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oFFicE oF THE ExEcuTrvE ENGINEER Authority

No: - 211/EE/ND/R&B/KMD A/WR- 48/20-21 Date:- 22/02/2021


The Group General Manager, i :.1,: .< 2 1
Highway division, Kolkata Office.
69, G.C Avenue, (4 th Floor), Kol-13

a) Vetting of methodology and checking technical specification on the demolition

Ref:-1) LOA N0:53/SE/R&B/C-I/KMD A/W-466 DATE:27.01.2021

2) COST WORTH: 0.25Cr (excluding GST extra as applicable) as per LOA.

With reference to the above, I am inform you that you are engaged for the work of "VETTING
WORKS OF VIVEKANANDA ROAD FLYOVER" cost worth: 0.25Cr (excluding GST extra
as applicable) as per LOA.. You are now requested to take up the work under the Following
terms and Conditions:-

1. You have to execute and carry out the work as per Terms and condition of the contract
and Technical Specification as per direction of EIC
2. The Works executed as per agreement signed by SE/C-I/R&B/KMDA and the Group
General Manager, RITES LIMITED on 19 th February, 2021

3. You will start the work in consultation with Sri Subhamoy Saha & Sri Avijit Paul
Asstt.Engineer and Sri Sovon Das,Junior Engineer of this Division.

4. You will have to produce a work programme in the form of CPM Network in Bar Chart
each in triplicate for necessary approval of EIC

5. That your offered rate as approved and accepted by Competent Aut~oricy shall_ remain
same till completion of the work and no extra claim on account of pnce escalati~n of

la bour, materials, fuel or establishment during execution of work will be entertained
under any circumstances.

5/v,,.,,_' :5c.!j,t'f> .2)ct,01 bCd<\.}t.f-c

-.r;-, ,rrur E. r-t c, r

l'ka s r no\ c- l h a t an \' c-xc-r ss < 11 ·111 1 it ' ,

\ o 1 ~uppli-11w n t:1r, V, 1,r l,, , , rl,,,,
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.~ ppro\·al fr-0111 U1c co . , , l _'
· lllfWI< nt ,Hlllionty, p ;l V lll('ll l for '> II< h \A r,rl,: ''1 11 ' , 1, •.,- , <; , rrrf

You h a \·c- t o abide b y ot hn t, - l . -

I KJ\10AThi - \ _· < 1msr1nc ,ond1l1onsr1 sv,:nf t c- 11 in t h < f.lJ\ 1ss ,, , : ~,.. Cir.
_ · s Cllci should b e trcntcd as Work onk r ;rncl rc·n ·ip' ()f <;.;-!IT'
· ·
ac r..nowlcdgcd .

Y0Jr<; {a1•h f ; I y.
,:S.~ -: . . - l
Execu ·;,f' F.:- g - ,.r-
North Oi\·ision .R&Bv r •,,- !-.:_ •• ·· \

Memo N o :- 211/ 1(10)/EE/N D/R&B/KM DA/WR- 48 / 20-2 1 Date . 22 O.? 2 02:

Copy forwarded for kind information to the:-
1) Chief Engineer-lI (Bridge) , R&BSector, KMDA.
2) Supe rintending Engineer, R&BC-1, R&B S ector, KMDA .
3) A.C .F.A, R&B, KMDA.
4) Resid ent Audit Officer, KMDA .
5) Sri S .Sa ha & Sri A. Paul , AE /N D/R&B / KMDA.
6) Sri So v on D a s , JE/ND /R&l3/KM DJ\ .
7) The Divi sion a l Accountant , ND/ R&B/KMDA .
8) T h e Com missioner of Income t ax , L.X. 1, 108 , ~tidctlcton l~o.1d . ~ol\....H.\ - 0 ()1._~)
9) The Dy. La bo urCommiss ionc r,Govt . of W .B , G Ch urrll L..11 w. ~L)\k,1u L), 'l(.) l) :
10) Co mmi ssio ner, Sa k s T ax, Be liagh a ta Rund , k.olk.11<1 .

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ii Jr INFRASTRUCTURE PEOPLE ( 3Tcm ~ ; R: cor ·$lfol!frar)

ANISO 9001 COMPANY ':[fGf&:rr.Jf ferarrcrr
CIN-L74899DL197 4GOI007227

mr: R1 TEs111w1K ounD1s .51 RlTES L!Mrr ED

(A Govt. of India Enterpris e)
~ : I0. 12.2020 Highway Division

The Chier Executive Oflieer ,.---;-

Kolkata Metropolit an Development Authority e/l G
~ .fu-u-\'l
Unnayan 13hawn n (3"1Floor)
Kolkata - 700 091 .

~ / d-Je;)c::~1.

~ : Demolition of the Incomplete and Distressed Vivekananda (Posta) Road Flyover and Re-
~v\ ~-
c?nstruction further - Suhmission of Tcchno-Commcrcinl Offer.
~: I) KMDJ\ letter no. 308/CEO/KMDJ\/03/2020 dated 17. 11 .2020.
2) RITES Lcller No. RITES/I IW/KOL/RT330-00043/520 dated 24. I I .2020
3) KMDJ\ Letter No. 329/CEO -0 l/KMDJ\/20 dutcd 08.1 2.2020
This has reference to the above mentio;icd leller and the discussions held with , MIC/U D&MA
PS/UD~_MA, CEO/K~D A and concerned KMD/\ officials regarding the 'Scope of the Services'
Supe:v1s1on of demol1t1on work s and preparation or new Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the work
mentioned above. We have been advised vide KMD/\ letter under ref. J) above, to submit our
Techno-commercial Offer for the followin gs:
A. Vetting of Methodology and Check ing Techni ca l Specification (as in sl. no. I) and 2) of KMDA
letter under ref.3) above);
B. Supervision of the demolition works;
C. Preparation of New DPR and ;
D. Supervision of the re-construction work s.

We are submitting herewith our Tcchno-Commcrcial offer for undertaking the above works as in
ANNEXURE-1. We understand that the Work Order for the works under A, B and C shall be
issued now and the same for works under D shall be iss ued later on.
It is also to be mentioned that a portion of the structure collapsed during casting of deck slab. As such,
the flyover is dangerously living and pass ing through one of the most congested areas in Kolkata.
Several multi-storied building are existing in very close proximity of this flyover. It would thus be a
wise decision on the part of KMDA to engage a reputed firm who shall be able to:
take highest standard of safety measures for all the Personnel involved in the works as well as
for the inhabitants;
plan traffic diversion and subsequent planning of works effectively in consultation with all the
authorities specially Kolkata Police;
take necessary precautions for safety and security of the adjaceni multi-storied buildings and it's
if required, install instruments in the adjacent structures to monitor and control vibration,
produced during demolition works;
mobilise suffici ent mod ern equipments for demolition works and logistics to clear off the area
immedia tely after the phased demoliti on works; the debris shall have to be removed soonest to
clear off the area for which a dumping ground needs to be se lected by the authority prior to the
start of demoliti on works.
~cn:ncecr n e evrrcet-aaYIMit tNt>r.,..-r1z:lfnt1·um 1: nme u11 r ·r • ·•·••~ ~ ~ ~~MW"
Tcchno-commcrcial Offer-Rev RO Page 1
w,titltJf ftf~TJJT cl'irc,fcl,TcfT ~ lfT t.rr.ra ('21gef clcif). 69, ufl' ~ ~ . : I ~ - 7oo O'i 3
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_ - - _ _ l:flGHWAY ..rmllSION,KOLL<A.IA,J ndia..House (4JJil.Loot),..f:.S!_G_.C..A1'.E. NUE,...'-""'
, •• . , c:lb DO i;
~ ~ffELEPH ONE: 2236-7145 /2236-71 47, "/59608~373, f ~ /E-M/.\IL: hwd~ol_n!e~@y ·
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~ffl1!ffTELEPHONE: 0124-2E;i'16 66, q;&~/FAX: 0124-2:i?'l &-SO
rn d Pr r- r '\! d n • S! ;he d!

, l""'1ar, 1hr I h· 1c • I • c-· n()I\ cd • c·,-.rrHTt?'C "' ·h •}; • ,de >, of ..,.,~ ( ;.(.r.

t•,! n .-J, •llh ar,i, ',dm mqr;i•, ,n.

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Thanl 1:1~ ) ou


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l)cmoli1ion of 1hc lnr nmpklc nnd D1~1rc~<.ccl Vi vckannncl~ (Po, 1n) Road I l) nvcr and Rc-
cnns1ruc1irm further • Snhmi~sion of Trchno-Commrrdnl Offer Doc 11111e 111 Ref :
!//TES 1111'D J.. {)/ fl /) .'nl/l'/'r,_,//1• /rtlmn r-,,,,,,,,,,,,,nf 0/Jrr Highway D1v1sion/

/\ portion of the 2.2-km-long (approx.) Vivekananda Road Flyover under construction, collapsed on
31.3 .2016. llrnrsday afternoon at about 12.30 hours. The work was being executed by Mi s CR 18G -
IVRCL (JV) engaged by Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA), the implementing
agency for the work. Concreting works were in progress for the 35m southern side carriageway of
span P40C-P4 I across the Rabindra Sarani during the time of catastrophe. The pier cap over pier
marked P40C buckled and collapsed when the concreting works on the said span P40C-P4 I was
nearing completion. The buckling/bending of pier cap over pier marked P40C triggered the
disintegration of both the carriageway of span P40C- P41 and dislocation of both spans of P39- P40C
and P40C-P41 .
Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA) has engaged Competent Agency to check if
any part of this flyover can be rt:Lained. KMDA now intends to demolish the distressed portion of the
flyover through their nominated agency and re-construction thereafter for which RITES Ltd.,
Highway Division, Kolkata has been nominated as 'Engineering Consultant' by the Government of
West Bengal.
The 'Scope of Services' for the project under different Heads shall have the following activities:
(a) Consultant shall check the methodology of the demolition works proposed and submitted by
the executing agency;
(b) Consultant shall check various Technical Specification of works as per the Agreement
between Client and executing agency;
a) Understand the complexity and impediments those unless rightly addressed, might delay the
completion schedule of the project:
b) Review Contractor's work program;
c) Review drawings and documents;
d) Subletting works
Contractor's proposal 10 sublet any part work shall be discussed "~i~h the Employer,
permission obtained and agreement/disagreement conveyed. Prov1s1on of Contract
Agreement shall be ensured.
c) Order to commence
In consultation with the Employer and in view of intended milestones (if any). Contractor
will he instructed to commence the works and start date(s) reckoned .

r, Chccking ofQAP and QMP (if any);

l' ) S11 j)Crvi~e works during exec ution

Adl,cri1i~ 10 the Technica l Specifications and line & levels, different activities shall be
i11•.r n .il'll ,llld 11 pprpvcd before giving a go ahead.
h) M11 11iu,r rrn1:rc.,, n l wp1~ ag11i11~1 the i111emkd cc,111plctiu11 time:

Vivi::kananda (Pos1a) Road Flyove r and Re- .IT.R ITE S
Demoli1ion of 1he lncom pkle and Dislres sed
Techn o-Com mercia l Offer Documen, Ref:
construction further • Submi ssion of Highw:i y Dinsio ,v
ial Offer
RITES IHWDI KOUB D120201Posta-Techno-Commerc Kolkaia

financial) shall be monitored against the

Progress of work (both weighted physical and
fied for corrective action like revise d
approved work program and any slippages noti
cmporary records shall be maintained for
prograni/aadif1onal resoi.irce requfreinent. Cori"t
or hold-ups for environmental/social issues if
slippages due to delays in handing over of site
i) Measure the works and value
with respect to the BoQ.
Measure all the permanent works and value them
j) Propose variation
t, value the variations and propose to the
Assess the varied works essential for the projec
eer) for approval. Upon receip t of the
Employer (those beyond the authority of the Engin
the project cost and adj ust the completion
approval, variation order shall be issued . Upda te
k) Examine Contractor's claims
an even! that would lead to a claim, gain
Upon n:t:eipt of 11ulit:e from the Cunlr,H.:lor of
adrn i~sibility ,md recommend to the Empl oyer
access to the conte mporary records. assess
about its acceptance or rejection.
I) Liquidated damage
the co111plc1ion beyond ~chedulc.
Apply liqu idated damage if the Contrnclor delays
co111p lc1ion
m) Takeover of works upon co111p letion /subs 1an1ial
comp lclion/subs tan tial comp letion wi1h a
Assis t the Employer to take over 1he works upon
punch list of works which remains 10 be done.
the Employer & working agency)
n) Arbitration and Dispute resolu tion (betw een
the worki ng agency. RITES will extend
In case of arbitrat ion between the Employer and
would be req uired by the depanment for
necessary assistance by providing documents as
shall be forwarded to the depar1111e nt
conducting the proceed ings. All such docu ments
through ma il/e-mai l service;
ed after completion of the work for
If physical presence of RITES perso nnel is requir
di ture shall be reimbursed on production of
attending the proceedings, such expen
(Seve n) days in advance for attending suc h
documents. RITES shall be intimated at least 7
ation or adjudication shall be borne by the
All payments as decided by negotiation , arbitr
o) Labour laws and regulation
the contractor for obtaining necessary
i) The Employer, shall issue necessary forms to
labour license from the conce rned government depar
statem ents of the contractor and report
ii) RITES shall check the monthly labour return
to the employer in case of any disorder;
recoveries and remittance s of all socia l benefits
iii) Othe r statutory requirements like etc of the labours engaged shal l be
viz PF, ES! and Workmen's Compensati on Act
checked and ensured and disorders reported to the

Tech no-co rnme rci;il OffP .r-Re v RO

Vivekananda (l'osta) Road Flyove r and Re-
Demolition of the lncom pktc and Distressed nR iTE S
of Tcchn o-Co mmcrc ial Offe r Oocument Ref ·
constru ction further - Submi ssion .. Highway Division/
cwl Offer
RITES HIFD'KOUBD 10]0'Posta-Tl'rl1110-Co111111cr


a) Topographic Survey of the project corridor using LiDA
le locations to understand the general
b) Condu~t geo-technical investigation works at suitab
parameters required for design of the
sub-soil_ profile of the area and determine the soil
c) Alignment and profile desiob n·,
d) Necessary traffic survey and study;
the proposed elevated corridor to find
e) Preliminary design of the structural components of
out the tentative dimensions;
f) Preparation of detailed dimensional drawinos·

g) Quantity calculation;
for Analysis of Rates and PW(R)D SoR,
h) Rate Analysis as per MoRTH-Standard Data book
2018 as generally followed by the Client;
i) Preparation of BoQ and tentative Cost Estimate·,
of bids.
j) Preparation of bidding documents for invitation
ents, following activities shall be carried out
On completion of the preparation of bidding docum
rendered by the Consultant.
by the department for which necessary help shall be
ard procedures and RITES has no role to play
k) KMD A shall invite bids through their stand
department in clarifying queries by the
during the intervening period except assisting the
issuin g necessary corriob enda/addenda as
inten. ding bidders in the Pre-bid meeting and
shall be decided by the department, but
required. The place of the pre-bid conference
generally within the state of West Bengal;
process of the tender committee of the
I) RITES shall have no role in the decision maki ng
the designated team of RITES during the first
All the above activities shall be carried out by
carried out with the department for preparation
phase of the work. Necessary interaction shall be
of the documents.
consist of the activities given herein under.
RITES activities during this phase of the work shall
o-day supervision of the works. The entire
RITES shall provide separate teams for day-t
n with the client shall be monitored by the Team
construction activities and necessary coordinatio
on which can be easily accessible from the site
Leader's office to be set up in a suitable locati
monthly review meetings with the executing
office. RITES team at HQ/Kolkata shall conduct
enience of the department. Necessary site visits
agencies and Clien t's representatives as per conv
as & when required shall also be made.
S designated team in the second phase:
The following activities shall be carried out by RITE
unless rightly addressed, might
a) Understand the complexity and impediments those
delay the completion schedule of the project:
remains to be acquired, shifting of utility
The impediments could be part of land that
, if any, and alike . Once the issues are
services, outstanding environmental clearances
requi red fo overcome the problem areas
identified, our Endeavour slfall be to·-assess tiine
rities and the Employer to expedite the
vis-a-vis inter action with the concerned autho
clearance process.

Page 5
Techno-commercial Offer-Rev RO
..., p • ,_ 1 \ "" • ,.

'-11t-rn~•"'"' "r lul\,-. <,..,_rt, I OHrr 1


~ f\lC '" ( o nfNltlM ·~ " ft r l. p r()1?~m :

1 ,am r,.,, ll~ l <'ntr.)tlN · '- \ ..-orl. prl'•iram Jt'.ain I rc,otircc--. ~ 1i 7•11 1fW'l rl;in
qrlfi .,..,.. ,,,
to the J"O'-< hJe dcl.1 .. rcrro,af ,,f
ln.m d a..i(,q n1c rrtn1<1o n, ha,c been l.ept "llh regard in
«1 frtt ar~:
1mf'('J1mm1'. if .lO). and suggcq mod1ficatl()nc, to cooccrtrarc <'r the ot,q~-1
, \--rf',n~ in , •t" that Contrac1or" '> tc5('urcc , arc O()i u"lderut li1.ed D r;.:1,,, ~ mod•rrc.-it "n
ne ·c"JX'ff, a;-,d 11rr.cl1re of
f''tlf'(l!'.11 " th the Fmplo~ er and the Contractor I() detenT'
t, ,,~
the ra-·e-::. Cor·rac1 m ,h.-ill
c~rh imd agrC'e for their required action, l pon agreement of all
1--e 15-l.e-d to re, i,c their ,~orl. program in line

rl RMK'" dra " ing, a nd docume nts

ro:- le e·c ..or
Re, 1t'\, all the dra" ingr,. cross drain pro, i'>ion,. geometf)-. long and Cf()';<, r
correctness agam,t the standards intende{J b) the contract.
di ' ile Labora toril"-
'f) a,,d
[n,unng ~ n ing-up of requ1s11e site laboratories b) the Contractor is ~n-fact<
shall be made io loca,e
equipped \A ith all possible testing facil ities fo r the package. Efforts
nece~ita ted
, t\ BL accred11ed laborato1; fo r conduct ing independent tests as and \\ hen
<' I ~ub lctt ing \\ Orks
Contractor·s proposa l to sublet any part \\Ork shall be discus~cd \\ ith the
ment con, e~ ed. Pro, is ion 01 Comran
permis<.ion obtained and agreeme nt disagree
Agreem ent shall be ensured .
f) Order to commence

In con'>ultation with the Employe r and in view of mtended mileston es (if

an) ). Contractor
,~ ill be instructed to commence the ,1orks and <;ta rt date(s) red.oncJ .
g) Prrparation ofQAP and Q\11'
Prior 10 commencement of actual field 11orl..,. prcparauon of the Qu.1lit) ,\ ~, ur:incc
,: ,1gcnc~ f1>r .1II 111,·
lor the Supervision team and Qualil) \1 anJgcment Plan fN Ilic e,ccu1111i
ac11v11 ic, ·1he team, L'ngagcd al ,i1c nl 1\cirl.. ,h.tll '"' n11 the ,..:1 pr1,ccdt1r..:~

h) \ upen i,e " ork, durin g l' \ Crutio n

1111c, , tu ll t>..·
Adhcrinf' to the I cchnicJ I Spcc1fa-.1t1on, :ind Im,• ~ b l'"- Jitkrcn l ..11..11
,n.. pe<.tcd and approved bc,orc
r g, , 111g
· a go ~ I1cJ d I \t:L ·u11on '
J" 11 ' ·1
: ,h.1 II tx· .hh 1,,·J Ill
'>Uhm 11 I{ f l RI A·, rn advance 10 a, 111d del.1), 111 appr1,, .ti or <>thcJ"\11 ,c.:

1) C ondu c r ro utin e l11horar o r) n nd fi r ld tc·,t,

thl· tx,m_m
All rnutmc tL"\t, for horrn1q,d ,n.,t('ri,11 , , lull be 1·1,11ductc~t b,·IMc .1ppr1,, in~
~, fo I ti,·· •'illcrcn t m.11 n1.1h .11 'llllf\' C 1,1 .1 ,, ,·n.1111 ,1,, J ~
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f-(If IIK(II rt•t.l 1,on I n 1( ) 1!,(· 11 ,ir 1.. , ,\ II 1·1cld 1c,1, ,h.111 Ix· ,,1ri-lu11 I

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I ,1utl111111g 11c t,>tmg
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tr,,, , IIJII hl· 1k, ,•l11p1:,J ' \ Bl .11·, f\'Jltt'\J l.11,,r.11<

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_ ~s 11 hmis~io
Disl,"><Cd Vi~ k""""' " 11•,,, 11,) """ ' Fly<>~ • "'"' Re-
n . of Trdrno
. .-( 'omml' rcial
>(I ,p /'<J.<({1- 7,-c/1110 -< ommere ml QO
Offer Durnm,·111 11,:J::
I itGhwny f) ivisio 11/
( \'1

. r pro"ress of work again st the intended comp letion
~,onito "
1 shall l.,e 111u11itu1 ed aga i,,st tlr1.:
~, ,,ress- of work (both weighted physical and linancial)-
d for correc tive action like revise d
p,-o;oved work progra m and an~ slippa ges notifie
mpora ry record s shall be maint ained fo r
nPP,ram /additional resource requir ement . Conte
ps for enviro nmental/soc ial issues if
~;;~ages due to delays in handin g over of site or hold-u
Measure the works and value

respec t to the [3oQ.
Measure all the perma nent works and value them with

m) Special Tests
suffic ient reason of doubt before any
Shall obtain permi ssion from the Emplo yer menti oning
special test is ordere d.
n) Certify paym ents
etion of the works.
Certify all interim payme nts and final paym ent upon compl
o) Propose varia tion
the variati 0ns and propose to the
Assess the varied works essential for the projec t, valu~
fo r appro va l. Upon rece ipt o.f .thF-
Emplo yer (those beyon d the author ity of the Engineer)
projec t cost and adjust the comp letion
approval, variat ion order shall be issued. Updat e the
p) Examine Contr actor 's claims
that would lead to a clai m, gain
Upon receip t of notice from the Contr actor o f an event
y and reco mmen d to the Emp loyer
access to the contem porary record s, assess admis sibilit
about its accep tance or rejection.
q) Extension of time
shall be examined carefully as to its
Contr actor' s claim for Exten sion of Time (EoT)
Contr actor, adjudg e if the reasons are
admis sibilit y, discus s with the Emplo yer and the
the time to be granted as extens ion;
actual ly attrib utable to the Emplo yer and determ ine
the time for compl etion.
obtrun Empl oyer's appro val, conve y the EoT and revise
r) Liqui dated dama ge
compl etion beyond sched ule.
Apply liquid ated damag e if the Contr actor delays the
s) Take over of work s upon comp letion /subst antial comp
etion/substa ntial compl etion with a
Assis t the Empl oyer to take over the works upon compl
punch list of works which remai ns to be done.
t) Notify defec ts
conce rned packa ge during the defec ts
Inspec t perfo rmanc e of the differ ent bridge s under the
actor for rectification.
notifi cation period , identi fy defect s and notify the Contr
u) Defec ts rectif icatio n
ed DNP.
Get all the notifi ed defect s rectifi ed within or extend
v) As- Built - Draw ings
as-bui lt-dra wings from the Contractor,
Upon comp letion of the works,"""erisi.lre-re ceipt of all
endor se and hand over to the Emplo yer.

Page 7
Techno-commercial Offer-Rev RO
ple te and Dis tress d

ocmoli1iun of the Incom . e 1vekananda (P osta) Road Flyover and Re-
fur the r • Sub mis sio n of Tec no- Co mm erc ial Of
fer D
constru ctio n
0/Posta-Teclmo-Co . oc11111e111 Ref :
HW DIKOU BD /202 11erc,a/ Offer
R!TESI 1111 Highway Division/

. at1.on and Dispute resol t' (

Arb 1tr I .
w) u ion between the Emp oyer & working agency)
i) In case of:arbitratio
n between th E extend
rking. agency, RITES. will
vidi:g dmployer and the wo
pro db . e y the department
necessary assistance by ocu ments as would be requir

d .
fo r con uctmg the pro cee din g Al l be forwarded to the
ma il/e ma, ·1 s. . such documents shall
department throu gh - servic e·
TE S ' . .
sen ce of RI work for
ii) If physical pre ~er son nel _ ts req wr ed after completion of the
din gs s produ ction of
attending the procee . ut~ ex pe nditure shall be) rei mbursed on
S shall be' d · for attending
documents. RITE m 1mated at least 7 (S even ays m advance
such proceedings;
ed b ne · • . . be borne by the
iii) Al l payments as decid y go tia t,o n, arb ttra t,on or adjudication shall
x) Cl os ur e of Services
yment c rt· Ii documents
Upon issue of Final Pat· e ' ,cate and Perfonnance Certifhicate, all the
f h
ring e cu ion t e wo rks shall be handed over to t e Employer and services
0oenerated du
xe °
·' ·
closed .
the Em plo ye r
2.0 Responsibility of · ·
· · ·
ply the docu n t s ( ~ny ex,stmg design, drawings, reportnsu s etc.) available
. i) Client shall sup me Co lta nt; RITES
. pre paration of DP R by the
w·th th for m the bas ts for sta old ers for
i em which shall thr ou gh interaction with concerned
ab le eff ort
shall ~/so put reason nts (if available);
collection of the docume
plied by the authority;
ii) cume nts relate d to Ut ilities shall have to be sup
o shall submit the utility
iii) ng wi~ h the _utility stakeholders wh mit the
Clie~t shall organ ize m~ eti
or lik ely to be impacted . RITES shall sub
Ject co rnd rs shall
drawings along the pro pac t to all the sta keh old ers . Utility stakeho lde
alignment plan and co
rridor of im inclusion in the
ive cos t of utility shi fting to the Client for
thereafter submit the ten
project cost.
d soft copies for further
iv) ard Bi dd ing Do cu me nts, if any, both in hard an
Supply of the Stand ification by the Consulta
addition/corr~ction/mod to the successful
A' and the 'N otice to Proceed' for the work
KM DA shall issue the
'LO art ment;
me nt for the wo rk sha ll also be signed by the dep
bidder. The Contract Ag ts in connection with the
y ch arg es to be pai d to government departmen
vi) KM DA shall pay an
approvals, if any, for the rks to com mence
acc ess to the lan d for construction wo
vii) KM DA shall provid
e the ' order;
dia tel y on pla ce me nt of 'Notice to Proceed
imme t ofwo.rks executed
C) ba sed on the actual measuremen
The Int eri m Payment Ce rti fic ate (JP ced to the department
fie d by RI TE S Re sid ent Engineer will be pla
by the agency, duly ce
for paym ent to the agen e to the
tte d sim ult an eo usl y along with the payments du
o be submi to be counted_from the
ix) RITES invoice shall als rel eas ed within ten working days
contractor. RITES fee s sh all be interest as applicab le for
of inv oic e. Fo r de lays beyond this period
date of submission KMDA;
the Sta te Ba nk of Ind ia PLR shall be paid by
Current Ac co un t with .o~ three
and . .St ate me nt at Completion, a ti~ e. frame
_ EinaLBi ll. submitted along with the
x) _ For preparation. of tbe al bil l tow ards RITES fees shall be
uir ed . Fin
mo~ths would be req
Statement at Completion
Page 8

Te ch no -c om me rc ial
Offer-Rev RO
V ver and Rc-
and Dist ress ed Viv eka nanda (Pos :a) Roa d Flyo or
. . of the lnco mpl· cle f T h C fer ,,me, Ref .
fu n her • Suu
I. • •
m1s s1on o erciec
no- r om
me rcia l Doc
R' Ri TE s
' .
o,n"rucllOllK u, BDn- n-,n1Pos1a- Tecl mo-C omm
., ...- WD O ll1gln,a) D1v1s1on1
11rr£SH Koi.ara
m issi on/ approva I
xi) All administrative n:ia tters re~a~ing t? the lan
d acquisition procedures, per o ( lhe
the res pon sib i lity
ce Au tho nty ,. Ad mm 1st rat1 on, loca l aut horities sha ll be issu es sha l l be
fro mY oli land related
t An y law and ord er pro blem inn;connection wi1h the
departm en early decisio
referred to the depart me nt for
be req uired for the
xii) RIT ES all nec ess ary info rmation/data as may
KMDA sha ll fur n ish to ipment and materials
ces sar y for ms for inter-state tran sfer of equ
services to be ren der ed. Ne the m. RIT ES shall not be
issu ed to the con trac tor s as and wh en requ ired by age ncy;
etc. shall be obliga tions on the part of the
wo rk ing
liable for any breach of the reim burse all
xiii) nec ess ary doc um ent s by RITES. the departm ent will
On submission of the and R!TES
ly Inte rim Pay me nt Ce rtif ica te (IPC)' s of the contractor
pays.ments for the month
the department upon RIT
ion of Ti me , if any , sha ll be gra111ed by
xiv) rec ensme nda tion ;
gs. reporls and
lo giv e app rov al on all ske lches. drawin
xv) KMDA sha ll arr ang e n by lhe Co nsu lt.i nt
oth er ma ne~ .i nd propo~;ds ~11h111i 11ed for decisio ltant's
recom me ndation s and
as n0t lo delay or di~rupr
the performance of the Co nsu
son ab le lim e so
vic hes.rea
in suc
be borne by
nc: :c~ ,af) vet ting . ;r,. ~_ ,. :c., .. hi:: h chnrg._, •,J;;.;IJ al~o
l< ~.1D A sha ll arr ;i nf:~ for
x·::) the the m.
A '\ I) PAV \ JE\IT TFJ{ I\J
ow plu s GST as app licable .
·ing ou1 the stu dy ~h;ill he .i, r er the tab le h<:l Girish Park
RIT ES fee s for cam
., and rc-c on\ lrnct ion of 1hc fl)over from
Te ntative cos t of both the
der no li1 ic111 \1 c1rJ. p toward s
u I0\1 1·ah Bri dgt ) \ rn l'o~ta jun c1ion inc luding ram
Se1 (f
to app roa ch of Ra bindra
N imtala Gh at is as follo"' s.
• De mo lition Cost - 50. 0 Cr. (appro>. .) and:
375 .0 Cr. (appro:-. .).
• Co st of New nyo ver - 10
y \ ary fr_orn ?.350.00 ~ro re
pro jec t cos t for fou r- lan e elevated corridor wh i~h ma r~n for 1he alig nm ent
The ten tati ve u~ed rn_ the con~truct
the material (steel/conc rete) ogy to
~-W0.00 Cr ore is based on ly const ruct_ro n__methodolsha
ltan t sha ll pre par e the design b,m:d on 1hc likeurb an sce nar io. I he fees
'f ,.ll be
f fl Co
fco nst ruc tio n sui ting· the si re. condit ion in.... · · d
bo dyove rd. dnseas
e a opt · an
u eo
schedu le gi ven below. I he .
vcitrng· reqI IuireIi
. 1 Rany1·rE. S,romfee
P · 00 · st t I1e d e 1·ivera bles as per the don e by KM DA alo ng- 111t 1 t 1e ees .
aid a ain h· d shall be arninged and lhc Slrn Clucal des;g, aod draw; ogs. Ho w'' ."•
• ·
'.! towacds vc11;,g of vettrng
any mst,tu_ te o, t " P',
ry help for com pliance
of com ments (if any) by the
t sha
inc l ude
ll the
ext en d nec ess a .
s not
Co ltan
agency. e for the item
ai n firm and thewhsam
· I A B and C
cos t The
sha ll rem
fee is exc lud ino GST ich shall be paid
~ ltanyt as agaper t s. aw
ms the no.a~d.e d . o
Th eerfee
und sl.ofno.theDCo shansu ll var
Govt. regulatio ns.
separately as per app lica ble
TA BL E I: Re mu ner ati on
Fee (~xcluding Rema rks
Br ief des cri pti on of Sco pe
2 5
cos t.
-- -- :- -: :~ ~~~= -T, .2
--ttino of Methodo logy i sum & fixed)
... Q..(Lump- ' App~ox. 0.5-% o(
the demol ition

; A. . a I
Te eh nic
! and 0
Ch eck ing
Sp ecific atio n

Pag e 9
fer -R ev RO
Te ch no -co mm erc ial Of
J In, omrk1, •" 1 I 1, Ir< I \" I h 11·
ie I , I I • t I
,n ,,I Il i,

·•• '' n f11 11 t,ri , u hm""nn r,f I t, l,nr• ( .,.,,rt,r,, ••I r,rr,r
k l,' I/ pJ • 'll'fl f', 1,, I, h11,,,,,,,11r1,1 ,! ,,,r.,
._ 1 J4 /1 1 I

Hr jr( d c-,r11plin11 o f '\('npf' h (' (l \( lull I nu

"'· (.'-.I )

2.~0( I . ( I lllllfl
n ~ , q, cr~ I<. 1p11 nf 1hr
c.11111& f1 ,cd)
dr'll1l'lit1011 \\ ()I k<..

r (. f' rcp.1r::i1ion 0rNcw IWR

7.50( r. I I ump
'-11111 & f1·u · d)
I l ,1 , ,I ,,11 m.m ",,, 1h
20.0(1( r . I lr· 1\ rn 111 mrot1th I 1\.C'd c lfl 1'!
11 Supervi~ion or the JC ·
e0n~truct i011 ,~or\,."
( ;, pp1 0\ ) u111 l nH 111,11 pcrlf.-1 11f 1 "''' •Ii pl 1
fn.., rn,,, 1h ,n I >I I•
rrt,11 1

;tff11 1m·it,• .. r-cr , ... HI I·~· I I~ r

.J.0 Tl1\1 E SC HEOllLE

Total time requi red fr, r the Service\ to he rcnJc 1cd h:, 11.c < r,n· 11lt,111t \h,111 he , 1•,llo"- 11 •·
time shal l be effective from the date of i<,<., 11c of W1,rk O rcln I o/\ \\hH h ·vcr 1\ ~ 1rl1, r \ ,, rn r ,
~hall have to be ~ig ncd wi thin 15 day<, from the elate of I '- ,lie o f I c,/\
Time schedule for the all th e four Pha...,c<. vi/ . I\ 10 I) , h:ill h, il', fol l11v.c,

TABLE 2: Ti me Sc hedule
~ricf ~:.::::::-:;:!:'.):1 '!"i ir.1·/1)11 rn t ion
o f Scope
~h;ill be s~1rnc a<, ..,1 no. II /\( l1v11y , hall hL· < ,11r 1t· I ,11,1 1 pi.:r tt
I\ . Yelling of
IIH"I h<>dol1 •l'Y .1111 I C.. 1,u ti,, II 1u
Methodology and
,1 il 1111 1ll {"d h, ti ll l"'ll'( 111111~• I 'Cfll ..
Technica l
'>pec ifi cat ion
/. I /t 1Jj4
I! . '.->upcrvision or the
demolition worb.

<) 11 11ir1l h!-> to he Jl' Ll..or,cd

C Prcrara li nn or lr o rn the compkt1 011 n f
I ) 1t ft !lilt l1tld IJl\.l' II. 1:H>JI I 111
New 1)1'1{ ul111111 11, l' ,dlu tilt· 11,• 1,, ll.trcd oiler
Drn1o lit1c,11 Wo1 I..,
1k11H1l1tl(II I
• IR *· I 5th month
• I SR• - 11d mn1r1h
• 1)1)1'I, • • (1th 111onth
• 1)1'1{. '>th II H•J1 1h

"\() Ill( ,111 I I', lwrn the

C...u rwn ,~inn uf till'
111, >hrl 1, ,11 lt\11 uf thl·
tl" lCIJl ' 11 IJL 1I011
~u1w r, l'-. 1011 l l ',1 111 n l thl·
v.1 ,rt ,
l P l1 , 1dt.111 t P t 11)11b ilt -..ltlllll
<d l 0111, ,ll ft11 "htl hL' ' er ,._

•11 1 11,, 1 11,,11 1{1 I'' "'· 1 '-1( I L•,p.1htl 1t ) l{Lpo1t. 111)1'I( dt 1ll l >Lt,11k,l l'1,1JL•' H,r, ,· ll1'H
f 1,' ,!, 1 l'r, 11 1I 11 1 11" ''

·, I I h :i,, 1 1, 111 11 1, 1, ( il l, I I', I I 'll

1111\1111 ,11· I 1111 ., 1., 111
I, toll ,,1.,

,. ,,,11\I ' '-'tt l-' Pl l F

' 1111', l\\llltl\ \l " 'l' lh,· ~,,,' II.\'\ I, I h_, l\'11d1·11'd ti, llt l '
111 i•,•,1111" ' \\ \11 ~ 111 I ·(' , 11,11·11 11111111 ·.1 111 11 jip II', 1111/p w•., 111\1
:::. , •1.111 h· ,'lli'1'II\ ,' n,,,n ''"' d.,,,, ' ' i\ 1'. 11·1•1111•, ,1
,' fl 1 ,._. , 1,:• 111.\ I
'I i , " ·" ' n,,,11
,11,, ,-,11• . , II I
I (l '
' ,. 1'111I '"
\\ I I Ii I I l ' \' i' I
•.,,, hn \ I ' I I ', 'd h' "I I 's I' I 11
1 • · '- ', 111 h,• pn ld 1,, 1 ..
I \ (
' • '
1, ., ,t/'1' h,'.1H,· 1. i111
I. 1\'}lltl ;tl11111 , 111 11

Ul'id 1h-~alp111111 Ill' l'u., 11 11•111 Sd11·d111«•

Sl·,,,w U1·11111rl, ~

\. \ \'lflllt\ ,, (' \ l1 111l hh l1 ill11 11: l)l

ll 1ll111H •, ludl 1,,, d111w will, 1111· hill l11~'. /
~ ktl11\h1l1 1 ~, , .11111 (\pi.II 111 ·.1.111111,·111 (I,-.~ 111 ·,I. llll, II
t'h,\'~ in~ l',·du1 i1·:t1 ,I\\ hk,I ,,, f1 1 1111 11.1 I
:-St 1 ,\'i fl ,':lfi1 1 11

n. S111x'I \ isi1H 1 11(' i\h 1 111li1.,11111 11 11-: I..,•1• 1111(11· 1· 11I I,·, Ill' 1'1\/ II) ) I ,I.VII' ft·d l,y
II I / (
,k11111li1i1,11 ",,r~s 1\p1,1I i11s1.ill111rnf
/ (fPIII I llll ll' 11 1' d1·11111 litlt 111 I(•, j ll'I' /
1 I :\ 1::11'\'llll'll f). I
l'. 1'1','f' ,ll~ll i1111 > 1111 1111 hs 1,1 lie• I .
(i\1111 tlir I 1111 '<• 11 ·c-.•: . :111_,11 hi' 1111 ·:1·d 11l1n /
1)1'1{ t\ ·,·~11111·d
11 r , St1bntl ss
1\ 11q1l1•fi1•11
1 111 11 Pl 1·111'1 1 dl'li1·1· r11 hl1·•: 11,: 11
' lh'i\·,· 11 111 1•.1· Pi' fill' 1;·1· 1111dn 1ld,, /
' I )1'11111!: 111111 \\',1 1~s
:,,.,iii, _,. I
I .:, 111,111111s I I

• 1-'SI~ •.ll 1111111llis

; () •' ,,
• Ill )l'I{ (> 1\lPllilts I

-l(l•',, II
• l)l'R
1()'' 11
1> llll'llllt s
D, , SllJ'l'l'lisi\\11 \\l'thl' t\ ' •
1\1,lltfhl\' hilli11~:
cq11:tl i11s111lli11c111
i11 (1-\·,· 111 1d1·r lltis lll' livi 1y) di vidl'd by/
(1111:il lillll' 111· 1'Pt1Sfl'llrli111 1 11s pr r /

l'(111Sf f'lll'f i1 Ill \\'\ lt'ks

I ,\ i.:,n•,·1111·111).
l.l ()ll ll)AT FI) l),.\ i\ lA< : Fs .- \ N I) SF( '1IIH IT DFI'< )SIT
i11 : liST) 11!' 1':td1 n11111i11 i,: 111·1·1111111
1:1ie C lknt will dl'dlll'I 5 \ , 11/' tlll' 1-:1\1ss bill ,·:tl11l' (11.·1• 1·:,...l'111d 1

l'lt,· s:iid 1\-rlill'llfillll'l' S\'l'lll'ily wil l

hill :is Pl'rfor nullh_'l' sl'l'llt' i(~' t't\llll l':ll' lt f'lllfllill)'. :11·1·1111111 bill.
fltl' l·11111pkliP11 p f' 1h1• 11ssig1111H'1tf.
be •~ k as1.'(I by the C lk11t nfll'r !1.1r1y tiw ( ·I.") days fl·p111
11 li1r a pniPd 1ill li1r1y liw (·15) d11ys
1_1° 1.·wr. !Ill' Consu lt:1111 111:iy suhlllit a lla11!-. <iu:1ra111\'1' valid
ba11~ :11111111111i11g IP .-. •• ., 11 1' tlw ( \ 1111rnct
from thl' l'nd 1lf thl' 1.'1Hllnt1.·t l'l'rind th1111 :u1,· sd11•d11k
( \1111ra1·t wlti1·lt will b1' l'l'lrnsl'd ullcr
Price ns Perltir nmnrc Sec uritv :11 rile 1i1111.• 11/' ~i~11i1t ~'. 11!' 1lw
:111111•11 1. 'l'h1• l\•rli1n1111111'1' slt:11 1 b,·
fc.irty liw (-15) days from · till' co111pkli(111 :ir IIK· assi~
apprC1pria ll'd by the C' lil'nt ngni11s1 brl'ad1 ,,r1his /\g t'\'t'lll\'1

N0 I iqu idnk•d r>a111a l.!l'S is k•l'iah k f1.1r th is Sl'f'Vll'.l' 1\ !,:l'1'l'lll1'lll
7.0 Hmc i-: f\ lA.IF llln:
, \\'111'~ sl111t-d11w11s im111 1s1•d h)
i) W11r. invosion. n·voltt1in11. rillts. salmln gc. llll'h1111 1s. stri~l's
ities. 11\'ls 111' ( i1 1d. cpi,h-111 i1·s. lirl's,
( iovl'rr 111tl'1t1 At· ls or I 1.•i:isln1io11 or nlhcr :1u1h11r
l h11·~111ks '.'r 1111y 111l1t:t' :11·1~ 11r
l'<1rlhq 1111h·s. floods . nplos ions. urddl'nls, Sl'II 1111vig: 11i1111
I l'l :s 1111d "111,·h ~hall d11'!'1 'II) 11r
l'\'L'lll~ "l1111s nl'wr wltirlt lll'L' lii'\'t111d 11tc l'1,11fn1I 111' I~
·s " it li i11 1111· 1i11ll' -'l'1'l·i1il-d i11 lhL·
i11dirL'L'tly pil'VL'llf l'\\ln pkliP n nt' ·11il' l't1ns till 111 H',\' snvi,·,

T .
<'lb no-co mmL•rri:tl Ol fl·r-l{ cv IW
agrCl'll ll' III will h,· ,·111i-- hk11·d l\111·1· l\l11jc11rr .
l',,i:l' 1 1

,., .I 'I

-/k111ol i11o_n of . thr /11 co111rl
ctc •m d /) p,frc~~ c·rl v 1vr,,..:in;111 ri ( o,1n1 Road I /)()~er :,nr/
d fl
Rc- .
nR /T ES
( · I R,f
con~trncf 1011 l11rt hcr - '
S11 h111 1Hin n
1 frr hnn
o / f<eh • no- orn mrr r,a
-l n 111111r 1 r,n/ Of/r,
() fer /x,r ,,,., ,r,
II _)l .. i, {J • ,.. , ~
RIT fS II I I AO / P/1 .'O.'O f'n,11 ~ ()(.41 .,j

ove d, R. ITF:S shall norify Cli

ent of ,uch
ii) A s sn~ n :is the _en use of For ce Ma jeu rc has bee n rem Force \lfa jeu rc.
act ivit y. Fro m the dat e of occ urr enc e of a cas e of
def ~_,. ''.icurrcd 111 aff ect ed dur ing the con rin uan ce of
any liabilicy so cau sed
sus pen ded
ob l~ g□ t,ons of ~IT ES sha ll be u ltin g the re fro m hav e bee n
removed and the agr eed
itse lf and the ina bili ty res ed by
unt il the cau se agr eem ent shall stand extend
pec tiv e obliga tion s und er this
time ?f com ple tio n of the res
h eve nts .
of del ay occ asi one d by suc
a per ,od equ al to the per iod
8.0 SE TT LE ME NT OF lication of rhe
e or dif fer enc e aris ing out of inte rpr eta tion and app
i) In the eve nt o f any dis
put e shall be
bet we en KM DA and RIT ES , suc h dispute or dif fer enc
pro vis ion s of the con tra cts by eith er par ty for res olu rio
am ica bly fai ling wh ich the sam e sha ll be ref err ed (AM RC O) as
dec ide d of CP SE s Dis put es
Me cha nis m for Res olu tion
thr oug h Ad mi nis trat i ve He avy Ind ust ries & Pub l ic
Ent erp rise s. Dep artm ent
ia, Mi nis try of
me nti one d in Go vt. of Ind -DPE(GM) FTS-1835
(OP E), Off ice Me mo ran dum (OM ) No 4(1)12013 es
of Pub lic En ter pri ses
st dir ect ion s for res olu
tion of com me rcia l dis pul
is as per late
dat ed 22. 05. 20 18. Th is iza 1ion s (e, clu g
CP SE s and Go ver nm ent Dep ar1 me nts /Or gan
bet we en C PS Es, inte r-se and TI,e Aruitrdtiu11
lwa ys, Inc om e Tax , Cu::.lu111:,& Exci::.e De par lr11e11b ).
di spu tes con cer nin g Rai itra tion und er this cla use :
Co nci liat ion Ac t 199 6 sha ll not be app lica ble to arb
Res olu 1ion Pro cee din gs
me nt sha ll con tinu e dur ing the Dis pur e
ii) Per for ma nce und er thi s Ag ree ld unl ess the y are sub jec t
due to RIT ES by the KM DA sha ll not be wit hhe
and pay me nts
utio n pro cee din gs;
ma tter of the Dis put e Res ol
by bot h the parties :
pay abl e to the AM RC D, if any, slrnll be pai d equ ally
iii) The fee s
res pec t of a ny cbi ms
put e Res olu tion by eith er par ty on the oth er par ry in
iv) TI1c dem a nd for Dis nt. An y dc-m and for
the Tim e Lim it for Va lidi ty of the Ag ree me
sho uld be ma de wit hin bar red and rhe p:irt_:. lln
this tim e lim it shall be trea ted as Tim e
Di.'> put e Re so luti on bey ond l liabilir ic-s und er rhis
s arc ma de sha ll be dis cha rge d and re k ase d of al
wh om rhe c laim
h c lai ms.
Ag ree me nt in res pec t of suc
, ( )

Form of Contract
This CONTR ACT (hereina fter called the " Contrac t") is made the . .......
day of the month
of.. . ..... . . . . . . . 2021, between , on the one hand, The Executive Engineer,
North Division, R&B
Sector, Kolkata Metropolitan Develop ment Authority, Unnayan Bhawan,
1st Floor, Block A,
Kq.lkata 700. 091, (hefeinafter called the "Client" ) and, on the other hand,
Genera l Manag er
(HW), RITES Limited, Highway Divisio n, India House, 4th Floor, 69 G C
Avenue , Kolkata -
700013 (hereina fter called the "Consu ltant"), or it' s success or in office.
(a) The Client has requested the Consultant to provide certain consulting services named,
A. Vetting of Methodology and Checking Technical Specification of the
demolition works
submitted by the selected agency of KMDA;
B. Supervision of the demolition works;
C. Preparation of New DPR of the Vivekananda Road Flyover.
as defined in this Contract (hereinafter called the "Services");
(b) The Consult ant, having represe nted to the Client that it has the required profess
ional skills,
expertis e and technica l resourc es, has agreed to provide the Service s
on the terms and
conditio ns set forth in this Contrac t.
f .,

"'f fl I I II ,I J 011 (11 •

t'i11 ( 1 I -_, ti I d ,


/'I, ( ft! ' ,, ' , '

,1 1r•1 ,, , •
\pp ,r,t H, c\ T,tm • ,,( f,l1 (1u no

-\1,ru ntl/1 II J;, , f 'P' r,,

fl, nil ,J,,., n ,,f, ,,rtf r •d J•d u ,. ntf I' , 1 m,n, I u m-c .
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1 hf!l! um t m che ( ,mt nd tht C
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•,aJl c.arn oUI tht" ~m ,c~ m a.

, n,, { ,. 1J1 n1
( IIJ'l I :J•Jd
thr ( on
1' 1 <111 · ,.:hall rn, l c pa, mt"nU 10

( Ir I f , fit"
f, v. ii 1\J \\ \, 1H l{f, 11 tt,r Pnm l t H' (.

1 ')! , , • , m1 • ol l/1r !1:t, md l c.111 fou

f,r 111 ,, hi If ul NIi i \ l,f

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II. /\ppendic c.\

Al'f'E NDI X A Tl•. lt\fS OJ· f<l·,H ·, 10 . \C I.
l'IH \ \ 1111 I :
\ p, 11111 111 Pl 1lw 2 2 ~m IPll/' (.ipprn,) V11c·~ 1n.tnd,t 1<11,td I h,n.,,,r 1md, r '"" 11 r, r ,, I•, J,,r ,
l l,111 , .l,I\ .1 f1errn'l<in .11 ,1 ho111 1,1 'll how, I hr \\Ill~ \Lt \ h,·1111• n r, 111r d hy '.f I 11 Ir<, I, JJ{ I J,
t,, 1'1'1 ~.11,1 l\k11,1pnl11,111 l)nl'inprncnl /\111hnr 1I ) / 1\\lll/\1. 1hr 1111plrrn1n11111•, 11 1 (11< rl, ,. o,, < rrt
" '' ' ~' " ere 111 p111i:1c,, (111 rhc 1'i111 "1u1hcrn , ,de L,lfll.t f r \\. t \- o f p111 /'HJ( 1' 1 ., ,,, rhc ~ r r.
dllllOf !ht· lllnt' ,,t l .,1.,q1 011hc 1 he pil'I l ,lfl (l\ er JllCI ll),11 ~('d I' 1(1( ht/ I lc-d ,jf I ( ,,If 11 rd 1,1, I ('0 rhc I/If r •
\\ 111~' Pl} 1hr ,.11J ' f',111 J'.l( )( ' J>~I \\ ,I\ ll C', lllflf lfll llJJ ICIJrlll ·1hr '111, /l rrir I r11d111r ,,( r ,er
(,If' ,,.er r1cr n .,
PJOC lrl~):cr t·d lhc d1q11(q.:r. 11 1011 of '101 '11hc l,tn fd)'f\1,1) of \ fl.Ill 1'4<)( 1'1 I ;lit(/"' ''I( 1!1 1 fj ,,1 ,,, •1 r l 'f
l'_1u 1'-WC :i nd f'.rnc P4 I .
l\ nl ~J IJ ~1r1,1,pol1l.tll Dcvc loprncn l /\111hori ry ( Kl\11);\ ) h ;1, cnp,1).!C'd Cor11rc1cn1 \ tn } Ir <I ci rf ""-' f :1 ,if
1h,, 11) rn rr he rc1.1111cd. KMDA now in lcncls 10 dcmoll\h 1'1 c d, qrc\\cd [X1rf1r n nf rhc fl: , r llir 1111 h rllt.° r
rwmin:11 rd :igrnry and re tor1c;11uc1ion 1hcrraf1c1 for 1d11ch Rllf"S I.Id. ll1f hV.,1\ l>1\1 1111 K, ► .1 ' 1 h.i 1,ern
1111111t n.11rd ·" Tng1rn t-r111g Co,1\lrlla n1 ' hy 1hc Gm·crnn1CT1f of \Vc,1
1.0 !-CO l' r OF SE RVI CES
The ·score of Sen 1cc1-· for 1hc projccl under diffr1 cn1 f lc.1cl~ , h:ill '1 :n c 1hc fnllcl\l ,nr .1c111 11 1c
\ . \ ' ETTJ;\' G OF M ETHODOLOG Y AND CII EC Kl i\C TLC ll ;'d('t\l. ~ l'U II If \I f()'\ ;
LJ) Comu l!Jnl ., hall check Ihe 111c1hodology of 1hc rlcmol 11 1011 wrn k, profX>\c·d .ind ,11hn11:rcd 11' the
o.ccuring ;1gcncy:
(h ) Cun,11 l1 ;1111 ~hall check various Technica l Spcctf1ca l1 on 11f work, a, pc, 1hc Ag rcu11cn1 l'l\:l"c ·1 ( 1 nr
and c,cc111 111g :1gc11cy:
B. .'il'l'E ln' ISIO N OF TIIE DEl\10!.ITION \\ ORKS;
.tJ Undc1'1 ,111d 1hc co111pln.11 y and 1111pccJ1mrn l~ tltmc u1rlc\\ 11glt1l) .1dd1 c\\Cd. m1gl11 JclJ} the
co111pk11 011 .,chcd11ic of 1hc pt O)l'(I :
h) Re\'1cw Co111rar1nr ·s II c>r k progr,1111 .
c) l<cv,ew d1aw111i: , and doc111m· n1., :
d) Suhlc11111g \lorl.,
Con 11 ac1rn ·:. propo~:tl 10 ., ubk:1 any p.ul work :-h,ill be u1!-rn,,cd 1111h thr I mploHr . rx·,m,\,ll n
oh1a,ncu :md :tfl C('IIIL'fllld,~:tgr CCll1Cll l conveyed. r,0\'1Sio11 of (\,ntr.ll'I \ !!i l'\'111( 111 ,h.111 he (' n,urcd
l J Ordc, 10 co1111»L'llrc

In u1n , 11ll.1tu111 1111h 1hr E111pl<1)'l'1 .111d 111 \ t\' I\ of 111t(·11ckd 1111lr,1,111c, (11 ,111_~). Cor111.1d,lf "'" !Y
111, 1111Llcd 1,1 t11111111c11(t' Ila· 1\'rn l. , .111d ~1.111 d.,ll'(, ) Jl','I.Pnrcl
fI ( hr , I 111r of ( l/\ I' .111d ()t-. fl' (if.Ill) ).
r1 ",up rt \'J \ (' \\11rk, chtllll}' l'\l'l'llllllll
/\,lttr 1111!' 111 1hr ·1r , h111 S11n 1f 1r.11 1n11, i1 11d line,\: In cl,. d1llt'1t·111 :Kit' ll tl'' , 1t.1II h,· m, ,, ·-r,,I :111,t
t•1•1 1 •H1I h, l1,1r I'" 111r ., /:" .tl1r.1d
',1, 11 " "' p1 °1·1 , \ " ' ""'~ ,11•.1 111-i 1h,· 11111·11tlr d u•111p ll'IH•11 l1111r
l'111g1,•ss lll' \\'rn k (holl .
k I \\1('1gh1c-<1 pl '.
\\'11r progn11 11 1111<1 any sli l ) • , ., , iys~~.a l a11d financial) shall b .
l'l'Slllll'i't' r1•q11ir1•11w111 Co I I I t1gcs no11f1ed for corrective
, ·1· e 1111011,tored agains1 the approved
I' . n en1por·1ry I ,1c ion ike rev· d
111111 •11g ''""" or silL' Ill' hold-11 . r '. r:econ s shall be mainlai ned ~ . . ise program/additional
, .. I ps o1 env1ron111cn1al/soc ial issues ·r , o, J~lippagcs due to delays in
i) 1\,1c,,.1.~1111 I ll' W11rks· ••111 l I Va Ilie . . ' ,lily,

l\fr11s11r1• nil lhl' 1wrn1anc 111 works ·111d ,,·11 ll .

' ' ·
, uc icmwl(h respect h
.i) Pnipnsl' v11ria1i1ll1 to l e BoQ.

l\ssl'ss 1111• v11rit'd Works csscnrial for ti ..

(thosL' heyo11d the a1111tori1y of' 111 c "' 1_C p11~1ec1, value the variations and propose to the Em p Ioyer
. , •,n° mccr) for a . 1 U
. I. . 1 .
or I t t s tall he ISStlt'.(I. lpdarc the projcc~ cost
· anc
I /1~'
ova . pon ~eceipt of the approval, variation
the completion time
k) l' . · .
:xa1111nc C'o111rat:l or's claims
l lpn11 receipt of 11oricc frolll the Conr ncror of a
l'1Hllt'lllp11rnry records' • •·1sscss · .., I . . ·1' ·1· ' n event that would lead to a claim, gain access to the
' ' u( llllSSI )I ,ry 'Ind rccomm I tO I1 E
n~jt-cr io n.
·· ' enc t e mployer about its acceptance or
I) I ,iquidared da111agc

Apply liquidat ed damage if lhc Conlracror delays !he completion beyond schedule.
Takt:ovc r of works upon completi on/substantial completion
st th list
J\:~si c E,.nployc r ~o lake over lhe works upon completion/substantial completion with a punch
ol works which rcma111s lo be clone.
11) Arbitrati on and Dispute resolution (between the Employer & wor]<j 11 g agency)
In ~asc of arbirrari~ n between the Employer and the working agency, RITES will extend
required by e
t'1_ departme nt for. conductin g the
:1ss1s1an~c by prov1d111g documents as would be
to the departme nt through mail/e-rna il service;
proceedm gs. All such documents shall be forwarded
If physical presence of RITES personnel is required after completion of the work
for attending the
shall be
procc;:eclings, such expenditure shall be reimbursed on production of document RJTES s.
intimated at least 7 (Seven) days in advance for attending such proceedings;
J\ll payment s as decided by negotiation, arbitration or adjudication shall be borne by the departme
o) Labour laws and regulation
i) The Employe r, shall issue necessary forms to the contractor for obtaining necessary
license from the concerned government departme nt;
to the
ii) RITES shall check the monthly labour return statements of the contractor and report
employe r in case of any disorder;
iii) Other statutory requirements like recoveries and remittances of all social benefits viz
and Workme n's Compensation Act etc of the labours engaged shall be checked and ensured
and disorders reported to the employer.
a) Topogra phic Survey of the project corridor using LiDAR;
b) Conduct geo-technical investigation works al suitable locations to understan d the ~eneral
rs required for desig,1 of the foundatio n;
profile of the area and determine the soil paramete
c) Alignment and profile design;
, , , 11, ,11 1-t 1 "" 111 ,,,1, " ' , .. ,,11.1, 1 .n11l c 01111,11 1 I ,,,m, ;_1}

,11 \..,,,, .1 1\ 11.ilftl , ,11vc y and , tu<l y,

, I 11 1, l11111n,11 y d e , 11• 11 o f 1hr , 1ru<-1 ura l comroncn1, o f the propo,;ed ele \ated comdnr tn find nu1 1hc
1u1t.1ti\ r cl1111c n, 1o n,.

fl l' rc p .11a 1H111 o f d c la ilcd <l1mcn,iona l drawing,:

!' I ()ua 11111 y u1lcu la11o n :

Iii J{ a 1c An a ly, 1, a, rcr M o RTH -St.andanl DaLa book for Analysis o f R a tes and P\Y( R ) D S o R. 20 18 a5
re rH. ra ll y followed b y the Clien t:
1) Pr c pa r:11 ,on o f HoQ and ten lative Cost E stimate:

J) J>r cpara tiun o l b idd ing d ocumen ts for invitation o f bids.

On e ompkt ron o f the preparati o n o f bidding documents. following ac1i , ·ities s hall be c arried nut tw 1hc
d cpar1 111cn t for w hi c h n cccs!-.ary h elp !-.hall be rendered by the C onsullan1.
k) KMDJ\ ., hall in vite bids thro ugh their s tandard procedures and RITES has no role 10 pl:ly dun n g tht:
int e rve nin g pe riod cxccpl assi~ting the d cpanmenl in cl a rifying queries by 1hnn1cnding l->1ddcr.- in the
f>r <'-h;d mcc1in g an d i!-.~uin g necessary coniger.da/ ad,~cnda as req liircd. The pla~·c 0f lhL· rre -b1J
cnn lc rcncc ~hal l be ckc ic.J c<.l by lhc d epa rtment, but generally wi1hin 1he state nf \\'est Bt·ng.d :

I) RITES ~hall have no ro le in 1he c.Jcc ,~ion rnakm g process of 1hc lend er comm111cc (1 f lht· dq~.1rtmen1.

/ Designat P~
ed- ~ -:- ----N;;;-- ·------- - ---------------- --------
----- ---- ---r ----
, Total i
1 I I

ukhr ~P~-

-------- --- -__,____ ~:~::' !
i f:!;:;;~~-Char~ MSh eqee 1iE~(Ci~ il) ------ ·-- -----
---- -----
, . :
1 -,/
Sig nat ory) : 21 years
r shr i -·- sa"jib--i M Tech. (Structural Engineering) ·
Te am Lea der cum Sr. /
, Bri dge En gin eer i Da s
27 years
\ Re sid ent En gin eer i Shri P K i M Tec h i
I cum Site-in arge I Lenka
MBA (Financial 42 years
i Co ntr act Spe cia li;t - j Shr i Dh ima n i B.E. (Civil),
! Ro y i Management), PG Diploma in AltDAR & i
! i Dispute Resolution from ICA !
i NANSAR University on), PhD ______ -- -- -- -- +- -- -- --i
: 21 years
ior Hig hw ay cum Dr. Sud ipta M Tech. (Transportati
Tra ffic cum Safety Pal
En gin eer cal Engineering) 26 years
t. Bam ali ! M Tech. (Ge otec hni I
Sen ior Pav em ent Sm I

Roy '
En gin eer Enginee ring) 21 years ;

ita M Tec h. (Ge otec hni cal i

Sen ior Geotechnical ! Smt. Arp I
__En gin eer lNandi

-------- ---- ---- ------------ -------- -----
___ ------------------------end---- ----
Sec1io11 8. C o11di1io11s of Con
_ lract
_ and
_ Con
_ _Form
tract -=-:...:..:.:.....__ _ s ______
_ _ _ __ . : :
22 :~--

RIT ES fees for carr ying out the stud
y shall be as per the table belo w plus
GST as applicable.
The fee of the Con sult ant agai nst
sl. no. A, B and C shall rem ain firm
shal l be paid sepa rate ly as per app lica . The fee is excluding GST which
ble Govl. regulations.
- -- . . -- -- H~ief dcsc~iption ~f Scope · -- F~;(;~ci~dl;;g-GST) -- -----
- - ... . .. - .. ·
Vet ting of Met hod olog y and Che ckin ·· 0.25Cr. (Lump-sum & fixed)
g Technical Spe cification

[E}--:::::~::::::::::::~,;:n~;,k, - - - -- - -~:::::: :~:~::~~:::~~

· · 4.0 TIM E SCH ED UL E
· -- ·
Tot al time requ ired for the Serv ices
to be rendered by the Consultant shal
reck one d from the "Eff ecti ve Date l be as follows. The time shall be
" as stated in Clause CC 12.
Tim e sche dule for all the 03 (three)
Phases viz. A to C shall be as follows.

Bri ef
-------------T ~-~ro~~;t-io_n___________
Rem arks I___""II
ript ion of
__ __ __ \
S_cope 1 month from submission of Activity shall be ca~ri; d
A. Vet ting of the out -~s-p ~r-th ~-il
Met hod olog y and methodology , and
Met hod olog y Specifications
Tec hnic al Specific atio ns for subm
itted by the executin g agency \
and Che ckin g vett ing. Submission
Tec hnic al com plet e stre tch shall hav e
Spe cific atio n to be com plet ed within 5
mon ths from Effe ctiv e
. .P-~!~..:........ ..---·-•-•""""""""""" -------·-•--"·:·""'"'"""" _ __j
--·- -- --- --·- ------- ----- - - 1 mon Actu al time sh; i1 depend on
th from the time the \
B. Supervi sion of whe n Con trac tor's wor k methodol ogy and
met hod olog y is as
the dem oliti on

app rove d. Dem oliti on of per the traffic bloc k to be given by

wor ks com plet e stretch shall have Poli ce Authority.
to be com pleted within 6
months from Effective \
D ate. __________ -- ..
- --\
.-Tsm~~ths -t~ -be reckoned Dif fere nt field investigation shal
c. Prep arat ion of from the Effe ctiv e Dat e com men ce afte r the site is cleared afte
l I
New DPR r \
purs uan t to CC Cla use 12. demolition.
• JR* - 6th mon th
• F SR* - 8th mon th
• DD PR* _ 12th mon th
• DPR * _ 15th mon th
JI_,____,-- __________.....
*IR - Incepti on Reporl ; f-SR - Feasihilily Repon · DDPR D · r .
Project Report ' - ia I Deladed Projec1 Repnri; DPR - De1ailed
Payment Schedule shall be as follows :.
I -
Payment Schedule
I SI. Brief description of [ -·
. no. ! Scope I
, A. : Vetting of ! Monthly hilling in 06 . lnvoi~es .i~1r lhe input sh;;i1 be ~·aise·d ,;t .ti~~ ~mi"o{
Methodology and I ~six) equal
each month reckoned from the "Effective Date"
' Checking Technical I mst allments. pursuant to Clause CC 12. To1al amount shall be
-~pecifi~ation j billed in 6 months in 6 equal installments (Ref.

T.?bl~_4 h.C.!~.Y✓-. L~~£.~?._nc:~rom the Effective Date

, B. 1 Supervision of the ~M.onlhly hilling in 06 Invoices for the input shall be rai~~ ':i't tl~e -e,~d ~f
I demolition works ( , ,,< ) e4ua l each rnonlli reekoneJ 1ru111 Ilic "Effective Date"
in s1,:l!rnenL~.
i i·•, uant to Cl l\ilsc CC 12. Total amount :,hall t..:. !
~~led in (1 monlhs in 6 equal insiallmenls (Ref. I
- _1·- -· ·- ·- -· .. - . . f .tl'i le 4 below) ruck<rned from Lh c E l fcct1 vc Date
C. Preparation of New 15 months lo he Invoices shall h; r;;;~~i~;fter submission of ~ach-:
· DPR reckoned from the deliverables as per Table 4 below. 1

Effective Dale
pursuant lo CC Clause
J 12:
_....... _ _ __I
······· . -···--·-......
*IR - Inception Report; FSR - Feasibility Report; DDPR - Draft Detailed Project Report; DPR - Detailed
Project Report

• Stan of Month for Invoicing under Component A and B shall be reckoned from the "Effective
Date" pursuant to CC Clause 12.

• Stan of Month for Invoicing under Component C shall be reckoned from the date of completion of
the demolition works or from the date mutually agreed by the Parties .
. SI. no I Details of ~il~st~nc ·s~bmi;sion - -- - .. F~c~ (Rs) (Exducling GST)
·~ --1 VETTING --op·-- METHODOLOGY AND - .i ~t~iontl~-I: is~-4, I 6/-i,7/-+GSl~.

3. Month 3: Rs. 4, 16,667/-+GST.
I (On submission of Progress Report at the end of 4. Month 4: Rs. 4, 16,667/-+GST.
5. Month 5: Rs. 4,16,667/-+
I each of the 06 months) GST.

I 6. Month 6: Rs. 4, I 6,667/-+GST.

TOTAL Rs. 25,00,000/- + GST

I B. I SUPL~R\i1si61T op··-TI-IE DEMOLITION l Mo;1 1h I: Rs. 4 I.Ci6,667 /-·I GST.

I I WORKS, 2· Monlh 2:Rs. 41,66,667/-+G~~-

3. Month 3: Rs. 41,66,667/-+GS:,-

<On submi ssion of Progress Report at the end of • M 111 4· Rs 41 66,667/-+GS I.
' each of the 06 months) 4• on I c ·. Rs· · 41 '66,667/-+GST . I
5. Mont 1 .). · •
~\. ,w l1<·t ni\ !- of mi \rs to
nc su hm i~~ ion
Fe e" (R ..,) (E xcl11dinn c
., s-1 ,. )
Ci. \11 on1h n. R.... 4 \ .f){)_f'f'i
7/-+f i~T
R ~. 2,S<t,00.000/-+(;S T
Inception Re po rt (IR)
Co nta ini ng pr oje ct ba ck Rs. l ,50,()(J.f)()()/. - GS T
gr ou nd , me tho do log y
to be ad op ted for th e stu
dy , br ief de scriptio n
of pr oje ct pr op os als .
- - - - - -- ·-- -
2 Fe as ib ili ty Re po rt (F SR )
R ~. 2 ,25 ,00,()()() /- ... GS ing fie ld T
inv es tig ati on rep on
exclu din g Ge ote ch nic a\
b ve~:l.i!;_a.~10~ Re po n,
de sc rip tio n of pr oje ct
pr op os als, pla n and
pr of ile dr aw ings, typ
ica l cro ss se ction s,
Ge ne ra\ Ar ran ge me nt
Dr aw in g (G AD )
co nta ini ng ten tat ive fo
un d ation loc ation an d
sp an arr an ge me nt an d ten
tati ve co st .

3 Dr af t De ta ile d Pr oj ec. t -
Re po rt (D DP R) R s. 3,0 0.0 0.0 00 - + GST
Co nta ini ng di me ns ion dr aw ings after
co mp let ion of pr eli mi na
ry de sign fo r flyoYer,
up da ted pla n an d pr of
ile dr aw in gs, typical
cro ss sec tio ns , Ge ote
ch ni ca\ inv es tigation
Re po rt, Bo Q an d Co st Es
tim ates .
4 Fi na l De ta ile d Pr oj ec t - -- - - - -R ~ 75
Re po rt (D PR ) .00 .00 0/- + GST
ln co rp or ati on of co mm
en ts of KMDA on
Dr aft DP R, a\\ ne ce ssa
ry dr aw in g,s as pe r
req uir em en t of the
Agree me nt/ Co ntract.
BO Q an d Co st Es tim ate
s. Bi d Do cu me nts as
pe r req uir em en t of KM
DA .
R s. 7.S0,00.000 /- + GS T

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