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Enclosure 2 to Division Memorandum No.

126 s, 2021



Grade Level and Subjects Taught: Grade 7

School: Desiderio C. Gange NHS District: Sibunag I

A. Instructions: List down your experiences (positive and negative) as you conducted the
Modular Distance Learning in SY 2020-2021 as Homeroom Adviser and Subject Teacher.
Beside each experience ,list down the lessons that you have learned.


1. Learning continues despite of challenges. 1. Provision of government laptop is a must
for every teacher.

2.Overtime and jeopardizing our personal 2. Procurement of heavy duty printers for
laptop and printers. laptop for massive printing.

3. Strengthen partnership among 3. Parent/LGU barangay and other

stakeholders. stakeholders’ partnership must be sustained
B .Instructions: List down the challenges that you encountered as you conducted the Modular
Distance Learning in SY 2020-2021 as a Homeroom Adviser and Subject Teacher. Beside
each challenge, list down the actions that you did to address the challenges.


1. The reproduction of 1:1 ratio of modules 1. Clustering of modules per sitio/ rotational
per learner schedule
2. Delayed delivery of printed modules. 2. Printed copies of modules with available
soft copy
3. Sustainability of printing resources 3. Bought some supplies using personal
4. Commitment of parents and learners on 4. Regular communication through fb,
the learning modality messenger and limited face to face with the
observance of proper health protocol
5. No available soft copy of some modules
and LAS 5. Asked for soft copy of modules and LAS
6. Delayed return of modules and LAS from other teachers in nearby schools
during the carousel scheme of distribution 6. Kept on reminding the parents and
7. Too many answer sheets to check guardians to return the modules on time
7. Go overtime in checking the answer sheets

C.Instructions: Considering your Experiences, Lessons Learned, Challenges Encountered,

and Actions Undertaken, list down your Recommendations for SY 2021-2022 as you
continue the conduct of Modular Distance Learning.

1. Printed modules must be delivered ahead of time by the SDO to the field;
2. Soft copies of LR’s must be given ahead of time in word format by the SDO as well as
the final information or mandate to the field so as not to create confusion among others.
3. SDO must procure printing machine for printing so not to wait for the availability of
printing press
4. Responsible parenthood needs to be strengthen so parents will take their responsibility in
the education of their child.

Prepared by:

Teacher’s Signature Over Printed Name

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