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Mid-Term Examination

MBA in Food and Agri Business Management

1st Semester
Academic Year 2021-22
Course Name: - Human Resource Management (HRM)
Time Duration: 60 Minutes Max. Marks: 40


i. Answer all questions. Marks allocated to each question are mentioned in parenthesis
alongside the question.
ii. Please write to the point answers. Mark allocation is not representative of the volume of
the answer.
iii. All Question carries equal marks- (10 x 4 = 40 Marks)

Q1. Suppose a key employee has just resigned and you are the Sales Manager. After you have
sent your request to Personnel Department for a replacement, how could you help the recruiter
find the best replacement? 10 Marks

Q2. One of the common reasons for not conducting job analysis is the substantial cost. Write the
job description for a Sales Manager of a Retail Firm. Head Quartered in New Delhi. 10 Marks

Q3. What are the internal and external factors that influence on organization’s recruitment
strategy? What are the hiring practices for an entry level and mid level executive? What is the
relationship of a “position” to a “job” and a “job” to a “job family”? 10 Marks

Q4. Case Study – Answer Any One Question (10 Marks) -

When qualified applicants are scarce, recruiting become extremely competitive, particularly
when two companies go after the same candidate, as often happens in the case of searching for a
professional. After interviewing three shortlisted candidates, a high tech company, Company X
made an offer to one and advised the other two candidates that they were unsuccessful. The
successful candidate was given one week to consider the offer. The candidate asked for the
week’s extension to consider the offer but was granted only an additional three days. At the end
of the time period, the candidate verbally accepted the offer and was sent a contract to sign.
Rather than returning the signed contract, the candidate informed Company X that he had
accepted a position at Company Y. He had received the second offer after verbally accepting the
first position at Company X. The second company knew that the candidate had verbally accepted
the Company X’s offer. Before accepting Company Y’s offer, the candidate had consulted a
respected mentor who advised him to ignore his verbal commitment to Company X and to accept
Company Y’s offer. There were no substantial differences in the salaries being offered by each
company or in the work that each would expect the candidate to perform. The candidate simply
saw Company Y as the most prestigious of the two company.

1. Did the candidate act in an appropriate manner? How can situation like this be avoided?
2. OR 2. Describe what Company X should have done to maintain the candidate’s interest
in the position. What would you have done if you had been in the candidate’s position?

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