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Sadhvi Mehrotra


Meaning of Research:

The word Research is composed of two syllables “Re” and


“Re” meaning again or over again and “Search” is to examine

closely and carefully.

Research is a logical and systematic search for new and useful

information on a particular topic.

Twinkle Twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are
Research can be de ned as “Research is a structured inquiry
that utilises acceptable scienti c methodology to solve
problems and creates new knowledge that is generally
applicable” - Grinnell.

Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails

collection of data; documentation of critical information; and
analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in
accordance with suitable methodologies set by speci c
professional elds and academic disciplines

It is an investigation of nding solutions to scienti c and social

problems through objective and systematic analysis



Dr. Sadhvi Mehrotra

Objectives of Research:

1. To discover new facts

2. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new
insights into it
3. To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular
individual, situation or a group
4. To determine the frequency with which something occurs
or with which it is associated with something else
5. To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between
6. To analyse an event or process or phenomenon
7. To solve or overcome problems occurring in our daily life.
8. To develop new scienti c tools, concept and theories
9. It helps industry and business for higher gain and
productivity and to improve quality of products



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