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M5: Chap.8 Lec.

Chapter 8 PV Solar Energy


Cheng-xian Lin
• Unless sources are specified, the numbers for
Sections, Figures, Tables, Equations,
Examples, and the Nomenclature are those
used in:
– Chapter 5 of the textbook
– Materials by the instructor
Table of Contents
• I-V characteristic addition and generator
• PV performance with shading
• Simple temperature model for PV modules
5.7.3 I-V characteristic addition and
generator interconnecting
• Individual modules’ characteristics have to be added to get
the I-V characteristics of the PV generator
• In series connection of the modules:
– the voltage contributions Vij of the modules i of the string j
concerned are added at a common current, which is limited by
the short circuit current of the worst module
• In parallel interconnecting of the strings:
– the generator characteristic results from adding the respective
string currents Ij at a given voltage between zero and the string
Example 5.5

PMPP/VMPP = 53/17.4 = 3.05

IMPP,string × VMPP,string = 69.6 × 27.45 = 1910 W

Example 5.15
Figure 5.16
5.8 PV performance with shading
• If individual cells of a module are shaded, they produce a lower photocurrent than the
unshaded cells, with the small photocurrent of the shaded cells limiting the total
• The high photocurrents produced by the unshaded cells can be let through only within
the backward voltage area of the shaded cells, with the shaded cells taking up power
• The breakdown voltage (VBr) marks the backward voltage of a diode, at which an
exponential current rise takes place. The power dissipation in the shaded cell can
become so high locally that the cell and plastic encapsulation are damaged
• The characteristic of a solar cell within the backward voltage area by an extension term
in the one or two-diode model:

α: empirical fit parameter

m: exponent
Figure 5.17
Figure 5.18
• To reduce the high negative voltages and the power uptake,
bypass diodes with reverse current passage direction are switched
parallel to the photoelectric cells, ideally one bypass diode per
solar cell.
Figure 5.19
5.9 Simple temperature model for PV

At usual module temperature of 50oC:

Average power loss coefficients: 0.3 - 0.4% per Kelvin
Performance decrease up to: 7.5 – 10%
Simple energy balance in steady
Thermal loss by radiation:
Long-wave radiation exchange between the module front and the sky, and the
module rear and the ground:
Thermal loss by convection:
Module front: forced convection (c) by wind (w) forces
Module rear: free laminar or turbulent convection

A simplified common heat transmission coefficient hc:

The complete energy balance can
be described as:

The above equation needs to be solved iteratively.

Example 5.6
First and Second Iterations

(Pel and therefore ηel decrease linearly with TPV, from TSTC)
Third Iteration
Thank You!

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