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Directions: Identify the pictures below. Write (PHS) if you think that the image is considered as Good Hygiene and
Sanitation and (N) if NOT. (10 Points)

1. N 10.PHS
2. PHS
3. PHS
4. N
5. N
6. PHS
7. N
8. N
9. N

Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

A 1. Which of the following is not part of the roles and responsibilities of a First Aider?
A. A first aider should not perform the task of the physician nor compete
B. The task of the first aider ends when the physician is present
C. Must gain access to the victim
D. Must not promote harm

A 2. Which of the following is one of the objectives of being a First Aider?

A. To extend life
B. Should not cause the victim to panic
C. Applying first aid dressing
D. Should exhibit professionalism

D 3. Which of the following is a not a good characteristic of being a First Aider?

A. Gentle
B. Tactful
C. Respectable
D. Disreputable

D 4. Which of the following is not a Closed Wound?

A. Bruises
B. Swelling
C. Sprain
D. Amputation

D 5. Which of the following is not an Open Wound?

A. Puncture
B. Abrasion
C. Dislocation
D. Laceration

B 6. Which of the following is not part of Triangular Bandage?

A. Base
B. Bandage
C. Apex
D. Side

D 7. Which of the following is not a kind of folding of Triangular Bandage?

A. Open Phase
B. Closed Phase
C. Narrow Cravat
D. Broad Cravat

A 8. Which of the following is needed an open phase bandaging technique?

A. Burn on Hand
B. Burn on top of the Head
C. Wound on forearm
D. Ear; Cheek; Jaw

C 9. Which of the following is needed a cravat phase bandaging technique?

A. Burn on Hand
B. Burn on Face
C. Burn on the top of the Head
D. Arm sling

C 10. What elastic bandaging technique is used when the victim is suffering from sprain?
A. Recurrent on Hand
B. Figure of Eight
C. Arm Sling
D. Underarm Sling



Directions: Given the situation below, write in bullet form your step by step procedure on how you will engage to
provide first aid assistance. Be specific. (100 Points)

SITUATION A: A stampede occurred in a plaza, you were about to rescue:

▪ A female person who is trapped in an area where the incident happened.

▪ Can’t walk
▪ Unconscious

SITUATION B: A stampede occurred in a plaza, you were about to rescue:

▪ A male person who is trapped in an area where the incident happened.

▪ Can walk
▪ Conscious
▪ Has a dislocated left elbow

SITUATION C: A stampede occurred in a plaza, you were about to rescue:

▪ A pregnant woman who is trapped in an area where the incident happened.

▪ Can’t walk
▪ Conscious

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