in extra courses after school
end of their secondary studies, students must take a learn skills their peers don't.
school-leaving exam, which 9 _ _ _ _ seems to be the worst method of studying.
also serves as the 6 mock/entranceexam forhigher
10 All pupils were told to________for classes at 8.30.
education. Students don't need to pay 7 tuition/
admission feesfor most universities, but they have 6 Fill in the gaps (1- 8) in the text about American
to pay for some private institutions. prom night with words from the box.

3 Work in pairs. Take turns to explain the words elected formal highlight

that youdid not choose abo ve. Check your tradition tuxedo wrist
pinned promenade
ideas in
a dictionary.

4 Do some Internet research and find out how 32 <4i iiit+♦i

the education system in other countries is
from the one in Ukraine.
• stages of education
• types of schools
• exams
• education costs
he 1________________dance, usuallyreferredto as the prom, is an date bringsthe girl acorsage: adecoration with
annual 2_____________which celebratestheendof highschool flowersworn around the 5_____ similarflowers are 6
in the UnitedStates - typically heldat the endof the _______________________________________
toeach boy'ssuit.At the
finalterm. Studentswear 3 _ _ _ _ clothes (boyswear prom,
a4 students celebrate with their classmates for onelast
timebefore leaving school. It is probably the 7 of a
or seniorstuden'st
suit jacket and tie; girls wear eveningdresses).It is school year. At the endof the event, one girl and boy are
traditionaflor them to arrive as acouple.The prom 8_______________ as prom queenand king.

Life and traditions at school and college

5 Complete the sentences (1- 10) with the correct form of the verbs from the bo

assemble cram enrol hand play receive

sign sit skip submit

Education system


7 Describe how Ukrainian school - leaving Higher education

traditions are similar or different.
• When is the school-leaving event held? 12 Match the wordsand phrases (1- 8) with
• What do students wear? their definitions (a- h).
• What happens during the event?

Extracurricular activities
8 Complete the questions (1-4 ) with words from the

(m demic competitive extracurircular voluntary

What activities are offered by your

school (e.g. orchestra)? What kind of things can
you do? undergraduate 5 graduation
2 What skills do students learn from participating
in 2 lecturer 6 dissertation/thesis
sports as a team? 3 dean 7 essay
3 Why do you think students are expected to do 4 rector 8 trimester/term
work alongside their studies? Why is it
im portan t? a the head of a university faculty or department
4 Would you like to enter a national _ b the act of completing a degree; the
contest in English? Why?/1/Vhy not7 ceremony when you receive your degree
c a long piece of writing completed by a student
9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions (1- 4)
as part of their degree
in exercise 8.
d a student who is studying for their first
Exams degree e the head of an entire university or
10 Choose the correct word to complete the f a short piece of writing completed by a student as
questions (1- 5) about the school-leaving exam in part of a course
English. g a person who reaches at a university
1 At what levesl /gradescan you take the exam? h one of the three periods in the year during
2 Do you have to take the written test first or the which classes are held
live/oral exam?
3 What percentage do you need to achieve for
13 Work in pair s. Talk about your plans for when
you leave secondary school. Use the words
a min imum pass! score7
from the
4 What happens if you fail/refusethe exam? Can
box or your own ideas.
retake/reviseit later? career course gap year grant job applications qualifications scholarship work ex
5 What percentage do you need to achievefor
the top markl class7
11 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question s (1- 5) 14 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the question
s. in exercise 1O.
0Which school subjects do you think are the most important for life? What subjects do you think students should spend mor
f) How important do you think school discipline
0Which school traditions are the most important
to you? Why?

0 How does school help you develop social skills?

0 How do you plan to revise for the school­
leaving exam? What technique(s) do you find
the most helpful? Why?
Q What are the most popular university courses among students in Ukraine today? Why are they popular?
Matching (general) 2 Read the texts (1- 5) and match them to the pictures
(A- E).
1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- E) and
discuss the questions (1- 2).

hat aspects of student life do the pictures show?

w difficult do you think it is to make the transition from secondary school to higher education?

• The phrases in the exam task summarize the main

point or focus ofthe texts.
• Read each text carefully and try to summarize them
with your own words.
• Then look at the phrases in the exam task and
check if they are similarto your ideas.This will help
you find the correct answers.

3 Read the texts. Match choices (A-

H) to (1- 5). There are three choices you do not
need to use.
Which advertisement describes .. .
A a student exchange trip?
B a meeting with a
psychologist? C changing
D why doing a degree is a good idea?
E a language course?
F a way to meet people?
G a relaxation technique?
H the advantages of a part-time course?


- ('4 i iiiN♦_,
Are you unhappy with your current course, but worry
that changing universities is a drastic measure?
Visn the universnv careers service!
We can help you see the bigger picture and
choose a new course that is right for you.
We will make sure you have the right qualifications
and help you with the admission process.

We run sessions with mental health experts
and offer a range of courses and workshops
that can help with stress. anxiety and other
Words in context
Join our student workshop for students who feel
pressurized to perform, but lack motivation; this
workshop will get your research back on track. 4 Match the underlined words in the senten ces
(1- 5 ) with verbs from the box.

conform to foster lack pressruize thrive 7

Don't let anyone try to force you into doing
things you don't want to. _
2 As soon as Lara received the
Try something new or foster a passionyou already necessary support, she began to grow
have with the friends you make, whether it's and develop.
baking, rock climbing, or learningMandarin!
We havehundredsof activities so there is 3 Ronan applied for the job, but he didn't
bound to be something that you'll love. have the required skills. _
4Ifyou follow the rules, you behave in the
way you are supposed to. _
0 Getting a degree these days doesn't mean you 5 Study skills help develop and
have to study for three or four years as a full-time maintain a stronger sense of learner
student. autonomy.

' As I work full-time, I knew doing

a part-time degree at the same 5 Look at the highlighted words and expressions
in the text s. Match them with their definitions
time would be hard work. But on
(1- 5 ).
the plus
acourse of action likely to have
side, it gives me lots of flexibility
a strong effect
and it will go a long waytowards
getting me a better job in the 2 as an advantage, a positive consequence

future.' 3 a significant step towards a goal

4 being alone or lonely

UsaPreston, Birtwell University 5 the situation as a who le

e We have learning materials in 50 languages. Yoo 6 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Try to
use some of the expressions from exercises 4
aren't learning in isolation, you can practise and 5.
conversation skills with native speakers through
0What are your plans for when you leave school?
ourlanguage exchange. E) What do you think you would find most difficult about adjusting to life at universit
If you're an international student, you can prepare
Q What are you most looking forward to after you
leave school?
to studyin the UK with our English language
courses. They conform to the university entry
requirements for all our undergraduate courses.
Lexical multiple -choice doze

would rather, would prefer, had better After choosing the answer, read the sentence again to
check that it is logical and grammatically correct.
1 Complete the sentences with would rather,
would prefer or had better.
4 Read the text. For questions (1-
10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
A Can you wait ten minutes? I'm nearly ready.
B OK, but you hurry up,
because we're going to be late for class.
Mobile phones and learning
2 Mobile phones are everywhere these days. We
A yosrtudents all 1_ our smartphones for granted, and this is
especially true for teenagers. But what about using
toothsinow phones at school? Many teachers would prefer it if
or for homework? students 2_ their phones at home. However, most
B They________________do it for
I think. students would rather not do this, and they use
them when the teacher isn't looking.What if schools
Grammar reference pages 119- relaxed their rules and allowed students to use
120 mobile phones 3_ in class? For example, the
Grammatical multiple-choice doze phone's calendar function can be used to keep
_ of homework and the camera to take
2 Read the article in exercise 3 quickly. What pictures of notes on the board. Mobile phones
is it about? Choose the best answer (a- c). give students 5_ to tools and apps
a life in remote places around the world that can help them develop time management
b being a student in a small school and organizaiton skills. An equally important
c becoming a teacher in the Channel Islands reason for not 6_ mobile phones in
the classroom is that they are allowed at people's
3 Read the text.For questions (1- 5) work. The functions of smartphones go far 7_
choose the correct answer (A, 8, C or D). telephoning and messaging. They allow users to
email and do research. Nevertheless, concerns
have been voiced about classroom _ , cyber-

and cheating, which have become a
WVldt; Adi? UA /U'rld t; e>d Ad ISWldP troublesome part of school life. These issues
are clear 9_ that
Children living onremote i slands and in oth er
ar eas where the population is very small often schools had better teach students how to use
technology responsibly.
end up 1_ educated in very small school s,
So, teachers who decide to use mobile
sometimes with no more than fifty students.
phones as part of their classes need to _10
Herm, for example, is one of the sm allest of
an eye on how they are being used. After all,
Bri tain's Channel Islands. It has a school tha
they can only be good classroom tools if
used appropriately.
has 2_ than ten pupils of primary sch ool age,
and a teach er who is wil lin g to come over from
thel arger island of Guernsey every day. Chil dren 1 A treac B take Cfeel D use
over the age of ten 3_ to li v e, as well as stu dy, 2 A left B brought C took D put
at a secondary school on Guernsey, even though 3 A totally B particularly C productively D simply
many would prefer to li ve at home. Small schools 4 A train B road C path D track
such as Herm are often threatened _ 4
closure 5 A access B entry Cintroduction D opportunity
- because compared to bigger schools, they are 6 A banning B refusing Cdismissing D protesting
expensive to run. _ schools close, the 7 A towards B around C behind D beyond
lose their jobs and pupils are sent to another 8 A structure B discipilne C authority D setup
school which is often far away. This often turns 9 A evidence B response C material D argument
out to be disrupti ve for the pupi l s' education. 10 A put B have C set D keep
1 A been B being C have been D be
2 A lesser B the least C few 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the following statem ent , saying why
D fewer
3 A have B must C ought D shouldyou agree or disagree with it. You can
4 A to B from C about D with
use some of the arguments mentioned in the text, but add
5 A During B Before C When D While
your own ideas, too. Mobile phonesshould be banned during school hours.

36 <4ii itt+♦i

3 What is the subject of Mia's summer course?
(listening for soecifjc information)

1 Work in pairs. Match the classes (1- 3) with the
pictures (A- C).
A f ---= B --=-- C
:::ff= 4 According to the speaker, why should you press 1?
A to speak to an advisor
B to pay for a course
1 oilpainting _
C to ask for an application form
2 accounting_
3 creative w riting _ 5 Who are the other tennis club members?
A universi ty teachers
1. Gm> Listen to two people discussing B finance professionals
classes from exercise1. What is Dan trying to C college students
decide? Which course does he choose?
6 What is TRUE about the theatre group?
""' GJD Listen again. Why are the other options A they are looking for writers
incorrect? B they are staging Romeo and
Juliet C they meet once a week

• This task asks you to find specific information in the - Fill in the gaps (1- 5) in the text with the words
recordingsand choose the correct answer out of and phrases from the box.There are two phrases
three options. you do not need to use. Use each word or
• Before you listen, read the questions to find out phrase only once.
exactly what information youshould listen for.
application form join learn a craft option
• Some of the options will begivenin the form of pictures.
practical put my name down taught
Describe t hem to yourself : name the objects you can
see and think about the differences between them.

Listen to the speakers.
Hi lvanka,
For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer
I'm about to 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for an amazing
(A, B or C).You will listen to each recording
art course at my local college. It start s next
week, in caseyou'd like to 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 Which item is made for homeless people?
, too.This
A B C one isn't just art history like the one we did last
year. It's being 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ by a
painte r! It 's more 4 and we'll
learn a differenttechnique every week. Hopefu
lly, we'll create some great work, as well!
Let me know if you fancy it and I'llsend you a link
soyoucan fill in the 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 What is the speaker making next? Olivia

Work in pairs. Discuss the question.

What class would you enroll in if you could choose

anything? Explain your choice.

< 4
liiii+i+ 37
Bloa nost: malcin suaaestions
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

What have you enjoyed about being at

school? What have you found difficult? Complete the sentences (1-5) with the correct
What would have helped you with thethings forms of the phrasal verbs from the box.
you found challenging?
cheer up leave out miss out pick on rely on

I hate_________________on any fun so I always

go to parties!
Read the exam task in exercise 3 and the biog 2 I've always been able to________________my
posts. Discuss the questions (1- 2). older brother to explain maths problems to me.
1 What style are Beth's and Dani's posts written ir? 3 She's feeling quite down, solet'sdo something to
2 Has Dani included all th reepoints in the task in her _
his comment? 4 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me _
otfhdiscussion so I don't know what they decided.
You have read the following biog 5 One of my brother's friends has started to
post. Write a comment of at least 100 words in hi bcriticizing everything
which you:
he does.
► express your sym pat hy for Beth,
► say how you think her school could have helped Imaginethe person you are replying to and write to them
her when she ret urned to school,
in a direct, friendly way. Say what you want to say
► give her some advice and suggest how her clearly.
could help her now. You have read the following post
on Paul'sbiog. Write a comment of at least 100
Y3elPi'!i BLOG words to Paul in which you:
► suggest ways Paul's school could have prevented
I've recen tly been off school for four months due his bullying,
to on illness and I'm finding it hard to adjust to ► say why youthink some people bully others,
school now I'm bock. I'm way behind with my work
and I feel there's sucha lot I don't know.
► g i ve h im some advice on what he can do now.
And it's not just the work. it's my relationships, too,
My friends have done lots of things without me and I
feel left out when they talk about them.I feel I've
missed out on a lot, which makes me sad.
I'm also finding it hard to cope with a whole school
day, both physically and menta lly. I generally feel
worn out by lunchtime and findthe afternoons really
tough. But my friends are fantastic in the way they
help me and cheer me up. so hop efully I'll soon be
back to normal.

Be,th I'm really sorry you've been so ill. I think you're

doing really well offer a very tough time.
It sounds like the schoold idn' t help you at all!
They could have allowed you to come back to Writing bank pages 148- 149
school gradually - starting with just a couple of
hours per day at first. They could also have sent
Check your
you notes from
lessons that you' d missed. work.

I d on' t think you should try to do too much for Dani

If you wear yourself ou, t it will fake you longer to get
better. Maybe your friends could help carry things for
3s <•i i◄h·M♦
you or help you with some activities? And could they
go through the lessons you missed with you?
Get better soon and hove a great term!
D Have you wrinen about all three points in the task? clear paragraphs?
D Have you organized your comments into D Have you used some phrasal verbs?
D Have you written at least 100 words?
Picture description
1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
about traditional celebrations in schools. 3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- C) which
show different ways of revising for an exam.
Describe your experience of a school tradition.
Take turns to compare the pictures and say
When was it? What happened? How did you
what you think about them.
feel about it?
2 If you could start a new school tradition,
what would it be?
3 At your school, was the first day of chis school
year different from a normal day? If so, how? If
nm, would you have liked it to be different?
4 Do you think that formal dances are a valuable
part of school-leaving traditions? Why?/Why not?
5 'Schools must keep their traditions going. They
are an important part of our culture:Do you
agree? Why?/Why not7

Work in pairs. Read the statement and the points in
the list and have a debate.
Decide if you are going to argue for or against the
statement.If you argue for the statement, you are
Student A.If you argue against it,you are Student B.
Both Student A and Stud ent Bshould make notes
for each point in the list about what you are going to
say and what your opponent might say. Make notes
about whac you will say in reply to your opponent:.
Student A: Begin the debate with one point.
Student B: Respond with an argument against
Student A's point.
Student A: Respond by saying something that
supports your view. Continue until you have
discussed the three points in the list.
Exams do not prepare people for the real world.
• memorizing information
• hard work as a key ingredient for success
• working alone under pressure

< i iiiiM♦


A modifier isa word that limits or changes the meaning
of a word or phrase (e.g. several,all or none).Pay
attention to these when answering multiple-
choicequestions because the right answer sometimes
depends on them.

Read question 1 in exercise 2 and underline

the modifiers in each option. You will need
them to help you answ er the question .

G Iii:> Listen to the te xt. For

question s (1- 6 ) choo se the correct answer (A,
B or C). You will listen to th e text twice.
Whereis the graffiti7
A on every bui ldi ng
B on mo re than one
bridge C on a numbe r of
2 What piece of graffiti doesBrendanmention last?
A an artist's name
B a space-age monster
C a fut uristic city
3 How does gra ffiti make Lauren feel?
A an gry
B con fused
C scared
4 What do building owners do about graffiti?
A comp lain to the council
B clean the walls to get rid of the paint
C take legal action against th e graffiti artists
5 What is Miriam's op inion of
graffiti? A It doesn't have any
meaning .
B The peopl e who do it are though tless.
C It's a way for the youth to show how they feel.
6 How does Miriam suggest making it legal
for graffiti artists to paint ?
A giving them t heir own studio space in the city
B permitting them to paint in certain places
C encouraging them to cooperate with the police
Read the t ext. For questions (1- 10)
choose th e correct an swer (A, B, C or D).

Living the high life in Mumbai

Mumb a i is Ind ia' s largest city.It has been growing
over the last 20 years, and it now has
a p opulat ion of over 12 million peop le.The city has
2 _been getting ric her.There are mo re tha n 60

billiona ires in Ind ia. and one in three of those are

Mumbai 3• One of these Mumb ai billionaires
is responsible for 4_the world 's most expen sive family home . Antilia is a hug e. 27-storey 5_ building overlooking the oc ean. with spect ac ular
views on both sides.The ho use took over th ree years to bu ild. and it's believed that it must ha ve 6_its owner at least a billion US d ollar s.It ha
a high-tec h cinema, and hanging gardens over four

_ . There is an ice room with _ 8 snow for p eople
who want to chill out in the Mumbai heat.The ho use
six storeys of p arking space for 160 cars. and
three he licop ter la nd ing pa d s on the roof. Moreover. Antilio is 10_big that it needs hundreds of staff to run the place . While some India ns ar
many children go hungry.

1 A rapidly Bhastily C immediately D prompt ly

2 A too B aswell C also D indeed
3 A residents B occupiers ( tenants D owners
4 A forming Bcomposing C constructing D shaping
5 A recent Bpresent C latest D con temporary
6 A lost Bowed Cspent D co st
7 A grades Bstages Clevels D position s
8 A imaginary Bsubstitute C false D artificial
9 A presents B proposes C recommends D offers
10 A sa B such C as D muc h
READING use a variety of mental skills, including accurate finger
movement, memory skills and listening for rhythm.

4 Look at the photo and read the title of the article.

Can you predict what it is going to be about?

.) Read the text below. For question s

(1- 5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

The Mozart Effect

In 1993, researchers at the
University of California discovered
that students who listened to
Mozart'sSonata for Two Pianos
in D Major significantly increased
their intelligence test marks. Even rats were found to
run faster and do various tasks more accurately after
listening to Mozart than after listening to other kinds
of music. This discovery became known as the
Mozart Effect and had a huge impact on people:
sold out of the music, the state of Georgia reserved
$100,000 so that every new mother could be
given a free copy as they left hospital, the state
of Florida passed a law that classical music must
be played
every day in all pre-schools. Pregnant mothers all
over the world started playing classical music
hoping that it might help them produce more
intelligent babies.
In add itio n, many books have been written
and a lot of money has been made from the
Effect theory. For example, Don Campbell, a
Mozart Effect expert who has written several books
and put together several CDs on the subject, has
made more than $2 million.
Many psychologists, however, disputed the theory.
They argued that the original research was only
done on adults and that there is in fact no evidence
that listening to music has any effect at all on
or babies. Some more research was conducted
in Germany, this time including children. It was
discovered that the Mozart Effect had only a short
term effect, continuing for only twenty minutes after
the music stopped. What's more, they discovered
that not everyone who listened to Mozart had
better marks in intelligence tests. They discovered
that people can achieve better marks by listening
to any sort of music, or even listening to a story, as
long as you like what you are hearing.
However, the Germ an studies did show that there
is one way in which music really can improve your
intelligence and that is thro ug h music lessons,
p articularly piano lessons.The studies showed
that children who were given music lessons before
the age of seven, as opposed to drama lessons or
no ext ra lessons, p erfo rmed better in intelligence
tests. The experts are unsure about the reason for
this, but suggest that it could be that in music
lessons pupils
What could rats do after E A.M P,RACTICEEXTl!tA
listening to Mozart? A runin the
same direction
B move more quickly than before
C complete certain activities with
no mistakes D respond to different
types of classical music
2 What happened after the discovery?
A A lot of people bought Mozart's music.
B Every Georgia resident got a CD with
Mozart's music. C In Florida, Mozart's music
was played in hospitals.
D Pregnant mothers learned to play Mozart's music.
3 What did Don Campbell do?
A He became a respected writer.
B He conducted a lot of research in Germany.
C He profited from people's interest in
babies and music.
D He made CDs with his own music
4 What did the Mozart Effect NOT do?
A last a long time
B have benefits for adults
C help some people get better scoresin intel
ligence tests D affect different people in
different ways
5 Why do music lessons help to improve your
intelligence? A They practice physical skills.
B They are similar to drama lessons.
C Students can take them before the
age of seven. D They teach you a
range of different abilities.

Biog post
Write a descripti on of a
m emorable concert you have been to.
Write a post on your biog saying :
► when and where it took place,
► what the atmosphere was like,
► why it was a memorable event.
Write a biog post of at least 100 words. Do
not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information.
Start your post in an appropriate way.

1 Work in pairs. Check the meaning of these words:

manual, skilled and unskilled.Look at the pictures
(1- 3) and discuss the questions.

bs? What does each involve doing? Which category (manua,lskilled or unskilled)do you think they belong to?
e other jobs to add to

4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

0 What do you think is the best age for someone to retire? Why?
f) How good are you at doing tasks to a deadline? Why is this skill important in the wo

2 Match the words from the box with words (1- 8)

to form compound words or collocations. There is
one word you do not need to use.

5 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

boss conditions employed flexi highly (1- 5).
labour paid part-time salary
His bonus/pensionis paid into his bank account every
force 5 time month.
2 self- 6 job 2 Most people in the villagerely on farming for their
3 well- 7 working income/cash.
4 skilled 8 starting
3 Jill has to make a bonus/payment to the bank of
£500 per month.She has borrowed money to
3 Match the statement s(1- 10) with the phrases (a- j). buya car.
A 4 If your lawyer charges £200 per hour and she works
We're protesting about low wages. five hours, her fee/salary will be£1,000.
2 Tim is only doing this job for six months. 5 John is being promoted and he'll get a pay off/rise
3 The company made lots of money this year.
because the job involvesmanaging a bigger team.
4 I'm 66 and I don't work any more.
5 Zoe has animportant new job in the firm. 6 Complete the sentences (1- 7) with the words
from the box.
a temporary
b retired age inflation ladder leave payroll prospects resignation

c on strike
d profit
What is the best way to offer your ?
e promotion
2 What are the benefits of being on a company's
B _ _ _ _ rather than being self-employed?
6 She wishes shehadn't beenso rude to her boss. 3 What prevents some people from climbing the
7 Please submit your CV and acover letter.
8 It's 10 p.m. and I'm still working.
9 Wendy is wearing asuit so she looks smart. 4 Does_________discrimination prevent older peop le
10 You don't lookvery well. from getting a job?
5 Do university graduates have good employment
f have a
in Ukraine?
deadline g apply
6 Is the rate of in Ukraine expected to rise
for a job h take a
in the near future?
day off
7 How could companies reduce the number of
get fired
job interview employees absent from work on sick ?
7 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions in exercise 6.

Looking for a job

10 Discuss in p airs. Which of the jobs in exercise 9
would suit you m ost? Wh y? Which job would
8 Match the adjectives that describe work from
you be interested in doing?
the box with their definitions (1- 6).
cost-effective cutting-edge demanding profitable rewarding tedious The job market

11 Complete the text with the correct form of the

1 needing a lot of skill, patience, effort, etc. _ verbs.
2 that makes or is likely to make money _
3 taking too long and not interesting _ _ _ _
4 wort h doing; that makes you happy because
you think it is useful or important _ _ _ _
l call come (x2) cut (x2) end get lay
set take (x2) turn

5 giving the best possible benefit in comparison wit h

the money spent _
6 at the newest, most advanced stage in
the development of something _ _ _ _

9 Complete the job adverts with the words from

the box.

clients deadlines driving licence

networking passion persuasive
relevant I live ina small city in the north of England, where
self-motivation targets team
the unemployment rate is one of the highest in the
and doesn't seem likely to ' down in the near

Sales executive future.There used to be several small companies

based here, but most of them went bankrupt. The
few which remained continue to 2 off skilled
We nee d someone who ...
workers who
. is naturally 1______________
and able to win people's
_ _ _ _ up unemploye.dTheseworkers now complain
that they don't have enough money to 4 by and
find it hard to make ends meet. Not only can they not
has the driveto reach and exceed
- - - afford any luxuries,but they have down on
to 5
everyday expenses as well. However, when a job is offered
is able to work both independently and as part to them atthe local job centre, idown,
of they 6
a 3_____________and capable of delivering results to
saying the pay is too low. The situation 7__________for an
immediate solution, and the local government should
up with some new ideas for fighting
unemployment. For example, they could 9 _

Special Educational Needs (SEN) teacher down on administrationcosts and spend the
Successful candidates will have the ability to money on promoting the city by offering lower
_s _ _ _ challenging behaviour; they must have taxes to foreign investors. If the idea 10 off,
patience and a 6________for child development. new companies
will be 11 u.Ideally, they wi11 12 on
workers, which willboost the local econom.y

• You should be a graduate in computer science or
12 Work in pair s.Take turns to answer the questions .
maths andhave some1________________work 0
If you could do any job in the world, what would you do? What appeals to you most about
f) What skills and qualificationswould you need
• Youw i ll need strongs____________and the abilityto
todo the job you want?
solve complex problems on your own.

: EMPlOYMENT ADVISOR : 0 What jobs are likely to be more in demand in the next ten years? Why?
I I 0 What are the advantages and disadvantages of
I excellent communication, advertising, •
working from home?
1 media tion and 9
_ _ _ _ skills, ability to I

: work with a wide range of 10_ _ _ _ , I

-- --- - - -•
and a valid 11_ _ _ _
Multiple - choice
1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 4).
Discuss the questions (1- 3).

0 Could thesepeople's hobbies be turned into jobs?

f) What wou ld be thebenefits anddrawbacks of doingso?
0 Do you havea hobby? Would youlike to turnit
into ajob in the future7

2 Read the article quickly. What hobby did Susi

turn into a job?

• Find the part of the text that contains information

about each question. Cover up options A-D, and try
to answer the questions in your own words.
• Choose the option that isclosest to your own answe.r

3 Read the text. For questions (1- 5)

choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
What job did Susi do before?
A She sold advertising forYouTube.
B She worked in public relations.
C She assisted a BBC
videoproducer. D She
designedsuccessful gadgets.
2 What had the BBC NOT done before7
A Taken on an inexperiencedpresenter.
B Featuredamateur videos o n one of
theirshows. C Hired a communications A career on
A 24-year- old woman has been given a job as
D Employedsomeone after seeing their work a presenter at the BBC after her videos were
online. seen by a TV producer on YouTube. Susi Weaver
3 What does Susi do before each was working for an advertising agency as a public
show? A She reviews what she's relations advisor, but, in her spare time, she was
going to say. B She doe s her own giving video demonstrat ion sof various gadget s
make-up. which she posted online.Now, instead of following
C She buys the gadgets she's g oing to her online, her fans can see her every Sunday
review. morning on BBC2's successful Something for
D She has a cup of coffee in the cafeteria. the Weekend show.
4 What does reassuring in paragraph 4 TV producer Mike Worsleysaid that because
mean? Making someone feel less ... Susi's videos were already online, he had a good
A embarrassed idea of what she would be likeon screen before
B sad
he met her in person. Worsley explained that he
C worried
had never used this method of looking for talent
D depressed
before - in fact, he believed Susi was the first
5 Why does Susi feel bad? person to be spotted on the Internet and then
A Her dream job was to be on the stage. employed as a presenteron UK TY. He added that
B Her friends haven't been as fortunate as
Susi's PR background was also an advantage,
her. C Her new job isless fu n thanher old
since dealing with clients had developed her
communication skills.
D She lost friends when she
becamesuccessful. Worsley thinksthat part of the reason for Sus'is
popularity is the fact that she is female -
relatively untypical in her chosen field.He
Words in context

4 Complete the sentences (1- 5} with the correct

form of the verbs from the box. There is one verb
you do not need to use.

I admit deal develop get give turn

What'sthe best way to intadvertisin

g as a career 7
2 I'vejoined the universit y debating team to
my public speaking skills.
3 Nora'salwaysbeen scared of _
demonstrations to hercolleagues.
4 In a Job interview,it's acceptable to to
not knowing an answer.
5 Leah's got used to with customers in
her job, but shestill doesn't like it.

Phrasal verbs and collocations with draw

5 Find two phrasal verbs in the article with the
verb draw. Write the correct particle (adverb
or preposition } for the definitions (1- 2).
1 draw :involve or makesom
ebodytake part
2 draw :prepare a plan,
agreementor other document in detail
6 Now match the phrases in bold (1- 6} with
their definitions (a- f ).

1 The director has drawn on his own

a successful future ahead for her because of her personal experiences in thi s film.
positive, self- assuredand slightly unusual style, and
the way she always engages and draws in her
2 What conclusions can we draw from thi s report?
audience. 3 There'sno point in drawing out this int
Susi'sjob involvesresearching apps and gadgets and erview longer thannecessary.
selecting the best ones to demonstrate on the show. 4 Michaelhas always been drawn to the
She has a week to draw up her shortlist; once she's idea of making natu re documentaries.
done this, she gets the TV crew to purchase the 5 A t axi drew up outside the office, so we got in.
gadgets she is going to review. The segment is
always filmed on Sunday, and broadcast live. Susi 6 Could I draw your attention to item 2 on
always arrives early, drink s a quick cup of tea, has the agenda?
her make-up done by a move near something
the professional make-up artist, then sits in the 'green b be attracted to someoneor som ething
room', going throughher notes as she waits to go on c make som ething last longer
air. Susi admits to feeling nervous. 'I'm not sure why d makesomeo ne notice som ething
it's different from the webcam - but you're much more e use information to help you do
something f take som ethingfrom a
aware of people watching you. On the otherhand, it' s
particular source
reassuringthat other people are in charge of making
sure everything works properly. That makesme feel 7 Work in small groups. Discuss the questions .
that everything will go well.'
Susi sometimeswonders how she managed to get 0 Have you ever done a present ation in front
of an audience? If yes, how did it go? Would
into TV so easily.She is regretful that friendsof
you do it again? If no, how do you thinkyou
herswho have worked really hard to make it int o TV
would feel7
or acting haven't been so lucky - all she did to get her
E) What techniques can speakers use to
dream job was to play around with gadgets for fun! overcome their nervousness?
LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple -choice doze
the causative
Read the text and the options. Decide whichoptions are
1 Find the expression hasher make-updone in definitely incorrect, then choose the answer from the
the remaining options.
article on page 45. Answer the question.
Who does Susi's make-up before theTV show? 4 Read the text.For questions (1-10)
a Susi b a professional make-up artist choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

2 Find one error in each sentence (1- 6 )

and correct it.
1 Can't they get somebody help them do the
2 My friend his lawnmower hadstolen last week.
3 If I don't like her report,I willher make rewrite it.
4 Don't you usuallygot someoneto wash your
5 I'm making my hair cut this afternoon.
6 Is Bob bringing the documents round himself.
or is he have them delivered?
Grammar reference pages 120-
121 Remote working
Trytyping in the phrase 'work from home' on
your search engine. This will most likely
Grammatical multiple-choice doze
---- result in hundreds of examples of studies,
3 Read the text. For questions (1- 5) message boards _orblogs 1 on the subject. And
choose the correct answe r (A, 8, C or D). indeed,
the number of people keen on the idea of
Job interviews working from home has been 2_ growing fora
Knowing as much as possible about the company few years. Rapidly changing social and 3trends
have made workers and employers increasingly
can help you be more confident when answering
open to the distance working option.
the i nt erviewer's questio ns. It will also show
Modem technologies that are needed
_ to 4
your up an
potential employer that you have a genuine interest office at home are relatively inexpensive.
in 1_ wi th the organization. So, before you go for The basic 5_ are a table orother workspace
your job interview,prepare answers to the most 2_ with a computer, telephone and a fast Internet
asked questi ons. connection.
If you feel that you 3_ to remain calm during the Surveys carried out in this area show that at _6
interview, take a few deep breaths before entering a third of workers prefer to work from home
occasionally. Being at home gives employees
the room. Also, never underesti mate 4_ power of
more 7_ to solve everyday problems, such
dress.Wearing i nappropriate clothes will make you as caring for young children or elderly
feel uncomfortabel and give out the wrong signals. parents. In addition to _more time 8 with
Also, don't forget to wash your hair - i f i t 5 family, another important advantage is
greasy on the day, this won't make a positi ve saving time by not having to travel to work.
impressi on on your i nterviewer. Remember all There are of course
these points and you should be fine. Good luck!
disadvantages, too, such as _ separating work
to chat to can also
and home life. Not having 10
be hard, and people can end up feeling isolated.

1 A focusing Blighting ( fixing D developing

2 A totally Bhugely C steadily D tho roughly
3 Ahistorical Beconomic C scientific D practical
4 A take Bmake Cbring D set
5 A requirements Bconditions Cdemands D prescriptions
1 A work B to work C working D having worked 6 A ast B least C less D smallest
2 A frequent B frequency C frequently D 'requented 7 A compromise B adaptation C flexibility D accommodation
3 A can't B don't have C musrnt D won't be able 8 A spent Bspread C used D felt
4 A the Bsome Ca D such 9 A effort Bstruggle Cproblem D difficulty
5 A is looking Blooks C locked Dwilllook 10 Acolleagues Bstaff Coperators D employees

46 <.sl:2"111:•
Listen carefully to how words from both the questions
(listening for detailed understanding)
and the options areused by the speakers. Check that the
Look at the picture. What is the person chosen answer matches the information you hear.
doing? Do you think these dogs belong to
him? Why?/ Why not? 3 '-G)JI!> Listen to the text. For
questions (1- 5) choose the correct answer
(A, B or C). You will listen to the text twice.
1 Which of the following is TRUE accord ing to Tom7
A No one could take care of his dogs
during the holidays.
B He didn't use to get paid for his
work. C He used to feed his
2 What problems doesTom have?
A He finds it difficult to refuse
people. B The animals make too
much noise. C The animals don't like
his bedroom.
3 What used to drive Melissa's friends mad?
A She never stopped talking about
fashion. B She found better bargains than
;2 G:m.Read the radio guide.Then, listen to theydid. C She spent a lot of time in
the introduction to a radio programme. Which charity shops.
programme (A, B or C) are you going to listen 4 Before she started her bu sin ess,wha t did Melissa do 7
A She altered the clothesshe
bought. B She stopped buying old
C She made clothes for people who asked her.
5 Why are Melissa's clothes popu lar?
A They are all made from designer
9 a.m. items. B Each piece is original.
C They are cheaper than second-hand clothes.
,J ..,

4 Complete the sentences (1- 6) with words you

t a passion for painting or an interest in Egyptai n art, we'll make you want
heard in the recording. There is one word from
the box that youdo not need to use.

hard just like mad potential short trouble

I've got a great idea for a business. The _ _ _ _

is I don't have any money!
2 It can be_________to say'no'in certain situations
at work.
s A-Z of plants - all you need to know about what to plant and when.
3 I'm surrounded by creative people in my family,so
I'm never of inspiration.
4 My younger brother is always driv ing me _
with his obsessions.
5 We live in an unusual building.There isn't another
one quite it.

11 a.m.

We answer your pet

queries. This week: how
to find reliablesitters
to look after your pets
when you can't.
6 Many people dream of moving to a tropical
island. Next year, I'm going to do that!

5 Work in small groups. Prepare a short presentation .

Present your plan to the class. Vote on the best
business idea.
• Choose a hobby you're all interested in.
• Brainstorm ways to turn it into a business.
• Write a short action plan about how to set
up the business, find funding and reach
your customers.

<si :,:H i 41
• Start your email with a short paragraph in which
you explain why you are writing.
• Finish with another shortparagraph, in which you
focus on theperson you are writing to. Say you are
Formal email: requestina information looking forward to hearing from them or thankthem
fortheir help.
Work in pairs. Match the pictures (1- 4) with the
jobs from the box.Then discuss the que stion s (1- C You are studying in Leeds and
3). you have seen the following advertisement
babysitter callcentre advisor cleaner shop assistant
a part-t ime job at a call centre. You are
interested in applying for it, but you need more
Which one of these jobs would you do if you
needed to earn som e mo ney? information. Write an email of at least 100 words
to Mr Davis in which you:
2 What would you enjoy about it?
3 Why would you be good at the job you chose? ► te l l him why you are interested in a part-time job at
the call centre,
Read the exam task in exercise 4 and choose the ► ask how many shifts you have to do a weekand
correct option in each sentence (1- 6). how long eachone is,
1 I am writing to ask for an interview /some ► ask when you need to send in your application
more details. and when the interviews w ill be held.
2 I am writing to the recruitment
The biggest racruilment agency BEST
3 I need/don't need to mention where I saw the
J{)8S i n the North of England

B:!M! H;:;; il:J fedlfil

4 I should /shouldn't ask1h'tl 8il 18i\ilr3, ij; M t1'1ifJ
them to reply to me 1 We are recruiting for customer service call centre
by apositions,
ful l-time and part-time particular date.
giving you the chance to earn up to £.900 per month in bonuses plus an hourly rate of
£8.00. Daytime,5 evening
I shouand weekend
ld use shif ts /impersonal
a(n) chatty are
You will be responsible
6 I shou for:ldanswering customers'
end the email enquiries
with Yours and complaints in a professional and friend ly manner; describing the company's products acc
You need to be able to: commu nicate clearly and politely on the phone; build good relationships with customers; remain cairn in a fast-paced working env
Yours faithfully .
To apply, or to request further information, write to Martin Davis at mdavls@bastjobs
Complete the sentences (1- 6 ) with the
phrases from the box.There are two phrases
you do not need to use.

a rough idea of could you tell me further details

pleasesend me provide any information
would be interested in would be very grateful if
would it be possible to would like to know

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ if previousexperience
is necessary?
2 Could you_________________about the IT skills Writingbank page 153
I would need?
3 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you could give me _ _ _ _ Check your
of the hourly rates. D Have you writtenabout all three points in the task?
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tell me wheret h e D Have you started and finished your
company is based? email appropriately?
5 I_________________if you would consider D Have you checked your work for grammar,
candidates whose first language is not English. vocabulary and spelling mistakes7
6 !_______________knowing moreabourthe D Have you writtenat least 100 words?
Conversation Debate

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions 2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the points in
about finding a job. the list and have a debate.
1 What kinds of work do many people do in Decide if you are going to argue for or against the
your village, town or city? Why are these statement. If you argue for the statement, you are
kinds of work common? Have some kinds Student A. If you argue against it,you are Student B.Both
of work become less common in the past Student A and Student B should make notes for each
ten years? If so, why? point in the list about what you are going to say and what
2 Would you do voluntary work or an your opponent might say. Make nmes about what you
imernsh1p in order to get a job? will say in reply to your opponent.
Why7/Why not? Student A: Begin the debate with one point
3 'It's not what you know, it's who you Student B: Respond with an argument against Student
know:ls this true about finding a job? A's point.
Why?/Why nor? Student A: Respond by saying something that
4 What problems do young people have supports your view. Continue until you have
when they are unemployed? What would discussed the three points in the list.
you do if you were unemployed? Every universitystud ent should have a part-time job.
5 Som etimes a large number of employers
• academic goals
hold a job fair where they can meet
potential employees. What are the benefits • social life
for students of attending a job fair? Would • future employment prospects
you attend one? Why?/Why not? , rnxI11IWfwJifZ#Q®a&iifiW!ii CF•
6 'Making a good first impression is
essential, whether this is at a job
interview or in
a written application.' Do you agree?
Give your reasons.

Picture description
3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- E) which show different jobs. Take turns to
compare the pictures and talk about the reasons why people do and do not do
particular jobs.
51VMii:♦ 49
4 Choose the correct word (a, b, cord) to complete the
questions (1- 6 ). Then, match the questions to the
answers (A- F).
Will you need to take outa student to cover
yourcosts at university?
VOCABULARY a loan b payment c refund d allowance
2 Did your parents open a joint when they got married?

1 Work in pairs. Check the meaning of

a account b currency c security d deposit
these 3 How much does this savings scheme offer7
words: cash, mobile payment, online banking, a fee b charge c interest d share
credit card. Now discuss the questions 4 Do you receive a printed each month,ordo you check
your balance online?
at things do you buy with them7 Do you think some forms of payment encourage people to spend b
a account more money than
declaration others7 Why7/Why
c statement not?
d explanation
5 Will I haveto pay a(n) _ _ fee for changing money here7
a exchanging b interest c transaction d money
6 Can I the money to you online?
a transport b transform c transmit d transfer
A _ I get one in the post annually.
2 Complete the sentences with cash or
B _ Actually, they both kept their own.
C _ Yes, butI didn't think youhad
ondelivery is when you pay
anInternetaccount! D _Yes, butI'malso going to get
for something when it arrives rather than
in advance. a part-time JOb.
2 Be careful with that - it cost a lot of _ E _ All exchange bureaus here charge 0.3%.
3 Customers are offered a discount if they F _ Banks are only offering 0.1% right now, but
pay the rate changes.
5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
4 You can pay in or by
s We make sure our clients get the best that
_ _ _ _ can buy.
6 I'm a bit strapped for Can
you lend me 20euros?
3 Complete the sentences about money with
the verbs from the box. Use the correct
There are two verbs you do not need to use.

cost earn exchangepay purchase save spend withdraw

0What is the difference between a debit card and a credit card?
f) Where
If hehasn't got a job, how is heyou find_this information (1- 7) on a debit or credit card?
a living?
card number card type card verification code (CVC) cardholde r's name cardholder 's signature contactless paym
2 Can you buy me lunch? I you back
3 The company this land last year
and now they'rebuilding new offices on it.
4 She's bought so many clothes! She must
_ _ _ _ a fortune!
5 Can I________my euros for US dollars, please?
6 It's possible upto £300 at this ATM.

6 Complete the text with words or phrases from the 9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions (1-6) from
box. exercise 8.

annual charge clear credit late-payment over-the-limit rate terms

The world of business
10 Choose the correct word from the pair of given
words to complete sentences a and b.
t, you are very likely to have one soon.You may not realize, but different banks vary on the 1 and conditions they offer for a
make a decision, be sure to know the answers to the follow ing question s. a We plan to all our savings in
ff the credit card? the family business.
e at the end of
the best option may be a card with a lowinterest 3_ _ _ _ b How much will the company _ _ _ _
to charity this year?
(n) 4 fe 2 shareholders/founders
ff nrot paying by the due date) or a(n) 6 feyo borrow more than your agreement allows).
? a We are the largest________ . We own 73% of
maximum thecompany.
w from the bank.
b Bill Gates and Paul Allen were the _
al fees. For example, if your card is lost or stolen, you may haveto pay of Microsoft in 1975.
tions made on it. 3 p rofit/ deficit
a Last year was successful. We made a _ _ _ _
u of half a million euros.
b Our accounts last year showed a _ _ _ _
We spent 5,000 euros mor e than we earn ed.
4 salary/ income
a Lowering_________tax usu ally encourages
economci growth.
b The_________for this job is £23,000 a year.

11 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions.

0 Have you ever saved up for something?

7 Work in pairs. Discuss the question. What was it? How much did you save? Did
Do credit cards m ake our liveseasier? Why?/Why not?
8 What do you think is the best age to open your
own bank account? Why?
€) Do you ever borrow or lend money?
Retail and advertising Why?/ Why not? Who do you borrow from
or lend to?
8 Match the words in bold in the sentences (1-6)
with their definitions (a- f). 0 How much are your shopping decisions
influenced by advertising7
9 How does advertising affect our lives? What
are the benefits and the drawbacks?

What are your favourire

0 What skills and qualit iesdo you need to be
successful in business?
fashion brands ?Why?
2 Which advertisingslogans do
you know?What do they
3 Do some advertising campaigns
only work at certain times of the a advertisements on TV or on the
year? Which? Why? Internet b large advertising signs along
4 Do you read flyers people hand you roads
in the st reet? Why?/Why not? c recognizable products made by a particular company

5 What types of messages work well d small papers advertising an event or service
on e advertising messages phrased in a way so they are
6 Do you usually watch commercials? short
and striking or easy to remember
Why?/Why not? _. series of planned activities to achieve an
1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discu
ssthe questions .

Match the descriptions (A-C) to the pictures O (dffCs ""'

(1- 3). What other approaches might

advertising companies use to appeal to more
A advertising on specialized media channels
to target people with specific interests
B billboard advertising that adapts to the
people looking at it
C personalizedadvertisements sent directly to
your mobile device
2 How do you think advertising is going to change
in the near future? Comp anies spend billions of pounds on TV
commercials every year. Adverts are often boring,
2 Read the article about advertising. Why does repetitive, and irritating, but nowadays you can
the writer use a question mark in the title? simply click a button on social media in order to
• Read the whole text quickly to get a skip most of the advert if you're not interested.
general understanding. This innovation certainly improves the experience
• Note that somestatements in theexam task contain for impatient viewers,but what does this
development mean for businesses?
words from the text,but they arenot always the correct
answer. As a result of these changes, it has become
extremely important for advertising companies to
create commercials that are enjoyable to watch
3 Read the text. For questions (1-
and that can capture our attention. In other
5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). words, a successful advert for the new era
What is NOT TRUE about adverts becomes a form of entertainment - a creative
according to the text? piece that makes us
forget, for a moment, that we are watching
A Viewers often get bored of them.
someone trying to sell us a product or a service.
B They are expensiveto make.
Most people would agree that the advert for the
C It isn't easier to avoid watching them.
Citroen C4 car falls into that category. In this short
D Skippingthemis an option. film, a Citroen C4 is parked in a rooftop car park.
2 How have adverts chang Sudden ly, the animated car splits open and stands
up so that its back doors become legs, its front
ed? A They are
wheels are arms. With its stereo playing, the car, now
lessentertaining. B They are a robot, starts dancing just like Justin Timberlake.
easier to forget. C They are Which is hardly surprising, since the dance moves
more interesting. were designed by none other than
D Theyaren't as imaginative as before. Timberlake'sown choreographer.

3 What do we learn about the Citroen advert?

A It featured a famous pop singer.
B It told a story of a dancing
robot. C It helped the car win an
D It increased interest in the car manufacturer.
4 What does the word execution in paragraph 5
A carrying out a plan
B designing a product
C composing music
D producing a film
5 What was the problem with the advert?
A The car was too expensive for the viewers.
B The viewers couldn't remember the name
of the car.
C The viewers liked the robot, but didn't want
to buy it.
D Theviewers found the robot attractive,
but didn't like the car.
4 Work in pairs. Discussthe questions.

0What is the most memorable advert you have seen recently? Why was it memorable?
f) What role do you think sharing content on
social media plays in advertising7

Words in context

5 Work in pairs. Look at the highlighted words in

the article. Discuss their meaning and use them
to complete the sentences {1- 5).
1 Our company is very interestedin product design

The original TV advert soon became so popular that and .

it was considered to be one of the best commercials
that year, winning numerous industry awards. In fact, 2 This new software has turned out to be the best
in the month following its release, it helped double
we have ever made - money well spent.
the number of visitors to the Citroen website.
The success of the advertising campaign lay in the 3 First, we listed our target markets and then we
cinematic quality of its execution. Although it was a set of strategies to attract them.
only designed to promote a product, the superb
choreography, the dazzling animation and the cool 4 This brand has limit ed among young
music all added to its appeal. Fans loved it because
people aged 18 t0 25.
it was lively, fun, and original. Not to mention that
it was short and fast-moving, which meant viewers 5 They use computer-generated imagery to
could re-watch it many times without feeling bored.
the imagination of younger audiences.
However, many viewers seemed to be confused by
the advert. They loved the robot and some even Purpose and contrast
said that they would purchase it without hesitation.
This was the first clue that the advert wasn't entirely 6 Find examples of phrases expressing purpose
successful. Additionally, despite its entertainment and contrast in the article. Then choose the
value, they could never quite recall the make of the correct option to complete the sentences (1- 5).
car or the mode l. And isn't that what the advert was
devised for in the first place? 1 You must complete an online form in order you
can become/to become a member of the
2 We need to have this conversation so that for us
not to have/wedon't have any misunderstandings.
3 Although it is/being a mammal, a duck-
billed platypus lays eggs.
4 Despite having/that he has a strong French accent,
Alex speaks excellent English.
5 I love my new phone, although being/it was real
ly expensive.

7 Rewrite the sentences (1- 5) so that the

second sentence ha s the same meaning.
I saved some money to get a new tablet.
I saved some money so that _
2 Although I had a receipt, I didn't get a
I didn' t get a refund despite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 The babysitter came by taxi so as not to be late.
The babysitter came by taxi in order _

4 In spite of the rain, the carpenter finished the

fence. Although _
thcarpenter finished the fence.
5 The risk is high,but people still invest money in the
stock exchange.
People still invest money in the stock
exchange, in spite of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _
LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple-choice doze
3 Read the text. For questions (1- 10)
1 Complete the sentences (1- 5) with phrases choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
from the box.
hardly litt le no sooner seldom under no circumstances

_ _ _ _ _ _ did he know what he would

find whenhe opened the letter.
2 had Jean left the shop when
she realized her credit card was gone.
3 will I lend you any money. I've
done it too many times before!
4 had the shop closed down,
than another one opened.
5 do they eat out at a restaurant
- only on very special occasions.
Grammar reference page
122 In 1849, Charles Henry Harrod opened the
Knightsbridge store in London. Beginning ina small
Grammatical multiple -choicedoze room, it sold tea and groceries. The business 1_
steadil,yand by 1880
it2 was a successfuldepartment store, offering
After you choose your answers, read the whole text everything
again to check it makes sense and is grammatically
_ medicinesand perfumes to clothing and food.
The store attracted wealthy customers who were
looking for exclusivegoods_ undera(n) 3 roof.
2 Read the text. For questions (1- Thebuilding was completely destroyedin a fire in
5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). 1883. However, little did anyonereailzewhat would 4_
it! The new architect designed storewas likea
palace, with Art Nouveau windows and Baroque
pping would become so popular. Every day more and more people, _the InternetHarrods
to order became
everything from tablets
a public to cars,
company food toand
in 1889, flight s.
the 1890s it had estabilshednew _ , includingone

that sold exotic pets. During World War 11, the

store was transformed into a factory, which made
_main advantage of Internet shopping is uniforms andparachutes. In 1985, it returned to 6_
of their homes, saving the t imeand trouble of going to the shops. ownership
can visit them 3_they want. Consumers can browse products 4_all around the world, andMohamed Al Fayeditems
locate hard-to-find andhis brother
such Ali
as out-of-print books.
cause warehouse and staff 5_are lower. In short, the comfort and convenience online shopping offers makes it the future of retail.
Harrods for £615 million and_ 7 over its
management. The management team introduced a
dress code in 19,89 which banned swimwear and
many 8_ items of
beachwear considered too revealing. How eve,rthese
days Harrods is famous for its first-class 9_ and
high-quality products. From modest 10_ asa
greengrocer's, Harrods now covers over 90,000
square metres, and sells goods across seven floors.
It isthe largest store In Europe andhasits own

3 A whatever B whoever C wherever D wh

4 A are made B been made C have made D made
5 Acostly Bcosts C costing D cost
1 A have used Bdo use C areusing D shoulduse
2 A The B Such CThat DA
1 A stretched B widened C extended D expanded 6 A individual B special C personal D private
2 A from B past C through D with 7 A changed B made C rook Dbrought
3 A only Bsingle C one Dsolo 8 A other B of C such D same
4 A retake B remove C replace D rebuild 9 A labour Bservice C effort D activity
5 A departments B units C sections D areas 10 A ways Bstarters C creations D b eginnings

:T - _ - •

True/faf-.e 2 G)JI& listen to thestart of a conversation
between two friends, James and Monica. Which of
Work in pairs. look atthe pictures and discuss
the friends is more in favour of online shopping?
the questions.
hich of the0
things in the pictures would/ wouldn't you buy online? Why?/Why not?
• The statements often use different words from the
Have you or someone you know had a bad
recording to express the same ideas.
perience when shopping online? What happened?
• Some of the statements may include the same words
as in the recording, but that does not mean they are
true - focus on the information the speakers give,not
only on the words they use.

listen to the text. For
statements (1- 5) choose T if the statement is
true according to the text, F if it is false.You will

NY listen to
the text twice.
Monica broke her leg at a
shopping centre when she was
2 Monica enjoys shopping online.
3 James finds it hard to return
the things he buys online.
4 James isn't worried about the future
of high street shops.
5 Monica thinks people are too busy
to shop in high street stores.

4 Match the expressions (1- 6) from the

conversation with their definitions (a- f }.
1 hooked
2 to your doorstep
3 above all else
4 for the sake of it
5 can't be bothered
6 part with

a without a particular reason

b unwilling to make an effort
c absorbed in or obsessed about
d pay or give something to someone else,
especially when done reluctantly
e directly to your home
f more than anything

5 Who do you agree with more:James or

Monica? Discuss in pairs .
<Cil:U@t• SS
Forum post: .:;uooPstina and aivino advice
Choose the correct words to complete the
Work in pairs. Discuss the questi on s. sentences (1- 5 ).
1 Personally, I would recommend that you keep/
Do you ever worry about money? If so, what would keep your cards separately from your
do you worry about? If not, why not? cash.
What do you think the saying 'Money doesn't 2 The best thing to do is taking / to take a bit
grow on trees'means? Do you agree with it? more money than you think you need.
3 Don't even think about leavni g/to leaveyour
bag unattended at a bus or railway station!
4 It's a good idea telling/to tell your bank if
Read Adele's forum post and an swer the questions you're going to be travelling abroad.
(1- 3). 5 It's worth buying/to buy a money belt that you
can wear under your jeans.

.......My friends and I are staying in

campsites for three weeks th is Take time to think of some ideas for each of the three
summer. We're going to be in remote area,sso I points in the task and make notes. Write down any relevant
think we'll have to carry quite a lot of cash. How vocabulary that you may use in your text.
much should we takefor everyday expenses and
emergencies? And how can we keep cash and Read Jack's forum post. Write
cards safe? I've heard some horror stories about a forum post of at least 100 words in which you:
people losing all their money on holiday. Last
► give advice about how to save for th ings,
year, one of
my friends had a lot of cash and his cards stolen ► suggest ways to spend less,
from a youth hostel. He had to cancel his debit ► describe your own experience of saving up.
card and borrow money from his friends.

Why does Adele say she'll need lots of cash?
What does she think she will need cash for?
Jack I I l o vetechnology and always want the
. _, latest gadgets.Rig ht n ow I realyl want
3 Why is she concerned about keeping her cash to buya new phone.I've saved some money from
and cards safe7 my part-time job, but I needto save quite a bit
Imagine you are going to reply to Adele. My problem is that I findit really hard to save! I
Make notes of your ideas for each point. spen d alot on clothes because I like to look
Discuss your notes in pairs. good,and I love buying present s for people,
Cash ror everyday expenses: Food, .. . especially my girlfriend. It's my way of showing I
careabout them.
How much cash:£ . .
I have tried saving in the past, but I'venever
Emergencies: Useyour .. .
managed to keep it up for longer than a month. Can
Safety: Keep cash and cards in a ... anyone advise me on how to save more
I effectively??
Read Samm y's reply to Adele's post. Discuss
the questions (1- 3).

DJ I suggest you work out a daily budget
Check your work.
D Have you written about all three points in the task?
D Have you used appropriate informal language for
-- food, dn.nk, and an online forum post?
-1:•1111111111 transport,
and take enough cash for acouple of days.I D Have you used the correct language for making
wouldn't bother taking loadsof cash asmost
suggestions and giving advice?
campsitesaccept cards. However, I'd definitely
take acash emergency fund of £100. D Have you written at least 100 words?

To keep your money safe, I'd recommend buying a

small lock that you can use on your rucksack. If
you don't want to do this, then you might want to
sleep withyour wallet under your pillow at night.

What is Sammy's advice on each point? Is it the

same as you gave in your notes?
2 Which phrases does he use to suggest and advise?
3 Does he use formal or informal language?
Conversation Picture description

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions 'f:1t®iffl:ryjl/ffi®ati¥ti¾IJ?CI

about managing your money.

What do you spend money on? What do people

your age generally spend their money on7 Why
do they spend it on these things?
2 When was the last time you bought
something expensive? What was it?Did you
compare prices (online) before buying it?
3 'Having a monthly budget for personal
expenses is the best way for young people to
learn how to spend wisely:Do you agree?
Why?N./hy not?
4 Describe somebody you know who manages
their money either very well or very badly. What
do they do? What are the results?
5 'Buy now, pay later'.Do you agree? Why?N./hy
6 How much should people your age be given
each month as an allowance? Explain why.

2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the points
in the list and have a debate.
Decide if you are going to argue for or against the
statement. If you argue for the statement, you are
Student A.If you argue against it, you are Student
B. Both Student A and Student B should make
notes about each point in the list for what you are
going to say and what your opponent might say.
Make notes about what you will say in reply to
your opponent. Student A: Begin the debate with
one point.
Student B: Respond with an argument against
Student A's point.
Student A: Respond by saying something that
supports your view.Continue until you have
discussed the three points in the list.
The government should tax unhealthy food
to improve people's health.
• the money it generates for the government
• fairness
• thecost to government and society
3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- D)
which show people paying for things.
Take turns to compare the pictures and
talk about the methods
of payment.

Lexical multiple-choicecloze
(listening for specific Information)

Read the whole articleto get a general sense of the context

Remember thatallthe items shown in the pictures may be before you start choosing your answers.
mentioned in the recording, but only one of them is the
correct answer.
Read the article in exercise 4, ignoring the gaps.
What does Alex 's busine ssdo?
GD&Listen to two friends talking about
money and answer the que stion. Why are the Read the text below. For questions
other options incorrect? (1- 10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
What is Ben most likely to spen d his money on?

Twe n ty -o ne-year -o ld Alex Tew of Great Britain needed mon ey to be able to go to university, b u t hedidn't know how to get it. Howeve
He sat down one day wit h a notepad and wrote on
a page:' How can I 2a lot of money?' In rw o and
A C _
a half weeks he had raised a(n) 3_amount. He had mo re than enough for his 4_, with quitea bit of cash to spare. Howdjd he manage this?As a f
Intern et. He also possessed the skills to use it 6_. Alex came up withan idea that was both easily und erstood
.... .
. and
. cheap to 7. He also chose aLis
te nthat
to would
the speakers. For
questions (1- 6) choose the correct answer (A, B or
C). You will listen to each recording twice.
1 What does Lolaspend hermoney on?

A ii
people's attention: The Million Dollar Homepage.

He starred selling advertising space on the Internet, but with a difference. Adverts on the Internet are 9_either banner adverts, text links or video ad
and sell the m at a price of one dollar per pixel. And as
a result, he made more than £500,000 in just four mont hs.
Ho w did som

2 eone try to use the speake'sr

3 Which item did Jack's mo t h er take back
to the shop ?

A lllli:l al !il

----- 1
l llliij31:I
la o o ai
l i.; l!il□D

4 When does the speaker use her credit card?

A all the time \ --- jr

B in difficult situations
C when she doesn't have cash
1 A established Bdecided Cdetermined Dsettled
5 What does the speaker recommend doing?
2 A make Bcreate C produce D form
A op ening a special current
3 A principal Bessential Csignificant D important
account B putt ing money in
4 A demands B wishes Cneeds D wants
different banks
5 A familiar Baware Csensiitve Dinformed
C setting money aside each month for
different things 6 A deliberately B fortunately C obediently Deffectively
7 A set up Bset out C set off Dsetdown
6 What wil l t he UK curriculum changes result in? A grab
8 Bcarry C pull O take
A be tter maths result s at secondary school
9 A regularly Bnaturally ( averagely Dnormally
B the opportunity costudy finance at a younger
10 A Why B Where CWhat DHow
age C mo re school leavers becoming bankers
Expert Hours: Part-time
t who (aeneral)
loves technology and who has personal experience of the gaming ind ustry, Ret ail exp
gramme before starting the jo,b
r:- Read the job adverts (1- 5). Answer the questions.
1 Which job offers the highest salary?
2 Which position doesn't require
professional experience?

Read the texts. Match choices (A- H)

to (1- 5). There are three choices you do not need
to use.
Which job advert describes ... 7
A a publishing house E a charity
B a schoolP osition: LearningFsupport professional Contract: Full-time
a museum
Salary: £22,500 - £25,500 + Benefits
C a fashion house G a theatre
We are looking to recruit talented individuals who want to be a part of transforming education in London and helping creat
D a gym H a computer store
educated to degree level,
have two years' experience of working in an educational establishmen.t
Position:Help-deskAdvisor '1
Contract:Full -time

perience of working with a non­profit-making organization. Your responsibilit ies will include dealing with fundraisers and donors on the phone and by email.


W R ,I T I N G

Letter of application

ional activities. The new Assistant Director will manage the existing collections. The ideal
have seenmust
thebe reliable, job
following dedicated and hav
advert and have decided to apply. Write a letter in
which you:
► say what job you're applying for and why you
would like to do it,
► explain why you are a good candidate,
► describe your previous work experience.
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your
own name, any dates, addresses or other personal
information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Wanted: people with the right attitude!

mporary co ver for maternity leave) Our town is growing in popularity with foreign tourists.
depending on experience We need guides to show them round. Guides need to:
have aour
ssiona l. expe rienced person with a pa ssion for stylish clothe s to support friendly
team ofmanner speakYou
de signers. goodwillEnglish
me mber sof the team with the ir hotel and travel arrange ments andknow aboutasour
expenses. city
well as -carr
ying outhistory.
other etc.
If you fit this description. send us a letter of application,
addressed to the Officer for Tourism.

•dit1Hiid31H•¥v s9
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the quest io ns.
0In whatdifferent ways can people stay healthy? Which things are most important do you think?
f) In what ways is it easier or more difficult to be healthy than it was in the past?

Healthy eating 4 Choose the correct word to complete the

questions. Do you usually check the
2 Complete the text with the adjectives from the box.
information about the nutritional/culinary

I carbonated fresh lean low oily semi-skimmed

starchy sugary unsaturated wholegrain
content of the foods you buy?
2 Do you make an effort to avoid foods with
too many preservatives/conservatives?
3 Does your family usually eat rea dy/fast meals
at home or cook using fresh materials
/ingredients ?
4 Do you have a sweet mouth/tooth ? What kind
of desserts do you like?
5 Have you tried giving up/cutting down on the
_ _ _ _ foods like bread, pasta and rice
should make up half your diet. They are your amount of sugary snacks yo u eat?
body's main source of energy and fibre. Choose 6 Do you know anyone who has
instead of white rice. triedhaving/going on a diet to lose weight? Did
Eat five portions of frozen or 3____________fruit they succeed?
and vegetables every day. They're packed 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
with vitamins and minerals and are 4_______in in exercise 4.
Have 5_ _ _ _ foods and drinks like jam , 6 Work in pairs. Consider your healthy diet score
sweets and cola in moderation. They're high in exercise 3 and your answers in exercise 5.
in calories and can make your teeth rot. Not Whose diet is healthier? What do you need to do
a pretty sight. to improve your eating habits?
_ Drink still mineral water. 6________________water is
higher in sodium than still water, and too Symptoms and illnesses
- - - - -
much sodium is bad for your heart.
7 Match the adjectives from the box with the words
Eat 7_ _ _ _ meat, fish, poultry and eggs as
and phrases (1- 8) to make symptoms of common
they are good sources of protein, which help abdominal high high/low itchy splitting
your body rebuild itself. sudden swollen upset
" Limit your intake of fatty foods. Choose
_ _ _ _ fat, which is healthier and can be fever 5 blood pressure
found in vegetable oil, 9_______________fish, such as 60 7
i :iJ·iHid! M11♦
mackerel and sa lmon, and margarine. Swap
whole milk for 10_______________alternatives.

3 Read the text in exercise 2 again . Evaluate

your own diet. Give yourself a point if you
follow the advice in each paragraph (1- 6).
What's your healthy diet score?
My healthy diet score:_
2 tonsils 6 rash
3 weight loss 7 stomach
4 headache 8 pain
8 Complete the sentences (1- 8) with the
phrases from exercise 7.
Hanna'hs _______________might bea sign of an
eating disorder. She's just a shadow of her former
2 Please be quiet! I cannot bear any noise today.
I have a _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 Let me have a look at your throat. Yes, Alternative therapies
you've certainly got .You'll
need some antibiotics.
12 Match the types of
alternative health
4 The food at that new restaurant has given me
therapies (1- 6) with
a(n) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I'm not going there again!
their definitions (a- f
s Whenever I eat chocolate, I come out in an ).
incredibly all over my 4 homeopathy
body. 1 acupuncture
6 can be a sign of a serious 5 chiropractic
disease, such as appendicitis or a stomach 2 massage 6 balneotherapy _
ulcer. 3 aromatherapy
7 I have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Today it dropped to 90
a using water from mineral springs
over 60 and I felt dizzy. b manipulating joints and the spine to align
8 A very________________, with a temperature them properly
of 395°C and above, can be a sign of a c using very small doses of the same natural
dangerous infection. substances that would cause the complaint
d rubbing or pressing muscles and joints to relieve
Healthcare tension or pain
9 Choose the correct word from the pair of given
e using plant extracts and essential oils for healing
words to complete sentences a and b. f inserting fine needles into the skin to improve
the balance of energy in the body
A&E(Accident and Emergency)!Da y surgery
a treats patients who don't 13 Work in pairs. Which of the therapies in exercise
require an overnight hospital stay. 12 do you think are effective? Which are not?
b treats all kinds of injuries or Why?
illnesses that require immediate attention.
2 Consultants /Fa milydoctors
a are trained in general medicine 14 What is the word or phrase for a person
and work in the community. addicted to the following things?
b are hospital doctors who are 1 work w _
specialists in a particular area of 2 buying things s
3 taking drugs d a
3 Health insurance/Public healthcare
4 drinking alcohol
a__________is a scheme where people have
their 5 playing computer games g a
medical costs paid for by the government 6 having an abnormal diet e d
b is an arrangement in which you
make regular payments to cover the cost 15 Work in pairs. Which addictions in exercise 14
of your own medical care. are most threatening for young people? Why?

10 Complete the sentences (1- 6) with words 16 Work in pairs. Discuss the question s.
from the box.

r 0 What would you change about your lifesty le to make it healthier7

n egli g enc e re co r d s second visiting waiting wards
E) How often do you visit your family docto r? What kind of complaints could he or she he
you with?
hours in a hospital should be restricted
to two hours a day.
2 It is often necessary to get a(n)_________opinion
from a different doctor in another hospital.
3 A patient's medical must be kept secret,
even from their immediate family. E) Why do you think some peop le only believe
4 Accepting payment to put a patient ontoinamodern medicine, and others only in alternative therapies7
list is a serious crime. 0 What do you think should be done to help
5 Doctors guilty of medical________shouldn't beyoung people from becoming addicted to certain things, such as computer games7
allowed to continue practising.
6 If people don't want to share hospital _
with other patients, they should be asked to pay

11 Work in pairs. Do you agree or disagree with the

statements in exercise 1O? Why?

< i hUiiidiN
1 Ui♦ 61
Matching (specific} 8
1 Look at the pictures in the texts (1- 6). What do
you think could be their connection with health?
Thai massage goes back thousands of years. It isn't
2 Read the te xts quickly and check your answers. regarded as an occasional pleasure . It's part of a rout ine
that is supposed to heal a number of different ailme nts ,
including headaches, stress and de pression. It is also
• Read all the texts first to find out what they thought to boost energy levels and improve blood flow
areabout. Then read thequestions in theexam task around the body. The aim is to relax the whole body
tosee what information you should find in the using gentle pressure and stretching techniques. Tha i
texts. massage practitioners use a system that is very diffe rent
• Be careful - you may find words or phrases from a from other types of massage. Where many of us are used
text in a question, but this does not mean that it is to lying still, in Thai massage you particip ate actively in
thecorrect answer. the process.
• After you have completed the task, check that
the remaining sentences do not match any of the

3 Read the te xt s. Match choices (A-

H) to (1- 6). There are two choices you do not
need to use.
Which method ...
A might require courage?
B explainsyour persona lity
type? C uses a unique
D helps people to live longer?
E links exercise to happi ness?
F is well known in other countries?
G focuses on family time?
H allows you to eat as much as you like7

The Greek diet is famous as one of the healthiest in the People in t he Netherlands are dedicated cyclists:
world; however, it isn't just a diet , it's also a way of cycling is part of their life, whether t hey're gett ing to
life! Vegetables are prevalent in Greek cook ing, but work, school or just doing a bit of shopping. 27% of
it's a balanced diet, which also includes plenty of olive all journeys are made by bike, and a 2015 study found
oil, fish and chicken, so it's high in protein and that, due to the health benefits of cycling, around
unsaturated fats. Also, it isn't unusua l for people to 11,000 deaths are prevented each year. Moreover, the
enjoy a glass of wine with their meal. As for snacks , a study also found that Dutch people live on average
Greek diet allows for fruit, nuts and yoghurt, which all half a year longer than other Europeans due to their
help with healthy digestion, and also the occasional more active lifestyle. Towns and cities in the
sweet treat - as long as you don't eat too much! Netherlands make biking safe and easy with clearly
marked cycle lanes, parking spaces and bike racks.
<7_l hi·i5iiii il91♦fl
4 Read the text s again.Which of the ideas
would in your opinion be the most beneficial
to your health?
in India more than 5,000 years ago. It is concerned with treating the whole person - the mind , body and
ther. The system of Ayurveda claims we can stay healthy and live for a5long Work
time in
by pairs. Why
balancing threedoforces
you inthink ancient
earth/ water). Vata people are thought to be imaginative, belief systems like Ayurveda appeal to
onfident and well organized, but can people in the modern world?
nd kind, but can be lazy and tend to suffer from depression. According to Ayurveda, understanding what type of person you
Words in context

6 Look at the highlighted words in the arti cle, and

choose the correct synonym (a or b) for each
word (1- 7).
a common b unusual
2 ailment
a healing b illness
3 practitioner
a therapist b trainee
4 dedicated
a hardworking b qualified
5 impulsive
a sensitive b spontaneous
6 sympathetic
0 a caring b interesting
7 attribute
a quality b weakness

The World Happiness Report places Denmark in the 7 Complete the sentences with the words (1- 7) from
top three happiest countries out of 155 countries that exercise 6.
were surveyed.In Denmark people pay high taxes, but Annie is such a(n) football player that
they believe they are investing money in a better
she never misses a game.
2 You shouldn't be surprised byTim's quick dec is
of life. Education - from kindergarten to
university - is free. Hospital t reatment is free. io n. He's always been quite _
Daily care for the elderly at home is also free. Wit
h a 37-hour working
week, Denmark is also getting the work-life 3 A key of soldiers is their ability to follo w
right. Many people leave orders without questioning.
work early to pick up their 4 What qualificationsdo you need to become
children. Childcare is much a sports_________?
cheaper in Denmark than 5 This disease is more in peop le over 40.
in many other countries,
and almost all mothers of 6 It's important to realize that there isn't
younger children are able to always a cure for every _
work if they want to. 7 I've always found Tom to be very _ _ _ _
towards other people's needs.

The traditional Ukrainian /aznia is an important part of Ukrainian culture. Its

main attribute is of course that you get clean. But the health benefits of all the
steam and heat are said to be as good as a visit to the doctor. You start in the
steam room and can go in and out so you don't get too hot. Whilst there, you use
a vinyk (oak or birch branches) to beat the skin, improving blood flow. After this,
you should pour freezing water on yourself, jump in a cold pool, or - for the truly
brave - roll around in snow. You can repeat the process a number of times - over
a period of seve ral hours!
< i iiUHidit)M♦
LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple -choicedoze
reported speech 3 Read the text. For questions (1-
1O) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Complete the sentencesin reported speech .
1 Tm sorry I didn 't remem ber to get the
tomatoes, Vanessa!'
Junk-food generation?
Chrisapologized to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How many greasy burgers and chips have you
eaten for lunch this week? And of course you've
2 'You added sugarto my coffee already,didn't
you, Peter?' forgotten to eat your vegetables, haven't you? Our
Sam wondered _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ generation is often associated with the growing 1_
of fast
3 'Go to the superm arketafter school and
food. The media are constantly reporting on _how
buysome eggs, Jack'.
teenagers are developing unhealthy eating 2 .
H is mumasked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I must disagree with the claim that young
4 'Idon't think it was me you saw at thecafe, people are ignorant of what a balanced _ diet 3
Elena'. Ruth doubt ed wh ethe r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ •

_ Most people my age are concerned about their

5 'Youmust hand in your essay by 4 p.m. today, appearance and health. 4_ , they consider proper

Sally'' eating habits crucial. Most people I know_ eat three

The teachertold Sally _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ healthy meals a day, and breakfast in 5 is hardly

6 'Will you tell me if you hear anything,Ben7' 2 A should B mig ht C ought to D
Jenny asked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shall
3 A this B some C the D
Grammar reference pages 123- 125
4 A this B such C these D
Grammatical multiple -choicedoze som e
5 A at B to C for D
Look at the words immediately before and after the gaps -
they will help you choose the correct answers. For
example , a preposition might tell youwhat verb you
64 < 1111·111111!1'111·

should choose.

2 Read the text. For questions (1-

5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

For years, weightlifting has had a bad reputation.

Many parent,sdoctors and even coaches believed lifting
weights 1_ harmful to childre.nIt was thought that
this type of exercise 2 _ damage bones and
consequently affect
a child's growth. Nowadays, however, 3

growingnumber of experts recommend weightlfiting.

They point out that
_ type of training has numerous benefits, including
contributing to higher bone denstyi, resistance to
injury and even a reduced risk of some illnesses,
such as diabete.s As a result, schools have started
adopting strength training programmes 5 _ children
as young as ten.These programmes are meant to be
perfectly safe, provided children have proper

A being B to be C of being D been

ever missed. The school canteen is a popular place to
have lunch 6_ the fact that it offers healthy meals.
Some people prefer to bring their own lunch, which
usually includes salads, fruit and other healthy
ingredients. Despite the fact that the 7 _

of fast-food restaurant customers are teenagers, only a

few eat there regularly. Much as young people like the
taste of junk food, they realize
it is so 8_ in calories and fat that it cannot possibly be
beneficial for their health. For this very reason, fast-food
restaurants 9_ to just be used as occasional meeting 1 A popula rity B favour C regard D admi ration
places. No one with any common 10_ eats there 2 A traditions Bcustoms C manners D habits
every day. So, instead of the unfair criticism, why don't 3 A intends B explains C means D shows
the media adopt 4 A However BTherefore C Because D Not only
a positive attitude and discuss the most beneficial diet 5 A particular B specific C regard D aspect
alternatives for teenagers? 6 A altho ugh B due to C since D despit e
7 A who le B majority C section D group
8 A tall B big C high D great
9 A tend B ask C demand D sugg est
10 A judgment B intelligence C sense D reason
·-- --- -- - - - -,

2 Match the ways to help people with disabilities (a- 1) with
each type of disability in the pictures (1-4 ).
a mobility scooter b Braille
c ramps
d hearing aid e carer
f text -reading software
g subtitles h guide
j sign language k
I therapist

Read the task carefully to get an idea of what the recording will be about.
Try to predict the information and language you are likely to hear to help you understand the recording.

Q)Jll!> Listen to the text.For question s (1- 5 ) choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). You will listen to the text t wice.
What is NOTTRUE about Maya7
She's still learning to read.
She can't see very well.
She's successful in business.

(listening for detailed understandinal
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 4). Discuss
the questions.

What kind of disability does each picture show?

What do you think it would be like to live with
these kinds of disabilities?
0 What kinds of things do you think you would/
would not be able to do?
<1 j:jfu ■:iifrm1♦ 6S

2 What helped Maya in her daily life7

A She bought better glasses.
B She learned to use Braille.
C She got books with large print.
3 How does Maya describe her university life?
A not easy
B nor difficult
C not unhappy

4 What does Maya

do now? A She's
a careers advisor.
B She's an
entrepreneur .
C She's an employment consultant.

5 What advice does Maya give to blind

andpartially sighted people?
A Avoid using a walking stick.
B Don't rely on
com puters. C Try
to be independent.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

What facilities are provided in your neighbourhood for people with disabilities? What help is available at your school?
How can you help students with disabilities to achieve the best they can at school and in exams?
Maaazine artide· d'!scribina cast events R.t111,1.e111,1.beythat it t a l'?.es ti.111,1.e to a cjl ust
to a w school ali\,C( that
l'III.OSt stuclev--ts clo settle i.""' evell\,tualL)j.
Work in pair s. Di scussthe question s.
Which of these stressful situations have you
experienced? Number them 1-3, with 3 being the
66 <1i:iJJOiii!Mit+
one which makesyou most stressed.
Taking exams
Mov ing to a new town or city _
Falling out with a friend
2 Are there any other common stressful situations
t hat should be included in the list? What are

Read the exam task and Maria's an swe r. M atch

the statements (a- d) with the gaps (1- 4).
a Laura found three ways of coping .
b Changing schools can be a major
challenge. c There are ot her useful strategies.
d There were several reasons for this.

You are on an exchange trip to

a school in the UK and have read the following
advertisement in the school mag azine. Write
an article of at least 100 word s in which you:
► de scribe a time when someone you knowchanged
► e xplain why the change was stressful,
► say how this person coped with it and suggest
other ways of coping.

Have you ever changed schools? Could you
help others who have just started at a new
school or college? We are looking for short
articles about how to cope with the stress of
changing schools for our next issue.

1 _ FoY ex,t1111,1.ple, two tleays ago, Uuya l'III.DVed

111, school ali\,d she foull\Ct t h e 111,1.ove veYtJ

2 _ she di.d � !'?.""'ow a""'tlo ali\,cl she

111,1.i.ssecl heY fyi.ev,.,e(s fyo111,1. heY forM-eY scl--lool. Not
su Ll::j, s l--le feLt sacl ali\,C( Lo Ltl. 'I felt veYl:j
cli.fteYeli\,t fyo111,1. eveYl:jO ,' sl--le 'I cli.d""''t
l'?.""'°w what 111, class111,1.&1tes weye taLl'?\,g &1bout &I
Lot of tl--le ti.111,1.e.' A""'°tnu-pYoble111,1.wci the si.z.e of
our school. 7
It i.s veY)1 Large, ali\,cl sol¾ttt-111, U u ya 1-iacl
trouble f,v,.,e( cLaSSYOOl'III..

3 _ sl--le l'?,ept\,toucl--l hey old f ne , sl--

111,1.acle cili\, effort to get to 1'?,11\,0w 1--leY w
ali\,C( s l--le i;lyew a plali\, of tl--le scl--lool thatshe tool'?.
with her eVeYl::jwl--leYe. 'B-H tl--le eli\,C( of tl--le teYlM.,
she hacl 111,1.acle sol'lll.t ftieds ali\,C( l'?, w 1--leY wa11
ayouli\,C( the
school. she felt 111,1.uch ha-ppi.eY ali\,C( 111,1.oye coli\,f-clev--t.
4 _ J oi.Ii\, gyoups at scl--lool ali\,C( tall'?,to l:jOUY
-pare""'ts about how !:jOU arefeeu. .
Read t he article again and answer the questions
(1- 2).
Which of these things does Maria do at the end of
her article?
emphasize something to the reader D
encourage the reader D
prom isethe reader success D
warn the reader D
wish the reader good luck D
2 Does she use formal or informal language? Is her

Match two or more adjectives from the box with

each topic (1- 5). Use each adjective only once.

compulsory confident confused cosy demanding

determined major motivated practical relevant significant
spacious supportive tense
unfamiliar upset

1 feelings:
2 people:
3 events:
4 information:
5 places:

Start each new paragraph with astatement that

explains the main idea. Continue with sentences that
provide further information, such as examples or

You are on an exchange trip to a

school in the UK and have read the following
advertisement in the school magazine . Write an article
of at least 100 words in which you:
► describe your own experience of exam st ress,
► explain why the experience was stressful,
► say how you coped with it and suggest another
technique for coping.

1 Coping with exam str ess 1

1 Of course exams play a bigpart in every student's 1
\ life, and many of us get stressed by them. Do you j
\ have any experience of coping with exam stress? \
j Do you have any techniques you could s hare? If
so, j j send usyour ideasin the form of a short
article. \
· ...................................................... ....... ...........................................:

Check your work.
D Have you written about all three point s in t h e task?
D Have you used appropriate formal language?
D Have you started each paragraph with a topic
D Have you written at least 100 words?
Conversation Debate

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about 2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the
types of addictive behaviours. points in the list and have a debate.
1 Describe somebody who feels they have todo Decide if you are going to argue for or against the
something, like shop or exercise. How often statement. If you argue for the statement, you are
dothey do this activity? How long do they do it Student A.If you argue against it, you are Student
for? What effect does it have on them7 B. Both Student A and Student B should make
2 Is there an object oran activity that makes you notes for each point in the list about what you are
feel happy, but others think you depend too going to say and about what your partner might
much onit? What is it? What would you do if you say. Make notes about what you will say in reply to
didn't have it? your opponent Research thetopic online if
3 Have you ever played acomputer game ordone necessary.
another activity for a long time? Why did you Student A: Begin the debate with one point.
spend a long time on it? How did you feel at the Student B: Respond with an argument against
end? Student A's point.
4 'An addiction to gaming is an illness and Student A: Respond by saying something that
sufferers should receive treatment from supports your view.Continue until you have
doctors'.Do you agree? Why7/Why not? discussed the three points in the list.
5 Imagine a friendwants to stop eating sugary
We should all become vegetarians.
foods. Would you advise them to cut sugary
foods out of their diet immediately, or suggest • human health
they cut down gradually? Givereasons for your • the rights of other animals
choice. • theenvironment
6 'Employers should make sure that their Speaking bank:debate ideas page 144
employees don't become workaholics'.Do you
agree? Why?/ Why not?

Picture description

3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- F) of people doing different things to stay in good
physical and mental shape . Take turns to compare the pictures and say what youthink
about these ways of maintaining good health.
< i ii!UiiCl1hM♦
7 61
Types of travel
- - - - - - - -

, Work in pairs. Look at the picture s in exercise

3 and discu ss the question s.

0 How often do you go on school trips with your class1 What places have you been to?
E) How are school trips useful?

2 Choose th e correct word from the pair of given Ukraine has a wide range of activities for
words to complete sentence s a and b. international and domestic 1 Tourists can
cruise/voyage enjoy the big city 2 of Lviv: •its culture and
a TheTitanic sank on its first _ _ to New night life, or its restaurants and shopping cent res.
York. You can chill out on a in Koblevo, hike

b I would love to go on a luxury round in Borzhava mountains or relax for a few days in
the Caribbean. a spa hotel off the beaten 4 • Or why not
2 tour/excursion discover quirky Ukrainian 5 like Maslenitsa
a My class went on an all- day to [he or Kupala Night?
National Park.
b We went on a long _ _ _ of Spain
Visitors will be amazed by all the possibilities
last sum m er. they find - lively fest ivals, amazing
3 journey/ trip and friendly 6 everywhere. There's a
a Martha is going on a business co reason why Ukr ainians are famous for t
Boston next month. he ir hospitaltiy!
b The train________was long and tiring. It
took Accommodation for visitors in Ukraine comes
us eight hours. in all shapes and sizes from five-star hotels to
4 trave/lexpedition trendy bed and breakfasts or affordable 7 _

a Are you planning to join the university hostels.

tothe Antarctic this year? There's so much here to see and do -
b My job involves aconsiderable am ount
of foreign _
Ukraine is expecting you!
5 flights/rides
a Our airline is proud to announce new daily
toChicago and Toronto.
b Private companies offer helicopter _
over Niagara Falls for as much as $110.
6 outing/commute
a Our family tothmeountains was
such a success, we're already planning the next.
b I love the job, but I hate the long _
every day.


3 Read the advert on the right. Fill in the gaps (1-

7) with the words from the box.

backpacke r beach locals thrills track

traditions visitors
,,.- . --. - -- :::--- - -·... - -- - - -- ..-. - - - - -- .... - - - - .
'-: VO CA BU LA R Y �

4 Work in pairs. Discuss the question . 8 Read the text. Fill in the gaps (1- 1O) with the
words or phrase s from the box.
tt ractions mentioned in the advert are most likely to appeal to foreign tourists of your age? Why?

bike-shar ing car pooling fare gridlock

p ark-and-ride parking tickets pedestrianized areas
rush hour stuck in traffic traffic cameras

People who live in major cities often spend hours

Urban transport _ _ _ _ trying to get to work or school in the morning,
S Complete the sentences (1- 7) wit h the modes of or get back home in the evening. The busiest periods
urban transport from the box. are
often referred to as the 2 .Aicnr

bicycles buses escalators intercity trains metro sd weather can cause 3 - situation where
river boats trams trolleybuses there
are so many vehicles on the road that traffic can't move
City are gradually being replaced by at all for exte n ded periods.
electric and LPG (liquid petroleum gas) vehicles There are different ways cities can help reduce traffic
to make them more environmentally friendly. congestion. Some local councils promote the idea of
2 Passengers in London can travel by _
to destinations along the River Thames. somorepelepuse fewer vehicles on
3 The first electric_________in Ukraine operated
road. In some cities, 5_______________schemes have been set
in Kyiv. The system now consists of about 140 up - encouraging people to leave their cars outside the
kilometresof tracks. city centre and continue their journey by public
4 There are speciaI lanesfor_________to encourage transport. Some cities have gone as far as allowing
more people to take up this environmentally passengers to use buses or trams without paying a 6
friendly mode of transport.
5 The majority of_________lines run underground , Making drivers buy pay-and-display _

and stations can be accessed from the surface via provides much-needed income for local councils as
well as reducing traffic volumes. Installing8________for
6 In some cities,people can travel by.................You monitoring speed limits helps make roads safer and may
can see the ir electric cables above the street. help to discourage people from taking their cars for shorter
Establishing a 9_________scheme encourages short-
range commuters to combine travel with exercise -
a healthy and environmentally-friendly solution for some
7 ateron domestic routes in people. Creating 10 lsencourages more
op Ukraine
and you can use them to get to the biggest cities. people to walk to their destinations instead of driving there.
They offer first, standard and economy classes. There is no perfect solution. But the cities of the future
must ensure that people can travel around them without
6 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
cities becoming polluted, congested urban motorways.
ich of the modes of transport in exercise 5 are available where you live? What other
nsare there?
9 Work in pair s. Take turns to answer the questions .
ich of them have you tried? Which of them
u prefer? Why? 0
What is the mo st memorable trip you've ever taken? Why was it memorable? Where did you
go? What did you do there?
What are the main attractions for visitors in
your town or area? Where do visitor s usual ly come from?

Traffic management and road safety 0 What's the fastest way of getting around a big city? What's t he most comfortable1 What's the
7Work in pairs. Discuss the questions . safest? What's the most environmentally-friendly?
0How do you think traffic is going to change in
0What are the main problems with transport where youyour neighbourhood, town or area in the near
E) What measures are being taken to solve these future? What do you think is going to improve and what is go ing co get worse? Why?
problems? How effective are they?
a ►
I Uhif -iii·il·MiW : 69
More people have been into space or climbed
Mount Everest than have rowed across the Atlantic
Ocean. But on 5 December 2011 Jamie Windsor
and John Haskell, two firefighters from Cardiff, in
Wales, set off from La Gomera in the Canary
Islands hoping to do exactly that - to reach the
Caribbean island of Barbados in just a few weeks.
The two men decided to take on the Atlantic Dash
challenge after John's wife had been diagnosed
with cancer. They wanted to raise money for a
charity helping patients affected by the same
disease. Their families were supportive, but at the
same time quite astonished, as neither man had
ever rowed before. So for five months Jamie and
John trained hard for the race in the calm waters of
Cardiff Bay. But nothing could prepare them for the
long days and nights in the middle of the Atlantic.
The specially-designed boat meant rowers
could be self-sufficient during the crossing.
They had a device that made seawater
drinkable and food
stored in watertight containers. A big challenge
was that because race rules did not permit the
boat to drift, at least one of the men had to row at
all times. To ensure this, they worked out a two
hours on two hours off timetable. This was very
difficult for the two men, especially John, who
admitted that at one point he had started seeing
things due to lack of sleep. At one stage he
believed he was talking to an old woman on a
bike who was cycling alongside their boat!
The crossing was not without problems. As well
as John's hallucinations, the two friends had to
face what were at that point the worst storms
roughest seas of the new millennium, battling 10-15
metre waves at times. They also ran into
white-tip sharks and were nearly run down by
a cargo ship during a storm.
Multiple - choice The rowers kept their fans up to date about their
progress via tweets and a website that tracked their
1 Work in pair s. Look at the picture s (1-4 ) route across the ocean. They had expected the trip
and di scuss the questions. to take 70 days, so it turned out to be a real surprise
for them to reach the finish line in just under 46
0 Why do you think people make these journeys? days. In fact, they got within just a couple of days of
8 Would you consider doing something similar? breaking the record time for an Atlantic crossing in a
Why?/Why not? wooden rowing boat.
The men completed the journey on 20 January
2 Read the article about a memorable journey 2012. They were both relieved to find themselves
quickly. How is the journey described in the te back on dry land. They were met by family, friends
xt and members of the fire services as they entered
differ ent from those in the pictur es? the marina at Port St Charles. What pleased them
most was that they met their fundraising target:
10 <s l i;@ilii Jltl i•i'i;lti6► they had collected over £25,000 for the charity
from sponsors.
2 Neither of us wanted to row, so our kayak just
• Remember that the order of questions follows the
_ _ _ _ down the stream lazily.
order of the information in the text.This can help you
find exactly wherethe information is. 3 The two families together on a road
• Underlining the relevant parts of the text will help trip along the coast.
you complete the task. 4 We can send help immediately because we've been
thexpedition's position.
3 Read the text. For questions (1-5)
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
5 The shed roofis being fixed to make it _

Where did the men want to get to? Phrasal verbs with run
A Cardiff
B La Gomera 6 Find the phrasal verbs run into and run down in
the article.What do they mean? Match the phrasal
C Barbados
D the Caribbean
from the mind map with their definitions (1- 6).
2 Why did they want to row across the Atlantic?
A to raise money for themselves INTO
B to take on a new
challenge C to help people

N (
with cancer D to prepare for
another race
3 What does self-sufficient in paragraph 3 mean?
A arrogant
B independent
C confident
D egoistic THROUGH , ON
4 What is NOT TRUE about the
crossing? A There was a big storm. DOWN
B The men encountered sharks.
C They crashed into a ship.
continue without stopping
D One man started imagining things.
2 hit and knock to the ground
5 Why were they surprised when they
arrived? A They broke a world record. 3 say, discuss or read quickly
B They arrived earlier than expected.
4 meet by chance
C They managed to row for 70 days.
D They didn't expect their friends to meet them. 5 be used up or finished

Words in context 6 to leave or escape from a place

4 Match the highlighted words in the article with 7 Complete the sentences (1- 6 ) with the
the underlined words or phrases with a similar correct phrasal verb with run. Use the
meaning in the sentences (1- 5). correct form.

1 Submarines are specially designed in a way Could we just_________the list of those who
that prevents water from getting into them. signed up for the trip?
2 You won't believe who we athe
2 The fastest way into the city is down the main shopping centre yesterday!
road. 3 The motorcyclist jumped the red light
andended up_the pedestrian.
3 They were never at any risk of getting lost, 4 Do we have any provisions left, or have we
because we followed them using a GPS device. already?
5 This lecture will never end! It just keeps _
for ever.
6 She_________from home at the age of sixteen.

8 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

4 The expedition departed from the capital towards
the mountain forests. 0What's the most exciting journey you've ever
5 The boat started to move with the wind,slowly been on? What made it exciting?
fioating out to sea. E) What's your dream destination? How would you like to travel there7
9Do you prefer to travel in comfort or do you
S Complete the sentences (1- 5) with the correct
form of the highlighted words from the article.
1 Satnavs allow you to choose the fastest or the

shortest from A to B.

<aii ;f-iilii -M·ii· •'MiU

Lexical mult iple -choice doze

participles Think of your own answer to complete each gap.Then

choose the option that isclosest to your idea.
1 Choose the correct participle form to complete
the sentences (1- 8 ).
3 Read the text. For question s (1- 10 )
Did you see that woman carrying/carrieda
choose th e correct answer (A, B, C or D).
huge backpack?
2 We saw a strange man dressing/dressed
as a gorilla.
3 The police will remove and may destroy any
luggage leaving/left unattended.
4 Not knowing/known the answer, I
remained silent.
5 The taxi rank is locating/locatedoutside
the main terminal building.
6 Growing/Grown up in a rural area, they
had never experienced big -city life.
7 Zoe and I sat on our hotel balcony, watching
/ watched the sunset.
8 Having completed/Had completed his round
The rise of package holidaysin the 20:11 century
the-world tour, he flew back home. made us believethat travelling was about jetting off
Grammar reference pages 125- to beach resorts for two weeks of sun, fun and
126 sand.And, more recently, due to the advent of 1_
airlines,it has been a race to
Grammatical multiple-choice doze tick off experiences_ and destinations. Books with
helpful titles, 2 1000 wonders of the world,
2 Read the text.For questions (1- 5) bestsellers. Many holidaymakersset out with the 3_
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). of crossing off all the must-see sites they have read about.
When you book a holiday today, the first thingyou
Coping with TRAFFIC ◄_ yourself is,Where shall I go? But isn't the why
Many large cities around the worldhave struggled and how just asimportant as the where?
to keep up withtheincrease in traffic in recent Don't wealsogo on holiday tos _ our
times. Densely populated areas, growing car batteries and to meet interesting people? As the cost
ownership, as well as_ narrowroads 1 for of flying increases andcarbon guilt sets in, the
muchlower volumes purpose of travel will " become more important than
of traffic all contribute to this. In 1975, Singapore eve.rThis new wayof travelling couldbe described
decided to introduce a congestion charge - a fee asdeep t rave.l It will be about getting under the skin
of a place. we will' _ real experiences
_ drivers entering the most traffic-
rather than artificial culture packagedup for tourists. It
heavyzones of the city. London introduced a
will be about the s_ of local character and
congestion charge in 2003. Public opinion was
the detail.It will be about the things that make a place
initially opposed to 9

_ idea,but people soonbecame more supportive

of the scheme. Despit e this,its first decade 4
_ • It will be as much about the particular smell of
mixed success, and the number of carsin the city
a place, for example fresh spices in Turkey,as it is about
fellby only 10%. H owever, the scheme proved
exploring 10 _ shops and restaurants. so get away
massively profitables, _ allowed the city councilto
from the crowds, and see what you can find!
invest m other measures aimed at improVing traffic
conditi onsin London. These included cycle lanes,
pedestrianizedareas and better road surfaces.
1 A low-charge B low-hire C low-cost D low -pri
2 A like B so C such D as
3 A prospect B end C scheme D intention
4 A say B ask C question D tell
1 A build B built C building D arebuilding 5
6 A Aremake
safely B surely
B recharge C refill
C firmly D solidly
D restore
2 A by B for C of D at 7 A search B attempt C seek D hunt
3 A the B an Csuch D some 8 A appreciation B opinion C regard D judgment
4 A has been bringing B was bringing 9 A alone B independent C unique D separate
C brought D had been 10 A community B public C district D local
5 A who Bwhich brought C what D
72 <_a l lil·l'lll ·l
1·111·11ill!, •
(listenir,g for detailed understanding\
, Work in pairs. Read the holiday adverts (A- D).
Which holiday would you enjoy most ? Why?
Compare your ideas.

- Read the question s (1- 5) in the exam

task.Which holiday (A-D) is it going to be

? G'DJ> Listen to the first part of aconversation Cruise your way roundthe Mediterranean
between two friends, Abby and Dan, talking about Islands. Stop off in beautiful cities, and dine in
holidays. Then check your answer. luxury in our five-star resta urant.

• Read the questions and options,andthink about

different ways of phrasing the same information.Think
of synonyms andother ways to rephrase the key
• Remember that phrases from all the options may
be mentioned in the recording.

f.. G'DZ> Listen to the text. For question s

(1- 5 )choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). You will I see what you're saying about .. .
listen to the text twice. And how do you propose ... ?
According to the advert, what is the aim of eco- I was thinking of ... What's
tourism? involved?
A to protect endangered animals
B to take care of natural
environments C to help tourists visit
remote places
2 What's Abby's opinion of working holidays?
A They are dull.
B They are inte resting.
C Theyare educational.
3 Which of the following is TRUE?
A Dan wants to go to Scotland by car.
B Abby suggests flying to South America.
C You mustn't use a plane if you go on an eco-
4 What type of meals are provided at the farm?
A takeaway
B vegetarian
C chemical-free
5 How would Abby like to spend her holiday?
A stay at home
B go to the seaside
C sunbathe by the pool

a: Work in pairs. Imagine that you are planning a

two week summer holiday together. Discuss and
try to agree on the following:
• preferred type of holiday
• way to travel
• accommodation
• activities
Use the following expressionsfrom the recording.
Doesn't it sound like a (great/silly)
idea? That sounds really
I i
Do you want to feel you're helping the planet?
Then contact us! We have a whole range of eco-
friendly destinations for you and your family.

Activity holidays an the Red Sea

jet-skiing- bodyboarding - windsurfi ng
The holiday of a li fetime, an unfor getta ble
experience! For those who enjoy a bit of fun and

We are a small travel company offering great deals

for beach holidays. We offer package deals to
Spain, Italy and Croatia.
Formal letter! making a complaint
Read Jamie'sletter again and answer thequestion s.
Work in pairs. Discussthe questions. 1 Does Jamie communicate clearly what

he is unhappy about?
Why do some people choose to stay in 2 Does he say what he wants?
a hote l when they're on holiday? Why do others 3 Does he write about anything that is not relevant ?
choose to stay in a self-cateringapartment? 4 Which of these words best describes the tone
What kinds of problems might you have of his letter: furious,quiteangry or very
staying in each type of accommodation? dissatisfied?

Answerthe questions (1- 2).

Which problems would you accept as 'part
1 What is the adjec t ive or verb that these nou ns
of life'and which would you complain about
in the letter in exercise 2 come from?
to the hotel or apartment owner?
What wou ld be your reason(s) for complaining? cleanliness _ _ _ _ expectation
_: ,,I departure replacement
2 You migh t need to use the nouns of these
adjectives in a letter of complaint. What are
rude inconvtenien
hm u
You have been on a walkingholiday in the UK
lazy unreliable
with your British friends,Jamie and Anna . Read
Jamie's letter to the tour company. Which of
problems does he mention? In the first paragraph say you are writingto complain
inexperienced gu ides D unexpected costs D and what the product or service Is that you
uncomfortable minibus D not enough guides D arecomplaining about. Use formal language and be
badfood D dirty accommodation D polite. Avoid using
a tone that is angry or emotional.
inaccurate information D rude hotel staff D
5 While you were on a visit to a friend
t>taY s[.yOY MadaI¾, yolA.YS f att hfu L,Lt,
I al¾ wntt....g to cow..-pla[.111,abo1A.t tke wal...g tol.,(,Y tkat Ja COOpeY
th fYi.eVlds a I wel"vt: 0111, fyow..23 rd to 3 D j u lt)
t)OL,(,Y COl¾'J>aV\,tl· I ell'.Close of 01.,(,Y Yec.ti:pts foy l:jOL-
1.Y [.111,foYl¾atw111,.
14 <s i Ui?iti il·IM'iiWi
TI'lt ft.YSt-pyobltl¾we e;c-pern was tke s de111,
de-partu.Ye of 0111,l of tke g es0111,the sec-o dat,
oftne to1A.r: n, was COl¾')>ltttLt) u.
eYSta ablt ashe had a fa el¾l:Ygelll,C,l:j, bl.,(,t n Yt-
plactl¾tl"vt dtd � a ve
u.VvtLL t>al:j s . n,Ls 111,t tnat we nad o t,0111,l gl.<
foytnyee dat,s,a th was i,11\,SL,(,ffi-eLev.t. Oi,1,Dal:j 4,
SOl¾tO kad aVv aooi..cttv.t: dL.<.n....g OUY waL!te, a tne gl.,
(,tde had to talu heYto hos-pttaL. n,e YeSt of u.s had to
c.ov.t:LY\,l,(_t 0111, to the ho,tel a we got Lost oVv tne
wat,. we gottheYe evev.t;L,(,altt, , but tt wou.Lvi nave bee111,
safeyif we nad had a guide.
seco Ll:j, tnewal.k.s weye l¾ l¾DYt dtffi-euLt tha111,
t.K.-pec-ted. nee weYe advert td as 'east!: b1A.t weau fo1A.
tview.. vel'l::l cha LLt....g[. .g.
FL.VvaLlt), a cou.-plt of the hotels were d a-p-poi.l"vt:t...._g bec-
aL.<.Se tne sta ayd of cleaVvLi.111,lSStnert was Low. At tne
t-tiU ttotel tne cay-pets [.""ouY YOOl¾S were di rt l:j a
at tke Q.l,
(.ee111,'s t-tead t-toteL tke batnyool¾S nac( bee""elea .
ALL i,111, a LL, tne tou.Y f elt fay snort of ou.Y e,,cpec
tatloll\,S. 1 wou.Lvi, tneYefoYe, beg yatefu L f l:jOL.<. wou.Lvi
gtvL....g u.s a -parttaL yefu , oY a d u.111.t oi,1,a
futuYt touY.
I Loolr?. foyWayd to hean. ..g fyoY\11., l:jOU.
in the UK, you saw the following advertisement
for a coach tour. You and your friend booked
places and went. Write a letter of at least 100
words to the manager of the tour company in
which you:
► complain about the coach,
► describe the problem you had at the hotel,
► express your feelings about the missed walking
tour of Oxford and ask for compensation.

Two-A u,Afl,. f;o"',-ef

This city tour includes a visit to the
Roman Baths. the Royal Crescent and
The Circus. Your three-star hotel ison
a short distance from the city centre. .

A guided walking tour of the colleges,
churches and other outstanding
buildings gives you a chance to
learn aboutthis beautfiul and world
famous city.

Check your work.

D Have you wrinen about all three point s in th e
task? D Haveyou communicated your complaints
clearly? D Have you used appropriate language and
D Have you written at least 100 words?
Conversation Debate

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about 2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the
travel and tourism. points in the list and have a debate.
How has tourism been recently developed in the Decide if you are going to argue for or against
region where you come from? If it hasn't, how do the statement. If you argue for it, you are
you think it could be developed? How would you Student
make this region popular with tourists? A.If you argue against it,you are Student B.
2 Have you travelled to different regions of Ukraine? Both Student A and Student Bshould make
If so, why did you go? Who did you meet? Were the notes for each point in the list about what you
places as you had imagined them? If you haven't are going to say and what your opponent
been ro other regions, which ones would you like to might say.Make notes about what you will
visit? Why? say in reply to your opponent.
3 'Tourism is having a terrible effect on many Student A: Begin the debate with one point.
countries and should belimited:Do you agree? Student 8: Respond with an argument against
Why?Nvhy not? Student A's point.
4 Describe your way of travelling, or the way of Student A: Respond by saying something that
someone you know. Do you take a lot of things with supports your view. Continue until you
you? Do you plan everything carefully in advance7 have discussed the three points in the
Explain why you do these things. list.
5 'If we were meant to stay in one place, we would Low -cost airlines do more harm than good.
have roots instead of feet:(Rachel Wolchin) Do you
• increased travel opportunities
agree? Why?Nvhy not?
• the social impact on tourist destinations
6 Some holiday companies promise to take you'out
• economic consequences
of your comfort zone'(do unfamiliar things that
you are afraid of). Why do some people want to Speaking bank: debate ideaspage 144
step out of their comfort zone on holiday? Would
you want to? Why?Nvhy not?

Picture description
3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- F) of different methods of commuting. Take turns to compare the
pictures and say what you think about the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

<si l;fbii ilhMMM ►

- t· : .

I \

_,EX A M _ P_ AC,lH_. 1;._ E.X T R A : UN ITS 7 - 8_.

True /false lexical multi PI - choicedoze

Read the text. For questions (1- 10)

Statements in the exam task may use differe nt words to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
expressthe same ideas as in the recording.
1 GIi!!>Listen to the first part of a recording A health crisis is coming
about a national park and decide if the A new problem has arisen recently, in connection
statement with Western healthcare and treatments. The world
is true or false. is entering an antibiotic crisis, which could make
routine operations impossible and make a scratched
T F knee 1_ fatal, the head of the World Health
Cody will give visitors advice Organization has claimed. Every antibiotic ever
on staying out of dange.r developed is now at 2_ of beco ming useless. This
What words does Beth use? Complete the could 3_ in a return to the past - to the times
sentence with words you hear in the text. before Alexande r Fleming discovered penicillin. The
1 Cody will take you through some of the _
_ problem has been caused by our misuse of
• antibiotics. One reason is that many people 5_
.., GDD> Listen to the text . For LO finish their course of antib iotics . This can enable

statements (1- 5) choose T if the statement is the bacteria to grow and 6_ back - attac king the
true antibiot ic when it is used again. What's more, the
according to the text, F if it is false. You will number
of new antibiotics that have been developed
listen to the text twice.
_ the 1980s has declined. This is prima rily
because they are not 8_ types of medicine to
The two rivers are called the invest in. Governments need to do something 9_
Colorado River and the Snake this. They should offer financ ial 10_ to encourage
River. companies to work in this area. Unless action is
2 It occasionally rains in the park. taken, the situation can only get worse.
3 Some cowboys settled permanently
here. 1 A potentially B thoughtfully C imaginably D likely
4 It is possible to see parts of ancient 2 A chance B danger C risk D threat
3 A cause B result C contribute D produce
4 A actual B modern C current D latest
5 Kangaroo rats don't need water
5 A fail B ignore C miss D avoid
to stay alive.
6 A combat B struggle C challenge D fight
7 A since B for C during D meanwhile
8 A fulfilling B profitable C rewarding D paying
9 A with B around C for D about
10 A foundation B support C saving D donation



Look at the pictures (1- 3) and answer the

questions about ways of travelling. WRITING
1 Which is the most comfortable for travelling
Letter of complaint
long distances?Why?
2 Which allows you to get to know a count ry
better? Why? Learn some useful phrases that you can use in a letter
of complaint:
G Read the text. Choose from (A- H)
• I amwriting tocomplain about a product that I
the phrase which best fits each space (1- 6).
bought in yourshop.
There are two choices you do not need to use.
• I would begrateful if you would givemea full
A wh erever they were
refund/ exchange it for a new one.
B when we wereable to
• I would appreciate it if you could send me
C when at the age of sixteen
theinstructions/ themissing part.
D whatever they felt like doing
• I am enclosingthewatch together withthereceipt.
E b u t we had invited them to come
F which was thei r home for the entire trip
You have just come back from
G where they took a boa t to Sout h
a package holiday. Unfortunately, you were
not happy with it. Write a letter of complaint to
H but we didn't have a completely fixed plan
the travel agency in which you:
► describe where you went and when,
►gi ve a reason for your complaint,
► say what compensat ion you expect.

ite a letter of at least 100 words. Do no t wr ite
Can you imagine leaving your home, friends and you r wn name, any dates, addresses or other
school for 18 months to travel the world with personal ormation. Start your lett er in an
your family? This is exactly what Jack Clarke did appropriate way.
in July 2005, 1_ he set off from his home in
with hisparents and brothers, George, tw elve. Jack sa,id 'It was the most amazing experience.
Nick, seven, and his sister M oll y, nin e. We had all made a list of the places we
wanted Instead of flying between locations, they drove in to see, 5_ - ii we really likedsomewhere, we
a specially converted coach 2_ • Jack's father stayed there longer. Some people were concerned
had designed and built theinterior of the coach, about our education. but our parents taught
us whichincluded six beds at its rear, and four desks themselves and they incorporated our travel
at the front where the children couldstudy. The experiences into lessons. So dealing with
foreign desks were hooked up to an Internet connection money was part of maths, we learned lots of
so that the children could access an online foreign languages and you couldn't have
better learning programme 3 _ • history and geography lessons than
During their trip, they travelled through Europe seeing these places first-hand .'

and down theeast coast of Africa to South Africa, 'The hardest part of the trip,' he continued·, wasnot
4_ . They drove up through the Americas being able to see our friends for 18 m onth,s
Can ada , took a boat to Australia and then 6
_ to visit us in dilierent places. Two or three
ded home via Thailand and India. friends took us up on that offer, which wasbnlliant.
VOCABULARY 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
0 How do you prefer to spend your free time:
on your own, b) with oneperson
or c) with a group of people? Why?
8 What kind of activities do you most enjoy doing
in your free time?Why do you enjoy them?


4 Complete the questions (1-1 O) wi th the correct

Media and the press words from the box.
2 Choose the correct word from the pair of given awards cast dubbed plot rating sequels soundtrack special effects subtit
words to complete sentences a and b. Does the need to be straightforward
1 channel/studio for you to enjoy a film?
a CNN was the first television _ 2 When was the last time you watched a foreign
dedicated to broadcasting twenty-four hours
of news.
b News programmes are produced in a language film with ?Where was the film
TV made?
equipped for recording and
broadcasting. 3 Can you think of any series where the _
2 vlogs/podcasts have been better than the original film7
a I download news soIcalsten 4 How does using a(n) system help
to them anywhere. parents choose suitable films for their
b Online video diaries are also known as children?
5 How often do youchoose a film based only on
3 online gaming/social networks who's in the ?
a enable people to keep in touch with 6 How do__________such as the Oscars influence the
friends from anywhere in the world. popularity of a film,if at all?
7 Does it spoil your enjoyment of a film if it is
b With ,there are always people to play from the original language into your
against. own?Why?/Why not?
4 streaming/broadcasting 8 Do distract from the story or do
a We will be thmatch live on they improve it? Why?/Why not?
TV. 9 Have you ever bought the for a film? If
a Internet video allowsTV programmes so, what did you enjoy about the music?
to be distributed over a computer network. 10 Are there times where you've felt that seeing the
5 headline/breaking has spoilt your enjoyment of the
a We're interrupting our programme for film itself?
news about an earthquake in 5 Work in pairs. Choose five questions from exercise 4.
Japan. b Have you read this about the royal Ask and answer them.
6 report/interview
a Here is the latest ing

onthunldo events from our

special correspondent.

1a <9
b A
star will talk
about his
in an


ii 1i51'hii ilh h iii fo♦i

Performing arts: theatre and music
9 Complete the sentencesabout theatre (1- 8) with people from the box.
choreographer composer conductor critic director principal dancer prompter stage hand

A designs dance steps and physical movements.

Aleads an orchestra.
Awrites music.

plays leading roles in acompany. installs, sets and moves props on stage. helps actors r
gives actors instructions
A about their
8 Awrites reviews about performances.

Creative art s: literature and art 10 Choose the answer that is true for you, or
write your own answer. Then, compare your
6 Look at the four pictures. Which of the words
ideas in pairs, and give reasons for your
from the boxin exercise 7 are they associated answers.
with? Can you think of a famous example for
The musical genre I enjoy most is classica l/
each kind of artist (1-8)?
rock/ hip-hop/j azz/folk! EDM / wor /d mu sic/_ _ _
sculptor. M cntU1"'-9tl,o 2 My favourite musical instrument is the guitar /
pa l'\-ttr. ... saxophone /violin / piano /bass/ _ _ _
3 I prefer to listen to music live in concert/with
headphones on my mobile phone or computer/at
7 Match the artists (1- 8) with their work from the festivals/ _ _ _ _
box. You can use some of the words twice. 4 My favourite music artist is _ _ _ _
11 Work in pairs.Take turns to answer the questions.
autobiography bridge comed y fresco novel ode
portrait relief snapshot sonnet statue stencil
tag tower tragedy
0How can you decide whether a news source is reliable?
f) What do you think people find appealing about video games and o
1 sculptor 0How often do you download music, films or
2 painter books from the Internet? Should people pay
3 architect to do this? Why?Nvhy not7
4 author
5 poet
6 playwright
7 graffiti artist 0 Which authors are popular with your generation? Why are they more po
8 photographer others?

8 Work in pairs. Choose your favourite work of

0 How important is art and music edu cation for
children today? Do you think schools should put more emphasis on teachin
art or literature and describe it to your partner.
Why?Nvhy not?
Use the adjectives from the box to help you and
include 0 What emotions does watching a stage
information about the questions below. performance (theatre or music) provoke in its viewers? How do you usually
watch a live performance?
articulate bold controversial conversational
discursive fluent geometric lyrical mediocre
monochrome naturalistic negative phenomena l
positive revolutionary rhetorical satirical
sensational subtle surreal wordy

• What appeals to you about this particular work?

• How did you discover it?
• Do you like this type of work in general?
Why?/ Why not?
<9i i 1iil'Mi ·ijj,li ;hl hM♦19
Gapped text

1 Work in pairs. Discuss th e qu estions.

0Can you think of any authors who became successful at a young age? What was the first
work they became famous for? How old were they when they wrote it?
f) What makesit diffic ult for young authors to get
their work published7

2 Quickly read the article about a young author

and decide what type of stor y (a, b, c or d) she
a short story
b memoir
C novel
d autobiography Girl
When Helen 0yeyemi sent twenty pages of
writing to a literary agent, no one imagined
that seven weeks later she would have
completed her first novel and signed
a £400,000 book deal with an international
publisher. Her feat is all the more amazing
since 1 _ _ _ at the same t ime.

Helen was born in 1984 in Nigeria and moved

to south London when she was four years
old. However, it hasn't been an easy road
to success for Helen. Her idea for the book
• Read the whole text first, ignoring the gaps, came partly from and partly from
to 2

understand what it is about. her imagination. The richly -textured ghost

• Analyse the sentences before and after the gaps and story centres around a girl called Jess whose
thinkabout what information is missing.Then read the twin dies at birth. Jess moves to England from
phrases in the exam task and try to find reference Nigeria, and the events which unfold show
words which link them with other parts of the text. how Jess's own culture clashes with her new
culture in England. As in Helen's own life,
3 Read the te xt. Choose from (A- H) 3

the phr ase which best fits each spa ce (1- 6).
There are two choices you do not need to use. After her first book, The Icarus Girl, was
A having been educated in England from an released to critical acclaim in 2005, Helen
early age went on to study social and political sciences
B several more novels and a collection of at Cambridge University. Despite being busy
short stories with her college studies, she also 4 _

C managed to find the time to write two stage which her fellow students performed to
plays D while settling in a new country had a big glowing reviews. Although at the time she
impact E her own childhood experiences vehemently denied having any plans to
F including New York, Paris, Budapest and Berlin become a full-time writer, she has, since
G she was studying for her A-level publisheds . Her works often focus
H moving to a different country brings with it ses(1- 8 ) whi ch have a simil ar meaning.
its own difficulties 1 confiicts
Words in context 2 leading character
3 praise
4 Find the highlighted words in th e article, 4 accomplishment
and match them with the words and phra
5 focuses on female protagonists finding their way in an
6 become known often hostile world.
7 source for ideas Having lived in various places around the
8 passionately
world, 6_ _ _ , Helen finally settled in
Prague in 2014. She continues writing
and publishing to this day. Her style has
so ii 1bi'iiil -M·lhii ■foi♦ sometimes been compared to that of Edgar
Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson - authors that
Helen herself acknowledges as her key sources
of inspiration.
5 Complete the sentences (1- 8) with your answers
from exercise 4. Use the correct form of each
word or phrase.
My for painting alwa yscomes
from nature.
2 In the final scene, two armies on
a battlefield.
3 The plot gradually , and everything
became clear.
4 The novel's main is an
unhappy detective.
5 Our school orchestra achieved an amazing
by winning the contest!
6 TheLord OfThe Rings saga a mission
to save the world from evil forces.
7 This movement won for its
brave position on race equality .
8 He denied the accusations
made against him.

Using since to connect ideas

6 Find and underline two examples of since in
the article. Match the examples to the uses.
1 first paragraph
2 third paragraph
a expressing the reason for a claim
b indicating the starting point of a period of
time in the past

7 Identify the use of since (a or b) in the sentences

(1- 4).
I've loved you since the day we met.
2 I believe you since you've always
been myfnend.
3 You had to take the blame since it was
your responsibility.
4 You've not been the same since it
became your responsibility.

8 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

0 Which literary character do you feel is closest to your own life experience? Why?
E) Which book has had the most profound influence on you? Why do you think it has been so influ

<9 ii 1iii 'hii ·iii·HdiUM♦

LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple-choice doze

past modals • In this type of task, the incorrect options could often
be used to express the same meaning, but in a
1 Complete the sentences . Use mu st, ca n' t , different structure.
might , shoul d, or needn't + have and the
• Make sure your answer ls correct in the given context.
correct form of the verb in brackets. Use each
modal only once.
They ) 3 Read the text. For questions (1- 1O)
yesterday. He'son holiday at the moment.
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
2 You (larn) the entire
poem! We were only asked to memorize
one verse.
3 The cause of Beethoven's deafness is
unknown, but it_________(be) a complication
Paget's disease.
4 My sister used to play this song over and
over again. She_____________(like) it a lot.
5 Jenny________________(swit ch) off the
before she went to bed. It'sa wasteof
electricity. The Edinburgh Fringe began when eight
Grammar reference pages 126- theatre companies turned up uninvited to the
128 first Edinburgh International Festival in 1947
and arranged their own 1 • It might have
Grammatical multiple-choice doze turned out to be a one-off_ episode , but it ended
up becoming what is now 2 as the
2 Read the text. For questions (1- 5 ) Edinburgh Festival Fringe, _ famous around the
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). world.
The Fringe takes 3_ every August, alongside
several other cultural fes tivals, and they are
g of Help! and none of 2_had been seen in public before. The collection shows the Fab Four
collectively at 3_peak
known of their
as the success. Additionally, Peto's pi
Howe ver, the Fringe is by 4_ the largest of
them all, and certainl y the best known. It mostly
_ events from the performing arts includ ing
theatre , comedy, music and dance. There is no
_ for the acts to audition . The Fringe is
_ to include anyone with a story to tell who
has a place to perform it in. Productions 8 _
theband in social and historical context from traditional Shakespeare plays to circus,
own for their 5_ and emotional quality. Peto photographed other famous people shows, opera
as well, including severaland musicals. You have
to buy tickets for indoor performances, but
there are 9_ street shows on Edinburgh's most
famous street - the Royal Mile - that you can
en joy for free. More than 30, 000 10_ from all
over the world come to perform. And almost
two million people come to watch!
A was discovered B discovering
C discovered D was
2 A them B that A concert B venue C event D play
C those D they 2 A reported B broadcast C pub lished D known
3Aa B some 3 A place B scene C spot D site
C the D their 4 A high B far C way D ieng
4 A to put B be put 5 A pulls B absorbs C engages D attracts
C have been put D put 6 A demand B wish C need D want
5 A truthful Btrue 7 A amused B satisfied C happy D content
( truthfully D truthfulness 8 A run B pass C reach D range
9 A besides B alsa C further D aswell
10 A acts B displays C stages D dramas

s2 � ik'i•Mii ·iiHh iii fol♦


r G>:m> Listen to the text. For
Work in pairs. Discuss the questio ns.
statements (1- 5) chooseT if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false.You will listen
t's your hobby? How dio you start doing' t? What do you enjoy most about it? Why?
to the text twice.
Learning a language is as beneficial
as reading.
2 Exercising every day will
wear you out.
3 You should carefu 1y .:hoose what
you want to watch onTV
4 Your hobby should be similar to
what you do at work.
5 One third of your time is usually

5 The speaker gives several pieces of advice about

using le is ure t ime. Look at the phrases and try
to recall the advice you heard.
1 anything/ bra n aaive / distinct from

2 regular/ boost I help you to relax

3 pick out/ favourite/ switch/ more constructive

4 choose/ different from yourJob

• Read the statements carefully before you listen to
the recording so that youknow what Information
you should listen for.
F G:m> Listen again to check if you ha ve recalled
• Do not try to answer the questions using your own ideas the advice correctly.
- remember that sentences are trueonly if they
express the same ideas as stated in the recording. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

0 Do you agree with the speaker's suggestions? Why?/Why not?

E) Are you happy with the way you use your free
What advice would you give to someone about how to use their free time?

• On the first listening, try to identify the parts of the

recording that contain the relevant information.On
the second listening, pay closer attention to details.

You will hear the first part of a reco rding about

leisure activities. Before you liste n, read the
sentences (1- 3) and try to predict if they are
true or false.
Spending your free time ir1 a creau
•e way is tiring .
2 You should do exercise that gives
your mind a rest.
3 Ifyou change your routine, keep
it secret from your friends.

G) IIJ> Listen and check your ideas

from exercise 2. Were your predictions

< i i'i5h ii iil·IUiiWi♦ a,

Informal mail·111akina an invitation
Complete the sentences(1- 6) with the
1 Work in pairs.Discuss the questions . prepositions from the box.

about at for of to with

This music and arts venue is typical _

venues built in the 1990s.
2 He's well known his controversial
3 If you're crazy________ballet, you must come to
this production of Swan Lake.
4 She's brilliant________relating to the audience.
5 I was very impressed his last film.
6 This song is very similar_______the one we were
listening to earlier.
What cultural events do you go to? Who do you go with? How far are youprepared to travel?
How do you find out what 's on? • Make your writing interestin g by using a variety
What event have you been to that you really enjoyed? What did you like about it? of adjectives.
s there something that you really want to go to? What is it? Why do you want to go?
• If the adjective is followed by a pr epositi on and a
noun, make sure you use the correct preposition.
• In this task, use adjectives th at express approval. For
exampl e: stunning, memorable, exceptional,

You are staying in Exeter in the UK

and you have received this email from one of
Read the email and discuss the questions (1- your British friends. Write an email of at least
3). 100 words in which you:
1 What do you think the relationship ► tellTom that you understand why he couldn't
between Clare and Maddy is? come to the concert with you,
2 In which paragraph does Maddy ► suggest another concert you could go to together,
• invite Clare to something? ► explain your reasons for sugg esting this concert.
• describe a past event?
• recommend Clare does something? _
• express her opinions?
I'm sorry I couldn't come to the concert on Saturday and
• tellClare that she unders tands her? _ had to cancel at the last minute. I had a horrible cold and
3 What tells you that this email is written in had to stay in bed all weekend! I was really disappointed
,-- an informal style? not to go and very sorry to let you down. I hope you had

• Hi Clare,
a good time.
It would be great if we could get tickets for something else

1 How are you? I hope you had a good time on though. Is there anything good on in the next couple of
Friday. It was a shame you couldn't come to the weeks? Let me know if there's anything you fancy
play, but of course you had to go to your seeing.
brother"s graduaiton.
12) Would you like to come to another play some time
soon? Julius Caesar is on next month and I know
how passionateyou are about Shakespear!eThe
company that's doing it is great. Their directoris
famous for her productionosf Shakespeare
Check your work.
becausethey really bring the plays to life. I saw
their Macbeth lastyear and thought it was D Have you written about all three points in the task?
stunning! If Julius Caesar is like that, you'll love it! D Have you used avariety of adjectives that
{3) Have a look online and if you'd like to go, let me express approval?
know, and we can arrange a date. D Have you checked your work for grammar,
(4/ See you soon.
vocabulary and spelling mistakes?
D Have you written at least 100 words?
a4 <9 i!'bhliiii·Hihi ii:11♦

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions

about museums and art galleries.
Describe an exhibition that you have been m
or read about. What was it about? Why did
you see it or read about it? What is your
opinion of it?
2 If a foreign visitor came to stay with you, which
museums and art galleries would you
recommend they visited? Why?
3 'The averagetime spent looking at a piece in a
museum is between 15 and 30seconds.This is
far mo short'.Do you agree? Why?/Why not?
4 What would make you go to museums and art
galleries more often? Or would you behappy if
you could view everything in their colleaions
5 If there are in teractive activities available
at a museum, do you try them?
Why?/Why not?
6 What objects of today's society would you put
into an imaginarymuseum for people a hundred
years from now.Why?

2 Work in pair s. Read the statement and the
points in the list and have a debate.
Decideif you are going to argue for or against the
statement. If you argue for it, you are Student A If
you argue against it, you are Student B. Both
Student A and Student Bshould make notes for . -, , ...-:.-- """ J
. ....

M _:.. -ai21Jl..WJ
each point in the list about what you are going to '
say and what your opponent might say. Make notes
about what you will say in rep ly to your opponent.
Student A: Begin the debate with one point.
Student B: Respond with an argument
against Stud ent A's po int.
Student A: Respond by saying something that
supports your view. Continue until you have
discussed the threepoints in the list.
Spending a lot of our free time on the Internet isbad
for us.
• relationships with others
• creativity
• finding information

m ttfflfflQ!tiW@ti@iJUI G
Picture description

3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A- E) of types --- NEWS

of ma ss media. Take turns to compare them and
say how they affect people today. 0What's your main source for the latest news?
E) What forms of entertainment do you enjoy online? What do you like about them?
0Do you prefer to watch films in the cinema, or
stream them to a TV or mobile device? Why?
< 9 i MO'Ui 311·1UiiM♦• as
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

0 What sports do the pictures (A-E) show? What do you know about each sport?
8What sports do you do7 What do you like best
about them?

Sports venues
2 Complete the text with the correct form of
the words from the box. One of the words is
used more than once.

circuit course court pitch pool rink 3 Work in pairs. Test each other.Take turns to
slope velodrome ask questions about the sports venues in
exercise 2. The person answering must cover
the text.

Which grand prix uses normal roads for

the motor-raC1ng circuit?

is a Formula One motor race that takes place every year on a racing 1n the city streets of Monte Carlo.
USA is hard to find and extremely pnvat,eyet it is consideredone of theeworld'sfinest.
MonocoGrond Pri,. )
hasover thirty tennis s, the majonty of whichare grass-covered.
d swimming _

-U ►
was built in the 1,. century BC by the Roman Gaius Maecenas.

kating and figureskating.
Besidesrecreational ice skating ice
onsioeredone of the world's scariest ski -- s-only for genuine fans of slalom among pine trunks and
ed by Law 1
r whichhelps maximizespeed.
ts of seven players on and seven substitute playerson thebench.

s6 ( fol #
Doing sports you practise boxing with.
3 A player who sits on the sideline is called a(n)
4 C substitute / extra.
h 4 Olympic ski jumpers compete for medalsin
three disciplines: the normal hill, the largehill
and team/ band events.
th 5 A player whose role is to score goals in footb all
e is called a striker/fighter.
co 6 In a sprint race, each athlete runs in his/ h er own
rr trac k/lane.
ec 7 In basketball, a player m ust roll/bounce the
ball while running with it.
8 In a kick off /knockout tournament, once you
ds lose a game you're out.
to 9 When you play a(n) guest /away game,
co your opponents often have mo re suppor
m ters.
pl 10 A victory /record is when you win a game
or competition.
1 Box
d or
2 A
r is
5 Complete the text with the correctform of Extreme sports
the words from the box.
end award cover enter hold leave 8 Match the names of the extreme sports from the box
to the descriptions (1- 9).
open ( particip ate receive

Last week, my schoo, l ---------- a running competition

for students in our area. At first, we were a little
apprehensive that it might be a failure, especially
since we didn't give it much publicity.To our surprise,
teams from twenty schools •-the competition. An
estimated800 spectators 3______________the event, and
it was 4 by the local media. The s _
ceremony began with a speech from the headteacher
who declaredthe competition officially open.Then theBMX racing bungee jumping free climbing parkour skateboarding skydiving white-water rafting
students 6_______________in a race around the school
The main
school, prize 87
which t a team from a small getting down a cliff,mountain or building
_ _ _ _ all the other teams - including

our own - far behind. The runners up all 9_ _ _ _ using a rope

medals so no one went home empty-handed! 2 reaching the top of a rock or wall with no
ropes or protective equipment
3 using bicycles specially designed for
Sports results riding on uneven terrain
4 using a device to slide down a wire or a rope
6 Complete the sentences (1- 8) with the usually suspended high above ground
correct form of the verbs from the box.
s moving through acity by running.jumping
break compete score win
defeat draw eliminate qualify and climbing under, around and through
6 taking the experience of surfing to the street
In the final, a young Czech player the 7 jumping offhigh ground, with an elastic
champion in three sets. rope tiedaround your ankles
2 Anna inthe Kyiv Euro Marathon 8 travelling over turbulent river rapids
every year. She does it for fun really, not to inan inflatable vessel
win. 9 jumping out of a plane and spending time
3 The striker again in the second in freefall before opening a parachute
half, making the final score 2- 0.
9 Which of the extreme sport s in exercise 8
4 Brazil their game against Mexico. appeals to you most? Which appeals to you
The score was 3-1. least? Why?
s The runner has now for the finals,
achieving her best finish. 10 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions.
6 Last year's tournament winner was in
the first round by an unknown player.0 What are the most popular sports venues in Ukraine? What events are held there?
7 Ukraine E) What team sports andindividual sports are popular in Ukraine? What skills can you lea
with Portugal in the 2020
Euro qualifications. No goals were scored. from doing individual and team sports?
8 The Italian cyclist is likely to the record 0What sports do students do at your schoo
for the 10-mile time trial.
What do you learn from doing sports at school?
Sports events
7 Work in pairs. Say if you agree or disagree0with the
What teams do most people in Ukraine support?
ideas {a- g ) belo w. Explain why.
How do people choose who to support?
Sports events attract more spectators when ...
a the prize money is high.
0 What do you think are the most watched spor
in the world? What makes thempopular?
b the competitors are well-known.
c they are free. 0 Do you think the money professional athletes
d the facilities at the venue are of the highest
earn refiect their achievements? Why?/Nhy not?
standard. e celebrities attend.
f the competition itself is fun.
g it's likely that something unexpected will happen.
Matching (general)
1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 8)
and discussth e question s.
Gml ™9m@!;firnED
It doe sn't matter if you already are a racer.
or you crre new to the moun tains.
hat are these sports activities? Which do you think require the most team work or skill? Why?
Training consists of weekly fitne ss sess ions
ave you tried any of these activities? Which would you like ro try? and trips to local indoor snow slopes.
Join us for THE VARSITY TRIP - the lar
g est students snowsports event in the

2 Work in pairs. Read the headings (A- H) in
exerci se 3. Tr y to predict what information Come and try an
vocabulary you would find in a text that exciting new sport!
matches each heading .
2S % discount for all new members!
We provide all equipment for beginners.
• Read the texts carefully to find out what the main
point of each text Is.Then read the headings to see
Ropes are made of high quality nylon and
which of them match your ideas. conform with UK safety requirements.
• When you read for the second time, focus on See this for a safety video on how to
eliminating the incorrect headings and double- attach yourself to a rock or wall.
checking your matches.

3 Read th e texts. Match choices (A- H)

to (1- 5). There are three choices you do not need
to use. We run classes in:
Match the advertisements with thetype of exercise.
A Gym
- ballroom
B Skiing - Latin American
C Football - rock 'n' roll
D Swimming
- tango
E Dance
F Figure skating Classes are fun and offer a powerful workout !
G Climbing You don't need a partner or any special
H Bungee jumping I
Check out our app to nnd out times. I
Each session lastsfor 45 minutes. I

oi14·U► ....

.... - - ,.
5 Complete the sentences (1- 8) with the
correct form of the words from the table.
My sister was always very as a child
W e have a range of exercise classes to suit all Whatever we played, she always wanted co win.
ages and abilities. 2 Weightlifting isn't only about raw . It's
also about timing andbalance.
Come along and try a class of your 3 We've had some good results, but we've only
choice played against weaker_________so far.
plus the Jacuzzi and Spa - for free! 4 You should've taken my previous result s int o
We offer a 25% discount for all clients before dropping me from the team.
who book their first membership month! 5 Doing six hours of exercise every single day is
probably _
e 6 He didn't have the _ _ _ to swim any further.
..i you are a strong deiender or a 7 Many sports injuries are _ _ _ if you take care
top not to overstretch yourself.
"-Corer, ·G wa '
We are an ambitious team of players looking
8 It would have been impossible to
outcome of the match - we were all

for new te amm ates. Our club competes in astonished!

the British University League, which is
made up of the UK's top university t eams. Dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs

Training sess ions: 6 Complete the senten ces(1- 8) with the correct
particle: a preposition or an adverbial.
• 2 sessions on the pitch every week
• 2 strength and conditioni ng A triathlon consists swimming,
sessions per week cycling and running.
2 I'm considering taking________yoga to improve
Facilities: my fitness.
• 2 full-sized pitches 3 Extra time lases half an hour: two
• fully-equipp ed gym halves of fifteen minutes each.
4 A goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and stri kers
make a football team.
Words in context 5 You need to attach the net the
4 Find the verb compete in one of the texts. Then, goalposts to stop it from falling off.
write the missing form of all the words in the table 6 Do you know what golf balls are made _ ?
. 7 We are waiting t egame to start.
adject ive noun 8 My trainer believes training hard every
1 compete
2 excessive excess power
3 power cons ide ratio n

4 considerate

5 opposing
6 avoid
7 I prediction-
( 101i §·U♦ s9
LANGUAGE REVIEW Lexical multiple-choicedoze

conditionals review • mixed conditionals

3 Read the text. For question s (1-
10 ) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Complete the sent ence s w ith t he correct
form of the verb in brackets. Identify the typ e
of conditional used in each sentence.
Ifyou (keep) breaking the rules, the
coach (drop) you from the squad.
2 Dan _ _ _ (take) part inthe race tomorrow if
he (not twist) his ankle last Saturday.
3 If I _ _ _ (train ) harder,I (not fail)
in the qualifying round
4 We (go) to the game together
if you tonight (come) tomyhouse
5 Sport for all, and all for sport
If I _ _ _ (be) you,I (not buy)
thosetrainer.sThey look really uncomfortable.
Most people agree that paritcipatingin sport is beneficia,l particulraly for young people. As well as 1 _us fit
6 I'm and
so upset.If I
lose) the last team sports encourages dedication and commitment.There is also evidence
as a whole. (be) in the finals now.
Grammar reference pages 129- 131

Grammatical multiple-choice doze

part in sports can improvepeople's lives. For
ocal cricketteam. tt soon became clearthat she was good at organizingsports event,s5_she had never been responsilbe for doing this type of wor
Look carefully at the words that come before and after
of her village.the gaps toidentify what word is needed ineach
people. Setting gap.Look
up sports facilities
for tenses andororganizingcompeitions
structures used with typica,l
auxiliary verbs.

2 Read the text. For questions (1- 5)

choose th e correct answer (A, B, C or D).

The Ancient Greeks gave us the Olympics, but it was 7_ 4 A thatwith meaningful
teenagres B which out-of-school
C whereactivitie.s
a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin,_ 1 in Parisin 1863, 5 A nothing
As a{n) 8, juvenilecrime isreduced.If B none
the activities C no Dnot
who gave us the modern Olympic Games.He _ also
are connected with the local school, they also help reduce non-attendacne - a 9problemi
founded the International Olympic Committeeand

served as 2 _ President from 1896 to 1925.
Pierre de Couberti n came3_ that sport should be an
90 , sports Uyou becomea more rounded person.
Working together as ateam helps you anticipate other people's needs and build empathy t
important part of what students learned at school.
He also felt strongly that people shoulddo sport out of
passion, and not for money.These were the
ideasbehindthe first Games of modern times, 4_
tookplace in Athens in
1896. The first modern Olympic Gameswere very
different fromtoday: most of the athletes were Greek,
there were
s _ women at all, and the athletes wereamateurs,
not professionals.

A born Bhas been born C was born O be,ng

2 A it Bits C it's Dits'
3 A believed Bbelieve C believing D to
A staying B keeping C maintainnig
2 A lead B help C turn Dreach
3 A Being B Playing C Having DTaking
4 A enabling B educating C guiding Dcoachni g
5 A however B despite C although Dalso
6 A businesses Bcircumstances C situations D matters
7 A gives Bprovides Ccontributes D delivers
8 Aconclusion Bimpact C result D objecitve
9 A natural B joint C common D regular
10 A Absolutely BDefinitely C Eventually D Finally


4 Why did the speaker get upset?
(listenina for soecific infnrm::1tionl A She didn't break a record.
B She didn't win the race.
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 3} and
C She wasn't able to finish the race.
discuss the questions .
s At what stage of the game does the penalty
Which picture most closely reflects happen?
your att itu de to sport? Why? A the beginning
Does playing sports help people work B the
better together as a team? middle C the
Would you like to be a professional end
sportsperson? If yes, in what discipline? If 6 How does the speakerdescribe paralympic
not, why not? athletes?
A They are meless.
B They are
G)Jlm> Listen to Sam and Ewantalking about extraordinary. C They are
the activities in exercise 1. Which of them does unbeatable.
Sam decide to do? Which activity is Ewan going Complete the sentence(s 1- 8) with words
to do? from the box.

beat drive fit in overcome rely set take under

Remember thatall three items shown in the pictures
may be mentioned in the recording. When doing sport, do you feel motivated
when you your personal best?
j G)m;> Listen to the text. For 2 Does playing team sports make you feel _ _ _ _
questions (1- 6} choose the correct answer (A, pressure?
B or C).You will listen to eachrecording twice.
3 Are you the kind of person who likes to _
Which sport wil l Miss Keeping teach tomorrow? a shot at a goal ordo you prefer to bein defence?
4 How easy is it for you to _ _ _ _ sport _
to your daily routine?
5 Are you happy to on other people 1n
team sports or do you prefer to go it alone?
6 Are there any obstacles you have had to _
in your life?
7 How important is it to yourself personal
challenges 1n life?
8 Do you sometimes feel you yourself
too hard? In what situations, if any?

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question s

in exercise 4.

� 1# -U ► 91
Bloa oost:describina an imnortant
1 Why does Simon write about this schoo l tr ip?
2 Find these adverbs of degree and the words they
modify in Jessica and Simon's posts. Say if they

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions . express a small (5) or large (L) degree.
Which sports events are popular in your totally _ _ really extremely
Do you attend them? Why?/Why not ?
pretty so absolutely
Do you watch any sports on TV or on line? If
quite _ _ a bit comt lyle_
yes, which ones? Who do you watch them
incredibly _ _
with? If no, why not?

Read Jessica's post on her biog'Sportc razy' and

92 (1oJi4-U ►
answ er the questions (1- 4).

I'm super excited because on

Saturday I'm going to an outdoor
activity centre with the school for a
week! It's right next to a lake and.
although I don't like swimmmg much,
I'm dying to go kayaking and sailing.
Last year we went to a different centre
for just three days. We went hiking and
riding- but the big b.J.ghhght for me was
climbing! I felt like g1vmg up loads of
times, but in the end, I got totally hooked
on the challenge! Each time I finally got
to the t,op I felt fantastic! In fact. it
wasso brilliant that I started going toour
local climbing wall HereI am!
I'd really recommend climbing because it's fun and it
makes you strongerand more flexible
Please reply and tellme what school sports trips you've
yedasIwant some ideas for my next challenge!

1 What is th e main experience Jessica describes?

2 What phrase does she use to say that this
experience was the most important one for
3 What does she invit e peop le to write about7
Why does she invite them to do this?
4 Which three informal expressions does she use
to express emotions?

Read Simon's post and answer the questions (1-


Jessica. great toread about your school triplast year!

Two yearsago I went on our schoolski trip. which tumed
out to be extremely inspiring. I'd never been skiing before
and didn't know if I would likeit. I found that Idid!In fact ,
the whole expenence was pretty awesome The scenery
was absolutely breathtakmg and1t wasso exCJtrng to
it all day and gomg very fast downhill! We had some
good instructors and Ilearned the basicsqmtequickly.
although the lessons got a bit harder after the first couple
of days.
By the end of the week I felt quite proud of my new skills
and was completely addicted to winter sports. Now I look

you should goonone.Skiing's great for your heart and

strengthens your core and leg muscles. It'salso incredibly
forward all year to the next ski trip. If you get the chance,

Use a variety of adverbs of degree, adjectives and verbs to
make your writing interestin g.

You have read this post on a British

teenager 's biog called'Sportcrazy '. Write a post of
at least 100 words in which you:
► de scribe a memorab le sport ing exper ience and
explain why it was significan t to you,
► explain the popularit y of this sport,
► persuade your readers to watch or play this sport
Today I came across some old photos of me
swimming with my parents when I was about five.
I lookedsohappy! We used to go to the pool all the
time in the summer and I loved it. Then whenI was
about ten, I got into diving. I remember watching it in
the 2008 Olympics and thinking 'Wow! I wan t to do
that !' I was totally amazed at the beauty of the dives
and incredibly excited by the height of the boards! I
desperately wanted to dive off the highest one and
learn all the moves. I started learning
to dive and I've been pretty obsessed with it ever
since! I'm not amazingly good. but I've competed In
a few local competitions and done quite well.
Hove you ever watched or taken partin a
sporting event that mode a big impressionon
you? If so. I'd love to hear about it.

- ·aam®iiii!M11ftl
Check your work.
D Have you written about all th ree points in the task?
D Have you used informal language7
D Have you used a variety of adverbs of degree?
D Have you checked your work for grammar,
vocabulary and spelling mistakes?
D Have you written at least 100 wo rds?
Conversation Debate
1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions 2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the
about extreme sports. points in the list and have a debate.
People can do extreme sports on land, water,
Decide if you are going to argue for or against the
snow, ice or in the air. Describe a place that
statemenr. If you argue for it, you are Student A. If
would be suitable for doing extreme sports.
you argue against it, you are Student B. Both
Which extreme sports could be done there? Student A
2 If somebody paid for you to do a bungee jump and Student B should make notes for each point in
for your birthday, what would you do? the list about what you are going to say and what
3 Have you ever done an extreme sport7 If you your opponent might say. Make notes about what
have, which one? Describe the experience and you will say in reply to your opponent.
your reasons for doing it. If you haven't, why not? Student A: Begin the debate with onepoint.
4 'Parents of young children and teenagers who do Student B: Respond with an argument against
extreme sports are irresponsible'.Do you agree? Student A's point
Why?/Why not? Student A: Respond by saying something that
5 Does the high cost of extreme sports make supports your view. Continue until youhave
them more or less attractive? Explain your point discussed the three points in the list.
of view.
6 'Extreme sports give people confidence and so Professional sports benefit societ y.
schools should take pupils on trips to do them:Do • health
you agree?Why?/Why not? • education
• the economy

,J:Hii3tfitt!tffl 3lQ®Mi¥ tJ:&!iJCCI

Picture description
at the pictures (A- D) of different people doing sports.Take turns to compare
them and talk about the different roles that sport plays in people's lives.
Lexical multiple -choiceclozP
(listening for specific information}
Read the text. For question s (1-
D 10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Speakers often change their mind whiletalking
about a subject. So when a question asks about a
opinion, you should listen carefully to the whole
recording before you Super the
Bowl is the most important
answer. event in American football. People in the USA, 1_
young or old, seem to stop everything to enjoy it. So how and when did il start? American football was invent
Listen to two people talking about
some paintings and answer the question.
Which paint ing does the girl like the best?
A B C of traditional European football and rugby

were combined. It wasn't until 1966, however, when two rival organizations decided to merge, that the decision to hosta lar
championship 3was made. Thename 'Super

Bowl' was originally only a 4_for the event. But eveiyone used it, and it soon became 5_• The first Super Bowl 6_placeon 15Ja
in Los Angeles in front of a few fans and a lot of empty seats. At the time, nobody imagined how popular it would become,
at between sixand twelve dollars. (Today tickets can cost as much as $1,000.) Despite the small numberof 8 _, the game was br
60 million viewers, Listen to the speakers. For
9it the largest
questions (1- 6) choose the correct answer (A, 8 _

or C).Youtowill
ever see atosporting
listen event at that
each recording time - and it continues to be as popular
t wice.
ever. can you do inside the installation?

, t:
An important part of its

A 0j B C


3W h at was the weather like at the be C. ac h? these daysis the

10 _

half-time show. Big names such as Rihanna, Cardi B and Tay Z have been keen to perform there.

A B . 1 A however B though C despite Deven
2 A positions B aspects C side s O view s
4 What did the artist NOT do? 3 A play B cup C league D game
A use mo re than one colour at a time 4 A label B nickname C title D term
B allow peop le to stand close to his 5 A official B lawful C approved D formal
work C put frames around his paintings 6 A got B held C too k D gained
5 What type of art does the speaker 7 A rated B estimated C traded D priced
create? A photos 8 A observers B spectators C watchers D witn esses
B car 9 A making B putt ing C having D giving
toons C l OA admiration B accept ance C favour D popularity
6 What wasthe first animal the artist
made? A polar bear
B wolf
C rhinoceros
_Bl; A D I N .
GuoYue is renowned as a Chinese bamboo flute
Mat,hinn (soeclfic) player; he also offers cookery workshops in
London. It's little surprise then that his memoir
Read the six reviews in exercise 5 and decide Music, Food and Love should put these subjects
what is being reviewed. Choose from the list into focus.
below. The terrors of the Cultural Revolution are softened
There is one category you do not need to use. here byYue's thoughts about cooking and eating.
The traditional recipes included in the book will
A an exhibition appeal to adventurous chefs and less experienced
B a theatrical production amateurs alike.
C an autobiography
D a love story
E a romantic comedy This is the story of a 30-something-year-old woman
F a collection of stories who struggles with her age, weight, job, and her lack
G a detective story of love. She decides to take control of her life. It's
adapted from the book by Helen Fielding and stars
:i.. Read the texts. Match choices (A-H) Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. It also
to (1- 6).Therearetwo choices you do not need to includes cameo appearances by Salman Rushdie and
use. Jeffrey Archer. Despite the chick-flick genre, it's
a very funny and heart-warming movie!
Which of the reviews talks about
... A acting in a West End
comedy? B giving someone
Get to know Arthur Conan Doyle: wildly successful
author of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, whose life
C reading a diary? turns upside down when he meets George Edalji,
D learning to paint? a half-Indian lawyer who was wrongfully convicted
E performing outdoors? and imprisoned. George needs Arthur's help to clear
F showing different art forms? his name. However, as the case unfolds, Arthur
G reflecting on personal experiences? himself questions George's innocence. Julian Barnes
transforms a real-life case into a gripping fictional
H trying to change a way of living7
story of a private investigator.

The narrator of Philippe Beaussant's Rendezvous

in Venice is called Pierre. For many years, he
watched as his Uncle Charles - an eminent art
WR I T 1I N G'
- deciphered portraits like a detective. Pierre is
convinced that the only women Uncle Charles was Biog post
interested in were those in portraits, until, after his
uncle's death, he finds a notebook that details a
Focus only on the most important things that you
passionate affair and a trip to Venice.
liked or did not like about the film.If you liked it,
recommend it for others to watch, and give a
reasonwhy you think they should seeit.
What would Emily Bronte have thought about her
novel, Wuthering Heights, being turned into a play
performed in a central London park? Perhaps that
was funny. But whatever she may have thought, the
Hyde ParkTheatre Company have achieved a major their own sense of belonging and a community in which to
triumph in taking their audience on a journey to create their own art.
a strange and dark world of the wild Yorkshire

We proudly present our 5th annual show atThe

Black & White gallery in Pall Mall, London: 500
Shades of London. We have put together a breath
taking collection of photographs, paintings and
illustrations of different aspects of London life. All
the participating artists came to the UK from other
countries - from Jamaica to Japan - and developed
( Write a review of a ► a brief outline of the plot,
film you have recently seen for ► what you liked or didn't like about it, and if you
your biog. Your review should would recommend it.
include the following
Write a biog post of at least 100 words. Do not write
your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal
► what the film was and why you decided to see it, information. Start your post in an appropriate way.


Science 3 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence

1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. {a-f).What is theorder in which scientists do
these things? Number the sentences {1-6).
a They analyse/explore/ watchsam ples.
b They bring/express/ formulatea hypothesis.
c They observe/scan/view an object or an
1 Look at the picture. Who is it and what is he famous activity.
for? What field of science did he work in? d They address/condu ct/m akeexperiments .
e They interpre/trewrite/translatedata and
2 Which of the areas of science do you think are
the most important in the 21st century? Why7 f They assume/bring/draw conclusions.
tronomy biology chemistry cybernetics ecology
enetics geology medicine meteorology physics
hypothes is hypotheses (plural)
ciology zoology
- -- analysis analyses (plura l)
phenomenon phenomena (plural)
2 Choose the correct word from the pair of given
words to complete sentences a and b. findings (usually only in the plural

1 research/experiment form)

a :a careful study of something data (usedboth as un countable singular and plural)

to discover new facts or information This data shows ... /These data show ...
about it
b :a scientific test to study what 4 Work in pairs.Complete the questions {1-8) about
happens and to gain new knowledge science with words from the box.
2 evidence/findings
a___________facts, signs or objects that make
you element force measurement planet process
believe that something is true qualified scientific scientist
b___________information that you discover as a
result of research
3 hypothesis/analysis
a__________an idea that is based on a few
What 1do we call a whstudies physics? Whichis the hottest in our solar system
known facts, but that has not yet been
Whatmeans a person weighing 100 kg
proved to be true 3 only weighs 38 kg on Mars?
on Earth
b : the detailed study of something to What makes up 70% of the Sun's mass?
understand more about it 4 b :application of an idea or
4 data/sample 5 method through use
a__________a number of people or things invention/discovery
What 6is the called, when water turns to
taken ice? a :learning about something that
from a larger group and used in tests to What dowe use to was notthe
describe known
that food contains?
provide information about the group What do we callba person topractise medicine,
:creating but not surgery?
something that has
b :facts or information we use to What is another word for a(n) rule?
never been made before
find out things or to make decisio ns
5 theory/practice
a___________a set of ideas that is intended to
explain why something happens or exists
96 ►
<i1i ii iiiiil iil·IHi hiMHi i

S Ask and answer the quiz questions from exercise 4.

Go to page 145 to check your answers.
Technology Information technology
5 So, the engine won't start. Are you sure
6 Choose the correct word to complete the you've got fuel?
sentences (1- 6).
It's illegal to use your mobile phone while driving
9 Complete the questions (1- 6 ) with the words or
phrases from the box.
unless it is touchscreen/hands-free.
2 Tap any icon/menu on the screen to open a file applications back up browser cloud external hack monitors virus
to run a program.
3 When you're ready to start talking, you need to
press Record/Play.
4 In low- light conditions, it 's a good idea to use
camera's zoom lens/flash.
5 E-readers allow you to bookmark/download
pages so you don't lose your place.
6 You can't listen to recorded files/documentson
your MP4 player without headphones.

Technical problem s
7 Match the sentences (1- 6 ) with the devices (a- f).
1 I can't call - there's no signal here.
1 Some office workers use two _ _ _ _ . Why?
2 No wonder you can't change
2 What__________have you installed, but never use
channels. It needs new batt eries.
on your mobile phone or tablet?
3 It's crashed again. How do I restart?
3 How often do you clear your_________history
4 I couldn't hear anything, then I
when you're using the Internet?
realized I'd forgotten to plug in my
4 What do you need to do when you find a(n)
on your computer?
6 It's out of order.You'll have to go to the 3 What could you try to do to fix it?

1 mobile phone
2 MP3 p layer

C TV remote control
d drinks machine 10
e motorbike
f laptop 11
8 Work in pairs. Imagine that there isa technical
problem with the following devices. Discuss
questions (1- 3) for each one.

0How much technology do you use in different classes? How do they improve your learning
0What does technology make easier and what
does it make more difficult to do? Why?
(it 'Digital detox'means limit ing th e amount of time you use devices like your mob ile phone. Do you think it is important to do this? Why?

family car fridge laptop mobile phone television

washing machine
- - - - - ----- ,
1 How does the problem affect you?
2 What does it prevent you from doing?
5 Do you_________your documents to a(n)
_ _ _ _ hard drive or to_________storage? 0 What area of science are you most interested
6 How can you protect your data if someone tries to in1 Why?
_ _ _ _ into your computer? E) What do you wish had never been invented or discovered? Why?
€) What was the most memorable experience
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from you've had in a science class? Why?

Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions.


Gapped text

1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

0What does the picture show?

f) How would you describe the shape7

2 Read the text quickly to check your ideas

in exercise 1.

3 Read the first paragraph of the text again.Which

words might link the text with the missing

4 Read the phrases (A-H) in exercise 5. Which one

is the correct phrase to complete gap 1 in the
text? How isit linked to the rest of the paragraph?

• Look for pronouns and linking words in the text

andin the phrases from the exam task.We usethem
to refer to people, things or ideas mentioned
previously, and to avoid repetition.
• Pay attention to these reference words or
phrases as they will help youconnect the phrases
to the gaps.

5 Read the text. Choose from (A-

H) the one which best fits the space (1-
6).There are two choices you do not need to DNA was discovered in 1869 by Swiss
use. biologist Friedrich Miescher, while he
A that the structure is a double helix was investigating what the nucleus in
B whether two people are related or human cells contains. Miescher found that
not C how to build a life form the cells contained mostly protein, as
D whose work was key to solving the mystery expected, but also another substance 1
E in order to understand the structure of molecules • This
F which he couldn't identify mysterious substance later became known as
G is responsible for carrying genetic code nucleic acid.
H what the term DNA stands for
In 1933 Belgianchemist Jean Brachet found
Words in context that DNA was present inside cells. After
6 Find words in the text to match the many years of research, he also realized
definitions (1-6). that DNA
thearrangement of genes that controls how each from generation to generation.
living thing will develop: g Scientists then realized that within our DNA

2 a way of doing something, especially one in there must be thousands of genes which
carry information for every human
which you have to learn special skills: - -
3 a big change or strong effect: · _ Together, these are like a complete instruction
4 typical features or qualities that someone manual giving a detailed plan of • The
or 3

something has: _ _ _ _ challenge now was to work out the structure of

5 a fact or piece of evidence that helps you the DNA molecule in order to understand how it
solve a mystery or problem: _ does its job.

6 the central part of a cell: n_ _ _ _

<11ii i ii iiil -M·i iii =liMH♦

7 Choose the correct verb from the pair of given
words to complete sentences a and b.
carry/lea d
a The role of your blood is to oxygen
to your vital organs.
b Discoveries in one area of science often
toother discoveries in different fields.
2 alter/realize
a Sometimes scientists don't the
importance of their discoveries in their own
b Nothing can the fact that our genes
play a big part in who weare.
3 investigate/solve
a Does anyone know how to these
maths problems7
b In this programme, scientists the link
between diet and cancer.
4 prove /provide
a I'm not going to believe you unless you can
that what you say is true.
b It isn't possible for scientific tests to _
clear-cut answers in every police investigation.

8 Work in pairs. Do some research to find out

more about the topic of the article. Then discuss
the question s.

In the 1940s , scientists began to use 0What genetic information has been passed on
a technique involving X-rays 4
to you From your mother and/or father?
English scientist Rosalind Franklin carried What can the knowledge of DNA tell usabout
history and anthropology?
out this type of experiment on DNA 0What do you think about using the knowledge of DNA for genetic engineering? What are its uses
molecules until she produced a clear
pattern of dots
on photographic film. This provided the
clues needed about the structure of DNA
for molecular biologists James Watson
and Francis Crick. Using Franklin's
they were able to build a model of DNA in their
laboratory in 1953.They realized 5 _

which can be described as a spiral staircase.

The understanding of how DNA works has

had a big impact on our lives today, and has
to many different scientific applications. For
example, understanding that everyone has
a unique DNA code has been crucial in
criminal investigations and also in proving
• I medicine, gene therapy is

a technique in which healthy DNA is

introduced into a patient's cells to treat a
genetic disease. In agriculture, similar
techniques are used to alter the genetic
information in plants in order to make them
stronger and faster growing.
<11 i ii iiitii -iii·IHiliMHi ►

future perfect and continuous

1 Complete the sentences with the correct future form

ofthe verb in brackets:the future continuous or the
future perfect.
1 I've toldthe guest speaker that we _
(wait) for her outside the conference hallat l 0.30.
2 Do youthink the team (complete) the
science projectby the end of next year?
3 I think in SOyears'time, teachers _
(replace) by computers or robots.
4 Jack, (y / se) your laptop in the
next two hours or so? If not,I'd like to borrow it.
5 This timenext Monday our class (take)
the test - and probably beanxious to finish it.
Grammar reference pages 132- 134
Grammatical multiple-choice doze

Think about the context and analyse the meaning of the

sentences with gaps. For example, if you have to select the
correct form of a verb, check if the subject is singular or
plural, or look for time expressions to tell youwhat tense to

2 Read the text.For questions (1- 5)

choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 A discover B discovering Cto discover D discovered

2 A use B will use Chaveused D have been used

beyond Having already explored all earthly territories, humans have moved on

one of thelast remaining
travel 2_to create everyday items such as water filters and Velcro. In recent decades, satellites have given us vastly 3 _communicati

many of us would be unable to
unfamiliar cities. Undoubetdly,space travel opens up possibilities that 5 _exist without
till remains as to whether it is worth the cost.

3 A improved B improvable C improving D improve

4 A whom B which C rhar D who
5 A shouldn't B mustn't ( wouldn't D don't have co

<11 l !l ll ll l ·l l·IIII IIU·ll·II •

Lexica 1- 1O) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). wireless equipmenat nd operators for shipping. It
l most 8 _ supplied equipment
multipl Radio waves to the Titanic. The company's wireless transmissions
e- helped save many lives, as SOS messages were
choice Today, manyof our most
important elecrtonic sent out from the 9 _ ship to other ships
applianceswork by using nearby.
.. -.-.. .-.-
electromagneitc waves, Marcoinhad been invitedto sail on,., the r ..ship's
.. . first
- =

. but had not been able to make it. It was

includingradio and TV _
-•, 1

t 1ea,cca.1 r,- r "'" •" n' • r u u ,.,

h receiversand only after the event that he must have realized how
e wireless Internet lucky he had been!
devices. The
t technological advances which led to the 1 A discovery Bconfirmation C invention D evidence
e creation of these devicesstarted with the 1_ of 2 A illustrate Bpicture C reflect D represent
x 3 A predicted Bjudged C reckoned D valued
radio waves. Radio waves are used for the
transmission of electronic pulsesthat 2 _ 4 A capacity B possibility C probability D certainty
sound,sinformationand pictures. 5 A coming B following C successive D later
o 6 A lucky B profit able C successful D fortunate
Scottish physicist James Maxwell first 3 _ the
r 7 A well-said B well-known C well-done D well-made
existence of radio waves in the 1860s. World- 8 A officially B publicly ( famously D remarkabl
u famous Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi later 9 A dropping B sinking Cfalling D collapsing
e proved that radio communication was a real 4 _ 10 A voyage B travel Ccruise D expedition
s when he transmittedthe world's
t first wireless radio signal in 1895. At a 5 _ date, 4 Work in pairs. Discuss the question.
the letter S in Morse code was broadcast over Which invention or discovery do you think has had the biggest impac
n 2,100 miles across the Atlantic from the USA to
s England in1901. It was the first 6_ wireless
radio signlato cross between continents.
Marcoin's company became 1 _ as a provider of

LISTENING Kevin Warwick

True/false (born 9 February 1954,
Coventry, UK) is a scientist
1 Look at the picture and answer the question. and professor of cybernetics at
the University of Reading in
the United Kingdom .

He is known for his studies

on direct interfaces between
computer systems and

What is a cyborg?
a a robot programmed to learn like a human
being b a robot designed to look like a human
c a human being enhanced with robotic body parts

2 Read the fact file. Answer the questions (1- 3).

wife's brain.
3 Kevin was more excited than
concerned about the dangers of
• True/ false statements often focus on a
the experiment.
particular fact or detail from the recording.
4 Kevin thinks robots will rule
Identifying the key words in the statements our planet one day.
can help you decide what information you 5 Kevin says the army isn't
need to listen for. increasing their use of artificial
• When you hear the topics from the intelligence at the moment.
statements mentioned in the recording, listen
carefully to exactly what the speaker says Match the words from the box with
about them. Pay attention to details, as these their definitions (1- 6).
often help you decide on the meaning of what
adapt artificial intelligence extend nervoussystem
is said.
operate signal

l G Listen to the text. For cover a particular area or distance: _

statements (1- 5) choose T if the 2 a movement or sound that gives somebody
statement is true according to the t ext, F information or instructions: _
if it is false. You will listen to the text 3 the network of organs and cells that connect
twice. the body to the brain: _
T F 4 control the functioning of a machine or process:
Kevin was able to
operate a robotic hand 5 become adjusted to new conditions: _
remotely from a different 6 the development of computers able to perform
country. tasks independently that normally require
2 Kevin's hand sent signals to his people to do them: _
the human nervous system, and has also Work in groups. Discuss the questions (1- 2).
done research in the fields of artificial
intelligence, control, robotics and How do you think life will havechanged by
biomedical engineering. 2030 and by 2050?
E) How will people be living in the future?
What is Kevin Warwick's academic title? Consider the following:
2 What does his academic subject involve? • energy product ion and use
3 Have you heard of any inventions connected with • computers and commu nication devices
it? • homes and cities
(, 1 IJiHd i3:t·I HihMN
, o,
Fnrm;1I l"tter:rE>cnn"'rfinn to an article f2l 2 Some students report problems with the software.
Brilliantly/Fortunate ly, I have not experienced
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 4) and any myself.
discuss how you could use these devices at 3 One solution is to allow students to bring their
school. own devices to school. Whereas/While not
without problems, this approach can work well.
4 Digital technology provides many possibilities
for data sharing between teachers and students.
One example/type is Moodie, a 'Virtual
Learning Environment' in which users can post
tablet virtual reality headset content, homework and assessment.

Make sure that paragraphs flow in a logical sequence. Use

phrases that refer back to previous paragraphs, where

You have read the following article

3D printer multimedia projector
in a newspaper. Write a letter of at least 100
Read the letter to a newspaper and answer the words in which you:
questions (1- 4). ► explain if you agree or disagree with the author of
the article and give reasons,
Dear Editor,
► describe the educational technology that is used in
I was interested to read Kate Fisher's article 'New ways of
your school,
learning' (5'"October) about the use of technology in higher
education. As a student myself, I completely agree with her
► suggest ways of improving the use of educational
that it can have a hugely positive impact on learning and that technology at your school.
it should be encouraged.
The university I attend uses lecture capture software for
recording lect ures. These are then uploaded to a website MAKE A PLACE FOR TECHNOLOGY
where students can view them. This is incredibly useful for IN THE CLASSROOM
revision and also for those students who cannot attend
Chri stopher Johnson
lectures. Another valuable tool is video conferencing software
that can be used for one-to-one discussions or tutorials. Digital technology is used everywhere, all th.e time,
Unfortunately, not all lecturers are willing to use these tools
or are adequately skilled to use them. So, although the
software is there, sometimes it is not used or does not 102 f11i i9U/t31, iil·IIUWMi-tiS ►
function properly.
In my view, technology plays a vital role in academic life and its
provision should be a priority in all universities. The use of new
technology should be compulsory for all lecturers and they
should be trained in how to use it.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Carmichael

What is Ben's response to the original article?

2 In which paragraph(s) does he describe his
relevant experience7
3 What suggestions does he make for universities?
4 Do you think he cares a lot or a little about this
issue? How do you know7

Circle the correct option to complete the

sentences (1- 4).
We have found this to be a high quality app
with many excellent features. In addition/In
respect of, it is very affordable. A/Another
excellent app for learning languages is
but one place where it is not used very much ts the classroom.
Here the teacher speaks to a group of child ren while some of
them listen. The others have switched off and some of th em
misbehave. The teacher has to stop teaching and manage st
udent behaviour. What a waste of t ime! 1f each stud ent had
a laptop or tablet that was connected to the Internet, instruction
could be delivered online and students could learn at their
own pace. The teacher could then respond to individual
students and nobody would sw itch off.
Admittedly, some teac hers regu larly use interactive
whiteboards and tablets, but digital technology needs to be
used in ever y lesson and for every piece of homew ork.
Young people have considerable digital skills, so why don' t
teachers use them for learning?

Writing bank pages 150- 1 s1

Check your work.

D Have you written about all three points in the task?
D Do your paragraphs follow a logical sequence?
D Have you used appropriate formal language, D
Have you written at least 100 words?

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions

about gadgets and apps.
1 Describe a gadget that you used to use. What did
it do? Why don't you use it anymore?
2 If you read about a new gadget, do you want
to buy it? Why7Nvhy not7
3 'Parents shouldn't use phone tracking apps to
see where their teenage children are: Do you
agree? Why?Nvhy not?
4 Haveyou ever recommended an app to someone?
If so, what was it7 Why did you recommend it?
If not, what app might you recommend to
5 'Extended video gaming has a negative impact
on the physical health of adults and children:Do
you agree? Why?Nvhy not?
6 Why are social media apps so popular
with teenagers7


2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the

points in the list and have a debate.
Decide if you are go ing to argue for or against the
statement. If you argue for the statement, you are
Student A. If you argue against it, you are Student B.
Both Student A and Student B should make notes for
each point in the list about what you are going to say
and what your opponent might say. Make notes about
what you will say in reply to your opponent.
Student A: Begin the debate with one point.
Student B: Respond with anargument against
Student A's point.
Student A:Respond by saying something that
supports your view.Continue until you have
discussed the three points in the list.
Modern technology makes life lessinteresting.
• electricity
• transport
• information and communication

• ·aW11·•itffl:WQ®ttiiii tJ¥Mi CfJ

Picture description

3 Look at the pictures {A- D} of different eco-

friendly inventions. Take turns to compare them
and describe how they protect the environment.

fi1ii iiiiiil M·IHiWMH♦ , 03

Extreme weather
V O C A B U L A RY 3 Match the descriptions of extreme weather events
Climate (A- E) with the correct headings (1- 5). Ignore
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the quest ions. the gaps in the text.
1 Tornadoes
0 What climate does Ukraine have? 2 Hurricanes
3 Thunderstorms
8 What is the typ icalweather like in different
seasons? 4 Droughts
5 Heatwaves
9 In what ways are weather patterns or the
seasons changing in Ukraine? A These areextended periods of unusually hlgh
temperatures. The heat may b,e .This makes
2 Match these main climatic zones to their people feelthatit'seven hotter than it is. Other times
descriptions (1- 5). theheat may be very dry These dry periods 2 ,and
cause health problems formany peop1e.

B Theymvolve strong winds accomparued by

torrential rainand lightning. The relatively large amount of
rainfall in
a shon period of time can cause3 . This happens
when the land can't absorb thewater quickly enough.

C_ Theyappear as 4_____________columns of air moving

along theground at speeds between 180and 450 kilometres
an hour. These storms can cause severe structural
damage where theystrike.

D_ These are 5 that fonn over tropical
gions alongthe Caribbean Sea and the SouthwestPacific Ocean aremost at risk of these storms which regularly causedevastation on land, and ar

arid Mediterranean polar temperate tropical

There are four seasons: spring, summer,

autumn and winter - each with different
characteristics. E_ They can last for days, months or even
years. Below-average precipitation causes 7
2 The temper ature is hot all year round. There -- harms
only two seasons: a dry and a wet agricultwe and often causes among the local
3 The warm sea makes summers hot and dry
and winters mild, but wet. _ 4 Complete the descriptions in exercise 3 with
4 Winters are long and cold and summers are words from the box below.
short. For most of the year, ice covers everything.
mage crops flash floods powerful windstorms
pidly rotating severe famine unbearably humid
5 The weather is hot, and there is hardly any
terlevels water shortages
precipitation - sometimes for years. _

5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

0What extreme weather events affect Ukraine? How often do they o
f) What is usually done to prepare for them?
9When extreme weather events happen, what
can people do ro cope with them?


Flora and fauna excludes or strictly limits the use
6 Complete each fact (1-5) wit htwo words from
the of synthetic fertilizers.

5 Wildlife can be found in every
,including the most developed urban areas.
6 Excessive_________can lead to land erosion called
(b iodiversity deforestation ext inction habitat ivory
plants poaching species tusks wild deforestation.
7 Protected national parks improve the chance of
survival of some _
8 A is something occurring in nature
that people
en considered valuable throughout history. Although its trade is banned internationally, use, e.g. water and oil.
it still continues.
___ _ 9 Match the sentence beginnings (1- 6 ) with th
rt of the 20th century to less than 4,000 today due to the continuing destruction ofetheir
ence endings (a- f ).
1 There are many things wecan do
2 The knock-on effects of deforestation include
3 Islands often support delicate ecosystems that
4 The government is making attempts to
3The continued (illegal hunting and reduce smog in big cities
e world, 5 Perhaps rising sea levels and temperature
change aren't solely caused
als and insects every day due to the _ of the world's rainforests, where large areas are cleared to create farmland or spacefor construction.
6 41 billion tons ofthe greenhouse gas
carbon dioxide (CO)1s
all key crop _
agricultural crisis. a are easily damaged.
b drier soils and stronger
winds. c caused by traffic
d by global warming.
e to minimize our impact on the environment.
f emitted into the atmosphere every year.

10 Work in pai rs. Take tu rn s to explain th e words

and phra ses in bold in exercise9in your own
7 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions . 11 Which of t he foll owing are fossil fu els?
Which sour cesrenew themselves nat ur ally?

biofuel/biomass coal geothe rmal hydroelectric

0 Which of the issues in exercise 6 is the most important? Why? natural gas petro leum oil solar wind
E) What are the threats for animals and plants in
Ukraine?What is being done about these?
The environment Foss il fuels
8 Complet e the sent ences( 1- 8) w ith wor ds or Manufactured renewables
Natural renewables
phrase s from the box.
12 Work in pairs.D iscussth e q uest ions.
rbon dioxide ecosystem endangered species
gging natural resource organic farming 0If you could live anywhere in the world, what kind of climate woul
zone layer soil contamination f) What everyday things can people do to reduce
their impact on the environment?
is produced by burning fossil fuels
in factories.
2 Many household appliances emit CFCs

What sources of energy are used to generate heat and electricity where you live? Are there alternati
What are the main environmental concerns in your neighbourhood,town or region?
(ch loroAuo rocarbons)which damage the _
3 can be caused by industrial activity 0
or improper disposal of waste.



1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and the title

of the article and answer the questions.

0How difficult do you think it would be to run a zoo?

8 What problems do you think you would have?

2 Read the article quickly and check your ideas

in exercise 1.

If you cannot decide which answer is the correct one,

then make an educated guess. Do not leave any questions

3 Read the text again. For

questions (1- 5) choose the correct answer (A,
B, Cor D).
1 Why did Benjamin want to buy the zoo in
the first place?
A He was tired of his current job.
B He had always loved
animals. C He liked big cats.
D He wanted to move house.
2 Why did Benjamin try to buy the zoo a
second time?
A His family persuaded him. One afternoon, Benjamin Mee was sitting in
B He was able to find more the kitchen of his new family home after a t
money. C The owners lowered the iring day, when his brother ran in shouting, 'A
price. big cat has escaped.' The home, whichMee
D He wanted to save the animals. had moved into four days earlier, was a zoo,
and a 150 lb jaguar was on the loose.
3 When the jaguar escaped, what did Mee has had a lifelong fascination with
Benjamin think? animals, but it was his sister who spotted that
A He realized he needed new employees. Dartmoor Wildlife Park was up for sale and
B He understood that the zoo was a posted him the brochure. But things didn't go
big responsibility. smoothly.
C He regretted spending all his money. First, Mee had to convince his mother that it
D He worried about the safety of the
was a good idea to sell her house and buy a
other animals.
zoo. He then had to persuade his wife
4 Which of the statements is NOT TRUE about Katherine, who was recovering from a brain
the opening day? tumour, that they should leave their home in
A Benjamin wouldn't leave his office. France and move back to England to run the
B The press covered the story. zoo. Even buying the zoo
C The zoo's name was changed. wasn't simple; his first offer was rejected in
D Benjamin felt sad his wife wasn't there. favour of a higher bid. However, that sale fell
through and a year later, Mee saw a news story
5 How did the zoo help Benjamin'?
announcing there were eleven days to find a
A It showed him how similar all animals are
new buyer.
B His job was so busy that he stopped
missing his wife.
C His children became easier to manage.
D It made being a single parent less difficult
than it was before.
He knew he had to try again and this time
4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
he managed to buy it, but by then the council
had taken away the zoo's licence. Rotten fence
posts and faulty electric fences meant the zoo 0 What do you think Mee learned from
this experience?
wasn't safe; then the jaguar escaped because an
inexperienced keeper hadn't locked the f) Why do you think Hollywood made this story
into a film?
enclosure correctly.
'There were lots of times when I thought,
"What have I done?"' Mee said. 'But when the 0Do you think that this zoo will survive? Why?/ Why not?
jaguar escaped it was the first time I realized
0Do you think that zoos have an important job
there were lives at stake.'
to do?Why?Mhy not?
In addition, the zoo was very expensive to run.
Utility bills, animal feed and staff wages cost
£3,000 per week and f 500,000 was needed to
make the repairs required to reopen the zoo to the
public. Words in context
While Mee was struggling to find the money
5 Match the highlighted words in the text with
their definitions (1- 5).
the renovation, his wife 's brain tumour returned.
The next few months were very t ough; Katherine 1 saw or noticed something or someone
started chemotherapy and Mee continued his
attempts to secure the bank loan they needed. 2 take action in order to achieve something
He finally achieved this in February 200 7.
Katherine died the following month. But Mee
could not give in to his own grief - he had only 3 recover from something
two months until the zoo inspection. 4 said no to something or someone
Mee's extraordinary determination to succeed
meant that the zoo passed its inspection , and on 5 failed to happen
July 7 they opened to the public as the
rebranded Dartmoor Zoological Park. 'Opening
6 Complete the passage from a zookeeper's diary
with the correct form of the words in exercise
day was such a relief,' Mee says. 'But all day, 5.
strangers - who knew our story from the local
paper - kept coming up to me saying, "Katherine
would have been so proud of you." I wasn't
expecting it. I had to go to the office to take a
breath, but someone had put Every day thereis a new problem that I haveto
my favourite picture of her on the wall. When I . Ve erday. our plans to enlargethetiger
saw her there looking at me,I cried for two hours.'
enclosure 1 ; today,I was deaning out
Mee's story was made into a Hollywood film
starring Matt Damon. The idea at the heart of thetigm' enclosure when one ofthe
the 13
film is that rebuilding the zoo helps the family
get over the loss of a loved one. For Mee this animals lying onthe floor:It was breathing heavily
was certainly true: 'The zoo itself is also a
tremendous place for healing. It connects you to .sind ft
the circle
---thefoodthat I put inthe enclosure, so
of life. We have births, we have deaths and
they remind you that we are just another family I decided to call the vet I'm illtryingto 5 _

unit that has suffered a loss - like the tigers who thelo of two lioncubs la month.
lost their grandfathe.r'
Mee is now a single parent who has to deal with Luckily. thevet thought thatthe.tiger seemed we.II.
the usual difficulties of getting his children to
he recommended that ftgetplenty of re and will
school as well as the day-to-day running of the
zoo. However, not many children can say that check onit inthe morning.
their after-school chores include helping the
keepers feed the animals.
Lexical multiple -choice doze

the passive with the infinitive and the -ing form Look for collocations or vocabulary patterns before
and after the gaps to help you decide which option is
1 Complete the sentences with the passive
the correct answer.
form of the verb in brackets.
0 The scientists haveasked for the rabbits
3 Read the text. For questions (1- 10)
to be set (set) free. choose the corre ct answer (A, B, C or D).
My mother regrets not _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(give) achance to train a dog.
2 I will neverforget_________________(show) Reduci g vourcarl,onfootprint
around the animal shelter. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide that
3 The bananas need________________(pick) every individual on the planet releases into the
atmosphere. carbon dioxide is thought to contribute 1_
before they are ripe.
to global
4 After_________________(give) an anaesthetic, warming.
the giant panda was unable to move. We all produce different amounts of carbon dioxide,_ 2
5 Some cats don't mind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more or less damage to the planet. For example.
(keep) indoors. when you breathe, you willrelease some carbon
6 The protesters want animal testing dioxide in the air you_exhale. But that's not 3 a
(suspend). bigproblem, as it doesn't do much to change the
atmospher.eWhat is much more 4_
WM,,i,,Mii§i§h,BJitiiiHI for environmentalists is the increase in air and car
travel. If you go to school every day by car, the
Grammatical multiple -choice doze burning of fuel necessary to 5_ your car
releases carbon dioxide into
the air. What is perhaps interesting to 6_ is that air
travel is a bit more carbon-friendly than car travel. In an
on the 1_ of miles travelled, flying produces slightly
2 Read the text. For questions (1- less carbon.
5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). What needs to be done? First of all, we should use public
transport more. Cycling is also much better for the
environment, as is walking and both are_ 8 for your
Water: our most precious health. But if you're 9_ to drive, remember that the
resource distance you travel matters as well. Reducing the mileage
of a(n) 10 _ new car from 15,000 to 10,000
There are a lot of people around the world who do not miles a year will save more than a ton of carbon dioxide.
have enough water for their daily needs. And as the And remember that •
_ population increases, so does the demand for if you switch to an electric car, it will save you mon y on :
water. Today, nearly 20% of the world's population fuel, too!
live _
in areas •
there isn't sufficient fresh water. •
onlyNotthat , but 25% live in developing countries that
suffer from frequent water shortages. They lack the 1 A specially B obviously C significantly D remarkably
systems necessary _ 3
the water from the rivers to 2 A causing B making C resulting D affecting
where it would be used. If there is not enough clean 3 A as B like C so D such
water to drink, people will drink water of poor quality. 4 A doubtful B suspicious C worrying D uncertain
This 4_ increase the risk of contracting diseases 5 A adjust B run C manage D direct
such as cholera and dysentery. 6 A inform B identify C tell D know
Water is a precious resource, but in countries with 7 A basis B motive C cause D method
above-average rainfall, like the UK or Holland, it is 8 A B valuable C beneficial D product ive
often 5 _ for granted. However, with anticipated rewarding B decided C committed D determined
increase in global temperatures in years to come, we 9 A fixed B average C normal D regular
shou ld all learn to be less wasteful. 10 A everyday

, A wor ld's B world C worlds D worlds'

2 A which B where C that D what
3 A to carry B carry C carrying D be carried
4 A shall B should C ought D ean
5 A too k B taken C takes D taking

Multipel-choice 3 Which of the following will be TRUE about

(listenina for detailed understanciinn \ energy, according to Mark?
A We are likely to discover new types of power.
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1- 4) and
B We will only use solar energy.
discuss the questions.
C We certainly won't have cars running on water.

How has the world changed in your lifetime? 4 What reason does Beth give for why wildlife
How do you expect it to change in the next is at risk?
few decades? A Global warming is causing the destruction of
forest habitats.
B Certain animals are taking over the habitats
of other species.
Q)JI&Listen to the first part of a C Some species are losing their
conversation between two friends, Mark and natural environment.
Beth. What are 5 According to Mark, what are scientists
they talking about? researching? A How to develop crops which
a How different the world was 30 years need less water. B How m tell in advance what
ago. b How technology has changed the the weather will be.
world. c What the world will be like in the C How to change weather systems using Internet
future. technology.

Can you explain the following words and phrases

• In multiple-choicequestions, the key words from in your own words?Compare your ideas in pair s.
the questions often appear in the recording, but
some of them will beused to distract you. 1 genetically modified
• Listen carefully to how they areused by the speakers. 2 fossil fuels
If you can explain why an answer is incorrect, it will
be easier for you to choose the correct answer. 3 biodegradable
4 habitat
- Q) Listen to the text. For
questions (1- 5) choose the correct answer (A, B 5 Work in pairs. Who do you agree with
or more:Mark or Beth? Why? Consider the
C). You will listen to the te xt twice. following:
What will the global population be in • food
20507 A It will be double what it is now. • energy sources
B It will be less than nine billion. • transport
C It will be more than nine billion. • wildlife
• climate
2 How will we produce enough food in the future?
A We will bring more food into the country.
B We will grow more GM produce than before.
C We will increase the amount of land that
crops are grown on.
de illby air pollution, but not surprised. I know other people who'vehad similar experiences.
e pollution levels.
Forum As the main
post: cause iscar emissions,
suagesting solutions they
cils could charge people to drive in town and city centres, like London does now. The government should ban the sale of new petrol and diese
age people to, pairs. Do the quiz. Go to page 145 to
tical things to make the air
check cleaner.
your If you have a petrol car or motorbike, tum off the engine when you'rewaiting at traffic lights. Or better still

What do you know about the problem of poUution?

What is the biggest cause of air pollution?
Why do chemicals used to kill insects cause soil pollution?
ow do some industries pollute water?
n cities, what kinds of noise pollution are there?
What are the sources of light pollution?

Work in pairs. Write at least two sentences about

the point Kate did not write about.

Work in pairs. Read the exam task below and

a student's reply. Discu ssthe questions (1-
3). Remember that youneed to write at least 100 words and
1 Which point in the exam task hasn't Kate include all the information required in the exam task.
written about?
2 Which point(s) does she write about in more You have read the following
detail than others? Why does she do this, do post on the Internet forum 'YoungAndGreen '.
you think? Write a comment of at least 100 words in which
3 Does she express her view clearly? What is 1t? you:
► say if you think something needs to be done,
You have read the following post
on the Internet forum 'YoungAndGreen '. Write
► suggest what the governments and big
companies could do,
a comment of at least 100 words in which you:
► consider how you will reduce your own use ofplastic.
► say if you think air pollution should be taken
seriously and why,
► suggest what the government and local
stomachs full ofplastic. do,
Apparently, millions of fish, birds and sea animals eat small bits ofplastic called microplastics, which make them suffer a
ceans by 2050, soI'm determined never
► recommend some ways to buyLauren
a single-use plastic item
can reduce air again!
pollu tion.

hospitlabecause he was having trouble breathing. The doctors said his attack was caused by air pollution.
ked to discover that most places in the UK have dangerous levels of air pollution. So it 's no wonder my neighbour got ill.
tarting rightnow!

'l',fflfflffl®iiii¾iiiCl:§ C@
5 Check your work.
0 Have you written about all three points in the task7
0 Have you used appropriate informal language?
D Have you checked your work for
grammar, vocabulary and spelling
D Have you written at least 100 words?



1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
about natural disasters.
Describe a natural disaster that you have
experienced or seen on TV What happened?
What were its consequences?
2 Imagine that your family has been told to leave
your home because of a Aood or a wildfire. You
are going to stay in a shelter with other families.
What will you take with you?
3 'Not all natural disasters are
completely"natural''.' Do you agree? Why?/Why
4 There is usually more support for natural
that happen suddenly, such as earthquakes, than
for those that happen slowly, such as droughts.
Why do you think this is?
5 How can others help people who have
experienced a disaster7 What are the
6 Do you think that people get tired of hearing about
natural disasters on the news? Why7/Why not?


2 Work in pairs. Read the statement and the

points in the list and have a debate.
Decide if you are going to argue for or against the
st atement. If you argue for the statement, you are
Student A. If you argue against it, you are Student B.
Both Student A and Student B should make notes
for each point in the list about what you are going to
say and what your opponent might say. Make notes
Picture description
about what you will say in reply to your opponent.
Student A: Begin the debate with one point.
Student B: Respond with an argument
3 Look at the pictures (A- F) which show
different endangered species. Take turns to
against Student A's point.
talk about why you think they are in danger of
Student A: Respond by saying something that
supports your view. Continue until you have
discussed the three points in the list.

Nuclear power is essential in order to provide

enough energy globally.
• safety
• construction and maintenance cost
• reliability
Speaking bank: debate ideas page 145
- - -
11- 12 '


Multipl-echoice Lexical multiple-choice doze

Read the questions and options carefully. Then try and Read the text quickly without choosing any answers. Think
predict what the recording is going to be about based about what you already know about the topic.This might
on what you have read. Remember, however, that help you decide which words fit the gaps.
youneed to answer the questions on the basis of what
is said in the recording, and not on your general Work in pair s.Think about some famous
invention s in the 19th and 20th centuries. Who
invented them? What do these invention s do ?
Read the question s(1- 5) in exercise 2. Which
answers do you think are most and least likely to
be correct? Why? Read the text. For questions (1-
.... 10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
G).Dr> Listen to the text. For
questions (1- 5) choose th e correc t answer (A, B
or C). You willlisten to th e tex t twice.
Who thought of it first?
1 What should surfersdo 1 When you think of inventors, what names usually come
A avoid surfing unless there are to mind? You might think of people likeAlexander
nets B don't let a shark see you're Graham Bel,l Charles Babbag,enm Bemers-Lee- the
scared men wh,o _ up with the idea for the
C only go in the water during daylighthours telephon,ethe compute, arnd the Internet. Howeve,rrecent
research has shown that it Is women who were behind
2 What do most shark species
many other 2_ used device,seven though they
eat? A fish
may not have received any publci recogintion.
B seals
C smal l mammals Why is this?The explanation partly Hes in the fact that
inthe past it was 1 _ for women to apply for
3 Why do sharks attack humans?
apatent or licence. Af!.they were unable to 4 _ the
A they are prot ectingthemselves from
inventionas their own, their husbands often ended up
us B they do it out of curiosity
being registered officially as the inventors. Now we
C they attack anything in t heir
know that it was a woman, Josephine Garis
natural environment
Cochrane, who thought of making the first 'modern'
4 What is the biggest threat co Her inventionbasically involved5_ a simple
sharks? A being caught by
wire crate with
amotorizedwheel.The plates were loaded into the crate, and
B being hunted for their fins
the wheel turned the crate around and around while hot
C being sold for shark meat 6
soapy water _ was over the dishe.sModern
5 What will happenif too many sharks arekilled? versions of this relaitvelysimpledomesict ' - are, of
A the balance of marine lifewill change course, still very popular today. Another woman, Mary
B othe r fish and plant life will die as a result Anderson, invented windscreen wipers in 1903. Anderson
C sharkswill losetheir place at the top of the noticed that New York City tram drivers had to stop and get
food chain out 8_ few minutes to clear snow from their screens.So
she thought of a rubber blade connected to ahandle inside
the driver's cabin, to allow drivers to do this more 9_ .
Today, these are alegal _ for all road vehicles. Coffee
filt ers, dippedheadlights for cars or the world's first
computer program - and we have women to thank for them

A put Bbrought Ccame D took

2 Acommonly B daily C averagely D norma lly
3 A illegal Binadequate C irregular D offensive
4 A insist Bprotest Cclaim D state
5 A adjusting B fitting ( gripping D holding
6 A rushed Bshot Csoaked D sp rayed
7 A tool B aid Cappliance D instrument
8 A each B every Cany D all
9 A thoughtfully Bsecurely C confidently D
112 EXAM PRACTICE EXTRA comfortably 1O Aconviction B requirement Ccertainty
READING Read the titleandthe whole text quickly to get a general
idea what it is about. At this stage, do not worry about
MultiDie-choice words you do not know. Then read the questions and
the answer options. After that, read the text again more
Read the text quickly and answer the question s.
carefully to identify the parts of the text which contain
1 How long will the passengers be flying for?
information that you need to answer the questions.
2 How much will they have to pay for a ticket?
3 What type of preparation will they need?
Read the text. For questions (1-5)
f: ""'""" ,, ''""""' ., - choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

I REVO LUTIONARY 1 How will the space plane be

I iI space
: company,:u , has: designed
's largest
powered? A with only jet engines
B with only rocket engines
C with both jet engines and rocket
a plane which will carry engines D with solar energy
I passengers into semi-orbit, about
I 100 kilometres above the
plane will be able to take off from a normal airport
2 What does hover in paragraph 2
mean? A stay in the same position
B advance at a steady pace
and will use normal jet engines to climb to 12 C stay in a place for longer than
kilometres. From there rocket engines will ignite, necessary D slowly move from one
which willgive sufficient acceleration to reach its
place to another
destination. In only 80 seconds the plane will have
climbed a further 64 kilometres. 3 How are the windows in the space plane
f At the top of the climb the pilot will 'stop ' the plane different from a regular plane7
so that it could b,Qllfil in space and the passengers A They are a different shape and size.
will be allowed to undo their seatbelts and float B They are larger, but there are fewer of them.
around the cabin, experiencing zero gravity for
C They are a similar shape, but not the same
three minutes. The whole trip will last about an
hour and a half.The space plane, which doesn't size. D They aren't as big, but there are more of
have a name yet, looks just like a business plane them.
from the outside.The windows are similar to an
4 What must the customers NOT do in zero
i ordinary plane, but 33% bigger. More importantly,
there are15 windows, but only four passengers, so
people will be able to float around the cabin and
get spectacular views of space, the stars, the Moon
gravity? A use any electronic technology
8 look out of the windows
C consume food or liquids

iI and the Earth . Because the plane will be outside the D leave their seats
Earth's atmosphere, passengers will see the Earth as
a spherical object and everything else around them 5 What is TRUE about space flights?
will be black. A It isn't possible to reserve tickets yet.
The plane has special hi-tech seats that balance B 20,000 people will travel in space in 2030.
i the mse l ves, which reduces the powerful effects
I of acceleration and slowing down and makes
C Virgin Galactic will be the only

; :;i ::; a
company offering flights in 2030.
I : ;:;
D Different companies will use different types of

I % =d I
I safety. Passengers can have a drink on the way up
and down, but drinking and eating in zero gravity WRITING
will be prohibited. Tickets are expected to cost up
to 200,000 euros, which will include a week's fllnn post
1 .,.
training, so only very rich people will be able to
afford the flights. You have taken part in an environmental event.
Astrium is going to be in direct competition with
Sir Richard Branson , the British billionaire, whose
Virgin Galactic company is already taking bookings
1 Write about it on your biog. In your biog post:
► write what the event was and where it took place,
iifor space flights which will begin in the next few ► explain what happened and what the purpose of
years. However, the plane thatVirgin Galactic will be the event was,
using will be different to the Astrium plane. It will ► encourage your readers to take part in similar
I not be able to take off and land like a normal
plane. It will have to be taken up by another plane
before it uses its rocket engine to go into space.

Write a biog post of at least100 words. Do not write
Astrium predicts that around 20,000 space tourists yourown name,anydates,addresses orother personal
will have
information. Start your biog post in an appropriate way.
gone on a space trip by the year 2030 and they hope
to serve a third of them.
-._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. .---•-ttt .J. EXAM PRACTICE EXTRA 113
began talking/began to talk at once.
Some verbs are followed by the gerund (-ing form) or the infinitive withro with a change in meaning.
Infinitive and gerund (- ing form)
We use remember/forget+ -ing to talk about memories.
I remember seeing that nlm when I was about ten.
We use remember/forget+ infinitive with to to talk about things we should do.
We use Don ·tforger
the to telf yourswffabout the bonus!
► We use regrer + -ing to express regret about something in the past.
after adjectives to describe feelings.
Doyou regret not going touniverstty?
It's nice to meer you.
We use regret+ infinitfve with to in formal contexts to express regret about something we are about to do. We regret roinfor
SheWe wasn't surprised
use stop+ to seeJohn
-ing when we stopat antheparty.
act ion.
Areyou happy to show usaround rheschool?
I do n't think he'll ever stop playing table tennis.
► We useto express reason and
stop+ infinitive withpurpose.
ro to givethereason why
I'm we
going to London to
stop another action. improve my English.
He doesn't
I need toplaystopfootball to keep
at theshop fit-hedoes
to getsome it
We use hegoon
loves+ the
-ing game!
to express t hecontinuation of an action.
Hejusc went on here toget
telling thepetrol?
story even though no onewas listening!
► We useaftergocertain verbs, with
on + infinitive whichtoinclude: agree,
to talk about afford,appear,
a change
in action or activity. hesitate,
They started theconcert with the old favourites, manage, then they went on to play their more recent songs.
Shenever wants to seeJames
again. Con you afford robuy a
new laptop? He didn't hesitate
rooffer me a lift.
Infinitive without to
Certain verbs are followed by an objea + infinitive
without to.These Include: feel, let,hear,make,norice,see,
I made my friend wat1while I gotready.
Our school doesn't Jeeus use phones
inclass. Did you hear someone knock on
Gerund (-i ng form) 1 Complete the sentences with the infinitive (with
We use the gerund (-ing form): or without to) or the gerund (- ing form) of the
► as the subject of a sentence. verbs in brackets.
Making a cake is easy. Our employees are always encouraged _
Swimming is good for you. (use) their own initiative.
► as the object of a sentence. 2 The politic ian denied ever________(have) any
I avo,d shopping in supermarkets. connections with the oil industry.
We don't feel likegoing out tonight. 3 We won't be there on the fourth, but we hope
Why did they burst our laughing?
Goin ) you all on the fifth.
► after prepositions and phrasal verbs.
Areyou keenon running? 4 To maximize your score,avoid________(make)
I nnished my essay by working oil night. unnecessary mistakes.
He's given up eating biscuits and sweets. 5 Tori was really disappointed (learn) that
► after certain verbs,which include:admit,can't she had failed the test.
consider, deny, dislike, don't mind,enjoy, finish, 6 I decided (make up) for (let)
imagine, keep on,like, look forward to. love, the team down last time around.
proaise, suggest. 7 My grandparents will neverget used to _
Idon't mind having pizza tonight. (live) in the capital city.
Mysister doesn't enjoy learning ballet. 8 Before (submit) your essay, check
Have they ever considered getting a pet? that you have answered every question.
We're looking forward to going on holiday. 9 We're looking forward to (receive)
Did Don suggest meeting at his house? your proposal for the new design.
Gerund (-ing form) or infinitive infinitiveafter some verbs, withlittle begin,
Wecan use either the gerund (-mgform) or the change in meaning.These include: cantst
and,continue, hate, ltke, love, prefer and s l O Edmund has recently taken up (coll ect)
old sports magazines.


2 Read the dialogues. Describe the situations
2 It wasn't easy to cycle through all that
using the verbs from the box.
mud. (cycling)
[ admit arrange ask keep on promise suggest It was________________________________m ud.
3 Don't waste your time trying to fix it. (point )
John: 'Can you drive me to the station?' There·s________________________t rying to fix it.
4 I'd like to know whattime they're planning
2 Alice: 'Why don't wego to theGreen Day to arrive. (useful )
concert?' Joe: 'That's a great idea: It would be_____________________what time
they'replanning to arrive.
3 Ignacio: 'I'll meet you outside the cinema at six: 5 They're probably going to be hungry. (likely)
Dani: 'OK. See you then'. They_______________________________hungry.
6 He isn't good enough to give a
4 Henry: 'Help me! Help me! Help me!'he shouted.
presentation. (capable)
He_________________________a presentation.
5 Deb: 'It's a secret. Don't tell
7 Do you want to work on Saturday nigh
anyone!' Jon: 'I won't'.
t? (intere sted)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on Saturday night?
6 Ben: 'Did you break my mobile phone?'
8 I enjoyed seeing you last week. (lovely)
Emma: 'Yes, I d id. I'm sorry'.
It___________________________you last week.
9 We paid extra for the tickets, but it was a waste
3 Read the sentences. Decide if the meaning is of money. (wort h)
different (D) or stays the same (S) in each
It_______________________extra for the tickets.
10 Megan hasn't got time to see you because
she's cleaning the car.(busy)
Megan can't see you because she
a) My parents have started studying psycho logy t he
ca.r together.
b) My parems have starred to study S Complete the text with the infinitive or gerund
psychology together. (-ing form) of the verbs in brackets.
a) St efan loves meeting new people.
b) Ste fan loves to meet new people.
a) I'm
different shopping going to stop
experience, visiting
spend some her.
time 4_ __ (walk) around Cent ral Market. It's not worth 5 (o) after one o'clock, though. Most of the s
b) I'm goi ng to stop to visit her.
a) I wonder if she remembe red meeting him?
b) I wondered if she rememberedto meet him7
a) Does your brother hate doing exercise?
b) Does your brother hate to do exercise?
a) I prefer to go out with friends rather than family.
b) I prefer going out with friends rather than
family. 7
(tr avel) by unde rground is expensive , and
7 (see) many interesting sights. We
a) He had forgotten to call me. you'll mis s 8 (t ake) the bus or the tram. The water
suggest 9
b) He had forgotten calling me. taxis are also an excellent way of 10( get)
4 For each of the sentences (1-10), use the word
in brackets to complete the second sentence about.
thatit has the same meaning as the first one. Use
between two and five words, including the words Avoid 11 (walk) around the city on your own
in brackets. late at night. Remember 12 (keep) your identity
I don't want to pay more than £50 for it. (prefer) cardw it h you at all times. Would you like
I'd______________________more than £50 for 13
kow) more? Visit our website 14 _ _ _ _
(read) about the history of this exciting city.
6 Complete the article with the correct form of UNIT 2 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY
the verbs in brackets. Add prepositions
where necessary. Past tenses review (1); used to and would

Five wavs Past simple

We use thepast simple when we speak about an activity that
finished at a definite time in the past.That includes events

to beat boredom at work occurring one aher another oractions repeating in the past.
WhenSaracamehome, hermother madedinner. (Her mother
Do you ever have days at work when you feel started tocook after Sara arrived home.)
incapable 1 _ _ _ _ (concentrat e), when you have When wewerein Budapest, wewent tothecinema every
an uncontrollable need 2_____________(take) a nap at evening.
your desk, or you are just desperate 3_ _ _ _ In past simplesentences we often use time expressions,
(get) home? We all do. Here are five ways to such as:yesrerday,(twodays)ago,when Iwas o child,
make your days a little more interesting. inApri//2008, last week/momh/year,etc.
Past continuous
We use thepastcontinuous tog,vethe background
Avoid the temptation to watch the clock. If you
to another event.
tell yourself you can go home at 5 p.m., the
4 WhenSara came hom, eher morher was making dinner.
time is likely
_ _ _ (crawl) slowly by. A
(Her mother started to cook before Sara came home,
better way of motivating yourself is to focus
butdinner wasnot ready whenSara arrived.)
instead on completing the task that you are
We often use thepast simple andthepast continuous in
the same sentence, describing a situation when a longer
activrty was interrupted byashorter activity.
ACHIEVE MORE AND EARN BONUS POINTS frwas raining whenweleft thehouse.
We can begin a sentence inthe past continuous
If your work is dull, consider the idea 5_ _ _ _
withwhile. While is not used with the past simple.
(take) some extra notes during meetings, or
We don't use the past continuous with verbs describing
taking on a new project. Not only will this serve
condrtions, e.g. believe, need, understand, etc.We useit
the purpose 6_________(keep) you engaged, it
with verbs expressing a longer activtiy,
show your boss you are keen 7_______________(get ) ahead
and may even get you a promotion. Past perfect simple
We usethe past perfectto talk about something that
FIGHT EXHAUSTION AND GET BACK TO WORK happened before something else in the past.
Maybe the problem isn't your work. Maybe you're Hecouldn·r reador wrrre because hehad never been roschool.
just exhausted and don't have the energy to work. When wetalked ortheparty, I realized wehad met before.
Performing a few quick exercises will help
(get ) your blood moving and can wake 1 Combine the pairs of sentences using the correct
you up, too. forms of the verbs and the time expressions in
brackets. Do not change theorder of the sentences.
LEARN A NEW SKILL DURING WORK I (swim) in the sea.I (get ) stung by a jellyfish. (While}
If there really is lit tle or nothing 9_____________(do),
use the time productively by learning new skills. 2 I (not experienced) extreme cold temperat ures. I (go)
Online training makes it easy 10_____________(do) to Siberia. (until }
from your desk. While 11_________(improve) your 3 The plane'sengine (make) a strange noise. It (tak e}
abilities, you're also increasing your chances off.(as}
(f ind) a better job in the future. Just
be sure to check your company's p olicies 4 We (ne vergo) to Italy.We (go ) to Naples last
about 13 (psue) personal projects during year. (b efore)
work time.
5 She (m eet) her fiance.They (train ) to climb
You could try talking to your employer to see if
they would be willing 14_________(change) your 6 I (taste) some wonderful food.I (travel) in India. (when )
descript ion. That way you can work on things
you are more interested 15________(do).
2 Complete t he text with the correct form of the ► beused to (be accustomed to)
ve rbs in brackets.
A.reyou used co eating" a foeof chees,enow rhotyou

e Saund r live in Fronce?

"'We use the -ing form after geeused co/be used to .
World recodr-breaking polar explorer Would
Imagine the cold. Minus 50 degrees Centigrade. Weuse would to talk about repeated past actions or habits.
Cold enough to freeze boiling water instantly. Wewould spend che weekends at our aunt's ho use. We cannot use would t
Picture the ground - icy, uneven, slippery, full of
NOTShewould be t1ppy.
cracks Then imagine having 1,795 miles to walk,
knowing that this journey has never been They used to beable to playthe piano. NOT They . oufd be (jbie re play tf
completed successfully on foot and has killed NOTI •lv'tJuld ht1ve et per,'tog.
everyone who has tried ... This is the challenge We have to use the past simple to describe things in the past that happened only
that 1 faced/ had faced British polar explorer Ben Shemoved to Cardiff in2007.
Saunders and his companion Tarka L'Herpiniere NOTShevvould mc,ve reCmdiffm 2001.
as they 2 set off/ had set off in October 2013, from NOT Sheujed to mo•te tB Ci,,diff in 2:007.
the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and
back. They aimed to complete the journey that
the famous British explorer Captain Robert
Falcon Scott had attempted a century earlier, but
which unfortunately 3 was costing/had cost him
his life.
Captain Scott and his team had walked for six
months before they 4 reached/had reached the 3 P ut a tick ( ) next to the correct sentences. Correct
South Pole, only to discover that a Norwegian the incorrect ones.
party, led by Roald Amundsen, 5 got/ had got
I am used to love watching hospital dramas on TV,
there first. All Scott's team died as they 6
returned/were returning home. but now I'm not interested in them.
A hundred years later, it 7 took/was taking Saunders 2 I know your job is difficult at the moment, but
and L'Her pin iere 105 days to make the journey, you will get used to it.
and in doing so they 8 broke/were breaking the 3 She doesn't get used to having such a big
record for the longest human-powered polar journey breakfast, she usually just has a piece of
in history. Their achievement is extraordinary when toast.
you consider that throughout the journey they 9 4 Did you use to go to my school?
dragged/ were dragging 200 kgof food and
5 I can't be used to the cold weather in this country!
equipment and they 10 used/were using skis.
6 We are used to cold water because we
Alt hough he is best known for the South Pole
go swimming in the sea every morning.
expedition, Saunders 11 already broke/h ad already
broken a record ten years earlier when he 12 became 4 Complete the sent encesusing would or used to. If
/ was becoming the youngest person, at the age of both are possible , use would .
23, to reach the North Pole alone and on foot.
Used to
We use used to:
to talk about repeated past actions or habits. When we lived in Brighton, my father _
(go) swimming in the sea every morning.
We used to spend theweekends or our aunr's house. 2 I
tates that were true in the past but are not usually true in the present. (have) a small green bicycle when I was
to bescored ofspiders when you werea child?Yes, Idid, but I'm nor scored of rhemyounger.
se to live in thecity,weused co livein asmall 3 (you/ believe) in ghosts whe n you were
ecountry. a child?
oke. (I don't smoke anymore.)
live in thecountryside. (We don't live there any longer.) 4 While they were on holiday, they
(ot/ get)upbefore ten o'clock in the
5 She (not/undesrtand)
Note the difference betw een: her maths teacher at her last school.
used to (repeated past actions, habits or statesi n the past) 6 Every year, in the summer, we (tr vel)
three hundred kilometresto visit our
I used toeata lot ofcheeseIn France. grandmother in Birmingham.
get used to (become accustomed to) 7 She (ile)sugar in her coffee, but
Since we've lived in France, I'vegor used to eating* a for of cheese.
now she hates it.
8 We (always/ walk) home through the
park when we finished school.
UNIT 3 HOME 1 M at ch the senten ce beginnings (1- 6) with
Perfect tenses their correct endings (a or b).
By the time he reached the prison gates, ...
a a large crowd had alreadygathered to
ction, andwe use the present perfect continuous to focus on the doing of the action itself. I'vebeenpractising
greethim. b a largethis piecefor
crowd had weeks, butstill gath
alreadybeen haven't lea
greet him.
2 When the visitors arrived at the island
... a theyhad travelled for many days.
b they had been travelling for many days.
We use the present perfect simple to talk about how 3 His head ached and his eyes were sore
much or how many. When we focus on how long because . .. a he had studied since five o'clock
something has taken, weuse the present perfect in the morning. b he had been st ud yingsince
continuous. five o'clock in the
I'vedone three rests rhis term. morning.
We'veseen that show three times. 4 Until I read Mandela'sautobiography . ..
I'vebeen working on this project for a monrh now.I need a I hadn't realized that hehad spenttwenty-seven
ro years in prison.
finish it by theend of theweek. b I hadn't been realizingt hat hehad spent twenty
We use the present perfect simple to talk about how seven years in prison.
many times. But we use the present perfect 5 We heard about the riot ...
continuous for repeated actions when we don't say a aft erwe had left the building.
specifically how many times they have happened. b after we had been leaving the building.
We often use phrases such as all day and recently 6 How much studying had you done
in these sentences. ... a before you took the exam?
We'veseen that show three times. b before you had been taking the exam?
I've been trying to contact him all morning.
We usually use the present perfect simple, not
2 Complete the sentences using the past perfect
simple or past perfect continuous form of the
the present perfect continuous, to talk about
verbs from the box.
states rather than actions with state verbs
suchas: be, have, know,seem. mb look for not expect not finish swim work
We'veknown each other sinceuniversity.
NOT We'-ve beefl kflOP 1flg et'.lch ot'her 51flee U! ,i She for thirty minutes before she
She's had that laptop for over ten realized that she couldn't see thesho re.
NOTShe's been ht111il'lg t, dtleptop forn,e, ff! 2 He the speech before the crowd began
t1)'et115! to cheer.
Past perfect simple and past perfect
3 By the time we reached the top of the mountain,
We use the past perfect simple to describe we over 300 metres.
events that happened before another event in the 4 She was surp rised to see the room so full - she
past, often with time expressions, such as:by rhe so many peopleto come.
time, when,
before, after anduntil.
S He was extremely t ired because he hard
Shehad already learned how to read and write by all day.
shestarted school.
We use the past perfect 6 How long the book before you found it?
► to describe ongoing activities leading up to a
past event 3 Match the sentence beginnings (1- 5) with their
correct endings (a or b).
They had been walking for hours when they saw rhe
house in thedi5tance. 1
► to give background informationabout an event. 1 I'd been cutting ...
She was concernedbecause he hadn't beensleeping 2 I'd cut ...
welf recently. a wood all morning. b my finger.
- 2
1 I've been thinking about you ...
2 I've thought about you ...
a several times this week. b a lot recently.
I've seen a lot of good fllms ...
2 I saw a lot of good films ...
a this year. b fast year.


1 You've beenwearing the same socks ... 5 Complete the text with the correct form of the
2 You're wearing the same socks ... verbs in brackets. More than one option may be
a since Monday! b as me!
1 How long have you been My life 1 (change) dram atically in 201 0,
2 How many times have you been when 1 2 lse) my job as an accountant.
a to Spain? b going to Spain for the My father 3 (die) the year befo re, and he
(ave) me some money. I s _
4 Complete the text with the correct form of the (l ook) at some travel mag azines and I 6
verbs from the box. Use the past simple , present (think) abour spending the money on an exotic
perfect simple, present perfect continuous or past holiday,when I 7
perfect simple.
_____________har) a programme on the
be(x2) get improve introduce kill radio about orphanages in India. 'I 8 _

not cook not live result rise (want) to make a difference,' I thought to myself.
'Why 9_______________(I/ dream) about holidayswhen
I can help other people'' Since then, I 10 _
ho wa nts to live for eve r? In wealthy (travel) several times to India and 1 11 _
countries, the number of years people
(help) tO rebuild an orphanage in Calcutta. It
can expect to over the last
(be) an am azing experience.
live1 200
yea rs. Most babies born in I900 2 _

pa st the age of 50, but many babies born

these days will live to over 80. There are
three main reasons why people are living
longer these d ay s. Would rather, would prefer, had better
Firstly, public health 3
In the 20 century, thanks to developments
th Would rather , would prefer
use bothscience, a large
would rather (doproportion
something) andof would prefer (rodo something) to talk about general preferences.
the population were protected against
We use would rorher + infinit ivewithout ro and would prefer+ infinitive with to.Compare:
I'drather play basketball than play tennis. I'd prefer to play basketball than ploy tennis.
which 4
The negative form is would rather notsuch
(doassomething) or
smallpox,polio a nd
would prefer nor (to mea sles.In
addition, medical
Martho's tired research
soshe'd prefer not5
to goinout/she'
cures d rather not go out.
'Willyou take the dog for a walk now?''I'd prefer not to.It'd rather not.'
Would for ma(but
rather ny other illnesses.
NOT would prefer to) is followed by a verb in the past tense when other people are involved in a present or future
I'd rather you made lunch today.
Secondly,there is a much greater
Who 's going todrive?''I'd rather you did.'
understanding of the im porta nce of
IsMax going todo rhe shopping or would herather wedid
,t? hygiene than the re i past.

People wash
'Sholl/ talk theirteacher,
to your ha nds more often'I'd
or willyou?' than
rarher you talked to her.'
they used toand are much more aware
of food hyg ie ne . In the pa st, for exa
people often 7 ill because they
ate food that they 8___________properly.
Awareness of the imp o rta nce of kee ping
pe op le safe and well at school and at
work has grown, too, and laws forensuring
health and safety at work 9 i place for
several decades now.
Finally, people generally lead more healthy
life s tyles the se days. Fewer people smoke
and in many countries governments
10_____________smoking bans inpublic places.
1 Complete the sentences (1- 6) with no more than 3 Choose the correct words in each sentence (1-
three words to expressa preference .
9). Somet imes both answers are possible.
1 Shall I go ahead and book these cickets on line Kate had not better/hadbetter not cheat in the
now? We____you waited until this evening.There's exam like she did last week.
no 2 You'd better to take/take those books back to the
hur ry. library today.
2 Would your grandmother like a drink?
I think she'd prefer something, 3 You'd better not /You hadn't bettert ell anyone
She's hungry! actually. what we've found out.
3 Does your sister want a liftto school? 4 You ought to!'d bettert ake an umbrella with you.
It's OK, she _ _ _ walk since the weather's nice. 5 Hadwe better/Should we leavethe windows open
4 Would you rather TV or go to as it's so hot?
thecinema? Neither - I've got some work to do! 6 'Shall we go to another cafe?''We'd better not
5 Do you feel like going ro the park? /We'd better not go. It's getting late:
No,I _ _ _ go out today. I've got a cold. 7 Students should /had better wait outside u nt il t
6 Let'srun or we'll missthe bus. he bell rings at nine o'clock.
8 Andrew shouldn't /had better not speak to
I'd prefer_ _ _ _ - we cancatch the next bus.
Mr Whitfield like that again.
9 You better had /had better get up early on Saturd ay.
Had better
We can use hodberrer instead of should/ought to, especially in spoken English, to say that we think it would be agood idea to dosomethi
We' dbetter not betoteforclass again.We'vebeen lateeveryday this week!
You'd better phoneJules straight away..Ye's beenwaitingfor yourcol/ day.
We don't usehad berrer to taIk about the past or to make general comments:
Youshould/ought tohoveeaten somethingbeforewewentour.
Ha v e /get someth ing done
NOT '\ouf,ad betre1 ha9e...
I don'tthink teenagers should/ought to use theInternet for more thanThetwohours
used when someone else does
NOT,'don'n hinkfeeflogei, hodbetre,.. . something for you.The structure is:
Had better can sound slightly threatening in tone. have/get+ ob;ect + past participle= to have/get
You 'd better soy sorry right nowor /'IInever forgiveyou! somethingdone
It is moreurgent than should/ought to and has a similar meaning to I We can
would use it in questionsand
adviseyoustrongly to ... or negatives
Wemuse/we and in any
musrn't ...
tense or verb form. It emphasizes the action rather
than the person who performs it.
I'vejust had my bikerepaired.
We'regoing toget our house painted.
She'll havehad her hair cur by this time tomorrow.
We can use have+ object+ past participle when
something bad happens, especially when
someone is affected by an action which they did
not cause.
We've hod our front window broken.
Hundreds of people had their electrictiy cur offos a
2 Complete the sentences (1- 7) with had better or result of thepower failure.
had better not and the verbs from the box.
Have someone do
(arrive go start take use write We use hove+ object+ infinitive without to when we
talk about instructing (or paying) someone to do
You training if you're serious
something. It emphasizes the person who performed
about entering the marathon next year.
the action.
/'II hove my secretarycall you back with thedetails.
Didyou have theplumberfix that leak?
2 Sarah for a walk if she wants some -------------,
3 The children _ _ _ any more of those Get someone to do
sweets. They're going to feel sick! Weuse get +object+ infinitive with to when we
4 We wereso late yesterday! We on time talk about persuading someone to do something. It
5 You Dan's phone. He hates other 7 I _ _ _ to Aunty Betty.I haven't sent her an
people taking his stuff without asking. email for ages.
6 Jamie any more time off work. The
boss isn't very happy with himas it is.
emphasizes the person who performs the action. licclesisterto eat herdinner?
/'II getHarry co help mewith this assignment. Diayougetyour
••• • ,. ' -.,•·'.' ' •••, -· ••• - ',, • oo., ... ·., t. ;. :·-.·. :,·:·:'{" , ./: >-·:.·. '. -."·. '·.·:·>;
.,.'/ • • -

10 We usually rose/ repain t)

Make someone
do (ouh
every five years.
We use make+ object + infinitive without to when we talk about forcing9someone
They had (thethe
tosomething. It emphasizes
to do big person
tree / cut
who perform
Stop pulling faces at thebaby- you'remaking him cry!

1 Put the words in order to complete the sentences

(1- 8).
I've lost my house key.
cut/need/I/to/a new one/get/as soon as I can.

2 How often
cut/your/?/hair/you/ do/get

3 We do our weekly shopping online

and it/./del ivered/havew/ e/to the

4 I can't give you a lift tomorrow, I'm

afraid, 'm/ having/1/serviced/./mycar

5 The windows are dirty.


6 the house/./we/som eone/have/clean/ onc ea


7 There'sa problem with my computer.

'm/going/ look/at/ it/ 1/to/

8 Miranda doesn't want to come to the party

tonight, but/her/'re/go ing/us/com

2 Complete the sentences (1- 12 ) with the correct

form of have, the past participle, and the words
b rackets.
1 I needto_________________(suit/ clean) before
my cousin's wedding.
2 When we were in Paris, I (my
portrai t/ paint ) by a street artist.
3 I absolut ely hare (my photo/
take). I always look awful!
4 We (our kitchen/
redecorate) at the moment.
5 If you are feeling dizzy, you should
(blood pressure/check).
6 Have you ever (your fortune
/ tell)?
7 I (my car/ service) tomorrow.
Could you give me a lift to work7
8 I need (my watch/ repair) - it 's
not workingproperly.
11 I nearly couldn't stop in time at the traffic
lights today. I must _____(the brakes/ test)
tomo rrow.
12 Our neighbours________________(a lot of new Research has shown amoderate noise level is good for
furniture/deliver) yesterday. producvtiity and creativity in the workplace.High
noiselevels, especially when it's stop-sta,rmt ake it
3 Find one grammatical mistake in each sentenc e
difficult to process information efficiently. Anyone who
( 1- 11 ) and correct it.
has tried to work at home while their neighbours are
1 You didn't get your glassesmend.
playing loud music, speaking loudly on the phone or, even
2 He took hiscar to thegarage and had repaired it.
3 I'm getting these photos framing tomorrow. (1) (their apartmen/trenovat)e,
4 Stop messing about - you're make me laugh, and
will have experienced this. Research about temperatures
I'm trying to be serious! in the workplace has shown that productivity
5 They had their luggage stole on holiday.
6 I've my computer upgraded.
signfiicanlty and up to 40% more mistakes are made
7 We haveour house painted at the moment.
when the temperature is below 20 °c . So, if you're
8 My mum and sister always have
feeling cold,
their nails paint together. (2) (yourboss/turn up) the heating, but
9 I'll have my administrator co email you not too much, as too high temperatures cause an even
the contract later today. greater decrease in creativtiy. When it comes to lighting,
1O My brother will behis hair getting cut this time
too little light and too much light can both reduce
productivity. Natural light is generally preferable as
11 Kate will have stolen her car if she doesn't remember
longthere is enough of it. So, if your workplace is too
to lockthe doors. dim, you should consider
4 Complete the text with the correct form of (3) (skylightsor large windows/instal}l.
the words in brackets. Use a causative Finally, research has shown that an untidy workspace is
structure. better for creative thinking than a tidy one. So if you are
a naturally tidy perso,nit may be worth (4)
(a colleagu/emessup) your desk from time to time!
down) in their garden.It was damaged in astorm.

UNIT6 MONEY 5 ./had/they/got into bed/when/they/fellasleep/ Hardly
6 all evening/going to/are/TV/No way/./ we/ watch

Inversion 7 do/in the project/has invested/ realize/Litt le/no one/

Inversion is used in English for: ./ that/ they
► formality
► emphasis 8 he/it/ the film,/./Nor only/direct/he/did/funded/also
► d r amat ic purpose
There are different ways of inverting a sentence. 9 ./theterms/offering/sho uld/ accept/On no
► After a negarive or llmitlng adverb or account/ the bank/is/you
phrase (hardly, seldom, not only, never, never before, 10 left the store/was m issing/ had/./ w
no way, rarely,no sooner ... than).If there is no hen/1/Scarcely/ my wallet/found/I
auxiliary verb, add do,does, or did.
People had seldom been so confused. -> Seldom had people been so confused.
Theynotonly goto the cinema, but they alsogo to the theatre.
Wehad never experienced 2 Choose the correct answer.
Notonly do they .go to the cinema, but theyalso go to thetheatre.
Never before had he/hehad felt so strange.
2 No sooner had I left the housewhen/than
Never beforehad we the phone rang.
this before.experi
enced this.
After barely, hardly, scarcely, and nosooner+ past
Hardly/Rarelyhave we seen such beautiful scene ry!
Under no circumst ances should /could you dr
perfect to signal that one action finished just ive my car
before another one started. Notice the use of the 5 No way I did/did I spend all that money.
time connectors when and than.
6 Barely/Little does she know what a big mistake she
is making.
Ihad scarcely satdown to Scarcely had I satdown 7 On no account/Scarcely wil l they change
eat dinner when the to dinner when the
their minds about this.
phone rang. phone rang.
8 Seldom does this or chestra play/playsso well.
As soon ashehad bought , No sooner hadhe bought
hisnew phoneanew model hisnewphone thana new 3 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar
came out. model came out. meaning to thefirst sentence.
► After expressions with preposition + no, They had not on ly wasted our money, they had also
wasted our time.
time,on noaccount,under nocircumstances. Not only _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
houldn't payOn no account should you the bill.paythe bill.
ouldn't-+ Under no circumstances apologize.should they apologize.
2 You definite ly can't proceed wit h this
negative meaning. scheme without sufficient funds.
w howlucky Little does she know how she is to have sucha we/1-luckyshe is to have sucha paid no circumstances
job.we/I-paid job. _________
3 She had never heard such shocking news
before. Never before _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 He had onlyjust started his new job when the
boss gave him a promotion.
Hardly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 Put the words in order to make sentences. 5 I had just paid for the movie online when I reali
1/so/ felt/./ Seldom/emb arrassedh/ ad zed I'd seen it before.
No sooner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 we/spent/Never/money/./had/so/much 6 She doesn't know how unpopular the budget
cuts are likely to be.
3 your/./Under/pay/no/1/for/ ticket/ will / Littledoes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ci rc u m stances 7 There has rarely been such an
extraordinary reaction to a public
4 the station/sooner/arrived/had/No/t he announcement.
train/ reached/than/ we/. Rarely
8 Businesses don't oftenbecome successful so
quickly. Seldom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UNIT 7 HEALTHY LIVING We leftour laptops here last week,·hesaid. • Hesaid
Reported speech that they had lefttheir laptops there the week befor.e
Wedon't change thetense, rime orplace words when
Tense changes the reporting verb is in thepresent, present perfect, or
future. We' retoo busy to come tomorrow They'll soy
We use reported speech to quote another person's
that they're
words. Sentences in reported speech are usually
too busy rocome tomorrow.
spoken by another speaker and at a different time, so
I was here yesterday. • Shesays thatshewas
we change the verb tenses and pronouns. Below you
hereyesterday. Wedidn't expect ro win theprize
can see how the tenses change between direct
...................................................They've said that
speech and reported speech. they
didn't expect w wintheprize.
The following tenses do not change.

Past perfect
'Hehad already tested the
already tested the new plane.
new plane.'
She asked meif I would like touseher computer.
Would you like to use my computer?.....
Hesaid he thought I should leave.
I th ink you shou ld leave.
Hesaid that they couldn't seethescreen.
had better
Shesaidthatthey'd better improve their performance.
Wecouldn' t see the screen. --+

had better
They'd better improve their performance.

she had forgotten her password the day before.

It is usually also necessary to change pronouns and

'Mydog isn't very well,' Harry said._. Harry said that his
dog wasn't very wel.l
'I'm buying a present for mydad/ she said. • Shesaid
that shewas buying a present for herdad.
~. •' •!,1-.-. '1;;;...\ ..;; _;(i....·.. ::- ,J ;.-- ,_ -. '_-, ,,...
WeDirect also change
♦ -

spch, , · expressions

· · .,· ---. ..". : ohime


Report and _ed place.

_'speech ·. · ;
Past simple
Present simple thar
momenr need athat
today .. thata day
computer'. new computer.
this week...that week
fast week
sent continuous • the week
'We'reworking onPast continuous
a new invention.'
before yesterday rheday that they were working on a new invention.
She said
tomorrow, the next/following day
Present perfect
a minute ago-,a minute earlier/before Past perfe ct
' She's lost her mobile phone.' -,.
next week ► thefollowingHesaid weekthat she had lost her mobi le phone.
Past perfect
here there Hesaid that hehadn't
Past simple
'Ididn't email isn't the working
instructions.' today,'
understood theythesaid. They said
that ->
their email wasn't working that day.
'/forgot my password yesterday,' shesaid. Shesaid that
can could
'I can't get into questions
Yes/No my Facebook account'. When will weleave? • We asked when wewould leave.
Hesaid that hecouldn' t get into his Focebook account.
To report ayes/no question, we use the structure ask Say and tell
(+object)+ if/whether+ affirmative wordorder. We use say and re/I to report what someone else said.
Didwillyou fix your Wi-Fi?- • would
Heasked (me)
'We'llbuy a 30 TV next year.' They-,. said that they would buy a 30 TV nextyear.► After tell we always use acomplement (a pronoun or
iflwhecher I hod fixed my Wi-Fi.
somebody's name).
Wh- questions had to Harry rold mehewas
'We report
must installathe
wh- question,
new wesaid
software.' usethatthe
wehad to installask
structure thenew software. hungry. Harry raid Solly

(+ object) + wh- + affirmative word order. hewas hungry.

Where isyour bag? - Heasked (me ) NOT,'',o,rr t:oid he PMj hurigry.
where my bag was. What are they doing?- ► We never use a complement dlrectly after say.
You asked what theywere doing. Why Mary said that shewanted a sandwich.
areyou tired?_, Sheasked why hewas Dominic said to Tom that hehod eaten some pasta.
rired. NOT M(jfJ' jt:iidmeth(it jf1e weimed ti flBH'ich.

-,- . ----.. - . ., ·",··., ..
. ' '
:, -. ,. , ,•._ • . •- >-4,', •.: .;,•.a.:"',.,, ,, l

1 Rewrite the reported speech as direct speech .

She said that she had bough t an amazing new Reported commands and requests
MP3 player. We can use several different structures to report
people's speech.
2 He said that he was testing a new video game.
► verb+ that+ reported statement
3 They say that they didn't use a calcu lator to admit, agree,announce, apologize, boast,
solve these mat hs problems. claim, confess, deny, explain, insist,
promise,say, suggest
4 Sarah toldmethat she would reply to my email
the following day. We admitted rhor wehad copied theplans.
Shepromised that shewould call him the following day.
5 Ben will say t hat he didn't leavethe house Isuggested that wegofor o walk.
► verb + object + that + reported statement
6 She asked John why he didn't answer her calls. remind, tell, warn
They reminded us that they had already changed
2 Put the words in the correct order in each of the instructions.
the sentences (1- 6 ) to make reported Hewarned methai I would find
questions . thecoursevery chalfenging.
1 her/He/ t he headphones/ when/had/asked/bought/ I told them that it was time to leave.
► verb + infinitive with to
2 Tom/ work/ She/if/ wou ld/meet/ he/her/ ah er/ agree, demand, offer,prom,ise
asked refuse I agreed coleave at once.
She refused rospeak to us.
3 angry with/Rick/was/asked/whether/I/him/me
► verb+ object+ infinitive with to
4 switched off/they/He/hadn't/asked/why/the advise, ask, beg,encourage, forbid,
computer/them invite,order, persuade, remind, tell, warn
Hepersuaded us to buy rhe more expensive
5 doing/what/ there/ asked/we/ us/She/ were
mode.l She told them nor to wait for her.
6 if/h im/asked/ he/plane./rhey/repair/their/could ► verb + gerund
admit,deny, recommend, suggest
3 Rewrite the direct questions as reported questions. Weadmitted cheating in our final exams.
Did you watch theTV pr ogramme about
They suggested moving to a different portof the country.
inventors last night?
He asked me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
► verb+ preposition+ gerund
apologize for, boast of/obour,confess to, insist on
2 Why aren't you answering my calls?
She asked John _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I apologized for forgetting his birthday.
3 Are you happy with your new tablet?
Heinsisted on speaking co chemanager.
Soph ie asked he r mother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ► verb+ object+ preposition + gerund
4 Can you help me with my homework? accuse(someone) of,congratulate (someone) on,
He asked me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cricicize (someone) for, worn (someone)
5 Have you decided where to go on holiday? against
They asked him _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ They criticized us for leaving
6 Who will be responsible for this project? early. She accused meof stealing
He asked her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her ideas.
Some verbs can be followed by more than
one structure.
Headmitted rhothe hod broken thewindow/Headmitted breaking rhewindow.
Erica promised thoc shewould beon time/Erica promised
to beon time.
I suggesred earing outside.II suggested that we(should/ could)ear outside.
You recommended buying a new phone./You recommended thor I (should) buy a n


4 Choose the correct form of the verb in 5 'I will buy youa new bag tomorrow'.
each sentence (1- 6). He promised _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
She boasted about getting/ to get top marks in 6 'Would you liketo come to this science show with
the exam. me1'
2 He told me rest art/ to restart the computer. Hei n vi t ed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 Sh e recommended to call/calling the help desk. 7 I'm not going m drive you to college today.
4 We denied ignoring/usto ignore the instructions. She refused ________________
5 You criticized that I got/mefor getting the
question wrong. UNIT 8 TRAVEL AND TOURISM
6 She remindedthem to finding out/ that they
would Participles
find out theresults the following morning.
5 Complete the sentences (1- 7) with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets. Instead of using a fullrelative clause (defining or non
Theyadvised us (leave) the defining) toconnect ideas, wecan use aclause introduced
2 They apologized (argue). by a participle.The participle can bean-ing form oran
3 He advised me (read) the -ed form.These participles are known as active
newspaper more often. participles(-ing form) and passivepartlciples(-edform).
4 James suggested that we_______(write) to An active participle replaces an active verb.
the I needto geta message tosomeone whoisgetting on
newspapers. the plane.
5 I suggested_________(watch) a film. Jneed toget a message to someonegemng on theplane.
6 She apologized for (not take) any
pho to s. Active part iciples
7 She advised me (not go) to bed so We can also use theacttve participle to replace a past verb.
late. Oliver,whowas worrying about his exam results,did n't notice

6 Complete the news extracts (1- 7) using the that hisbus had justleft.
past tense of the reporting verbs from the box. Oliver,worrying about hisexam results,did n't norice rhathis
-- 7 bus had just left.
( admit insist persuade predict reassure
The participle canonly replace a relative pronoun when it
mind warn
refers to thesubjectof the relative clause,not theobject.
Gareth'sparents_________him to hand himself in Oliver, whoI was worrying abour,.. .
to the police. NOTOliver, fnorryiflg aoour,.. .
2 The hospit al Miss Williams that The participle can replace thac, w hichand who.
would make a full recovery. The policestopped a small car thar/which wascarrying ten
3 The judge the witness that lying in people.
court was an offence. Thepolicestopped a small carcarrying ten people
4 The court was to ld that Harry Palmer on but NOT when,where or whose.
paying for everything. Thehouse, whose owners oreliving inSpain,...
5 Susan NOT Thehouse,<Mfleis,foflg ,fl Spal,1, . . .
stealing the coat and
Evans fined
Passive participle
was that Rotherham United A passive participle replaces a passive verb, which
6 Ashley
can beln the present or past.
win 2- 0.
7 The minister Mr Jones against saying I co n fe ssed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
too much.

7 Rewrite the direct speech as reported speech.

1 'You should get a new camera:
Sh erecommended_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 'You are not allowed to use this science lab at
lunch time:
Thet eacher forbade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 'Well done! You've passed your driving test'.
Sh econgratulated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 'Yes, it's true. I ate your sandwich'.
Bags ofrubbish which ore lefton rhe pavement we simply put norIn from of the participle,whether an
are causing problems. active or a passive participle.
Bags of rubbish left on thepavement ore causing Oliver, whowasn't thinking about anything in particular, ...
problems. The book, which was bought on /in Oliver, not thinking abour anything in particula,r. ..
e,was torn when I received it. The book, whichwasn't bought in a
The book, bought online,was tom when I receivedit. shop, .. The book, notbought ina shop,
If the relative clause inc ludes a negativeverb, ...


. . .· .. . ·.
:,\ . . .
-:':!••;•... •r- I•,.-,·,,' • • • . • ' • • . - • .,• '

1 Choose the correct sentence. Sometimes both 3 Rewrite the sentences (1- 8) using the
options (a- b) are correct. correct participle form. Tick( ) the two
sentences that
1 a My brother, appearing on stage for the first cannot be changed.
time with his band, looked nervous.
1 The man who is training my sister used to
b My brother, appeared on stage for the first
be a world-famous swimmer.
time with his band, looked nervous.
2 a The cat, which looking very hungry, 2 Some children who were standing nearby
came towards us. started laughing.
b The cat, looking very hungry, came towards us.
3 a The people who attended the event 3 The event, which was attended by nearly
arrived from far and wide. two thousand people, will be held again
next year.
b The people attending the event arrived from far
and wide. 4 Luke Marsh, whose father worked as a
4 a The acclaimed actress, wore a long,flowing scriptwriter, has just written a play.
dress, fell over as she left thestage.
b The acclaimed actress, wearing a long, 5 The drama company, which is based in
flowing dress, fell over as sheleft the stage. Shoreditch, is called the Black Box Company.
5 a The event taking place on stage at the
moment is really com ical.
6 The young man, who wanted to get a good
b The event that is taking place on stage at the view, watched the event from the top of a tree.
moment is really comical.
6 a The cakes baked in the oven were almost
7 The tree that was cut down by the council
ready to come out.
recently was over two hundred years o ld.
b The cakes baking in the oven were almost
to come out. 8 The place where we're meeting tomorrow used
7 a David, looking bored, asked me if it was time to be a hospital.
to leave yet.
b David,looked bored, asked me if it was
time to leave yet. UNIT 9 CULTURE AND FREE TIME
8 a The clouds which were forming Past modals
looked threatening.
b The clouds formed looked threatening.
2 Replace the underlined words in the sentences We use should/shouldn' t have/ought to have+ past
(1- 6) with the correct active or passive participle to express regret or disapproval about
participle form. something in the past.Thequesiton form and negative
The film, which was described by the director past forms of ought are rarely used.
as a product of trial and error, was a huge He shouldn't have been so rude to her.He should
success. have apologized for his behaviour. (Hewas rude.
He didn't apologize).
2 The person who was chosen to play the main
role in the film was a little-known actor. _
3 The catering service which provided the food Theyoughrro hove revised before theexam. (Theydidn't
was a local one. _ revise.)
4 Teachersthat teach very young children Necessity
have a difficult and important job. We use needed to / hadro + infinitive to say
_ that something was necessary in the past.
5 The words that were spoken by theactor were Weneeded rospeak to rheadministrator before we could
the ones on the script. _
6 Music festivals, which are now held all over join theclass. Then wehad tosignsomedocuments.
the world, offer the chance to see world
Lack of necessity
-famous performers on stage._ _ _ _
We use didn't have to+ infinitive when something was not necessary and it didn't
Tney didn' t have to rakeonexam or theend of rhecourse.
(They didn't take an exam.)
2 Rewrite the sentences (1- 6) using the words
We use needn't hove+ past participle when in brackets.
something was not necessary and it did happen.
It was difficult. but I was able to tidy my room
We needn't haverun ro thesrorion. Thetrain was
before breakfast. (ma naged to)
sowehod plenty of time.(We ran to the station, but it 2 No one was speaking to her and she
wasn't necessary.) didn't understand why. (couldn't)
We usedidn't need to when something was not
necessary.It can mean that it did happen or that it 3 We didn't have enough money last year to
didn't happen. buy a new computer. (not be able to)
We didn't need to bring o book roreadon the rroin.We
spent thewhole journey chatting . (Maybe we 4 It was great because I could see the
brought a book and maybe we didn't,but a book mountains from my bedroom window. (be able
wasn't necessary.) to)

1 Choose the correct past modal form in each 5 It was possible for me to go on holiday th
sentence (1- 6). is summer.(able to )
1 They didn't hove to hide/shouldn'thove hidden I tried ro find a holiday job and I was successful.
her bag. Sh e was very upset about it. 6
2 We needn't hovedriven/didn't hove to drive to (succeededin)
cinema.The bus service is excellent. Now we can't
3 Put a tick ( ) next to the correct sentences .
find a parking space! Correct the incorrect ones. Sometimes more than
3 You should hove brought/didn't need to bring an one answer is possible.
umbrella.You're soaking wet!
1 I won't be able call you toni ght.
4 I needn't havemade/didn't have to make any
2 Can you understand German when you were achild?
food for the party so I didn't.
3 Megan couldn't ski five years ago.
5 They hod to leave/should have left their car in the
4 They were able to finish the taskwith time to spare.
car park and walk from there to the theatre.
5 Fort u nately, we could get back home before
6 He ought to have woken/didn't hove to
the storm broke.
wake up earlier. Now he's go ing ro be late.
6 This machine can produce 300 biscuits a minute.
7 Is he able to knit?
Ability in the past 8 When can he call me?
We use could/couldn't+ infinitive to talk about general 9 Are you able to smell smoke? I think somethi ng
ability in the past. is on fire.
My brother could run faster than anyoneelse in
We also use could/couldn't with verbs of perception,
such as: see, hear, feel, taste, smell, under5tond, know.
etc. We couldsee thestage from our seats butwe
couldn't hear the actors' voices very well.
We use was/were able to + infinitive to talk about ability
on a specific occasion in the past.
They were able to build a new theatreon thegrounds
of the old one.
We must use was/were able to, succeeded in +
-ing or managed to+ infinitive after verbs that
take the infinitive or -ing.
We hoped to succeed in driving across thedesert.
NOT VA-: h opedcould drive(jCr oss fhe dese,t.
Wedreamed of managing to reach our
NOT v,r.ed, e(Jmt cou,ld, t:t1ch ow d-esf1Mf1ot1.
Weenjoyed being able to spend timewith our friends.
NOT Vlee1ryoyed co uld spet1d ti l'l e rv1ti'I our
Deductions about the past
5 Complete the article withcan't, may, might or must
and the correct form of the verbs from the box. In
We use musr hove to make deductions about the some cases, more than one answer is possible.
past when we are very sure that something is true.We
use can't hove when we are very sure that something e become build cause die exist
is·nt true.Couldn't have has the same meaning as appen have hope make mark
can't have. Someone muse havebroken into our hotel - - - -
room. but they can'r/couldn't have taken anything
valuable because everything is locked in thehotel
safe. three IYIY8/ERIE8
When we are unsure about what has happened, we can fne /<ha ft 8nebi6
speculate usingcould have, might have, may have
The Khatt Shebib is a 1SO-kilometre -long
and might (not)hove. ancient stone wall in Jordan. Experts believe
They couldlmighr/may have taken rhis photo in it
theUK - fobetween 1,000and
the traffic ison thelefr. 2,000 years. Standing at just onemetre high,its
He mighc not hove seen your message yet. builders 2________________it would protect them from
We can use direct or indirect questions with could.
'Could the robbers hove switched theCCTVcamera
off?' 'Yes, chey could have.' (I think that's their
enemies.They ito
'No,they couldn't have.' (I don't think that's possible.) keep animals like goat s away from crops they
'Do you rhink rherobbers could have switched were growing. Alternatively , it 4_________________a
theCCTV camera off?' 'Yes, I do/No,I don't.' border line between different groups of people who
With mighc we usually use indirect questlons. lived in the area.
'Doyou think hemight have cheated in rhe exam?' the end of the fllayan civilization
After six centuries, the Mayan civilization disappeared
, hecouldn't hove!' (No, I don't believe that.)
complet ely. Why? Something 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _
We don't normally ask questions with must have or
to end it. According to recent scientific studies, a lack
can't have because those phrases express certainty,
but we
can ask questions withcould have, and also can of rain 6 t problem. Moreover,
The verb in the answer depends on how certain or not been Maria.
we are of what has or hasn't happened . 10 They might have forgotte n.
What coufdlcan have happened to them?' They must
have goc stuck ina craffic jam./They can·r possibly
have got lost/They could/mighr/may have decided to do
some shopping on rheway.'
Can't have and must hove express opposite ideas.
Mustn't haveand con have are not used in this way.
Shecan't have been re/ling the rruth.
NOT She fflUJtr;'t hr1ve /:Jeefl td, Mg r/'tetftlth.
He must have lied to thepolice.
NOT Ue etmht1ve Hetito thepolic
e. -
4Put a tick ( ) next to the correct sentences (1-
1O). Correct the incorrect ones. Sometimes
more than one answer is possible.
1 You must have been really worried!
2 They can't been very pleased.
3 She can't have finish her homework already!
4 You could have asked Daniel to help you with
the washing-up.
5 This bill is much too expensive!
6 They can have made a mistake.
7 Surely they m ustn't have eaten everything!
8 Someo ne must have forgotten to close the door.
9 I'm not 100% sure,but I think that can have
it seems the Maya 7 t sit uation or he may have been injured in an accident. If
worseby clearing forests for bigger farmsand cities. indeed Tutankhamun's death wassudden and

/(ing tufankhamun s death unexpected, people 10 much time to prepare

his body for his funeral. In fact, some expert s beli
Tutankhamun was a young Egyptian king who was in eve rushed funeral preparations 11_ _ _ _ _ _ _
power between about 1332 and 1323 BC. When his tomb the cause of a big fire which happened in the
was discovered in 1922, experts studied his remains and tomb not longafter the funeral.
came to the conclusion that the young king 8
unexpectedly. He
9________________________ very ill suddenly, for example,


use wish/if only to10
about tnings that we would like to change now or in the future andto express regret about past actions or events.We use wis
y wish they had enough money to goon holiday abroad I betyou wishyou were lymgon a beach somewhere hot.
Conditionals review; mixed conditionals
ly Iwas taller!
usewish/if only+ past perfect for regrets about the past.
wishes hehad gone
Zero to universiry straight fromschool. Doyou wish you hod been born inanother century?
h andif only have the same meaning, but ifonly ismore
Weuse the zero conditional when speaking of
phatic. Wefactsand
often explain
whatour wishes andconsidered
isgenerally regrets by adding a clause before or after the wish/if only clause. Wecould go to thebeach if only il wos·n cs
to be true.
wishes he'dThe
studied at university and then he'd have a better
part of the sentence describing the result can
used before the part describing thecondition. Then
don't use a comma.
Plants dieif wedon't water them.
We can use when instead of if.
When Idrink coffee beforebedtime,I never sleep.
First conditional
We use the firstconditional to talk about a real or
very likely future action or situation and its
probable result. In the condition clause, ifis 1 Match the beginnings of sentences (1- 6) with
followed by the present simple, even though the their endings (a- f ).
verbrefers to the future.
Ifwe miss the train, we'll belatefor school. 1 If you do exercise,
NOT Ifwe'll miss thetrain ... 2 I'll call you
In the result clause, wecan use other modal verbs 3 If you worked a bit harder,
apart from will. 4 We won't get there on time
If you tell the rruth all thetime,you mightoffend 5 We should takesome sandwiches
people. 6 I wouldn'twear those jeans to the
It is possible to use a negative verb in either or both party a if I were you.
parts of aconditional sentence. b unless we hurry.
Ifyoudon'rarriveontime, Iwon't wait for you. c in case they're not serving food.
Instead of if, we can use unless. Unless means if not, d you would get better exam
and is followed by a verb in the affirmative. results. e you get fit.
ffshops don'tdosomething rostopshoplfiring, wewill all f as soon as I get there.
haveto pay higher prices.
Unless shopsdosomething costopshoplifting,
wewillall haveto pay higher prices.
Second condit
---------- 2 Put a tick ( ) next to the correct conditional
ional sentence s. Correct the incorrect ones. In the
We use the second conditional to talk about an It is possible to use other modals in the result clause. Ifyou'd
imaginary or unlikely situation and itsimagined mentioned it earlier. I might have beenable m do something
result.It can describe present and future situations. about it.
Ifwehad more time, wewould visit ffwehadn't taken rhewrong road,wecould havegot there sooner.
Japan. Wewould visitJapan ifwe had
It is possible to use other modals in the result clause.
Ifthey could see usnow,they would beamazed!
We can also useunless in second conditional
sentences. She wouldn't move house unless shewon a
lotofmoney. We can use were instead of
was,especially in formal style. IfI wereyou,
Iwouldspend more rimewirh my family.
Third conditional
We use the third conditional to talk about unreal
situations in the past.The condition is impossibl e,
because wecannot change what happened
Consequently, the result is also impossible. Unless is
never used in third conditional sentence.s
Ifyou had srudied,you would have passed
theexam. You would havepassed theexam ifyou
incorrect sentence s, only one verb is wrong. 8 I wouldn't buy this unless I couldn't afford it.
Ifyou toldDavid the truth, he wouldn't believe it.
2 If we have time on our trip next week,
we visti the famous castle.
3 You wouldn't like it if I tell you lies.
4 If you see Rachel, you'll notice that
thereis som ething differentabout her.
5 It will be a great end to the event
unlesssomething will go wrong.
6 We'll meet at Mark's house on Friday if
we didn't meet before then.
7 If you were rich, you wouldn't necessarilybe happy.
.:::· : ... Y -
ii ··"' '. . . • , , . . ' , ,

3 Read the situations (1- 9) and then write

Mixed conditionals
third conditional sentences that st art with
if. When the time reference in the If clause is different from the time reference in the main clause, we use a 'mixed conditiona
conditionals in the same sentence. Mixed conditionals describea hypothetical (not real) situation.
I didn't take any water with me, so I was thirsty.

2 I went to bed late, so I woke up tired.

3 He felt cold because he didn't wear enough clothes.

4 I didn't call you because my phone ran out

of battery.

5 We couldn't see the comet because we didn't

have a telescope.

6 You didn't take my advice, soyou didn't win

the match. thatstory would have terrified her.
(She doesn't believein ghosts and the story did not terrify her.)
7 You fell over because you didn't look where
you were going.

8 It sno wed , so wedidn't go out.

5 Read the sentences (1- 6) and then choose the best
9 I didn't water the flowers because you didn' t description (a- b) of the situation.
ask me to. 1 If James was more friendly, he would
haveenjoyed the party more.
a James isn't friendly and he didn't enjoy the party.
4 Complete the sentences with wish or if only
b James isn't fr iend ly, so he won't enjoy the party.
and the correct form of the verb.
2 If you had paid attention, you wouldn't be
They________________(they/ buy) that house. so confused.
a I didn't paid attention,and I was
needs so much work on it.
confused. b I didn't pay attention, so I'm
2 We_________________(we/ have) more space to
confused now.
have a bigger desk in the office. 3 If we hadn't eaten that cake, we would be hungry.
3(she/ marry) for money, she'd a We ate the cake, so we're not hungry now.
never have to work again! b We didn't eat thecake, because we weren't hungry.
4 (they/ tell) the truth the first 4 If they didn't know the hotel manager,
time, the police wouldn't have been involved. they wouldn't have got such a good
5 I_________________(you/ stop) complaining, it's room.
very tiresome. a They know the hotel manager, so they got a
6 They_________________(we/ live) nearer, t hen good room.
we b They don't know the hotel manager,so
could visit more often. they didn't get a good room.
5 If I had a mobile phone, I would have called
you. a I don't have a mobi le phone, so I can't
call you.
b I don't have a mobi le phone, so I didn' t call you.
6 If they had stayed at home, they wouldn't be
in trouble.
a They are staying at home and now theyare in
b They didn't stay at home andnow they are in
troub le.
6 Complete the second sentence in each pair so it 8 Complete the second sentence in each pair so
has the same meaning as the first one. Use mixed it has the same meaning as the first sentence.
conditional sentences . Use the first, second, third or a mixed
I spent all my money yesterday and I haven'r gor conditional.
any today. You spent all your money in the sales. You're
IfI ha dn t' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I _ _ _ _ _ _
_ broke now.
If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
some today.
2 l didn't know you liked Coldplay. I didn't buy you
2 She doesn't have a car, so she didn 't drive to a ticket for rhe concert.
rhe beach last weekend. If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , she _ 3 You didn 't lose your glasses. You'll be able to
tthbeach last weekend. read the menu.
3 We love camping in Cornwall, so we wenr You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
camping there last July. 4 John didn't pack the sandwiches. He's starving
If we didn't_______________, we now. If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Cornwall last July. 5 If they don't ban tourists from the ancient city,
it will be ruined in no time.
4 They failed their exams last term, so now they have Unless _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
to take them again.
6 Mary doesn't work at home. She doesn't
If they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , they _
spend much time with her children.
them again now. Mary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 I didn't meet my brother at the station and now he is
very angry with me. 9 Read the article about avoiding problems
IfI _ _ _ _ _ _ _, he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ abroad. Choose the correct word to complete
the text.
angry with me now.
6 They don't understand Japanese, so they bought
a Japanese phrase book . 'If only 1I'd have/ I'd/'I ve / I thought
If they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , they _ _ _ _ _ _ _
about that before I left home!'
aJapanese phrase book.
If you 2 travelled/would travel/travel/ had
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of travelled a lot, you've probably said that a few times.
the verb in brackets. When you're abroad, a small problem 3 can/would/
You_________(not/ be) so tired now if you _ has/is easily become a big problem unless you are
(not/ go) to bed so ridiculously late last night. prepared for it.
2 Suppose you (can/ be) a virtuoso on any So here are three tips that I've found useful. First,
musical instrument , what _ _ _ (it/ be)? don't carry a lot of cash and always take two cards. If
3 I_________(com e) with you this evening if I you 4 will lose/are losing/ lost/lose one, you can
_ _ _ _ (not/ have) so much work to do. But I'm up still get money with the other one - as long as you 5 'll
to my eyes, I'm afraid. remembrej've remembered/remember/'d
4 Of course I'm interested in psychology. I _ remembered to keep them in separate places!
(no t/ choose) to study it if I _ _ _ (not/ be), Secondly, always buy travel insurance in case
would I? something 6 goes/can go/will go/ wentwrong.
5 Imagine how you (cope)if you _ Otherwise, you may wish you 7 would buy/had
(live) somewhere with no electricity or running water. bough/tbought j've bought it. Five years ago, I had
6 We _ _ _ (be) there by now if we _ an accident on a trip to America and I needed a lot of
(leave) a bit earlier. I did warn you about the traffic! hospital treatment. If I 8 don't have/didn't have/
hadn't had/wasn't having insurance, I'd still be
paying for it now! Finally, what 9 will you do/did
you do/ would have done/w ouldyou do if you
were a thief and you saw a tourist with a big
expensive camera
and a wallet or passport in a back pocket - or an open
handbag? Think about it. If 10 you'll be/ you're/ you
,,: ' \/'.•'.. . . . _·

. :-: • • :.- ....1, _:--i • _.•., · -t:r-.;.·•_§.,._,:. :.i...':;'-_,x:,:':-: :i:-:si1:_;_i, ---


5 They all the tenses in
Future perfect simple and continuous English by the end of this year.
6 She ecology next year. Sh e
Future continuous really didn't enjoy the subject.
We use the future continuous with a future
2 Complete the sentences (1- 6) with the
time expression to talk about anaction that correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use
will be in progress at a definite time in the the future
future. perfect simple , future continuous or future perfect
This rime romorrow we'll be moving to our new continuous.
By this time next year I________(visit) every
Future perfect simple major city in the UK.
We use the future perfect simple to talk about a 2 Over the next month they (appear) at
completed action or event in the future. We often all the major music festivals in the UK.
use by or before+ a time expression to say when 3 I can't believehow fast you read! You _
theaction will be finished. (read ) the whole book before dinner!
Everything will hove changed by thetimeyou get 4 He'll be furious when we finally arrive - he
bock. They won't havefinished rhework before (wait) for us for three hours!
rheweekend. We often use the future continuous and 5 This time next month we (sit) on
the future perfect simple with phrases that specify a a beach and (reaxl) in the
time in the future, such as:this time romorrow, next
week, next month, by August/the endof theyear/2030,
6 When we finish this trip we (war)
in a week's/six
the same clothes for six months. I'm going
monrhs1/ten years' time,an hour/a week/rwenryyears
to go shopping!
from now, etc.
This time nextweek, I'll havefinished all my exams. 3 Look at Sophie 's diary. Put a tick ( ) next to
By theend of thecenrury, humans will beliving the correct sentences.Correct the incorrect
on the moon. ones.
In tenyears' time,I'// have got married and had It's 09.58 on Monday 3rd October.
1 She'll be workingthis time tomorrow.
Aweek from now,we'll be lying on the beach. 2 She'll have been working for six hours
Future perfect continuous by one o'clock tod ay.
We use the future perfect continuous to talk about 3 She won't have finished work by fiveo'clock
an action that will continue up to a particular time on Wednesda.y
in the future. 4 At threeo'clock onThursday afternoonshe'll
How long willyou have been studying when you finally be running with Holly.
graduate? s By nine o'clock on Friday evening she'll haveplayed
We often use the future perfect continuous with for tennis three times.
and 6 This time next week she'll be walkingaround Osol .
since to focus on theduration of an activity.
I willhave been working for ten weeks on this projecr by
the timeI finally complete it. MORNINGAFTERNOONEVENING
Mon 3 Oct 10-1u,,,rk

1 Complete the sentences (1- 6) with the future

9-luw·k 2-5,wrk
7-8 te,mi.s
Tues4 Oct wit/15,1111
forms from the box.
7-8 tet1111:,
will be travelling will have been travelling Weds 5 Oct 2-4 l(IOrk
will have travelled
2-6 watcl, 6.30-7.30
She________________to six countries in six
months byFebruary. Thurs6Oct 9- l uw- crick,,t ru,,u11't/1
k wit/,
2 I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ across the Australian outback Joseph 1--Mly
next month. 7-8 fem1is
Fri 7 Oct I 9-1 ll'c?
3 We for more than four


Sat 8 Oct 2-Swork

weeks by the time we finally arrive in Darwin.
will have been studying won't be studying
with Ellie 7-8 1:,.,,,,is
9-2 ,.,.,,.k
won't have studied Sun 90ct "'ithJu/,;,

4 By the time I take my final exam,I 9.45 f1.!J f .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ at this collegefor four Mon 10 Oct


Kate: Seriously, though, I don't know when I'll
Be going beable to get the book back to you.It
We use begoing to when we: 8
is taking/will take/will be taking me a few
► speak about arranged plans for the future. months to read it.
My parents aregoing to opena shopnextyear. Megan : No worries. I 9 won't have read/not due to
► expect something to happen, especialyl when we read/won't be reading it again.
make a prediction about something we see. Kate: OK. Well, I 1°'II haveseen/' // see/see
Lookar that drive.rShe's goin g tocrash! you on Saturday then.
Megan: Yes. Are you heading for the station now?
'm getting/' // get/getthe t rain to my aunt's
We use will when we:
house at 2.30. We could walk together.
► make a decision while we speak.
Kate: No,1 12 'I/ bewaiting l 'm going to wait
I'm bored.I think I'll goshopping.
/wait here.Jake 13 is to finish/wasdueto
► pred i ct something, especially when the prediction
finish/ finishes work in five minutes and I
concerns our thoughts or convictions.
want to meet him.
Oneday there won't be any shops. Peoplewill Megan: OK. Bye then!
onlybuy things ontheInternet.
► prom i se something or assure someone about S Compl ete the article with the correct future
something. continuous or future perfect form of the verbsin
IpromiseI'll drive moreslowly. brackets.
contin uous to describe the future when we speak about planned activities.
liday to Italy next M ------
simple when we are talking about events wh ich take place according to a schedule, plan or timetable.
at 7 I'd like to be at theairport at In the busyworld of work, it alwaysseems that
we 1_ _ _ (never/finish) everything before
the most of us have developed
strategiesto help us get thingsdone
morequickly. Unfortunately, some of these
strateigesdon't help as much as we think
they do.
4 Read the conversation and choose the correct Keeping your to-do list in your head
form of the verb in each sentence. If you don't write down what you have to do,
Kate: 1 Areyou going to finish/Are you you may save a couple of minutes, butit's
finishing/ Will you have finished the likely that you 2_ _ _ (wake up) in
book by the weekend? the middle of the night, thinking about your
Megan: Yes, I probably 2 will have read/am to read/ tasks.It would be much better to write it down
will be readni g it by the end of the and then deal with each task one by one.
afternoon. I can't put it down. 1 3 'm giving
/'11 give/giveit to you when I next see you. Putting the most important task
Kate: Thanks. at the top of your list
Putting a task at the top of the list does not
Megan: I 4 'm going to/' /1/'m about to watch the guarantee you 3 (complete) it beforethe
of thebook on Saturday. I have the DVD at deadline. In fact,it makes it likelythat you
home. 4
_ _ _ (still/putit off) as the deadline
Kate: Are you? What time 5will you bewatching/ approaches, as highlighting the task will
do you watch/will you have watched it? make you more anxious about it.Instead,do a
We could watch it together. coupleof easier tasks first, to warm
Megan: Are you sure you want to? You 6 won't yourselfup.
aren't going to enjoy/aren' t enjoying the saying yes to everything
book after seeing the film. sayingyes is much easier than saying no, but
Kate: I'm a slow reader. I 7 'm forgetting/' // be if you say yes to everythingyous _ _ _
forgetting/' // have forgotten what the (soon/ feel) overwhelmed and stressedI.t
film was about by the time I manage to wouldbe much better to only say yes to a few
read the book. projectsand do
Megan: Ha! them well. You 6 _ _ _ (achieve) much more
by the end of the week.

6 Complete the text with the verb forms from ► after the following prepositions: about, with,without,
the box. in, at, of,for.
I'm interested in being selecred for thisyear's competition.
redueto become are on the point of He's terrified of being laughed at by his friends.
letting s going to be will also enable
► in the past.
willbeable to
will be taking willbe using will bring will have
[ She leftwithout being seen byanyone.
will have established
- - - - - We use to be+ past participle after the following
verbs: begin,deserve, expecr, hope,order,
::::,!,;iii persuade, prefer,want Weexpect our food to be
prepared in advance.
They ordered us to be accompanied by a guide at all times.
Everyone seems to agree that in the future Shedeserved to betreated better.
we 1 technology more and more in the
classroom and in other learning
environments. And even though many people
1 Complete the passive sentences (1-8) with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
de we 3 ho o make fear
of using different technologies for learning.
ore globally inter act ive, where students 5 virtual trips to other countries, rather than reading
1 He about them.
doesn't like (tell) what to do.
ory students 6visit the past andsee, hear and smell the 1500s, for example. Geographers and geologists could similarly experience earthquakes and volcanoes
ook at biological organs on a screen in 30 and maybe even 'build' one 2 We're looking forward to________(show) around
the new offices.
3 I'm not scared of (criticize) by others.
4 They should avoid (drive) by my brother.
He's a dreadful driver!
5 I want this foo d (reheat ). It's cold.
6 We hope (move) to a better hotel
room this afternoon.
7 We'd prefer (take) around the exhibition
by a guide.
8 They're complaining about (charge) extra
for their breakfast.

2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so it has

the same meaning as the first sentence. Use an -ing
a range of uses in the classroom.
form or an infinitive.
He was fed up with his wife telling him what to wear.
There is no doubt the learning environment of the future aexciting place, but
He was fed up with what to wear by his wife.
despite the possibilities that9technology
2 It would be better if the director informs me personally.
10 I would rather by the di rector in person.
, expertswarn that education must
3 She is the first female prime minister.
still revolve around the relationship between
student and tutor. She is the first woman________prime minister.
4 I will not put up with you speaking to me like
that. I will not put up with____to likethat.
5 Ted deserved the pay rise his bossgave him.
Ted deserved a pay rise by his

The passive with the infinitjve and the 3 Find one grammatical mistake in each sentence (1-8)
-ingform andcorrect it.
I really dislike been told what to do!
Passive 2 She prefers her steak be cooked well.
3 We weren't happy about be left to find the
We use being+ past participle:
g verbs: avoid,dislike,enjoy, finish, hate,imagine, like,miss,object,practice,prevent, remember, sto,ourselves.
p suggest.
4 I just managed to avoiding being hit by that car.
guided around thechocolate factory. Wemustprevent timebeing wasted on pointless initiatives.
the pizzas being cookedma wood-fired oven. 5 Does this milk need to thrown away? It smells bad.
6 They didn't mind being ask to wait - they weren't
in a hurry.
7 Would you prefer being taken to the airport by taxi?
8 I regret not tell you about this before.I didn't
realize you would be so upset!


beat beaten


beconme became become

began begun
bid bidden
bite --- 1 bi t
---- _._bitten
blow blown
break broken
bring ---- brought brought
_.., built built
burn burnt/burned
buy bought
can could I
catch caught
choose ---+-ccaught
1-h- chosen
os e
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
t dig d_ug -_u g ====== = ---------------i
r do I did done
----- drew drawn
dream dreamt/dreamed ----

I drinek ..d,rank
drove driven
eat =G te eaten
fall fell fallen

feed fed fed

el felt felt
fought fought
find J' ound found
fly flew flown

forget forgot forgotten

get got got ----

1 geo"P --_-f .:P: ---- -: be,e

grow grew grown
hung hung
I heard heard
hide - ---1-; h_ i _d ----t_h_idden _
---- hit
held -------,
--- ,_ -----

t hurt
[ keep
know knew known
f----- 4-1a-- i d_ la_id _ _ _ ------------------------ 1
]Jearnt/learned _ learnt/lea_rned ,
leave left left
I 1end lent lent
Infinitive Past simple : Past participle
I :

lie down light lose make mean lay

meet paylit
down lain down
put lost made meant met paid put
lit lost made
read read meant met paid put read ridden

ride rode
ring rang rung
l rise rose I risen
run ran run
said said
e saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent
I sent
show showed

sink ['""'sang
sit sat sat I sunk
sleep slept slept

smell smelt/smelled
G elt/smelled
speak spoke
spell spelt/spelled
spend spent I spent
[ split up I split up split up
stand =s !tood stood

steal stole I stolen

strike struck struck
sweep swim swept swam swept
take took
teach taught taught
tell told
think thought thought

1 36
◄M#M f·H 'i\Ut►
wake up

woke up

l i l li 9• tM=ti•M Ji i 1ii 4=•;B i i 9
Gt:>neral conversation
Starting a conversation somewhere). Shall we (watch a film)?
Excuse me, can I tell/ask you I think we could (do sth).
something? Excuse me, can I talk to you
for a moment? Can we have a word?
Asking for direction s/information
Excuse me. How do I get to ...
? Is there a (post office) near
here? Could you tell me the
way to ... ?
I'd like to know (when the course starts),
please. Do you know (where the bus stop
And there is one more thing I'dlike to know.
And you wouldn't know (the price), would
Giving directions
Go straight
ahead. Turn
Take the first/second turning on your right/left.

Go past (the school).

Keep going until you get to ....
Go along (Green Street) as far as the traffic
lights. Then ....
You need to go (this way).
(I'm) sorry for (the delay/being
late). I'm really sorry.
I'm awfully
sorry. I
Making a request
Can/Could you....?
Would you mind (doing sth)?
Do you think you could (possibly). .?
Will/Would you (please)...?
Agreeing to a request
OK/All right.
Yes, sure.
Refusing a request
Sorry, but ....
(No), I can't really ....
(No), I'm afraid I can't ....
Making a suggestion/making arrangements
Are you doing anything (on Saturday
evening)? Would you like to (go out)?
Do you fancy (a walk/going for a
walk)? Why don't we (do sth)?
Let's go (to the cinema).
How/What about (cooking
I was wondering if you'd like to (play sth).
It would be great if we (had dinner
Bv16a41e, MO>KHa saM ll.lOCb
Bv16a4Te 3a
CKa3aTv1/npo ll.lOCb 3anv11an1?
(3aTpv1MKy/3ani3HeHHH). MeHi
Bv16a<rre, MO>KHa sac Ha
cnpas,Qi WKO,Qa.
xsv1nv1Hry 7
MeHi AY>Ke >Kanb.
Mo>KHa 3 saMv1 norosopv1n1?
npowy npo6a4eHHH.

Bv16a<rre, HK
4v1 He MOrllv'I 6 BIii. ?
AiCTarnCH B111 He nporn (3p061i!Tv1 ll.lOCb)?
AO ... ? 4111 E 4l--1 He MOrilv'I 6 BIii. .?
TyT (noWTa) 4l--1 He MOrilv'I 6 BIii (6yAb nacKa)..?
CKa>KiTb, 6yAb nacKa, HK npo111rn AO ... ? TaK/)lo6pe.
6y,QbnacKa,H XOTiB 6111 Ai3HarnCH TaK,
(KOJlv'I n04v1Ha€TbCH Kypc). B111 3BiCHO. 3Bt.-
3HaETe, (Ae 3ynv1HKa asrn6yca)? 14al!1HO.
I 111e OAHe, npo1110 H XOTiB 6111,[li3Han1CR.
B111 sv1naAKOBO He 3Ha€Te (sapTiCTb)?
Bv16aYTe, ane ....
(Hi),H He MO>KY ... .
VlAiTb npHMO. (Hi), 60IOCb R He MO>KY ... .
nosepHiTo 11isopy4/npasopy4.
nosepHiTb Ha
Bv1 3alllHRTi 4v1M0Cb (B cy6ory BBe4epi)?
Bv1 6 XOTiJlv'I (KYAl--1Cb nirn)?
npasopy4/ nisopy4.
B1t1 X04eTe (npory11RH1CA)?
lilAiTb noB3 (WKOJly).
4oMy 6 HaM He (3po6v1rn ll.lOCb)?
npoAOB>KYll!Te 111m, n0Kv1He.ai111.aere AO
.... )laBaLl!Te niAeMO (8 KiHO).
V1AiTb 83.[IOB>K (BYllv' flK rnro,11106 (npv1rorysarn 111ocb)?
3eneHo'i) AO csirnocj>opy. fl xoris 3anv11arn, 4!11 Blll 6a>KaETe (norparn y ll\OCb).
noriM .... 6yno 6 4YAOBO, HK6v1 Mv1 (noo6i,t:1a11v1.[leCb).
BaM Tpe6a IIIH1 (8 l.lbOMY HanpAMKy). Mo>Ke HaM (nOAl--1Bv'ITIIICR cpiJlbM)?
)lyMalO, MIii 6MOrlll-1 (3po6v1rn 1110Cb).


Asking for help
Could you (do sth)?
Accepting suggestions /agreeing to
Would you mind (doing sth)? Can
arrangements you help me, please?
(Yes,) I'd love to. Could you give/lend me a hand?
(Yes,) I'd be glad/happy Offering something
to. Sure, why not? Would you like (a biscuit)? How
(That)sounds good to me. about (a cupof coffee)? Do you
Great! fancy (a drink)?
Yes, that would be (great/good/use ful/ex cellent). I'll do it for you.
Yes, (I think) that's a good idea. Shall I help you to (do sth)? How
That's a great idea!
can I help (you)?
That's a good/an excellent
suggestion! That could be Accepting /refusing an offer
(fun/interesting) Yes, please.!Thanks.
Thank you very much.That's very kind of you. That
Rejecting suggestions/refusing arrangements
would be lovely, thank you.
Sorry, but I can't. No, thanks.
Sorry, but I'm busy (on Saturday evening).
Sorry, but I've got to (write an essay). Asking for permission
That's a good idea, but ... . Could I (see the photos)?
I'd love to, but .... Is it OK/all right if I (stay longer)? Do
Idon't think so,(because....). you mind if I (keep it)?
Well, J'd rather (do sth else). Would you mind if I (borrowed the car)?
Yes, but don't you think it would bebetter to (do Would it be OK if I (didn't answer)?
sth)? Well,I'm not sure that 'ssuch a good idea. I was wondering if I could (leave earlier).
Hmm, I'm not sure about that. Giving permission
I'm afraid I can't.(I'm busy doing sth.) Yes, of course. Yes,
Yes, that's fine.(Reply to 'Is it OK if?')
No, that's fine. (Reply to 'Do you mind1f. ?')
No, go ahead. (TaK,) .R XOTiB fat
No problem.
(TaK,) R 6ys 6111 p a.Q111111/
L1Jacn111s111111. 3sv14a111Ho, 40MY 6
(Ue) 3BY4v1Tb .Qo6pe.
TaK, Lie 6yno 6 (4YAOBO,/Qo6pe/KOpv!CHO/BiAMiHHO).
TaK, (R AYMalO) Lie xopowa i.Qe.R.
Ue 4y,qosa i.Qe.R!
Ue xopowa/npeKpaCHa npon03V1Lli.R!
Ue MO>Ke 6yrn (secenoL/1iKaso).

Bv16a4re, ane R He Mo>Ky.

Bv16a4re, ane R 3a111HRTV1111 (scy6ory sse4epi).
Bv16a4Te, ane MeHi rpe6a (Hanv1carn ece).
Xopowa i,Qe.R, ane ... .
R 6 3an106Kv1, ane ... .
R TaK He,qyMalO, (TOMY llJ0. ).
Hy, R 6 KpaL4e (3po6v1s llJ0Cb iHwe).
TaK, ane 4111He AYMaETe sv1, llJ0 6yno 6 KpallJe (3po6v1rn llJ0Cb)?
Hy, R He snesHeHvi111, 11.\0 Lie TaKa xopowa i,QeA.
rM,.R He neseH IJ..\0A0 L\b0ro.
50IOCb, R He MO>Ky. (R 3aVIHATv1VI 41t1MOCb).

Ljv, He M0fJ1111 6 B111 ( 3po6111rn llJOCb)?

81,1 He nporn (3po6111T1t1 11.\0Cb)?
YVI HeM0fJ1111 6 B111 MeHi ,qonOM0rTVI, 6y,Qb-
JlaCKa? 4v1HeMOfJll,1 6 B111 AOnOMOrTl'1

Xo4ere (ne4v1so)?
RK lL\OAO (4aWKll1 KaBVI)?
B111 6a>KaETe (nvm,)?
R 3po6mo ue AilA sac.
.QonOM0rTlt1 saM (3p06ITTv1 llJOCb)?
RK fl MO>Ky ,QOnOMOrTlt1 (saM)?

TaK, 6yAb nacKa./.[IAKylO.

BenvtKe cnacvt6i. .QY>Ke n106°A3HO 3 saworo
6oKy. Ue 6yno 6 4YAOBO,.QRKylO.

Lj1,1 Mir
6111 A (nOAVIBv!TVICA q)0Torp
aq)i'I)? MO>KHa MeHi (3af11'1Wll1TVIC.A
Bv1He nporn,.AKllJO A (3an1,1wy ue co6i)?
B111 He 3anepe4yETe, RKU\O A (no31,14y y sac Maw111Hy)?
MO>KHa MeHi (He BiAnOBi.QaTVI)?
R xoris 3anvnarn, 41,1M0>KHa MeHi (nirn paHiwe).

TaK, 3B1t14aVIHO.
TaK, as>Ke>K.
TaK, 38iCHO, (Bi,QnOBi,Qb Ha 'Is it OK if....?')
Hi,see rapa3.Q. (Bi.Qnosi.Qb Ha 'Do you mind if. .?')
HI, Aasa111re (np OAOB>KYVITe).
6e3 npo6neM.


Refusing permission
Sorry, but ... . B1-16a4Te, ane ....
I'm afraid that's not possible. 60IOCb, l..(e HeMO>KJIJ.'180.
I'd rather you didn't (if you don't mind). Kpallle 6 BIii l..(e He po6v111111 (RKl.1.!0 He 3anepe4yETe).
Asking for advice
What do you think I should do? LUo 9vl,QyMaETe, MeHi sapro 3pofo1rn?
Do you think I should (talk to 81-1,QyMaETe, MeHi sapro (norosop"1Tl'13 Hl'1M)?
him)? Mo>t<Ha 3anmarn sawy AYMKY npo UIOCb?
Can I ask your opinion about
R AYMalO, BaM sapTO (3po6mvt
Giving advice 4e). 81,1 Momv1 6 (3anv1rarn Yi
I think you should/ought to (do this).
npo 4e). Ha sawoMy Mic4i FI
You cou ld (ask her about it). 6v1(niwos ry,Q1'1). 81,1
If I were you, I'd (go there). He,QyMan111 npo re,UI06 (nir v1) ?
Have you thought about (leaving)? 81'1He pm,QyMysani,, Hat} TlllM, ll.106 (K111HYTvl Kypvirn)?
Have you considered (giving up smoking)? 4oMy 6 BaM He (3sepHyTl'1CR AO niKapR)?
Why don't you (go to see a doctor)? MO>KJlll!BO, BaM cno,Qo6aETbCR (3po6111rn UIOCb).
You might enjoy (doing sth).
Expressing likes/disli kes/preferences MeHi cnpas,Qi no,Qo6aETbCFI ....
I really like ... . f1 3axonn1010Cb . .. .
I'm keen on ... . R n106n10/06o>t<HJ010 ....
I love/adore ... . MeH1He,Qyw..e no,Qo6aETbCFI
I don't really like .... .R He nepeHowy .. ./R repnirn He MO>KY ....
Ican't stand ... . }l HeHaB111,Q>Ky/He X04Y .. . .
I hate/detest .. . . .R HaAaJO nepesary ... .
I prefer .... MeHi no,Qo6aETbCR ... 6inbUJe Hi>K .. . .
Ilike ... better than .. . .
Saying thanks ,[\y>i<e ARKy10./Ben111Ke cnarn6i.
Thanks a lot/ Manythanks. Benv1Ke cnarn6i.
Thank you very much. Ue AY>Ke mo6'R3HO 3 aaworo 6oKy.
That was/is very kind of you.
Responding to thanks HeMa 3a UIO.
Not at all. 5e3 npo6neM.
No problem. HeMa 3a UIO.
Don't mention it.
Any time. IJ..le. Bee
That's OK. HopManbHO.
You're welcome. 6y,QbJlaCKa.
It's a pleasure/Mypleasure. 3as>1<,Qv1 pa,Qv1'1.
Ending a conversation
OK, that's great.
rapa3A,1..1e 4y,Qoso. rapa3,Q.,
OK.Thank you.
That's fine.Bye.
)lo6pe. )lo no6a4eHHR
See you around.
no6a41'1Morn .
I'll call yousoon.
.8 CKOPO 3arenecj)0Hy10.
It's been nice/good talking to you.
5yno npviEMH0 nocninKYaarnrn 3 saMvi.
Talking about a picture

Describing a picture
In the picture I can see .... Ha KaprnHL(i R 6ayy ....
The picture shows (a zoo). Ha KapT\IIHL(i 306pa1'KeHo (3oonapK).
They look (tired). BOH\11 Blllrnfl.QalOTb (CTOMneHIIIMIII).
She seems/appears to be (happy) . .. . BoHa 3.QaETbCA/B111r m 1,[laE(1.J.1acn11tBOIO) ....
On the right/left there is ... . npasopy4/niBOpy4 3HaXO.Qli1TbCA ....
At the top/bottom there are (some animals). 3sepxy/3Hli13Y 3HaXO.QRTbCFI (TBap111Hv1).
In the top right-hand corner there seems to be Y sepXHbOMY npasoMy KYTi, 3.QaETbCA, . .. .
.... Ha nepe,[!HbOMY nnaHi/3a.QHbOMY nnaHi (mi) . .. .
Inthe foreground/background .... 3o6pa>KeHHR Hara.QyE MeHi npo/cnoHyKaE MeHe /WMarn
The image reminds meof/makes me think of npo (MOE AIIITIIIHCTBO).
(my childhood).
(R ra,QalO) BOH\11 MO>KYTb 6yrn (6paTOM i ceCTpOIO).
(I guess) they might/could be (brother and L(e MaE 6yrn (AKaCb Maw111Ha).
sister). It must be (some kind of a machine). MO>t<Jl\11B0, 'fill (6iJlbWe 17 poKiB).
She's probably (more than 17). BoHa He MO>t<e 6YT1t1 (Ha Bi.Qno1.1111HKy), TOMY 1.1.10 ....
She can't be (on holiday), because ... BoHa M01'Ke 6yr111 ... 4111 ... .
She could be....or . BiH sv1rm1.QaE raK, Hi6111 . . .
He looks as if ... . He3p03yMino, 4vt ....
It's not clear if ... . Cxo>Ke, (BOH\11,llpy3i).
It looks like (they're friends). 3,QaETbCR, B0HVI (3aKOXaHi).
They seem (to bein love). R npi,mycKalO, 1.J.10 BOHa ....
I expect that she's ... . L(iKaBO, 4\11 BiH ....
I wonder if he's . .. .

Taking part ina discussion

Ordering arguments
To start with, ....
.[\nR no4aTKy, ... .
First of all, .. ./Firstly, ....
nepw 3a see, ... /n o-nepwe,....
Secondly, ....
no-,11pyre, ....
Another thing is that ....
ll\eo,11He, 1..1e re, 1.J.10 ....
On the one hand ... , but on the other hand .
.. . 30,QHOro 6oKy ... ane 3 iHWOro 60KY ....
On the other hand, .. . . 3iHworo 6oKY, ... .
The main reason is ... . fOJlOBHa npv14vtHa - 4e ....
Another reason is ... . IHwa np1111.1v1Ha - we ... .
It's also true that ... . TaKo>t< npas,11a, u_io ... .
And finally .... I Hapewri ....

Giving examples
For example, .. ./For instance, .... HanpvtKna,11, ....
To give you an idea, .... ll\06,QaTvt BaM YABJleHHR, ..' .
One example of this is • O.QHv'IM i3 np111KJ1a,QiB LlbOro E
.. .
The point I'm trying to make is ....
Inshort .... .[\yMKa,RKY A X04Y AOBecrn....
KopOTKO ....
Inother words ....
Tosum up .... IHWv'IMVI cnoBaMvi ... .
ni.QCYMOBYI04V1... .
Asking for someone 's opinion
What do you think (of/about....)?
Haveyou considered....? ll\O B111.[lyMaETe (npo......)?
What's your view on/opinion of.. ? B111 He /J.YManv1.....?
Don't you agree that....? RKa sawa AYMKa npo. . .?
L.Jv1 Bv'I noro.Q>KyETecb,1.J.10........7

Expressing an opinion
I think (that) .... 8 ,QyMaIO (1.1.\0 ) ....
In my view/opinion, ... . Ha Mii'.1 norm =,iQI AYMKY, ... .
Personally, I think ... . Oco61-1cTO A ,qyMalO . . . .
As I see it, .... AK A 6a4y ue, ....
From my point of view, .... 3M0E"i T04Kl-1 30py, ....
Idon't think .... R He,QyMalO . . . .
I don't really know (if) ... . R cnpaBAi He3Hal0(41-1) .. . .
I'm not sure (about/if) ... . R He snesHeH1-1lil (l.l.\O,Qo/41-1) . . . .
I don't have a strong/definiteopinion about that. Y MeHe HeMaE TBep,qo"i/neBHO"iAYMKl-1 3 l..lbOro npVIB0,Qy.
Agreeing with/accepting the other person's
viewpoint TaK, A 3ro.QeH (3
Yes, I agree (with saMv1). Fi nOBHiCTIO
you). I completely 3fO,QeH.
agree. Ue caMe re, 1.1.\0 A ,qyMalO.
That's exactly what I think. R 3Hal0.
I know. (8 ,QyMalO) rn M3EW
(I think) you're right. pauilO. n paBVlflbHO/
Right /That's right. LleBipH0. npas,Qa/Ue
True./That's true. npa s.Qa.
Absolutely. A6conlOTHO.
Exactly! T04H0!
I suppose so. R Te?K raK AYMalO.
You've persuaded T1-1 nepeKoHaa MeHe.
me. OK. Why not? ,ao6pe. 4oMy Hi?
I expect you're right. Cno,Qisa10cb, rn npas1-1111.
True.OK,then. npas1-1nbHo. To.Qi .Q06pe.
All right. I suppose you're right. rapa3.Q. A ra.QalO,rn npasv1111.
Defending your opinion/disagreeing
Yes/True, but ... . TaK/npas.Qa, ane ... .
Yes, maybe, but ... . TaK, MO.>KnVIB0, ane ... .
I see what you mean, but .... rl p03yMilO, 1.1.\0 B\11Maere Ha ysa3i, ane .
I'mafraid I disagre/can't agree with you. 50IOCb, fl He 3ro,QeH/He M0>KY nor0,QVITv1Cfl 3
I'm not sure about that. BaMVI. rl He sneBHeHVIIII y L\bOMy.
I'm not sure that's true/correct/right. R He sneaHeHv1111, 1.1.\0 Lie npas,Qa/aipHo/npaa1-1nbHO.
I agree to some extent, but .... 8 neBHOIO Mip0IO 3ro,QeH, ane ....
Idisagree. R He noro,q>Ky10cb.
I don't see why/how. 8 He p03yMilO, 40My/AK.
You must be joking! B1-1, HaneBHO, >Kapryere!
Surely you don't think that .... 3aw-1alilH0,01-1 He.QyMaETe, 11.\0 ....
Actually, .... Hacnpas,Qi, ....

Ott,er IJ«;Pful functions

Responding to what someone has said

Do you?/Are you?/1s it?/Have Y1t1 L1e TaK?
you? That's in teresting. Lle L1iKaao.
Really? ,ail°1CHO?
I see. P03yMilO.
Oh,OK. 0 , TaK.
Can I have a refund?
Could you give me my money back?
Can I exchange it?

Playing for time

Let me see, ....
Well, let me think, ....
Hmm,let me think about that for a moment ....
I'll have to think about
it. How shall/can I put
it? What's the wordfor
it? That's a good
question. I'm not quite
sure, but ....
Asking for clarification
Do you mean....?
Does this mean. . .?
Can you say it/that again, please?
Would you mind repeating that,
Could you repeat that more slowly,
please? Could youspell that, please?
In a job interview
What exactly would my duties
be? Will I have to work shifts?
What's the pay?
Could you tell me what the working hours would be?
Do I have to wear a uniform?
When will you let me know (if I've got the job)?
I'mlooking for something (smart/for a special

It doesn't fit very well. It's too big/small.

Do you have it/them in (grey/silver) or

(blue)? I would like (light grey, silver or


Do you have it/them in a

small/medium/large? I need a bigger/smaller
How much is it/this?
Can I pay by credit

I'd like to pay in cash.

Making a complaint
I'd like to make a complaint about ....
I'd like to complain about ....
I'd like m return this ....
Something is wrong with it.
It won't work properly.
It's faulty/broken.
po6o4i 3MiHv1?
RKa onnara?
He MOrJlvl 6 Bvl CKa3arn M€Hi, RKvlM 6y,[le po6o4v1111 4ac?
41,1 nOBvlHeH R HOCv1Tv1 yHicjlopMy?
Konv1 av1,[\acre MeHi 3Harn (4v1 R or p v1MaBpo6ory)7
,D,a111re noAyMarn, ....
Hy, AO3BOnbTe MeHi noAyMarn ....
XM, Aa111re MeHi rpoxv1 R wyKalO IJ.\OCb (sv1wyKaHe (HapRAHe)/AflR oco6nv1svix
7OAYMarn R nosv1HeH sv1nat:1Kis).
noAyMarn npo 4e. RK R Lie He AY>Ke A06pe nacyE. Lie 3aHaATO senv1Ke/Mane.
MO>KY 4e sv1pa3v111,1? 41-1 E y sac Lle (ciporo/cpi6Horo KOnbopy) a6o
RK >Ke 4e Ha3V1BaETbCR? (CVlHbOro KOnbopy)?
Lie rapHe 3anv1raHHR. R xoris 61,1 (csirno-ciporo,cpi6nRcroro a6o Cll1HbOro
R He 3OBCiM snesHeHV1111, ane .... KOJlbOpy).
Y sac ELle Manoro/cepeAHboro/aen1t1Koro
po3Mipy? MeHi norpi6eH 6iJ1bWV1111/MeHwv1111
Bv16a po 3Mip.
CKiflbKll1 l..\e KOWtyE?
B1116 4111 MO>Ky.A pmpaxysarnc.A 3a AOnOMOfOIO Kpe,[lVITHo'i
81,1MaETe Ha ysa3i. . .7
R XOTiB 61,13annan-,n1 roriBKOIO.
Lie O3Ha4aE.....?
8111 MO>Kere cKa3arn 4eIJ.\e pa3, 6yAb
nacKa? He Morn111 6 av1 nosrop111rn l.\e, R xo4y no,[larn cKapry npo ... .
6yAb naCKa? R XOTIS 61,1 nocKap>KV1Tl,1CR Ha ... .
He Mom111 6 B111 nosrop1,1rn 4e nosinbHiwe, 6y,[lb R XOTiB 6Vl nosepHyrn 1..1e ....
naCKa? He Morn111 6 sv1 CKa3arn 4e no nirepaM, 3 L\vlM IJ.\OCb He TaK.
6y,[lb naCKa? Lie He 6yt:1e npa4iosan1Hane>KHvlM 4V1HOM.
BiH HecnpaBHV1111/3naMaHV1111.
4,., MO>KY R OTPV1Marn Bi,[lWKO,[lyBaHHR?
RKv1MV1 caMe 6YAYTb MO'i
4v1 He Mornvi 6 0v1noaepHyrn MO'i'
o6oa'R3Kv1? 4v1 6YAYTb y MeHe
rpowi? 41,1 MO>KY R 06MiHRTll1 l..(e?


i i 4#;i@• Gi:fti •■•)=i ti il i•)D
Unit 1, Debate, Exercise 2, page 13
►. . ----------
AGAINST:The deposit you need to pay when you rent is
The best way to live as a family is for grandparents, a lot lower than the deposit you need to buy a house.
parents and children to live together. Control over what you can do in your home
Relationships between family members FOR:You have control over what you can do in your
FOR:The grandparents can have closer relationships with home. You don't have to ask a landlord or landlady.
their grandchlidren. AGAINST:You cannot alter your home, but you do
AGAINST: Grandparents and grandchildren may not not have to pay for repairs or new appliances.
want closerrelationships.Grandparents might find Moving house
thechildren too noisy, and the children might find the FOR: You don't have a landlord who can tell you to
grandparents too slo w or old-fashion ed. leave. So. you only need to move house when you want
Number of people in the home or need to.
FOR: Having more people in the home makes life AGAINST: It is much easier to move from a rented
more interesting and no one will feel alone. Children property than from one that you own. It is cheaper and
will have more role models. quicker to organize.
AGAINST: Not everybody enjoys having more people in
the home. Some people want quiet and privacy at Unit 4, Debate, Exercise 2, page 39
home. Housework and home repairs Exams do not prepare people for the real world.
FOR: Everyone can share the housework and home Memorizing information
repairs so they will spend lesstime on them. FOR: For exams. you spend a long time learning and
AGAINST: People might not share the housework and memorizing information that you quickly forget, and that
home repairs properly so some people might do a may not be needed in the real world.
lot of them. AGAINST: In the real world, you need to be able to
memor ize specific information either for work or for life
Unit 2, Debate, Exercise 2, page 21 ingeneral.
Everyone should donate to charities that help Hard work as a key ingredient for success
extremely poor people around the world. FOR: Not everyone needs to work hard to pass an exam.
The needs of people living in extreme poverty Some people pass them without doing much work.
FOR: We have a responsibility to help people in AGAINST: Revising for exams and passing them helps
other countries because theyare human beings like you see that hard work is an important ingredient for
us and their lives are much more difficult than success. This is true in the real world.
ours.They don't have adequate food, shelterand Working alone under pressure
access to healthcare and education. FOR: In many jobs, you don't have to work alone as you
AGAINST: Millions of people live in extreme poverty, but do in an exam.You work with others.
we are not responsible for their poverty. We have more AGAINST: Working alone in an exam prepares you for
responsibility towards people in our own country and making your own decisions in the real world.
we should help them instead.
The role of the state in responding to social needs Unit 5, Debate, Exercise 2, page 49
FOR: Charitiescan demonstrate to governments that Every university student should have a part-time job.
people are in need and can campaign for more state Academic goals
support. FOR: You can still achieve your academic goals if you
AGAINST: By helping people in need, charities allow the have a part-time job.You just need to manage your
state to avoid taking responsibility for helping them. time well. AGAINST: The most important goal at
The effect of donating money on the person who gives university is to get your degree. If you can afford not to
FOR: Being generous to others improves our own work, it's better to focus just on your degree so you do
sense of wellbeing. In turn, this makes us act well.
generously again. AGAINST: Although it can feel good Social life
to give to charity, the sense of satisfaction does not FOR:The money you earn from a part-time job can help
last long and has little positive effect on the donor. pay for a social life.
AGAINST: You will have more time for a social life if you
Unit 3, Debate, Exercise 2, page 31 don't work part-time.
It is better to own your home rather than rent it. Future employment prospects
The costs FOR: Experience of working part-time looks good on
FOR: You need a larger deposit to buy than to rent, your CV. It shows employers that you are hard-working
mortgage payments can be more expensive than rent, and can manage your time well.
and there ls the cost of maintenance, but you have AGAINST: Employers will be more interested in your
something valuablethat youcan sell later. degree than in your part-time jobs.


U -t

, De a e, [ <e cise- ,, g 57 The social impact on tourist destinations

The government should tax unhealthy food FOR:The society of a tourist destination can be
to improve people's health. harmed as people lose their sense of community
The money it generates for the government when large numbers of tourists visic.
FOR:The government could spend the money on health AGAINST: People living in a tourist destination can
care and educational campaigns promoting healthier feel more pride in their home because so many
eating. people visit it and they may develop a stronger sense
AGAINST: The government may not spend the of community.
money generated from the tax on public health. Economic consequences
Fairness FOR: If tourists only visit in the summer, then in the winter,
FOR: Unhealthy food is easier to sell than healthy people will be without work.
food, so it is fair to tax it more. AGAINST: Low-cost airlines provide jobs for thousands of
AGAINST: The people who pay most of this tax are people and improve the economy of the regions around
those who are on low incomes, and it is not fair that the airports they use.
they pay more tax than those on higher incomes.
The cost to government and society l r C. r'" "'f' C'e- r

FOR:The healthcare of people with diseases Spending a lot of our free time on the Internet is
related to eating badly are huge and this tax helps bad for us.
pay for it. Relationships with others
AGAINST: Some people blame the big increase of FOR: Relationships made online aren't as
diseases related to people's diets on unhealthy food, strong as those made in the real world because
and the medical cost of treating them. However, face-to-face
there are other factors involved (genetic factors, the communication is better than online chatting or playing.
amount you eat the amount of exercise you take). AGAINST: It's good to form new relationships and if
this is hard in real life, it can be helpful to form them
nit 7, r \;a te E>erc,se 2, p er 67 online.
We should all become vegetarians. Creativity
Human health FOR:The Internet limits creativity because people
FOR: Our bodies have developed to help us eat a want to get 'likes'and followers.This can mean they
vegetarian diet. We have short teeth and long don't post things they think others will dislike.
intestines, which help us digest plants. Although our AGAINST: Seeing what others have created on the
ancestors ate meat and fish, most of us don't need to Internet encourages people to be creative.
today because we have plenty of alternatives. We Finding information
can get everything we need from other sources of FOR: Some of the information online is untrue,
food. inaccurate or out-of-date.It isn't always easy to And out
AGAINST: Our ancestors ate other animals and our what is true. AGAINST: It is quick and easy to And
bodies have developed so that we can, too. information on the Internet.There is information about
The rights of other animals everything.
FOR: Animals, fish and birds have a right to life, the
same as humans do. i - C • = -1_, "" .,
AGAINST: As humans we have the right to eat Professional sports benefit society.
other animals.They eat other creatures in order to Health
survive. It is part of the natural cycle of life. FOR: Watching professionals play sports motivates
The environment people to play sports themselves, which improves their
FOR: Raising animals for food takes up huge amounts health.
of energy, water and land. AGAINST: People spend time watching sports instead of
AGAINST: The high level of methane in the playing them, which is bad for their health.
atmosphere is not caused primarily by cattle and Education
sheep.The main cause is the burning of oil, gas and FOR: Watching professional sports teaches children
coal. about competition. It shows them in particular how
tocope with losing and how sometimes you can win at
l. li , -. l ·e, erc,s 2, .-...e -i;;
the last minute. AGAINST: Children need to learn about
Low-cost airlines do more harm than good. co-operation and negotiation as well as competition.
Increased travel opportunities Team sportscan teach them about co-operation, but
FOR: Although low-cost airlines have given more notnegotiation. In real life, it isoften important to reach
people the opportunity to travel, this is not a good thing an agreement in which both sides feel happy.
for the places they travel to. Many popular tourist The economy
destinations find the numbers of tourists too great. FOR: Professional sportscreate jobs at the venues and in
AGAINST: Greater travel opportunities mean that more the media.
people can understand and appreciate other cultures. AGAINST: Most of the money that fans spend at a
sporting event does not go to local people.
Unit 1 - "'I t. E '-" i Reliability
Modern technology makes life less intere sting. FOR: A nuclear reactor can provide a lot of energy, and
Electricity we are going to need more and more energy in the future
FOR:Inside our homes, electricity means we can have as the human population grows. More heat will be
lightall the time,and use electrical and elearonic needed and more energy needed for electrified transport.
equipment.These distractions mean that most of us don't AGAINST: Demand for energy is rising, but we could
spend much time thinking or getting to knowourselves or meet the demand if we create enough renewable forms
others properly. of energy. Not all renewables depend on the weather:
AGAINST: Electricity itself means that we can do all hydro, biogas, biomass and geothermal don't depend on
kinds of things inside and outside the home when it's it. Also, advances are being made in technologies that
dark.This makes life very interesting and full of store energy from solar and wind power.
FOR: Modern methods of transport mean that we don't
Unit 11, page 96, exercise 4, Science quiz
see our environment closely when we travel. When you
1 physicist 2 Venus 3 gravity 4 hydrogen 5 freezing
travel slowly, you learn much more because you can
6 calories 7 doctor/physician 8 law
use all your senses to understand your environment.
AGAINST: Modern forms of transport have enabled us
to see places that we couldn't have seen if we could only Unit 12, page 110, exercise 1, Pollution quiz
travel on foot or horseback.They have made us more 1 motor vehicles/cars and lorries
aware of the wonders and variety of the natural world. 2 Because they canstay in the earth for long
Information and communication periods. 3 They put poisonous chemicals in rivers.
FOR: It's more interesting to observe and learn from the 4 noise from traffic, music, building works
real world than it is to learn from a computer. 5 street lights, lights in offices, factories and homes
AGAINST: We can find andstore huge amounts of
interesting information on computers that we can then
look at, watch, read or listen to.

Un· 1 Deb"l1e E r s _ , i::

Nuclear power is essential in order to provide

enough energy globally.
FOR: Accidents rarely happen and everything possible
is done to prevent them. Radioactive waste can now be
buried safely.
AGAINST:The consequences of an accident at a nuclear
reactor are very serious, whereas they are not with
renewable forms of energy. Radioactive waste has to
be kept securely and guarded, which adds to the cost
of nuclear energy. We are creating problems for future
generations, too.
Construction and maintenance cost
FOR: Modern nuclear reactors cost less to build and
maintain than in the past.They take a long time to build,
but then they provide low-cost energy continuously for
about 60 years.
AGAINST: It is becoming cheaper to build renewable
energy sources. Nuclear reactors are very expensive
to bui ld and then make safe later when we can no
use them. Renewable energy sources are much
quicker to build, last indefinitely and don't need to be
made safe.
Informal email:asking a friend for a favour,
making an invitation

Beginning an informal email Saying it doesn't matter if they can't help you
Hey! No worries/problem if you can't.
Hi I completely understand if you can't. I know it's a big
Hi Joe favour to ask.
Ho w are you? How is/ was ... ? Don't worry if you can't ...
I hope all's well/e verything'sgoing well.
Saying you will appreciate their help
Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while.
I'd be really g ratef ul if you can help.
Asking for a favour I'd appreciate it so much if you could help.
I'm sorry to bother you, but could you ... ?
I'm writ ing to ask you a favour.
I was wondering if you could do me a favour. Dear Zoe,
Would you mind ... some time? ow are things with you? Are you having
If you have time, would you be able to . .. 7 good summer? I've been going to the
I hate to ask you this, but do you think you could ... ? beach
I (just) wanted to ask if/whether ...
a lot, since the weather's so good at the

Use an informal greeting Actually, I'm going away this weekend -

like Hiya or Hi. In lette rs to Venice withTania for my birthday! But
I you can also use Dear. this means there will be nobody around to
look after my cat, Spot. I hate to ask
youthis - but could you possibly go round
and give her some food and check her
In t he first paragraph ask ge water bowl?
neral q uest io ns and give (I think you mentioned that youlike animals!)
general My neighbour usually does it, but she's also
informatio n about what you're doing. away this weekend. If you're too busy, would
you mind asking your friend, Alex? I think
I remember you saying he lives round the

comer from me - and he seems like a nice
Drop me a line when youhave a minute.

Bye, ---1 Use phrasal verbs and

Dan colloquial language
and expressions.

Hi Alex,
How are you doing? What have you been up to recently?
Anything fun?
I was wondering if you could do me a big favour. My friend, -----,
Dan, wants me to feed his cat while he's away this weekend, he second
paragraph give mo re
but I won't have time. If you re m em be r, Dan lives very
details about what
close to you, so I was wondering if you could do it instead of
you're doing or what
me? (Dan suggested this himself - and said what a nice guy you want to say.
you are ©.)
I know you may not be around this weekend either, so 7
new paragraph,
no worries if you can't.Just let me know.
J :rite what you want
All the best, -_-_-_-_-_-_- ---_j
Use an informal closing
to suggest or ask
for, and explain
why. _J
Zoe Write onlyyour expression like Bye, Bye for
first name at the now, Seeyou soon, All the
end. best or Lots oflove.
146 J
Making an invitation Asking for a reply
Do you fancy going to ... ? Let me know if you 're intere sted.
It would be great to go to ... with yousoon. Give me a ring over the weekend to arrange a time.
Would you be interested in going to ... ? Send me a message with the dates you can go.
I w as wonderi ng if yo u might like to come with me
Finishing an informal email
to ... Would you like to come to ... with me?
How about com ing to ... with me?
All the best,
Explaining why something is good See you soon,
The (resort) sounds/looks (good). Bye for now,
It sounds/looks (really inte Take care,
resting). I've heard that it's Drop me a line when you have a minute.
(wonderful). Love,
I've read some (good) reviews of it.
(My sister) recom men d ed it.

Hi Stefan,
How are you? How was your holiday? Sorry I haven't been in
touch for a while. I've been super-busy and studying the whole
time! Did you go snowboarding in the end?
I'd really like to learn to snowboard. Do you have any
recommendationsfor a good place to go? Remember that I'm
a complete beginner!
All the best,

Hi Jamie,
My holiday was great, thanks.
Yes, I did go snowboarding - to a place called Alp d'Huez in the
French Alps. Sam found a cheap offer and invited me to go with her.
I'm glad I did. It's a fantastic place for beginners to learn to
snowboard and the instructors are really friendly.
Unfortu nately, Sam can't go next year so I was wondering if you
might like to come with me? We could go to Alp d'Huez again - or
I've read some good reviews about Meribel, which is also a good
resort for beginners. My sister's been there - and she thoroughly
recommends it. Anyway, I'm sure we'd have fun together - let me
know what you think.We need to book in advance because they're
both quite popular resorts.
Bye for now,
◄foh1Ci¥ i@► 141
Biog/forum post: making suggestions,
suggesting solutions, suggesting and
giving advice

Giving advice
Asking for advice
In my experience, ... What's the best way to ... ?
I think you will be fine (taking) ... Are there any (ATMs) ... ?
I would definitely (take) ... if I were How much (cash)/What (type of card) should I
you. I don't think you need to worry take? Should I ... ?
about ... Personally, I would
recommend ...
If you want ... , you should
... Don't even think about ...
There's no need to/You don't need to
The best thing to do is to ... BETH'S BlOG
It's (not) a good idea to ...
I wouldn't bother (taking) ... Help! I think I have an Internet addiction. I surf the
It's worth (taking) ...
Internet all day long. I text, chat on social media, play
and watch funny videos. Maybe this all sounds fine, but
my parents say there should be a limit. They think my
schoolwork 1s suffering, and my teachers feel the same
way. But I feel lost without my phone - I don't think I could
survive a day without it. What's the best way to cure
yourself of this type of addiction? I'd love to hear your

Use a heading to explain

what the post isabout.
Friends in need
r Recently one of my friends was ill and was in hospital
In paragraphs 1 and 2 for several months. It was a very worrying time for her
say why you're writing. and her family, but she always enjoyed it when her
school friends visited her.
Sadly, a lot of them couldn't afford the bus fare to get to
the hospital. So, I want to raise some money for the
hospital to help people visit the patients.

]1-, What's the best way to raise money for charity? Has

In paragraph3 as k-_ fo_r
advice and/or ideas. _ anyone ever done something that worked really well? Is a
sponsored bike ride a good idea, for example, or should I
do something more unusual?
Use this phrase to bring
your biog/forum post to an I'd like to hear from you with your ideas and advice.
end. Please let me know what you think!
BY: Orange Michael 21.15

L If appropriate, end
with your name.

148 ◄: 1 'iihh/ii:
Suggesting what others could do
Suggesting what others could do/ have done
It would be helpful if they could ... They could/might have (helped you
In the future/Another time, they could more). They should/ought to have ...
... I think they should .. . Everybody needs to
Could they .. . ?
... It's time we .. .
They need to/ought m ...
Instead of ... , use a
... could be prevented by ... much
... If you can,try to ...
earlier. (The schoo l) should betoldabout
Why don't you give ... a go?
... Or better still. why not try ... ?
Suggesting solutions How about .. ?
You could ... It'sa good idea to ...
Have you thought of ... ? Consider ...
Why not (take) ... ?
You might want to ...

Friends in
need -+
I'm really sorry your schoolwork

Hi Orange Michael,
has been suffering, but it's great
I like your idea of raising money Refer briefly to the subject of their post. that you've recognized that your
----- 1
to help people visit their friends Internet
hosptial. I agree that it's expensive to addiction is a problem.
make the journey by bus. J fi t would be good to reduce the amount
In my experience, it would be of time you use your phone- the best
better to do something more thing to do would be to make a clear
unusual than schedule with the times when you
a sponsored b.ike, and .Make some
sugh ge.stions
, . . . 1n response tor eir
that s connected with 1
questions. Usea can and can't use your phone. You
Have you thought of dressing up as variety of shouldn't be afraid to set some strict
expressions patients, for examp le? for introducing your rules for yourse1lfAnd you need to

Personally, I would recommend opinions. I make an effort to stick to them, too.

doing a sponsored walk to the
Maybe your parents could monitor
your online activity with an app? It's
on crutches, with lots of bandages
quite simple to do, I think. And you
all over you for fun and to attract
should ask your friends to help -
attention.It's also worth asking the
maybe they could try some digital
hospital first, to check that they
detox, too?
agree with your idea! Use this phrase to bring
Hope this helps ©. your biog/forum - I hope these ideas are useful!
BY: LadyMeme 21.30 post to an end. Dani
t If appropriate, end with
your name.

◄!i ;IIIPti=flf♦ii 14
Formal letter: responding to an article

Starting the letter

Giving examples to support your viewpoint
I am writing in responseto ...
Let me give some
Thank you for the article
examples. For example, ...
about ...
I can think of several people who .. .
Congratu lations on pub lishing the article about ...
There have been many occasions whe n
I was interested to read your article about ...
... I expect that most people ...
Explain who you are
Stating a last point
As a (teenager/ 17-year-old girl/ social studies student),
Finally, I would like to say that ...
I ...
Summarizing at the end
Stating your response to the article
Because of this I believe that . ..
Although I agree with some of what the article says, I
As a result of .. ., it is my firm belief that ...
must disagree with him/her when he/she says that .. .
I feel I must challenge the article'sclaim that ... Finishing the letter
The article is right to quest ion whether we should .. . Yours fait hfully,
I fo u nd the article about (social media) extremely .. .
I was (horr ified/ astonished/delightedb) y the article about If you don't know the name of the
.. . I would like to point out that ... person you're writing to. use Dear
I do not thi nk t hat ... , but I do believe that ... Sir or Madam or Dear Sir/Madam. I
If you're writi ng about
DearSir/Madam, a newspape r article,refer to the article and the date 1t was

I was interested to read your article about the need for more car parking
in city
centres (More parking, please! 17 June), and I am writing to express
my views on this controversial topic. I believe that the best solution to the
parking problem may be the opposite of what yousuggest.
I agree that there are more cars than parking spaces, however I
------11 ,n the first paragraph say
why you' re wri t ing and
believe the best way forward may be to reduce the number of cars. give your opinion briefly.
not to increase the number of spaces. For example, London's
congestion charge has been very successful. and other cities
shouldconsider thesame approach. This would reduce pollution and
traffic jams, both of which would be made worse by simply
increasing parking provision.
For this proposal to work, we would need to provide good
public transportto the city centre. Many people now drive
I the second and third ragraphs give more rails of your a

because the bus serviceis so poor, but better buses would begood
for everybody and good for the environment. With fewer cars on
the roads, bus journeys would be faster,too.
Finally,a reduction in traffic would make city centres much more In the last parag raph make a final comment about y
pleasant places for shoppers and tourists to spend time in. For ideas.

many years we
have wanted to achieve this,and now we have our chance. If city
centres areenjoyable places to be. then l expect more people will
visit and more money wiU bespent, with theadded benefit that the
local economy will be better off, too.
I look forward to hearing theopinions of yourother Use this phrase to bnng
---------, your
readers. letter to an end.
Yours Charles
Simon Charlts
If you started with Dear Sir or Madam, end with Yours fair hfully.lfyou used Dear Mr/ Mrs/Ms + surname, end withYours sincerely.
ou're writing a letter, print your
me clearly under your


Expressing your opinion
Icompletely agree/disagreewith
... In my view/opinion, ...
To my mind/ way of thinking, ...
I am (very mu ch) opposed to/in favour of .. .
Expressing your attitude
Unfortunately/Certainly/Surpri singly,...
Obviously/Clearly, . ..
It is (un fortunate/not surp rising) th at
... I feel strongl y that. ..
Listing points
First ly/ Secondly/ Finally,...
What is mor e/ Furthermore,
... In addition, ...

Dear Sir or Madam.

Use linkers of reason,
addition and contrast to
connect ideas.
uce t he ma in idea int he first llnresponse to your article ('Computer games area waste of
p aragraph.

time' 23
r-' December). ! accept thefact that some people disapprove of computer
games Ibecause they do not think they are educational or useful.
computer gamesisan extraordjnarily popular hobby around theworld. Can
._Jomethingso popular really be Usea var ei ty f
expressions for
In my opinion, playing any game teaches us many useful skills. introducing your
Computer games are nodifferent. For example. we learn bow to think opinions.
quickly. and how
tosolve problems.
Sivemore det
of your argument What is more, we co-operate with other people when weplay in Give examples or
'1 paragraphs two, reasons to
teams.These games areoften seen assolitary, but in fact many people play
tireeand four. _J support your
online and make friends with other gamers all over the world. ln family -.I
life, computergames havereplaced board games. and children often play
with their parents.

To my mind. playingcomputer gamescan bevery relaxing- not

allgames are violent, andsome are beautifully designed and highly
M ention
sophisticated. When you playa game, you do not think about
anything else.soit isa very effective
argumentsif you
way to reducestress. Everyone needs a way to unwind and relax, and like,but don't
computer gamesare just as valid aslistening to music or reading. It has spend long on
ISu _'.'1up y our o fiw beenshown that computergames can in rarecases beaddictive, but on the them - you
whole thebenefits clearly outweigh thedisadvantages. need to put your
andconclusion, I believe that playing computer games bea rewarding
opi nion 1hn th
ed nad I, gh obby,espec·1aU y as
part of
a balanc range of free-tl·llle
ed actJ·V·It·ies.
own arguments

pa trhgar afpi·at forward.
nh enht !strongly disagree that gaming is'a waste of time'. Quite the opposit-
e it
WI a na1 oug I ( . lifi h d. .
ont he topic. l.Y ves ea w olenew unens1on.

Yours faithfully,
c;yace Stubbs
Grace Stubbs

◄'iMOiitill iW► ,s,

Formal email:arranging an appointment
Dear Mr/Ms (Smith),
Dear Sir/M adam,
I am writing (to ask if I could) arrange a viewing of (21, Scotland Road next
week). I am available most evenings after six.
I would be able to come on Saturday afternoon between three and
six. I wo uld p referto come during the day if at all possible.
I could come at any time after 2 p.m.
Four o'clock would be ideal.
Alternat ively,I could come at five.
Could we arrange something within the next few days?
Would it be possible to book a viewing for tomorrow?
Would this time suit you?
Would any of thesetimesbe
convenient? Best/Kind regards,

Dear Ms Radcliffe,-- - - - - - - - - - - ---------- Ifyoudon't know the name of the
person you're writing to,use Dear Sir or
1 am writing to ask if I could arrange a viewing of Property 1- ,
Madam or Dear Sir/Madam.
Three friends and I are looking for a house to move
into in six months' time. At the moment, we are in
shared accommodation with others, and our plan is to
In the first paragraph say what you're
writing about.
a house together next year. This house looks beautiful
and it sounds perfect for us. We would like to live in
Fallowfield as it has many good amenities and is In thesecond and third paragraphs
popular with students. give more information abo ut your
We are all second-year students at Manchester
University. We are all responsible people, and know l request.

how to take care of a house. We pay our rent punctually,

are friendly and
polite and have good relationships with our landlords.
We would be able to come next Saturday afternoon,
Sunday afternoon or Tuesday evening. Would any of these
Finish your email with a suit able phrase. l-
times suit you?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerley, If you started with DearSir or Madam, end with Your5 faithfully. If you used Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms
1 s2 ◄fohliit¥ ttm♦
Formal email:reauestina information
I am writ ing in response to your advertisement for ... , currently posted on your
website. I am writing about the role of ... , currently being advertised on ...
Could you give me some further details
about ... I would (also) like to know
if/whether ...
I would be (very) grateful if you could let me know when ...
I would appreciate any further information you may be able to give me about
... I would be interested to know about/when ...
Thank you in advance for your
help/time. I look forward to hearing
from you.
Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully,
Best regard s/Kind regards,

••• m
l Dear Mr Campbell,

I am writing in response to your advertisement for intensive

English summer courses currently posted on your website.
I would appreciate any further information you may be able
to give me about the courses in Bath this summer.

I have been learning English for seven years now. My

written English is quite good. but I would like to improve
my speaking skills. Do you offer any courses for
teenagers with a lot of speaking practice?

I would be interested to know about the price of your

courses. I would also like to know whether any discounts
are available to students. Also. I would like to ask if you
provide accommodation.
7 .. Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours sincerely,
◄friO@i-fW,i ► 1i;3
Formal letter/email: making a comolaint
Beginning your letter Describing the situation Asking for action
I am wr iting to complain about ... or event(s) Please could you .. .
I wish to make a complaint about ... I am sorry to say that ... I wou ld like you to ...
Describing what youare I am afraid that ... I would be grate ful if you would conside
enclosing with your letter I was very disappointed in .. . r a refund/respond to me at the earliest
I enclose ... for your informatio This meant that ... opportunity.
n/reference. Please find This led to/ca used/ resulted in I look fo rward to hearing from you as soo n
enclosed/attached ... ... as possible/w it hin the next few weeks.

If you're writing a letter, put

your address and the date in the
rig ht-hand corner. Put the name and
PilotAir Christina Mansfield
address of the person you are writing Gatwick Airport 25 Green Street
to in the top left-hand corner. In an RH60NP Colchester
email, you don't need to include this. UK Essex
9 July 2019
If you don't know the name of the Dear Sir/Madam,
person you're writ ing to, use Dear
Sir or Madam or Dear Sir/Madam. 'r am writing to complain about my family's experience on
PilotAir flight PTA456 from Gatwick to Madrid on 23June
this year.
'when wearrived at the airport we found that the flight was
r delayed. I understand that sometimes delays are
In t he first paragraph, expla in why you unavoidable, but in this case the delay was over six hours,
are writing your le tte r. and at no
time did a PilotAir representative explain to us what was
'In the second and th ird paragraphs
. happening or how long we would have to wait.
Furthermore, we also received no vouchers for
explain why you are complaining. Be refreshments despite being repeatedly promised them.
accura te and explain everything in
I detail.
When the flight finally took off, we found that there was no
food or drink on the plane, and that oneof the lavatories
, was not working. This meant that the journey, especially
with two small children, was extremely uncomfortable.To
add to this, at no time did any of the cabin crew apologize -
in fact they were very unhelpful and disappeared for most
of the flight.
In the last paragraph, explain how We finally landed in Madrid at nearly midnight, and found
I the problem affected you and what
action you wo uld like the recipient
that our car hire office was closed. Conseque n tly, we had
to return to the airport the next day to collect our car.
to take (give you a refund, exchange You will appreciate that this experience meant our holiday
a got off to a very bad start . I completed your online
product, etc.). complaint form two weeks ago, but I have heard nothing. In
light of the poor service we received, I would like to receive
or Madam, end with Yours faithfully. If you used Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms+ surname, end with Yours sincerely.

- - - - -------- a full refund for the Gatwi ck- Madrid flight.

If you write a letter instead of an email,
sign your name there. I look forward to hearing from you. - Use this phrase to bring
Yours faithfully, your email/ lette r to an

Cviristt.11\.t! Metvw;fieW
Christina Mansfield
I 54 ◄':i;hil/ifirj /j:♦
Magazine article/biog post:describing an
imoortant event. describing past events

Describing an important event Two months before (the exam), I began ...
The(big) highlight for me was (learning how to I had written an essay about that topic two months earlier/
... ) The most amazing part was when we ... previously/before.
It was especia lly exciting when we ... (Three weeks) later, ...
I remember (watching a game) and thinking'Wow!' Immediately after (the exam), I
Ever since then, I've been obsessed with ... ... Immediately afterwards, ...
I'd never (skated) before then/until I (went to an ice I (got up) as soon as I (woke up).
rink) with my friend. By the time I (got home), I (was very
Overnight, I became completely hooked on ... hungry). By the (end of term), I had ...
I'll alwaysremember the first time I ... By then/that time, I was
My main impre ssion was of (enormous speed). ... At the same time, ...
My main memory of the (day) is of (crossni g the finish Before that/Until then, I had (not) ...
line). This event made me ...
Commenting on a situation or event
Describing an approximate time in the past (Not) surprisingly, (I felt ill).
About (two years) ago, .. Stupidly, (I forgot to take my phone with me).
. A litt le/ short while Apparently, .. .
later, .. . After some time, Admittedly, .. .
... Amazingly, .. .
Some time later, .. . Curiously/Strangely, ...
It wasaround that time that ... Fortunately, .. .
A few (years) ago, ... Hopefu lly, ...
Afterwards, ... Naturally, .. .
Short ly afterwards/after/before...
De scribing the stage when something happened
Before long, .. .
Initially, .. .
Describing a specific time in the past Finally, .. .
That (day/week/term), .. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Use different narrative

,"-e -{irJt GAME

Give your description tenses and structures
an interesting opening
paragraph. Include ::t :!,l st
I first went to a football match when I was eleven years
old, but I remember it as if it were yesterday. My dad perfect,used to.
where and when your
used to go with his friends as often as he could, and

st or y happened.
one Saturday he asked if I wanted to join them. I'd
never been
interested in all that but I was curious, so I said yes. It was
Oxford United against Tottenham Hotspur.
r The atmosphere grew more and more intense as we walked
Tell the main the ground amongst crowds of people, and the noise inside
story was
in the second and amazing. And when the game started it got even loude.rI
third paragraphs. couldn't believe that adults could behave like this,
screamingand poinitng and groaning. At firs,t I spent more
time watching the crowd than the football. How could they
care so much?
It startedto pour with rain at half-time, and the stands were
uncovered - this was before Oxford moved to a new stadium.
expressions and sequencers to connect it didn't matter. By then I was hooked, and I spent the
second half shouting and jumping up and down with
everyone else. even enjoyed the cold hotdogs that we
bought after the game.
Bring your f'! he final score? Well, it wasn't really about the score for me, it
narrative to a clear
was the experience that mattered. That game changed my
end in the final
life,it made me a dedicated follower of Oxford United, and it
led to many years of hope and disappointment (mainly
disappointment). It was 0-0.
a good range reader longer and shorter
of vocabulary. interested and I sentences - this
involved. _J will make your
Use questions --, description more
to keep the Use a mix of interestni g to read.
Describe feelings as well as events - this will make your

description more entertaining and i nvo lvin g.

- - - - - -:,:umi,1 ► ,ss

- 1
- -- - -- -- - - =-=-
►► Phonetic transcription at

emotional support
. - ' ' .:_-J,._:.... -

eMOl.liLilHa ni.QTp111MKa
--J ·. . ._..,._

R ELATIONSHIPS engaged 3apy4eHlll11

, .._ enjoy each other HaCOJ10,Q>f1YBaT111CA KOMnaHiEIO OAIIIH
's company* OAHOro
ad ult/ad ulthood* ,QOpocJlll1ii1/3pirncTb ex KOJ1111WHiii1
birth rate piaeHb Hapo.w,<ysaHocn extrovert eKCTpasep1
breadwinner ro.nysa/lbHIIIK fiance Hape4eH111ii1
childbirth no11or111 fiancee Hape4eHa
childcare AOrflAA 3a AiTbM11t get on with y>11111aamrn, naAHaTl/1
child/child hood All1T\11Ha/A111Tll1HCTBO get together 3ycrpi4aTll1CA, 36111parncA pa30M
* close 6111113bKi CTOCyHKIII 3 KIIIMOCb have a lot in common* MaTl/16ara10 cniflbHOro
relationship with husband- / wife -to-be * Mai16yrniLil 40noaiKIMaii16yTHA,11py>+<111Ha
sb* cniBIK"1TTA, cniBiCHYBaHHA inseparable Hepmny4Hi
coha bitat ion* CyMiCH11111 keep in touch niATplllMYBaTIII3B'A30K
conventional lose interest srpa4arn iHrepec
discrimination AIIICKp11tMiHaL1iA mate TOsap111w
divorce rate next of kin Ha111611111>114111ii, POA111Y
Koecj>iL1ieHT p03ny4eHb, noKa3HIIIK
po3ny4eHb pass away noMeprn
elderly* 11iTHiii1, nox11111oro ari<y relationship CTOCyHKl/1, BiAHOCll1H"1

get long-term ~* AOarorp111sa11111\71

~ engaged* 3apy4111T111CA close ~* TiCHi (CTOCYHKl-1)
~ married* OAPy>K11tT1-1at/s111 m, 3aMi relative (n) p0.Qll14
fail po3nacrno1 same-sex couple O.QHocra1esa napa
family * serial 4acri3MiH111 naprHepa
extended*~ po3w111peHa poA111Ha monogamy* settle anawrosysar111cA,oce11AT111cA
nuclear*~ HyKfleapHa, nOBHa CiM'A (6aTbKO, down shared cninbHl-1111 AOCBl,Q
MaTJII experience shared Cnl/lbHI iHT€pe(111
single-parent*~ Ta.QIIIT111Ha) interests sibling pi,QH111ii1 6par a6o ceapa
HenOBHa CiM'A (6aTbKO/MaTIII Ta significant other* 6fll.13bKa fllOAIIIHa, Apyra nOJlOBIIIHKa
household .QIIITll1Ha) spouse* nOAPY>K>KR, 40nosiK i APY>KIIIHa
in a relationship .QOMaWHE rocno.Qapaao stepfather* BiA4"'1M
y BiAHOCIIIHax (CTOCYHKax) stepmother* Ma4yxa
caMITHIIIK ups and downs 311ern i naAiHHA
marriage contract
middle-aged* wrno6H111ii1.Qorosip well-matched * ni,QXO.QA a. rapHa napa
offspring cepe.QHboro sit<y
raise children Ha111aAOK, nOTOMCTBO
registered partnership BIIIXOByBaTIII AiTet.1 argument csapKa, AIIICKyCiA
tie the knot* 3apeecrpoaaHe napTHepcrno break
toddler* OAPY>Kll1Tll10l ~ a promise* nopyw111T111 o6iL1AHKY
MafllOK, HeMOBJ1A ~ up* p03ii71T111cA,nocaap111T111CA
"rk and repairs
◄ bully (n) bully (v)
... ,.. .. r ...

assemble 3611tpal111CA(pa30M) 1 1l
1 •lil•IIEt• bullying cheat*
conform (to rules)
clean the windows MIIITl/1 BiKHa
decorate np111Kpawarn
fall out with fault
fix a leak ycyaarn nporiKaHHA
household chores immature leave sb
po6ora no ))OMY
alone live in fear make
make the bed 3anpaanAr111ni1KKO
fun of obey
painting and <j)ap6yaaHH.R ra np111KpawaHHA
take advantage of threaten
renovate ai,QHOBIIITl/1,BiApeMOHryaarn
tidy up np1116111paT111 :. in context
FI I l t-;,..,. apt complicated
acquaintance 3Haii10Mll111
be close to sb 6yTll16111113bK111M 3 K111M0Cb
break up po3ivirncb, nopaarn
cheat (on sb) 3paA)KyBaT111,06MaHIOBaTll1
close friend 6n11t3bK111ii1APyr
colleague Konera, cniapo6irH111K
co-operation cnisnpal.\A, crnapo6irH111L1TBO
drift apart p03il1TIIICA

3a6iAKa, xpa10sarn
xyniraH .QOTp111Mysarncb npas11111,
3 np111aocosyaa1111cR po36irarnCA,
H po3XOA111T111CA B111Ha, npos111Ha
y He3pil1111M
a 3a11111w111n1 KOrOCb y cnOKO"i'
l1 3,BIIICMilOBaTl/1
C cnyxarncA, ni,QKOpATIIIC.R o6pa>Karn
4i norpo>f1YBaT111
A ni,QXO,QA ll1ii1,Bi,QnOBi,QHllliil
T CK/la,QHl-1111,re, o Ba>KKO 3po3yMiTll1 BIIIMOr/1111B"'1111,TOii1, o
1 04iKyE 6aram
1 yearn si.Q mo4y,04111x
C • vocabulary extension
Heo6xiAH111iil,Ha,Q3B1114aiilHO Ba>K11111B111iil
self-assured anniversary pi4Hll11..1A
snesHeH111111 y co6i
celebrate CBRTKysarn
I c- u'lnS witn custom* 3Bv14alil
'w decorate np111Kpawarn
get bored HYAb,YBarn festive CBATK0Bv1iil (HaCTpiLii), yp04"1CT111iil
get complicated ycKJ1a.QHt0sarnrn procession* npOL\eCiR
get on my nerves AiRTll1MeHi Ha Heps111 reception npv11AOM
get on with y>1<111sarnci:t,11a.QHaT111 3 tradition rpa.Q1111..1iA
get to know n03HalllOMll1TIIICR (Ai3Harnrn) wedding
a• ••,.,.rr'lr 1"1,1 ~ anniversary* pi'-IH111L\A secinnA
~ ceremony* secinbHa l_\epeMOHiR
common knowledge 3afc1JlbHi 3HaHHl'l ~ reception* BeCiJlbH"1iit np111iiloM
communal living KOMyHal1bHe nprnK111BaHHl'l
fatherhood 6aTbKiBCTBO
sense of community no4yni:t cniJlbHOCTi awareness-raising ni,QB111UjeHHA o6i3HaHOCTi
space campaign KaMnaHiR
office~ ocj,icHe np111MiUjeHHi:t, ocj,icH111iil npocrip care home 6y,Q"1HOK npeaapi11111x
share a~ Ai17111Tll1Cl'l npocTOpOM (npv1MiUjeHHl'lM) charitable 611aro.QiiilH111iil
charity 611aroAiiilHiCTb
UNIT 2 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY child trafficking roprisnR AiTbMll1
ftttitL•des and be.,"1il""1 1rs donate (money)* >Keprnysarn, ,Qapysarn (rpowi)
donation no>KepTByBaHHR
age BiK elderly 11iTHi111, nox11111oro BiKY
ageism All1CKp111MiHa1..1ii:t 3a BiKOM fundraising 36ip KOWTiB
attitude aasneHHl'l (B.iQHOWeHHA) give (st) back to nosepHyr111 UjOCb rpoMa.Qi
behaviour nose.QiHKa the community*
bias ynepe.Q>KeHiCTb,Heo6'EKTl-1BHiCTb good cause* ri,qHa cnpasa
body shape cj,opMa Tina (qiirypa) (the} homeless 6e3,QOMHi
bringabout s111K11v1Karn, cnp1114v1Hv1rn organize opraHi3ysaT111, snawrosysar111
broad-minded 3 W111p OK111MKpyr03opoM ~ events* BJlaWTOBysarn 3aXOAll1
citizen* rpoMa,QRHIIIH, Miera raise awareness* ni,QBll1UjyBaTll1 o6i3 HaHiCTb,
civil rights* rpoMa.QAHCbKi npa sa np111sepram ysary AO
condescending* no611a)KJ1111s111111,Hecynepe411v1s111111 rely on the state * 4orocb
co-operate cnisnpa1..1t0sarn noK11a,QaT111Cl'l Ha,Qep>t<asy (.qep>KaBHY
empathy cnisnepe>1<111saHHi:t, cnis4yn,:i social ni,QTp111MKY)
equality piBHiCTb,no,Qi6HiCTb ~ injustice*
fit in sn111carnrn (s KOMnaHilO)
~reform COL\ial1bHa Hecnpase,Q11111BiCTb
gender CTaTb the state COL\ianbHa pecj,opMa
humanitarian r yMaHiCT underprivileged ,Qep>t<asa
narrow-minded BY3bK01106111iil,06Me>1<eHv1iil unemployment Manonpv1sine111osaHi,3He,QoneHi
nationalism Ha1..1i0Hal1i3M volunteer* 6e3po6inR
patronizing* noKp0B111Tel1bCTBO volunteering* A06poBOl1el.\b,BOJlOHTep
petition nern1..1ii:t, KnonmaHHA BOJlOHTepCTBO
prejudice ynepe.Q>t<eHHi:t,ynepe.Q>KeHe
aasneHHA ambassador*
protest npoTeCT, ,QeMOHCTpa1..1ii:t
city council* MiCbKa pa,Qa
race paca
coalition (government) Koanil.\iR (ypA.Q)
racism paC1113M, pacosa AIIICKp111MiHa1..1ii:t
democracy* .QeMoKpariA
rebellious* HenoKipH111iil, 6yHTiBHv11A
deputy 3acrynHv1K, .Qenyrar, npe.QCTaBHli1K
resourceful* Bv1HaXi.Q11111B111111
diplomat * Ali1nnoMaT
respect nosara
elect 06111parn
sexism ceKCv13M, reH.QepHa .Q111CKpv1MiHal.liR
election s1116opv1
stand up for Bi.QCTOIOBarn, 3axv1UjaT111 UjOCb local ~* Micl_\esi (MyHiL1v1nanbHi) sv16op111
stereotype crepeornn
national ~ Hal.\iOHaJlbHi sv16op111
take on (responsibliity} 93,:irn Ha ce6e
~ result s* pe3y11brarn s1116opis
European Union (EU) Espone111CbK11tlil Col03 (EC)
upbringing B111XOBaHHR
face (v) CTIIIKarnrn
wealth AOCTaTOK, 6araTCTBO
focus on 3ocepe.Q11T111ysary Ha
government YP.A.Q
head of state rnasa ,nep>1<asv1
* vocabulary extension ►
•iNHIH 157
in power
y BJ1a,Qv1 municipal MyHil.jvmallbHv1111
nisi/npasi outskirts (pi) OK01lv1Lji, npv1MICbKi palt10Hl-1
11i6epa11bHv1111 peaceful Mv1pHl-11it, cnoKililHl-1111
Mep picturesque MallbOBHl-14111111
minister* MiHiCTp pricey* ,Q0p0rv1111
North AtlanticTreaty OpraHi3aL1iR nisHi4HoamaHTW-JHoro provincial nposiHL1ianbHv1111
Organization (NATO)* ,qorosopy (HATO) public transport rpoMa,QCbKv1111rpaHcnopr
objective MeTa quiet TVIXV1111, cnoKilt1Hl-1111
oppose np0TIK T0RH1,'-lv1Hv1H1 onip remote ai,Q,QaneH1-1111
opposition ono31-11..1iR residential >Kv1T170Bv1111
Parliament napnaMeHT rural CillbCbKv1111
political situated* P03TaW0BaHv1111
-debate* nonill-1'-IHa ,01-1cKyciR uie6arn) spacious* npocropv1iil
- party nonirnYHa naprifl sprawling eKcnaHCVlBHVllll
polling station B1-16op4a ,QinbHl-1Ljfl suburb nepeP,MicTR
priority np1op1-1rer traditional 3sv14a111H111111,r p aP,1-
United OpraHi3al.liR O6'E,QHaHl-1X Hal.lilll trendy 1L1i111Hv11t1 M0,QHV1111,
Nations* (OOH) CTv1JlbHv1111
vote ronocysarn urban MiCbKVllit
World Health BceCBiTHfl opraHi3au,ifl oxop0Hv1 well-maintained* ,Q06pe /J,0rllAHyrn111, ynopR,D,K0BaHHL-1
Organization (WHO)* 3,Qopos'R (BO03)
6.../ ng an,...rentin ahome
0 . ·n rontext
all mod cons BCi 3PY4H0CTi, n0BHiCTI0 o6na,D,HaHV1111
adequate Bi,Qn0Bi,QHl-1111,,Q0CTaTHilt1 amenities (pi) 3PY4H0CTi, K0MyHaJlbHi nocnyrn
fair trade 4eCHa T0priBllfl appliances no6ymsa rexHiKa
harvest 36v1parn (yprnKai:i), ypo>Ka111 attic* ropv1LUe
organic opraHiYHv1111 basement* ni,qsan
regulations npas1-111a 6e3neKv1ra ririEHv1 bedsit* 0,QH0KiMHaTHa KBaprnpa, CTYAiA
unsatisfactory borrow no3v14an,,
He,QOCTaTHilll,He3a,Q0BiJ1bHV1111 budget
limited~ 06Me>1<eHv1111610A>KeT
take tight~ Ll.\illbHv1L-1,06Me>KeHv1111 610,Q;>KeT
action ,QiflTv1, B>Kv1Tv1 3aX0,QiB
take an interest (in sth) np0flBJlRT\11 iHTepec, l..liKaBv1TVICR built-in a6y,qosaHa waq,a-Kyne
take note 6parn,Q0 Bi,Q0Ma bungalow* 6yHrano. o,qHonoaepxosv1L-1ciMe111Hv1111
take sth for npv1111MaTV1 Ll.\0Cb AK Hane>KHe 6y,Qv1HOK
granted take the nocna6v1Tv1 Tv1CK (Ha central heating 4eHrpanbHe onaneHH.fl
pressure KOroCb) communal K0MyHaJlbHl-1111
off (sb) contract* yro,qa
t er-v dr nd phrases cottage* K0T€,Q>K, niTHfl,Qa'-la
(bear a) grudge cramped* ricH1-1111, He3PY4Hv1L-1
3aTaMysarn 3no6y (06pa3y)
ballot box deposit ,qen03v1T, BHeCOK
av16opYa ypHa
care instructions electricity eneKrpv1Ka, eneKrpoeHep ri.R
iHCTPYKL1iR 3eKcnnyara1..1ii
charge (sb with energy-efficient eHeproe<peKT111sHv11t1
3sv1Hysa4ysarn (Korocb y 40MYCb)
sth) health and equipped 06na,qHaHv1L-1
npasv111a ririEHv1 i 6e3neKv1, caHirapHi
safety estate agency areHTCTB0 HepyxoMOCTi
H0pMv1 i npasv1na r exHiKv16e3neK1t1
regulations estate agent a,eHT 3 npo,Qa>Ky Hepyx0M0CTi
obstacle flatmate cyciA no Ksaprnpi
nepq>eK1..1ioHiCT (npv1Xv117bHv1K,Q0KTPV1Hv1
perfectionist furnished Me6nbOBaHv1111
(electricity) grid eneKTpoMepe>Ka
working conditions have a survey npoaecrn ornR,Q. ouiH111rn craH
done 6y,Ql-1HKY
UNIT 3 HOME heating onaneHHfl
' L - .. ,..,d rural living hidden charge* npv1xosaHi s111rpam
housing KBaprnpa, >K111rno
bustling >KBasv1111, Merywn1t1av1111
housing estate >K111rnosv1111Marns
charming 4api8Hv1V1
house-warming party* H0BocinnA
congested nepenoaHeH1-1111,nepeHaceneHv1111
landlady xa3.F11t1Ka,,Q0MoanacHHI..IA
country farm xyrip,CillbCbKe rocno,qapCTB0
land lord xa3.R°i"H, A0MosnacH111K
high-rise (adj) BVICOTHl/1111 (6y,111-1HOK)
linen nocrinbHa 6inv13Ha
high-rise (n) 6ararnnosepxisKa
lodger* opeHAap, MewKaHel\b
historic* iCT0pv1'-IHV1111
lodgings * T!l1M4acose >K111rno, Ha111MaHi KiMHarn
industrial npOMV1CJ10Bv1111
maintenance o6cnyroayaaHHfl
location* p03rawysaHHR, Micu,enono>KeHHR

-.--:= =--=:;,-7;..-:.- T Y-- - - ~

►► Phonetic transcription at .

maintenance costs (pi) 0v1rpan1Ha peMOHT ra wood-burning stove .Qpos'RHa ni4

o6rnyroByBaHH.A wooden plank ,Qepes' RHaAOWKa
mortgage inoreKa
pay a cnnarnrn asaHc,,oenmvir Other v o-ds hrases
deposit BJlaCHiCTb, MalllHO anc..
property BCT3HOBJ1IOB3Tv1, 06y,oosysarn architect 6y,QiBeflbHl1K
put something in/ builder KaHaflbHvlVI YOBeH
install* 3Hv1>KKa canal boat nnasy4111116y.Qv1HOK
reduction OH08v1T'1, 3po6v1rn EBpopeMOHT houseboat noHOBJ1t0BaHi (.Q>Kepena e Hepril)
refurbish* si,qpeMOHryBaTv! renewable pe3v1,QeHT,
renovate opeHgHa nnara, opeH,qysarn resident
coprysarn cMiTTR
sort ~ *
take out ~ * 8v1Hecrn CMiTTR Fduca•ion system
running water* npori4Ha 00.Qa admission npv11110M, 3anv1c
run up (a bill) Ha6ir 4v1Manv1i-1 paxyHoK attend Bi,Qai,qyaarn
self-contained OKpeMvllll (Bxi,Q) college KOJle,Q>K
semi-detached house* ,QBOKBaprnpHv11116Y.Qv1HOK 3 compulsory 060 B1R3KOB"111
3araJ1bHOIO CTiHOIO curriculum
shared accommodation cninbHe npo>i<v10aHHR core ~* OCHOBHVIIII HaB4aflbHVIL-1nnaH
skyscraper* XMap040C national ~ Ha1..1ioHaflbHa HaBYanbHa nporpaMa
solar panel COH.A<-1Ha naHenb enrol 3apaxoay0arn, np11ii!Marn AO
survey(n) onv1rysaHHR HaBY3flbHOro 3aKflaAy
take out a mortgage 3HArn inore4He 3ano3v14eHHR entrance exam scrynHv1ii1 icnvir
(inoreKy) grant rpaHr
tenancy higher education 8"11.1.\a OCBiTa
~ agreement ,Qorosip opeHAv1 homeschooling* HaB4aHHR Ha /J,OMY
tenant opeH.Qap kindergarten AVITR4"1l-1 ca):IOK
terraced house* 6y,Qv1HOK i3 sepaH,QOIO lower
top-floor flat* KBaprnpa sepXHbOro nosepxy ~primary MOJlO,QWi Knarn n04aTKOBO'f WKOflVI
unfurnished HeMe6J1bOBaHa ~ secondary MOJlO,QWi KJlaCVI cepe,QHbO'i WKOflVI
utility bills paxyHK\,1 33 KOMYH3JlbHI nornyrn optional * Heo6os'R3KOBVIIII,<JlaKYflbTaTIIIBHl11/1
viewing (n) omAA school

Ecolog cally-friendly huing co-educational ~ WKOfla CnlflbHOfO H3B4aHHR

grammar ~* Kf13CV14Ha riMHa3iR
compost KOMnocr private ~ np11sarHa wKona
energy consumption eHeprocno>Kv10aHHR public ~ ,nep>KaBHa WKOfla
non-recyclablewaste BiAXO.Qv1, 1.1.10 He ni.Qn.AralOTb single-sex ~* 0,QHOCTaTeBa WKOfla, WKOJla P03AiJ1bHOfO
BTOpv1HHilll nepepo6L-1i HaB4aHHrl
recycling nepepo6Ka cMiTTA state ~* .Qep>KaBHa wKona
technical ~* rexHiKyM
Words in context
vocational~ * npocpeci111He rexHi4He y4v1n111ll.le (nTY)
budget school- leaving svinycKHvti-1 icn111r
change of 3MiHa 06craHOBK11t exam student loan Kpe,QVIT Ha HaB4aHHrl, CTy):\eHTCbKa
scenery cushion no3v1Ka
inexpensive syllabus HaB4aflbHv1VI nnaH
live off the land timetable po3Kfla.Q
irn ysarn 3a paxyHOK
eKcnnyara1..1ii 3eMeflbHv1X tuition fee onnara 3a HaB4aHHi:i
located university yHiBeprnrer
pecypdB po3rawo0aH1i1ii1
low- cost Hl'13bKa sapriCTo, He.Qoporv1111 upper -
narrow ~ primary* crapwa no4aTKOBa WKona
on board ~ secondary* crapwi KflaCVI cepeAHbO'f WKOflVI
Ha 6opry
shade (of Bi,QTiHOK
6anArnHa (HeBv1COKv1iil
Life and traditions at school a,,J c.u,lege
colour) support
post cpirypHv1VI
* vocabulary extension CTOBnYvlK, l.1.10 npo6v1
ni,QTp11MYE nepvina 3BiflbHvlT.1
surrounded CXO,QiB,rep ac,
tape 6aJ1KOHiB)
tester OT04eHv1VI
vacate reoep, KOHTeii1Hep 3
assemble classmate 36
cram (for an exam) v1p
hand in arn
high school (AmE) rn
play truant OA
prom HO Address the person you are replying to using their name.
3aBAaHHfl) wKona
6ai1A1t1Kysar vt, nporynt00an1
3aHflTTR sv1nycKH111i1 6an
receive a degree
sign up for
orpv1Ma1v1 oyniHb text
niAnv1carnCR Ha
sit (an exam) conform (to) npv1crocosysar111rn, 3Mi11pv1rncR
3,Qasarn icn111r
skip (classes/ nponycrv1rn (nporymirn) 3aHITTTR/ drastic pi3Ka Mlpa
school) measure foster cniAysarn npasvtnaM, niATP\IIMyBaTVI
WKOJ1y cnpw,rn s 3HaYHilit Mipi
3garn(po6ory, 3aBAaHHR) go a long way
submit to isolated i3OJ1bOBarv11it, 3aKpv1rv11it
3.Qasarn eK3aMeH HeCTaYa
take (an exam) lack
term on theplus nepesara s TOMY, IJ.JO...
side npvtMywysar111
pressurize 3aranbHa Kapr1,1Ha
HaB4anbH\llti1KOHKypc poem, po3Bil1Barn01
academic contest the big picture
3MaranbHVlvt BVIA cnopry
competitive (sport) thrive
BOJ1OHTepcbKa po6ora (AiRJ1bHiCTb)
volunteer work i:iv1cwv1nniHa
discipline py1t1HiBHV1ti1
disruptive npv1E/:\H3Tv1CR
nposanITT\11 icn11n npaKTV14H\11111
fail (an exam) join
owiHKa, 6an HaBVIYK\11
grade practical
piBeHb craH,aaprn
level skills
Olj iHKa,noMiTKa TeXHiKa, MeTOg
mark standards
MiHiMaJ1bHVl111nponyCKH\111116an npo6neMaTV14HV1111
minimum pass technique
ycH1111it icn v1r npo6ysarn
oral exam troublesome
3.QaTIII eK3aMeH, CKJ1aCTv1 1cn111T
pass (an exam tryout
percentage npolje HT, Bi.QCOTOK
retake nOBTOPHO CKnaclv! icnv1T UNIT 5 WORK
(anexam) rorysarnrn AOrecry/icn111ry, £-ir•- ..,.,... ..
revise (fora
an exam) undergraduate* noBTOplOBaT\11B\IIB4eH\IIII\ JaXVlll\aTVI ,nv1nnoMHY po6ory
score MaTepian pe3yJ1bTaT (A111ceprawit0)
(O1..jiHKa), OTpv1Marn 3.Qarn.Qv1nnoM (.Q14cepra4i10)
pe3ynbrar m1earn /:\1'1nnoM (A14cepra4it0) 6aKanasp,
Hi1he "' \! crytieHT crapw111x Kypcia
academic HaB4aJ1bH\lllt1,aKa,D,eMi
application 4HVIVI AO.QaTOK
attend (lectures)* BiABiAyBarn neKLji"t'
career prospects* Kap'EpHi
dean nepcneKrns111 AeKaH
Bachelor's~* A111nnoM 6aKanaspa
Master's~* AvmnoM Maricrpa
dissertation A\IICepraljiR
essay ece,Hap111c
gap year aKa.QeMi4Ha si.anycrKa,
nponycK OAHOro poKy Mi>r<
wKono10 (Konep,>KeM) ra
get into universtiy* yHisepcvneroM BCTyn\llTvl AO
graduate* yHisepC111TeTy 3aKiHYysarn
graduation y46osv11it 3aKnap,
lecturer wepeMOHiR 0111nycKy
professor sv1KJ1a,qa4
qualifications (yHiseprnrery)
rector npocpecop
scholarship (yHisepcITTery)
semester KBanicjJiKaljiR,OCBi
study abroad* Ta peKTop
term cr111neHAiR
thesis (HaB4aJ1bH\111t1) ceMeap,
defend a ~* nispiYYR HaB4aT\IICA 3a
submit a ~* ceMeCTp
write a ~*
application* apply for ~interview KiHt.1eB111111repMiH, AegnalitH
33RBKa, npoxaHHR
(a job) ~ satisfaction MO>KJ1111socri npaljesnawrysaHHR
noAasarn 3aRBKY Ha
be made redundant* labour force po6ory
beoffered a job* letter of resignation make 6yrvt 3BiJ1bHeHVIM .QOCBiA
beon the dole* bonus a profit manual work nnara, BHecoK
career (on) strike orpv1Marn
~ladder* on the payroll
3anpoweHHR Ha
rHyLJK\11111 po604v1111 r p aq>iK
po6ory po6ora Ha nosH\lllit po6o4111!71.QeHb OTpv!
~prospects* cover >KVITVI Ha BVlnnaT\11 no MaT\11 niABVll.lleHHR
letter 6e3po6iTTIO 6oHyc 6yr1,1 3BiJlbHeH\IIM
CV (CurriculumVitae)/ (0111HaropOAa) BVICOKOKBanicjJiKOBaHv1Ci
resume (AmE) AOXiA, np1116yroK
day off deadline Kap'EpHi CXO.0,\11,
employment npocy BaHHR nocnis6eciAa
prospects (pi) Kap'EpHi 3atiOBOJleHiCTb po6oTOIO
experience nepcneKrnB po6o4a 01na
fee firm v1 3aRBa Ha 3BiJlbHeHHR
flexi-time cynpoBiAH\ orp111Mysam np1116yroK
full-time job get a IIVIJl\llCT cj)i3Vl4Ha po6ora
promotion get fired pe3t0Me 3a6acrosKa, crpa K
highly skilled income Ha q>OH/:1 onnarn
job npawi

1 60 ◄Wi •l;•lJlfi► • vocabulary extension

. w- --- . ;- - - - ........=-r--,; c._- -==-=--:. - -=- _3. ·
-=- -- - --

►► Phonetic transcription at www.oxfordlearnersdi _ - _,-

overtime* noHa,QHOpMOBi special educational oco6nVis i ocs iTHinorpe6v1

part-time job po6ora Ha HenoBHil11'1 po604v1ii, needs (SEN)
pay .QeHb nnanm11 target Mera
pay rise ni,QBIIIU1eHHA 3apo6iTHOI nnarn team KOMaH,Qa
payroll onnaTcl npawi, HapaxysaHHA tedious 8i,1(Ha>Kflil1Bil11'1
3apo6iTHoi nnarn tight deadlines >KOpCTKi repMiHlt1
pension neHCiA work experience ,QOCBiA po6orn
promotion nigB1t1U1eHHA
rate of piBeHb iHcpilAl.jff The I b 'Tlarket
inflation BignoBiAHi,11'1 bankrupt 6aHKpyr, Hennarocnp0Mo>KH111i-i
relevant no,QaBaTIII y Bi,QCTaBKY boost the ( ni,QHiMaTIII (MiCL1eBy) eKOHOMiKy
resign* Bi,QCTaBKa economy
resignation B1111'1TIII Ha neHCilO call for B1t1Mararvi
retire neHcioHep comedown 3MeHwysarncA, cnycKaTVICA
retired Blt1XiA Ha neHCilO come up npvigyMarn
retirement caMo3al'1HATllll'1, TOl'1 ll.10 npa1.1t0€ Ha with cut CKOpOTVITlt1
self-employed snacHOMY niAnp111EMCTBi down on end 3aKiH4VITIII
niKapHAHi11iil up 6opOTVICA 36e3p06iTTAM
sick leave fight unemployment npoXO,QIIITi11
skills a,QMiHiCTpaTIIIBHi HaBW-lKlt1 get by 3BiJlbHATIII
administrative ~* KOMyHiKarnBHi HaBil14Kl,1 lay off p03n04arn
communication ~* Has114K1,1 po6orn BMepe>Ki set up WBIIIAKO CTaTVI ycniWHVIM/nonynApHi11M
networking ~* cnoseCHi, sep6anbHi Has1,14K111 take off npi11i-1MaTIII BVIKflil1K
verbal~* HaBlt14KIII ni11CbMd take on Bi,l1Xlllfll,1TIII
written ~* nepcoHan turn down piBeHb 6e3p06inA
staff* 'i",aanbHA ,anA nepcoHany unemployment rate
~ canteen *
aapm0111iil OKflaA, m'ord n .:>ntext
take a day off 83ATIII Bil1XiAH1,11'1 admit (to) B1113Hasarn
trade union* npocpcninKa deal (with) Marn cnpasy 3
vacancy* BaKaHCiA develop p03Bil1BaTVl(CA)
wages (pi) 3apo6iTHa nnara po6irH1,1Ka 3a,aeHb get (into) pmno4arvi
a6orn>K,aeHb give presentations npOBO,Qi11TIII npe3eHTal.lii
well-paid A06pe onna4ysaHa take responsibility 6parn Ha ce6e BiJJ,nosiJJ,anbHiCTb
~ from home* po6ora Ha AOMY
~remotely* npau10sarn BiAAaneHo, .QIIICTaHt.11iiiHa
be drawn to 6yrn np1-10a6neHi11M
~ shift s* draw conclusions from p06il1TVI Bil1CHOBKIII 3
pofo4j 3MiHlt1
working conditions draw in 6parn y4aab
yMosv1 npaL1i
draw on 3any4arn
Loo n.J ,or a job draw out Bi11TArHyrn
draw sb's attention npv10epHyrn yaary ,QO 40rOCb
advisor KOHCYJlbTclHT to draw up 3ynv1Hil1TIIICA
candidate KaH.QIIIAaT draw up (a plan/ po3po6 v1r v1( Han111c ar1-1)n n aH/
client Kfli€HT
cost-effective a shortlist) KOpOTKllli:1 cnvicoK
peHTa6e/lbHllll'1, eKOHOMi4HO s1,1ri,QHlt11'1
cutting edge
nepeJJ,os1,1iii,Haiiicy4acHiwv1i-i I ther ,V01"<;JS ana r rases
np1,1HQCIIITIII pe3ynbTaTv1
commute ,ao6v1parncA (Ha po6o r y)
demanding 6i11MOrn111B111iii, Bd>KKi,11'1
drive sb 3B0,Qi11Til1 3 p03YMY
developer p03p06HIIIK
mad in BiAnOBiAaflbHi11i:13a
driving licence BOAiiiiCbKi npasa
charge of noreHuian
exceed nepesv1U1ysarn
potential 3B'A3Kil1 3 rpoMaACbKiCTIO
manage snoparnCA, 3MOfT111
public relations nOAi6Hi11L'.i, CXO)Ki11i:1
mediation nocepegHv1t.1TBO
(PR) quite like it npo6neMa B TOMY
networking BCTdHOBneHHA KOHTdKTiB y Mepet!
<i the trouble is
persuasive nepeK0Hn1,1sv1iii UNIT 6 MONEY
profitable B1t1riAHlt1VI, n pv16yTKOBllll'1
relevant Bi,[.\nOBiAHl/1171
rewarding self-motivation 3a,11osonbHA1 sv1HaropoA>KYI04111'71 MeHe,a>Kep 3 npoAa>t<y
sales executive 041,1iii, BHyTpiWHA MOTVIBal.jiA,
caMOMOTil1Bal.jiA cash on delivery HaKJ1aAeHv1 apTiCTb Kpe,Qi11THa
'71 nnari>K
cost KapTKa JJ,e6emsa
credit card debit card KaprKa

•vocabulary extension 161

earn 3apo6rnrn,1
campaign KaMnaHiR (peK11aMHa) KOMepuii1Hllli1BiAeOp0!
exchange o6MiH, 06MiH10Barn (san10Ty)
commercial 1v1K
mobile phone payment Mo6inbHVlii1 nna1i>K (on n
flyer <j>naEp, 6powypa
aTa 3a
market AOCJliA>KeHHR pv1HKY
M06iJlbHVlii1 Tenecj>o H) research*
money transfer" rpOWOBVli1 nepeKa3 publicity peKJlaMa, ny6ni4HiCTb
online banking IHTepHeT-6aHKiHr retail P03APi6Ha TOpriBJlR
pay slogan rarno,1103yHr
~ by bank transfer* onna1a 6aHKiBCbKVIM value BapriCTb
nepeKa3oM ~ for cniBBiAHOWeHHR L(iHv1Ta RKOCTi
~ by credit / debit card*onnaTaKpeA1t1TH010 money
~ in advance * nnannv13o3AaneriAb
~ in cash* onna1a roTiBKOIO The ..,orla of business
~ in instalments * onnara B p03CTp04KY balance 6anaHC, 3aJlv1WOK
~ off (debt/a norarnrn 6opr\no3v1Ky deficit Aeq>i1..11t11 (6anaHcy)
loan)* save up HaKon1114yaarn,3aoLI..1aA>Kysarn rpowi donate tKeprnyaarn
strapped for cash 06Me>KeHv1ii1 B KOWTc3X donation no>KepTByBaHHH
withdraw 3HRTv1 roriBKY e -commerce * eneKTpOHHa KOMepL(iR
arHnr found 3aCHoayaarn
founder 3aCHOBHv1K
account 6aHKiBCbKv1ii1paxyHOK income AOXiA, npv16y10K
annual pi4HVIII!, lJ..IOpi4HVli:i invest iHBec1ysarv1
balance 6anaHc investment iHBeCTvlL(iH, 8KJlaA3HHH
card number HOMep KapTKIII loan * n03v1K3
card type rnn KaprK1-1 profit npv16yTOK
card verification KOA sep111cj>iKa1..1iiKapTKl-1, purchasing power KyniBeJlbHa3A3THiCTb
iAeHrn<piKa1..1ii:iHVIII! KOA salary 3apnnara (3apo6iTHa nnara)
KapTKVI BJlaCHl-1K KapTKVI shareholder aK1..1ioHep, cniBBJlaCHv1K
crnryaarn (wrpaq,, neH10) stock market * cpOHAOBv1111 pVIHOK
charge (v)
charge (n)
4in Words in context
clear (v) norarnrn 6oprn, a1-1nnarnrn 3a111-1woK appeal npv1sa6nv1sicrb
contactless payment 6e3KOHTaKTHv1i:i nnaTi>K capture 3axonrnoaarn, npv1aeprarn (yaary)
credit KpeAl-1T devise npv1AyMyaarn, CTBOplOBarn
credit limit KpeAl-1THl-1ii1 JliMiT execution pe ani3auir1
currency sa11101a innovation iHHOBla..liR, HOBOBBeAeHHR
current account nOT04Hl-1iil paxyHOK purchase noKynKa
declaration AeKnapa1..1iR
deposit rpowoav1i:i Purpose and contrast
exchange Aeno3v1r ---------------
o6MiH BaJllOTv1
expiration date although X04a
fee TepMiHnp1t1AaTHocri despite nonpv1, He3Ba>Ka104111 Ha
interest nn a1a,rpowoav1111 BHecoK in order to (+ verb) AflR roro lJ..106
late-payment fee 6aHKiBCbKv1i:i BiACOTOK, so that (+ clause) AJlR rnro1.1.\06, 3 Tv1M ll.\06
loan npo1..1eHT nna1a 3a
over-the-limit HecsoE4acHy onnary no3v1Ka ln1ersion
fee nn aTa 3a nepeB1-1L11eHHR
rate hardly had ... He acrnr,HK rinbKv1
npo1..1eHTHa crasKa
savings little didI know (that) ... R He niA03p10sas, R Mano l.l..lO 3Has
savings account no sooner had . .. neABe, RK TiJlbKv1
OlJ..loAHVIII! paxyHOK,
Aen03,1THv1111 seldom piAKO
statement under no Hi 3a HKv1X o6CTaBv1H . .'
Bv1nv1CKv1 3 6aHKiBCbKl-1X paxyHKiB
terms and circumstances ..
npaaw1a ra yMoav1
conditions .
transaction rpaH3aKL(iR Other ,vords and phrases
transfer nepes0Av1Tv1 rpowi,
nepeKa3 allowance KVIWeHbKOBi rpo wi
withdrawal 3HRTTH, Bv1BeAeHHR (ro budget 6IOA>KeT
withdraw TiBKv1) Can't be MeHe ue He XBV!JllOE, ue AJlH MeHe
money* 3HiMarn roTiBKY bothered. He Ba>KJlv1B0
Retail and ""dvertising cost a fortune *
KOWTYB3Tl-1 L(iJllll!il CTaTOK
(isement) peKnaMa cost an arm and a leg* KOWTYE waneHv1x rpoweii1
billboard expenses Bv1Tparn
6in6opA, AOWKa oronoweHb,
I was hooked. fl nii:iMaBCR Ha ra40K
peKJlaMHVliil LJ.1VIT
brand pay through the nose* nnarnT1-1BTPVIAOpora
6peHA, cpipMa
spend a fortune on* B111rparnrn 4i11v1i:i craTOK Ha ...

162 ◄tHMIH► • vocabulary extension

- - tr r..,,_...-....-;,. .... - - - - .- -

►► Phonetic t ranscriptio n at www.oxfo rdlea rne rsd m .·· .,-,,

UNIT 7 HEALTHY LIVING Hec:1 ..a.. .,..,..-e

'-'eat•" 'eating Accident and JJTn Ta HaA3Bl.-14aii1Hi orrya1.f
Emergency (A&E)
calorie 1<a11op1A, KanopiiilHiCTb
check-up nepesipKa, KOHTpOllb
carbonated ra30BaHIIIIII
Day Surgery OAHOAeHHa onepauiA, aM6ynaTOpHa
consume* cno;.,.;1.-1sarn .aonoMora
cut down on CKOpOrnTIII (cnOIKIIIBaHHA 40rQCb)
general medicine Jara/lbHa MeA1.-1u1o1Ha
balanced~* general practitioner CiMeii1Hlllti1niKap,lllKap 3ara/lbHo"i
36anaHCOBaHe xap4yBaHHA
beon a~* (GP)/familydoctor
health condition npaKH1Kl'I
CTaH 3,QOpoB0 A
go on a~* 6yrnHa AiETi
CiCTl.-1 Ha ):liETy
health insurance MeAlll4He CTpaxysaHHA
dietician* AiETonor
hospital ward 11i1<apHAHa nanara
eating habits* xap40Bi 3Blo14K"1
illness xsopo6a
energy eHepriA injury TpaBMa
fibre KlliTKOBIIIHa
lon g-term AOBrOTpv1Ba111o1(ii
fresh (fruit) CBilKi (cj)pyKTVI)
high/low medical negligence Me,Qlll4Hi nopyweHHA, MeAlo14Ha
~ in calories* BillCOKa/H!.-13bKa KallOpiiilHICTb
medical record iaopiA xsopo6111
~ in fat* BIIICOKlo1vt/Hlo13bKllll.1BMiCT1K!.-1py
overnight stay H04iBllA (y lliKapHi)
home grown* s1o1po eHlo11'1BAOMa
in mo deration* noMipHO provide care 3a6e3ne41o1T1t1AOrllAA
intake cnO>i<lo1BaHHA public healthcare rpOMa.llCbKa oxopoHa 3.Qopos'R
lean (meat) second opinion e,<enepn13a, iHwa AYMKa
niCHe (M ACO)

low-calorie specialist cneuia111a

minerals (pi) surgeon xipypr
MiHepan1o1, KOPIIICHi KOnalllllHVI
nutritional content visiting hours rQ):lvlHl.-1 si,nBiAyBaHHR
xap40Ba UiHHiCTb waiting list
oily llvlCT 04iKyBaHHA
)!(!.-1p Hv1(1, Ma(ll AHvlCTIIIIII
portion nopuiA Al - I - .\fa +herapies
preservatives (pi) KOHCepsaHTIII
processed * o6po6neHa i;,i;a acupuncture ai<ynyHKrypa, ro111<orepaniA
protein 611101< align BvlpiBHRTl>I
ready meal roTOsa U>i<a) alternative therapy anbrepHarnsHa (Herpa,q111ui111Ha)
saturated fat Harn4eHi >1<111p111 Me.Qllll.llo1Ha
semi-skimmed milk Hanis 3Hexv1peHe MO/lOKO aromatherapy apoMarepaniR
skimmed milk 3He>1<v1peHe MO/lOKO Ayurvedic medicine AIOpBe,Clvl4HaMeAIIIUvlHa («HayKa
snack nepe1<yc >KIIITTR»)
sodium (= Na) Harpiiil balneotherapy 6anbHeorepaniA (KynaHHA s
source A1'Kepeno MiHepaf1bHIIIX A>Kepenax)
starchy KpoXMalllilCTlillll chiropractic xiponpa1<T111<a (.[iiarHoCT111<a i
sugary LIYKPOBlillii nii<yBaHHA MeXaHl4Hv1X
(have a) sweet tooth 6yrn nacyHOM,111061o1rn COllOAKe onopHo-pyxoso·,rnCTeM111)
unsaturated fat HeHaol4eH111i1 -<1,1p complaint cKapra
vegan* eeraH essential oil ed>ipHe MaCJ10
vegetaria*n sererapiaHeUb healing 3UilleHHA
vitamins (pi) BiTaMiHlil homeopathy roMeonariA
whole milk He36111paHe MO/lOKO joints (pi) cyrno6111
wholegrain UillbH03ep11os1,1(ii manipulate MaHinymosarn, KOHTpon10sarn
massage Macait\
Symptoms and illnesses mineral spring MiHepa11bHi .Q)Kepena
abdominal pain muscle M'R3
6illby ;>KIIIBOTi
blood pressure natural substance np111ponH111(1Marepia11
high ~ plant extract e,-apaKT pOCJ1v1Hlll
BIIICOKvllll Kpos'RHlilill TIIICK
lo w ~ relieve nonerw1o1r1o1
Hlll3bKIIIIII Kpo8°AH111111 TIIICK
high fever spine xpe6er
s111coKa TeMnepa-rypa
itchyrash tension Hanpyra
splitting headache ronosa po3KOlll0€TbCR,.Qy,,r,e ClilllbHllliil - - -,s
rD/lOBHlll'1 6illb /\
stomach pain 6illbB>i<vlBOTl alcoholic a/lKOrDlliK
sudden weight loss panroee 3Hll1)KeHHR sar1o1, pamosa drug addict HapKOMaH
srpara sar111 eating disorder p03naA xap4ysaHHA
swollen tonsils Ha6pAKlli M111rnan111H111 games addict irpoMaH
shopaholic wonaroniK (3ane>KHv1iil sinnoKynoK)

workaholic Tpy.QOfOlliK vocabulary 1 63
w--..f..;., context T.n11•jc;
xsopo6a, HeAyra accommodation >KVITnO
attribute (n)
snacrnsiCTb, xapaKTepHa p111ca affordable* AO(rynHVl\11
BiAAaHltl\11 att naM'RTKlt1, arpaKL1iOHlt1
iMnyJlbC1'1BH"1111, cnOHTaHH"1VI ractions* piOK3aK
npaKT1t1KY10Y1t1111niKap backpacker nnR>K
now1-1peH1t1iil,AOMiHYI04"1\11, beach HanisnaHCiOH (H04iBnR Ta CHiAaHOK)
3araflbHlt1\11 cnisYyrn1-1s111111, A6a111n1- bed and breakfast
1s111111 (B&B) no'f3AKa/nporynRHKa MiCTOM
city break*
with disab Ii ic:s double ABOMiCHlt\111 HOMep (OgHe gsocnanbHe
Braille wpwjlr 6pa111nR (,QnR room* lli>KKO)
cane naJlltll.\A, TpOCTll1Ha twin room* ABOMiCHVl\11 HOMep (Asa
carer .Q0rflR.QanbHlt1K OAHOcnanbHlt\X ni>KKa)
guide dog co6aKa-noso.Q111p festival cpeCT1>1BaJ1b, CBRTO
hearing aid cnyxosi-1111 anapar five-star n'RTVl3ipKOBl-11i1 rmenb
mobility scooter iHsanigHa KOJlRCKa hotel noBHlt\111 naHCiOH
ramp naHAYC, 6e36ap'EpHlt1\11.QOCTyn fullboard* ry p 1t13M, noxig,no,qopo;>i<ysan,,
sign language MOBa>KeCTiB hike niwK111 rOCTlt1HHiCTb
stairlift cxogosa KnirKa, nig1110MH1t1K hospitality XOCTen
subtitles cy6T1>1Tp1t1 hostel snnvis Ha HaBKOJllt\WHE cepegOBltll.1.\€
impact on
text - reading software nporpaMa reKcrosoro MosneHHR environment*
therapist repanesr in all shapes and sizes y scix cpopMax i
locals (pi) po3Mipax Micwesi
• ,D ,,,... rlc; r· a luxurious * p03KiWHV1111
anr:rI off the beaten nogani BiA ycboro, BcaMOTHbOMY
o6os'R3K0Blt1\11 track Micwi
compulsory KOMtpOpTHlt1111, np1t1EMHll111!,3arnwH1t1ii!
cosy Blt1MOrJ11t181t11i1/Ba>KKl-1111,HanpY>KeH1t111! KYPOPT
demanding B1>1Tp111saniCTb, Mil.\HiCTb
season niK ce3oHy, p03rap ce30HY
endurance nClt1Xi4He 3AOPOB'R
mental health high ~* Mi>KCe30HHR, MepTBltl\11 ce30H
low ~* KBaprnpa 3 caMOCTi\11Hlt1M
relevant npOT\11AiR
self-catering xapYyBaHHRM
resistance (to sth) 3ano6i>KHi 3axoA1t1
apartmen t* 03.QOPOBYltllll rorenb, cna-roTeJlb
safety precautions sarOMlt\111, iCTOTHlt1111
spa hotel ryp111CT1t14H111ti1 ri.Q
(pi) significant npocmp111111
tour guide* rpa.Q1t1L1iR
spacious TOtil LL\O niAlpVIMYE, AOnOMaraE
tradition sigsi,qysaY
supportive CVIMnTOM
symptom HaTRrHyrn111, Hanpy>+<eH1t1111
tense He3HaliiOMV1\11, HeBiAOMVl\11, 4Y*VIVI lJro t-ansport
unfamiliar MarnAOCryn
6naronony44R, 3gopos'R
wellbeing access (v) senornneA
bicycle lane senornneAHa AOPi>+<Ka, senornne.QHa
bus asm6yc
commute (n) PCiR
commute (v) eKcne.Q111L1iR noniT

cruise WflRX,Mapwpyr
excursion 164 Blt1CHa>KeHHR nirnR AOBroro nepenbOTY
expedition nOAOPO>K
flight eKCKYPCiR, noh.QKa, niKHiK
itineraryt gopora , no'i3AKa, KaraHHR
t1 Ha
jet lag Kpy'i3, ryp
po6my, s
outing nO.QOpO>K 3MaJlOIO KIJlbKiCTIO 6ara>Ky
ride no.QOpO>KyBaTVI cyxo.QOJlOM
tour RXTa
K ry p,
~ overland eKCKY
* yacht *
commuter town MiCbKi noc eneHHR, cnanbHV1111 3aJli3Hlt1LlR
destination paLiloH MiCL1e np1t13Ha4€HHR nosepxHR
diesel-powered Alt13€flbHll1\11
electric vehicle eneKTPOMo6inb *
escalator ecKanarop vocaoulary
intercity trains WB111.QKi Mi>KMiCbKi no'i3[\lt1 exteniso
LPG (liquid petroleum n
asmM06inbH1t1ti1ra3 (rnn nan111sa)1
gas) piAKll11i1 Ha<j)TOBll1\11ra3
metro line niHiR Merpo
metropolitan area CTOfllt1YHa 30Ha
river boat pi4KOBll1111
road vehicle 408€H
AOPO>KHiLil rpaHcnoprn111i::t 3acl6,
run underground aBTOM06inb
scheduled nepeMiLUeHHA ni,Q 3€MJ1€IO
suburban railway 3annaHoaaH111111
np1t1MiCbKa 3ani3Hlt1LIA, WB111.QKiCHa
- - ·- • -. -- ---•• ::-;:.:., .::.-- "TO,.. , ;'"' =-:;.--;---:---:.. - - - ==:--

►► Phonetic transcription at 1:--


tracks (pi) peli!KL-11 AOpi>t<KL- package deal naKeTHayro Aa

tram 1 TpaMBalil package ryp1,1crn4Ha no·i3AKa no nYTiBL\i,
trolleybus Tpo11e1116yc holiday KOMn!l€KCHL-1VIry p

T ·a f1<. r.,i" "'gem"" anc- r• ::od safetv populated area Hace11eH111lil p avioH, >i<vin1,1vi pavioH
public opinion rpoMaACbKa AYMKa
bike-sharing npoKaT senornne,nis. recharge your batteries BiAHOBVITll1cvin1,1
rncTeMa cniJlbHOro round-the-worldtour TYP HaBKono csiry, HasKonocsiTHR
carpooling cni!lbHe Bt-lKOpviCTaHHR nerKOBVIX taxi rank CTORHKa raKci
aBTOM06iniB unattended (luggage) 3an111weH111V16e3 HarnAAY (6ara>t<)
fare sapTicTo npo"i3AY
gridlock npo6Ka, 3arnp UNIT 9 CULTURE AND FREE TIME
motorway aBTOCTpa,Qa
park-and-ride npo Mi>KHa CTORHKa (napKYlilCFl
(P+R) Ta"iAb
AaJli Ha rpoMaACbKOMY rpaHcnOpTi) breaking news ceHcauiR, CBi>Ki HOBVIHll1
parking ticket KBVITOK Ha napKysaHHR broadcast MOBJleHHA, paAiOMOBfleHHR, nepeA a4a
payand display parking nnaTHe napKYBaHHR (3 KBVITKOM (n) rpaHcn10san,
BiA broadcast niAn111c, Han1,1c Ha eKpaHi
roprosoro asmMara) (v) caption*
pedestrianized area ni woxi.QHa30Ha channel KaHan
polluted 3a6PYAHeH1-1lil exclusive* eKCKJll03VIBHVlltt
rush hour rOAL-1Ha niK headline 3aronoso1< ra3eTVI
short-range KOPOTKL-1111 .niana30H/MaJlOl ,QaJlbHOCTi interview iHreps'10, 6eciAa
speed limit o6Me>t<eHHR WB"1AKOCTi, ,[10380fl€Ha online gaming OH!l aVIH-irp vi
WB111AKiCTb podcast nOAKaCT, ayAiO BIHTepHeTi
stuck in traffic 3aCTpmvi s npo61..1i, 3ampi report .Qonosi,qb
traffic camera KaMepa pyxy/KaMepa KOHTpO!llO social co1..1ianbHa Mepe>i<a
/speed WBL-1.QKOCTi network npAMa OHJlaVIH-TpaHCJlRl.-liR, crpiM
camera 3amp111 Ha AOporax streaming CTyAiR
traffic congestion iHT€HC"18HiCTb pyxy studio snor, si,qeo6nor
traffic volume vlog

I 1 :. m context -, n
n11111sr111 3ar Haropo.Qa
drift e4iEt0,,upe111q,ysar111 MapwpYT, award aKTOpCbKvlVI CKJlaA
route wnRx cast Ais4a4e KiHO,M€J70ApaMa
self-sufficient caMOAOCTaTHilil,He3a11e>KH1111tt chick flick* rHiTI04VIVI
setoff s111py w111r t-1 depressing * .Qy6nR>t<, .Qy6n10sarn, rnHxpoHi3ysarn
track (v) npoKnaAarn wnRx. irn no CJliAY dub Ay6nbOBaHVIVI
watertight repMern4H111Vl, so.noHenpoH111KH111111 dubbed nepe6iJlbW€HVIVI,Ha,QyMaHVIVI
t'h erbs wi 1--. run film crew* 3HiMa!lbHa rpyna
run down runout (of sth) run holiday
run into through
runon activity congestion charge convenienltylocated
36"1Tll13 Hir flop* na):1iHHR, <j)iaCKO
eco-holiday gripping 3axonn10t041t1V1
3iTKHyTll1CR (3 Kll1MOCb)
GPS (Global * AY>Ke secenvilil, CMiwHvivi
npOAOB>t<yaarn 6e3
Positioning System) hilarious* rpv1Marn B HanpY3i
3yn111HK111 3aKiH4111Tll1CR
holidaymaker keep in suspense 3aopywnv1sv1vi
npo6irr111cR no, ws111,q1<0 nepermrnyrn
local character * moving* CIO>t<eT
low-costairline plot nepe,n6a4ysaH1t1vi
luggage predictable* pelilrnHrosa rnaeMa,rncreMa
must-see (adj) rating system OL1Hi IOB3HHfl, Clt1CTeMa
on a (tight)budget aKTv!BHillVI Bi,Qn04illHOK!
BiKOBOro 06Me>t<eHHR
nnara 3a s'i3A
screenplay/script* npo.nos>i<eHHfl,CiKBeJl,,qp yrvilil cjliJlbM
3PY4Hvilil, A06pe p03rawosaHvi111/
sequel cepii
nerKo AOCTynH111V1
cayH,qTpeK, 3ByKosa t:1opi Ka,MY31t1Ka
eKo- BiAn04v1HOK, eKoryp1113M
soundtrack AO <j)inbMY
HasirawiR,cynYTHvlK rno6anbHOro
special effects KaCKa,qep
(pi) stunt c y6rnrpv1
Mic1.1esv1lil xapaKTep
person* r p e lil
He,Qopora asiaK0MnaHir1
subtitles nep
trailer Henep eKOHJlv1Blt1Vl,CJla6KL-
Te, LJ.tO Heo6xi.QHO no6a4111rn
unconvincing* 1V1 KOMeHTap, 03BY4€HHR
111i11bHi111tt 6t0,Q>t<eT, Mano rpowe111

• vocabulary extension ♦ i-iiMIH ► 16s

Cr0 ative arts: literature and art Pe-to ..,ing arts: theatre and music
architect apxiTeKTop ballerina 6anepviHa
articulate 81t1MOBJ1RTVI 6111p33HO, 3p03yMin"1VI bass 6ac
atmosphere * aTMOCcj>epa, H3CTpiiit choreographer xopeorpac)>
audiobook * ay,qioKH111ra classical Knarn4H"1VI
author as1op,nv!CbMeHHlt1K composer K0Mn031t1TOP
autobiography asrn6iorpa<j)iR conductor ,q111pvi>Kep
blurb * KOPOTKltlVI onvic (Ha 3BOpori critic KOVITIIIK
06Kfl3,Qlt1HK"1KH1t1rlt1) dance company1aHLj10BaJ1bHarpyna
bold CMiJlVIBl-1111, BIA83)KHVlll1, 3yxsa1w1111 deliver lines BVIMOBJlRTVI, nepe,Qasarn penniKY,
comedy KOMe,QiR CflOBa
controversial cynepe4J1v1B1tttil,cnipHvttil, director ,a111peKTop
AlttCKyciiitHvtVI folk HapO,QHlttVI, HapOD,Ha MY3V1Ka, HapO,QHa
conversational po3MOBH1t1111 (crnnb) TBOpL!iCTb
cynical * Ljlt1Hi4HVl1i1 gig* KOHLjepT
depict * onvtcysarn, 306pa>Kysa1111 hip hop xin-xon
discursive HenoCJli,QOBH"11i1,,QlttCKyp01BH"1VI jazz ):1)K33
fluent 6araTOCJliBHVlli1, BiJlbHO sono,ail04"1111 leading role rQJlOBHa ponb
fresco cppecKa live (adj/adv) >KlttBVIVI, H3>Kt-180
geometric reoMerpV14HIIIVI lyrics* nip111Ka, cnosa niCHi
graffiti artist xy,QO>KH1t1K r p acpir i, rpa<j)apeT4v!K melody * Meno,QiR
installation* ycraHOBKa, nponoposa orchestra opKeCTp
lyrical nip1114Hllli71, noeT"14Hllli71 performance woy, s111ayn, sv1nasa
masterpiece* we,aesp play a role rparn ponb
mediocre nocepeAHiVI production svipo6Hlt1LjTBO, nOCTaHOBKa
memoir MeMyapvi, cno rai:ivi prompter cy<j)nep
monochrome MOHOXpOMH"1i71 (>Kv1sonv1c, M3JllOHOK) prop peKBi3"1T
naturalistic HaTYpaniCTlt14HIIIVI review ormi,Q, p e1..1e H3iA
novel poMaH rhythm * pmM
ode o,aa set ,aeKopaLji"I'
outline* KOHTyp, ecKi3 stage hand CL\eHi4HIIIVI arnCTeHT, CLt. eHorpa<j)
painter XY,QO>KH"1K world music CBiTOsa MY3VIKa
phenomenal 4YAOBVli71,c)>eHOMeHaJlbHlillt1
photographer ct>ororpa<!> Words m context
playwright AP3Marypr acclaim B1t13H3HHR,noxsana
poet noer centre around cjloKycysan,cR Ha, KOHLjeHrpysarn
portrait noprper ysary AOBKo,10
po st-modern * noCTM0):1epHiCTCbKlttli1 clash (v) CTVIK3TlttCR
read from np04"1T3Tltt si,a no4aTKY AO KiHLjR feat
cover - to - cover * no,QBll1f, M3VICTepHiCTb
unfold po3ropHyr111CR
relief nonerweHHR vehemently np111crpaCHO,aKTll18HO
revolutionary peson101..1ii71H111tii
rhetorical p111ropV1L!H111iit Othe words and phrases
satirical ca1111p1t14Hv1V1
sculptor CKYJlbnTOp audience ay,aviropiR
exhibition Bv!CTaBKa
sensational ceHC3L(iV1Hv1iil,spa>Kal04"1VI
learn by heart B4111TVI Hanawi'RTb
short story KOpOTKa po3nosi,Qb, HOBena
negative (photograph) <t>oro s Herarnsi
sketch * ecKi3, Hapvic
snapshot cporo, MOMeHT3JlbHll1VI 3HiMOK one-off event pa3osa no,QiR
sonnet COHeT print (photograph) .QPYKOBaHa cj)ornrpacpiR,APYKysarn
statue CTaTyA
ticketed (event) no,QiA 3 KBll1TK3ML,1
stencil wa6noH, rpacpaper
subtle TOHKl'1i;,, 8111TOH4eHl-1i71, BiAJiHOK timeline xpOHOJlOriR
up-and-coming talent 6araroo6il!RI04VIVIranaHT
surreal CIOppeaniCTVl4HVli71
tag Rpn111K, rer verse sipw, crpo<t>a
theme * reMa
tragedy rpare,aiR
wordy 6araTOCJliBHVl!i1,KpaCHOMOBHll1VI


◄',i•J;ltJIE►i • vocabulary extension

--- - ., - - . .. :...-:-:i... ::i-\:= -= .-.
►► Phonetic transcription at _,- •

UNIT 10 SPORT Spor..s results

Sports venues be eliminated (from sth) sv16 ysan16,yTv1 s11Knt0YeH11M
break/set a record no6v1rn / sCTaHOBl1Tl1peKOPA
compete (in sth ) 3MararnCA 8 YOMYCb
clay ~* rnvtHAHv1VI TeHiCHvtiil KOPT. wnaKOBl1iil defeat (sb) nepeMOrTLtl, no61t1Tlit KOrOCb
draw HiYlitA
gra ss~ * rpas'AHLtlli! reHiCHv1111 KOpT
indoor~* KPlitT\11111 KOPT half
fir st/ second ~ nepwv1iil/Apyrniil TaiilM
handball~ raHA60nbHv1VI MaiilAaHYvtK
knock (sb) out * sv16v1T111 KO,OCb (3i
squash ~* KOpT AJ]A ,pvt 8
3MaraHHR) qualify (for sth) npoxopvtrn
KBamcf>iKa4i10 score (a goal ) 3a6v1T111 ron
tennis~ TeHiCHvtli! KOpT
tournament TypHip
football pitch qiyr6onbHe none
win by ( two goal s) sv1rpan 3 pi3Hv14e10 s ABa M1AYi
golf course none AflA ronbq>y
ice rink KaTOK
motor - ra cing circuit rOHOYHa ,o,opitKKa Spc ts evLnts
ski slope nvt>KHvtvi cxv1n
CTa,QiOH champ i on ship * 1.1eMnioHaT
6aceiilH commentator * KOMeHTaTOp
swimming pool
competitor yYaCHl1K 3MaraHHA
track .QOpitKKa, rpaca
seno.QpoM crowd* HaTOsn , ayALttTOpiA
extra time * AOAaTKOB\11VI Yac
Doing sports facilities (pi) cnopT11tBHicnopy ,o,11t/ 3HapAAAA
host country*
marathon *
Mapa(j)OH Kpa'i"Ha
away (game) sv1·13HaM'AYeM,
CTyKarn rpa BiA6111sam M'A4 (si,o,
bounce the ball
national team* 36ipHa
contestant* yYaCHlitK 3MaraHHA, cynepHvtK
opening ceremony* L.\epeMOHiR si,o,Kpv1TTA
discipline (sports event) ,o,v1c41t1nniHa (Ha cnoprnsHOMY
prize money rpowoBl-1111 npl-13
soynl-'lrn Ha 3MaraHHA referee* cyA,D,A, peqiepi
enter a competition
fair play* 4eCHa rpa round * payH.Q
supporter / fan* q>aHaT,s6oniBaJlbHl-1K
final / finals cpiHan
umpire * ap6irp
finali st* cf>iHanicr
follow an event cniAKYBaTl-1 3a nOAiEIO
kick off nepwl-1vi y.Qap, Ll-1O noY111HaE rpy E r , 'le ports
rpa Ha s1116yTTA, HOKayr, nopa3Ka abseiling CXO,Q>KeHHA Ha MOT)'3KY (CKenena3HiHA)
BMX racing roHKv1/rp10K111Ha senornne,o,ax BMX
lane (Myra, JliHiR bungee jumping 6aH.Q>Ki-.n>KaMniHr
leave (sb) behind 3an1,,1warn n03aAy, o6irparn
8MiCL.\€BOMY Macwra6i, Ha MiCL.\i free climbing BillbHe CXOA>KeHHR, CKenenai3HHR
on site
parkour naPKYP (6ir 3 no.QonaHHAM nepewK0.£1)
participate in a race 6parn y4aCTb y rGHL.\i
y.Qap skateboarding c1<ei1r6op.Qv1Hr
601<cepcb1<a rpywa skydiving CTpv161<1,,1 3 napawyroM
punch bag
KOMaH,Qa Ha ,o,pyroMy white-water rafting paq,rnHr (cnn111s) no ripcbt<iiil pi1.14i
nisq>iHan zip-lining KaHaTHl-'IVI MiCT, KaHaTHa .QOpora
semi-final *
sparring partner cnapv1Hr-naprHep,naprnep y AB06oi
spectator* rllRAa'-1
Words in context
sports* attach (sth to sth) np1,,1EAHarn, n i.QKJ7I0411Tv1
individual~* iH,Qv1Bi,QyaJlbHi Bl-1A111 cnopry avoid yHv1KaT11t
indoor ~* 3aHRTTR cnopTOM B KpITTOMY avoidable ro111, o MOtKHa yH1t1KHyrn
npl-1Mi eHHi, cnOpTl,,IBHiVI 3ani avoidance yH1,,1KHeHHR
outdoor ~* 3aHRTTRcnopTOM Ha CBi>KOMY nosirpi believe (in) sipv1rn a
team~* KOMaH,QHi Bl-1ll,v1 cnopry be made out of (sth) 6yrv13po6neH1,,1M 3
sprint race cnpvtHT competition 3MaraHHA
striker (in football ) Hanat1Hl-'IK competitive KOHt<ypeHTocnpOMO>KHv1VI,
substitute 3aMiHa rpasuR cynepH11tl..\b1<11t111
team event KOMaH,QHi 3MaraHHA consider apaxosysar111,saa?Karv1
training programme* nporpaMarpeHysaHHR,HaB4aJlbHa considerate p03rnRHYW, 6parn,o,o
ysarn nporpaMa consideration po3rnAA, po3AYM
victory nepeMora consist of cKnaAarnrn 3
warm up* po3M1,,1HarncA, p03irpisarnrn exceed nepesv1 ysarn
work out * TpeHyBaTLt1CA,Ka4arncR,po6111T11t excess Ha,Qllv1WOK
eHepriiilHi qii3vt4Hi snpas1,,1 excessive Ha.QMipH111iil
last (for) BvtTpl-1MYBarn,TpvtMarnrn

• vocabulary extension ►
◄fl·I;f•IIEJ 1 67
make up
<j)opMysarn hypothesis rinore3a
cynepH111K,KOHKy'peHT interpret iHrepnperysaw1
nporncToRrn invention B"1HaXiA
nponKTORHHR law (of 3aKOH, HayKosa reopeMa
nporn .QiR, onip,ono31114iA science) niHrBiCTll1Ka
no-ry11<H111111, MOfYTHilll linguistics* Maca
nepe,Q6 a4v1T111,npor mass* MarepiA, pe40BWHa Bl'lMip!
matter* OBaHHR (p0 3Mipy) Me,D,1114v1Ha
H03ysa1r,1 measurement MereoponoriR
nepe,D,6a4yBaHwii1 medicine RAPO
nepe.Q6a4eHHR,nporHo3 meteorology cnoaepiraT111, seav1HayKosi
nOTy>KHiCTb, rnna nucleus* cnoaepe>KeHHR
noc111n111rn observe Kli1CeHb
wait (for) niKap
no4arn 3aii1Marnrn (cnoproM,xo6i) oxygen
4eKarn, 04irysarn physician
t "er wnrds and physicist <pi31i1K
amateur mo6111renb, aMaTOp physics <pi31i1Ka
commitment np111x111nbHiCTb,BiM aHiCTb planet nnaHera
dedication BiAAaHiCTb, caMOBi,ll,[\aHHiCTb practice npaKrnKa
discipline (behaviour A1t1C4111nniHa (noseAiHKa) process npo4ec
) empathy cnis4ynR, eMnaTi.R research AOcni.Q>KeHH.R
overcome obstacles .QOnarn nepe wKo,D,111 robotics* po6ororexHiKa
professional npo<j)ecioHan sample wa6noH,np111Kna.Q
rely on (sb/ sth) noKna.Qarnrn Ha KOrQCblll.lOCb scientific HayKOBWl/1 npop111B
sports coach rpeHep breakthrough *
take a shot (at goal) npofan111/3po6111rn y.Qap sociology couionoriR
under pressure ni,D,H1CKOM statistics* aar111cr111Ka
theory reopiR
zoology 3oonoriR
bookmark (v) AO,D,arn ,D,O 3aKJla,D,OK, Ha
analyse cropiHKY WBli1AKOro AOCTyny
aHani3ysa1111, s111s4arn
analysis e-reader eneKTpOHHa KHll1ra
astronomy flash <jlorocnanax
biology hands-free ry4HOMOBeUb Ha rene<jloHi,
R 6ionoriR
calories Kop1-1cryaarnrnrene<pOHOM 6e3
chemistry B111KOpv1CTaHHR PYK
conduct an icon 3Ha40K
npOBOA eKcnep111MeHT
experiment menu MeHJO
cybernetics MP3/MP4 player MP3/MP4 nporpasa4
data remote control nynbT Av1CTaHUilllHOro KepysaHHR
iH<j)OpMa4iR, ,D,aHi, <j)aKTW
discovery touchscreen ceHCOpH1i1ii1 eKpaH
draw a zoom lens 3yM-06'EKTll18
3po6v1rn B111CHOBOK
conclusion eKonorii=i Tec rrc-, pr.-- s
ecology eneMeHT L1 e 36o"i, nonoMKa (KOMn'10repa)
element AOKa3, CBi,D,4eHHR, <j)aKT
evidence eKcnepv1MeHT crash (computer ) HecnpaBHe (iHTepHeT) 3'€,D,HaHH.F!
experiment faulty connection* 3s'i:130K nepepsasrn,reneq>oHHi n iHii
explore* Bli1B4arn/aHani3yearn i.QeJO go dead (about a BiAKJ1I04111flli1, A3BiHOK o6ipBaBCR
~ an idea* phone line) 3naMaH1o1111, He npa410E:
,D,ocni.Q>KYBarn OKeaH
~the ocean* out of order
~ space* .QOcni.Q)KjBaT\11KOCMOC
n ·o n •n,n techhu,ogy
force nory>KHiCTb, rnna
formula* <j)opMyna software
formulate <j)opMyn10sarv1 antivirus ~* aHT\IIBipyCHa nporpaMa
freezing 3aMopo>KyeaHHR application ~ np111Kna,D,He nporpaMHe 3a6e3ne4eHHR
genes* reHti1 back up nporpaMHe 3a6e3ne4eHHR .Qllfl
genetics reHernKa pe3epBHOro KOniJOBaHHR
genetic engineering* reHHa lH>KeHepiR browse* nepernR.Qarn, wyKarn, 4111rarn (s
geology reonoriR Mepe>1<i)
gravity rnna TR>KiHHR browser 6pay3ep
16s ◄W+Miti► • vocabulary extension
0 • • - I • -:- -. . . • • - • ".=_-, --= - -----=- -- ..... ., ' ;- - =-= -""::-5'"""--=,._• :- • ..' 0

►► Phonetic transcription at


_ :.

browser history icropiR nowyKy desert* nycrenR

cloud (storage) XMapHe CXOBVILUe dunes* L\IOHl/1, niLUaHi narop6v1
database* 6a3a.QaH1t1x freezing cold* M0p03,.Qy>Ke XOflO/]HO
digital detox l.\v1<j>posviiil Bi,Qcryn, l.\1t1Q)pOBl/1VI /]eTOKC geographical feature* reorpaq>i4Ha oco6n111siCTb
external hard 30BHiWHic:i )K0pCTKv1c:i .Qlt1CK Mediterranean cepe,Q3eMHOMOpCbKl/1111
drive hard disk* >KOpCTKl'1vt A1t1CK mountain
install updates* BCTaHOB/lJOBaTIII OHOBJ'leHHR ~range* ripCbKvili1 xpe6er
interact * B3a€Mo,QiRTIII ~top* 0epwv1Ha ropvi
interface * iHTepcj,evtc, B3aEM03B'R30K overcast* xMapHv1111,noxMyp111111
scroll peninsula* niaocrpia
~up* npoKpyrviTvt sropy polar nom1pH1111i1
~down* npoKpyTV!TVI 8Hv13 precipitation KiJ'lbKiCTb ona.QiB, Ona.QI/I
obsolete* 3acr apinvi111 rainforest* rponi4Hinirn
service centre* cepsicHvii:t L1eHrp season ce3OH
superimposed* HaKna.QeHvii:t summit* aepw111Ha
upgrade * OHOBJ'leHHR, MO,QepHi3al..liR, temperate noMipH1111i1
OHOBnlOBaTVI, MO.QepHi3yBaTVI tropical rponi4Hv1111
upload* 3asaHTa)KyBaTV1(3a3ew"a111 3 valley* /]O/lv1Ha
np111crpoJO s Mepe>KY)
virus sipyc c. rer : ···-ather
avalanche* naaviHa
,J J_.= -- te ·
be evacuated* 6yrn eaaKyliioaaHviM
artifical intelligence (Al) wry4Hvivt iHTeneK T casualty * Hel.ljaCH1t1vt avinaAOK
clue Knl04, crops (pi ) nocia1-1, 3epHOBi
ni.QKa3Ka,.QOKa3 devastation py11tHyBaHHR
equation piBHRHHR drought 3acyxa, nocyxa
extend p03wv1pv1TV1
genetic code reHeTIIIYHlt1c:i KOA earthquake* 3eMnerpyc
impact Bn/ll/18 famine rono,11
investigate ,qocni.Q)Kysarn, o6ne>KyBaTIII flash flood pamoea nosiHb
nervous system Hepsosa cvicreMa fog, mist* TyMaH
nucleus R,QpO foggy* ryMaHHl/1iil
signal cvirHan gale* 6ypxn111a1111i1 airep, yparaH
hail* rpa.Q, 3n111aa
heatwave rennoea xev111R
blueprint 4epHerKa, nnaH, npoeKr hurricane yparaH, BVIXOp/rponi4Hl/1VI l..ll/1KJ1OH
cell KniTIIIHa lightning 611v1cKaaKa
chemical analysis xiMi4H1t11i1aHani rainfall aTMOCc/>epHi ona/]vt,,QOI.J.l
chemicals (pi) 3 XiMiKanff scorching* nanJ041/1li1, neKy4vtli1, rapR41/1li1
cyborg Ki6opr thunderstorm rpo3a
DNA DHK tornado CMep4, TOpHa.QO
double helix no.Qai111Ha cnipanb torrential npom1sHv1Lii (Aou.l)
gene therapy reHHa repaniR tsunami* l.\YHaMi
genetic disease reHeTll14He 3axsopJOsaHHR typhoon ra111c/>yH
instruction manual iHCTPYKL\iR 3eKcnnyaraL1ii volcanic eruption Bv1Bep)K€HHR synKaHa
lifeform (j)opMa >Klt1TTR * water level piaeHb BOAi/i
microchip MiKp04in water shortage H€CTa4a BOAl/1
molecule MoneKyna windstorm WTOpMOBl/1111 si r ep
pattern 3pa3OK, MO,Q€/lb, cxeMa 31
transmission nepeAa4a, rpaHCMiCIR
transmit nepe.Qasarn biodiversity 6iopi3HOMaHTi TR, 6ionori4
Velcro J11t1ny4Klt1 (RK BO/]R3i) He pi3HOMaHiTTR
capture 36ip /]aHHVIX (iHc/>OpMal..liO, 3anv1c,
UNIT 12 NATURE AND 3axon111TV1, cnili1Marn
deforestation sv1py6Ka nicy
r•=-=-te ~ animal eK3OTvt4Ha rnap111Ha
~pet eK3OTl/14Ha ,QOMaWHR rsapv1Ha
arid cyx1t1iit, nocywn1t1s111iit, nycrenbHVliil
extinction Bl/1MvtpaHHR
bay* 3aTOKa
fauna cj,ayHa (rsap1t1Hvt)
cape* Ml/IC
flora cj,nopa (pOC/lVIHVI)
climatic zone KJ'liMaTl/14Hv1"1noRC
gene bank reHeTvt4Hl/1VI 6aHK, 6aHK reHiB
coast* y36epe>K>KR
• vocabulary extension ◄',i·lcl·lili► 169
habitat wind
np 111po ,aHecepe,aOB111LL1e npo>K11rnaHH11
nomosaHHR, nomosarn ~farm* sirpoeneKTpooaHL\iA
in the
BA111Ki111 np111po.aI ~ power eHepriA sirpy
wild ivory
CJlOHOBa KiCTKa ~ tu sirporeHeparop
poCJ1v1Ha rbine*
poaching 6paKOHbEPCTBO Words m ":Ontext
seed HaCiHHR, 8111CiB deal with Mar111 cnpasy 3
species (sing and B111,Q, B\11,Q\11 fall nposan\11T\11CR
pi) survival* B\11>Kll1BaHHA through 3,aonarn, nepe>K111rn, npoiilrn
tusk 6111BeHb, iKflO get over Bi,QKIIIHYH1, Bi,QX\11JlAT\11, Bi,QTOprarn
wildlife* ,a111Ka np111po,aa reject noMi4arn, B\113Ha4arn
The environment spot (v) Micwenepe6ysaHHR,npv1Mi4aT111

anbrepHaT\11BHe.Q>Kepeno eHeprff Ott-er wor-:ts and phrases
be green* eKOJlOi,4HO 4\11CT\11VI enclosure KJliTKa, BOJlbEP, oropO,Q>KeHa ,QiflflHKa
biofuel 6ionan111so have a Marn 3axonneHHR (4111MOCb) npornroM
biomass 6ioMaca lifelong ycboro >K\11TTA
burn fossil fuels cnamosarn BIIIKOnHe nam1Bo fascination LlbOro He B\11CTa4aE:
(withsth) in short Ha cso6o.Qi
~ dioxide syrneK111CJ1111vi r a3, CO_ L\IIIKJl >KIIITTR
~monoxide* 4a.QH111111 ra3, CO on the loose
carbon footprint* syrne1..1esv1111CJliA, eKonorr4H111111rni,a the circle of
climate change* 3MiHa KfliMaT)' life
coal syrinnA
contamination 3a6py.QHeHHA
ecosystem eKOCIIICTeMa
emit (CFCs) 01,mycKam (xnopqlTopsyrnewi)
endangered ni,a 3arpo3OIO 3Hl-1KHeHHA
fossil fuel BIIIKOnHe naJll/1BO
fumes* ,Q\11M, 4a,Q
geothermal reorepMaJlbH\111/1
global warming rno6anbHe norenniHHR
greenhouse gas napHv1Kos111111ra3
hazardous * He6eJne4H111vi,pv13111KosaH111111
hydroelectric ri,apoeneKrp1114H\11
knock-on effect HaCJ1i1JOK, HenpAM111"1 snn111s, eq,eKT
land erosion epmiA rpyHry
logging nicm aror isni=i, py6Ka
minimize (sb's/sth's) MiHiMi3yBaT\11AilO 4OfOCb/4111VICbsnnll1B
national park Hal..\iOHaflbH\111/1napK
natural gas np111po,uH111til ra3
natural resource npi,ipo,QH\11111 pecypdeKonori4H\11111
organic farming opraHi4He 3eMnepo6cTBo, opraHl4He
CiJlbCbKe rocno,aapCTBO
ozone layer 030HOB\111/1 wap
petroleum oil Hacprnsa oniR
~ glass* nepepo6nRrn cKno
~paper* nepepo6nArn nanip
~ waste* nepepo6m1m BiJ1XO.Q111
renewable nOHOBJllOBaH\111/1
reuse* nosTOpHe Bl-1KOpv1CTaHHA
smog CMOr \11M I TyMaH pa3OM)
soil contamination 3a6py,QHeHHRrp yHry
solar power COHA4Ha eHepriR
waste disposal yn1J1i3a1..1iR Bi,QXO,QiB, CMiTT€383fl\11l.l1e
110 ◄4•J;l•liii► • vocabulary extension
' ACTl·C ·. ES- ,.,.

G IIE>Task

listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
You will listen to each recording twice.

What is the first speaker planning to take on holiday?

A 8 C

2 What does the man want to get a photo of?

A 8 C

3 What course are the speakers talking abo ut?

A 8 C

◄UHitiil ii► 111

4 What is the girl going to do?
A sunbathe
B swim in the sea
C use more sun protection

5 Where are the speakers?

A at a market
B at a supermarket
C at a shopping centre

6 Why can't the girl take a picture of the building?

A She's standing too close to it.
B It's too bright co take a photo.
C She left her camera at the hotel.

G:m> Task 2

Listen to the text . For statements (7- 11) choose T if the statement is true according to the
text, F if it is false. You will listen to the text twice.


7 Kevin Smith leads the police transport unit.

8 The unit listens to people using special cameras.

9 The man stopped cycling when he was asked to.

10 The public hasn't objected to the cameras so far.

11 Camera staff sometimes say things they aren't supposed to.

112 ◄HH diii ii►


Listen to the text. For questions (12- 16) choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
You will listen to the text twice.

12 What did Liz use to do when she was a student?

A borrow money to go shopping
B buy affordable used clothing
C wear fashionable high -street brands
13 When was Liz able to afford designer clothes?
A When she sold her house and car.
B After marrying a rich architect.
C Once she had got a well -paid job.
14 What did Liz's employers do?
A They closed their offices down.
B They fired Liz for dressing inappropriately.
C They disappointed some important clients.
15 How did Liz's friend help her?
A She drove her to the local hospital.
B She lent her money to pay for the clothes.
C She suggested seeking professional assistance.
16 What has Liz learned from her experience?
A Addiction can't be cured by counselling alone.
B It takes years to build up your confidence again.
C Spending money doesn't make your life complete.

◄4Uiitiii ii► 113


Read the texts below. Match choices (A- H) to (17- 21).

There are three choices you do not need to use.


Learn how to find food, make a shelter and deal with the dangers of the
wild. A two-day (onenight) adventure that you will never forget!
What you need:
- warm clothes
- sturdy shoes or boots
- a protective hat
- a sense of adventure and respect for
nature For people aged 15 and over only.


Get re"- ; 9et et - 9et wet!

- Must be an experienced swimmer
- Brin9 extr1t dotfiin9
- Trips depend on river 1tnd we1A.tfier conditions
- A9es 12 1A.nd up onlt.t
- No pre9riant women
Severi d«l.fS "- week. June - e1A.rh-, November
We provide all tfie equipmerit indudiri9 bo1A.ts and life
j1A.ckets. Visit our website to a reservation!

114 ◄Uii iAll !J►

Learn about a range of different endangered species - and how you can
help them in your garden - for example, by putting out seed and water
or creating nest boxes.
• Maximum of five people per group
• Special kids' walks for ages 8-13
• Wear warm clothes, waterproof shoes and a hat
• Bring your own binoculars, lunch and drinks

20 ---- - - - -----
Weekend camp for beginners - groups for
youths (12-18) and adults
Instruction, ropes and other equipment, food, and transportation
to and from the camp are provided. , \

_ - --
Sa fe t y first - we teach best practices and emergency procedures.
Overnight stay in beautiful surroundings.
-- - --
Parti cipants to provide sleeping bags, day packs and warm clothes.
I .....
Our holidays come in all shapes and sizes!
From gentle tours in France to expeditions in the mountains of
Peru. You can journey across Thailand, experiencing its unique culture,
or race like a professional on a tour through the Italian
All our trips are graded from beginner to advanced to indicate their level
of difficulty and come with the percentage of on- and off-road riding
that is involved.

Which of the advertisem en ts describes _ _ _ ?

A survival training
B luxury camping
C wild riverrafting
D big cat safaris
E guided bird-watching
F climbing camps
G cycling tours
H canal boat trips
◄UUiii i iii► ,

Read the text below. For que stions (22 - 26 ) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

How to get to know each other

Many teenage boys and girls often find it difficult to know if they're giving the correct signals
to someone they like. However, there are some universal techniques which might help you face
this challenge.

The most important thing is appearance. Yes, it's a shallow thing to say, and it's certainly true that
one shouldn't judge another person by their looks. But just think: how else can you make a first
impression before you have a chance to impress someone with your personality? Both boys and girls
pay attention to what they are wearing. First impressions count when you want to ask someone out
on a date. Both boys and girls should aim to look smart. Dirty fingernails and scruffy clothes won' t
do anyone any favours. Try to wear something that makes you feel comfortable. If you feel at ease,
you'll also be more confident. If your clothes are bothering you, you'll be distracted from your most
important objective.

Once you've made a good impression, you can try to attract the person's attention by making eye
contact with them. Experts in body language sometimes refer to this as the 'eyebrow flash'. Catch
their eye, look directly at them and raise your eyebrows. If they like you, they' ll smile back right away.
If they don' t, you can still pretend you didn't mean anything by looking , and just walk away - without
having to adm;,de feat. The other person can smile back and mirror your body language. We all like
people who look and act like ourselves because it makes us feel more secure. Some people find
a direct, proactive person appealing, while some people get scared by this.

And what's next? It's always good to pay a compliment to the person you like, and in return it's nice
if they accept the compliment and pay one back. How do you do this? Just say something nice
about the other person - it doesn 't matter what it is so long as you think it's true. Once you've got
through all that, then you can begin to talk to each other! Try not to sound too nervous, don 't
giggle and keep
smiling. Always look interested in what the other person is saying, even if you know nothing about
the subject. Having had your first chat, you can now decide how you really feel and whether you still
want to go out with the person or not.
116 ◄H H it!ii ii►
22 What do teenagers often have difficulties with?
A finding someone they like
B making conversation
C talking about their hobbies
D showing how they feel about someone

23 Why is appearance important?

A It has a bigger impact than personality.
B It's the only way to impress someone before you get to know them.
C Looking good helps you speak with confidence.
D Dressing well makes you feel special.

24 What does admit defeat in paragraph 3 mean?

A accept you can't succeed
B predict you won't win
C suggest you may lose
D pretend you never fail
25 According to the text, what is TRUE about copying body language?
It makes people feel _
A active
B attractive
C scared
D safe
26 What is the writer's advice for the next step?
A to tell each other how you really feel
B to say something positive to each
other C to only tell the truth if it is nice
D to stop worrying about what you're going to say

◄HHI Aii ii► 111


Read the texts below. Match choices (A- H) to (27- 32).

There are two choices you do not need to use.

How do you feel about social media?

27 Zoe

It took me a while to accept the idea of social networking sites - but my two
teenage daughters told me to give it a try and I have to say it was a real eye
opener. I started off by trying to track down old school friends, and it worked -
I managed to contact people I'd lost touch with over the years, and I've even
met up with some of them. I can't say I'm addicted to these sites like my
daughters, but at least I understand the attractions.

28 Fran

I don't think there's anything really wrong with these sites - for keeping in touch
with friends and family, for example. However, if you find you are on 24/7, then
I'd say you've probably got a problem. What I really can't stand are people who
post thousands of photographs or videos or update their profile every day. To
me , that's a sign that the person is just using the site to show off.

29 Jack

If people have got nothing better to do than spend all their tree time on one of
these sites, they need to get a life. I can't understand why some people would
rather talk to friends in a virtual world instead of going out and meeting real
people. I've got a couple of friends who never phone me any more - they think
they can keep in touch with their instant messages. I'd prefer a real conversation
any day.

30 Harry

There are a number of signs that indicate a young person is spending too
much time on social media sites. You should be worried if your child is
anxious, stressed or feeling overwhelmed by normal routines; if they are
leaving homework unfinished or are getting bad grades at school; and if their
relationships with important people such as their family are suffering.

, 1a ◄H i◄Uili ii►
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. ,,:: ' .. ,,' "' -- - : ?t :{; ,.•,,\·::, ·. . .

,., ; .

31 Zach

For me, it's a way of connecting with such a huge variety of people - from all
over the world. You can share problems and experiencesin a matter of
seconds! And while we are constantly being told how so many of us suffer
from loneliness these days, social media seems like an obvious way to stay in
touch with people, wherever they are in the world, and to meet new people -
even when you're very shy like me!

32 Milly
I've used social media to help promote my business. I'm self-employed and it's
an absolutely brilliant way to communicate with my customers. I've built a strong
community around my brand, and my followers are interested and engaged in
my products. I like to entertain with what I post, though - to make my followers
laugh or tell them something they didn't know. Then people are more likely to
'like' the post and share it with others!

Which per son ?

A talks about various mental health issues
B believes social media has been a help to them
professionally C accuses some users of laziness
D has used social media to renew past acquaintances
E thinks some users only want to draw attention to themselves
F suggestson line communication works well for lessconfident people
G says loneliness can be a result of social media use
H doesn't see the point of certain relationships

◄4iti41Hil ii► 119


Read th e text below. Choose from (A- H} the one which best fits
each space (33- 38). There are two choices you do not need to

Off the Streets and Into Life

Centrepoint is a British charity that helps young people who have found themselves, for one reason
or another, living rough or in unsuitable or dangerous accommodation. They help by (33) _ for
up to two years, irrespective of why they ended up on the streets.

Since 1969 , Centrepoint has helped 72,000 young homeless people. Although a place to stay is
important, (34) _ , homeless children will become homeless adults. Additional support services
include a skills and employment team. Specialists within these teams help get young people back
into education, training or employment. Living rough can also have a real impact on mental health.
So Centrepoint helps these youngsters (35) _ and provides information on personal hygiene.

Centrepoint has contact with arou nd 1,300 young people every year. Their circumstances differ.
Some are homeless because of a breakdown in family relationships. But, (36) _ , the charity aims to
provide each person the individual help they need most.

One of the young people at Centrepoint, John, was only 15 years old when be first arrived. He had
been sleeping on park benches and in old buildings. Since his arrival, Centrepoint has helped to build
John's confidence and nurture his abilities, and he now hopes to go to university. Looking through
other life stories on the charity's website, it is clear that confidence and education are key words for
the young people (37) _.

The biggest challenge for many people being helped by Centrepoint is the next step: (38) _ into
the real world. Centrepoint bas an after-care service which provides support when looking for
accommodation and help with financial concerns, such as paying a deposit on a flat or paying the first
monthly bills.

A who pass t hrough Centrepoint 'scare

8 tryi ng to influence government policy
C moving on from the security of the hostels
D with out educational opportunities
E become involved with criminal gangs
F providing safe rooms for young
G get the medical or psychological help they need
H whatever the circumstances

, so ◄4¥ii biii ii►

Use of English

Read the text below. For question s(39- 48) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

A Famous Race
TheTour de France is known the world over and watched by millions. It is one of the most (39) _
endurance races in the sporting calendar. But how did it all begin? It all started when Henri Desgrange,
(40) _ of the cycling newspaper L'Auto, was looking for a way to increase sales and thought a race
would help him achieve this. He was right, as both the first Tour de France and L'Auto became
hugely successful, and a rival paper, Le Velo, was forced to go (41) _ business.

That first race took place in July (as it continues to do today), and (42) _ six stages, with 60 riders
cycling 2,500 kilometres over 19 days, cycling day and night. The winner of the first race was
Maurice Garin, a Frenchman, who finished the race in 94 hours, 33 minutes and 14 seconds. The (43)
with the modem race is striking - nowadays there are 20 stages, and cyclists cover a distance of 3,361
kilometres in 22 days. The fastest contestants complete the course in about 82 hours, and there are
nearly 200 cyclists who enter the race, although not all of them (44) _ it to the finish line.

The bikes have changed from the early days, too. The original bikes weighed 16 kilograms, (45) _
today bikes often weigh less than 7 kilograms. Because (46) _ cyclists bad to race at night, they
had lamps on the front of their bikes. One thing that has not changed is the colour of the (47) _
winner's jersey. The colour was
chosen by Desgrange because his newspaper was (48) _ on yellow paper.

Perhaps the greatest difference is the prize money that the riders can win. Today's winner can expect to
take home as much as £432,000, compared to £462 won in the 1903 race.

39 A dictating B ordering C demanding D pressuring

40 A editor B princip al C leader D supervisor

41 A around B out of C back from D behind

42 A counted B numbered C included D added

43 A connec tion B variation C opposition D contrast

44 A do B make C go D come

45 A as B while C during D since

46 A originally B primarily C actually D really

47 A whole B complete C total D overall

48 A pressed B printed C copied D stamped

◄HGitiil ii► ,a,

Read the text s bel ow. For que stion s (49 - 58 ) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Burning Man
I'm sitting in the desert in Nevada, USA. l 'm waiting patiently for the climax of the alte rnative arts
festival (49) _ as Burning Man. Next to and (50) _ me are the friends I've made while living in
the camp here. The thirty-foot wooden man in the centre of the festival - the Burning Man himself -
is now on fire and we can feel the (51) _ as the excitement builds. It has taken several months to
build the man, and even (52) _ time was devoted to the design of the structure itself. It needs to
bum long enough for us to be able to see the breath-taking spectacle of perfom1ers dancing around
followed by the perfectly timed fireworks display. As soon as the man falls, spectators and
participants pack up their camper vans and (53) _. Until next year, of course. I' ll be there for sure!

49 A know B know i ng C known D knew

50 A in front B in between C behind D across

51 A hot B heat C heating D hotness

52 A many B much C most D more

53 A leave B left C are leaving D have left

Schoolkid Billionaires
Think you've got a good business idea? Want to start your own company? Still at school? No problem!
Young peop le are proba bly most suited to being entrepreneurs, because there's less risk (54) _
a business when you're young. You haven't established (55) _ in a career yet, and probably don't
have a family to support. So you have (56) _ to lose - you should just go for it. That's what Mark
Zuckerberg did. He became a billionaire at the age of 23, thanks to the phenomenal success of
Facebook. Now is a better time than ever. so it's worth (57) _ business a try. Many countries
actively encourage young entrepreneurs via schemes (58) _ aim to provide them with the work
skills , knowledge and confidence they need. So. why not try to come up with an idea that you think
could be successful? You never know, it may even make you a billionaire!

54 A to start B in starting C for start D of starting

55 A you B your C yours D yourself

56 A no thing B none C no D not

57 A giving B to give C of giving D given

58 A which B what C who D where

1 a2 ◄H H ltiil H►
Task 10

59 You have read an article in the school magazine about mobile phone addiction. Write a letter to
the editor in which you:
► agree or disagree that mobile phones have a negative influence on our social lives, and explain why,
► share your own experiences of mobile phones and social media,
► give an example of how mobile phones may be good or badfor social life.
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal
information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

◄4Ui iii ii ¥S► 1s3

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