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Original Research

Advances in Structural Engineering

A scenario-based methodology for Ó The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
determining fire resistance ratings
DOI: 10.1177/1369433219864457

of irregular steel structures

Behrouz Behnam

This article investigates the response of irregular steel structures under natural fires. As the severity and duration of natural fires
depend on many factors, a probabilistic-based approach known as two-level factorial design is used, whereby possible fire scenarios
are considered based on the minimum and maximum values of the involved factors. Two seven-story regular steel structures with
three span lengths of 5500 and 7000 mm are designed to meet a 2.0-hr fire resistance rating based on the ISO834 fire. Two types of
irregularities, setback and soft story, are then imposed on the regular structures to make them irregular. The regular and irregular
structures are then exposed to the fire scenarios (32 in total) to evaluate their fire resistance ratings. The results show that while the
regular structures are able to meet the required fire resistance rating under all of the fire scenarios, this is not the case for the irregu-
lar structures. It is shown that the reduction in the fire resistance ratings of the setback and the soft-story structures can be as low as
45% and 33% that of the required fire resistance ratings, respectively. Also, the setback irregular structures tend to collapse laterally,
hence endangering the safety of adjacent buildings. To address the above deficiencies, it is proposed here that the maximum surface
temperature on the structural members should be limited to 415°C–460°C. Alternatively, providing a 20%–25% increase in the insula-
tion thickness can provide the required safety margin as dictated by fire codes.

fireproofing, fire resistance rating, irregular structures, probabilistic-based approach, steel structures, two-level factorial design

Introduction standard-based FRRs, there are performance-based

methods (such as natural fire methodology), which are
Buildings are designed to withstand fire loads that they particularly useful for small- and medium-sized com-
might experience during their lifetime. To this end, a partments and which can provide more realistic FRRs
defined index (fire resistance rating (FRR)) requires than those derived from the standard fires. Pioneer
that the structural integrity, stability, and temperature methods, such as traveling fires, have also recently
transmission of structural components should be been proposed and can be used particularly for large
maintained for a specific duration of fire exposure, open flat compartments, although these methods are
based on a standard fire such as ISO834 or ASTM yet to be codified (Dai et al., 2017).
E119. The required FRRs are dictated to structures From a different perspective, in none of the above-
based on the occupancy type and the building’s mentioned methods are the architectural aspects such
height, varying in a range of 30–240 min. Although as regularity or irregularity discussed. While this is
the standard-based FRRs follow a simple procedure, important, there are few studies that have addressed
their reliability has always received serious criticism the fire structural response with a focus on structural
from scholars worldwide (Behnam, 2018; Gernay and
Franssen, 2015). The standard-based FRRs are
achieved according to a number of assumptions made School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of
regarding real fires, and based on dictated circum- Technology, Tehran, Iran
stances to the fire testing environment. No structural
system and architectural aspect are also considered Corresponding author:
Behrouz Behnam, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
when the standard tests are performed. Hence, the
Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Street, Tehran 13496,
results cannot be generalized to a wide range of Iran.
structural systems. To address the deficiencies of Email:
2 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

regularity or irregularity (Behnam, 2016). An impor- performing a heat transfer analysis, and carrying out a
tant question that may thus arise is whether FRRs structural fire analysis. It is understood that the struc-
based on the abovementioned methods are reliable tural robustness under fire depends on many factors.
enough when the regularity or irregularity aspects of Some factors have root in the design fire, where its
structures are taken into consideration. In other words, duration and severity can be influenced by the fire load
for two structures, identical in terms of their occu- density, ventilation ratio, boundary material proper-
pancy type and architectural configuration, but differ- ties, availability or non-availability of fire-suppressing
ent in terms of structural regularity and irregularity, is facilities, and so on. Other factors can provide the
it a true assumption that the FRRs of these structures required FRR, depending on the strength of materials,
are identical? To respond to this question, the study the insulation specifications, and the architectural
here aims to determine the FRRs of irregular struc- aspects.
tures under different fire scenarios. While structural When a design fire is adopted, the heat transfer
irregularities can take many forms, two structural irre- analysis is performed based on the Fourier’s equation,
gularities (setback and soft story) are examined here. and over a non-steady-state 2D temperature distribu-
Yet, the work here is a part of a wider research project tion inside the cross-sections (Torero, 2012). The struc-
where other aspects of structural irregularities are also tural fire analysis is accordingly performed, in which
addressed in future. failure criteria are defined; this can determine whether
A structure is considered to be ‘‘setback irregular’’ the structure has failed. The structural analysis can be
where the horizontal dimensions of a story are more performed using a static approach, in order to reduce
than 130% of their adjacent story (Soni and Mistry, computational time, but in that case, even local buck-
2006). A structure is considered to be ‘‘soft-story irre- ling in the structural members may result in termina-
gular’’ when the lateral stiffness of a story is less than tion of the analysis (Couto et al., 2015; Maraveas,
70% that of the upper story, or less than 80% that of 2019). Therefore, the failure time might be misjudged.
the three lower stories (D’Ambrisi et al., 2013). On the contrary, while using a dynamic approach may
Here, three steel fireproofed moment resisting increase the computational time, it considers the global
frames are considered, one regular and two irregular. stability of structures, meaning that local buckling does
The analyses are performed on two different span not lead to termination of the analysis (Tondini and
lengths—of 5500 mm and 7000 mm; this can provide Franssen, 2017). In this study, a dynamic approach is
further insight into understanding the structural employed to handle the analyses.
response when different load ratios are considered. Here, the calculations start with determining the
The structures are first designed to meet their required value of the thermal properties
FRRs, based on the standard fire curve of ISO834 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiof the enclosures
(known as b factor) using b = crl, where c, r, and l
(2014). A series of sensitivity analyses are then per- respectively stand for the specific heat, the density, and
formed to determine the FRRs of the cases studied the thermal conductivity. The b factor is limited
under various fire curves based on the natural fire between 100 and 2200 J/m2 s0.5 K. The time–
methodology stipulated in EN 1991-1-2 (2002), known temperature variations are determined based on differ-
as Eurocode Parametric Fire (EPF). Using EPF, many ent values of the characteristic fire load density (qf,k)
factors influence the fire’s severity and duration such (80% fractile). The 80% fractile is used here as per the
as fire load density, ventilation ratio, and so on. A code suggestion, although it has been shown in some
comparison is then made between the FRRs of the reg- surveys that this value might not always be a correct
ular cases studied and those of the irregular cases stud- assumption (Thauvoye et al., 2008). The characteristic
ied, in order to understand which parameters have fire load density is dependent on the amount of
further influence on the FRRs of the structures. In combustible materials inside the compartments,
addition, since different failure fashions might be expe- which changes widely from about 120 MJ/m2 to
rienced by structures under a fire scenario, that is, lat- 1800 MJ/m2. The design fire load density of the com-
erally (when the collapse is mostly due to the drift of partments (qt,d) is then determined using equation 1
columns) or locally (when the collapse is mostly due to
the mid-span deflection of beams), scrutiny is also qt, d = qf , k (Aroof =At ) ð1Þ
given to which type of failure mode pertains more to
the cases studied. where Aroof and At are the combined area of the roof
and floor, and the total area (including the area of
walls, roof, and floor) respectively. The fire load den-
sity can change if the influence of availability or non-
Investigating the response of structures under fire availability of firefighting facilities is taken into
involves three main stages: adopting a design fire, account as mentioned in Annex E of EC1. In that case,
Behnam 3

Table 1. Firefighting facilities.

Firefighting Buildings’ firefighting Urban regions’ firefighting

facilities (d1-5) facilities (d6-10)
Automatic Water Automatic Automatic Automatic An on-site An off-site Safe Normal Smoke
water supply fire fire alarm transmission fire fire brigade access firefighting exhaust
extinguishing detection brigade routes devices systems

d1 d2 d3 or d4 d5 d6 or d7 d8 d9 d10

Available 0.61 0.7 0.87 0.73 0.87 0.61 0.78 1.0 1.0 1.0
Not available 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5

Note: In the table, d4 and d6 are used to result in a worst case scenario.

qf,k in the above equation is substituted with qf,d in growth rate is fast, to 25 min, when the growth rate is
equation 2 slow

qf , d = dq1 dq2 dn mqf , k ð2Þ tmax = 0:2 3 103 qt, d =O ð7Þ

where dq1 and dq2 are respectively the risks of building When the fire reaches its maximum temperature at
size and the occupancy type, and dn is the availability t*max, the time versus temperature curve starts to
or non-availability of fire-extinguishing facilities (either decline based on equations 8–10.
those established inside the building, or those related
to professional fire brigades and rescue teams). The m t*max ł 0:5 : Tg = Tmax  625 (t*  t*max ) ð8Þ
in the above equation is the combustion factor and can
0:5\t*max \2:0 : Tg = Tmax  250 (3  t*max )
be determined from the test. It is, however, assumed to ð9Þ
be 0.80 for most cellulosic materials. The value of dq1 (t*  t*max )
changes from 1.10 for small compartments (up to t*max .2:0 : Tg = Tmax  250 (t*  t*max ) ð10Þ
25 m2) to 2.13 for very large compartments (up to
10,000 m2). The value of dq2 varies in a range from When the fire is fuel-controlled, the O and G factors
0.78 to 1.66 such that the lower boundary is used for in equations 5 and 6 over the heating phase are modi-
compartments with a lower fire risk (such as swimming fied using equations 11 and 12
pools), and the upper boundary is used for compart-
ments with a higher fire risk (such as chemical stores). Olim = 0:1 3 qt, d =tlim ð11Þ
For the cases studied here, the values of dq1 and dq2 are 2 2
G = (Olim =b) =(0:04=1160) ð12Þ
considered to be 1.50 and 1.00, respectively. The values
of dn are shown in Table 1. The above information shows that a design fire may
After deciding on the design fire, the variations of change based on the following factors:
time versus temperature during the heating phase are
determined using equations 3–6 (a) The b factor changing from 100 to 2200
J/m2 s0.5 K;
Tg = 20 + 1325(1  0:324e0:2t*  0:204e1:7t*  0:472e19t* ) (b) The opening factor (O) changing from 0.02 to
ð3Þ 0.20;
(c) The characteristic fire load density (qf,k)
t* = Gt, t*max = Gtmax ð4Þ changing from 120 to 1800 MJ/m2.
G = (O=b)2 =(0:04=1160)2 ð5Þ (d) The firefighting facilities (dn) changing from a
minimum value of 0.17, where the building is
Av heq fully fire-protected, to a maximum value of
O= ð6Þ 3.38, where there are no firefighting facilities
inside or outside the building. When the inter-
where heq is the weighted average of openings’ heights. nal and external firefighting facilities are sepa-
The longest duration of the heating phase, that is, rately involved, this gives a minimum and
tmax, is accounted for using equation 7 or tlim, which- maximum value of 0.27 and 1.0 for d1-5 and a
ever is greater. The value of tlim is defined based on the minimum and maximum value of 0.61 and
growth rate of the fire varying from 15 min, when the 3.38 for d6-10 respectively.
4 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Table 2. A 25 factorial design for creating fire curves.

Fire curve Qualitative expression Quantitative expression

b O qf,k d1-5 d6-10 b O qf,k d1-5 d6-10

1 – – – – – 100 0.02 120 0.27 0.61

2 + – – – – 2200 0.02 120 0.27 0.61
3 – + – – – 100 0.2 120 0.27 0.61
4 + + – – – 2200 0.2 120 0.27 0.61
5 – – + – – 100 0.02 1800 0.27 0.61
6 + – + – – 2200 0.02 1800 0.27 0.61
7 – + + – – 100 0.2 1800 0.27 0.61
8 + + + – – 2200 0.2 1800 0.27 0.61
9 – – – + – 100 0.02 120 1.0 0.61
10 + – – + – 2200 0.02 120 1.0 0.61
11 – + – + – 100 0.2 120 1.0 0.61
12 + + – + – 2200 0.2 120 1.0 0.61
13 – – + + – 100 0.02 1800 1.0 0.61
14 + – + + – 2200 0.02 1800 1.0 0.61
15 – + + + – 100 0.2 1800 1.0 0.61
16 + + + + – 2200 0.2 1800 1.0 0.61
17 – – – – + 100 0.02 120 0.27 3.38
18 + – – – + 2200 0.02 120 0.27 3.38
19 – + – – + 100 0.2 120 0.27 3.38
20 + + – – + 2200 0.2 120 0.27 3.38
21 – – + – + 100 0.02 1800 0.27 3.38
22 + – + – + 2200 0.02 1800 0.27 3.38
23 – + + – + 100 0.2 1800 0.27 3.38
24 + + + – + 2200 0.2 1800 0.27 3.38
25 – – – + + 100 0.02 120 1.0 3.38
26 + – – + + 2200 0.02 120 1.0 3.38
27 – + – + + 100 0.2 120 1.0 3.38
28 + + – + + 2200 0.2 120 1.0 3.38
29 – – + + + 100 0.02 1800 1.0 3.38
30 + – + + + 2200 0.02 1800 1.0 3.38
31 – + + + + 100 0.2 1800 1.0 3.38
32 + + + + + 2200 0.2 1800 1.0 3.38

It is understood that combining different values of even very extreme conditions. This approach is named
the above factors can result in an unlimited number of two-level factorial design (TLFD; Box et al., 2005).
design fires to create. There are two different Using the TLFD method in structural analysis is of
approaches, deterministic and probabilistic, that can vital importance since, on one hand, it does not require
be employed to create a design fire via which the struc- numerous possibilities to consider for the variables
tural robustness can then be evaluated. Using a deter- while, on the other hand, it determines a promising
ministic approach, the structural fire analysis is direction for further required calculations. Here, using
performed under determined values of the abovemen- the TLFD method, the possible fire curves that might
tioned factors. The deterministic approach is often be produced are 2k=5 = 32 (k includes b, O, qf,k, d1-5,
used for evaluation or design of a structure when all d6-10). Mathematical studies have also indicated that a
specifications are known in advance. When a probabil- half-replicated runs, that is, 2k=4, can also cover the
istic approach is used, possible combinations of the necessary calculations. Here, first full runs of 2k=5 are
above factors are considered. This approach is hence performed. It is then shown that some runs are repeti-
very useful for predicting the structural response under tive and can be omitted from the analysis. For the
possible scenarios. abovementioned factors, 32 possibilities for the fire
A functional application of the probabilistic-based curves are shown in Table 2. In the table, the lower
approach arises when only the lower and upper bound- and upper boundaries of the five factors are presented
aries of the mentioned factors are involved. In that qualitatively by plus and minus signs, and quantita-
case, the structural robustness can be controlled under tively with their minimum and maximum variables.
Behnam 5

Figure 1. The (a) structural plan and (b) 3D views of the regular structure (L = 5500 and 7000 mm).

Analytical models The thermal expansion coefficient of steel is assumed

to be 12 3 10–6/°C.
The above methodology is now applied to three cases
It is assumed that the emissivity of the concrete is
studied, as introduced hereafter. First, a steel moment
0.7, the coefficient of convection between concrete
resisting regular structure, as a generic model that com-
and air is 35 W/m2 K, thermal conductivity is
prises seven stories with equal height of H = 3200 mm
1.33 W/m K, and specific heat is 1000 J/kg K. For the
and three equal spans of L = 5500 mm over the both
thermal properties of the insulation material, it is
directions, is designed based on ASCE (American
assumed that the thermal conductivity is 0.1 W/m K,
Society of Civil Engineers) code for gravity and seismic
the specific heat is 900 J/kg K, the dry specific mass is
loads (ASCE, 2017), with a peak ground acceleration
550 kg/m3, the coefficient of convection is 35 W/
(PGA) of 0.35 g. The structure is loaded for the load
m2 K, and the emissivity is 0.8. The structural compo-
combinations of 7.0-kPa dead load and 2.0-kPa live
nents are fireproofed to resist a 120 min ISO834 fire as
load. Calculating the earthquake load, a combination
mentioned in Holicky et al. (2005). The insulation
of 100% dead load and 20% live load is used in order
thickness is determined in a way that after 120-min fire
to find the required mass. Two geometric irregularities
exposure, the surface temperature does not exceed
(as explained earlier) are then imposed on the regular
550ºC. This gives a 20-mm insulation thickness on the
structure by changing the horizontal and vertical
columns surfaces. The external surface of the external
dimensions to make irregular structures. As well, in
order to monitor the effect of different span lengths on columns is not insulated, as the external surface is not
the structural responses, the above process is repeated directly exposed to the fire flames and it is assumed
for new span lengths of 7000 mm. For the regular that no traveling fire would occur between stories.
structures with span lengths of 5500 and 7000 mm, the Similarly, an insulation material with a thickness of
load to capacity ratio of the members changes respec- 23 mm is considered on the beam surfaces, excluding
tively in a range of 0.39 to 0.51, and 0.50 to 0.73. The the top side as it is protected by the concrete slab.
views and properties of the designed regular and irre- Figure 3 shows the cross-sections of C1 and B1 under
gular structures are presented in Figures 1 and 2, the 120-min fire exposure. To monitor the variations
respectively. In all of the structures, the floors are made of temperature inside the concrete slab, it is also mod-
of normal weight siliceous concrete, with a density of eled and included in the thermal analysis.
2400 kg/m3 and a thickness of 100 mm. The external Based on the information given in Table 2, the pos-
walls are made of standard bricks with a density of sible fire scenarios are now created for the span lengths
1800 kg/m3. The steel elements are designed using steel of 5500 and 7000 mm, as summarized respectively in
profiles with the yield stress of 240 MPa. In the slab, Tables 3 and 4. The fire curves are concurrently
the yield stress in the rebars is 300 MPa, and the com- applied to the spans of the first story; hence, no non-
pressive strength in the concrete is 24 MPa. Poisson’s uniform temperature distribution—horizontally or
ratio for the steel is 0.30, and for the concrete is 0.23. vertically—is considered. It is worth mentioning that,
6 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Figure 2. Specifications of the cases studied (dimensions are in mm): (a) the regular structure (RS), (b) the setback irregular
structure (SB), and (c) the soft-story irregular structure (SS).
C1: HE500A; C2: HE400A; C3: HE300A—B1: IPE500; B2: IPE400; B3: IPE300.

Figure 3. The cross-sections of B1 and C1 under the 120-min ISO834 fire: variations of temperature in (a) B1 and (b) C1.

as pointed out in EC1, the design fire load density qt,d the fire curves of 21, 22, 23, and 24, respectively. Thus,
has to be limited between 50 and 1000 MJ/m2, even in order to avoid repetition, the fire curves which are
though the determined value is less or more than these used over the analyses were reduced to 24, with their
limits. As well, when the fires are fuel-controlled, information given in Tables 3 and 4. Some of the fire
required modifications shall be made on G factor and curves are also shown in Figure 4 to better visualize the
accordingly on tmax. These limitations and modifica- variations of the gas temperature versus time. It is
tions have all been considered in the information given worth mentioning that the total areas of the regular
in the tables. structures and the soft-story structure are not identical,
Referring to Table 2, the calculations showed that because the first story height in the soft-story structures
the fire curves of 9, 10, 11, and 12 were identical to the is greater than in the regular structures. Therefore,
fire curves of 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Similarly, required differences should be made on the fire curves
the fire curves of 29, 30, 31, and 32 were identical to of the regular structures with the soft-story structures.
Behnam 7

Table 3. Design parameters for the cases studied with span length of 5500 mm.

Fire curve qf,d qt,d G tmax t*max Tmax ttotal

1 23.7 50 33.64 0.5 16.82 1330 2.60

2 23.7 50 0.069 0.5 0.034 340.7 1.06
3 23.7 50 18.96 0.333 6.313 1223 2.28
4 23.7 50 0.039 0.333 0.013 164 0.57
5 355.7 200.2 33.64 2.002 67.37 1345 7.30
6 355.7 200.2 0.069 2.002 0.139 669 4.60
7 355.7 200.2 304.24 0.333 101.31 1345 2.45
8 355.7 200.2 0.628 0.333 0.209 732 1.47
9 1317.6 741.8 33.64 7.418 249.54 1345 12.7
10 1317.6 741.8 0.069 7.418 0.515 845 10.7
11 1317.6 741.8 3364 0.741 2495.44 1345 3.10
12 1317.6 741.8 6.950 0.741 5.155 1191 2.83
13 131.4 73.9 33.64 0.739 24.88 1342 3.10
14 131.4 73.9 0.069 0.739 0.051 437 1.50
15 131.4 73.9 41.51 0.333 13.82 1317 2.42
16 131.4 73.9 0.085 0.333 0.028 297 0.78
17 1971.2 1000 33.64 10 336.4 1345 15.3
18 1971.2 1000 0.069 10 0.695 888 13.4
19 1971.2 1000 3364 1 3364 1345 3.65
20 1971.2 1000 6.950 1 6.950 1238 3.43
21 486.7 274.0 33.64 2.740 92.18 1345 8.00
22 486.7 274.0 0.069 2.740 0.190 719 5.48
23 486.7 274.0 569.48 0.333 189.63 1345 2.45
24 486.7 274.0 1.176 0.333 0.391 808 1.60

Table 4. Design parameters for the cases studied with span length of 7000 mm.

Fire curve qf,d qt,d G tmax t*max Tmax ttotal

1 23.7 50 33.64 0.5 16.82 1330 2.83

2 23.7 50 0.069 0.5 0.034 340 1.15
3 23.7 50 18.960 0.333 6.313 1223 2.48
4 23.7 50 0.039 0.333 0.013 164 0.62
5 355.7 200.2 33.64 2.209 74.31 1345 7.95
6 355.7 200.2 0.069 2.209 0.153 686 5.01
7 355.7 200.2 304.24 0.333 101.31 1345 2.67
8 355.7 200.2 0.628 0.333 0.209 732 1.60
9 1317.6 741.8 33.64 8.182 275.25 1345 13.84
10 1317.6 741.8 0.069 8.182 0.568 859 11.66
11 1317.6 741.8 3364 0.818 2752.52 1345 3.37
12 1317.6 741.8 6.950 0.818 5.687 1207 3.08
13 131.4 73.9 33.64 0.816 27.45 1343 3.37
14 131.4 73.9 0.069 0.816 0.056 462 1.63
15 131.4 73.9 41.51 0.333 13.82 1317 2.63
16 131.4 73.9 0.085 0.333 0.028 297 0.85
17 1971.2 1000 33.64 10 336.4 1345 16.67
18 1971.2 1000 0.069 10 0.695 888 14.60
19 1971.2 1000 3364 1 3364 1345 3.97
20 1971.2 1000 6.950 1 6.950 1238 3.73
21 486.7 274.0 33.64 3.022 101.67 1345 8.72
22 486.7 274.0 0.069 3.022 0.210 732 5.97
23 486.7 274.0 569.48 0.333 189.63 1345 2.67
24 486.7 274.0 1.176 0.333 0.391 808 1.74
8 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

The following explanation may further clarify the

advantages of using the stress–strain law failure criter-
ion. There are two prescriptive-based and
performance-based failure criteria that are widely dis-
seminated by codes. Prescriptive-based failure criteria,
although simple to use, are very superficial and cannot
act as a reliable failure reference (ASTME 119-01,
2001). When using performance-based failure criteria,
the nonlinearity specifications of the materials are
involved during the analysis; hence, the results are
much more reliable (Kodur and Dwaikat, 2007). Most
Figure 4. The variations of temperature versus time for the performance-based failure criteria point to the mid-
cases studied with span length of 5500 mm. span or the rate of deflection of beams and the rate of
lateral displacement of columns (Beyler et al., 2007).
These failure criteria are based on some simplified
Nevertheless, the differences are not considerable in assumptions; hence, they cannot be generalized to a
the cases here, and they are ignored for simplicity. wide range of structural systems. However, when the
stress–strain law is employed, the results are even more
reliable, because the stress in any fiber can never go
Analysis results beyond the temperature-dependent material strength.
Hence, sectional failure is routinely discovered. When
The cases studied and the methodology were explained the cases are being analyzed, it is assumed that the
in the previous sections. The fire curves used to investi- connections are ideally rigid and it is expected that
gate the cases studied were also determined in the pre- they are able to transfer the internal forces until the
vious section. Here, the cases are analyzed using global failure occurs. As well, in order to maximize the
SAFIRÒ (Franssen and Gernay, 2017), a finite accuracy of the results’ convergence, a short-time step
element–based package which has been exclusively of Dt = 0.5 sec is defined over the analysis.
developed to investigate the responses of structures Here, the structural analyses are performed on
under fire, though it is also capable of handling struc- Frame 2 from the structure shown in Figure 1(a),
tural analysis under ambient temperature. All of the which represents a 2D planner model. While 3D mod-
thermal and mechanical characteristics of steel and els can provide detailed information about the struc-
concrete are based on Eurocodes 2 and 3 (EN-1992-1- tural response under fire, studies have indicated that
1, 2004; EN-1993-1-2, 2005). results from 2D framed models are also reliable to a
To start modeling, the cross-sections of the struc- large extent (Flint, 2005; Quiel and Garlock, 2008a,
tural components are meshed into well-scaled quadran- 2008b; Röben et al., 2010; Usmani, 2005). This is also
gular fibers, and are then subjected to the fire curves, worth noting that 2D models do not capture the possi-
in order to store the temporal and spatial distributions ble load redistributions through the slab (e.g. tensile
of temperature inside the sections. It is worth noting membrane action) which in turn can enhance the fire
that the thermal and mechanical characteristics of the structural response. This can be concluded that results
materials introduced are all assigned to every fiber. of 2D models may even be conservative than those of
Therefore, the stress–strain material law is solved for 3D models.
all fibers. To create the longitudinal discretization of Table 5 shows results of the analyses under the
the structural members, the Bernoulli beam-type ele- determined fire curves. The results indicate that the
ments (Irschik, 1991) with three nodes and six degrees- regular structures with span lengths of 5500 and
of-freedom are used. Large displacements and P-D 7000 mm are able to meet the required FRR of 2.0 hr
effects are considered, through co-rotational transfor- under all of the fire scenarios. This means that the reg-
mation of the geometric stiffness matrix. The analyses ular structures are robust enough, even under very
are run until the software is not able to find equili- extreme loading scenarios, for example, scenarios 9,
brium for the structure. This is graphically shown when 10, and 17. It is worth noting that in some of the fire
an asymptote is seen in the horizontal or vertical dis- scenarios, no collapse (NC) was observed throughout
placement versus time in a benchmark node in either a the analyses, as shown in the table. Therefore, the EPF
beam or in a column. As well, since all of the fibers can be employed for regular structures with a
conform to the material’s nonlinearity, the asymptote high degree of surety, and when all of the possible
implicitly represents the failure of the structure. combinations of the effective factors are considered
Behnam 9

Table 5. Results of structural fire analyses.

Fire curve FRR of the structures with span length of 5500 mm FRR of the structures with span length of 7000 mm

5 132.6 100.7 110.0 118.0 85.9 93.8
6 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 88.3 96.5
9 127.5 96.9 105.8 115.0 82.3 89.9
10 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 85.9 96.5
11 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 85.9 96.5
12 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 85.9 96.5
13 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 85.9 96.5
17 127.5 96.9 105.8 114.0 81.1 89.9
18 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 85.9 96.5
19 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 85.9 96.5
20 155.5 103.9 113.6 135.2 85.9 96.5
21 127.5 96.9 105.8 115.0 85.9 89.9
22 155.5 96.9 105.8 135.2 82.3 89.9

FRR: fire resistance rating; NC: no collapse; RS: regular structure; SB: setback irregular structure; SS: soft-story irregular structure.

(see Table 2). In the regular structure with the span factors can lead to critical scenarios. The table also
length of 7000 mm, there are a few scenarios under indicates that the structural vulnerability in the setback
which the required FRR is not met, but the insufficien- irregular structures is greater than in the soft-story
cies are not considerable (2 ’ 5%) and can be ignored irregular structures. This can pertain to the non-
(see scenarios 5, 9, 17, and 21). It should be mentioned uniform distribution of loads in the setback irregular
here that in the current study, the structural responses structures, where the columns are assigned different
are only monitored for the fire duration based on the load ratios (as shown in Figure 5).
information of Tables 3 and 4 and not for long after The collapse modes of the irregular structures are
the temperature has returned to ambient. While inves- also important. As an example, Figure 6 shows the col-
tigating this new scenario is also of paramount impor- lapse modes of the setback and soft-story irregular
tance, it is not within the scopes defined for the structures subject to scenario 5. The results of the anal-
current study. There are yet studies that have exclu- yses show that in all of the setback structures, both
sively addressed response of structures over the cooling mid-span deflection of beams and lateral deflection of
phase (e.g. Behnam, 2018; Gernay and Gamba, 2018). columns are considerable, but overall these structures
On the other hand, the results show that the irregu- would tend to collapse laterally. In the soft-story struc-
lar structures are unable to meet their required FRR tures, the results show that the collapse mode is highly
under any of the fire scenarios. The table shows that in dominated by the mid-span deflection of beams; hence,
more than 50% of the fire scenarios, the FRRs of the these structures would collapse inwardly. The collapse
irregular structures are much lower than required. In fashion in the setback irregular structures is of para-
addition, it is understood that while the span length mount importance since, after a lateral collapse, adja-
increases, the FRR decreases even further. The results cent buildings could also be placed in danger.
show that under scenarios 5, 9, 17, and 22, the FRRs As well, both setback and soft-story structures are
of the irregular structures are minimized. This means faced with a progressive collapse scenario. In the set-
that the minimum FRR is not necessarily achieved back irregular structure shown in Figure 6(a), there
when all five of the introduced factors are at their are three columns that have buckled at the end of the
maximum value; rather, other combinations of these analysis, where the numerical simulation is no longer
10 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

(a) (b)
Figure 5. Axial forces diagrams in the irregular structures under only the gravity loads: (a) the setback structure and (b) the
soft-story structure.

Figure 6. The collapse shape of the irregular structures with span length of 5500 mm subject to scenario 5: the collapse shape of
(a) the setback irregular structure and (b) the soft-story irregular structure.

able to find a new equilibrium and loads cannot find Figures 7 and 8 show the axial forces and bending
an alternative load path to redistribute. In the same moments in the beams and columns of the setback and
vein, both of the internal columns in the soft-story soft-story structures at the end of the analyses. In
structure (Figure 6(b)) have buckled, leading to the Figure 7(a), catenary action and arch effect can be
beams in the first story becoming unable to carry their seen in the second story. As well, due to buckling and
applied loads; hence, a progressive collapse can be pulling of the columns, considerable positive
triggered. bending moments develop in the beams, as shown in
Figure 7(b). Similarly, in Figure 8(a), catenary action
Behnam 11

N < 0 (Compression)
N > 0 (Tension)

(a) (b)
Figure 7. The axial and bending moment diagram in the setback structure with span length of 5500 mm subject to scenario 5:
(a) the axial force and (b) the bending moment.

N < 0 (Compression)
N > 0 (Tension)

(a) (b)
Figure 8. The axial and bending moment diagram in the soft-story structure with span length of 5500 mm subject to scenario 5: (a)
the axial force and (b) the bending moment.

and arch effect can be seen in the second story of the Discussion and suggestion
soft-story structure at the end of the analysis. Figure
The above results indicate that vulnerability to fire in
8(b) shows that due to the buckling of the middle col-
irregular structures is much greater than in regular
umns and the fact that they are unable to tolerate their
structures. This is particularly the case in setback irre-
bending moments, the external columns are assigned
gular structures, where loads are not equally distribu-
further bending moments that are beyond their bend-
ted between structural members, causing these
ing capacity.
12 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Figure 9. The FRRs of the irregular cases studied: the irregular structures with span length of (a) 5500 mm and (b) 7000 mm.

structures to collapse laterally. To provide a better (Figure 3). It is hence understood that additional insu-
understanding of the results, Figure 9 summarizes the lation can further decrease the surface temperature
FRRs of the irregular cases studied. In the figure, and thereby increase the FRR. This aim can be
the horizontal and vertical axes respectively represent reached via a trial-and-error process. Here, providing
the number of fire scenarios and the fire durations. 9 mm of further insulation on the beams and a 7 mm
The dashed line shows the required FRR (which is further insulation on the columns reduces the surface
here 2.0 hr). The FRRs of the setback and soft-story temperature to 415°C and 460°C, respectively. Results
structures (with span lengths of 5500 and 7000 mm) of the thermal analyses are shown in Figure 10.
are also shown in Figure 9(a) and (b). It is seen that The structural fire analyses are now re-performed
FRRs of the setback irregular structures may decline for the fire scenarios where the irregular structures
further to 45% of the required FRR. In the same vein, were unable to meet the required FRR of 2 hr. The
reduction in the FRRs of the soft-story structures may results are shown in Table 6.
drop to 33% of the requirement. This reveals that As seen in the table, the new FRRs have risen to
there should be different FRRs requirements for regu- acceptable levels. For those FRRs which are still lower
lar and irregular structures—while important, this than 2 hr, the insufficiencies are not considerable and
point has not as yet been addressed by fire codes. can be ignored. As a tentative strategy to reduce the
To address the above deficiency, FRRs of the irre- failure vulnerability of irregular structures subject to
gular structures should be increased so that the natural fires, the surface temperature of the structural
required resistance is met. For the cases studied here, members should be limited to a range between 415°C
based on a 20-mm insulation thickness for the col- and 460°C. In other words, in order to meet the
umns, and a 23-mm insulation thickness for the required FRRs in irregular structures, it is a functional
beams, the surface temperature was limited to 550ºC suggestion to increase the thickness of insulation
Behnam 13

Figure 10. The variations of temperature in B1 and C1 based on new configuration of the insulation material and under the
120 min ISO834 fire: variations of temperature in (a) B1 and (b) C1.

Table 6. Results of the structural fire analyses for the irregular structures based on new configuration of the insulation material.

Fire FRR of the setback and soft-story structures FRR of the setback and soft-story structures
curve with span length of 5500 mm with span length of 7000 mm

5 121.8 133.1 118.5 129.4

6 125.7 137.4 121.8 133.1
9 117.2 128.0 113.5 124.0
10 125.7 137.4 118.5 133.1
11 125.7 137.4 118.5 133.1
12 125.7 137.4 118.5 133.1
13 125.7 137.4 118.5 133.1
17 117.2 128.0 112.0 124.0
18 125.7 137.4 118.5 133.1
19 125.7 137.4 118.5 133.1
20 125.7 137.4 118.5 133.1
21 117.2 128.0 118.5 124.0
22 117.2 128.0 113.5 124.0

FRR: fire resistance rating; SB: setback irregular structure; SS: soft-story irregular structure.

materials by 20%–25% over what is employed for monitor the structural response of regular and irregu-
regular structures. lar structures to fire. Accordingly, a seven-story
moment resisting structure, with three span lengths of
5500 mm over the both directions and a story height
Summary and conclusion of 3200 mm, was first designed for gravity and seismic
This article investigated the structural response of reg- loads. Then, two geometric irregularities were imposed
ular and irregular structures subject to natural fires on the regular structure to make it setback irregular
based on the methodology stipulated in EC1. As many and soft-story irregular. As well, in order to monitor
factors contribute to the severity and duration of natu- the effect of different span lengths on the structural
ral fires, a probabilistic-based approach, known as response, the above steps were repeated for span
TLFD, was used to simulate possible fire scenarios. lengths of 7000 mm. All of the structural members
Using combinations of minimum and maximum values were then insulated to meet a 2.0-hr FRR, based on
of the factors involved in natural fires, 32 curves were the standard fire curve of ISO834. To do this, the sur-
created. These fire curves were then employed to face temperature of the members was limited to 550°C.
14 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

A series of structural fire analyses were then per- order to deepen understanding into response of struc-
formed on the regular and irregular structures sub- tures under fire.
jected to the 32 fire curves. The results showed that,
under all of the fire scenarios, both of the regular Declaration of Conflicting Interests
structures were able to meet the required FRR.
However, the irregular structures were unable to meet The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
the required FRR under all of the fire scenarios. It was
also observed that setback irregular structures were
even more vulnerable to fire than soft-story structures.
Two types of structural collapse had been expected to Funding
occur during the fire analyses: an inward collapse, The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
where the collapse was mainly due to considerable authorship, and/or publication of this article.
mid-span deflection of beams, and a lateral collapse,
where the collapse was mainly governed by lateral ORCID iD
deflection of columns. The results indicated that all of
the collapsed setback irregular structures tended to Behrouz Behnam
collapse laterally, while the soft-story structures tended
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Behnam 15

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