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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by 2030

(Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education for Sustainable Development & Nation-building)

College of Industrial Technology (63)34-712-0420 local 120


Name: Adrian S. Camasosa Date: Jan. 17, 2022
Activity No. 4__

1. Essay: How computer parts and units relate each other?

- Every component of a computer is responsible for a certain function, and they all
work together to run the computer. Any of these parts might fail, causing your computer to
fail. The computer system unit's major duty is to keep all of the other components together
and shield the delicate electronic components from the elements. A standard computer casing
is also big enough to accommodate upgrades like a second hard drive or a better graphic card.
Opening up a computer system unit to repair parts and apply updates is quite simple. In
comparison, opening a laptop computer that was not intended with replacements and
upgrades in mind is fairly difficult. It's worth noting that the monitor, keyboard, and mouse
are rarely found within the system unit arrangement.

2. EXPLAIN: Differentiate a desktop computer from a Laptop in terms of parts or


-The most visible difference between a laptop and a desktop computer is the size. A
laptop is a single system that includes a hard drive, a disk drive, a monitor, a wireless
modem, a keyboard, and a mouse, and it folds neatly to fit into a carrying case. The only
other item that is frequently required is a power cord with an adapter connected. A tower is a
big rectangular box that houses a desktop computer. The computer system's hardware is
contained in the box. To properly utilize a PC, an external monitor, keyboard, mouse, and
wireless network are frequently required. Another distinction is the manner a laptop and
desktop computer system are fueled. A laptop is powered by a battery that can be recharged.
To recharge the battery, the user must often plug the laptop into a power source. The laptop
can only be used until the battery dies, at which point the owner must connect it in to a power

3. In your own point of view, what do you think is the most important unit/parts of
a computer? Support your response.

- The central processing unit (CPU), often known as a microprocessor, is the most
crucial of these components. It serves as your computer's "brain." Random access memory
(RAM) is another component that saves information for the CPU to utilize when the
computer is turned on. Cables link almost every other component of your computer to the
system unit. These components include things like a mouse, keyboard, printer, monitor,
external Zip drive, or scanner, as well as internal components like a CD-ROM drive, CD-R
drive, or internal modem. The standard CPU and graphics processing chip (GPU) are

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by 2030

(Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education for Sustainable Development & Nation-building)

College of Industrial Technology (63)34-712-0420 local 120


combined into an accelerated processing unit (APU) in new and compact laptop computers
(APU). In modern computers, these chips are frequently linked to the motherboard.


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