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Social Media Marketing Questionnaire

Name of the Organization: …………………..……………………………………………………….

Contact Person: …………………...…………………………………………………………………...

Age: …………………...…………………………………………………………………...

Gender: …………………...…………………………………………………………………...

1. Do you think Social Media Marketing can help in the success of a company?

a) Yes b) No.

2. Which Social media site do you find most effective?

a) Facebook c) WhatsApp

b) Twitter d)Instagram

3. On a grade of (1-5) 1 being the least & 5 being the highest how would you rate the
following sites?

1 2 3 4 5


4. When did your company started using Social Media for marketing purposes?

a) Before 1 year. c) 2-3 years

b) 1-2 year. d) More than 3 years.

5. How will you rate Social Media marketing in your business application?

a) Excellent b) Good.
c) Average. d) Poor.

6. Does your organization have any dedicated department for Social Media marketing?

a) Yes b) No.

7. How will you rate Social Media Marketing (1-5) where 1-being the least & 5-being
highest on the following parameters?

a) Networking. b) Visibility.

c) Branding. d) Communication.

8. Please indicate with whom you interact mostly while using Social media Sites?

People Nearly Fairly often Rarely Never

Co- workers




9. What metrics you want to achieve through Social Media Marketing?

a) E- commerce Sales & profit. d) Promote an event.

b) Lead generation. e) Build Brand Image

c) Reputation management.

10. What benefits are you getting through Social Media Marketing?

a) Brand Awareness.

b) Bring attention to your products.

c) Better Customer Loyalty & trust.

d) Strengthen Customer Service.

11. Which target market does Social Media enable you to reach?

a) Businesses

b) Youths.

c) Families.

d) Prospect Clients.

12. Can Social media helps to improve the communication in internal organization?

a) Yes

b) No.

13. Do you have set a certain Promotional budget for Social Media Marketing?

a) Yes

b) No.

If yes, then how much percentage

i. 1-2%
ii. 2-4%
iii. 4-7%
iv. More than 7%

14. Which tools are you using to select your target audience through Social Media

a) Blogs.

b) Tweets

c) RSS feeds

d) Communities

e) Buzz

f) Others
15. What do you think Social Media Marketing should be?

a) Company specific.

b) Brand specific.

16. Have you identified any business advantage of Social Media over Traditional Media?

a) Yes.

b) No.

If yes please specify,

i. Quick updates
ii. Creating community
iii. Fan pages
iv.Popularity with in short span of time

17. How do you show your promotional activities through Social Media Marketing?

a) By Photos.

b) By Videos.

c) By Updates.

d) All the above.

18. How do you response towards your audience comments?

a) Response Immediately.

b) Take views of people & implement.

c) Response after a period of time.

d) Ignore.

19. Why have you chosen Social Media Marketing?

a) Better customer reach

b) Lesser price (cost effective)

c) Brand awareness

d) To increase sales and profit

20. What do you think the Social Media Marketing style of your company is?

a) One way communication.

b) Two way communication.

c) Interactive.

21. What sales promotion tools do you use in Social Media to generate traffic?

a) Discounts.

b) Coupons.

c) Contests.

d) Instructional Videos.

22. On a scale of (1-5) where 1 being the least & 5 being the highest, how would you
rate the other sources apart from Social Media Marketing?

a) Newspapers

b) TV & Radio

c) Pamphlets

d) Banners

e) Magazines

23. What new things emerged out after using Social Media Marketing?

a) Online communication is important.

b) Content really is king.

c) Things are growing.

d) Need to be Consistent.
24. Are you satisfied with your current Social Media Marketing Strategies?

a) Yes

b) No.

25. Any suggestion would you like to give for the better use of Social Media?



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