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Research Methodology research operation. problem.

***Define Research/what is Research..? Research method is a part of Research methodology has many
Ans: In general research means ‘’search for knowledge’ Basically , research is research methodology. dimensions.
the an of scientific investigation. Though research , new knowledge or The scope of research method The scope of research methodology
narrow. is broad.
information is generated. Actually research is a ‘ voyage of discovery’. the
***why research is necessary in the area of business/ when business
research is a movement from know to unknown. According to business
research is needed..?
dictionary, a research systematic investigative process employed to Ans: the need to make intelligent, informed decision ultimately motivates an
increases revise current knowledge by discovering new facts. organization to engage in business research. Not every decision requires
According to B.N to Radman and mory , ‘’research is systematized effort to research. Thus when confronting a key decision, the determination of the
gain new knowledge’’ need for research is given below-
***Discuss the business research / objectives / Necessity of Business 1. Time constraints… 2. Availability of data…. 3. Nature of
decision…. 4. Benefits costs…
***discuss the role of research in business…?
Ans: the main objective of research is to find out the truth . which is hidden Ans: the main role of research is to find out the truth which is hidden &
and which has not been discovered. The specific objectives of research are which has not been discovered . The specific role of research are: 1. To build
..(i) to discover new facts . ii) to verify and test important facts. iii) to national and international knowledge quality. 2. Business research work as
analyze an event. Iv) to find solutions to scientific problem v) to discover management tool to create business strategies to manage production and
new theory of knowledge vi) to get intellectual joy vii) to solve specific or growth. 3. It`s an essential tool for management in all problem solving and
social problem. decision making activities. 4. It is applicable to all aspects of business
finance, marketing, human research and so on. 5. Research collects data and
***Describe the significance of research..?
assesses evaluates and explains them to forecast a course of action.
Ans: research includes scientific and thinking and it promotes the ***what are the important features of research design…?
development of logical habits of thinking and wakening. The significance of Ans: a plan of the proposal research work is called a research design.
research in different sectors is given.. 1) Business and economics:…. 2) Decision regarding what, where, when, how, what means the research study
Govt. Policies:… 3) Decision making:….. 4) Salving problem:… 5) Social constitutes research design. This is most difficult & formidable task in the
scientist:… Thus is scientific guideline for solving business, govt. and social research process. A good research design have design are given below: 1. A
problems. clear concepts of study. 2. Causes of the study. 3. Proper destination of
the study. 4. Scope of the study 5. Necessary data. 6. Source of the
***Distinguish between exploratory research and descriptive research…?
necessary data. 7. Deadline of the study. 8. Determine approximate
Exploratory Descriptive research expenditure.
Exploratory research are the Descriptive research includes ***discuss the limitations research/what are the limitations of research
methods used by the research surveys and fact- finding design..?
in performing research queries of kinds. Ans: research faces some limitations following: 1. Researcher related data
operation. may not be available. 2. Data may be insufficient. 3. Non available of
Exploratory research are is a The major purpose of trained researcher. 5. Absence of code of conduct of researcher. 6.
part of research methodology. descriptive research is Information may be biased.
Research methodology has description of the state of ***show the difference data and information…?
many dimensions. affairs as it exists at present. Ans: data is the new materials of information. The following are difference
Exploratory methods include In social science and business between data and information is given below…
data collection method and research we quite often use the data Information
statistical techniques. term ex post facto research for Data are on processed fasts or Information is a processed data.
descriptive research studies. figure. information is the output of data.
***State the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics..? Data is used in input. Information depends on data.
Ans: the statistical abstract of the united states present table often table of Data don`t depend on information. Information is a group of data.
figures associated with numbers birth, number of employees in each Data are not specific. Information must be meaningful.
counting of united states and other data that the average person call Data is a single unit. Information is the product.
‘’statistics’’ technically these are descriptive statistics which describe basis Data is the round materials.
characteristics and summarize the data in straight ward and understandable ***define theory / what do you mean by theory…?
manner another type of statistics, inferential statistics, is used make Ans: a theory explains how some aspect of human behave is organized. A
inferences or to project from a sample to an entire population. theory can be built on developed on the basis of past observation on it be
***Research is a scientific method-explain..? developed theories logical reasoning. Theories play a significant role in
Ans: Research and scientific method are pivotal aspect in business world. For understanding the practical research.
a clear understanding of the term research, one should know the meaning of 1. According to hendriksen 1970 , a theory is a coherent set of
scientific method. The two terms research and scientific method, one closely hypothetical, conceptual and pragmatic principles forming the
related. Research can be termed as an inquiry into the nature of the reasons general framework of reference for field of inquiry.
and the consequences of any particular set of circumstances whether these In fact ‘’ theory is a formal and logical explanation of some, events that
circumstances are experimentally controlled or recorded just as they occur, indicate, predication of how things relate to one another’’
further, research implies that researcher is interested in more than ***difference between proposition and hypothesis…?
particular result. He is interested in the repeatability of the results and in Ans: the key distinctions between proposition and hypothesis are given
their extension to more complicated and general situation. below…
***Define Research methodology..? Proposition Hypothesis
Ans: methodology refers to the way by which a researcher proceeds using 1. Proposition hypothesis based. 1. Hypothesis is an intellectual guess
various techniques to conduct research and acquiring knowledge to perform 2. Proposition is not a logical based research.
tests, experiments, surveys and critical studies. The aim of research assertion. 2. Hypothesis is a logical assertion.
methodology is to establish correct procedures to find out a solution. 3. Proposition can`t be tasted for 3. Hypothesis can be tasted for
According to F.R. Faridi, research methodology is a way to study the various validity. validity.
steps that generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research 4. Empirical evidence doesn`t 4. Hypothesis evidence supports
problems systematically along with the logic, assumption and rational Support proposition. Hypothesis.
behind them. 5. Proposition is a conceptual 5. Hypothesis is a variables matter.
***Define research and research methodology/show the difference matter.
between research method research methodology..? Due to above discussion we can say. Proposition and hypothesis are two
Ans: some people may use the terms research methods and methodology important mater in research methodology.
interchangeably. But the above two terms are not same. The difference ***Briefly explain the stages business research process…?
between the two is given below.. The research process may very based on the types of research. But in
Research method Research methodology general, the research process may involve the following sequential steps…
Research methods are the methods Research methodology is the 1. Research problem definition….. 2. Literature survey…. 3.
used by the research in performing systematic way to solve the research Developing of working…..4. preparing the research design….. 5.
Determining the sample design… 6…. Data collection….7. perfectly. 3. Case study helps to understand behavioral pattern the
Hypothesis testing….. 8. Data processing and analysis.. researcher. 4. Case study method enhances the experience of the
***what is Ethics…? researcher. 5. This method facilitates intensive study of social unit. 6. Case
Ans: Ethics are morals or principle which and commonly used in studied constitute the perfect type of sociological.
business to increase productivity and profitability. Ethics are the rules ***What is secondary data..?
for distinguishing between right and wrong … Ans: when a statistician uses the data which has already been collected by
i)According to business dictionary: Ethics are norms for conduct that other. Such data are called secondary data. Secondary data can be collected
distinguishing between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. from journals, reports, government publications, statistical bureau of related
At last we can say, Ethics are individuals moral judgments about night field etc. secondary data mean data mean data that are already available i.e.
and wrong. they refer to the data which have already been collected and analyzed
Chapter-02 someone else.
***What is Research problem..? ***Discuss the advantage of using secondary data…?
Ans: in general, a research problem is a definite or clear expression Ans: when a statistician uses the data which has already been collected by
about an area of concern, a condition to be improved upon, a difficult others, such data are called secondary data. The important the advantages
to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly of using secondary data is given below… 1. Low cost…2. Saves time …3. Easy
literature, in theory pr within enlisting practice that points to a need to understand:… 4. Easy to avoid complex city:… 5. Helping in defining
for meaningful under Standing and deliberate investigation. population:… 6. Uses:…7. Readily available:…
A research problem refers to some difficulties that the researcher faces In short, it is the pen-picture of the advantages of using secondary data.
in the content of a theoretical or practical situation of the problem . a ***Discuss the disadvantages using secondary data..?
problem occurs when there is a difference between actual outcome Ans: when a statistician uses the data which has already been collected by
and expected outcome. others, such data are called secondary data. Thought there is some
***What/Discuss the components of research proposal…? advantage of secondary data, it offers some disadvantages also, they are
Ans: research proposal has several components. Components way vary mentioned below.. 1. Lack of reliable data…2. Not suitable for inquiry…3.
passed on the types of research but in general, a research proposal Too many errors…4. Lack of verifiability..5. changed data….
may have following components… In short, for the above reason, the investigator should be aware of using
1.Executive summary or abstract. 2. Problem statements. 3. Research secondary data. But, now a day its use is increasing day by day..
objectives. 4. Benefits of the study. 5. methodology of the study. 6. Data ***Discuss the secondary data….?
collection 7. Work plan 8. biggest 9. Conclusion Ans: when an organization or investigator use the data that has already been
***Explain the essential parts of a research proposal…? called secondary data. Secondary data may be collected from classing these
Ans: Research proposal has several components. The components may vary sources into two types. They are- 1.published sources. 2 unpublished
passed on the types of research. But in general, a research proposal may sources .
have the following components: the brief discussion of these two types is mentioned below…1. Published
1.Executive summary or abstract:…2. Problem statement:…3. Research sources:… a) government agencies:…b) local government :…c) semi
objectives:.. 4. Literature review:…. 5. Methodology of the study:… 6. Data government agencies….
collection:.. 7. Plan for data analysis…8. work plan Chapter-03
***Discuss the characteristics of qualitative research…? ***Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of primary data…?
Ans: qualitative research is concerned with subjective assessment of Ans: advantages and disadvantages of primary data are given below:
attitude, opinion and behavior. The characteristics of qualitative research advantages: there are many advantages of primary data: 1. It depicts the
are mentioned below: 1.Completeness:…2 Natural setting:.. 3. Emergent date in0 great detail. 2. It does not require extra caution. 3. Degree of
design:… 4. Re- flexibility:…5. Subjectivity:.. 6. Inductive data analysis:.. accuracy is quite high.
***What are the difference between qualitative and quantitative research..? Disadvantages: 1. It requires a lot of skill. 2. It requires a lot of labor. 3. It
Ans: the qualitative research and quantitative research is conducted by requires a lot of finance .
research. A distinction between qualitative and quantitative research is When the data are collection from the or called primary a view to attaining
given below… particular objectives is called primary data. The methods of collection by
Qualitative Research Point difference Quantitative Research primary data are discuss below:.. 1.Personal observation:… 2. Indirect
Qualitative Research Definition Quantitative Research refers to enquiry method:.. 3. Questionnaire:… 4. Local correspondents:…
is concerned with the systematic empirical *** Discuss the methods of the collection Secondary data..?
subjective investigation of social Ans: when an organization or investigator use data that already been
assessment of phenomena via statistical collection and used by other such data are called secondary data. The
attitudes opinion and mathematical or numerical data sources of secondary data are furnished below..
behavior. or computational techniques. 1.Published sources:… i). Government agencies:.. ii). Local government:… iii).
Independent Objective Describing predicting and test Semi government:… 2. Unpublished sources: data collected by the
understanding and theories. government, non- government, NGOS and other organization.
theory building ***Distinction between primary data and secondary data…?
This research is based Nature This research is based on the Ans: though both of the primary data and secondary data are used in
on the measurement measurement of quality or statistical activities there are some distributions between them. Distinction
of quality or kind amount. between primary and secondary date are given below:.
It is used in Uses It is used in descriptive and Primary data Secondary data
exploratory research causal research i)Data that have been collected from I)it an investigator uses the data that
***What do you mean by ‘’Door to Door’’ interview..? the origin of the field is called has already been collected by
Ans: the presence of an interviewer at the door generally increases the primary data. others, such data are called
likelihood that a person will be willing to complete an interview. Because ii) it is much reliable. secondary data.
door to door interviews increase the participation rate They provide a more ii) it is less reliable.
representative sample of the population than mail questionnaires. …. iii) to collect data primary source is iii) data collected from the
***What do you mean by study method..? difficult. secondary sources easy.
Ans: Case study is a method of study in depth rather than breath. Case study iv) to collect data from primary iv) to collected from the secondary
simple refer to the documented history of a particular person, group source needs more money source needs less money.
organization, or event. Topically a case study may describe the events of a ***what/Discuss the disadvantages of surveys…?
specific company as it faces an important decision or situation, such as Ans: the major disadvantages of surveys are given below:.
introducing a new product or dealing with some management crisis. Case 1.Surveyes are inflexible in nature. 2. Respondents may provide favorable
study is essentially intensive investigation of the particular unit under answers. 3. In Surveys respondents may not be encouraged to provide
consideration…1. A case study is a descriptive, exploratory, or exploratory accurate and honest answers. 4. Surveys with closed ended questions may
analysis of a person, group or event’’ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. have lower validity than open ended questions. 5. Customized survey can
***Describe the advantages of case study method..? run the risk of containing certain types of errors.
Ans: case study refers to the documented history of a particular. Person , ***State the disadvantages of personal interview…?
group, organization or event. The important advantage of case study Ans: the disadvantages of personal interview are following:
method is mentioned below: 1. Case study helps the researcher to construct 1.It is a very expensive method. 2. There remains the possibility of the
to mentioned a suitable questionnaire. 2. Case study organized data business of interview as well as that of the respondent. 3. This method is
relatively more time-consuming when the sample is large. 4. It is complex in
***Discuss the classification of observation methods……?
Ans: types of observation are discussed as follows:
1.Visible observation : visible observation refers to the situation when the
visible observations presence is known to the subject.
2. Hidden observation :hidden observation refers to the situation in which
the subject is unaware that observation is taking place.
3. Direct observation: direct observation is a direct attempt to observe and
record what nature occurs, the investigator does not create an artificial
Mechanical observation can be used when the situation or behavior to be
recorded is routine, programmatic.
***Discuss the different between survey and experiments…?
Ans: survey and experiment are two widely used method of research. The
difference between the survey and experiment are given below…
Survey Experiment
Survey are conducted in descriptive Experiment are a part of
research studies. experimental or causal research.
Survey are concerned with present Experiment are concerned with
or past future.
In survey, independent variables are In experiments, independent
not manipulated. variables must be manipulated.
Survey can either be census or Experiments are always based in
sample survey. sample .
***Discuss basic principles of experimental design…?
Ans: professor fisher has enumerated three principles of experimental
design. There are given below..
1.the principle of replication: according to the principle of replication, the
experiment should be repeated than once. Thus, each treatment is applied
in many experimental units instead of one.
2. the principles of randomization: the principle of randomization provides,
when we conduct an experiment , against the effect of extraneous factors by
***what is questionnaire accuracy..?
Ans: Questionnaire accuracy means that the information stated in
questionnaire is reliable and valid. Obtaining accurate and exact answer
from the respondents is extremely influenced by the researchers dexterity to
design a questionnaire that facilitates recall and that will motivate the
respondent to co-operatic. Hence accuracy is a great guideline for
constructing questionnaire.
***Nature the considering factor of developing fixed alternative question…?
Ans: while establishing the alternative in the fixed alternative question, two
things should be taken into consideration.
1.totally expensiveness : alternative should be totally expensive. It means all
the possible alternatives have been covered in the questions an all the
2. Mutually expensiveness: alternative given in the fixed alternative,
question must be mutually expensiveness. In means alternatives should not
be overlapping among the categories. We can give an example to make it
clear. Look at the following question with alternative.
***Distinguish between questionnaire and schedule. …?
Ans: both questionnaire and schedule are popularly used method of
colleting data in research surveys. Nut from the technical point of view there
is difference between the two. The important points of difference are as
Schedule Questionnaire
A schedule is the list of upcoming A questionnaire is the list of
events or actions. questions handed out to people
needing answer.
It is the direct method for It is a type of non-contact method
information collection. for information collection.
There is a person to person formal There is no person to person formal
relationship. relationship.
***what is the best sequence…?
Ans: the order of questions, or the quarto sequence, may several function
for the research , if the opening questions are interesting, sample to
comprehend and easy to answer , respondents cooperation and involvement
can be maintained throughout the questionnaire. Asking easy to answer
questions teacher respondents their role and builds their confidence.
1.order bias can result from particular answer position in a set of answer or
from the sequence of question.
2. asking specific question before asking about broader issues is a common
cause of order bias, for example people who are first asked, ‘’are you
satisfied with your life’’ will respond different to a follow up question that
asks, ‘’are you satisfied with your life’’

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