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Experiment 9

Aim:-Investigating the Doppler Effect with ultrasonic waves.

List of Equipment Used:

Table1: List of Equipments
S.N. Equipment Range Quantity
1 Doppler effect setup 40000Hz 1
2 Power supply 220V 1
3 Track length 1m 1
4 Motor driven vehicle NA 1

Introduction/Theory: - Doppler Effect is the change in apparent frequency of sound wave when
the source and listener are in relative motion. The most common example of this effect is the
pitch of a siren of a train engine. We may have noticed that as a fast-moving train passes by
us,the pitch of the siren sharply drops in pitch. In the beginning, when the siren is coming
towardsus, its pitch is higher. After passing us, the siren is going away from us and the pitch
becomes lower. This is a appearance of the Doppler effect. Thus, we may define, the Doppler
Effect as thechange in the observed frequency of a source due to the relative motion between the
source and the receiver. The relative motion that affects the observed frequency is only the
motion in theLine-Of-Sight (LOS) between the source and the receiver.
There are two diverse situations are possible for the Doppler Effect. The first is when the receiver
is moving and the source is stationary. For example, we are in a moving car and are passing by a
stationary siren. Second situation is, when we (receiver) are stationary, and the source is moving
you. Although the second situation may be more common, yet the first is easier to examine.

Diagram of the Acoustic Doppler Measurement system

1.1 First Situation: Relative motion of the receiver
Suppose a source is stationary, as shown in the Figure 1 below, it will emit sound waves that
propagate out from the source. When the receiver moves towards the source, it will detect the
sound coming from the source.
Thus the frequency, that each successive wave front would be detected, would be changed by this
relative motion
Where: Δ𝑓=v𝑟/𝜆0
λ0=original wavelength of the source
Δf =change in the observed frequency
vr=velocity of the receiver in the LOS
Since the original frequency of the source can be expressed in terms of the wavelength
Where, f0=c/λ0, the observed frequency becomes:
𝑓′=𝑓0 (𝑐/c +v𝑟/𝑐)
It is worth mentioning that the above equation only works if the relative velocity of the receiver,
vr is towards the source. If the relative motion is away from the source, the relative velocity would
be in the opposite direction and the equation will take the form:
𝑓′=𝑓0 (𝑐/c −v𝑟/𝑐)
Together the two equations for the observed frequency can be expressed as:
𝑓′=𝑓0 (𝑐/c ±v𝑟/𝑐)
1.2 Second Situation: Relative motion of the source
When the source is moving towards the receiver, the effect is somewhat different. The spacing
between the successive wave fronts would be less as seen in the Figure 2 shown below. It is
expressed as: Δ𝜆=v𝑠/𝑓0
Where, v𝑠 = relative velocity of the source
Observed frequency in this situation can be expressed as:
𝑓′ = 𝑐 / (𝜆0 + Δ𝜆)
It is important to note that the above expression is valid, when the source is moving towards the
receiver. However, if the source is moving away from the receiver, the equation would
Collectively, the two equations for the observed frequency can be expressed as:
While comparing the two equations of the observed frequency, it is important to note that in the
second situation, the plus/minus symbol is inverted, since the sign on the top should be used for
the relative motion of the source towards the receiver.
1.3 Doppler Equation
By combining the two equations of the observed frequency, we may arrive at one equation that is
termed as Doppler equation. Expression for these equations is:
𝑓′=𝑓0 (𝑐±v𝑟/𝑐±v𝑠)
We should be cautious about the velocity of the receiver; vr and the velocity of the source vs. these
are only the magnitude of the relative velocities in or along the LOS. In other words, the component
of the velocity of the source and the receiver, that are perpendicular to the LOS do not change the
received frequency. Secondly, the top sign in the numerator and the denominator are the sign
convention to be used when the relative velocities are towards the other. If the source is moving
towards the receiver, the sign that must be used in the denominator would be the minus sign. If
the source is moving away from the receiver, the sign must be used would be the plus sign.
Formula Used: 𝑓=f0*c/(c±vr)
1. Wait for five minutes, after the instrument is switched ON, and then start making the
adjustments, and noting down readings with the apparatus.
2. During the measurement no background noise may occur, since they would also be registered
by the sensor could falsify the measurement.
3. If several progressively smaller car velocities are successively measured, although the position
of the velocity controller has not been changed, this indicates this that there are probably weak
batteries in the car. Replace the batteries.
1. Make the experimental set up.
2. Now make connections.
3. Turn on Doppler measurement unit and other equipment of the experimental set up.
4. Place the car with the sound reflector in the vicinity of the Doppler sensor and measure the
frequency at rest f0 several times. To do this, click the measure button on the Doppler measurement
unit and the Liquid Crystal display will display some frequency having value in the ultrasonic
5. Set the velocity controller on the car to an intermediate position and set the direction of
movement in such a manner that the car moves towards the sensor. Release the car and click the
measure button, when the car’s velocity has become constant. i.e. it is no longer accelerating.
Repeat the entire procedure several times and note the measured frequency in the observation
Table1. Also using a stopwatch measure the time taken for the car to move a certain distance to
calculate the velocity of the vehicle.
6. Further, repeat the above step, when the car moves away from the sensor and note the
measured frequency in the observation Table1
7. Do not change the velocity controller or the direction of movement of car with respect to the
previous partial experiment. Release the car and ensure that the car’s velocity has become constant
before taking any reading. Repeat the entire procedure several times and note the values of velocity
in observation Table 1.
8. Further, repeat the above step, when the car moves towards the sensor and note down the values
of velocity in observation Table 1.
Observations& Calculation:
Here we are assuming:
c=343 m/s
Observed value of f0
f0 = Hz
Table 2:
S. No. Frequency (f measured) (Hz) Velocity (V r) (m/s)

Moving Moving away Moving Moving away

towards the from the towards the from the
source source source source


Frequency, f=………Hz
Result (s):𝑓′=f0*c/(c ± vr) is ........................... Hz
Conclusion: The conclusion of doppler effect is that if source moves at Vs, an observer move at
Vo that will result, well obviously Vs is with respect to graph and Vo is also with respect to graph,
will result in a change of frequency received by observer that can be describe as new frequency
equals original frequency of Numerator is V ±Vo associated with observer moved and denominator
is V ± Vs associated with source moved.

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