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Option 1 Instructions

You will be creating a total of three to four blogs total, that follow the
instructions below. We have provided different blog topics but if you think of
one not on the list, please feel free to suggest to us.
The second part is taking 2 to 4 quality photos a week and 5 to 8 quality
photos from GE events over the course of your International Internship.
Following the instructions and examples below, you should be able to create
four blogs each with 1,200 to 1,600 words.
All blogs can be written in google docs or word then sent to your supervisor, if
you have photos you want to include, please make sure they are uploaded to
the shared folder as well uploaded to your blog and tagged correctly.

Blogs Structure:
• 4 to 5 paragraphs per blog (more is okay, you don’t want it to be too
dense, break up the information)
• Introduction paragraph- About 120 to 150 words, should tell us what
this blog is about, give a little background, and why we should read it.
Don’t be afraid to be light hearted and relate it to your everyday life.
• 2 to 3 body paragraphs- Following the introduction start off the next
paragraph with more information about your topics, tell us who, what,
when, where, why.
o Tips & Tricks Blogs- About 200 words per artifact, Include large
header about that section
• Conclusion- About 200 to 300 words, summarize your overall thoughts
from the blog, Emphasize/ go over again what you think, Closing
Blog Suggestions:
• Pre-Departure Blogs:
• 1,200 to 1,600 words with proper grammar and punctuation
• Topic that is relevant to your International Internship program
• Topic examples:
▪ Packing Tips- What type of weather should you be packing
for, how many pairs of shoes should you bring etc.
▪ Travel tips for long flights during COVID-19
▪ Tips for applying to scholarships
o Blog examples:
▪ What Makes a Great Internship Application
▪ Resume Tips That Will Help You Get Hired
▪ 22 Essential Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your Intern
Abroad Provider

• On Location Blogs:
• 1,200 to 1,600 words each with proper grammar and punctuation
• Topic examples:
▪ How to manage your time between traveling and working
▪ Travel tips for long flights during COVID-19
▪ Best places to shop and eat on a budget
▪ How to get involved with the community around you
o Blog examples:
▪ Living Like a Local in Paris while Interning Abroad
▪ 8 Budgeting Tips for your Internship in London
▪ 8 Tips to Surviving Your First Week Abroad

• Post- Departure Blog:

• 1,200 to 1,600 words with proper grammar and punctuation
• Topics that are relevant to your International Internship program
▪ Tips for interning in a foreign country
▪ Why Does Interning Abroad Set You Apart
▪ How Was Your Experience Interning Abroad
▪ How Important Is It to Immerse Yourself in Culture
o Blog examples:
▪ You Need to Intern in Edinburgh, Scotland- Here’s Why
▪ Intern Experiences: Emily’s Fashion Internship in Florence
▪ How to Plan For Your Internship Abroad Next Summer
▪ Intern Experience: Deja’s Tourism Internship In Florence

Blog Tips to Check out:

How to Start a Blog Post: 10 Ways to Write An Irresistible Intro
Travel Bloggers: What to Write and How to Write a Travel Blog (50+ Tips)
Our 8-Step Guide for How to Write a Pro Blog Post

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